6a: Setting Europe Ablaze - Part 2

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Message 1521192 - Posted: 26 May 2014, 8:16:18 UTC - in response to Message 1521186.  

Whatever you think of him, he's an extraordinary politician. No matter what's thrown at him, he just comes back stronger every time.

& even stronger...

"The election has delivered a big blow to the political establishment in Europe - the establishment that pursued austerity and bank bailouts, at great cost to millions of ordinary voters."

No it hasn't. Yeah, they voted in some xenophobes, racists, homophobes and all around terrible human beings, because people are exceptionally stupid. But in the end, the Christian democrats still won, Juncker gets to be the next Commission president and we can expect more austerity and less progress. Well done European citizens, you disappoint me.
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Message 1521195 - Posted: 26 May 2014, 8:32:51 UTC - in response to Message 1521192.  

Disappointing for some? Maybe..

...but you still missed a very vital point!

It was a wake up call for the "so-called" leaders that they have drifted too far away from those they are supposed to lead.

Continue on the road they travel & the next one will not be a wake up but an alarm!

Churchill said it best...

..."this is not the end of the war but a 20 year truce". He was disliked because of his views & his reading of all leaders at that time so they cast him into the wilderness.

20 years later, the world found at their cost that he was correct.

Was he a physic? A snake oil peddler? A nefarious villain?

None of those, he was able to read people & situations & knew that the future looked dark.

I don't think he knew just how dark it was going to get, but he had the courage to make very difficult decisions & stuck to them.

At the moment, the EU is a pot of water on a cooker...

... it's just simmering for now but unless it's watched carefully, it will boil over!
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Message 1521210 - Posted: 26 May 2014, 9:11:04 UTC

Ehm, what European war happened 20 years after Churchill predicted that.

Also, I do not care what shortsighted idiots think or what they want. A politicians job is to lead, not to react on what the polls and headlines say. It is a politicians job therefor, to explain to the public why it needs the EU and why the country goes ahead with being part of the EU. But instead these spineless idiots just say whatever they think the public wants to hear. They blame Brussels because it suits them, they yell they want out because it suits them. And then when they get elected they notice that doing so would crash the economy and they come back on their promises. And the public reacts by getting angry at the politician for not keeping his promise.

So they go to a guy like Farrage, who is either lying and just saying things that work well in the polls but in the end doesn't follow through, or he is a dangerous idiot that actually believes and follows up on his promises. In which case he would crash the economy and get booted out of office during the next elections because people hold him responsible for selling them a dream that turns out to be a nightmare.

But whatever. People's stupidity has consequences and they will feel it at some point. Its just to bad that their stupidity has consequences for me too, so if they screw up, I feel it.
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Message 1521212 - Posted: 26 May 2014, 9:15:41 UTC - in response to Message 1521210.  

Ehm, what European war happened 20 years after Churchill predicted that.

Are you serious?
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Message 1521223 - Posted: 26 May 2014, 9:45:23 UTC - in response to Message 1521212.  

Ehm, what European war happened 20 years after Churchill predicted that.

Are you serious?

Oh you mean he said that after WW1?

If not, then no I don't know what European war happened in 1965.
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Message 1521225 - Posted: 26 May 2014, 9:50:38 UTC - in response to Message 1521223.  

Ehm, what European war happened 20 years after Churchill predicted that.

Are you serious?

Oh you mean he said that after WW1?

If not, then no I don't know what European war happened in 1965.

For a graduate, you are disappointing, much worse than your disappointment with the EU elections.

I'll give you your starter for 10...


You do the math!
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Message 1521247 - Posted: 26 May 2014, 12:08:05 UTC - in response to Message 1521225.  

For a graduate, you are disappointing, much worse than your disappointment with the EU elections.

I'll give you your starter for 10...


You do the math!

Well excuse me for not having memorized the great book of Churchill quotes and when he said them.
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Sirius B Project Donor
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Message 1521249 - Posted: 26 May 2014, 12:11:27 UTC - in response to Message 1521247.  

For a graduate, you are disappointing, much worse than your disappointment with the EU elections.

I'll give you your starter for 10...


You do the math!

Well excuse me for not having memorized the great book of Churchill quotes and when he said them.

Tch, Tch, Tch!

Nothing to do with Churchill. Just what is Europe celebrating this year?

Those who forget the past are often doomed to repeat it!
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Message 1521250 - Posted: 26 May 2014, 12:12:59 UTC - in response to Message 1521249.  

For a graduate, you are disappointing, much worse than your disappointment with the EU elections.

I'll give you your starter for 10...


You do the math!

Well excuse me for not having memorized the great book of Churchill quotes and when he said them.

Tch, Tch, Tch!

Nothing to do with Churchill. Just what is Europe celebrating this year?

Those who forget the past are often doomed to repeat it!

I don't know if celebrating is the right word for remembering that time we collectively decided it was a good idea to send thousands of people to their deaths into one of the most pointless wars ever.
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Message 1521252 - Posted: 26 May 2014, 12:49:09 UTC - in response to Message 1521250.  

followed 20 years later by another

It seems the EU won't listen...

UK - People are disillusioned with politics

France - The people have spoken

Spain - We don't want to be a German Colony

Greece - Syriza win a warning to Samaras

4 separate nations all saying the same thing...

...how long before it takes a hold within all EU nations?

You keep stating it won't happen. It happened twice within the last 100 years.

The EU's meddling in the Ukraine should have warned them but they only see that great big trough & continue to spout useless soundbites.

The EU Army is currently standing at 26,000,000, won't be long before it will double.
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Message 1521266 - Posted: 26 May 2014, 15:26:00 UTC - in response to Message 1521249.  

Nothing to do with Churchill. Just what is Europe celebrating this year?

Those who forget the past are often doomed to repeat it!

70 years of the US of A saving you from yourself?
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Message 1521358 - Posted: 26 May 2014, 18:11:47 UTC - in response to Message 1521252.  

followed 20 years later by another

It seems the EU won't listen...

UK - People are disillusioned with politics

France - The people have spoken

Spain - We don't want to be a German Colony

Greece - Syriza win a warning to Samaras

4 separate nations all saying the same thing...

They are not saying the same thing. The UK people are not disillusioned by the EU. They don't know the first thing about the EU. This election result is the direct consequence of decades of UK politicians telling the public all kinds of nonsense about the EU and based on that nonsense the people voted. Essentially they voted based on misinformation, an uninformed vote.

France at the other hand votes in protest against the president who is doing a bad job at everything, according to the French. It is sad however, that they voted on a party of bigots, racists and anti-semites. Not exactly the same as the UK now is it?

Then there is Spain, who felt the whipping of lash because of the economic crisis. And quite rightly, they are angry at the direction the EU has been going. I agree with them, the EU's economic policy was uninspired at best. Sadly, that is not going to change, because the Christian Democrats still won the election. Juncker is going to be new Commission president, and it is going to be a 5 year long suckfest.

And then there is Greece. Well honestly, its Greece. It was a mistake from both sides to let them into the Eurozone and now they are paying for it.
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Message 1521361 - Posted: 26 May 2014, 18:18:55 UTC - in response to Message 1521358.  

So the fact that they all want their sovereignty back is not the same thing?

What planet you living on? Ork by chance?

We'll have to rename you...

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Message 1521375 - Posted: 26 May 2014, 19:05:36 UTC

The UK people are not disillusioned by the EU.

Sorry I didn't realised you lived in the UK and talk to English people every day.

People in the UK ARE disillusioned with the EU, I am not active in politics and have no axe to grind, but I know people in the UK blame the EU for the current large number of unemployed eastern Europeans in the UK.

They blame the EU for the UK being unable to make it's own laws and rules without having to kowtow to Brussels.

This is not necessarily my point of view but I hear it every day from English citizens.

I agree with Sirius, certainly in the UK, they want their sovereignty back.
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Message 1521382 - Posted: 26 May 2014, 19:36:06 UTC

the Christian Democrats still won the election
No wonder you people riot all of the time; you can't stop forcing your sharia law on others. Freedom is not just a buzz word in the US of A. Freedom from religion is an inherent inalienable right.
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Message 1521383 - Posted: 26 May 2014, 19:36:57 UTC - in response to Message 1521375.  

The UK people are not disillusioned by the EU.

Sorry I didn't realised you lived in the UK and talk to English people every day.

People in the UK ARE disillusioned with the EU, I am not active in politics and have no axe to grind, but I know people in the UK blame the EU for the current large number of unemployed eastern Europeans in the UK.

They blame the EU for the UK being unable to make it's own laws and rules without having to kowtow to Brussels.

This is not necessarily my point of view but I hear it every day from English citizens.

I agree with Sirius, certainly in the UK, they want their sovereignty back.

Yeah but that is the point. Those reasons you just named are utter nonsense. For one, ask any British employer who has Poles working for them what he thinks about those Eastern Europeans. Second, the EU rules are very very clear on this. The UK was not forced to take all those Eastern Europeans in. That was a decision made by the UK government, not Brussels. The idea that Brussels dictates all the policies in the UK is also utter nonsense. The UK got opt outs for nearly everything. In fact, in many policy areas the UK actually has to opt in first. So again, if Brussels is making up laws relevant to the UK, its because the UK government gave Brussels their express permission. Also, those rules are generally very technical in nature, and they hardly affect the average citizen.

And the UK wants it sovereignty back? This is whats going to happen if Nigel Farrage gets his way. The UK steps out of the EU. Cool, great, but the UK would like to remain trading with the EU, given that its a huge market for UK business. Which means the UK still has to comply with every little EU rule, except that this time, the UK got absolutely no say at all over those rules. So sovereignty back? Hah, you wish, by stepping out of the EU you lose sovereignty. And honestly, what does sovereignty mean when you are dealing with Russia and China? Sovereignty is not a right or something a country is entitled too. Sovereignty exists because the most powerful governments can impose it. The UK cannot impose its sovereignty anymore. Its not the global power it was when it still had its empire. But without it the UK is insignificant.

But what UK politician is telling this story to the voters? Right, non, because that wouldn't look well in the headlines and the polls. So what do all the politicians do? They tell that the UK can be off just fine without the EU and that it can get its sovereignty back if it steps out of the EU and that it does not hurt the economy at all. They blatantly lie to the voter but the voter is a dumbass and likes what he is hearing because those politicians are telling him exactly what he wants to hear. So he votes, not knowing any better. And so the UK loses.

But what if politicians had told the truth to the voters? That they are better off with the EU. That its nonsense that Brussels is dictating all the rules? That its the governments own fault that there are so many unemployed Eastern Europeans? Well perhaps Nigel Farrage wouldn't have won with such a landslide election result.
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Message 1521385 - Posted: 26 May 2014, 19:38:59 UTC - in response to Message 1521382.  
Last modified: 26 May 2014, 19:39:42 UTC

the Christian Democrats still won the election
No wonder you people riot all of the time; you can't stop forcing your sharia law on others. Freedom is not just a buzz word in the US of A. Freedom from religion is an inherent inalienable right.

Yeah, our Christian democrats are generally less Christian, less conservative and less pushy with religion as American republicans. Our freedom from religion is pretty safe, even in their hands.
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Message 1521424 - Posted: 26 May 2014, 22:07:57 UTC - in response to Message 1521383.  

I was right the first time! What planet are you living on? Without the member states, the EU is insignificant - in fact it's insignificant now - unelected cockroaches with nothing better to do than think up inane rules & regulations

Unlike you & your ilk who want to work for that bureaucracy(you stated this yourself) many do want to work & in fact do work.
The EU itself are nothing but politicians & that is the main message being sent. It has nothing to do with individual personalities.

People throughout Europe are disillusioned with politics & can you blame them when we see graduates bleating about rules, regulations, laws. How about putting that verbose skill of yours to good use & encourage companies to invest in each nation of the EU.

With most employed where they can see their families fed & clothed with the opportunity to save for better things, they wouldn't really care about the scum skimming from the top.

At the moment the disparity between those at the top & the rest of the citizenry is appalling.

Case in point & should have been seen as a warning signal, but as is obvious to the electorate, they're too blind to the $$$$ in front of their eyes...

...the explosion in the use of food banks & not just from the poverty stricken is one hell of a signal!
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Message 1521540 - Posted: 27 May 2014, 9:42:34 UTC - in response to Message 1521424.  

I was right the first time! What planet are you living on? Without the member states, the EU is insignificant - in fact it's insignificant now - unelected cockroaches with nothing better to do than think up inane rules & regulations

Yes insignificant. Its only the biggest trading block in the world. Its only the biggest economic market in the world. Veeerryy insignificant indeed /sarcasm.

Unlike you & your ilk who want to work for that bureaucracy(you stated this yourself) many do want to work & in fact do work.
The EU itself are nothing but politicians & that is the main message being sent. It has nothing to do with individual personalities.

That Bureaucracy has less civil servants than London or even Amsterdam does. For a bureaucracy with such a big job its remarkably small scale and effective.

People throughout Europe are disillusioned with politics & can you blame them when we see graduates bleating about rules, regulations, laws. How about putting that verbose skill of yours to good use & encourage companies to invest in each nation of the EU.

I don't need to encourage any companies to invest in other EU countries, they have already done that because they are not stupid and don't need to be told that having access to the largest market in the world has some big economic benefits attached to them.

And no, I don't think that people in Europe are disillusioned with politics because they all bleat about rules and laws.

With most employed where they can see their families fed & clothed with the opportunity to save for better things, they wouldn't really care about the scum skimming from the top.

At the moment the disparity between those at the top & the rest of the citizenry is appalling.

Yeah, if you talk about the UK. Wealth disparity is much less of an issue in most other European countries. But hey, thats what you get for not caring about politics. You let scumbags legally fill their pockets while you get nothing.

Case in point & should have been seen as a warning signal, but as is obvious to the electorate, they're too blind to the $$$$ in front of their eyes...

What money in front of my eyes? Oh, you think I'm going to get a job at the EU? Or in Brussels? Hehehe, getting a job at the EU is like winning a lottery, its almost impossible to get in. Same goes for all the companies working in Brussels. They much rather have unpaid interns than actual employees.

Also, I have reconsidered my ambition for working for the EU directly. Honestly it seems extremely boring.

...the explosion in the use of food banks & not just from the poverty stricken is one hell of a signal!

I agree, but being fed up with politics is not the answer. If anything, that signal should be a reason for more people to get involved in politics again.
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Message 1521704 - Posted: 27 May 2014, 23:40:40 UTC
Last modified: 27 May 2014, 23:47:01 UTC

For just over 2½ years I've been castigated, ridiculed, labelled, laughed at...

...when "educated intellectuals" say it...

For those that did so, how about doing the same to these muppets...

Brussels too big, too bossy, too interfering

"But speaking in Brussels, UKIP leader Nigel Farage said it felt like "business as usual".

"You know, there is a big dissident voice now in this parliament, and yet, I've just sat in a meeting where you wouldn't have thought anything had happened at all.""

The more things change, the more they stay the same!

Van romping says EU leaders agree to re-evaluate it's agenda

They have an agenda?
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