African MIgrants

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Message 1667261 - Posted: 19 Apr 2015, 17:31:39 UTC

UNHCR: Mare Nostrum serves European - Against the tragedies of migrants at sea need an operation "Mare Nostrum European. The demand for over a year and there was no response." He said Carlotta Sami, UNHCR spokesperson, interviewed by SkyTg24. "If the budget of this latest tragedy will be confirmed the number of deaths in the Mediterranean over the last ten days will come to more than a thousand," he added. "Today is a tragedy of enormous proportions that confirmation - added Sami - the need for European intervention in the field that puts adequate means of relief." From Libya, reiterated Sami "depart boats full to 'far-fetched" and when they are launching the call for help, "the means of harbor Italian take too long to reach them."
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Message 1667320 - Posted: 19 Apr 2015, 20:22:34 UTC
Last modified: 19 Apr 2015, 20:27:57 UTC

Number drowned in the mediterranean in April approaches 100/day. That's like the peak of Ebola in September 2014. If number match, actions must match!

Quote Hans Rosling.
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Message 1667374 - Posted: 19 Apr 2015, 21:52:58 UTC

Easier said than done.

To take the Dutch situation, our current government is having a little crisis over what to do with asylum seekers that have their asylum request denied. One party says we should be decent human beings and provide them with at least the minimum shelter (bed, bath, bread as they call it in the media), while the other party claims that providing them the bare minimum is just going to attract more asylum seekers (because really, people are fleeing their country just so they can live in a bloody Dutch homeless shelter since thats what bed, bath and bread basically comes down to).

Now whats gonna happen when these people are going to have to decide on how to help prevent the Mediterranean sea from turning into a mass grave. I fear that one of our government parties lacks the basic humanity to help them, out of fear that it might attract more asylum seekers trying to get in by boat.
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Message 1667526 - Posted: 20 Apr 2015, 8:46:03 UTC

Less talk, more action needed

"We have what is possibly becoming a failed state at our doorstep. We have criminal gangs having a heyday organising these trips in rickety boats... We need to get the Libyan factions together to form some sort of government of almost national unity."

In the Middle East/Africa?
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Message 1667527 - Posted: 20 Apr 2015, 8:52:39 UTC - in response to Message 1667439.  

Do the majority of people, of the individual European Country's, want more?

If no...

If countries only did what the people wanted, we would all be bankrupt by now. People want all kinds of things, lower taxes, free education, free healthcare, driving on the highways going 200 km/h. Just because they want it doesn't mean they should therefor get it.

Thats what leaders are for, to tell us that we can't have everything we want, and that of all the things we want, we have to prioritize what we really want and what we can live without. And if they are really inspired leaders, they will argue for something and convince the majority that what he says is a great idea.

In this case, its not about if people want more asylum seekers in Europe. Its about being decent human beings. If the majority of people don't want to be decent human beings, than they deserved to be called out on that. But to be honest, I don't think the majority of people are that cruel.I think that any half decent politician can convince the majority of people that helping these people out and prevent thousands from drowning is the right thing to do and a worthwhile cause.

The real question is if politicians realize this, or if they are so hung up about posturing to look tough on asylum seekers because they fear the right wing populists that they forget to stand for something.
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Message 1667532 - Posted: 20 Apr 2015, 9:23:41 UTC - in response to Message 1667527.  

The Eurozone is not engaged in any major or regional conflicts, so put their damned navies to good use! Commence regular patrols & not so many attempts will be made.

Once that takes effect, demand that the international community use their superior Diplomacy in resolving the issues at hand & if that fails, they can resort to their "ace in the hole" - Sanctions.

The "soft under-belly" of Europe...

In this case, its not about if people want more asylum seekers in Europe. Its about being decent human beings.

...& the criminals know this!
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Message 1667549 - Posted: 20 Apr 2015, 11:37:05 UTC
Last modified: 20 Apr 2015, 11:48:04 UTC

OMG. Not again!
Distress Call From Sinking Migrant Boat In Med

A boat with 300 migrants on board is reportedly sinking in the Mediterranean as video emerges of refugees being rescued in Rhodes Greece.
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Message 1667579 - Posted: 20 Apr 2015, 13:54:38 UTC
Last modified: 20 Apr 2015, 13:59:19 UTC

'Human dignity'
Ahead of the Luxembourg talks, the EU's foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini said Europe had a "political and moral duty" to act on the migrant crisis in the Mediterranean.
"The Mediterranean is our sea and we have to act together as Europeans... The European Union was built and is built around the protection of human rights, human dignity and the life of human people - we need to be consistent in that."

35,000 Migrants have arrived from North Africa in 2015
218,000 Estimated to have crossed the Mediterranean in 2014
3,500 Migrants died attempting the crossing last year
Source: UNHCR

The EU has been criticised since the rescue operation, Mare Nostrum, was ended last year amid concerns over cost and fears it was encouraging more migrants. It now runs a more limited border control operation called Triton.

Mare Nostrum means Our Sea in Latin and was the Roman name for the Mediterranean Sea.
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Message 1667584 - Posted: 20 Apr 2015, 14:08:13 UTC - in response to Message 1667576.  

Understand you, and others, will attempt to force people to...

Can you stop with silly and unthinking "Right Wing" accusing, ideological rants?

The People (do understand you believe you are superior to them) will always react to people like you, and it will end bad.

Do you understand?

I won't force anyone to do anything.

And right wing rant? Really? The European right wing is the wing that is happy to let thousands of people drown, I want the exact opposite, yet I'm the right wing according to you. Really Clyde, you don't know what the f you are talking about.

Am I superior to 'the people'? No, because 'the people' are the invention of demagogues. People who claim to know what everyone supposedly wants are liars. The people do not exist. There are people, individuals, little groups even, but they do not form some homogeneous mass with one single will. I can't be better than something that does not exist.

I am better than some of my fellow countrymen though. I am better than the guy who reacts to the news that 700 people have just drowned with 'Good, thats 700 welfare queens less, to bad about those few survivors, they will probably come here and get therapy for their 'trauma' on taxpayer money.' I am better than anyone whose first reaction to 700 dead is 'good'.
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Message 1667587 - Posted: 20 Apr 2015, 14:15:50 UTC - in response to Message 1667582.  

I do agree with the above.

We in The West, must come to a 'Practicable Solution' to this problem. Not some silly (and worse) Ideological Rants. Which will only make the situation worse, and The People's reactions...

Which is my point and which led to this 'ideological rant' namely that practical solutions are difficult to come up with when people drowning in the sea is exactly what is intended to happen by policy makers. The current EU policy isn't failing, its working exactly as intended. Dead people can't apply for asylum and dead people serve as a warning for others not to try entering the EU this way.
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Profile janneseti

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Message 1667592 - Posted: 20 Apr 2015, 14:21:55 UTC

I Think everyone have some dignity. Even politicians.
But many don't want refugees and immigrants on their Backyard.
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Message 1667593 - Posted: 20 Apr 2015, 14:24:30 UTC - in response to Message 1667588.  

Understand, if possible.

Just because there are Mass Murdering, Enslaving Marxist's in any Social, or Political Discussion:

Only a really Disturbed Person, or a Complete Idiot, or a Nazi Type, would 'Rant' continually regarding The Marxists, Reds, Pinko's, etc., in any discussion. And believing anyone disagreeing Must be a Marxist.


The hell? Marxists? What are you talking about.

Wait, nevermind, don't bother to respond, this will only further derail the discussion.
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Profile janneseti

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Message 1667607 - Posted: 20 Apr 2015, 14:45:11 UTC - in response to Message 1667601.  
Last modified: 20 Apr 2015, 14:47:01 UTC

There is a Mediterranean summit right now in EU as EU ministers met in Luxembourg to discuss the crisis today.

Add climate Changes to this.
What will you get?

From Pax Romana to Fortress Europe...
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Message 1667643 - Posted: 20 Apr 2015, 16:13:43 UTC
Last modified: 20 Apr 2015, 16:36:11 UTC

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Message 1668059 - Posted: 21 Apr 2015, 13:38:02 UTC
Last modified: 21 Apr 2015, 13:46:59 UTC

Disturbing numbers about the mediterrian migrants.
Only 15% are women and minors!

To Italy this year.
To Italy, Greece and Malta this year
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Message 1668082 - Posted: 21 Apr 2015, 14:49:53 UTC - in response to Message 1668071.  
Last modified: 21 Apr 2015, 14:51:29 UTC

David Cameron speaks about migration within EU.
Responding to Mr Cameron’s interview, Ukip leader Nigel Farage said: “David Cameron seems to be trying to sound like me. But the thing is, I believe in what I say.”
One idea of EU is that persons can move and work within EU.
However the EU has received plenty of criticism, not least from various human rights organizations for their inability to deal with migrants death. According to Margot Wallström, the EU overall credibility at stake.
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Message 1668498 - Posted: 22 Apr 2015, 16:48:18 UTC

The darker your skin - the further down you go: The hierarchical system aboard Italy's migrant boats that governs who lives and who dies.
Survivors have told of African migrants being forced below deck and threatened or killed if they try to escape.
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Message 1668563 - Posted: 22 Apr 2015, 19:17:57 UTC - in response to Message 1668071.  

Why can't the world say to these tuppeny-happeny administrations, "If you won't clean up your country and put a stop to nobody wanting to live there, then we will do it for you".

Because that has worked so well in the past. Countries tend not to like it when other countries get up all in their business. Even more so when said country is run by a dictator, who doesn't like the prospect of giving up power.

Italy, Spain, France, Greece etc simply cannot go on accepting thousands of African migrants, or Eastern Europeans for that matter, they and we simply cant afford it. But because of the Western code of civilisation, we try to do so for humanitarian purposes. Perhaps if the word got around that anyone trying to get to Europe via people smugglers is 90% likely to die in the attempt, that might help. But while these attempts happen, we just have to keep on sweeping up the mess.

Eastern Europeans are hardly a problem in those countries, and more importantly, Eastern Europeans aren't problematic like these asylum seekers. If anything, Eastern Europeans are a boon for the local economy. So lets not drag Eastern Europeans into this conversation.

And yes, clearly the Southern countries cannot handle this all on their own. Which is why Northern countries need to step up and get more involved. We need a fairer spread of asylum seekers over EU member states and all EU member states should get more involved with supporting the border patrol missions.

Also current policy is basically to let people drown in the hope that discourages people. First of all, it DOES NOT discourage people one bit. Second of all, its a disgrace that we have a policy in place that relies on human beings dying and serving as a message to other human beings not to come here.
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Message 1668743 - Posted: 23 Apr 2015, 3:44:46 UTC

You can always do what Tony Abbott has done here seeing as he has said that is what Europe should do .

Turn the boats back and have a policy of ...

IF YOU COME IN A BOAT YOU ARE A QUE JUMPER AND WILL NEVER BE SETTLED IN AUSTRALIA . and this is the policy of a Rhodes scholar .....

SELECTION criteria for a Rhodes Scholar :

Rhodes's legacy specified four standards by which applicants were to be judged:

Literary and scholastic attainments;
Energy to use one's talents to the fullest, as exemplified by fondness for and success in sports;
Truth, courage, devotion to duty, sympathy for and protection of the weak, kindliness, unselfishness and fellowship;
Moral force of character and instincts to lead, and to take an interest in one's fellow beings.

part 3 and 4 are a joke and these are the people we elect .......
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Profile janneseti

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Message 1668875 - Posted: 23 Apr 2015, 10:26:05 UTC - in response to Message 1668743.  

You can always do what Tony Abbott has done here seeing as he has said that is what Europe should do .
Turn the boats back and have a policy of ...
IF YOU COME IN A BOAT YOU ARE A QUE JUMPER AND WILL NEVER BE SETTLED IN AUSTRALIA . and this is the policy of a Rhodes scholar .....

The "boats" coming to Europe are not seaworthy and overcrowded.
Let's say the Costguard make a boat to turn back and the boat sinks.
Who's responsible?
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