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Mark Stevenson Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1823994 - Posted: 13 Oct 2016, 16:57:46 UTC - in response to Message 1823981.  
Last modified: 13 Oct 2016, 17:29:02 UTC

One supermarket chain Tesco's are stopping stocking it , may come as a big shock for you but there are other shops in this country , ain't quite as bad as you got it with Wallmart ;-)
Life is what you make of it :-)

When i'm good i'm very good , but when i'm bad i'm shi#eloads better ;-) In't I " buttercups " p.m.s.l at authoritie !!;-)
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Message 1823998 - Posted: 13 Oct 2016, 17:20:33 UTC - in response to Message 1823981.  

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Message 1824026 - Posted: 13 Oct 2016, 19:45:29 UTC - in response to Message 1824023.  

Sturgeon wants 2nd referendum

They are no simpletons, those Scotspeople, are they?

Just confirmed Europhiles who love the EU motto...

...if at first you don't succeed...



...try again.
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Message 1824030 - Posted: 13 Oct 2016, 19:55:52 UTC - in response to Message 1824029.  

Normal people are different.

True, they don't like corrupt dictatorships.
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Message 1824033 - Posted: 13 Oct 2016, 20:10:42 UTC - in response to Message 1824032.  

True, they don't like corrupt dictatorships.

You describe Ms. Nicola Sturgeon, First Minister of Scotland,, a corrupt dictator?

I am in lack of words. Sir, out to you.

Just confirmed Europhiles who love the EU motto...

...if at first you don't succeed...



...try again.

Care to try again?
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Sirius B Project Donor
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Message 1824495 - Posted: 15 Oct 2016, 17:36:01 UTC

Maybe if they go independent & stay in the EU,the EU will provide them with superglue
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Profile KWSN - MajorKong
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Message 1824624 - Posted: 16 Oct 2016, 5:38:33 UTC - in response to Message 1824495.  

Maybe if they go independent & stay in the EU,the EU will provide them with superglue

LOL duct-tape...

Duct-tape can fix anything, except of course Stupidity.

It can't fix Stupidity, but it CAN muffle the noise.



Don't blame me, I voted for Johnson(L) in 2016.

Truth is dangerous... especially when it challenges those in power.
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Message 1824652 - Posted: 16 Oct 2016, 12:07:02 UTC
Last modified: 16 Oct 2016, 12:09:21 UTC

Boris Johnson has insisted the case for leaving the EU was "blindingly obvious" after a previously unpublished article he wrote before the referendum appeared to cast doubt on his views.
The man who led the Brexit campaign before becoming foreign secretary declared: “Britain is a great nation, a global force for good. It is surely a boon for the world and for Europe that she should be intimately engaged in the EU.”
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Sirius B Project Donor
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Message 1824712 - Posted: 16 Oct 2016, 17:56:50 UTC

What do they think they’re doing? Seriously, what will it take to make our politicians finally understand? Strikes? Civil disobedience? A very British coup? Four months ago the British people did precisely what they were asked to do. They listened to the competing Brexit voices. They weighed up the arguments. And then they went to the polls – 33 million of them – and they delivered their verdict.

I personally didn’t like it. In fact, I argued passionately on these pages against it. But their verdict was clear. ‘We want to leave the European Union,’ they said.

This week their elected politicians delivered their considered response. ‘Not so fast,’ the people’s tribunes replied. ‘We think you’ve got it wrong. But don’t worry your little heads about it. We’ll take it from here.’

Of course, it wasn’t presented in those terms.

What MPs wanted was simply some scrutiny of the Brexit process, they said. And who could object to that? Parliamentary scrutiny. It’s what our democracy rests upon, isn’t it? No, it isn’t.

This is what British democracy rests upon. The people express their wishes, and the politicians act upon them. It’s not perfect. Indeed, it has many flaws. But by and large it has served us well for about 300 years. And if the people who sit within the Palace of Westminster don’t come to their senses, that system will be consigned to the dustbin of history.

MPs have been forming an orderly queue to explain to the British people what they had actually voted for. They had not, they were told, voted to leave the European single market. Or end free movement.

Or anything else that could be termed ‘Hard Brexit’. Instead, they had voted for something as yet undetermined. But that didn’t matter. The politicians would do the determining for them. Except there’s a snag. The people did vote for ‘Hard Brexit’. The ballot paper asked: ‘Should the UK remain a member of the EU or leave the EU?’ And they voted to leave the EU.

If the people who sit within the Palace of Westminster don’t come to their senses, that system will be consigned to the dustbin of history

If the people who sit within the Palace of Westminster don’t come to their senses, that system will be consigned to the dustbin of history

That means leaving the single market and the mechanisms that allow for free movement, and discarding the laws imposed by the European courts. There wasn’t a third option. No Brexit or Hard Brexit were the only choices on the ballot paper. So, again, what do our politicians think they’re doing?

When Ed Miliband – rejected by British voters in one of the most humiliating political rebukes of the modern era – stood up in the Commons and started lecturing the Government about having ‘no mandate’, what was he thinking? Has the man got no self-awareness or humility?

When Michael Gove wrote on Friday that ‘Brexiteers don’t want a brick wall at our border’, how has he got the nerve?

A week before polling day he told me how he could align his own version of Project Fear – including posters warning of Turkish refugees swarming across the channel – with ideals of modern, progressive conservatism.

They were entirely compatible, he said. The key issues showed the Conservative Party understood the concerns of ordinary working Britons.

When Michael Gove wrote on Friday that ‘Brexiteers don’t want a brick wall at our border’, how has he got the nerve?

Now it seems ordinary working Britain can go hang. What we witnessed last week was one of the greatest exercises in denial ever undertaken by the British political class.

The liberal Left – unable to comprehend their world view does not extend beyond the M25 – have convinced themselves that Keir Starmer, the Shadow Brexit Secretary, will come riding over the hill on his white charger, flourishing a list of 170 questions for Ministers in one hand, and a pot of Marmite in the other.

We have heard a lot of talk from MPs about their ‘bottom lines’. But the bottom lines for the British people could not be clearer. They want an end to mass migration. They do not want a conversation about mass migration, or how it will be tempered by restrictions on migrant benefits. They just want it stopped.

And Brexit – through the ending of free movement – is the means by which they have chosen to stop it.

That may be unpalatable to many. But those who ask themselves ‘what sort of country have we become?’ should ask themselves this: ‘What country will we become if our politicians try to mount a revolt against the will of the people?’

Because underpinning this is something else the British people want. On Thursday I was chatting to a senior Remain campaigner.

When Ed Miliband stood up in the Commons and started lecturing the Government about having ‘no mandate’, what was he thinking?

He told me a story from one of their focus groups. ‘They’d been complaining about everything the politicians had taken from them. So I asked, “OK, if you could choose one thing, what would you want the politicians to give you?” There was a long pause, and then this guy – a fireman – put up his hand. “I want them to give me some respect,” he said.’

At the moment people are staring across the Atlantic aghast at the spectacle of Donald Trump laying waste to the US democratic process. ‘Where does someone like Trump come from?’ they ask. This. This is where a Donald Trump comes from. When the people speak and their politicians stick their fingers in their ears and say: ‘We can’t hear you.’

In 2009 a million people voted for the BNP. ‘Are you listening to us?’ they said. In 2015 four million voted for Ukip. ‘Are you listening to us now?’ they said. In June, 17 million voted for Brexit. ‘OK, are you listening to us now?’ they asked.

Our MPs had better come to their senses. Because the British people will not ask again.

I’m told a tense stand-off occurred at famous subterranean Westminster drinking den ‘The Players’ on Thursday, as members of the Remain team gathered to mark the publication of Craig Oliver’s Brexit diary.

‘When they came in, a group of Ukip advisers were standing drinking in the opposite corner of the bar,’ an observer informs me.

‘For a moment it was like something from the Wild West. Both sides stood there eyeing each other. But then the pianist started belting out Mr Brightside, and they all just started dancing round together.’ I think that they call this soft Brexit.

Yep, just another day in Westminster. Does anyone really think that Brexit will actually take place?
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Message 1824719 - Posted: 16 Oct 2016, 18:27:01 UTC - in response to Message 1824712.  
Last modified: 16 Oct 2016, 18:38:01 UTC

Does anyone really think that Brexit will actually take place?

Probably not. At some stage, the government will have to vote on Brexit. Either soon, see post 1823898, or after the Brexit talks with the EU to see if the leave agreement is acceptable to the population.

The problem with the 2nd option that the money markets will remain jittery until it is decided and the Pound will probably keep sliding.

If the main reason for the Brexit leave vote was immigration, then what will be the reaction to higher prices, loss of jobs as some non-European owned companies move production out of the UK, and expensive Spanish holidays, possibly requiring a visa as well.

On another subject, the Scottish superglue/gaffer tape one, Scotland's exam board accused of paying invigilators less than living wage
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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1824726 - Posted: 16 Oct 2016, 18:49:13 UTC - in response to Message 1824712.  

Yep, just another day in Westminster. Does anyone really think that Brexit will actually take place?

Angela Merkel and others are working hard to find ways to make obscene profits off Brexit, as soon as they are identified they will be implemented and Brexit will become unstoppable.
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W-K 666 Project Donor
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Message 1824734 - Posted: 16 Oct 2016, 19:00:34 UTC - in response to Message 1824726.  

Yep, just another day in Westminster. Does anyone really think that Brexit will actually take place?

Angela Merkel and others are working hard to find ways to make obscene profits off Brexit, as soon as they are identified they will be implemented and Brexit will become unstoppable.

To a certain extend you can see why, when about 20% of the annual EU budget payments will stop.
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Sirius B Project Donor
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Message 1824748 - Posted: 16 Oct 2016, 20:20:30 UTC - in response to Message 1824734.  

Yep, just another day in Westminster. Does anyone really think that Brexit will actually take place?

Angela Merkel and others are working hard to find ways to make obscene profits off Brexit, as soon as they are identified they will be implemented and Brexit will become unstoppable.

To a certain extend you can see why, when about 20% of the annual EU budget payments will stop.

& that is the main reason why they feared Britain leaving.
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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1824750 - Posted: 16 Oct 2016, 20:28:49 UTC - in response to Message 1824748.  

Yep, just another day in Westminster. Does anyone really think that Brexit will actually take place?

Angela Merkel and others are working hard to find ways to make obscene profits off Brexit, as soon as they are identified they will be implemented and Brexit will become unstoppable.

To a certain extend you can see why, when about 20% of the annual EU budget payments will stop.

& that is the main reason why they feared Britain leaving.

I think by now they have figured out they will be in control of the exit negotiations and the massive trade tariffs that will follow. UK might be paying 30% post Brexit. They want their marmite!
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Sirius B Project Donor
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Message 1824751 - Posted: 16 Oct 2016, 20:35:20 UTC - in response to Message 1824750.  

I think by now they have figured out they will be in control of the exit negotiations and the massive trade tariffs that will follow. UK might be paying 30% post Brexit. They want their marmite!

How do you come to that conclusion?
They import more than we export, so should they impose massive tariffs, they'll be shooting themselves in the head.
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Profile janneseti

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Message 1824754 - Posted: 16 Oct 2016, 20:41:26 UTC - in response to Message 1824750.  
Last modified: 16 Oct 2016, 20:46:09 UTC

They want their marmite!

And they should have!
As much as we want "Snus" and "Glögg"!
Grrr. Swexit soon.
ID: 1824754 · Report as offensive
Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1824755 - Posted: 16 Oct 2016, 20:43:45 UTC - in response to Message 1824751.  

I think by now they have figured out they will be in control of the exit negotiations and the massive trade tariffs that will follow. UK might be paying 30% post Brexit. They want their marmite!

How do you come to that conclusion?
They import more than we export, so should they impose massive tariffs, they'll be shooting themselves in the head.

Do you have other customers?
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Sirius B Project Donor
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Message 1824759 - Posted: 16 Oct 2016, 20:56:15 UTC - in response to Message 1824755.  

I think by now they have figured out they will be in control of the exit negotiations and the massive trade tariffs that will follow. UK might be paying 30% post Brexit. They want their marmite!

How do you come to that conclusion?
They import more than we export, so should they impose massive tariffs, they'll be shooting themselves in the head.

Do you have other customers?

You'd be surprised!

Take a look at the top 2 :-)

Massive tariffs? I don't think so, they'll only be hurting their own economy :-)
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Message 1825537 - Posted: 20 Oct 2016, 3:51:57 UTC

Euro 'house of cards' to collapse, warns ECB prophet

The European Central Bank is becoming dangerously over-extended and the whole euro project is unworkable in its current form, the founding architect of the monetary union has warned.

"One day, the house of cards will collapse,” said Professor Otmar Issing, the ECB's first chief economist and a towering figure in the construction of the single currency.

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Message 1825576 - Posted: 20 Oct 2016, 7:48:06 UTC - in response to Message 1825537.  

"Yet there is no chance of political union or the creation of an EU treasury in the forseeable future, which would in any case require a sweeping change to the German constitution - an impossible proposition in the current political climate. The European project must therefore function as a union of sovereign states, or fail."

It was a great idea but it's implementation was badly flawed, as we're all beginning to see.

Thankfully, we're out of it, so when, not if, it fails...
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