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Message 1949206 - Posted: 12 Aug 2018, 16:21:21 UTC - in response to Message 1949183.  

All puppets, be they European, American, Canadian, et al of the International Capitalists attempt to save their profits by propping up the Terrorist Iranian Regime.

Are morally and ethically equally responsible.
At the moment - Saudia Arabia and the UAE, with the help of the USA and Britain sponsoring, aiding and abetting their military - are "nurturing" the next wave of extremists. They will come from Yemen... unless of course the extermination of that nation's citizens through bombing, starvation and disease is permitted to continue.

And did you see what happened to Canada when they "dared" to criticise the imprisonment of the women activists that contributed to the lifting of the driving ban in Saudi Arabia? Did everyone notice how quickly Canada's allies didn't step up to support them for fear of losing their cash cow? That's right, stand aside and just watch what gets thrown under the Saudi bus in the interests of preserving their arms and oil/gas deals. It's horrible.

Then there's this: How has the international arms trade exacerbated conflict in the Middle East? And have you read any of the reports produced by these people: Conflict Armament Research?

Do - then we can maybe talk about moral high ground and who is occupying it.

As to Iran - I can't get the notion out of my head that America's withdrawal from the nuclear agreement was essentially just one more move by Donald Trump to destroy anything that might look like a Barack Obama legacy. Why? Well look at how the IAEA findings on North Korea not delivering on their assurances is considered trustworthy, yet how quickly their reports on Iran having more than delivered their part of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action were completely ignored by the Donald Trump administration.

It's my perception that the USA has been an extension of Netanyahu's foreign policy arm for far too long. I may be wrong, but I don't think I am, sadly :(
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Message 1949219 - Posted: 12 Aug 2018, 18:08:28 UTC - in response to Message 1949183.  

All puppets, be they European, American, Canadian, et al of the International Capitalists attempt to save their profits by propping up the Terrorist Iranian Regime.
For the past 100 years, the biggest sharks amongst International Capitalists have been American. BTW, didn't American puppets prop up the Shah of Iran for years? Any country that deposes an American puppet ends up labelled a terrorist, doesn't that say much about America & its profit fuelled desires?
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Message 1949224 - Posted: 12 Aug 2018, 18:31:57 UTC - in response to Message 1949219.  
Last modified: 12 Aug 2018, 18:41:01 UTC

For the past 100 years, the biggest sharks amongst International Capitalists have been American. BTW, didn't American puppets prop up the Shah of Iran for years? Any country that deposes an American puppet ends up labelled a terrorist, doesn't that say much about America & its profit fuelled desires?
I heard a very interesting term today used by someone somewhere (I'll try remember some actual detail a little more useful than that pile of words is, if I can, but in the meantime, I'll continue...) ...on the present state of international trade since... erm... I shall call them... recent developments initiated in the White House. It was: "Beggar my neighbour".

:/ It had a disturbing chill of truth to it - which is why I mentioned it.

edit on the Shah element you raised: America stopped their propping up of him when he dared to challenge the way the oil deals were set up against the interests of the Iranian people. Instead, they went for destabilising, and what followed is what we're presently stuck with.
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Message 1949227 - Posted: 12 Aug 2018, 18:44:08 UTC - in response to Message 1949224.  

edit on the Shah element you raised: America stopped their propping up of him when he dared to challenge the way the oil deals were set up against the interests of the Iranian people. Instead, they went for destabilising, and what followed is what we're presently stuck with.
Commonly known as "a fair trade deal for America." :-)
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Message 1949362 - Posted: 13 Aug 2018, 14:41:56 UTC - in response to Message 1949240.  
Last modified: 13 Aug 2018, 14:44:06 UTC

As to Iran - I can't get the notion out of my head that America's withdrawal from the nuclear agreement was essentially just one more move by Donald Trump to destroy anything that might look like a Barack Obama legacy. Why?

Disagree regarding that since Trump is (fill-in the negatives and I will agree about most). That we must disregard the economic and trade support of the present pro-terrorist Government of Iran.
Do I presume you're disagreeing with the statement you've quoted, Clyde? Or my "why" which you haven't. Or something I don't think I exactly addressed at all? :) Either's fine - it just makes replying on point a bit more hit-and-miss. I will attempt to soldier on however :)

If it was as bad a deal as Donald Trump said it was, (and let's not forget, there was a lot of input from Netanyahu just prior to that - input which was analysed and refuted by every other country that examined it) Iran has more than complied with its present terms. It demonstrates an element of good faith doesn't it? which suggests that keeping the deal going, and all sides delivering on promises made, is a start to improving relations and negotiating further agreements more in keeping with whatever vision your president would be seeking for relations to improve even further? Yet - all that has been achieved beyond doubt, is that Donald Trump and therefore the nation he represents, cannot be trusted.

But I would be very interested to hear your views on MEK. They say they've given up their terrorist past. As an aside to that - it took until 2008 for Nelson Mandela to be removed from your terrorist list. These things obviously need time. In the case of Mandela - it was a lot of time. Four years after Mandela, MEK was too, but I haven't yet dug into how they achieved that in so short a period of time. It's been claimed that in the second war on Iraq, they helped the US in identifying where IED's were planted, but it's also been claimed they were the ones that planted those they pointed to - to curry favour perhaps for the fact that during the first war on Iraq, they were supporting Saddam Hussein. It's a whole murky soup that's very difficult to ascertain what's fact and what's not so much fact at all :\

But they clearly have some very powerful friends in the White House.

MEK's violent past looms over US lobby for regime change in Iran

I'll post a few extracts from the article, but If you get a moment, it's worth reading all of it.

The MEK said it has long renounced violence to advance its goals in Iran. It said it supports "a democratic Iran based on the popular vote", and the separation of church and state...".

But when Bolton spoke before the group in July 2017 in Paris, members cheered loudly as he said it should be a US policy goal that the Iranian regime "will not last until its 40th birthday" on April 1, 2019.

"I have said for over 10 years since coming to these events, that the declared policy of the United States of America should be the overthrow of the mullah's regime in Tehran." [............................]

"There is no sympathy towards the group in Iran," said Marzieh Javadi, a Tehran-based foreign policy expert who closely follows Iran and US relations.

Among the Iranian public, there is a negative view towards the MEK not only because of its policy of regime change, but more so because of its role in the post-revolution political assassinations and the Iran-Iraq war in the 1980s, she said.

In exchange for its support of Saddam Hussein, MEK received "protection, funding, weapons, ammunition, vehicles, tanks, military training, and the use of land".

That decision by the MEK to collaborate with Saddam only magnified Iranian public opinion against the group, Javadi said.

"That was a very dark point in the history of Iran, and that is why there is hostility towards these people," Javadi said. [.........]

"The fact that they are believed to be promoting a strict communist ideology makes them less likable here," he told Al Jazeera.

"Iranians believe it's no different than the one we already have." [................]

Not counting its history of violence, the MEK's link to the Trump administration "makes them a total pariah in Iran" now, Havasi said, adding the organisation is even more unpopular than the monarchists - those who supported Iran's overthrown royal ruler.
You say we should not be supporting trade with a regime that sponsors terrorism.

But what tangled web is being spun by elements high up in the USA that we should be supporting instead do you think? I can't see any myself :(

edit: have to go out now. Be back later
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Message 1949459 - Posted: 13 Aug 2018, 22:31:32 UTC - in response to Message 1949369.  
Last modified: 13 Aug 2018, 22:36:21 UTC

In was not responding to your posts. But generally to those who disregard the real problem regarding the Terrorist Iranian Regime present day support of those who murder innocents and wishes to enslave more innocents to their beliefs. Will anything that the Anti-Trump Leadership around the world do, or even contemplate, stop this Terrorist Regime's actions?
*ignore feeling we're going round in circles* ;) Do you have some suggestions for them?

But what tangled web is being spun by elements high up in the USA that we should be supporting instead do you think? I can't see any myself :(
Not denying the above, I would add:

What tangled web is being spun by the International Capitalists, and the Leadership of many Countries, in their attempt to save their profits by supporting a Terrorist Regime's continuation of their power to kill and enslave?
I know the non-reneging parties to the deal have promised to protect the companies (or International Capitalists) from hostile actions taken against them by the US. But it seems to me it's the ones who despite those assurances, have run away with their erm... profits protected between their legs who seem to have quite a lot to answer for in some respects. Most Iranians just want to be able to lead really quite ordinary lives. Many had committed to enterprises and endeavours under lifted sanctions, that would have meant they could, and could possibly even thrive in a market economy that would permit them to use their skills and improve their lot. Their dreams, their hopes all stand to be dashed to pieces if everyone pulls out under Donald Trump's cosh. Okay... capitalism has the knack of being able to do that too, especially the kind that goes into military industrial complexes - and particularly when they're ranged and deployed against you.

But I suspect the best agreement you and I will reach on that is, sort of one where we see mostly eye-to-nose ... ;)

The real situation we are encountering. Is that neither the Always Trumper's, nor the Never Trumper's. Are capable of understanding the complexities of choices we must make regarding problems.

Their world is just black and white
Well I hope you don't mind if I repeat a few things from what I quoted (and noted) in my previous post? I'll string them together in one quote though. It might make them stand out a bit more. We'll also need some simple maths too, to follow ;)

when Bolton spoke before the group in July 2017 .... "I have said for over 10 years since coming to these events" ... it took until 2008 for Nelson Mandela to be removed from your terrorist list ... Four years after Mandela, MEK was too
erm edit: I clicked post. It was meant to be preview. I wanted to end with: Do you see the problem I see? (apologies)
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Message 1949479 - Posted: 13 Aug 2018, 23:39:22 UTC

*ignore feeling we're going round in circles* ;)
You get numb after a while of it. ;-)

Do you have some suggestions for them?
Oh now that will be.....

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Message 1949617 - Posted: 14 Aug 2018, 11:29:25 UTC
Last modified: 14 Aug 2018, 11:33:16 UTC

Isn't this like shooting yourself in the foot?
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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1949644 - Posted: 14 Aug 2018, 13:35:30 UTC - in response to Message 1949617.  

Isn't this like shooting yourself in the foot?
No. Their secret police don't want the people to have electronics with good privacy.
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Message 1949652 - Posted: 14 Aug 2018, 14:07:04 UTC - in response to Message 1949644.  

Isn't this like shooting yourself in the foot?
No. Their secret police don't want the people to have electronics with good privacy.
But it was also over an iPhone and CNNTurk that Erdogan was able to communicate during the coup attempt some years ago.
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Message 1953060 - Posted: 31 Aug 2018, 16:22:57 UTC

Mr Trump's warning about a possible US pull-out from the WTO highlights the conflict between his protectionist trade policies and the open trade system that the WTO oversees.
Down to the wire
he described Nafta as "the worst trade deal maybe ever signed anywhere" and a "killer" of US jobs.
What jobs? The killer has always been companies seeking the minimum of costs & maximum of profits & businessmen who don't pay their bills. Isn't that CORRECT MISTER Trump!
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Message 1953209 - Posted: 1 Sep 2018, 13:55:27 UTC - in response to Message 1953207.  

Does America need Tariffs on imported goods to protect their Country's Industries and Workers?

If not. Why do they have Tariffs?
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Message 1953220 - Posted: 1 Sep 2018, 14:52:58 UTC

A "rare" photo - Mouth shut not puckered. :-)

Canada upset you Blondie?
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Message 1953222 - Posted: 1 Sep 2018, 15:08:13 UTC - in response to Message 1953220.  

Love his body language.
Reminds me of having salary negotiation with my "boss"...
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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1953313 - Posted: 2 Sep 2018, 1:19:48 UTC - in response to Message 1953309.  

Washington Examiner = Philip F. Anschutz = Right wing nut Christian Conservative = hate media.
Add to the list
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Message 1953320 - Posted: 2 Sep 2018, 1:45:05 UTC - in response to Message 1953309.  
Last modified: 2 Sep 2018, 1:57:23 UTC

Boom time when the US are still keeping lending money from other countries.
This year, FY 2018, the federal government in its latest budget has estimated that the deficit will be $833 billion.
Sweden has a dept about 40% of our GDP.
The US has a wopping more than 100% !!!
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Message 1953329 - Posted: 2 Sep 2018, 2:26:07 UTC - in response to Message 1953309.  

“An overwhelming majority (83 percent) of respondents said business is doing better compared to two years ago. Whether this sentiment is the result of actions put forth during the Obama presidency or Trump presidency is up for debate and will be divided along partisan lines, but at the moment there is momentum building in the U.S. economy,” said the trademarked survey.

It is a bubble and will burst.
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Message 1953430 - Posted: 2 Sep 2018, 18:01:41 UTC - in response to Message 1953377.  

QUICK betreger: What will be the numbers of the Stock Market, Economic Growth/Decline. Employment, etc. Let's say one month, six months, one year, two years from now?

Ok, I'll tell you no one knows the answer to your question. The very fact you ask exposes your lack of understanding of economics.
The reason I state it is a bubble is that the current market capitalization is so high it makes no economic sense as the housing bubble of 10 years ago didn't make sense. The only reason the stock market is so far up is because interest rates continue to so low. When not if, interest rates rise money will go into the bond market and stocks will fall. How far and how fast no one knows but I believe that house of cards is in for a real drop.
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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1953441 - Posted: 2 Sep 2018, 19:08:06 UTC - in response to Message 1953430.  

QUICK betreger: What will be the numbers of the Stock Market, Economic Growth/Decline. Employment, etc. Let's say one month, six months, one year, two years from now?

Ok, I'll tell you no one knows the answer to your question. The very fact you ask exposes your lack of understanding of economics.
The reason I state it is a bubble is that the current market capitalization is so high it makes no economic sense as the housing bubble of 10 years ago didn't make sense. The only reason the stock market is so far up is because interest rates continue to so low. When not if, interest rates rise money will go into the bond market and stocks will fall. How far and how fast no one knows but I believe that house of cards is in for a real drop.

I suspect some significant turbulence right around the midterms. Time for the small fry to be in cash and let the big boys play with volatility and their sub millisecond trades of billions.
Once it is over and we see just how blue the country is, then you can plan for the bear market.
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Message 1953448 - Posted: 2 Sep 2018, 20:05:58 UTC - in response to Message 1953441.  

Gary I think you may very well be correct if a blue wave occurs this November but that will trivial compared to higher interest rates to counter the inevitable inflation. The massive budget deficit cased by the republican tax cuts and huge spending programs will trigger the worst inflation since the early 1980's. Does any remember 18% home mortgages?
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