Message boards :
Number crunching :
These burps are kind of fun!
(Message 722091)
Posted 4 Mar 2008 by ![]() Post: *grin* Then you have the folk like me, who just want to be a teensie, tiny, small part of this super-huge project. I only run 1 computer.. the same one I do everything on; games, chat, forums, office stuff, etc. I never expect to be in the top XX of any list/group/team/etc. I don't understand 75% of the hardware stuff you other folk talk about.. heck, I can barely understand some of the acronyms. I just want to be part of the search.. I truly believe in that line from Contact; "I'll tell you one thing about the universe, though. The universe is a pretty big place. It's bigger than anything anyone has ever dreamed of before. So if it's just us... seems like an awful waste of space. Right?" |
Message boards :
Cafe SETI :
last of the survey threads. where are you?
(Message 721107)
Posted 3 Mar 2008 by ![]() Post: Clanton, Alabama.. dead center of the state I'm a pagan trapped in the heart of the bible belt *sigh* |
Message boards :
Cafe SETI :
we now know avg age, how about occupation?
(Message 721101)
Posted 3 Mar 2008 by ![]() Post: Housewife, amateur web designer, virtual creature creator and sometime Security Guard. |
Message boards :
Cafe SETI :
How old are you?
(Message 721093)
Posted 3 Mar 2008 by ![]() Post: Looks like I fit the average.. i'm 46.. joined SETI in 2001, stopped crunching for a few years, but I'm back again and crunching like crazy. New computer helps a lot.. I was originally crunching 1 WU per 3 days, now it's more like 12 WU per day. |
Questions and Answers :
Windows :
time/date issue
(Message 720659)
Posted 2 Mar 2008 by ![]() Post: Sorry, I got busy with other things and kind of forgot about this thread! :-( It would seem that I'm just too used to how the social networking sites handle timezones. Everyone has the timezone set to their personal local time.. then when you need to convert, you just mention your relation to GMT time. If I tell someone that I'll be online at 8pm CST (-6 GMT), they then apply the GMT to their local time to figure out when I'll be online their time. After a while, you can convert the differences in your head without thinking about it. Most of us also have a link handy to a timezone converter. LINK |
Questions and Answers :
Windows :
time/date issue
(Message 719666)
Posted 29 Feb 2008 by ![]() Post: That being said it would be nice if there was an option to have the CC reference the time stamps in the message log to UTC instead of local time (IOW without having to set the host to use UTC for everything). Thank you. Still not exactly sure what the statement means, but at least I know what was said. :) But what about that 'social networking' stuff? Can you point me to a thread where these are discussed? I'm not familiar with the technical aspects of how SETI/BOINC works, I just want to help out the search. I am however more knowledgeable about 'social networks' and community forums.. but not sure how they might be related. |
Questions and Answers :
Windows :
time/date issue
(Message 719603)
Posted 28 Feb 2008 by ![]() Post: That being said it would be nice if there was an option to have the CC reference the time stamps in the message log to UTC instead of local time (IOW without having to set the host to use UTC for everything). Pardon my ignorance but you're using acronyms that I don't recognize.. and referring to things I'm not aware of.. making what you said, incomprehensible to me. CC ? IOW ? 'social networking' changes? Exactly what are you agreeing to/with? From what I do understand, it would seem that there is not a way to adjust the timezone settings. But could you rephrase the rest of it into something I can understand, please? |
Questions and Answers :
Windows :
time/date issue
(Message 719508)
Posted 28 Feb 2008 by ![]() Post: This isn't an error, but it is annoying. Yes, I understand about UTC/GMT differences.. I'm personally at GMT -6. But is there not any way to adjust this? Most websites/forums have a way to adjust the timezone to your personal local time. It's pretty standard and usually found as part of the optional settings on your profile page. Here tho, I can't find anything related to timezones that can be adjusted.. there isn't even a way to set your state for folk in the USA, it only allows you to set a country.. which is a bit confusing in itself, since the USA covers 6 timezones alone. |
Questions and Answers :
Windows :
time/date issue
(Message 719393)
Posted 28 Feb 2008 by ![]() Post: This isn't an error, but it is annoying. On my 'view task' page.. under 'Time reported or deadline'.. it's telling me that I turned my work units in TOMORROW. What's up with this? I've looked everywhere for an option to set a time zone, but can't find anything even related. |
Questions and Answers :
Web site :
Can't transfer credit from Seti classic AND I know my old email addy
(Message 718174)
Posted 25 Feb 2008 by ![]() Post: I have a similar but different problem. I joined SETI way back in 2001 using a particular email address, on SETI classic. I moved and had to change ISP, wound up with a different email address. I couldn't access the original email to change account info and passwords, so I wound up with a 2nd SETI classic account. Moved again and returned to my original email address.. so I had 2 SETI classic accounts. Was told I couldn't merge them, so I ran both of them. Along comes BOINC and I link my #1 SETI classic account to it, because #1 used my current email addy. But when I try to link #2 account, it won't take it.. I get a message saying that the email I am trying to link does not match the account. Is there any way to claim my SETI classic credits from #2 account? I have the addy/password info for the #2 account. |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
Outage Notice for 27 July 2005
(Message 144048)
Posted 28 Jul 2005 by ![]() Post: One more question... As you know, I've just upgraded to BOINC 4.45 from 4.13. The old version recognized both of my hard drives, the new version doesn't seem to see my second drive. Is there a way to change this? My system drive is an 8gb Maxtor, my second drive is a 60gb Western Digital. Both are IDE, ATA-100. |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
Outage Notice for 27 July 2005
(Message 144041)
Posted 28 Jul 2005 by ![]() Post: Tara, Thank you for the reply, but it seems my problem was an outdated version of the BOINC application. I have upgraded to the newest version and everything is working fine again. |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
Outage Notice for 27 July 2005
(Message 144037)
Posted 28 Jul 2005 by ![]() Post: They are at http://boinc.berkeley.edu/download.php. To Metod, S56RKO... Thank you for the link, looks like I was looking in the wrong place. I have uninstalled the old version and updated to the newest verson (4.45). Everything is back to normal now. I beg to differ, but the above log proves that you have been able to connect to the project, and that you are one of the many that has been upsetting the whole system by running an 'out of date' client, probably 4.13, the project is telling, yes, telling, not asking you to upgrade your client software. To Ken Phillips... Apologies, but I'm no computer guru...just an everyday user who wants to be a part of something special. Obviously you were so happy to jump on a newbie that you didn't see that I had edited my post from 'can't connect' to 'can't get work'. I've been trying to figure this out on my own for the last three days and finally decided to ask politely for help. I'm not a 'cruncher' and probably never will be...I appreciate the boards for having most of the answers I need, without having to post. Your response was unhelpful and rude. To Saenger & mmciastro... Thank you for the replies. I figured it out on my own. |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
Outage Notice for 27 July 2005
(Message 144021)
Posted 28 Jul 2005 by ![]() Post: re: recent outage and BOINC being unstable I don't know if my service is actually unstable, but I haven't been able to get any work for at least 3 days now. The following is the message I am receiving when I try..... ----------- --- - 2005-07-28 06:32:01 - Insufficient work; requesting more --- - 2005-07-28 06:32:07 - Insufficient work; requesting more SETI@home - 2005-07-28 06:32:07 - Requesting 4161 seconds of work SETI@home - 2005-07-28 06:32:07 - Sending request to scheduler: http://setiboinc.ssl.berkeley.edu/sah_cgi/cgi SETI@home - 2005-07-28 06:32:14 - Scheduler RPC to http://setiboinc.ssl.berkeley.edu/sah_cgi/cgi succeeded SETI@home - 2005-07-28 06:32:14 - Message from server: No work sent (your core client is out of date - please upgrade) SETI@home - 2005-07-28 06:32:14 - Project prefs: no separate prefs for home; using your defaults SETI@home - 2005-07-28 06:32:14 - No work from project SETI@home - 2005-07-28 06:32:14 - Deferring communication with project for 1 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes, and 0 seconds ----------- I've looked, but I don't see any upgrades available and I'm wondering if this has anything to do with the outage? |
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