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Profile Lynn Special Project $75 donor
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Message 2061638 - Posted: 18 Nov 2020, 3:16:16 UTC

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Profile Lynn Special Project $75 donor
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Message 2061639 - Posted: 18 Nov 2020, 3:23:27 UTC - in response to Message 2061638.  

Deadly Ebola-like virus CAN spread between people: CDC reveals the rare infection was passed from one patient to four others in Bolivia last year

A deadly Ebola-like disease found in Bolivia can spread from person to person, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) warned on Monday.

Known as the Chapare virus, the infection causes high fevers, abdominal pain, bleeding gums, eye pain and skin rashes.

A single case was reported in the Bolivian province for which the disease is named in 2003 after it made the jump from animals - apparently through the bites or scratches of rodents - to humans.

But now the CDC has confirmed during a Monday conference that it reappeared in 2019 and spread from one patient to four others - and three of the five total cases proved fatal, LiveScience reported.

Hope the above does not come true. :(
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Message 2061651 - Posted: 18 Nov 2020, 6:27:49 UTC

The world clocked up over 546,600 new cases in the last reporting period taking the total to well over 55.9 million while setting a new daily death tally of just over 10,500 taking that total to over 1,342,900. :-(

Now here's the latest moves in the case race.

Montenegro passed Australia to take over 93rd place as Albania displaced South Korea from 91st, Lithuania took 88th spot from El Salvador, Algeria slipped past Ireland into 76th, Myanmar jumped both Uzbekistan and Kenya to land in 73rd while Georgia took 65th from Bahrain, Croatia removed China from 63rd and Serbia zipped past Moldova into 60th place.

Bulgaria jumped 2 spots into 56th after passing Ethiopia who passed Honduras, Hungary chewed up Panama on its way into 41st while Jordan stomped over the U.A.E. into 39th, Austria washed Nepal out of 35th as Morocco became the 32nd country to pass 300,000 cases and France (after some corrections) became the 4th country to pass 2 million infections.

There will be more to come as some countries keep their pedals to the metal while others are easing off theirs and some are just running out of juice all together.
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Message 2061665 - Posted: 18 Nov 2020, 12:50:18 UTC
Last modified: 18 Nov 2020, 14:39:04 UTC

So far here in the UK, we have over 50 000 extra deaths so far for this year as compared to previous years. That suggests sadly a very deadly impact from COVID-19 pandemic.

And yet:

Months into the pandemic, we STILL have some of the population not wearing masks! Incredible!!

Is that because of:

  • Denial? Somehow for these people, COVID and all the deaths around them do not exist?
  • Blissful stupefying ignorance?
  • Uncaring ambivalence? Somehow, COVID precautions can't possibly apply to them?
  • Vanity? A perceived 'loss of street cred' to be seen in a mask?
  • Misplaced machismo? Seriously! Some little ol' COVID somehow can't touch them?!
  • Or ignorant fatalism in the misplaced belief that we are all already doomed?!
  • Or what?

From just two local examples that I've come across:

The mother of the cashier girl who was infected with COVID a few weeks back is refusing to wear a mask despite having seen her daughter become ill! No idea why for that one.

And for a couple I came across inside a small supermarket, they were in their 20's, they had no masks although they were keeping a good distance. The woman wouldn't say anything. The man gave the excuses: "How do you know we are not exempt?", "We are not infected.", "We haven't any masks.". My gentle return prods were that they were very obviously not disabled, they cannot know if they are infected or not until 4 or 5 days too late for spreading infection to everyone else around them, and there are modestly priced but very good masks to be bought at the door of the supermarket. I also added that they were being very selfish to spoil Christmas for everyone else. Interestingly, they both loitered at the stand of various face masks at the checkout, but still didn't pick any up.

They were the only people in the supermarket not wearing a mask...

Hey-ho, so peer pressure failed on that one!

Can't be due to price... So... Some sort of mental discomfort about wearing a face mask?

Also, such as small shops are not enforcing wearing masks due to being desperate for any business to keep themselves going.

Then again, I very much favor those shops that clearly display on the door, "No mask, No entry."

Stay safe folks!

[Edit] Added link [/Edit]

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rob smith Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 2061668 - Posted: 18 Nov 2020, 13:27:03 UTC - in response to Message 2061665.  

And for a couple I came across inside a small supermarket, they were in their 20's, they had no masks although they were keeping a good distance. The woman wouldn't say anything. The man gave the excuses: "How do you know we are not exempt?", "We are not infected.", "We haven't any masks.". My gentle return prods were that they were very obviously not disabled, they cannot know if they are infected or not until 4 or 5 days too late for spreading infection to everyone else around them, and there are modestly priced but very good masks to be bought at the door of the supermarket. I also added that they were being very selfish to spoil Christmas for everyone else. Interestingly, they both loitered at the stand of various face masks at the checkout, but still didn't pick any up.

A few pence for a cheap mask against hundreds of pounds in fines - maybe they want to pay a "voluntary" tax aka a fine?
Bob Smith
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Richard Haselgrove Project Donor
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Message 2061671 - Posted: 18 Nov 2020, 13:59:45 UTC - in response to Message 2061668.  

More likely, a simple case of "I'm all right, Jack". I've got no symptoms, so there's nothing to see here.

The concept of preventing the infection of other people either never entered their minds, or has been swept from their minds by all the conspiracy theories.
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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 2061673 - Posted: 18 Nov 2020, 15:01:30 UTC - in response to Message 2061671.  

More likely, a simple case of "I'm all right, Jack". I've got no symptoms, so there's nothing to see here.

The concept of preventing the infection of other people either never entered their minds, or has been swept from their minds by all the conspiracy theories.

Or they are anti-altruistic.
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Sirius B Project Donor
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Message 2061674 - Posted: 18 Nov 2020, 15:54:26 UTC

Really have to stop talking about the devil. :-)
...get a text message every winter.
15:26 today:
"Dear patient
Reminder for your flu vaccination. We have availability if you would like to come down this afternoon before 4:45pm for your vaccination"
Amazing. Twice this year, since Covid hit, tried to get to surgery, one by phone (forget it - Receptionists are now doctors) & once an actual visit.
A new building merging several surgeries into one, 12 months late in opening & one could fit 2 MBT's in the main front hall (Reception).
On that visit, it was empty, yet one of the receptionists bit my head off, I walked in as someone walked out.
I'm meant to buzz in & THEY will decide if I have genuine reason to enter.
Lovely NHS.

As for masks. There is still major issues with them, at least at ground level.
Several of our local mini-supermarkets no longer have security limiting the numbers entering & stopping people with no masks.
During the 1st lockdown, shop staff were wearing masks/visors, yet now are not?
We have to wear masks, fair enough, but for those who do, what assurance do they have that retail staff not wearing them are free from covid or immune to it?
After all, they may not live in the community BUT they are spending at least 8 hours a day working in it!
As for police & fines, we're lucky if we see any coppers in the area on a regular basis. Last time anyone saw one here was at least 2 weeks ago.
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Message 2061729 - Posted: 19 Nov 2020, 7:41:14 UTC

Even thought the count is still incomplete at this point the last reporting period saw the world's daily new case count again exceed 600K taking the total of cases past 56.5 million while setting another record daily death count of over 10,969 to take that total past 1,354,000. :-(

Let's go to the regional case race to start with. Asia still leads with over 15.5 million while Europe continues to close the gap with well over 14.6 million while North America comes in 3rd with over 13.9 million, 4th belongs to South America with 10.5 million with Africa next with just over 2 million and Oceania dragging the chain a smidgen over 43,000 (but what do you expect from a group of islands in the South Pacific). North America still leads the death count with almost 382,600 deaths while Europe closes in fast with just over 337,300 with South America coming in next with a touch over 313,500 as Asia comes in next with a bit over 271,000, Africa comes in 2nd last with a fraction over 48,500 and Oceania drags the chain here also with just 1,003.

Anyhow in the individual case race Luxembourg took 94th from Australia, Malaysia became the 85th country to pass 50,000 closely followed by North Macedonia, Slovenia removed Singapore from 82nd while Palestine and Denmark passed Nigeria to take up 79th and 80th respectively, Algeria became the 76th country to pass 70,000 cases, Myanmar knocked Kenya out of 73rd as Bosnia & Herzegovina took 70th spot from Libya and Greece replaced Azerbaijan for 68th.

Georgia took 64th place from China while Croatia replaced Slovakia in 62nd while passing 90,000 cases, Bulgaria kicked Lebanon out of 55th, Japan became the 50th country to pass 120K closely followed by Armenia as Hungary chewed up the U.A.E. and spat them out of 40th and Iran became the 14th country to pass 800,000 cases.

Anyway tomorrow will bring more place changes so stay tuned.
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W-K 666 Project Donor
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Message 2061732 - Posted: 19 Nov 2020, 8:10:42 UTC
Last modified: 19 Nov 2020, 8:19:41 UTC
Coronavirus latest news: 'Game changing' Oxford vaccine shows promising immune response in older adults

The University of Oxford coronavirus vaccine produces a strong immune response in older adults, and has been described as a "game changer," the latest trial results show, in another boost in the fight against Covid-19.

The ChAdOx1 nCov-2019 vaccine has been shown to trigger a robust immune response in healthy adults aged 56-69 and people over 70.

Phase two data, published in The Lancet, suggests one of the groups most vulnerable to serious illness and death from Covid-19 could build immunity, researchers say.

Phase three trials of the vaccine are ongoing, with early efficacy readings possible in the coming weeks.

UK authorities have placed orders for 100 million doses of the vaccine - enough to vaccinate most of the population - should it receive regulatory approval.

There are some advantages with the Oxford vacine compared to the Pfizer vacine.
Cost, Oxford £2.23/dose, Pfizer £29.47/2 jabs
Storage Oxford 35°F - 46°F (2°C - 8°C), Pfizer 109°F (-78°C)
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Message 2061821 - Posted: 20 Nov 2020, 7:57:01 UTC

Even though as usual not all the numbers are in as yet the world recorded over 650,000 new cases in the last reporting period to take the total past 57.3 million while setting a new daily death record of over 10,770 to take that morbid total to over 1,364,880. :-(

Meanwhile in the case race Finland has become the 98th country to pass 20,000 cases while Albania became the 91st to pass 30,000 as Lithuania became the 88th to pass 40,000 and Slovenia became the 82nd to pass 60,000.

Algeria claimed 75th place from Uzbekistan, Myanmar removed Paraguay from 72th as Greece passed Azerbaijan to take over 67th, Georgia sprinted past Slovakia into 63rd, Serbia became the 59th country to pass 100,000 cases while passing Honduras to claim 58th spot and Bulgaria flew past Egypt into 54th.

Japan and Armenia passed Oman into 49th and 50th respectively while Sweden became the 37th country to pass 200,000 cases as the Ukraine (17th) put in a P.B. as they try to bridge the massive 170,000 gap that separates them from 16th placed South Africa.

Italy (9th) passed 1.3 million cases as they continue to run down Argentina while Russia (5th) threw in a P.B. to pass 2 million as India (2nd) passed 9 million and the U.S. has now set another daily case record of at least 192,186 to sail past 12 million and posting over 2,000 new deaths to take that total past 258,300. :-O

But I'm sure that more changes are yet to come as many countries just can't seem to stay COVID safe.
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Sirius B Project Donor
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Message 2061915 - Posted: 21 Nov 2020, 13:05:24 UTC

For those who are susceptible to succumbing to vaccines, some hope, with Covid for now
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Message 2061953 - Posted: 21 Nov 2020, 19:08:25 UTC

The last reporting period saw the world break both it's daily new case and death counts with at least 662,957 cases and at least 11,136 deaths so far being recorded (plus whatever Sweden and a few other countries will add to that) taking those totals past 57,898,995 and 1,376,857. :-(

Meanwhile the U.S. set itself a new daily case record of a massive 204,179 along with a death count of 1,999 that is approaching 1st wave numbers taking their totals to 12,277,827 and 260,331 (Donny has certainly made America great again hasn't he?). :-O

Russia also set P.B.'s with both new case and death numbers as they try and catch back up to France by cases and have taken Colombia out of 12th place on the death list. :-(

Anyhow here's what occurred in the case race.

Uganda passed both Madagascar and Zambia to get into 100th place, South Korea became the 92nd country to pass 30,000 cases and then Montenegro came along to knock them out of 92th, Palestine took 78th place from Kyrgyzstan, Kenya removed Paraguay from 73rd, Tunisia grabbed 68th from Bahrain while Greece and Azerbaijan passed both Bahrain and China to take over 65th and 66th places respectively.

Croatia passed Moldova before Georgia leapt over both to land in 61st spot, Serbia knocked Ethiopia out of 57th, Lebanon took 55th from Egypt as Bulgaria claimed 53rd from Guatemala, Japan flew past Kazakhstan to claim 48th while Romania became the 27th country to pass 400,000 cases, Poland became the 15th to pass 800,000, Germany became the 13th to pass 900,000 and Brazil passed 6 million cases.

More to come later.
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Message 2061976 - Posted: 21 Nov 2020, 23:44:56 UTC

More info comes to light on the man who caused South Australia's hard lockdown (thankfully that lockdown only lasted 3 days instead of the whole 6 that were planned when this story finally came to light).

Spanish man may be deported after causing South Australian lockdown.

A medi-hotel worker who lied about his link to a pizza bar that triggered South Australia’s COVID-19 lockdown, may be deported to Spain pending the outcome of a police investigation.
Police Commissioner Grant Stevens said the investigation into the Woodville Pizza Bar was still in its early stages, but the “primary person of interest” was a 36-year-old man of Spanish origin.
The man is lawfully in Australia on a temporary graduate visa, which is due to expire in mid-December.
“We are interested in speaking to at least two other people, who we believe can assist us with our inquiries,” Commissioner Stevens told reporters on Saturday.
“Had this person been more upfront with us, we would not have instituted a six-day lockdown.
“This is the one element that pushed us from the level of restrictions we were implementing on Tuesday to a much harsher regime.”
Asked if the man would be deported when his visa expired, Commissioner Stevens said: “Whatever occurs in relation to his status as a person in Australia will be subject to the outcome of our investigation process.”
There are 20 detectives working on the case.
There are certainly some idiots around, but I hope that this person gets some jail time before being deported over his stupid actions (there's also talk that he may face a class action for financial loses endured over those 3 days as well).

Now I just hope that Victoria's quarantine facilities are opened back up again soon (after 23 days of no cases at all) so that New South Wales can stop carrying their load and stop making our numbers look worse than what they really are (even if they're just quarantine infections).
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Message 2062026 - Posted: 23 Nov 2020, 4:35:08 UTC

The last reporting saw the world's case total pass 58.9 million along with over 1,393,000 deaths, but this reporting period will see in numbers come in from those countries that take the weekends off from reporting.

Anyway here's the case race movements over the weekend. Finland took 97th from the Ivory Coast, Luxembourg passed South Korea for 93rd, Lithuania grabbed 87th from Afghanistan, Malaysia and North Macedonia both passed Ghana to take up 84th and 85th places respectively, Denmark jumped both Kyrgyzstan and Ireland to land in 78th while Palestine added Uzbekistan to that list to land in 76th, Myanmar moved into 71st as Libya moved into 72nd, Tunisia removed China from 67th, Greece is now in 66th, but Azerbaijan put in some big numbers to overtake Greece claiming 65th, and Moldova moved back past Slovakia into 63rd.

Croatia moved up into 61st place, Georgia jumped up to 59th, Serbia is now in 54th, Belarus has claimed 51st while Armenia is now up to 49th, Japan jumped into 47th as Canada removed Israel from 30th, Poland passed Iran to take 14th and Italy claimed 8th place from Argentina while passing 1.4 million cases as they continue close the gap with the U.K. who passed 1.5 million cases, but I'm sure that more moves are bound to happen once today's numbers are all in.
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Profile Bob DeWoody

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Message 2062027 - Posted: 23 Nov 2020, 4:52:50 UTC

On 60 Minutes tonight they reported an increasing number of people who, after recovering from Covid 19, are exhibiting serious lingering disabling symptoms including extreme weakness and heart trouble. The number of cases in New York City is climbing and well over 1,000.
Bob DeWoody

My motto: Never do today what you can put off until tomorrow as it may not be required. This no longer applies in light of current events.
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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 2062031 - Posted: 23 Nov 2020, 6:12:46 UTC

Los Angeles County lock down starting Wednesday 10:00 PM local.
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rob smith Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 2062033 - Posted: 23 Nov 2020, 8:00:32 UTC - in response to Message 2062027.  

That news has been around for a couple of months. In some cases these long term issues have followed the patient having a really serious "first round", but in others their first round was really mild.
It is not uncommon for viral infections to lead to this sort of issue, but generally these are very rare and have followed a serious initial illness. This one is different in that these reports are less uncommon and affect people regardless of how sever their first round was.
Bob Smith
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Message 2062035 - Posted: 23 Nov 2020, 8:37:36 UTC

Covid-19: Oxford University vaccine shows 70% protection
The coronavirus vaccine developed by the University of Oxford stops 70% of people developing Covid symptoms, a large-scale trial shows.

It will be seen as both a triumph and a disappointment after vaccines by Pfizer and Moderna showed 95% protection.

However, the Oxford jab is far cheaper, and is easier to store and get to every corner of the world than the other two.

So it will still play a significant role in tackling the pandemic, if it is approved by regulators.

There is also intriguing data that suggests perfecting the dose could increase protection up to 90%.
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Message 2062049 - Posted: 23 Nov 2020, 12:10:43 UTC - in response to Message 2062035.  

Oxford Vaccine How so fast?
Making a vaccine is very expensive.
"The first bit was quite painful. There was a period when we didn't have any money in the bank," said Prof Pollard.
They had some funding from the university, but they had a crucial advantage over other groups around the world.
On the site of Churchill hospital in Oxford is the group's own vaccine manufacturing plant.
"We could say stop everything else and make this vaccine," said Prof Pollard.
It was enough to get going, but not to make the thousands of doses needed for larger trials.
"Getting money was my main activity until April, just trying to persuade people to fund it now," said Prof Gilbert.
Hopefully, 2020 has taught those that hold the purse strings to loosen them for future research.
If not...
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