Stars are blue, Panthers are pink and the music plays here

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Message 2050362 - Posted: 26 May 2020, 11:43:27 UTC
Last modified: 26 May 2020, 12:04:27 UTC

And here lost at sea, and it also could happen, for only the little thing happening with the Account Manager, if not anything else instead.

Here empty of tasks with Einstein@home, and noticing that it now became CUDA for much of the rest, which I also forgot.

So here I could detach from also this project, except the more cumbersome thing of adding a user name and password for each project.

For that it became Asteroids@home and Milkyway@home respectively, and both running with Science United for that of account name,
because of detaching or disconnecting from the Account Manager.

So beware the wolf for only the competition it still could be, and here BOINC versus Science United for still such a Manager for both.
because here not Seti@home in the list for that of projects being chosen anymore.

I should tell you that this perhaps could be more difficult than just thought, so here leaving with an invalid email address,
but did not touch or change the password.

Either it should be an option of removing an account from inside it, or at least removal or change of password externally, or separately,
by means of a systems administrator, should be the latter option, when everything else is failing.

A password recovery is something I could be doing myself, so therefore an account belonging only with myself here, so therefore any
personal name or the like, only at your discretion, for that of being separately stored.

Never use a personal name with an account, unless specified by the user, and here for that of projects under an Account Manager for such.

You perhaps heard about the story where a relative of mine told me that public debt on my flat had been paid down, and here just straight on.

But next for only having the first cup of coffee here, any sitting on the floor, should perhaps be only resting for such, and not any working.

And for only searching on last name here, also the dreadful it could be for only such a story.

Always in respect with another for a given thing, and for that I could be still resting, for not any working it should be either.

"O Lord", be with me for only the Savior you could be, for still not any marching instead.

Suffering any pain could still be that of physical for such, when rather a strain instead, and therefore also something to endure, when also lasting.

So therefore still the resting it could be, for only that of the chair for such, for not any mountain climbing it could be instead.

But which next are the mechanisms being the "reason" behind any death when only happening for such?

Only just the thought it could be, for also guessing, just the mind it only could be, when that of a given thought for such.

But for not any Mentality it should be either, not making any further point on that above here, except only caps instead.

Here also that rain could be still coming down, for also the sand blowing in the desert, but for that, only driving forces for nature for such.

Make it perhaps a Supper instead, and it could become the final day of just living, for also the moment it could be.

So here do not wish me any luck either, for just going away, because for that, it could be only a final journey being made.

Only the desire it could be, for also lust as well, for just not any nice word, and it could end up being a wish for only something you could be seeking.

Here the material world it could be still for just everything, and therefore not any reason making it any immaterial, when only looking for a cause instead.

But only knowing that it could be happening, also that of an Event for such, for not any good versus bad instead, for only the Forces it still could be.

Only the driving forces it could be still, when responsible for nature here, and it becomes that of the physical only, and not any Metaphysical.

Perhaps love could be in the air, for only happiness for such, but also that tears could be wiped for only sorrow just being felt.

If still only the physical characteristics you could make it, for also an environment, still the challenge it could be, for also result, except only striving for the same.

Make it only peace on Earth, for that of resting instead, and next a resting place, for only the peace in Mind it could be.

So here perhaps only the butcher it could be, for also the axman as well, if not any hangman either, and for that, only the slaughter it could be still.

Here for not any resting place, for also the peace on Earth it could be, and next you perhaps only misunderstand, for just the misconception it also could be.

Should an excuse also be an apology for the same, or could you rather make it forgiveness, for only being relieved from a sin, when only earthly for such?

Making it the church here, and it could be an absolution from sins, for only being carried out, for not any renunciation instead.

Just do the wrong thing, and also the bad it could be, and for that also dirty business as well, but for that, only the blame it still could be.

Make it only an excuse, for still only blaming a couple of things, and next on your shoulders perhaps, for only a burden for such.

But only just leaving the Earth, for only the surface it still could be, and next also relieved from pain, for only the slaughter it could be.

Could it still be that of a finger just pointing at you, for only telling you did the wrong thing, or should it still be that of salvation with respect for only God?

So, what is the respect I could make it here, for only the science it could be, when not any Religion either?

Here you perhaps know that I do not like this one any much, for only the sacrifice it could be instead, when not any Religion it should be either.

Only the science it could be, and next also the endpoint it could be, when only time and space for such. for not any spiritual instead.

But is the meaning you could be making for life, also that of reasoning as well, or could you still be only guessing, for just the bluff it could still be?

Only the hard it could be, for also soft, when that of a gentle touch for such, not any cheating it should be either, when only just playing a little.

Proving for nature should be still for the hard it could be, for also the more gentle, if not any soft it could be instead, for just fine.

Just look instead, for only the eyes it could be for such, and next out in the distance for only the far away it could be still, and here also an understanding for such.

Perhaps the rain could be still coming down, for also a waterfall as well, but for that it should not be any capital flow either.

Only just sore eyes instead, for that of the driving rain it could be instead, and next the wind could also be blowing as well.

But also that from an Atheist point of view, for also an Agnostic as well, nature should not be coming with any excuse, for still only Event driven.

Mind you, tears could still be wept for only death for such, when also happening for the same, for still also a burden for such.

But only the excuse it could be still for only science, next not any gentle touch it could be either, for only the soft handling it could be.
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Message 2050366 - Posted: 26 May 2020, 13:09:30 UTC
Last modified: 26 May 2020, 13:16:17 UTC

And here you perhaps notice that I killed off or removed that link, for only becoming Mindset instead.

Here I do not like that, because just the Mentality it could be, also that of emotions for such, when still the wiping of a tear it could be.

So, make it still perhaps an excuse here for a couple of things, for not any endpoint it should be either, and next also science for a meaning.

Only that of Economics it could be still, for that of a subject, also Capital flow, when also that of a gain, for still not any waterfall instead.

Here those sciences it still could be, and next also separate for such, when also diverse, for still explaining their respective part of a given subject.

But also the things which could be that of extremes only for such, could also be absolutes just for meaning, when still proving for the same.

Making it any theological aspect, for only that of scientific knowledge instead, and next only the difference it could be.

So therefore respect for only a meaning, when you still could be only believing, for not any science that still could be needing Proof.

Einstein could just "think" that it could be Equations for nature, when proving for such, except still only the religious alternative for not any guessing either.

"May I present myself for still only the scientist I could be", and for that, not any tears being wiped, for just blowing in the wind.

Only just proving instead, and next I could also be knowing, for still a sentence for only such, for also the Equation it also could be.

So, for losing the point a little just above, perhaps still not any need just digging in the sand, for also the mud it could be, when only an answer for such.

Only the Proof it still should be, and next only for meaning for such, when also that of subject as well, for only where it could go.

Any dismissal of a Fact could also be a rejection for the same, when still perhaps proving for only a sentence.

But rather that death is not a thing you could escape for only a subject, for also the ultimate part it could be.

Make it any Miracle for still only past a given Comprehension, and also the Proof it should be for the same, when still not any there.

Rather that just death is what you could be taking for granted, for still only the meaning it could be, when also that of Sacrifice earlier on.

So. if not any ultimate either, just final instead, for only the moment it could be, when not any chapter either.

Only past of a given border, for also the interface it could be, and next also past or beyond for the same, when also that of infinity.

For that, only a different world it could be still, and next also Comprehension for the same, for that of a given meaning.

So here not any "transfixed" it should be either, when also that of gibberish or bogey for just a wrong word, but rather that you could make it "inherent" instead.

Such a thing as death is not something you are supposed to escape, and therefore only could be taking it for granted instead.

For that, you also could end up succumbing to that of death as well, for only just happening.

Only "Susan seeking" for just nature telling instead, and it could become only natural causes only for such, when still that of death for only a subject.

Because of that, not any "objection in the Court" it could be either, when only leaving it to nature just deciding, for also the outcome it could be.

But for only the aggrandizement and extol it could be, next also falling off the chair as well, for only ending up in despair, for also the failure it could be.

So, no need to speculate, for just the other thing or reason it could be, for still that of death being only a single outcome for such.

But here in fact I ended up falling off the chair, and for that, I also received an excuse, for also the apology it could be, and next I became relived of any sins.

Believe it or not, for still only the ultimate sacrifice it could be, and next also that of Heaven and Hell for only such.

Only the way it should go, and next it also should happen, for only an Event for such, when not any victim of circumstance you could end up be either.

If the Premise you could make, also could be a presumption for the same, next also nature for that of a guess, for still the thing you could only assume.

Therefore, still the single explanation, for just meaning for the same, when also that of science should be, for just belong.

Rather that we could still categorize for only a subject, and next make it that of part as well.

Here trying to say, or perhaps make it, that you still could be proving acid in water for only the Proof it should be, for not any witness to an Event you could be either.

Only such a thing for that of the latter, and it needs a separate Proof only for such, for still that of meaning.

Yes, come and go, and it still could only happen for such, for also the thing you could expect, for still not any unexpected it should be either.

Here it reminds me of the captain that could be disembarking a ship, but not recalling for what any reason either.

So, is nature just false only for meaning, because you also could debunk for the same, or could you rather assume, for still only a Contradiction or Ambiguity instead?

Any resting on shoulders it could be, when also laurels for such, but rather that nature could be only inconclusive for meaning, for only infallible for such.

"That's it", next for only its own thing, for also the magnificence or beauty it could be, for also glory as well, except still for only its invalid meaning.

Is this only for that of telling about Laws here, for also the Equations it could be, or could you still only debunk nature for that of its rational meaning?

Again, I leave it up to you next only proving for the subject of aliens it could be, for not any hieroglyphs it should be either, but if perhaps making it the Higgs boson here,
it should not be about any God, for rather a nature you could assume instead.

"Everything is relative" for only the words of Einstein here, and still, not any dices which could be played either, for still not any rolled.

Could we perhaps make it still nature only incomplete just for meaning, when not any perfect it should be either, for only Symmetry for such?

Here just the fallible it could still be, for not any perfectness either, but still the presence it could be, for that of its Existence.

So here the resting fundament it still could be, when that of presence only for such, and next nature for only meaning as well.

But only which way does it go, for not any answer it could be, next also relative as well, for still that of a meaning.

Proving for only a sentence was perhaps what I did, but here not any paws it should be either.

But as we know, both perfectness and utter Chaos is still side by side just by living, for only a presence for such, and for that, only the momentarily
standstill it could be just for that of time, for still not any flyer it should be either.

Is the perfect Equation still that of E=mc2, for not any Symmetry it could be just for nature, when not any perfect it should be either?

But only that both Laws and Equations could still be with respect to each other, for only the subject it could be.

Therefore, just the tangible it could be, for also discernible as well, and next nature for only a given Comprehension when still being grasped.

Here it goes with the possible Claim we could make it as well, but here not making it any credible Evidence yet.

Getting back at that later on, for also the witness it could be.
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Message 2050399 - Posted: 26 May 2020, 22:52:01 UTC
Last modified: 26 May 2020, 23:04:49 UTC

Perhaps remove for that of removal of the link, was enough or sufficient in the previous, but again the sun was shining here, for that of the middle of the day.

Even moderators could get it wrong, for that of "scheduller" being an "l" too much, except still not any tears in the wind either.

For that, I could still only make it paws, for not any absolutes it should be instead.

Only reason to believe, and not any reason to doubt, for only just Doubt itself.

The problem is that if first making it nature incomprehensible for such, also not the meaning it should be for the same, when perhaps any for such.

Only for "how much does it cost", not any spiraling through the clouds, for making it any infinity either, because here still only the scientific perspective, for also outlook.

Still nature only for telling, when also eyes for such, except still the Comprehension we could make, only within a framework of science for such.

For that, still only from one place to another, for that of quarks and electrons for such, next on one side, for that of the clusters of galaxies on the other.

And for that, still ourselves just in the middle, for both that of size and Perspective it could be.

If you could add a liter of water in or into a bucket, still only water for what it contains, but rather it should be the bucket instead.

Except perhaps still not true either, for only what it still contains, next for only meaning.

If the Universe still only is that of electrons, for only elementary particles for such, no reason making it any gods and spirits for only speculating a little.

And next it goes down the drain again, for only a bit of writing, for not any past or beyond it should be instead.

Only the inside it should be, and next also a border as well, for only being the circumference of the Universe, next to nothing else we could observe.

But for only the Mandelbrot set it could be still, could you rather perceive the Universe for only given look, for also the appearance it could be?

Here the numerical alternative or approach for that of a given Universe which should be within our limits of understaning, for nothing else we could not comprehend.

Just infinity could still be the mathematical Construct we could make, except not any limits or thresholds for that of the existing Universe instead.

But next only a bit of funny, if not strange either, that such a thing could also be making for the singularity, when only that of gravity for such.

So here not any gods or angels still, for only the Universe it could be, next for only meaning for such.

Only the set difference it could be, and next also what it could be meant, still for only subject for such, because perhaps infinity should not be such a limit here.

The original Idea is that the Universe expanded from just nothing, by means of Inflation for such (not Economy), and became the thing it is today.

But next it is supposed to be continuing to do so, for only expanding forever, for only the limbo it should be.

For that, still not any initial Thought, for also the Reason it could be, when rather only an initial moment instead.

So, is that an open question here, for still that of 13.8 or 13.9 billion years old, for also that of 78 billion years across?

If perhaps so, is the only the science we could make it versus Religion here, or could it be just only a difference instead?

Anyway, so here it could be flat, for also curved, when that of either positive or negative, for also that of shape.

But here only finishing up the cake for just eating, for not any discrepancy it should be here either.

Just forget it instead, because here not looking any good, and need the cup of coffee first.
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Message 2050409 - Posted: 27 May 2020, 0:04:32 UTC
Last modified: 27 May 2020, 0:15:35 UTC

So here not any kiss for only a farewell it could be instead, and next opposite forces interacting in such a way for only repelling each other.

But rather, on the contrary instead, for still the opposite it could be, next also meaning for such.

So therefore not any hate or hatred it should be either, for only just telling, because I also could be saying the same.

For that of Sets, I could make it both AND and OR, for only an arc for such, when not any curve either, except not any "split personality" it should be either.

Just go with that of the science it could still be, just for meaning, and next also the assumed it could be, for also wellbeing or euphoria.

So wish me well, for still only the believer I could be, and next not any whisper in the ear, for only the Doubt it could be instead.

For that, also the wish it become it could be, when only that of science for such, and next we could still only believe.

Perhaps the Universe is a place for only reasoning when still only ourselves, but for that, not room for any debunking, for only the marvelous place it still coulld be.

Only assuming reality for the thing it is, and still the marvels it could be just for meaning, when also proving for the same.

Only see, for also touch, next you could also sense and feel, for also close to heart for only such, for not any Purple Heart it should be either.

Make it rather just a game instead, and you could end up winning in a Lottery, for only the game it still could be.

But rather that we could set a limit for only the Comprehension it could be, and for that also debunk the subject of UFOs, for not any alien Intelligence it should be either.

With respect to a given thing. and also nature as well, for perhaps not always there, for only what I could be saying.

So here perhaps only the welcome it could be, for still not any "set" it could be either, when also comprehending for the same.

Only assuming instead, and you still could end up debunk the whole thing, only because you could be a Skeptic.

Here the Milky Way is still some 100 bilion stars, for also 100,000 light years across, and next also 500 billion other galaxies scattered throughout space.

So, for only the gasp it perhaps could be, when not any grasp for that of Comprehension it could be either, next I could be just blind or blindfolded instead.

Just think of it, for only the small I could still be, for only that of the Universe instead, and still with respect to, for only that of size for such.

But for only the difference it could perhaps be, also that of inclusion as well, for just the included it could be for meaning, when also comprehended.

So, does curiosity still kill a cat, for only the inquisite it could be, or should I rather be just blind, for only the manifold it could be instead?

Just to the point perhaps, and next I only that for that of a subject, because it could be the thing I am still doing.

Mentioned before here perhaps, for only the seller of cigarettes it could be for only that of voluminous, for still not any smoking either.

Better labeling "curiosity killed the cat" instead, just above, for that of a better meaning.

There should be no secret that the more I could eat, also the more fat I could end up to be, for perhaps more respectable as well.

But rather prove such a thing for that of a subject it could be for such, only the fat I still could be, for not any voluminous either.

Only eyes to eyes it could be here still, for also hands as well, and next also the handshake it could be, for only a gentle touch for such.

So "here I am", next you also are, still for that of meaning for such, and we could be all part of a given whole, for still its meaning for only such.

Nature could still be the thing both including, for also excluding for that of subject, for only the Comprehension it could be, when still not any Belief.

Any UFO reports it could be, next also a witness, or witnesses for only such, which could be credible only for such.

For that, only the easy it could be, when also simple, for not any in-depth understanding of the Universe it could be, for still only Comprehension for such..

And yes, I already mentioned that, for only leaving the Consensus to some others to make.

But is it not true that we still could not be having any valid result in front of us, for only the analyzing it still could be, for that of results?

If perhaps so, or maybe even no, or not at all, which one else, for only the answer it could be, when only questioning the Universe instead?

Here only a constellation in the sky, for not any name confusion it could be, for only a "veil of secrecy" instead.

Only the dense fog or perhaps cloud it could be, when only dust and gas for such, not any mist it should be either, for only a dark mystery instead.

For that, only the wrapped for that of an envelope it could be, for not any embedded in a shroud either.

Only the hidden it still could be, for that of a Mystery as well, not any clearly defined, for only just readily visible, and need a little more thinking here.

Name it perhaps wrong, for only the nickname it should be, and next also an Acronym for such, if not any Allegory either.

Here I was looking for the name it could be, when only a dubious or spurious meaning for such, for not the thing it actually could be.

Perhaps it could be still vague, for also diffuse, but next it could also be faint, for only that of visibility, for not any "cloaked" it should be either.

But only just the "reveal yourself" it could be, and next also the telling it could be for meaning, when only explained for the same.

Does such a thing still hide a Mystery only for such, when perhaps not any riddle it could be either?

When saying that I need a little more thinking here, perhaps only a Method here, for that of a way of nature just to choose.

The Pleiades could still be embedded in that of fog or mist it could be, when also a dark cloud, for not any "cloaked" it should be, when only a veil of secrecy.

So, could Jesus perhaps embrace you for only a fathom or bosom for such, or should it still be only hands instead?

Maybe just prove it instead, and for that, still only the dust and gas it could be for that of the Pleiades, for not anything just hidden in the shadows.

Only the hidden in the shadows it still could be, next also cloaked for that of the same, when only invisible, but for that, still only nature just for meaning.

So, where was I, just for that of thinking here, when not any more it should be either?

Is nature still only dubious or spurious for that of meaning, or should I only be proving for that of magnificence and beauty here?

Just hide and seek, and perhaps only a game for such, when still only a garden, but for that, not any veil of secrecy it could be, when only just hidden.
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Message 2050428 - Posted: 27 May 2020, 2:59:42 UTC
Last modified: 27 May 2020, 3:00:46 UTC

Anyway, just trying out here, for only sitting in the chair, and next a new purchased laptop, of brand Asus.

And of course, not correctly set up from the shop, so here just keys everywhere around, for only pushing for such.

Here being wirelessly connected, for not working before either, but still large caps, for that of a couple of words.

Just dreadful only for such, and also naughty as well, for not any functional it should be, for also well-behaved.

At worst, a complete reinstall of the operating system could be needed, but should next go for the same, for only mentioned.
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Message 2050471 - Posted: 27 May 2020, 21:54:08 UTC
Last modified: 27 May 2020, 22:20:14 UTC

Some good news today.

First I was able to get an older sample of the Noctua NH-DH15 attached to the computer using a few spare parts.

Diconnecting from mains, and unplugging the two graphics cards, here ahort of a plastic strap at one corner, and also a metal clap,
for attaching to the metal part of the fan itself.

Also a sound card was being unplugged, but not here having any drivers or software yet, for also speakers connected.

Next taking a chance for that of some cooling paste from a tube, using a piece of paper for drying purposes.

But next the fan blades also needs to be attached, and here should be two in all, but only able to pull one such down in the middle here.

So here more noise right now, for that of the single fan in the middle, but it should be running more cool right now, or at a lower temperature.

The sound card back in first, followed by the graphics cards, so except for a bit of mess around, quite pleasing as well, for only result.

But one note of concern here, namely a couple of messages from, ending up at my Yahoo! account.

Checking with my account at Science United, my user name could still be listed there as such, namely pinkpanther, for also a password, but any email I am unable to find.

Also the three projects still being run, became detached from the Account Manager right now, so here only finishing work, but still attached there.

But here not with the mentioned user name right now, only Science United here.

And perhaps also important to mention that BOINC Manager is being used for that of running the three projects still in the list.

For now one choice among perhaps two, namely whether BOINC Manager should still be in charge, for rather Science United, for also which email address to use.

So here not any personal details right now, but will keep a close eye on it, just to be sure.
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Message 2050502 - Posted: 28 May 2020, 12:51:38 UTC
Last modified: 28 May 2020, 12:58:36 UTC

If making it any discussion as to how this project ended up for only finished, always the welcome it could be, for not any farewell either.

Leaving only a stone untouched, and it could still be unfinished for the same, except that a momentous decision, should be any momentarily time.

Therefore, crude oil should also be coming from a factory, for not any crude personality instead.

Add to it both the rule of law it could be, for also governance as well, and also the direction it could be for only just leading, for not any "follow the leader" it should be either.

Any flawed thinking, for just the indecisiveness it also could be, and also flawed Methodology it could be for the same, except not any nature left only to decide.

So, "No judge theory" perhaps, for still only such a thing happening, for not any Consequence it could be, when also an end result for that of nature.

Just pick up a stone for only carrying it, and next also its weight for only just heavy, except still not any momentous decision either.

Any God left still to decide, and next only nature for its inconclusive meaning, when perhaps also no end in sight for only the conlcusions we could make.

Only just tell a couple of times, and next perhaps also belong, for only a Set for such, when it could also be a representation for only that of a meaning.

So here just thinking about the Laws of nature it could still be, for also Equations for such, or as well, while such a thing as an ordrered Set could still be present.

Assuming one thing for just another, and it could be reality only for such, for not any Deviation or write-off it should be for just the other sentence.

Make the Universe still what it is, for only Laws for such, and not any fiction either, for only just speculative meaning, for also entertainment.

If you could readily prove nature for only its Existence, also the Facts it could be just for meaning, for still not any heavy stone for just being lifted.

So here still proving science by only a Method for such, only necause it could be part of a subject for just meaning.

Only "never say never", for also never for just an ending, and it also could never happen again for both the opportunity and Event it could be.

But just in the beginning, for which it perhaps still only was meant, no eyes you could make for not any hands either, when still only a stone being untouched, for that of left.

Perhaps it was just an Idea being the Reason behind just everything, for also a Principle for the same, but only for the Intelligence it could be, also that of a skeptic, for also debunker.

Add to it just the Ecology it could be, when also the oceans and deserts, and it becomes just the Earth for only humankind, for still not any Universe as a whole.

Here the single thing could still be only Laws for such, when also Equations as well, for not any telling it should be, for just a story for the same.

Only that of history in the making, for that of an Event for such, and next "Did it really happen", for only you still speculating.

Here just the true Fact of meaning, is that we could still be only making it Proof here, for only the Universe just for meaning, except for still what it could room or contain.

So, proving just absolutes for still only meaning, and next also better for only such, for not any small details it rather could be.

Should we make it a readily acceptance of sorts, here that of both time and space coming along for just included, for also the synonymous it could be.

Rather that it should be connected, or interconnected, for still being just the same thing, for also the part it could be.

But also translating into that of interrelated here, for that of the same word.

Gues what, but it could be still a bright Idea just coming up in my mind, for not any counting it should be either, for only a quantitative lesson for the same.

Only just "everything" for meaning, and still that of subject for only part, when that of both human civilization, for also the Ecology it could be.

So. proving just aliens could still be possible, for not any readily acceptance it could be for just nature, when still that of "everything" for the same.

Rather just eat your food instead, for that of given taste, and it could sweet for also bitter, except not any "bitter moment" for only end of time for such.

Perhaps rather the bittersweet dream it could be instead, but for that, you could be still only sleeping, for not any stars and galaxies just above your head.

So if not any running off it could be just for tracks, also that our seatch could be still inconclusive for just meaning, for also the fact-finding it could be.

We know that Newton could be proud for only discoveries being made, except still only Laws for such, and "pertaining" to that of gravity, for a subject.

So rather proving only that of Ecology instead, and I still could be feeling more lucky instead, for only the knowledge I could have, for also gain.

Here only the opposite fronts it could be, when also edges for such, for not any "happiness blacksmith" it could be, when only just believing in nature.

So, perhaps only bewildered instead, and next also confused, for not making it any meaning for only a subject, when it could be still explaining for such.

Only just the droplets of water it could be, and next also the vast ocean as well, for still the Method of Proof it could be, for only that of subject.

So "here I am" and next I could prove only for the same, when still that of the Universe for just meaning, when it should be that of space and time.

For that, just everything being included, for also the part it could be, for not anything being excluded either.

But only that we know that infinity should be a Construct for that of such, for next the other things being included.

We know that this project is not any successful after all, for only just futile, for not any result we could be having, for also its lack of success.

Only the preconceived it could be, for also predetermined, and next taking a thing for granted, only because it could be known in advance.

Could you just tell, for also the foretelling or soothsaying it could be, or should it stil be only a guess, for that of Uncertainty only for such?

Any number, except for just 0. could be still either positive or negative, but making it any approach, for also attitude. and you could still be disillusioned.

Better make it a Skeptic instead, for still only an attitude for such, for not any positive approach it could be, for only a supporter.

"I know", because I already knew, except still not any guess it could be, for only a Prediction for such, and for that, nature still for only just meaning.

Rest on your shoulders, for only the laurels it could be, and next the Universe just for meaning, when also being assumed, for onlyt the readily Fact it still could be.

Just slip and fall once again, for also the horse it could be, and next nature still being included, for just implied, for not any excluded it could be either.

But rather prove just the witness it could be, for not any Skeptical or debunker either, and still science for just meaning, for also Proof for the same.

Becoming almost an old story here, for still not any readily assumed, it could still be a Fact only for such, when we could end up being witness to an Event.

So, bow your head, for not any hat off it should be either, because at least it could be kneeling at times, for only worshipping a given entity.

Maybe raise your head instead, for only just lifted, and it could be still the Belief you could make, for also the recognition it perhaps could be.

Those words making for that of an ascribe of sorts, should still be only that of Religion for such, when only telling a story.

Therefore, wish me luck at times, for also the success it could be, for not any down the drain it could be instead, when just going wrong, for also awry.

Only just bad luck it could be, and next also a bad spelling perhaps, for not any good luck or wish it could be, for also that of goodwill.

Here translating wrong, for only the upheaval it still could be, when only Chaos and turmoil for such, for not any ascribe instead.

Only living in harmony, and also the better surroundings it could be, but also that it could be just perfect symmetry for that of nature.

Just everything it could be for nature, and next also a Consequence just for meaning, when that of an outcome as well.

Only perhaps the telling it could be, and not any foretelling it should be here either, except that any ascribe, should be only that of Divinity for such.

I better run for the shop right now, and getting back at the link when returning back.
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Message 2050530 - Posted: 28 May 2020, 22:37:29 UTC
Last modified: 28 May 2020, 23:07:46 UTC

And doing my shopping, here back on the floor, and the processor fan now gives me some welcome heat in the living room.

Only the gibberish it could be, for also bogey for the same, and next not any nature being expressed for just meaning, when still only told.

Just you and me, for still only sitting here, and perhaps not any eyes for seeing you either, when only such for that Intelligence being in space.

Here copying the link from the new or more recent laptop, for also both sound and textual display in the Command Processor, not the same as the other one.

But here should be a little presentation for that of Electromagnetic waves, because here more that of the scientist behind.

Should tell that this perhaps is not any Consensus we could make either, but should still be quite up to standard, for only that of importance.

Here it becomes nature for only realistic terms, for also the description it could be, for not any Terms of condittions it should be either.

But just everything we perhaps know, also what we could choose to believe, for only the given approach it could be, for also Perspective.

Here only the fortunate we could still be for just knowing, when only turning its face against us, for that of visibility.

Just everything, and still you perhaps know, except that anything hidden, could only be that of revealing its presence, for only just known.

So therefore the answer we still could make, should be only a question for such, except only its initial meaning for also its result.

So here that of both input and output quite important for that of separate meaning, for perhaps not any output just above.

I wonder if just the argument you could make, should still be only part of the debate, for also a discussion, except not any quarrel instead.

For that, the heated it sometimes could be, when only temperament for such.

So here Einstein perhaps not any fond of nature either, for only the Atheist he could be, and therefore not rolling any dices either.

But also that the counting we could make, for only a count up of civilizations, perhaps is not the one we could make either, for just our limits.

Here a previous mentioned link was perhaps not any good either, so here only redacting a bit.

The problem is that we could still make it a Consensus for only the eyes it could be, when also a handshake as well, except not any nature for only its Ambiguity.

But always wishing for, and next also seeking the answer it still could be, for just the looking around it could be for only such, when only investigating.

Here the blind eye it could still be, when only blindfolded, for not any turn of the century it could be, for just the better.

The notion of perhaps not being alone in space, could still be that of a guess for only such, when still not any Proof we could make.

Those things you could exemplify by only just telling for such, could still be only a description, for also the telling it could be.

Here the latter link I have perhaps not mentioned either, but only filling up a couple of hands with water, perhaps not any spoon needed either.

Only the Truth it should be for an answer, and next not any Lie it should be either, for only a nature still in front of us, for that of its presence.

So here perhaps an Equation for that of Matter versus Energy, for also the speed of light, for also the Laws of Electromagnetism just for the same.

Proving any UFO report, for also the observation it could be, next also a witness for such, and we could be proving at least one thing for meaning.

But here not any readily acceptance it could be still, when also Consensus for such, when just the handshake still only missing, for that of Contact.

If I just key in "Mission impossible" for that of a title, next I could go with the third link here for just given, when not familiar with any of these.

But making it such a thing for nature instead, for still only the impossible it could be, and next not any answer it could be for only a result.

If nature could be still telling, for also given, next also the Consequence it could be for just result or outcome, for still not anything past or beyond.

Perhaps only a vague description it could be, for also faint, for still not any incomprehensible it could be either.

But only proving a sentence for only the answer you could give, next also make for the same, for also an Equation for such.

Make it still only a Lie, for also the Truth it could be, and only two options here, for still that of a difference, for not any inconsequent it could be instead.

So here not any bidding it perhaps it could be, when only a bet for that of a gamble instead, because here only just telling instead, for the soothsaying it could be.

Only making it that of limits, for also the thresholds it could be, and next everything perhaps still meant for only infinity for such.

But for only the handshake it still could be, for also missing, next that of a given nature it could still be just for meaning, for only the things we could take close to heart.

So if a result could still be rejected, for not any accepted, still the boundaries it could be for that of nature for only its presence, and also visibility.

Here also a story being recalled right now, for that of a result being obtained, for perhaps not any story either, but rather a science which was hard to accept.

Just on the spot making it that of Special relativity here, which most find both difficult and hard to comprehend, for not any accept either.

So, could diamonds still twinkle a bit, for not any value or worth it should be either, and next the exalted we could be for only a sense, when not any powdercake either?

Guess what, but here someone invented TNT for just the powder it could be, for also Nitroglycerin as well, but should not be any tears for only a drizzle either.

Anyway, could you still only reject a call, for not any "Call of the wind" it should be either, for just flying away, for only the incomprehensible it could be?

Only the world still set in motion, for that of the Force of gravity, and next not any Imagination it could be either, for just only vivid for such.

Press the button still, for only its purported or intentional meaning, and next also hard for the same, for not any gentle touch it could be instead.

So here the Heroin addiction it still could be, for only a powder for such, when both inhaled and injected, for also that of LSD for the same.

Speaking of a better world, perhaps still only vivid fantasy for such, when also the dream it could be, and at least nothing we could prove, for only
the realistic world it still only could be, for not any Imagination either.

And that above needs a fix before getting finished, because that of purported or intentionial, could also be that of deliberate here.

But except still proving, also the Comprehension we could make by means of science, for still not any past a given Thought, for only a vivid fantasy for such.

So perhaps just the bow of the hat I could make it still, for not any head it should be either, and next perhaps only a victim of circumstance, for still only a citizen of Earth.

Rather that it becomes a reminder that just down the drain it still could be, we next could be proving only for such, when perhaps rather the Devil, for still
not any "better" it should be, for only a glimmer of hope for such.
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Message 2050541 - Posted: 29 May 2020, 0:45:32 UTC
Last modified: 29 May 2020, 1:05:50 UTC

Finishing off the dinner, and it becomes a short wake up call, before the sag once again sets in.

For that being reminded that the Universe could be having some eleven dimensions in total, for also the dimensional it could be.

And not related to what I write here, but rather watch instead, using the laptop, except not the sound as good as wished.

Now I will have some cake and biscuits for also a cup of coffee, because the beer should be getting cold in the fridge.

Make it rather chocolate instead, because of not any stringent I could be, for perhaps more eager instead, for also the understanding it could be, when only science for such.

So for not any striving here, for perhaps rather Ambition instead, always the scientist being around for only seeking an answer, and for that the separate genres it could be.

Just close to it, for perhaps not any far either, and only close, for not far away, for still the answer it could be, for also an understanding.

My guess is that if could be just model making for also the Philosophy it could be, when also that of Mind as well, just for only thinking.

Here not having the large posting window right now, so better have the cup of coffee here, for not any realm of science it should be instead.
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Message 2050550 - Posted: 29 May 2020, 4:06:15 UTC
Last modified: 29 May 2020, 4:22:43 UTC

So if you absolutely need it, also you could get it, and for that, Consensus for only meaning for such.

Except for that, perhaps the hard science it could be still, when also a lesson could be learnt, for not any taught either.

But only lost in the crowd, for not any vanished either it could become still that of science without any meaning, for also no understanding being made.

Only taking a result for granted, for also the observational Fact it could be, when also Evidence, it also could be that of readily acceptance for such, for only just happening.

But for still not any Rhythm here either, it reminds me of just the Event it could be, when also that of a result for that of an outcome, still meant to be for such.

So for not any Temptation of Christ it should be either, perhaps more tempted to keep to just the standard being followed, for only explaining nature for such.

Or in this way perhaps, for only repeating myself a little.

Here not making it any such for that of science, but only becoming natural science instead.

So perhaps the lost hope it could end up being, for also expectancy as well, for not any striving it could be, when only wishing for a result, when also the goal it could be,
and next the sail could be set, and away we could go.

For that, only lost hope instead, and next in vain for only what we could wish to expect, for also results for the same, and this perhaps also happened here.

Once upon a time, and it all started happening, for only the Dawn of morning for such, except not any Evolution being part of such a thing.

Please make your own choice here, because here only the big part of the picture, next for meaning.

Are we alone, and next the question being asked, for also the Philosophy it could be for such.

So perhaps not any helter-skelter it could be either, for just a Method instead, and for that, still not any church either, for only explaining a couple of things.

Only set your goal, for still the Ambition it could be, and next set sail for just flying into the Universe, for only a travel for such.

So, maybe bon voyage instead, for not saying any farewell, and it could be a journey instead.

The true thing, for only the reality of it, is that we still could make ourselves sacred, for only just living on Earth, for still only the evolutionary part of the thing,
for the picture it could still be.

Any given measure, for only knowing your whereabouts, and next a place it could be, for also position, except not any large versus small instead.

So, could the Universe still sing for only a melody, or could it rather whisper instead, for still perhaps the song it could be, when also a melody?

As a matter of Fact, I could still be present, for just my Existence, and next also living for such, by only sitting on the floor, next to my computer.

Perhaps a ridge, for also a mountain top, still could be only elevation for such, when also height, for not any exalted instead, for that of only senses for such.

Make it perhaps bliss instead, and that of exalted could be that of sacrifce, for not any ascribe it could be instead.

So, for not any victim of circumstance you could be still, only the natural cause, for also Consequence it could be instead.

Just ending up with this one here, and rather I should be looking for the list of natural causes for just Events instead, but not with me here.

Trying with this one right now, but unsure or uncertain if it is the right one here.

Anyway, just paying the bill, and it could be just before, for not any late it should be either, and for that, not any premature thinking it should be either.

For that, no reason to believe that we could be only one among countless other civilizations, for only just way of thinking, for also the reasoning it could be.

Only lock the door, for only close for such, and not any open it should be either, when still a hatch, because evidently it could be just so, when only proving for meaning.

Your respectfully, and perhaps also truly as well, for still only respect given for such, for not any "Logic" it should be, when only a true story being told.

If alien Intelligence should be found, for also proven, what next could it tell about ourselves, for also that of Existence, for only its own meaning?

Are we just children of Earth for only the sacred it could be, or should it rather be only nature for a Cause or perhaps Consequence instead?

Only one thing for just another it still could be, and next the Universe was created only at first, for only the Earth coming into being later on.

Here only picking just one at random for that of an article, and here not the first one either.

So here not any mutual destruction it should be either, for still the competition it could be, when also that of cooperation sometimes happening,
for that of a common goal for just seeking.

So here not any good wording, for only the joint venture it could be instead, when also that of partnership for the same, when still seeking the same goal.

Here perhaps only MAD for such a thing, when that of mutual destruction only for such, except not any heritage it could be instead, for that of Genetics.

Here the random occurrence it perhaps could be, when only an Event for such, and life could be still spawned for just happening, when also that of meaning for the same.

Making it any uplift, for only a press of a button for such, and still the guarantee that could be made, for not any born out of nothing it should be either.

Making it perhaps a random chance, for also an occurrence for such, and still the Coincidence it could be, for also an Event.

But except for, or even because of that, nature could still be unpredictable for only an Event for such, for not any random it should be either, and for that. perhaps arbitrary here.

Still an Event perhaps, and next we could be waiting for it to happen, for only a moment for such, except still only unpredictable.

So, perhaps the decision it could be, when also decision making as well, perhaps only just "Bingo" for such, for not any Eureka either,
because next it only popped up in my mind, for only coming to me.

So, rest on your shoulders perhaps, for still not any feet just standing, and next also the better Idea for also approach, when also a meaning for such.

For that, only as follows, and next it only could lead in one direction for just telling, when that of a Consequence could be making for a result.

But rather assume instead, for still only the Idea it could be, and next also speculation as well, which could be ending up with a Proof.

So where was I, for perhaps nothing I should know either, and next only nature still in front of me for that of visibility, for also being explained.

So here not any gasp either, for only just the grasping it could be, for also catching, when still the moment of Truth it perhaps could be, when also a witness,
for not any Comprehension it should be either.

Only the wonders of nature it could be still, and it could be that of aggrandizement and also extol, for also the fulfillment it also could be.

Still the touch and feel it could be, for that of only senses for such, when still not any "Magical Mystery Tour", for only flying through the Universe.

Here the Concept should be still that of space and time for only a notion, for not any travel to the end for such a thing either.

Only the back and forth it could be still, for also that of movement, and perhaps not any "Game of Tag" it should be here either.

"Shall we play a game", and next perhaps not any end of space it could be, for also time, because only the "eventually" it still could be, and next that of nature for only meaning.

But here the Universe is still growing, for only the Inflation it could be for such, and next wings spread all the ways for also throughout, for only being present just everywhere.

But again sorry, for only making it science here, for still not any Consensus just being part of any thinking it should be either.
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Message 2050553 - Posted: 29 May 2020, 5:59:47 UTC
Last modified: 29 May 2020, 6:03:57 UTC

And again, as I said, leaving that of Consensus to you, when perhaps not any proving for the same.

You know, for only just the implant it still could be, also a pacemaker for such, when being that of the heart.

So here not any peace on mind, for also the upon it could be, for only quite to speed instead, for that of pace.

But here it could be still science for just Mind, and next also the scientist thinking for only such, for that of the result it also could be.

So here perhaps rather an eventuality instead, for not any "Dear Watson" it could be either, and for that we could be proving for a given purpose.

You could perhaps make it diffent observers, for that of a space for just bit apart, but next only a Frame of reference, for only a different Perspective for such.

Next that it could be happening, for only the past for such, and not any given future, for only what it could be meant.

So here close your eyes instead, for only lid for such, and next make a guess for only what science could be still meant.

Just the assumed meaning it could be, and next also thought for the same, for not any guess or surmise it should be either.

Only purpose versus mind instead, for also the deliberate it could be, and next also nature for a given purpose, when also intentional.

But rather that it could be still implied, for also a Consequence for such, when things could still be happening, and also go awry.

So, think you could make it nature for only your own choice, if not any picking either, and next you could assume it to only be for such, when still that of meaning.

For that, the preference you could make, for also being set, except not any "whatever" instead, for only the random selection it could be.

Make a choice, for only a given selection for such, and next also the thing you could prefer, for only a given choice.

Perhaps a glass of vine could be still tasting, for not any beer it should be either, but except for that, you still need to mix a little, for that of making a drink.

So here both the liquor being poured, for also water being added, except still proportionate for that of amount.

Yes, I could still end up drunk, for only the bottle it still could be, but if perhaps still a bit ordered, for that of shape, it could perhaps rather be numbers here.

So, for only past the dinner it still could be, not any Temptation of Christ it could be, for only a Supper, except that it could be tantalizing instead.
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Message 2050645 - Posted: 30 May 2020, 20:04:07 UTC
Last modified: 30 May 2020, 20:15:56 UTC

And of course making it wrong again here, for only a parable about Jesus healing a sick woman for only just crying out in despair, for not any clean she could be.

But next only a contagious disease instead, and next forgetting the name of that one, for also the template it could be.

Still she could be cured, for only the hands of Jesus for such, except that such a thing should be more of today's reality, for only just happening.

So here the throw out it perhaps became, for not any given call either, when even WHO was taken by surprise, for only given magnitude and scale.

But here I also wrote something that could be like or akin for some of that, for only the story it could be, when not any adjacent for only a running nature.

But also could add that we could make it things running in parallel, for only the displacement it still could be, and not any synchronization it could be either.

For not any horizontal or vertical line it could be, only the slanted or oblique instead, for perhaps also a curve, for ending up slipping and falling at times.

Only for that, you are loosing track and not following the straight line that could exist between just 0 for also that of infinity.

Doing just that, you rather could end up in a ditch. for only somewhere else, for not any travel through space and time it should be either.

Rather that I took a little time just explaining in the other one, for perhaps the better explanation it could be.

Finding a cure, should of course be still important, for not any painkiller it could be either, but rather that it could be still science at times, for only just explaining.

So here the day of summer it suddenly became, and the calendar did just a big jump, and perhaps forward here.

My fridge is not working any more, and I am still sitting on the floor here, so a bit of help is perhaps needed.

Also the near-sightedness being experienced, just kills off any pleasant moment it could be, for also a bit of pollen allergy.

But also that just the Truth it could still be, next only hidden for also the Certainty it could be, and for that, only the speculation it could still only be.
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Message 2050659 - Posted: 30 May 2020, 22:29:10 UTC
Last modified: 30 May 2020, 22:34:45 UTC

Anyway, you perhaps noticed I removed her from the earlier posting, so let us start here.

Just thinking that the scientific alternative for only an approach, should be an excuse to any hardship of reality, next think again.

Perhaps still the explanation needed, for delving into details for such, and here noticing that Translate is not with me here.

Therefore still only the slip and falling you could make, or perhaps could be, for not any other, or real answer it could perhaps be.

Here only the Laws of Newton for that of gravity, for not any time travel it should be either, or just traveling through space and time.

And now I also have to read it, for already mentioning it.

For one thing, it is not telling about any life here, for both mine versus yours only for such, but rather the way the Universe could be working, for only invented.

Here perhaps only "do not need" either, for also the fact that I could end up being old for only age for such.

Or maybe just do or does not matter, only because I could be still sitting here.

So here not any gateway to the future you could make it either, only because you could be traveling faster than the speed of light.

Just only light instead, and we should not forget that light is a constant, for that of speed, and here in a vacuum.

But here almost blank on the subject, for not any telling for such it could be either, making for any Prediction for only such.

Only blow your nose for knowing what happened, except that at least I gave it a try.

But here should tell that the word "lapse" is coming to me, for also the lapse of time it could be.

Only short of memory, for perhaps not any Hypnosis either, suddenly it started to move faster for just running, and next ended up spinning around.

So here I could be associating that of time for also the Event it could be as well.

Never ever, for not any repeating, and it could still be happening for only an Event, for also the possible change it could be.

Is it perhaps still the first for only better, except not any last, for only the loser, for not any hidden ghost it could be, for still time being part of it all?

Perhaps I still could bet, for only a game, and next be successful, for just the Probability it could be, for not any start and finish instead, for only reaching a goal.

If just time could cease to exist, for not any hostilities it could be either, rather that I could be still slipping and falling, for not any end period it should be either.

Only where am I, for next where I am, and for that, only positition for also place, for not guessing any wherebouts either, when also that of location.

Here space could be bent in a curve, for only the Force of gravity for such, but next we think that time could cease to exist, for only the lost moment it still could be.

Satellites are known to be following a tracectory, next becoming that of an orbit around the Earth, which also could be a circular one.

Here it comes to me that for only the chart or map geography it still could be, also that of inclination and declination for such.

But here not any angle of approach either, for only the height it should be, and next I could be standing on a mountain top, for only the elevation it could be.

Make it only a loop instead, and it could also be a cycle, for also the periodic it could be, and next "swing around", for only the dance it could be.

So, could a crocodile be still aggressive for only behavior, or should it rather be coming out clean for only behavior for such?

Next sorry about that, for only the dirty it should be, for not any clean either, and I could end up in the waste, for only such a thing.

Only one thing versus another, and next also adjacent as well, for not any join it should be either, because here not any "union" either.

Just my bad here, for only making it Statistics here at first.

Again, running a little slow here, for only the maturing next for that of age it could be, and also the other one, or posting, which could be subsequently added.

The big question here, namely should this be mathematical analysis only, or should it rather be a description of nature for just telling.

Perhaps it could still be a cry in the dark, for only the help being wished for and next sought, for not any fundamental questions, still needing the same answer.
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Message 2050660 - Posted: 30 May 2020, 22:37:29 UTC
Last modified: 30 May 2020, 23:00:31 UTC

You always could question that of life for its meaning, for only its possible reason.

Rather where it all started, and here only life of Earth this time.

This time perhaps not so much about Evolution right now, but also that bacteria and viruses are just all around, for being present everywhere.

So for both the old and new, or rather more recent, it is still found and present, living side by side.

For that, also the progenitor galaxies being found in space, and thought to be poorly or underdeveloped, because of low age.

One such example here is NGC 4449 in Canes Venatici.

But rather that humans are descending from apes or monkey, and at the same time both fish and birds are also present.

For each there is a descendant or evolutionary tree, where change over time still is happening, and for that always the change for the better, and not any worse.

But rather that we still could be living in a world of Chaos and turmoil, for only such a thing being set at the earliest moment of time.

So for the dynamic process it still could be, also the small pop ups at times making for an Event just happening, and next leading to change.

Here are species still just found for being still around, while new ones also come into being, for others once again becoming extinct.

About 65 million years ago, the Earth was hit by an asteroid, which made for a global change in the environment.

So here the sudden Event making for a catastrophe only this time, for still not any Universe being spawned for only a random thing.

But here almost forgot that this should be the way science could be looking at things, for not any religious Perspective either.

Make still things for real, when also happening, and those things being the mechanisms behind, could still be Laws in the making only for such.

Only taking things for granted, and it also should be included, for still that of both presence and meaning for such.

But time flies, for still only a constant, while things changing over time should not be any Event just happening either.

Here the one thing for the other, when also the versus it could be, should be a familar view, for also the opinion it could be.

But for only the ceasing of a project that was once running, we better should believe in life for its presence, when also the other place it could be found.

Here some people could perhaps think that this is not any nice word, for only the digging in the surface it still could be.

Making it any Idea of just the empty Universe it could be, perhaps a meaning for such, like also the empty Set, except still life for only the Earth.

Could I still be here for just sitting, and we also could both send and receive, for that of a transmission for such, and by that, making contact with other civilizations?

But for only the fear factor it still could be, just the afraid we could perhaps be, when the other part could end up being hostile in nature.

So except for still the Kingfisher, which could be living on fish for a living, also that it sometimes could be a background check needed, for only knowing the reason.

Did it ever became a story of space travel being made, for also a Moon being visited, except not any travel to the end of space and time it should be either?

Could we still make a difference between a lie being told, for also the true story it could be, except not any discredit it sometimes could be?

The answer could still be one being told by science for such, except still nature for only its physical meaning, when also explaining.

Trace a thing back to its beginning, and next also root for the same, which could end up being the trunk of the tree, for not any leaves either.

Make it perhaps a fabric of space for only the stars and galaxies being around, and for that still only diversity and manifold for such.

So, perhaps guessing should not be any game either, for only the Conclusion which sometimes could not be found, for only lack of result.

Any more for only what it could be, and also less it could be as well, for not any leveling it could be instead, for only just thinking a bit different.

Perhaps we could still be living in a flat Universe, but also that we need to count from 0 to infinity in a sequential way, for also the negative it could be.

But assuming only numbers for still the reality it could be, and also the Logic it could be, for making a valid Conclusion.

Only pretending it to be science, for still not any Religion it could be, and next also answer for only meaning, when you be knowing the same.

So for now, the Abstract it could be, when also Concrete, could still be that of leveling for such, for not any higher powers it could be either.

But only for the double up it could be, for not any multitudes either, we could perhaps be making a guess about possible multiverses, for perhaps not any good Idea.

So here the world we perhaps still could see, next for only meaning, when also that of life and death for only its meaning.

Any dependency only for such, and perhaps the way science could be still thought, for only the way we could be looking at things.

Here that any Flatland it should be, next only one dimension for such, when still that of a point, for only a singularity instead.

Therefore, make it still a bus when looked at from the front, together with its front lights for also window, but next even more such for only sideways instead.

For that, the implied it could be for nature, when not any guessed, for still the endless chain it could be, for that of a line.

If such a thing as infinity could be only undefined, for not any limit it should be, still only Flatland for the points it could be, when not any line either.

Here the general thought for only the practical issue it could be, next still life meeting an endpoint for only the cessation it could be, for also termination as well.

For that, the other condition it perhaps could be, next only could be a guess for such, for only speculative for such.

Any falling off for just the track it could be, and next the ditch only for such, and for that also the endpoint it could be.

Just the included it could still be, and next also nature being comprised of different objects and elements, for still not any empty or meaningless.

But if still only counting from 0 to infinity, you should not slip or fall in any similar way, for only ending up somewhere else.

We still could be dismissing any alien signal, for only the scrambled eggs it could be, and for that, not any hidden conversation, for just below the bent.

Any flaw it should be, for not any perfect, and not any time it should be for only a moment, when perhaps only a couple of pulsating lights instead.

So here perhaps still only undefined, for not any numerical it should be, and for that, perhaps not any pulsating Universe it should be either.

For the same reason, perhaps no point of debunking any life for just meaning, when we could be thinking that it could be present just everywhere,
for only "prevalent" for such.

So here nature still generous, and offering us many possibilities for just the diversity and manifold it could be still, for not any way to separate one thing from another either.

Both these not any good here, so here only scroll down to the bottom for a little more information.

Only select a thing, for only just picking it up by means of a sample, and next not any plagiat or plagiarism when only nature copying, for also replicating,
for still just the one thing it could be, and next into another.

Make it only a sentence, and perhaps it was only misunderstood or misinterpreted, for not any exact duplication it should be either.

But if nature could be doing such a thing, it could be only a Method for such, and next be used where it should be needed.

For that, only the original painting it could be, for also the fundamental thought or Idea, for just the reason it also could be, when only a Reason for such.

So just tell me, for not any "bad" Idea it could be either, when only the initial moment where it all started happening, and it became the Universe.

Any flawed for just this, and perhaps still only an Idea, for not anything being wasted either.

Again, you need to scroll down a little here, for only the flawed Method it could be, for also Design, except not any telling for just that of good versus bad in nature.

The latter perhaps not needed, but already mentioned something about that, just above.

To the point perhaps, and not any pointless or meaningless it should be either, when only "nothing" for such.

But for only the reality it still could be, next not any "Follow the leader" it should be either, for only Mysteries, Magic, and Miracles here,
because nature could be still only told and explained for only an example for such, which should be that of Proof.

Any premeditated thought of just making it any Miracle for only a nature just told, and only the barriers or limits for the same, for also constraints as well.

But here only such a thing in the context of infinity perhaps, for only the decisive factor it still could be.

One thing is still making it that of aliens for both purpose and mind, for not any "Belief" it should be either, but at least we should be able to count,
for only the Existence it could be still, for that of meaning.

Any liar you shou be, and next also the "Truth" it could be, for only just telling a thing, except not any true or false for only a difference.

Could humans be unique for only their earthly presence, or should the Earth still be only the water planet, for not any precious or noble it should be either?

Anyway, the surface of Venus could be still a hostile place, but only for only a way of comparison for such, and for that only the ideal conditions it still could be,
when only life on Earth for its presence.

So for not any inhospitable place it could be still, only life just developing here on Earth for only conditions just given, when also favorable for such.

Any hard for just living it could be, next only hardship for the same, and you could end up an eskimo living on Greenland, for not any deep sea vaults either.

Here not any good example either, but should tell that this was once being mentioned here, for that of subject, but also that the word "Geothermal" could be used here.

But only for that of mentioned before, just give it a look first, for not any past or beyond it could be for that of a subject, for also the different it could be.

Could Equations still be telling, for also the Laws it could be, and next not any adapted for a given purpose, for also the sentence it could be?

For that, only the fixed coordinates it could be, for also static, for not any dynamic it should be either, and I could next be flying to somewhere else.

Only nature just for meaning, and for that in all its glory and magnificence for still that of presence, making it that you should not value any ugly for also bad.

This because the difference we could make, only should be "set" only for such, when telling such a thing, for only the various parts or elements it also could be.

Knowing that you could be loving someone, perhaps also a Purple Heart for such, for not any hate or hatred, for just only disbelief instead.

So here perhaps a clean bill only for such, when also the static it could be, for not Logic telling about any diversity and manifold either.

Add to it discredit perhaps, and next not any true story for just being told, when you also could be a witness to an Event for only being observed.

Making it a false Premise, for also the Conclusion it could be, and only such a thing here. for perhaps not any Falsification or forgery either.

Those things we still could be making absolutes, could be the thing we could be looking after, for only a famous Equation telling about a correspondence.

But here that we also could make it Equivalence as well, for only a famous scientist just inventing a little for that of a subject.

And for still not ending a post with a link, also that science could still be just in the blue, for only making it an Uncertainty at times, for also both Ambiguity and Contradiction.

For that, only the better it should still be, for only explaining for the same, when still not any world being told for only its presence either.
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Message 2050663 - Posted: 30 May 2020, 23:38:10 UTC
Last modified: 31 May 2020, 0:16:38 UTC

But also the open book it could be, also a Fact for such, for also the fact finding mission it could be.

So here perhaps when instead, for not looking any good either.

Here only a reason for just telling, for not any Betty and Barney Hill telling their story, for only the poor pair it could still be.

So except for not any discredit or disbelief it could be either, where do I next put things, for only the connection or relationship it still could be?

Here making it also correspondence, for also the relationship it could be, for not any asking it could be stiil, for only the answers we could wish to know.

Press the button, for still a bit hard, and not any soft or gentle touch it could be either, when only just a thing we could be seeking, also should be a readily acknowledgment.

Only the details it could be, for also part, and still not any whole we could be seeking to explain, for only separate parts.

And here the other word getting lost once again, because it could be still that of Discrete mathematics here, but not the wished subject either.

You know, only time will tell, and for such a thing I should not be any liar either, but here the second link just faded away.

So here translating, for only the outstanding accomplishment it still could be, for also unique or noble as well, for not any validity it should be instead.

Only the failure it could end up still, and next also a disposition for the same, when it also could end up being skewed.

But only the "whatever" you still could wish to make it, also that of prefer for such, for only the preference it still could be.

So here not any satisfied either, for only an objection in the Court, for not any ultimate sacrifice it should be either.

Could it still be nature for just meaning, and also what it could be meant, except also comprise, for also the involve or include it could be?

Make it any final instead, for also the Conclusion it could be, and still that of set, for also implied, for not any absolutes it should be either.

To the point perhaps, and next that of meaning for only such, for not any extremes it should be either, for only past or beyond for such.

Only nature for still its presence, and it could also be left to decide, for only the Laws it still could be, for also given Certainty and Truth.

But any invalid instead, and next perhaps not any meaningless or pointless either, for only the lack of value it also could be, for also preciousness.

Only sing a song, for also the selling of cigarettes it could be, and next we could quantize nature for that of meaning, for not any Philosophy instead.

But here perhaps still only nature for only being explained, for not any Philosophical anthropology it should be either.

Should tell that here the word "preset" also could be with me here, because we could still end up only proving.

Only the exalted I still could be, not any exaggeration it should be either, next for only a nature of meaning, for not any past or beyond either.

Here the wisdom it still could be, for that of skill or cleverness only for such, for not any picked at random for only the sample it could be, and next only ending up in a textbook.

Were I still left to choose from only science versus Religion, and perhaps science here still, for also the Method it could be, whn still not telling for only the answers I could wish for.

I better leave it there for now.
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Message 2050699 - Posted: 31 May 2020, 15:05:07 UTC
Last modified: 31 May 2020, 15:27:41 UTC

And getting back at it here, noticing that it should not be looking any good either for that of a posting.

Here summer suddenly took a hold on a couple of things, for only being settled for such, and next that of heat, for also the hot it could be.

So here not any tiny it should be either, because for only a speck it could be for such.

Again perhaps only a Frame of reference you could make it for such, when still unable to write, for only the summer heat.

But if not any adapting to surroundings either, for also the victim of circumstance you could be, still the Frame of reference next also, for only flying through space.

Just flying here, and perhaps not any jet for only a plane either, for not any Superman it should be either, because still only bon voyage instead, for also the travel it could be.

And here should tell that for still the straight angle it could be, also that of perpendicular, for only a word.

Here not any compass needed either, for still the 90 degree angle it could be, and here should rather be the small circle, because the tangent instrument
which could be used for measuring distance, is not there for only translation.

Here a needle for just one foot of it, and next a drawing pencil for that of the other, and next an arc could be drawn, for also a circle.

And here to my surprise not the central point for where the needle could be placed, for also the meeting point for that of the X-Y axis, where it becomes 0.

Either just bent for that of a shape, when still only two-dimensional, when that of a coordinate system for such, for not any three-dimensional instead.

Just think of gravity as still a Force of nature, and it becomes that of bent space, for just the warped curvature it could be.

And for that, still the emptiness of space, for only the vacuum it could be, when not any compressed for that of an object instead.

But here still relying on the Method of Proof, for not any observable Facts it could be instead, for also the Evidence it could be.

Only being caught in a maelstrom, perhaps not any victim of circumstance you could be, for not any notion of time it should be either.

Any given context of time, for only the definition it could be, and we still could be making it gravity just being a Force, for still the properties of time and space.

So here perhaps only light being particles for such, and therefore not any beam it should be either, for also the laser it could be.

Here the beam of light, in a given color only for such, should still be quite concentrated, for also the straight line it should be, for not any bent shape.

Could you still measure light for only its weight, and next make it mass only for such, or should it still be only speed, for that of traveling at the speed of light?

Only for just hitting hard, it could also be traveling at speed, and next also be carrying some heavy weight.

So here perhaps the word relation is the better one, for not any Law it should be instead.

But again, for only the possibilities I could make it, not any limits for also the constraints it could be, for only a couple of aliens just flying through space.

Any universal factor it could be instead, and next it could be only the meaning we could make for such, when still the other discussion here.

For that, only nature for its splendor and magnificence still, when not any countenance or sight it should be either.

Making it only reliable, for only relying on such, and it could also be a Method we could believe in for also select, for only a given choice for such.

Therefore nature still in front of me here, for that of subject, for not any other discussion it still could be.

Only trusting your senses instead, and perhaps the Truth it could still only be, for not any reliable Method instead.

But here still only perhaps choose here, for not any Belief it should be either, because here still the heat of the day, for not any reliability either.
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Message 2050704 - Posted: 31 May 2020, 18:01:33 UTC
Last modified: 31 May 2020, 18:18:31 UTC

And perhaps not any question about race this time either, for only a riot being quelled instead.

For that, the attempted for also tried it should be, for not any succumb it could be, for only ending up in failure.

If such a thing should only be a droplet in the ocean, for only the worse that still could be happening, either it could be a "monstrous" Event
for next the thing which could happen, for not any eventually it should be either.

Here that an atrocity for being committed, could still be a crime for only such, when perhaps not any monster it should be either.

Only "silent night" perhaps, and the ice could still be flowing, for not any sailing it should be either, and for only such, the decisive it sometimes could be.
could also be an act of cruelty, for only being committed.

So perhaps not any prick on just a nose you could make it, for also a tick on a shoulder, because each thing should be still only separate for meaning,
for not any adjacent it could be either.

Only the following it could be instead, and next a chain for that of such, which also could be that of a sequence.

But only just "naturally" still, and next a Method could be followed, for only the sequential it could be still, for not any direct approach.

Perhaps we still could follow up on practises, for only the thing being condoned, because next also tolerated for such, and for that, Freedom of speech,
as it could be defined by means of a Constitution.

Here the sledgehammer which possibly could be applied by the police, should not be any tolerated, for only the voiced opinion being heard.

But also that it could be the screaming masses here as well, for only the riot or disturbance it could be.

So here the word "deliberate" which perhaps was lost, for not any intentional it could be either, and next only Chaos just for meaning, when not any Laws either.

Could it be sometimes, for not any always either, when just intent also could mean implied, and for that just deliberate for only the heavy hand it still could be?

If nature could be still "set" for only meaning, also that it could be implied, for only the Laws making it up, except still only turmoil for only a given purpose.

But here also the Premise it could be, when not any implied it should be either, and making it almost an excuse for such.

But only for the ice it still could be, only a flow for such, when not any deliberate it could be instead, for only a heavy hand being used.

Any evil instead, for only the sacred meaning it could be, and also vicious as well, for stil only the purposeful act which could be carried out.

So here Superman still the mild reporter under the skin, for also the disguise it could be, and for that not any big power it should be either.

But only for the excuse it still could be for that of a riot in progress, not any flying through space it should be either, for only a notion.

Is an excuse still the same as any forgiveness being made, or could it only be the heavy hand for also the big muscles it could be?

"To the end", for also the till it could be, and next death just an outcome for that of an Event it could be still, but only for such, we could be having Faith.

Make it only life for that of Existence, and next turmoil still around, for only the Chaos it could be, when not any Laws of physics it should be either.

Only just an Equation for that of meaning, and next that of Laws instead, for only the decisive purpose it still could be.

But only the deliberate it still could be, for also meant, still implied for the same, when it also could be the heavy hand.

We know that it once was set in motion, and becoming the gentle hand for also soft touch it could be, when sometimes being hard or even brutal.

So here the endless saga it still could be, for only a world in motion, for also the Events just happening, making for that of a regular day.

Here only memories lost at times, for only a need to recapitulate, and for that, not any need of just looking into the future, for only a Prediction for such.

Either I could still be spelling it wrong here, for not any single thing it should be either, for only explaining a thing for its possible meaning.

Here the stroke of the baton could still make for a bit of loss, for also the sorrow or sadness it could be, when only your best friend being buried.

Just an Event, for only the eventuality it could be, and next not any at the same time for just happening, when only the coinciding it could be for such,
when also that of juxtaposition.

Or to put it in a more clear context, that of Events happening at the same time, for only the different or maybe various it still could be.

So here still the different factors it still could be for only meaning, when also left to decide as well, for only the double Event it also could be.

Here I was following a straight line earlier on, for not any slipping and falling it could be either, when only a Consequence for such.

But rather that I could end up somewhere else, for not any infinity or singularity it should be either.

Two things happening just at the same time, could still be only an Event for such, for not any chain for only just the following it could be.

For that, only next, for also thereafter, and next that of a story just happening, for still only next, for also that of successive for such.

So here not any "Chain of Command" it should be either, for only the Butterfly effect instead.

Perhaps still only the feather falling, for not any mild voice it should be either, because for only the hard or brutal it could be, also that of a viscious outcome.

But next sorry to say, for not any sinister it could be either, when still only brutal, for not any soothsaying or foretelling for that of predicted future instead.

Only part of, for still only a scheme for such, and next the flyer it still could be for only traveling through space, for not any Prediction it could be instead.

So here not any Creation for just a Myth I could make it either, but only just reality instead.

Is time still one thing, for also that of gravity just the other, or could I only be crying instead, for just the victim it could be?

And so forth, for just forward, because here not any "Firth of fifth" or the like it should be either, for only the watching of a spectacle for such.

"Bring me the shuttle" instead, and next you could be still carried away, except not any dream for just meaning, telling about a possible outcome.

Our experiences could still be only the regular day, for only a couple of things still happening, and for that, not any victim of circumstance either.

If the result outcome could still be only time travel for such, I would not be sitting here either, for also the riot which could be still happening.

Only just beginning versus end instead, and next we know where it once started, for perhaps not meeting its final destiny or demise.

But still the excuse that sometimes could be offered, for not any deliberate it could be instead, only a heavy hand for such, for not any difference here.

For that, not any "Circumstantial Logic" it could be here, for only Evidence instead, but here thinking it was mentioned before.
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Message 2050768 - Posted: 1 Jun 2020, 9:34:32 UTC
Last modified: 1 Jun 2020, 9:47:51 UTC

So here these two in front of me right now, so except for any naivety around, for also the excuse that could be, I never condone police brutality, for also the mob just around.

The problem here for that of the links, perhaps the first one is better for the science it could be, while the other could be for just a confused world.

Just making it nature for only an experiment taking place, and next any life for also just ourselves part of it, and it could be that of Cynicism as well.

Here could add it this time, for only becoming three in a row for such.

But only for the readily acknowledgment it still could be, also that word as well, for only agreeing for such, when rather Consensus instead.

So if absolutely having to be ten fingers, for also two hands, also a face for only just showing up, for not any countenance or sight it should be either.

Any hidden disguise behind the misery just around, for always being present, and still perhaps only cloaked, for only the mystery it could be.

Here not any better world either, for only betterment for such, but rather still a mystery, needing to be explained.

For some reason the dismissal I could end up make, should not be in any favor of just science either, for still only the investigative mind.

The sledgehammer could still be only a police baton for such, for not any Quantum mechanics deciding anything, for only the turmoil and Chaos it could be still.

Only peace on Earth, and next only a feather for not any hammer either, and it also could be resting on a couple of shoulders for such.

Here mentioning both the U.K and France, so wondering if it could be somewhat biased here.

Only light a fire for just being poor and lousy, next you could be still sitting around for just the same, for also the unrest it still could be.

Making it any excuse for not the act itself for just being committed, and it could end up being a Premise for only such.

Here only disobey for only the quarrel it could be still, and for that it could also be ending up in conflicts, for also wars as well.

So here that of disobedience is perhaps a better word, for not any "follow the leader" it should be either.

Making ourselves just part of nature for still only meaning, only the Chaos and turmoil it could be still, for not any "eventuality" it could be instead.

Only one thing for just another still, and next the patterns it also could be, for both that of regular for such, when also irregular as well.

Here the discussion should still not be about any Religion, for only gods and angels for such, but in the same way, there should not be any cities in the sky either.

Perhaps only the material it still could be, for not any immaterial either, we could be seekng both answers and solutions for those things being just for only meaning.

Nature could still be both that of good and bad, for also the evil or sinister for such, for not any forgiveness or bliss instead.

But if ever rounding it off a little, for not any truncating it should be either, perhaps not that easy or straightforward either.

For that, perhaps only compassion instead, for still not any bliss it could be here.

Only just a ghost in town, for perhaps only around, more that of such a thing coming along, for only included for such, when still that of part versus whole.

Here perhaps give and take only for such, but should not be any handshake either, for also the sharing it could be.

Rather come along, for just all along instead, and next everything being included, for only the difference it could be stiil, and for that, also varying parts.

Here again only a bit confused for still the music it could be, for not any peace on Earth it should be either.

Rather that just the perfect it could be, when also Symmetry as well, could be only part of Quantum mechanics for only the Chaos it still could be.

So does it only just move a couple of times, for not any orbit just around the Sun instead, and it could be Kepler's laws of motion here versus Newton.

Here only Laws out of turmoil only for such, for still only that above, for not any Einstein making it even better here, for that of Theory of relativity.

But again, for not any Truth for only an answer for such, we could still dismiss the alien subject, for only the natural phenomenon it could be,
when still not any countenance or sight.

Here science could be making it still both Mysteries, Magic and Miracles only for such, for not any Religion it could be.

For that, only the handshake it could be still, for not any way of coming up with better medicines and therapies for only a Type II civilization for such.

So, if perhaps that of excitement, for only a discovery for such, next an alien civilization became found, for only discovered, for still the fantastic it could be.

Make it only such a thing, and perhaps a way of describing nature, for not any "betterment" it should be either.

Here the counting it still could be, when that of 0 through infinity only for such, for that of enumeration here.

Any "cracking" experience, for only the magnificence and splendor it still could be, and next being measured by only numbers available, when that of scales for such.

So for that, make it only infinite joy for only a sense for such, for also the happiness it could be.

Only just the glorification it could be, for also aggrandizement as well, only the final moment for only an outcome for such, for which we already should know.

Either I could still dismiss, for also believe as well, for still not any proving it should be, for only an answer for such.

For that, only proving a couple of aliens for that of their Existence, when also a subject for the same, for still not any "final moment" instead.
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Message 2050792 - Posted: 1 Jun 2020, 21:43:55 UTC
Last modified: 1 Jun 2020, 21:53:42 UTC

Perhaps I could have it here instead.

Anyay, I detached one of my factorization tasks by just clicking on it, so here a couple of things still missing, for that of a laptop.

For that, also made it "so" twice in the previous post, but here was completely blinded for that of the daylight sun, and here back at the laptop,
where I could perhaps make it a bit better.

First of all, the buffer is almost too wide for that of a single sentence, so make it one and a half instead.

But for only making it things changing, for not any end to end it should be either, next I could only choose, for also prefer.

Make it time, for only coming into presence first, for not any Event it should be instead, and I was left to the latter only to decide.

Needs checking here, before I go.

Meaning in cleartext here that the Event was just invented first, for only the flyer coming later on instead.

First of all, you have to dig for only such, making it spacious, but Next you have to throw the Waste, for only the Space it could be.

Only just room, and next also contain, for still the voluminous Universe it could be, roooming a couple of objects.

Here I made it that of Certainty for also Mind, when also believing in a Universe just for meaning, when it also could be that of life and Death.

So where Religion could perhaps only be, and NeXT a blind spot just for meaning, for not any science instead.

If such a thing could be only one of possiblle solutions there might be, also the end Conclusion it could be, when science for only just a meaning.

Thererfore, only offering still another explanation, when also the meaning it could be for such.

"All charging" perhaps I am in charge, for only the God I could be, and NeXT also master of skill, for just in Control of everything.

So, ever heard about the Truth never being told, and only sinister and Vicious for such, for only the Chaos and turmoil it could be.

Next say it, for not any welcome it should be either. for only just Determinism instead, and it could be science which we finally could conclude.
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