Interview with Green Bank scientist Ryan Lynch

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Message 1878120 - Posted: 13 Jul 2017, 21:17:39 UTC

Ryan Lynch works on pulsar research at the Green Bank Observatory. In this video, we sat down with Ryan to chat about how to paint the world's largest steerable radio telescope, and what modern convenience he misses most while living in the middle of the National Radio Quiet Zone.

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Profile Gordon Lowe

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Message 1882289 - Posted: 5 Aug 2017, 21:27:07 UTC

I can understand most of the electronic restrictions, but are digital SLR's without any wifi connectivity also banned, and if so, why?
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Message 1882378 - Posted: 6 Aug 2017, 6:22:07 UTC

WiFi (and Bluetooth) connections - they are tiny radio transmitters and receivers.
Also many DSLRs have both WiFi and Bluetooth devices embedded in them, it's far easier to ban the whole class of devices than try to sort the "clean" ones from the "dirty" ones.
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Profile Gordon Lowe

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Message 1882384 - Posted: 6 Aug 2017, 6:56:02 UTC - in response to Message 1882378.  

WiFi (and Bluetooth) connections - they are tiny radio transmitters and receivers.
Also many DSLRs have both WiFi and Bluetooth devices embedded in them, it's far easier to ban the whole class of devices than try to sort the "clean" ones from the "dirty" ones.

My DSLR doesn't have any of those bells and whistles. I do still wonder if the electronic shutter mechanism on a digital SLR causes a problem.
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Message 1887645 - Posted: 3 Sep 2017, 4:38:43 UTC
Last modified: 3 Sep 2017, 4:39:34 UTC

They said ont any electronic devices at the site of the the telscope and then gave the exaple of cars sparkplugs "being considered analog in the electronic or digital world. (I'd be more concerned about the alternator but anywhere there is an electrical discharge would cause issues eg sparkplugs).

I'm wondering if any device with a capacitor is restricted rather than things that can recieve or transmit EM signals.

Video does a nice job explaining the radio quiet zone.
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Message boards : News : Interview with Green Bank scientist Ryan Lynch

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