Erratic waterfall

Questions and Answers : Windows : Erratic waterfall
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Mary Waterbury

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Message 2032678 - Posted: 16 Feb 2020, 15:14:43 UTC

I have loved my SETI rainbow waterfall for years, but last year it suddenly went dark. A couple of weeks ago - hooray! - it was back, and appeared to be permanently establishing itself (Simple Screen). Today, though, it is gone again and when I checked, it looked like there was even less progress than when I checked before, and the "Suspend" sign is back on every other time I check it out.

I am no computer geek, need some very simply-stated advice as to whether there is anything I can do to make sure that I get my waterfall screensaver back for good. Thanks.
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Message 2032690 - Posted: 16 Feb 2020, 16:59:44 UTC

I'm not sure if the this is relevant in your case, but many (all?) the GPU applications are currently lacking the bits that make a screensaver work and I see you have an Intel GPU which is running tasks.
You might try to turn off getting tasks for your GPU - this is quite simple:
Go to the SETI "Preferences for this project" page, (, then click on the edit button, deselect the "Use Intel GPU" option and finally save the change you have just made. This will stop the servers sending you tasks for the GPU, and, once you have finished any that are on your computer you won't get any more (you appear to have one just now, so just let that run to completion).
Bob Smith
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Questions and Answers : Windows : Erratic waterfall

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