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Message 1897058 - Posted: 23 Oct 2017, 6:59:21 UTC - in response to Message 1897055.  

May just have been a typo.

CO = Carbon MON-oxide
CO2 = Carbon DI-oxide

CO2 is what we breath out.

wasn't a typo, just being stupid. Hey it wont be the first time.
Really? It's obvious to a blind man it wasn't a typo nor something stupid. I'm safely assuming that the poster got that mixed up while looking into his kiddie CO detector.
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Message 1897059 - Posted: 23 Oct 2017, 7:01:08 UTC - in response to Message 1897058.  
Last modified: 23 Oct 2017, 7:10:46 UTC

well yes I do have a kidde.
I do know the difference between CO2 and CO . Both will kill. CO is more insidious . I still don't like CO2 fire extinguishers.

Old James
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Message 1897061 - Posted: 23 Oct 2017, 7:07:28 UTC

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Message 1897062 - Posted: 23 Oct 2017, 7:16:50 UTC - in response to Message 1897059.  

Sorry James. Didn't mean any offence, just felt your comment a tad OTT. In all the time I've posted to these boards, I haven't known Mr Mercer to make a stupid comment.
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Message 1897068 - Posted: 23 Oct 2017, 8:55:57 UTC

CO2 extinguishers are effective at "knocking down" fires, but do not cool the "fuel". This is OK when used on liquids, but not very good when trying to extinguish solids such as we typically have in house fires. The reason it is used in computer rooms is that it doesn't cause secondary damage, unlike water, foam, or power - if you've ever seen the mess from a powder extinguisher you'd understand.
Bob Smith
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Message 1897114 - Posted: 23 Oct 2017, 15:13:25 UTC - in response to Message 1897062.  

Thank you.
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Message 1897121 - Posted: 23 Oct 2017, 16:57:53 UTC - in response to Message 1897086.  

And I think it would be better for Me to find a place elsewhere when the time comes and I can take advantage of SB-3 or SB-2.

CHAPTER 2. Affordable Housing Bond Act Trust Fund of 2018 and Program

(g) Three hundred million dollars ($300,000,000) to be deposited in the Self-Help Housing Fund established pursuant to Section 50697.1. The moneys in the fund shall be available for the CalHome Program authorized by Chapter 6 (commencing with Section 50650) of Part 2, to provide direct, forgivable loans to assist development projects involving multiple home ownership units, including single-family subdivisions, for self-help mortgage assistance programs, and for manufactured homes. These funds may also be expended for any authorized purpose of this program. At least thirty million dollars ($30,000,000) of the amount deposited in the Self-Help Housing Fund shall be used to provide grants or forgivable loans to assist in the rehabilitation or replacement, or both, of existing mobile homes located in a mobile home or manufactured home community.

There is no mention of funding any move for a home from a manufactured home community to a private plot of land anywhere, What they will consider is to repair, upgrade, or replace an existing home in a manufactured home community. In all cases note the word "assist". i.e. they will not pay for all of it only part of it, and even then that loan is repayable at some point. Also note self-help,

Grants are gifts that don't have to be paid back, forgivable loans are monies where you defer paying the loan back until later when you can more readily afford it. Veterans are specifically being helped here, and they are also concentrating on existing renters and first time buyers as being the worst off and in need of the most help. Vic already owns his own home he doesn't rent it. He only rents the plot it sits on from the Park, and the fees he pays the Park also fund the laundry facilities and other things that come with it. He is also classed as a resident, therefore unlikely to be given a months notice to quit by a landlord. He is already on the housing ladder, many are not.

Vic seems to have got it into his head that all he has to do is raise his hand, and some nice man will come along with a blank cheque and buy him a £60,000 house, and it won't cost him a penny, other than moving costs. Vic is already better off than many people renting their homes, and he also has what we would call an Assured Tenancy being a resident of the Park. It is not the States fault if he cannot manage his money and gets into debt.

If he gets a letter from the Californian authorities saying he's eligible and it's going to happen, then I'll believe it. Up until now it's all his interpretation of what has been announced, and "from what I have been told".

Define a first time buyer, in the US. It's one who owns property, property is land, I own a home, mobile or manufactured makes almost no difference.

I am not a property owner, yet a manufactured home that is owned w/a title without land is regarded as personal property if the land is rented, so I do not own any real property. So that would make Me a 1st time buyer.
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Message 1897122 - Posted: 23 Oct 2017, 17:02:05 UTC - in response to Message 1897068.  

CO2 extinguishers are effective at "knocking down" fires, but do not cool the "fuel". This is OK when used on liquids, but not very good when trying to extinguish solids such as we typically have in house fires. The reason it is used in computer rooms is that it doesn't cause secondary damage, unlike water, foam, or power - if you've ever seen the mess from a powder extinguisher you'd understand.

That's something I've only owned once, and then it was attached to the house, but that was prior to 1998.
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ID: 1897122 · Report as offensive
rob smith Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1897124 - Posted: 23 Oct 2017, 17:30:52 UTC

I have no doubt that some would say you wold be a "first time buyer", and some would say not.

But you OWN your home, thus you are a "home owner", so you are in a slightly vague area of US home/land law - it would appear, from the link you have provided you MAY be a property owner, or may not be a property owner. To resolve this you need to take proper legal advice on YOUR situation, not rely on some generalities from the web.

Your link goes to a Bling search page, and the first couple of links state (and I paraphrase) "Property is something you own", or more specifically in the case of the Miriam-Webster (online) dictionary (
Definition of property
plural properties
1 a :a quality or trait belonging and especially peculiar to an individual or thing
b :an effect that an object has on another object or on the senses
c :virtue 2
d :an attribute common to all members of a class
2 a :something owned or possessed; specifically :a piece of real estate
b :the exclusive right to possess, enjoy, and dispose of a thing :ownership
c :something to which a person or business has a legal title
d :one (such as a performer) who is under contract and whose work is especially valuable
e :a book or script purchased for publication or production
3 :an article or object used in a play or motion picture except painted scenery and costumes

or the Free online dictionary (
Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical, Legal, Financial, Acronyms, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia.
Related to property: property tax, property room
prop·er·ty (prŏp′ər-tē)
n. pl. prop·er·ties
a. Something owned; a possession.
b. A piece of real estate: has a swimming pool on the property.
c. Something tangible or intangible to which its owner has legal title: properties such as copyrights and trademarks.
d. Something tangible or intangible, such as a claim or a right, in which a person has a legally cognizable, compensable interest.
e. Possessions considered as a group: moved with all his property.
2. A theatrical prop.
3. An attribute, characteristic, or quality: a compound with anti-inflammatory properties. See Synonyms at quality.

Neither demonstrates the linkage that you lay out between "ownership of the land" and "ownership of something on that land" that you claim. Indeed the second definition implies that you, as one who pays "property tax" (to the State, or local authority) you are a property owner, even though you are not a land owner.
Bob Smith
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kittyman Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1897125 - Posted: 23 Oct 2017, 17:45:01 UTC

Well, all that really matters is how the state of California rules on the subject when they are processing an application for the program.

"Time is simply the mechanism that keeps everything from happening all at once."

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Message 1897127 - Posted: 23 Oct 2017, 17:48:02 UTC - in response to Message 1897124.  

Look I own personal property, not real property, that is defined, so I would be a 1st time buyer under the law, go ahead dispute it, English Common Law says otherwise.

Real property

In English common law, real property, real estate, realty, or immovable property is any subset of land that has been legally defined and the improvements to it have been made by human efforts: buildings, machinery, wells, dams, ponds, mines, canals, roads, etc. Real property and personal property are the two main subunits of property in English Common Law.

Real property - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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rob smith Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1897134 - Posted: 23 Oct 2017, 18:41:42 UTC - in response to Message 1897127.  

English "common law" has no bearing on the ownership or legal status of any land or buildings. What i critical in UK civil and property law is how the title for the land, or building (including any temporary or mobile structure) is framed.
And has nothing to do with how the State of California will decide who is, or isn't property owner in connection with SB2 or SB3, or any other State law regarding ownership, or tenure of either land or building fixed, mobile or temporary. You will need to get PROPER legal advice when the possible legislation comes into force after November next year.
Bob Smith
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Message 1897153 - Posted: 23 Oct 2017, 20:53:11 UTC - in response to Message 1897134.  

Ok you wanted something from California, therefore I present this:

4. Why are the land and mobile home billed separately?​

Land is real property. Mobile homes are personal property. They can be billed together if the mobile home is permanently secured to the land and under the same ownership.

This comes from the Sacramento County Tax Assessors Office here in California.

High lighting is by Me.

I'm waiting for call back from CalHFA, on whether someone who owns a manufactured home w/o owning any land is a 1st time home buyer or not.

The first Question seems vague to Me: Have you owned and occupied a home in the last 3 years? Yes or No...

It doesn't say what type of home, stick built homes come with land by default, manufactured homes are usually separate, since owning land is optional for a manufactured home.
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Message 1897192 - Posted: 23 Oct 2017, 23:58:01 UTC - in response to Message 1897125.  

Well, all that really matters is how the state of California rules on the subject when they are processing an application for the program.


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Message 1897214 - Posted: 24 Oct 2017, 1:30:54 UTC
Last modified: 24 Oct 2017, 1:51:38 UTC

Ok since I did get an increase in a card today, I used some on ShopJimmy to repair My TV's psu board, $94.95, I was going to spend this in November, but the process is underway at least, World Series Baseball, Dodgers vs L'Astros will just have to wait, for another year.

I'll get the email on Tuesday sometime to allow Me to have FedEx pickup the package.

And I got the Belkin Surge Protector in today, no screw, ok, I got out another 2" screw, still nothing on the 2 cat6 ethernet cables(1Blue, 1Orange), but they're coming from China, China Air Post ordered on Oct2nd, and China is almost always slooooooooooow...

Edit: Turns out the bad outlet that was for the A/C, already has a Belkin Surge Suppressor, which was hidden behind some boxes, no problem, I have another open location that I know for sure could use one, since it's the only outlet on that wall.

One of these days I am going to rearrange My front room a bit, especially once I get a love seat/sleeper to replace My broken sofa/recliner...
CA HSR built a foundation, is laying Track!
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Message 1897236 - Posted: 24 Oct 2017, 4:57:24 UTC - in response to Message 1897227.  
Last modified: 24 Oct 2017, 5:10:33 UTC

Turns out the bad outlet that was for the A/C, already has a Belkin Surge Suppressor, which was hidden behind some boxes,
So you spent money on a new surge suppressor without checking first that you needed one?

This follows on from just plugging in a CO alarm not realising that it had a coiled cable in the back.

Ok since I did get an increase in a card today, I used some on ShopJimmy to repair My TV's psu board, $94.95, I was going to spend this in November, but the process is underway at least,
So much for telling everybody that you don't want any more credit and intend to pay all the cards off. The first opportunity you get you are quite happy to get into more debt. It seems easy come easy go in your world.

One of these days I am going to rearrange My front room a bit, especially once I get a love seat/sleeper to replace My broken sofa/recliner...
Which is what I suggested a while ago but was ignored.

Well, all that really matters is how the state of California rules on the subject when they are processing an application for the program.
Exactly. And if Vic bothers to read up on it properly he will find that Calhome classes people as First Time Buyers if they haven't had a loan from Calhome in the previous 4 years. It's got nothing to do with owning land a home sits on.

still nothing on the 2 cat6 ethernet cables
More computer kit?

4. Why are the land and mobile home billed separately?​
Because usually they are owned by two separate people. In the UK if you own land you are a Freeholder, if you just own a property on someone else's land you are a Leaseholder. Leaseholders pay the Freeholders ground rent, usually minimal and on average twice a year.

Well I do have a bedroom that is short on outlets, so the Belkin that I can't use in the front room won't go to waste.

All that did was accelerate what I planned to do, nothing more.

The sofa will wait, I am losing some weight, so it'll last another 2 years, though maybe I can get to that a bit sooner, I'll see when I get there.

Well I've never been a Calhome customer, so that is perfect, thanks Chris.

One cat 6 cable is for My TV, the other is for an Xbox One S or X, I'm up to 6,500 points, I hope to be at 10,000 by Nov 6th, by December I don't know, same for January, the Promo ends on Jan 12th 2018.

Good explanation, I couldn't have said it better Chris S.

Oh and I'm paying down that credit line(18 months) and the large card(8 months) at the same time, so those two will be done as soon as possible, I'm logging off ebay in March, possibly for 1.5 years, unless I need some powdered eggs, otherwise I won't be doing anything for maybe 1.5 years there or anywhere else, it's not as long as I thought.

Edit: The Cat 6 cables cost $3.04 total, delivered...
CA HSR built a foundation, is laying Track!
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rob smith Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1897238 - Posted: 24 Oct 2017, 5:00:35 UTC

The first Question seems vague to Me: Have you owned and occupied a home in the last 3 years? Yes or No...

You think that is not a clear question. It is VERY clear. But since you are having difficulty in understanding such a simple question then I will expand it somewhat:
If you have owned a home, irrespective of it being a "manufactured", "stick built", or "cave", or the ownership of the land upon which it sits, for more than 3 years then you have to answer YES, otherwise the answer is "NO".
In your case you are always proclaiming that you own your home and have done so for more than 3 years, thus, in relation to this form you are a "home owner of more than 3 years standing".
Bob Smith
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Message 1897240 - Posted: 24 Oct 2017, 5:05:10 UTC - in response to Message 1897238.  

The first Question seems vague to Me: Have you owned and occupied a home in the last 3 years? Yes or No...

You think that is not a clear question. It is VERY clear. But since you are having difficulty in understanding such a simple question then I will expand it somewhat:
If you have owned a home, irrespective of it being a "manufactured", "stick built", or "cave", or the ownership of the land upon which it sits, for more than 3 years then you have to answer YES, otherwise the answer is "NO".
In your case you are always proclaiming that you own your home and have done so for more than 3 years, thus, in relation to this form you are a "home owner of more than 3 years standing".

Well I've asked in the past, and they know the question is vague, and why it has not been made more specific, but then Calhome deals in Real Estate, not homes without land.
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Message 1897242 - Posted: 24 Oct 2017, 5:21:55 UTC

I would suggest that CA deals with homes, as well as real estate given the number of sites like your that abound in the state, further there are quite a number of "stick built" places that are on land not owned by the building owner.
I would suggest that it is YOU that is trying to make it more complex than it really is.
Bob Smith
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Message 1897243 - Posted: 24 Oct 2017, 5:25:56 UTC - in response to Message 1897242.  

I would suggest that CA deals with homes, as well as real estate given the number of sites like your that abound in the state, further there are quite a number of "stick built" places that are on land not owned by the building owner.
I would suggest that it is YOU that is trying to make it more complex than it really is.

Those places are called Apartments rob, "stick built" refers to homes on their own land, not to apartments for rent...
CA HSR built a foundation, is laying Track!
PRR T1 Class 4-4-4-4 #5550 Loco, US's 1st HST

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