Where are all the aliens?

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Jozef J
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Message 1689199 - Posted: 8 Jun 2015, 15:32:44 UTC

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Message 1689203 - Posted: 8 Jun 2015, 15:55:12 UTC - in response to Message 1689199.  
Last modified: 8 Jun 2015, 16:04:12 UTC

Extraterrestrial human visitors may possibly be visiting resorts and shopping plazas here on planet Earth. Why will they think 'I am an Extraterrestrial' when people speak their language when there are many planets that are habitable for civilizations light years from the Milky Way. This may explain why a flying saucer shaped aerial object appeared above the over-crowded skies of Chicago International Airport in the afternoon. Maybe the visitors were probably expecting to see flying saucer crafts landing, similar to all other planets.

Perhaps a private community of scientists and billionaires have already designed space stations similar to a ringworld for a private residential space community since the 1950's or later. I believe not every scientific advanced technology will be published for the consumer market.
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Profile William Rothamel

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Message 1689732 - Posted: 10 Jun 2015, 10:07:11 UTC - in response to Message 1689203.  
Last modified: 10 Jun 2015, 10:14:21 UTC

there are many planets that are habitable for civilizations light years from the Milky Way.

And: There is a God in Heaven ??

I would be pleased to see incontrovertible evidence of either one of these statements. Until then they are unfounded beliefs.

As for truly inhabitable, truly Earth-like planets that harbor alien life comparable to Homo Sapiens; my unfounded belief is that there are None that are a "few" lightyears away from Earth. Perhaps 30,000 lightyears away but I eagerly await to be proven wrong.

if you meant a few lightyears from the Milky way--the nearest galaxy is maybe 2.5 million lightyears away::: how do they propel their craft or how do they live infinitely long lives??
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Profile tullio
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Message 1689747 - Posted: 10 Jun 2015, 10:39:03 UTC

A priest from Trento who was thirty years a missionary in Africa among the Bushman tribes asked one of them: how do you know that God exists? The Bushman replied: God exists because I do.
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Profile Bob DeWoody

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Message 1689754 - Posted: 10 Jun 2015, 11:35:56 UTC - in response to Message 1689747.  

A priest from Trento who was thirty years a missionary in Africa among the Bushman tribes asked one of them: how do you know that God exists? The Bushman replied: God exists because I do.

And that is true because God is us.
Bob DeWoody

My motto: Never do today what you can put off until tomorrow as it may not be required. This no longer applies in light of current events.
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Profile Julie
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Message 1689760 - Posted: 10 Jun 2015, 12:06:35 UTC - in response to Message 1689754.  

A priest from Trento who was thirty years a missionary in Africa among the Bushman tribes asked one of them: how do you know that God exists? The Bushman replied: God exists because I do.

And that is true because God is us.

+1 God is ubiquitous
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Message 1689781 - Posted: 10 Jun 2015, 13:30:03 UTC
Last modified: 10 Jun 2015, 13:33:20 UTC

The Fermi Paradox, first described in 1950 by the physicist Enrico Fermi.
@Julie. Ubiquitous. Thats a new word for me:)
It means omnipresent or in Swedish "allestädes närvarande"...
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Profile JakeTheDog

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Message 1689800 - Posted: 10 Jun 2015, 14:25:27 UTC

the first billion-year-old galactic civilization, after putting down the first galaxy-wide war between its "child" civilizations, is non-interventionist to a degree and allows habitable worlds to evolve on their own. and to prevent competition and war, they either destroy or blockade civilizations that begin to develop interstellar travel. the imprisoned civilizations eventually destroy themselves and intelligent life begins to evolve all over again. that is how peace is maintained in the galaxy. but now they have discovered entities even more older and powerful than themselves, and the world order will forever change. i seen it this one time. how interested would you be in reading a sci fi series about this, written by someone who has no experience with writing? i also seen jesus the other day. he touched me in many inappropriate ways :(
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Profile Julie
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Message 1689801 - Posted: 10 Jun 2015, 14:34:21 UTC

This is hardly a subject to joke about Jake..
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Message 1689814 - Posted: 10 Jun 2015, 15:26:27 UTC - in response to Message 1689781.  

Julie:) Alomtegenwoordig is "allestädes närvarande" in Swedish.
Google translate however say that means "penetrating"!
I wonder how ET are going to communicate to us Earthlings...
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Profile Julie
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Message 1689827 - Posted: 10 Jun 2015, 15:58:18 UTC - in response to Message 1689814.  
Last modified: 10 Jun 2015, 16:45:22 UTC

Julie:) Alomtegenwoordig is "allestädes närvarande" in Swedish.
Google translate however say that means "penetrating"!
I wonder how ET are going to communicate to us Earthlings...

They already do... No empirically based or refutable communication though. That's the reason why it's so hard for people to believe that they're out there.

We know about the existence of the spiritual world as well as the material world. The two worlds have completely different ways of communicating. The spiritual world asks a lot more effort from the individual and that's the world ETI uses to communicate to people who are receptive to it.
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Message 1690039 - Posted: 11 Jun 2015, 7:36:00 UTC - in response to Message 1689732.  

there are many planets that are habitable for civilizations light years from the Milky Way.

And: There is a God in Heaven ??

I would be pleased to see incontrovertible evidence of either one of these statements. Until then they are unfounded beliefs.

As for truly inhabitable, truly Earth-like planets that harbor alien life comparable to Homo Sapiens; my unfounded belief is that there are None that are a "few" lightyears away from Earth. Perhaps 30,000 lightyears away but I eagerly await to be proven wrong.

if you meant a few lightyears from the Milky way--the nearest galaxy is maybe 2.5 million lightyears away::: how do they propel their craft or how do they live infinitely long lives??

If u would need a proof of God...than it wouldn't it called a Faith!

The similar one u have on SETi@home, that one day a ET will be found & communicated with...

non-profit org. Play4Life in Zagreb, Croatia, EU
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Message 1690472 - Posted: 12 Jun 2015, 13:24:41 UTC - in response to Message 1689721.  

Generating ideas or theories from imagination will inspire researchers and scientific funding to find evidence.
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Profile Julie
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Message 1690491 - Posted: 12 Jun 2015, 14:10:31 UTC - in response to Message 1690472.  

Generating ideas or theories from imagination will inspire researchers and scientific funding to find evidence.

Let's hope so.
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Profile Julie
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Message 1691287 - Posted: 14 Jun 2015, 18:35:07 UTC - in response to Message 1690491.  

Generating ideas or theories from imagination will inspire researchers and scientific funding to find evidence.

Let's hope so.

Let's also use the right connotation for that word 'imagination'. Ideas, I would rather call them.
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Message 1691297 - Posted: 14 Jun 2015, 18:58:30 UTC - in response to Message 1691287.  
Last modified: 14 Jun 2015, 19:09:28 UTC

Julie, humans are supposed to be a part of nature as we all should know.

You may perhaps give a thought on whether or not there may be a couple of things around, being of interest to scientists, some things being better explained than others.

Human flesh and blood and our skeleton, which I was reminded about earlier on are making up our physical body. Other properties being present may also likely be assoicated with our body as well.

Some people believe in the overnatural or supernatural, but that does not necessarily imply the same as E.T., or belief in such a thing.

If there happens to be spirits other than us, they may be having a possible intelligence which differs very much from ours. Our own way of relating or associating intelligence with something is anything from numbers or music through the thoughts and dreams we may be having.

If an intelligent signal should ever be detected, would you be able to read the mind of the possible "intelligence" behind what should be assumed to be representing an intelligent being, to us it really again becomes E.T.?

When first joining up this project, my assumption was that we were looking for a transmission proving the general thought or idea that we are not alone in space, but only one of many likely to be present, but for now mostly not being detected.

Which in the end becomes that our notion of both mathematics, metaphysics and so on still is based on our conception of nature around us.

Perhaps a little premature to some, but what I happen to know is telling me that there are in fact others around.
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Profile Julie
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Message 1691505 - Posted: 15 Jun 2015, 6:20:10 UTC - in response to Message 1691297.  

Perhaps a little premature to some, but what I happen to know is telling me that there are in fact others around.

Same here mp.
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Profile Julie
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Message 1692995 - Posted: 18 Jun 2015, 7:44:43 UTC - in response to Message 1691287.  

Generating ideas or theories from imagination will inspire researchers and scientific funding to find evidence.

Let's hope so.

Let's also use the right connotation for that word 'imagination'. Ideas, I would rather call them.

The word 'Inventions' would also fit in the above quote.
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Message 1693141 - Posted: 18 Jun 2015, 15:50:48 UTC
Last modified: 18 Jun 2015, 15:53:34 UTC

Before I go out for the weekend shopping.

For now, we may perhaps be associating possible extraterrestrials with technology and its use. We are now having many different tools at our disposal which are related to the physical world.

Certain types or kinds of tools, or equipment, if you will, have become more suited to ones personal needs and likes in recent times. Instead of shuffling floppy discs in and out of a system, here there now are quite long intervals of time where only the sound of the fans is the only sound when the sound volume of the speakers are being turned off.

The discs are quite silent when running and except when booting, it has become smooth running almost all the time.

Saying that because our brain is supposed to be working regardless of whether we are sleeping or perhaps run down the street. A helicopter is a masterpiece of technology based on innovation, but its ability to navigate on its own and make its own decisions are relatively limited.

Computers still has to be programmed in order to be able to carry out its functions. The human brain is using its ability to think in order to both deduce certain thing as well as making simple calculations. Therefore, the mind and its intellectual capability is both reflectinng our personalities as well as our means of logical thinking.
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Profile Julie
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Message 1694226 - Posted: 21 Jun 2015, 7:48:05 UTC - in response to Message 1693864.  

If anyone figures out what that was all about, please let me know.

It was once again from bluestar, an expression of "I do not know what stay on topic means"

Something very strange seems to happen in that brain, I'd say.

With other words, nothing new happened at all :-)


Rather intelligent chap I'd say.
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