We are being slimed... #2

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Message 2084977 - Posted: 25 Sep 2021, 15:18:43 UTC

Here's a reminder for what goes around our 'fast' food:

Food packaging is full of toxic chemicals – here's how it could affect your health
If you care about what you eat, you should care about what it comes in...

Eat well and healthy!
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Message 2085190 - Posted: 28 Sep 2021, 23:56:11 UTC - in response to Message 2084977.  
Last modified: 28 Sep 2021, 23:57:13 UTC

And we continue to be slimed:

The race to replace persistent {unhealthy} chemicals in our homes
Take a look around your home, at the many products that make daily life more convenient ... synthetic chemicals, PFAS, is likely responsible for all of these functions. But those chemicals are now under the spotlight and, in some regions, are being [slowly, if at all,] phased out altogether...

.. Often dubbed "forever chemicals" for their extraordinary persistence, they've been detected in drinking water, dust and even the human bloodstream.

You almost certainly have PFAS in your home and in your body.

As depicted in the 2019 film Dark Waters, health problems can be especially severe...

... "If you really want change, then you need regulation, because that's what companies will actually act upon,"...

Cook and Eat well and healthy!
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Message 2085192 - Posted: 29 Sep 2021, 0:21:38 UTC - in response to Message 2085190.  

There is another forever chemical everywhere, DHMO. I can say with 100% certainty that it is even in your bone marrow. Not only is it a forever chemical it also is the main factor in global warming.
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Message 2085195 - Posted: 29 Sep 2021, 0:51:25 UTC - in response to Message 2085192.  
Last modified: 29 Sep 2021, 0:52:39 UTC

Simply nope and nope.

Water is readily transformed and consumed and converted and used. Hence why it is so widely used in life.

And water vapour is a part of the mix that keeps us warm under our life giving atmosphere. But note, it is a part of a wider mix of other gases and particulates. It is those other parts of the warming mix that we are industriously adding to that are polluting us to an ever hotter hell.

Live well!
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Message 2085450 - Posted: 2 Oct 2021, 20:16:51 UTC
Last modified: 2 Oct 2021, 20:22:24 UTC

Here is a scary new twist to slime us all and to poison more of our farmland:

Brexit paves the way for gene-edited crops
The UK government is to relax the regulation of gene-edited crops to enable commercial growing in England.

The plants are to be tested and assessed in the same way as conventional new varieties.

The changes are possible because the UK no longer has to follow European Union regulations...

... [Marketing sponsored] Scientists believe that they can use gene editing to develop fruit, vegetables and cereals that are more nutritious and productive, as well as hardier varieties that can withstand the extremes of weather brought about by climate change...

... In the longer term, ministers will review England's approach to regulation covering all genetically modified organisms. This includes changes that might allow the commercial development and farming of gene-edited and genetically modified animals. Such animals can be made to be more productive...

... Dr Helen Wallace, of the campaign Group Genewatch, described the changes as a "weakening of standards meant to protect human health and the environment".

"People won't be fooled. GM crops are GM crops. Whether they are made with new or old techniques, they can lead to unintended consequences.

"GM crops that withstand climate change have been promised for more than 40 years, but have never been delivered. 90% of GM crops that are grown today are engineered to withstand blanket spraying with weedkillers that are harmful to butterflies and frogs. New gene-edited crops won't be any different and will cause the same environmental problems."

Liz O'Neill, director of GM Freeze, said the government "wants to swap the safety net of proper public protections for a high-tech free-for-all"...

Very dangerously dubious indeed...

To my knowledge, there has only ever been one beneficial GM crop, and ofcourse that is highly grandstanded: That of "Golden Rice" where the Genetic Modification adds vitamins into the growth to help the malnourished in certain impoverished countries.

Whereas, as far as I know, ALL the other commercial GM/GE is designed to profitably corner and lock in their market. There are some very sad examples of farmers in India and elsewhere being driven to suicide once seduced into the GM crops lie.

The most famous GM crops example has to be for those crops modified to be resistant to poisonously high levels of glyphosate ("Roundup")... To poison the land and everything else including us humans.


What could possibly go wrong?

All in our overly greedy world,
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Message 2088839 - Posted: 24 Nov 2021, 8:46:17 UTC

What can 1 say, but it was bound to be there. :-(

Man-made horrors lurk at the bottom of the Mariana Trench, the deepest part of the ocean.

I wonder what is/was in those sealed plastic buckets.
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Message 2094473 - Posted: 19 Feb 2022, 1:59:17 UTC

Have I been slimed?

I bought a regular frozen box of brand name garlic pizzas (2 pizzas in a box) expecting the usual 9" pizzas being in it. Well the slightly smaller box I didn't notice, but the sound of the contents moving inside should've warned me that something was different.

Anyhow last night I sliced/diced/chopped up enough cold meats and other stuff to put on both thinking I'll have 1 then and the other today, but as soon as I opened the box out slid 2x 7" pizzas. :-O

I havn't bought them for a while so I can't really say if the price had changed (though they are on special ATM thankfully) and the box went into the wood heater without having to be bent this time, but who's to blame for this change?

The manufacturer of those pizzas or the plague of those little air fryers these days?

Needless to say I had both pizzas last night and bought another box today to finish off the rest of the extras that I sliced/diced/chopped.
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Message 2094476 - Posted: 19 Feb 2022, 2:10:49 UTC - in response to Message 2094473.  
Last modified: 19 Feb 2022, 2:12:17 UTC

Don't know about slime, but you have been inflated.

<ed>Maybe they found a way to cancel the expansion of the universe? Dark energy?
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Message 2095663 - Posted: 11 Mar 2022, 5:21:35 UTC

Well I got a regular boxed pizza and guess what?

They now fit in my Nutri-oven perfectly instead of being just a bit too big.
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Message 2096098 - Posted: 19 Mar 2022, 16:02:48 UTC
Last modified: 19 Mar 2022, 16:04:41 UTC

We are being forever slimed, in an insidious way:

PFAS - UK's safe level for tap water {ridiculously} too high - scientists
Scientists are concerned that the allowable levels of toxic PFAS - known as "forever chemicals" - in UK drinking water are too high...

... But 25 samples did contain PFASs, and four had levels that exceeded 10ng/l, which, under the current guidelines, means local local healthcare professionals must be consulted, and levels monitored.

And almost half of the samples exceeded the European Food Standards Agency tolerable limit of 2.2ng/l.

Professor Roger Klein, a chemist and PFAS expert, said: "The significance of your results, even though they're small, is that it underlines that this stuff is everywhere and that it's in drinking water.

"It's ridiculous that the UK Drinking Water Inspectorate has a level of 100ng/l before action is taken."...

... the most common PFAS chemicals, PFOA and PFOS, have probable links to high cholesterol, ulcerative colitis, thyroid disease, testicular cancer, kidney cancer, and pregnancy-induced hypertension...

Note: PFAS chemicals are widely used in manufacturing and home products and are called "forever chemicals" because they never degrade and never break down to ever become harmless. Meanwhile, we all steadily become poisoned.

Stay safe folks!
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Message 2096103 - Posted: 19 Mar 2022, 16:42:38 UTC - in response to Message 2096098.  

Does a "forever chemical" violate the second law?
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Message 2096104 - Posted: 19 Mar 2022, 17:26:43 UTC - in response to Message 2096103.  
Last modified: 19 Mar 2022, 18:22:07 UTC

Does a "forever chemical" violate the second law?


But it does last far far longer than human entropy will allow for us to see for ourselves... Hence 'forever' in human terms...

The real problem is that PFAS chemicals speed up that human entropy for a much earlier grave for the humans and other long lived animals, especially so for such as whales...

Fluorine molecules are not to be trifled with, or ignored...

Stay safe folks!
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Message 2096108 - Posted: 19 Mar 2022, 18:16:18 UTC - in response to Message 2096098.  

Quite a lazy bit of journalism - they say what PFAS are, but never what they are. The lazy journalistic say "this is what they are" when they mean "This is what they are used for".
OK, so what are they?
Perfluoroalkyls and Polyfluoroalkyls

Essentially these medium chain length organic acids with most of the Hydrogen atoms on the backbone replaced with Fluorine atoms. They are stupendously stable, with no discernable or measurable body half-life. One understandable reference about them is https://www.niehs.nih.gov/health/topics/agents/pfc/index.cfm.
Bob Smith
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Somewhere in the (un)known Universe?
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Message 2096122 - Posted: 19 Mar 2022, 21:15:05 UTC - in response to Message 2096108.  

Quite a lazy bit of journalism - they say what PFAS are, but never what they are. The lazy journalistic say "this is what they are" when they mean "This is what they are used for".
OK, so what are they?
Perfluoroalkyls and Polyfluoroalkyls

Essentially these medium chain length organic acids with most of the Hydrogen atoms on the backbone replaced with Fluorine atoms. They are stupendously stable, with no discernable or measurable body half-life. One understandable reference about them is https://www.niehs.nih.gov/health/topics/agents/pfc/index.cfm.

Like that report because it does not seem to be implicitly biased.
More research is needed to fully understand all sources of exposure, and if and how they cause health problems.
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Message 2096128 - Posted: 19 Mar 2022, 22:29:51 UTC - in response to Message 2096122.  
Last modified: 19 Mar 2022, 22:35:14 UTC

... Perfluoroalkyls and Polyfluoroalkyls

Essentially these medium chain length organic acids with most of the Hydrogen atoms on the backbone replaced with Fluorine atoms. They are stupendously stable, with no discernable or measurable body half-life. One understandable reference about them is https://www.niehs.nih.gov/health/topics/agents/pfc/index.cfm.

Like that report because it does not seem to be implicitly biased.
More research is needed to fully understand all sources of exposure, and if and how they cause health problems.

The highlighted "if and how" is with respect to "the sources [of PFAS]" for the multitude of different sources and conditions (and concentrations).

That PFAS is deadly is beyond any possible dispute!

Note that ongoing exposure to a scarily small amount of PFAS (nano-grams) will make you ill... You continue to accumulate the PFAS until you then die.

For context, a single human cell weighs about a nanogram... And the humble mosquito weighs in a million times heavier at about one milligram.

... It doesn't take much of that material to fume off, or leach out, or scrape off...

(Note: I long ago abandoned using ANY "non-stick" items for cooking...)

Stay safe folks!
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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 2096134 - Posted: 20 Mar 2022, 1:01:57 UTC - in response to Message 2096128.  

Which one? "More than 4,700 PFAS exist"
ML1 wrote:
That PFAS is deadly is beyond any possible dispute!

"When looking for possible human-health effects of chemical compounds, it is important to understand that they are hard to study, especially with thousands of variations in PFAS chemicals.
The research conducted to date reveals possible links between human exposures to PFAS and adverse health outcomes.
potential adverse human health effects
if they cause health problems"

possible <> probable <> potential <> certain <> likely <> suspected <> suggested <> confirmed

possible is 0.5 standard deviation to a physicist who demands 5.0+ standard deviations to announce discovery.
Take a chill pill and let the science catch up.
Di-hydrogen monoxide will kill you if you ingest too much of it too.

No one is saying it is good for you. But if it was a bad as you are screaming, Covid wouldn't be of any concern whatsoever.
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Message 2096137 - Posted: 20 Mar 2022, 1:15:36 UTC - in response to Message 2096134.  
Last modified: 20 Mar 2022, 1:19:22 UTC

Indeed so, there's thousands of variations and all of them are artificially "man made"... And they never degrade... Similar to DDT...

And those PFAS chemicals have found their way into our environment to remain accumulating until we stop adding any more.

In the meantime, there is little that can be done when those chemicals have leaked/leached into the water supply. You yourself then become a biological filter for them.

OK... So perhaps not yet as bad as the poisoned water fed to the good people of Flint, USA.

However, that multitude of PFAS deadly chemicals is being used without any cares for any effects other than for the short term effects of cheap profits...

What is there not to be concerned about?

OK, so certainly don't not drink water in the short term. (Deliberate double negative there :-P )

However, in the longer term, we really do need to clean up the deadly pollutants we are poisoning ourselves with.

Stay safe folks!
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Message 2096919 - Posted: 1 Apr 2022, 16:13:12 UTC
Last modified: 1 Apr 2022, 16:13:30 UTC

And here's yet another one with poisonous 'side effects':

UK farmers call for weedkiller ban over Parkinson’s fears
Some British farmers are calling for a ban on the UK production of toxic weedkiller Paraquat, saying studies suggest it could be a factor in the onset of Parkinson's Disease. It comes as hundreds of US farm workers pursue a legal case against its manufacturer, alleging it knew the risk and failed to warn them.

Andy Pollard was once a farm manager who could leap into his tractor cab. But now his limbs are rigid and his body contorts with spasms. He has advanced Parkinson's Disease...

... "Paraquat was a really good thing to use - or so we thought," his wife Sue says. "Andy would be driving around the fields and the spray would be going everywhere." She had thought it was a coincidence that the only people she knew with Parkinson's were farm workers, then read about the potential connection with the chemical...

... one of the world's most popular and effective herbicides, millions of farmers have used it to kill weeds. But it is also one of the most dangerous and has caused thousands of poisoning deaths...

... Paraquat has not been authorised for use in the EU since a court ruling in 2007. That is still the case in the UK after Brexit but it is still made - under the brand name Gramoxone - at Syngenta's plant in Huddersfield. It is exported to countries such as the US, Japan and Australia...

... there are scientists who believe Syngenta is putting profit before product safety and public health.

Prof Heylings has a Syngenta regulatory strategy document from 2003 written while Paraquat was still being used by UK farmers. Its author acknowledges a growing number of studies "citing a correlation between incidence of Parkinson's Disease and herbicide use, including Paraquat". He explains: "Syngenta are trying to influence researchers who are working on Paraquat and also influence the direction of the research because the last thing Syngenta wants is a big blow up on Parkinson's. So the strategy was to downplay anything to do with the potential neurotoxicity of Paraquat that could lead to Parkinson's." ...

No surprise there for herbicide killing off a lot more than just 'weeds'...

How much poisonous "residue" is passed on into our food also?...

All in the unhealthy greedy Big Agribusiness game of slime...
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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 2096953 - Posted: 1 Apr 2022, 22:15:32 UTC - in response to Message 2096919.  

Known Paraquat has been crap since the 90's.
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Message 2100659 - Posted: 3 Jun 2022, 15:05:57 UTC

How much more greedily profitable deadly unhealthy food is to be foisted upon the unwary?...

Obesity and corporate greed...
26 May 2022 Doctors predict that by 2030, half of the world's population will be overweight or obese. An epidemic of obesity is causing a rapid rise in diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer. It's becoming the biggest health challenge worldwide.

Why has no country managed to stop this epidemic? The food industry and government authorities say it's due to a lack of individual self-discipline. Is this true? Or is it the result of collective failure -- a symptom of a liberal society that abhors obesity, yet produces people who are overweight. Is society itself to blame for this situation?

Around the world, politicians, priests, doctors, and average people are standing up to multinational food corporations. They want to take back control of their nutrition and their bodies -- and they're using the law, scientific evidence, and political activism to correct the claim that people who are obese have only themselves to blame. These critics focus on sugary drinks that can be as addictive as some hard drugs; misleading advertising directed at children and low-income people; governments that turn a blind eye to junk-food companies; and lobbying that pushes the limits of legality.

These people say that a "hostile takeover" of our food has been underway for four decades, and they're demanding new legislation to put a stop to it. This documentary investigates how Chile is leading the way...


  • Eat well to live well.

  • Say "No!" to ALL 'processed'/'fast' foods...

All in our only one overly greedy world,

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