Lunatics Windows Installer v0.42 Release Notes

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Richard Haselgrove Project Donor
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Message 1568153 - Posted: 6 Sep 2014, 9:02:09 UTC - in response to Message 1568131.  

Noticed I had an invalid CPU task 1567544761 on my host 7324426 with the new AP app . I saved the full Stderr output from all 3 results for when this vanishes, but can't figure out the fanout for AP tasks to save the work itself. Looks like the way to calculate that is different from MB?

The principle is the same. I've published the tool we use to generate the fanout url - an Excel spreadsheet, but it's been tested to work under OpenOffice and LibreOffice too. It generates urls for either MB or AP, Main or Beta.;sa=dlview;id=415

AP WU files tend to be deleted very quickly after validation - if it's not there, it's not there.
ID: 1568153 · Report as offensive
Profile Mike Special Project $75 donor
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Message 1568158 - Posted: 6 Sep 2014, 9:22:02 UTC - in response to Message 1568153.  
Last modified: 6 Sep 2014, 9:22:44 UTC

Noticed I had an invalid CPU task 1567544761 on my host 7324426 with the new AP app . I saved the full Stderr output from all 3 results for when this vanishes, but can't figure out the fanout for AP tasks to save the work itself. Looks like the way to calculate that is different from MB?

The principle is the same. I've published the tool we use to generate the fanout url - an Excel spreadsheet, but it's been tested to work under OpenOffice and LibreOffice too. It generates urls for either MB or AP, Main or Beta.;sa=dlview;id=415

AP WU files tend to be deleted very quickly after validation - if it's not there, it's not there.

It seems its purged already.
I tried an hour ago.

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ID: 1568158 · Report as offensive
Profile Raistmer
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Message 1568225 - Posted: 6 Sep 2014, 14:57:45 UTC - in response to Message 1568131.  

Thanks for report. Little we can do w/o task itself. But please continue to look for such cases. And try to catch task.

Here is what I think is pertinent & links to the output I saved for analysis.

Task ID: 3681602891
AstroPulse v6 Anonymous platform (NVIDIA GPU)
AstroPulse v6 Windows x86 rev 2399

    single pulses: 2
repetitive pulses: 0
  percent blanked: 3.18
Single pulse: peak_power=38.13 dm=5946 fft_num=29147136 peak_bin=29154000 scale=2
Single pulse: peak_power=130 dm=9335 fft_num=17809408 peak_bin=17820800 scale=6

Task ID: 3681602892
AstroPulse v6 Anonymous platform (CPU)
AstroPulse v6 Windows x64 rev 2163

    single pulses: 2
repetitive pulses: 1
  percent blanked: 3.18
Single pulse: peak_power=38.13 dm=5946 fft_num=29147136 peak_bin=29154000 scale=2
Single pulse: peak_power=130 dm=9335 fft_num=17809408 peak_bin=17820800 scale=6
Rep. pulse: peak_power=9469 dm=-9776 peak_bin=1280 scale=4 ffa_scale=1 period=236.14

Task ID: 3719572871
AstroPulse v6 v6.06 (opencl_ati_100)
Windows x86 rev 1832

    single pulses: 2
repetitive pulses: 0
  percent blanked: 3.18
Single pulse: peak_power=38.13; dm=5946; scale=2
Single pulse: peak_power=130; dm=9335; scale=6
ID: 1568225 · Report as offensive
Profile HAL9000
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Message 1568342 - Posted: 6 Sep 2014, 20:24:04 UTC - in response to Message 1568153.  

Noticed I had an invalid CPU task 1567544761 on my host 7324426 with the new AP app . I saved the full Stderr output from all 3 results for when this vanishes, but can't figure out the fanout for AP tasks to save the work itself. Looks like the way to calculate that is different from MB?

The principle is the same. I've published the tool we use to generate the fanout url - an Excel spreadsheet, but it's been tested to work under OpenOffice and LibreOffice too. It generates urls for either MB or AP, Main or Beta.;sa=dlview;id=415

AP WU files tend to be deleted very quickly after validation - if it's not there, it's not there.

I was using the fanout url tool but it was ~3AM and I was not sure. Seems it was gone already.

Probably just a fluke or that machine being a dunce. Given the volume of valid work.
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ID: 1568342 · Report as offensive
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