Russia in the 21C

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Profile janneseti

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Message 1882096 - Posted: 4 Aug 2017, 17:37:35 UTC - in response to Message 1882060.  
Last modified: 4 Aug 2017, 17:42:05 UTC

And your posts confirm what we are saying.

Delusion can be steady but this stability don't make delusion true.

Russia are escalating their military forces in St Petersburg and Kaliningrad.
Russia are escalating their military forces in Alakurtti , Murmansk only 50 km from Finland and some places very near Norway and also Pskov very near Estonia.
Air force drills around Gotland and Blekinge in Sweden.
Open threats from Kremlin officials saying to both Denmark and Sweden.
"You should know that we have nukes"
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Profile Igor Kostyaev
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Message 1882099 - Posted: 4 Aug 2017, 17:46:14 UTC - in response to Message 1882077.  
Last modified: 4 Aug 2017, 17:46:48 UTC

And your posts confirm what we are saying.

Delusion can be steady but this stability don't make delusion true.

I and janne, couldn't have described your beliefs any better.

Yes, I expected you will write something like this.
It is interesting, how many years will you wait and look, before you will understand elementary thing - Russia don't want to occupy Baltics?
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Profile janneseti

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Message 1882105 - Posted: 4 Aug 2017, 18:38:02 UTC - in response to Message 1882099.  

Russia don't want to occupy Baltics?

Why a question mark?
Since Peter the Great, Russia has always wanted the Baltic Sea.
For more than 300 years!
One of the Peter's main goals was to regain access to the Baltic Sea and Baltic trade. In 1700 he started the Northern War with Sweden, which lasted for 21 years. In the course of the war St. Petersburg was founded (1703) in the Neva River delta. At the end of the war Russia was victorious and conquered the vast lands on the Baltic coast. Russia gained access to European trade and St. Petersburg became her major sea port.

Later Soviet Union occupied Kaliningrad (German city called Königsberg) during late WWII and are still there.
And of course Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania but they where released in the early 90's.
That Russia would like very much control over Gotland in the Baltic Sea is also very well known.
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Message 1882114 - Posted: 4 Aug 2017, 20:22:30 UTC - in response to Message 1882099.  

It is interesting, how many years will you wait and look, before you will understand elementary thing - Russia don't want to occupy Baltics?

Then why did the Soviet Union after WWII?
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Profile janneseti

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Message 1882133 - Posted: 4 Aug 2017, 21:37:44 UTC - in response to Message 1882114.  

It is interesting, how many years will you wait and look, before you will understand elementary thing - Russia don't want to occupy Baltics?

Then why did the Soviet Union after WWII?

And the Soviet occupation of Bornholm in 1945?,13.1414069,8.25z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x46550e79e64f7b07:0xf84b68b18fbadf12!8m2!3d55.160428!4d14.8668836
Many theories have been presented why the Soviet Union occupied Bornholm. Often motivated by Bornholm's strategic position in the Baltic Sea, valuable to the Soviet Union in an attack west through Danish belts. Others have argued that the Soviet leadership for political reasons would achieve a foothold in Denmark. Others have stated that by participating in the liberation of Denmark, the Soviet Union thought that it could influence the political situation in the strategically important Denmark after the war.
The Soviet Union negotiated specific requirements for lifting occupation. Denmark undertook to:
Keep troops on Bornholm to "protect the island from foreign aggression"
Do not allow stationing of foreign troops on Bornholm
This attitude was even after Denmark joined NATO. The Soviet then accepted the stationing of Danish troops, but opposed the presence of other NATO troops on the island - especially American troops.
With these guarantees, the Soviet Union certainly achieved some of its goals with the occupation of Bornholm, which thus can be considered a Soviet success.
The Soviet troops left Bornholm on April 5, 1946.

Just one example of what Russia wants.
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Profile Igor Kostyaev
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Message 1882203 - Posted: 5 Aug 2017, 5:25:08 UTC - in response to Message 1882114.  

It is interesting, how many years will you wait and look, before you will understand elementary thing - Russia don't want to occupy Baltics?

Then why did the Soviet Union after WWII?

Why do you write about the past? I wrote about modern situation. Once again - Russia don't want to occupy any Baltic countries, i.e. Russia don't need more territories near Baltic Sea. Russia already have all territories needed for Russia near Baltic Sea. Russia have not any territorial pretensions in that region.
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Profile janneseti

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Message 1882210 - Posted: 5 Aug 2017, 6:27:05 UTC - in response to Message 1882203.  
Last modified: 5 Aug 2017, 6:31:53 UTC

It is interesting, how many years will you wait and look, before you will understand elementary thing - Russia don't want to occupy Baltics?

Then why did the Soviet Union after WWII?

Why do you write about the past? I wrote about modern situation. Once again - Russia don't want to occupy any Baltic countries, i.e. Russia don't need more territories near Baltic Sea. Russia already have all territories needed for Russia near Baltic Sea. Russia have not any territorial pretensions in that region.

Some MODERN history!

After the fall of the Soviet Union, the Baltic Sea fleet has become more difficult to maintain when the Baltic bases have disappeared. Kronstadt and Baltijsk in the Kaliningrad area are now the only major bases left. [1] However, several new vessels have been added in recent years, such as heavy corvettes in the Steregushchi class and long-distance missile carriers in the form of Bujan class ships.

On Good Friday, 2013, Russian bombers practiced attacks against potential targets in the Stockholm area and southern Sweden. Summer 2015 was conducted a similar exercise. In 2014 and 2015, the Russian Navy repeatedly interfered with the now completed construction of the Nordbalt cable between Sweden and Lithuania. The Swedish Foreign Office then responded with a sharply formulated protest note to the Russians.

A key issue in 2016 is the Russian military's plans to place the state-of-the-art Iskander robotic system in the Russian enclave Kaliningrad, clamped between the countries of Poland and Lithuania, at a distance of 300 kilometers from Gotland. Formerly, Iskander has been used by the Russian military during the war in Georgia in 2008.

Igor! I have more examples of Russia's interest of the Baltics in modern times.
Does Nord Stream 2 ring a bell?
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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1882211 - Posted: 5 Aug 2017, 6:27:27 UTC - in response to Message 1882203.  

It is interesting, how many years will you wait and look, before you will understand elementary thing - Russia don't want to occupy Baltics?

Then why did the Soviet Union after WWII?

Why do you write about the past? I wrote about modern situation. Once again - Russia don't want to occupy any Baltic countries, i.e. Russia don't need more territories near Baltic Sea. Russia already have all territories needed for Russia near Baltic Sea. Russia have not any territorial pretensions in that region.

Translation, no mineral resources, no need for a port. Correct?
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Profile Igor Kostyaev
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Message 1882217 - Posted: 5 Aug 2017, 8:26:42 UTC - in response to Message 1882211.  

Translation, no mineral resources, no need for a port. Correct?

No territorial pretensions to other countries. Is it difficult to understand?
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Profile janneseti

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Message 1882224 - Posted: 5 Aug 2017, 10:16:42 UTC - in response to Message 1882217.  

Translation, no mineral resources, no need for a port. Correct?

No territorial pretensions to other countries. Is it difficult to understand?

Yes! Because Russia have territorial claims to other countries.
Transnistria in Moldava is a very Russian territorial pretension.
As Abkhazia and South Ossetian that are regions of Georgia.
Crimea, Still a region of Ukraine.
The last Russian forces left Estonia only on August 31, 1994

Funny you mention Russian claims as Russian territorial pretensions.
Pretension "a claim or right to attention or honor because of merit".
What merit does Russia have?
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Profile janneseti

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Message 1882229 - Posted: 5 Aug 2017, 12:34:32 UTC
Last modified: 5 Aug 2017, 12:40:16 UTC

In US the president have many family members in his staff.
How about Russia?
Well. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov’s teenage daughter is one.
It was with Avanti, where Peskova serves as an adviser on youth politics, that she arrived in Sevastopol, Crimea. The announcement of the August 1-2 visit immediately drew mockery on social media.
“Liza Peskova will fly to Syria and deal with ISIS. After that she’ll solve the North Korea-U.S. problems and also will show how to plant potatoes in Uryupinsk.” one Twitter user wrote.
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Profile Igor Kostyaev
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Message 1882398 - Posted: 6 Aug 2017, 8:53:56 UTC - in response to Message 1882217.  

Translation, no mineral resources, no need for a port. Correct?

Russia have no any territorial claims to other countries in Baltic region. Russia have no territorial claims to any countries in any regions, no claims to change modern borders, of course if to consider that the Crimea is part of Russia.
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Profile janneseti

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Message 1882400 - Posted: 6 Aug 2017, 10:23:23 UTC - in response to Message 1882398.  

Translation, no mineral resources, no need for a port. Correct?

Russia have no any territorial claims to other countries in Baltic region. Russia have no territorial claims to any countries in any regions, no claims to change modern borders, of course if to consider that the Crimea is part of Russia.

Modern borders?
Both Finland and Estonia wonders why Russia still doesn't follow the treaties and agreements about border issues aggreed upon after WWII.

The Estonia-Russia border treaty had been signed in Moscow on 18 May 2005 and ratified by Estonia, but was not ratified by Russia — official reason for this was the fact that Estonia's internal treaty ratification legislation passed by parliament mentioned the 1920 Treaty of Tartu (the treaty under which these territories were originally recognised as Estonian).
On 6 September 2005, the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs summoned Anne Härmaste, Chargé d'Affaires ad interim of Estonia in Russia, and handed her a note containing a notice of the intention of the Russian Federation to withdraw its signature and not to become a party to the Treaty Between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Estonia on the Russian-Estonian State Border and to the Treaty Between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Estonia on the Delimitation of the Sea Areas in the Narva Estuary and Gulf of Finland.
The Treaty of Tartu is considered to be a historical document of no legal power by Russia, while in Estonia the situation is different, as officially Estonia is considers itself the continuation state of the interwar Estonia.
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Profile janneseti

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Message 1882427 - Posted: 6 Aug 2017, 15:39:00 UTC

The 'Field Kitchen' ARMI-2017 contest has taken place in Russia. The participants cooked dinner from 38 different ingredients. Among the finished dishes were herring with beet salad, beef entrecote with potatoes and cheese and a traditional Russian 'rassolnik' soup made with meat, pickles, and barley.
As a conscript we had to do with this served lukewarm in the winter...
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Profile janneseti

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Message 1882634 - Posted: 7 Aug 2017, 15:33:24 UTC

There has been a lot of complaints in the US about Trump spending so much time on the golf course.
Well, Putin is spending a lot of time for leisure as well.
According to the Kremlin holiday report, Putin has caught a very big pike with a harpoon after having hunted it for two hours in the cold water in Tuva, Siberia.

Actually I think it's OK that leaders of nations can have some holidays per year.
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Profile janneseti

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Message 1882704 - Posted: 8 Aug 2017, 0:45:19 UTC - in response to Message 1882694.  

Perhaps it would be better for the world. If both Putin and Trump took more time away from their 'Duties' :)

Yes. And why do they not play hockey in the meantime?

Wait a minute.
New York Rangers and John McEnroe together with Trump?
There is also some other guy next to Trump that I think recognize as well...
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Profile janneseti

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Message 1884288 - Posted: 16 Aug 2017, 21:44:28 UTC

Gopnik wedding. Very weird...

I think I will wear a Telnyashka at that wedding.
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Profile janneseti

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Message 1885737 - Posted: 24 Aug 2017, 6:57:09 UTC

The Road to Zapad 2017.
Soon, Russia will launch what could be the largest military exercise since the end of the Cold War. Known as Zapad 2017, this exercise will get underway on September 14. It will test contingency plans for a full-scale conflict with NATO and interoperability with Belarus and the Commonwealth Security Treaty Organization

Zapad, meaning “West” in Russian and it will take place in the Baltic region.
Where else?

Belarus will have observers from Ukraine, Poland, Lithuania and Latvia.
And within the framework of bilateral agreements, invited observers from Estonia, Sweden and Norway.

But Russia has not invited observers...
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Profile Igor Kostyaev
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Message 1886574 - Posted: 28 Aug 2017, 5:49:57 UTC

American Thinker: Surprising results from new 'Anti-Semitic Violence in Europe' report
The country that "clearly stands out" as having a low number of anti-Semitic incidents despite its relatively large Jewish population? Russia.
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Profile Igor Kostyaev
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Message 1886620 - Posted: 28 Aug 2017, 14:28:48 UTC - in response to Message 1886606.  

The very large Russian Jewish Immigrant Community in my Country. With whom I used to interact on a daily basis. Begs to differ.

In those times they constantly said that they aspire to their homeland, but after crossing the USSR borders many of them sharply changed the direction and went to Canada and USA.
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