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Sirius B Project Donor
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Message 1682103 - Posted: 21 May 2015, 13:03:31 UTC
Last modified: 21 May 2015, 13:05:12 UTC

Interesting ideas.

Nerd power

C & T 1

C & T 2
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Mark Stevenson Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1682512 - Posted: 22 May 2015, 10:05:37 UTC - in response to Message 1682479.  
Last modified: 22 May 2015, 10:13:11 UTC

We have enough nerds at Seti to heat and power half the world)

Speak for yourself , I aint a "nerd" mate :-). I 4t you told me you used to work for BT and had to visit the BT research labs on Martlesham Heath a few times , I used to work on the Heath but not there . That place IS NERD CENTRAL , they even changed the name to "Adastral" park coz didn't want to be associated with us "workers who got their hands dirty" ;-)
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Message 1682543 - Posted: 22 May 2015, 11:44:45 UTC
Last modified: 22 May 2015, 11:46:06 UTC

I read this about DC.
BOINC DC projects tend to encourage users to leave their computers on 24/7, bad for the environment.
Well Its a Dirty job but some one have to do it.
ID: 1682543 · Report as offensive
Profile ML1
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Message 1683893 - Posted: 25 May 2015, 2:30:10 UTC
Last modified: 25 May 2015, 2:31:15 UTC

Very curiously someone big on YouTube has been creep-ed out!

Also note the recent news about the USA "Patriot act"?...

YouTube: Creepy Things They Know About You

Think you're a private person? So did I. Let's learn how much dirt tracking companies have on you. (It gets really creepy...

Only online... Or is it only online?...

(You are online regardless off whether you might wish your data to be online or not...)

IT is what we allow it to be...
See new freedom: Mageia Linux
Take a look for yourself: Linux Format
The Future is what We all make IT (GPLv3)
ID: 1683893 · Report as offensive
Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1685621 - Posted: 29 May 2015, 15:27:27 UTC

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Message 1685827 - Posted: 30 May 2015, 0:54:46 UTC - in response to Message 1685621.  
Last modified: 30 May 2015, 0:58:41 UTC

Hell has frozen over ....

Nah... That's a gentle stroll across a sunny spring meadow compared to the abomination and unholy brimstone of:

Microsoft Loves Linux

In a press and analyst briefing a few months back, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella put up a slide proclaiming “Microsoft ♥ Linux”. Wow! What a great slide and what a change for Microsoft! The trade press picked up on this slide in a major way...

Will 2015 be the year of the Microsoft/Linux love fest?

Microsoft has finally embraced Linux -- with a bit of passion. Jack Wallen reports why he believes the makers of Windows have finally come around to sidling up to the open-source platform

There is one sentence that I swore I'd never write.

Microsoft loves Linux.

That's right. During a webcast, new CEO Satya Nadella stood next to an image that said "Microsoft [heart symbol] Linux."...

...Rethink. Retool. Refine.

That is why Microsoft has found itself in a position of having to "love Linux." Microsoft needs Linux to achieve transparency for today's market and user base. Without Linux, Microsoft's Azure platform is not nearly as flexible as today's tech landscape requires. Microsoft knows this, and that's why it currently offers five Linux servers on Azure (CentOS, Ubuntu, CoreOS, OpenSuSE, and Oracle Linux). The one major Linux server missing is Red Hat, but I'm certain Microsoft will eventually open its arms and heart to one of the most powerful enterprise Linux distributions on the planet...

Why Microsoft loves Linux

Bill Gates and Steve Ballmer may have hated Linux, but new Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella says Microsoft loves Linux. What changed Microsoft's mind?...


That's a heck of a long way from Steve Ballmer proclaiming back in 2001 that "Linux is a cancer." In the years since then Microsoft certainly attacked Linux like it was a cancer — doing everything from sponsoring SCO's copyright attack on Linux to claiming that Linux violated unnamed Microsoft patents to endless FUD assaults.

So, how did we get from Linux as Microsoft enemy number one to "love"?

Nadella actually told us the heart of the story, which I can boil down to that classic detective approach: "Follow the money."

Nadella told Wired that he's not interested in fighting old battles — especially, when, like it or not, Linux has become a vital part of today's business technology. "If you don’t jump on the new,” he said, you don’t survive." ...

Will Microsoft Office run on Linux?



It is technically possible to adapt Microsoft Office to Linux, but Microsoft isn't keen on allowing Office users to choose their operating system. There are other issues with MS Office and openness — like Microsoft's fierce opposition to supporting the OpenDocument format.

However, a complete, Free, reliable office suite exists: [LibreOffice].org. It will happily use all your existing office files in MS-Word, MS-Excel, and MS-PowerPoint format, and is really free (both as in freedom and as in price). And it runs on Windows as well as on Linux...

Microsoft Is Making a Stripped-Down Windows to Rival Linux

... to efficiently execute their software with so much hardware in the mix, they use the open source Linux operating system and a technology called “containers.” What they don’t use is Windows.

Microsoft’s flagship operating system operates quite differently from Linux—which could be a problem as containers become the preferred way of computing in the cloud. But now, as so many others follow the lead of giants like Google and Twitter, Microsoft is reshaping Windows so that it doesn’t get left behind...

Halloween documents

The Halloween documents comprise a series of confidential Microsoft memoranda on potential strategies relating to free software, open-source software, and to Linux in particular, and a series of media responses to these memoranda. Both the leaked documents and the responses were published by Eric S. Raymond in 1998.[1]

The documents are associated with Halloween because many of them were originally leaked close on the 31st of October in different years...

... Marked "Microsoft confidential", they identified open-source software, and in particular the Linux operating system, as a major threat to Microsoft's dominance of the software industry, and suggested ways in which Microsoft could disrupt the progress of open-source software...

MS Linux

MS Linux: Shipping...

... We are now offering the MS Linux Introductory CD at a special introductory price of only $249.99 (plus shipping and handling), if you order before it ships.

MS Linux is released under the provisions of the Gates Private License, which means you can freely use this Software on a single machine without warranty after having paid the purchase price and annual renewal fees.

If Microsoft ever does applications for Linux...

IT is what we make it and what we allow IT to be...
See new freedom: Mageia Linux
Take a look for yourself: Linux Format
The Future is what We all make IT (GPLv3)
ID: 1685827 · Report as offensive
Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1685866 - Posted: 30 May 2015, 3:22:37 UTC - in response to Message 1685827.  
Last modified: 30 May 2015, 3:23:26 UTC

Clearly Martin you have not dealt with Big Blue. Microsoft never had NIHS. Big Blue had the worst case in the observable universe. It seems it has now been cured.

Remember Microsoft started by stealing CP/M. So stealing linux is expected behavior. IBM would go out and invent a new transistor rather than use someone else's patent.

No, this is really hell freezing over stuff.
ID: 1685866 · Report as offensive
Profile James Sotherden

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Message 1685951 - Posted: 30 May 2015, 5:52:54 UTC - in response to Message 1685866.  

Clearly Martin you have not dealt with Big Blue. Microsoft never had NIHS. Big Blue had the worst case in the observable universe. It seems it has now been cured.

Remember Microsoft started by stealing CP/M. So stealing linux is expected behavior. IBM would go out and invent a new transistor rather than use someone else's patent.

No, this is really hell freezing over stuff.

The not invented here syndrome has been around in all types of indrustries. The sad fact is its still alive and well.
Back when I worked for a UTC company I had and idea. I presented it and was told It would not work the customer wouldnt buy it. Yeah right Six months later my idea was in production. Some egghead buttwipe looked like a hero for using my idea. And yes i did protest. There response. We didnt know it was in devolopment. My ASS.

Old James
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Message 1686001 - Posted: 30 May 2015, 9:52:36 UTC - in response to Message 1685866.  
Last modified: 30 May 2015, 9:53:32 UTC

Remember Microsoft started by stealing CP/M. So stealing linux is expected behavior. IBM would go out and invent a new transistor rather than use someone else's patent.

Yeah that's how the so called IT business works.
A lot of former used car dealers.
But stealing Linux? It's open source and very much public.
Linus Thorvald says: Saatana Perkele:)
ID: 1686001 · Report as offensive
Sirius B Project Donor
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Message 1686002 - Posted: 30 May 2015, 9:54:50 UTC - in response to Message 1685827.  

If Microsoft ever does applications for Linux...

Yep, Linus wins, however I pity the poor Linux evangelists.

Linux gets a simplified UI as well as a unified distro. Then there will be a planet wide turbo fan which will power major cities with all that wind coming from linux geeks...

...shock Horror, will it ever happen? :-)
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Profile janneseti

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Message 1686003 - Posted: 30 May 2015, 9:59:43 UTC - in response to Message 1686002.  
Last modified: 30 May 2015, 10:01:56 UTC

Linux gets a simplified UI as well as a unified distro. Then there will be a planet wide turbo fan which will power major cities with all that wind coming from linux geeks...

Linux is not a UI.
Linux is nothing but a kernel that other developers build distros upon.
Common UI that uses the Linux kernel are GNU and KDE.

Hyvä Päivä:)
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Sirius B Project Donor
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Message 1686006 - Posted: 30 May 2015, 10:15:03 UTC - in response to Message 1686003.  

I know that Janne. Just being sarcastic. This is the Computer & Technology thread, NOT the Linux rules Hell thread.
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Profile janneseti

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Message 1686007 - Posted: 30 May 2015, 10:22:44 UTC - in response to Message 1686006.  
Last modified: 30 May 2015, 10:33:23 UTC

I know that Janne. Just being sarcastic. This is the Computer & Technology thread, NOT the Linux rules Hell thread.

I hope everybody understand that.
There are many other computer OS than Windows, Linux and OS X.

Onneksi olkoon Bill ja Steve:)
Or should I say Поздравляю?
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OzzFan Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1686082 - Posted: 30 May 2015, 16:48:18 UTC - in response to Message 1685866.  
Last modified: 30 May 2015, 17:05:33 UTC

Remember Microsoft started by stealing CP/M.

This is not true. Bill Gates of Microsoft was approached by IBM for an Operating System, and Bill actually suggested IBM go to Gary Kildall to license CP/M, which many believed would be the defacto standard for 16bit microcomputers. Gary didn't want to sign IBM's non-disclosure agreement so the talks failed.

IBM returned to Microsoft for an operating system for their "upcoming new" microcomputer. Microsoft then purchased 86-DOS off of Seattle Computer Products. 86-DOS, previously known as QDOS or Quick and Dirty Operating System, was a quick implementation of the 8bit CP/M for x86 microprocessors, because the 16bit implementation of CP/M was originally delayed.

After buying 86-DOS, Microsoft sold their copies as MS-DOS while IBM sold their copies as PC DOS. But it was because 86-DOS was a third-party implementation of CP/M, 86-DOS, and by proxy MS-DOS, borrowed many of the features and concepts found in CP/M.

But Microsoft never stole CP/M.
ID: 1686082 · Report as offensive
Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1686090 - Posted: 30 May 2015, 17:11:37 UTC - in response to Message 1686082.  
Last modified: 30 May 2015, 17:12:18 UTC

Remember Microsoft started by stealing CP/M.

This is not true. Bill Gates of Microsoft was approached by IBM for an Operating System, and Bill actually suggested IBM go to Gary Kildall to license CP/M, which many believed would be the defacto standard for 16bit microcomputers. Gary didn't want to sign IBM's non-disclosure agreement so the talks failed.

IBM returned to Microsoft for an operating system for their "upcoming new" microcomputer. Microsoft then purchased 86-DOS off of Seattle Computer Products. 86-DOS, previously known as QDOS or Quick and Dirty Operating System, was a quick implementation of the 8bit CP/M for x86 microprocessors, because the 16bit implementation of CP/M was originally delayed.

After buying 86-DOS, Microsoft sold their copies as MS-DOS while IBM sold their copies as PC DOS. But it was because 86-DOS was a third-party implementation of CP/M, 86-DOS, and by proxy MS-DOS, borrowed many of the features and concepts found in CP/M.

But Microsoft never stole CP/M.

So they stole 86-DOS, who stole CP/M. Still CP/M stolen arrives in Microsoft product.
ID: 1686090 · Report as offensive
OzzFan Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1686091 - Posted: 30 May 2015, 17:19:26 UTC - in response to Message 1686090.  

So they stole 86-DOS, who stole CP/M. Still CP/M stolen arrives in Microsoft product.

I'm not sure where you're getting the stealing part from. Microsoft bought 86-DOS off of Seattle Computer Products, then released it as MS-DOS. 86-DOS was an original implementation of 8bit CP/M, as in: no code was taken or "stolen".
ID: 1686091 · Report as offensive
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Message 1686108 - Posted: 30 May 2015, 18:57:42 UTC - in response to Message 1686090.  
Last modified: 30 May 2015, 18:58:10 UTC

So they stole 86-DOS, who stole CP/M. Still CP/M stolen arrives in Microsoft product.

Here is the story.
You can now download Microsoft DOS V1.1 and V2.0 Source Code from the link and perhaps use it:)
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Message 1686243 - Posted: 31 May 2015, 11:03:05 UTC

All is not scrap thrown. It discovered a recycling center in Silicon Valley in the US, where a woman filed an old computer that would be thrown away. But the computer turned out to be worth 200,000 dollars.
The computer is one of about 200 copies of an early model that was put together by the Apple founders Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne, dating from 1976.
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Darth Beaver Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor

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Message 1686255 - Posted: 31 May 2015, 12:10:50 UTC - in response to Message 1686090.  

Remember Microsoft started by stealing CP/M.

This is not true. Bill Gates of Microsoft was approached by IBM for an Operating System, and Bill actually suggested IBM go to Gary Kildall to license CP/M, which many believed would be the defacto standard for 16bit microcomputers. Gary didn't want to sign IBM's non-disclosure agreement so the talks failed.

IBM returned to Microsoft for an operating system for their "upcoming new" microcomputer. Microsoft then purchased 86-DOS off of Seattle Computer Products. 86-DOS, previously known as QDOS or Quick and Dirty Operating System, was a quick implementation of the 8bit CP/M for x86 microprocessors, because the 16bit implementation of CP/M was originally delayed.

After buying 86-DOS, Microsoft sold their copies as MS-DOS while IBM sold their copies as PC DOS. But it was because 86-DOS was a third-party implementation of CP/M, 86-DOS, and by proxy MS-DOS, borrowed many of the features and concepts found in CP/M.

But Microsoft never stole CP/M.

So they stole 86-DOS, who stole CP/M. Still CP/M stolen arrives in Microsoft product.

From what i herd Bill gates payed like $50,000 for that dos system then walk across the road and sold it to IBM for 1 million .
OR you could say he ripped off 86-dos which is stealing in my book .
So why would Microsoft change now after all it wasn't to many years ago there was the antitrust suit .
Leapards never change there spots so i don't expect Microsoft to ever change either
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Message 1688882 - Posted: 7 Jun 2015, 11:11:44 UTC

Interesting report.

Self healing technology
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