Stars are blue, Panthers are pink and the music plays here

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Message 1947474 - Posted: 2 Aug 2018, 12:53:43 UTC
Last modified: 2 Aug 2018, 13:05:50 UTC

Is the world a place of turmoil and chaos, only because one thing could be chewing its bite, for next also being something,
except for sometimes not making any sense either?

Read the news, and perhaps no winning lottery around right now, for rather that of being dragged by a car, or having the throat cut almost off,
at least on paper, except for still the Laws governing the Universe, and making for both such things as light, as well as the Force of gravity.

If still perhaps no such thing for both that of listening, and also watching, perhaps both the optimist and pessimist as well, except for not any similar way,
or ways of thinking, for perhaps that of a Terminology, except for only questions and answers here.

Perhaps not only validity, but also importance, when we sometimes could make it a "make and break", for a couple of things, while still only
listening, or watching, for yet another.

At least a dive in the ocean, for also the sea, could be possible, but next also falling on hard ice as well, for that of a difference.

Perhaps mentioned before, namely that a bluff should not be worth any Method of Proof, except for only the bluff itself,
but also the fact that seeing could still be believing, except for perhaps only a vacuum tube, for that of a lamp.

The signal which we never may be able to prove, is therefore perhaps not there either, in a similar way, except for only a couple of numbers.

Perhaps still bumping a little here, for not getting to this important name, when also needed.

If also Proof itself, could be that of a Methodology, I would like to see a Method of Proof, for only that of Proof itself, because we could end up believing in the
"Man in the Street", for a couple of things.

Guess what, but we could still make it science, for next also Religion, not only for that of Myths, as a reason, for next also origin, or background,
but rather that we still are not supposed to believing in any gods and angels, for that of science itself.

While we still do not see any Method being applied, for that of Religion, perhaps not always that of Arts either, except for a bit of delightful colors,
much of my liking, including a couple of Knights, for also horses, staring each other in the face.

Perhaps a bit more of raster graphics here, at least at the start.

I do not recall any such as a "Swamp thing", for next that of a story coming from Earth, but that at least the element Mercury could be a liquid one.

Perhaps therefore sometimes a fool, except for not any "foolish" either, when sometimes our senses could betray us, except not our soul either,
in that we could be having a nature sometimes being a masterpiece on its own.

Take an example from medicine, where we could make it survivability, for also that of durability, next for that of the brain, versus the heart.

Looking around for the precise wording, but you could end up gasping for air, only while in your living room, because a clot is going to your brain,
except for perhaps your heart surpassing one beat, for doing the same.

Next that it happened with my grandfather here, and next that of a minor stroke, for that of the brain, which could be interpreted as a drip of sorts,
rather than only a clot, when next happening.

But rather that both of these still tells about that of survivability, and also durability, except for not any ever lasting either, for that of only physical mechanisms,
and next also part of your body.

Is it next harder to prove a lie, than a similar "truth" itself, except for still only the Method of Proof, for such a thing?

Could it be the light at the end of the tunnel, for also the religious believer I could be, or even a member of a sect, or could I rather make it still only lights in the sky,
for only that of stars and galaxies being visible?

Here I could also make it a "battle of sciences", and perhaps mentioned before as well, when we next could also seek to bring it altogether, in a simple way.

Perhaps still such a thing as facts, for that of fiction, except for not having all the details on the table either.

If still that of energy, as only one such example, also that such a thing as "Cold Fusion", became a thing of the past, except for not feeling well,
after a quite big meal, only by knowing that fusion happening in the cores of stars, could make it even hotter.

Or perhaps the point here, that it should be no need of proving the possible, for next also the impossible, when we also know that nature is coming with set,
or given conditions, for that of its inner-working.

So therefore, perhaps no need of proving the same either, for that of the possible, versus impossible, when we know that it at least should be working,
if perhaps not so either.

We know that a small dynamo could be attached on a bicycle, for that of driving through the street, but next that water coming falling down,
from that of big tubes, where previously only a free fall, could be generating electricity for a whole city, except for still no nuclear reactor for such.

But still not the fact of proving such a thing as energy either, when it rather should be only production versus consumption.

Here for only the word popping up right now, and not with reference to any similar discussion about the subject, except for still only that of lights,
for also a subject we could perhaps believe in.

Except for also that of Causality in the past as well, for next also scientists being crooked as well, if not any mad either, except for sometimes looking at results,
for also that of conclusions.

If still only the Tachyon, for that of a hypothetical particle, also that we could make it some 200 or more globular clusters, for that of the Milky Way alone.

So, except for still not any 0, or 1, for that of Logic alone, perhaps not any element of surprise either, when we still could be only guessing on the number of
intelligent civilizations perhaps out there, and still also possible.

If I could choose to walk on a large surface, rather than walking a straight line, high in the air, perhaps easy to guess which choice I could make.

Next, perhaps not make science any cheap, for also that of easy, in a similar way, in that there most likely could be a science for almost everything,
except for still perhaps not the straight line either.

If Probability could perhaps tell about a likelihood, next also a chance, except for perhaps not any difference either.

So, perhaps time for doing the weekend shopping right now, except for also the bang versus the whimper, when it rather could be the hammer and feather.

Need to get back at this, except for still perhaps only part of science.
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Message 1947608 - Posted: 2 Aug 2018, 22:40:20 UTC
Last modified: 2 Aug 2018, 22:49:23 UTC

Becomes only a parenthesis of mine, when still during the day.

So why not rather that of a sledge, for also a sledgehammer instead, in that we also could know what an incentive is, or is supposed to mean.

Next, do not bother in any lights, for next not believing either, and the project could be put on the shelf, if not at rest.

Mentioned before, and I need to get back at this here, before closing time.

The only reason why I am not making it numbers for that of Politics, is because of that of vice versa, for next both things,
except for still not any nature for it all either.

Here perhaps another word for that of an official statement, except for rather the story about Josef and Maria, the parents of Jesus,
visiting the city of Nazareth, in order for that of becoming part of a Census.

This perhaps not the story about the Three Wise Men either, but perhaps only the mule for that of the donkey, for that of at least riding on.

Except for perhaps not any Edelweiss either, for that of a shallow grave, when it rather could be a deep bottom, reading around,
and I both think, and also know, that science could be having different concepts, for also that of different sources, or maybe origins.

Either mentioned before, or perhaps ending up in another tab for now, both that of beginnings, for also origins, could also represent different parts of a story,
except for not all of it either.

Next read my lips, for not making it "perhaps" all the way either, except rather that of both inclusions and exclusions, which could be telling about a story itself.

Except for perhaps not same dish all over, like also next before, also "So it goes", at times, when it could be the same story all over,
except for not any cleaning of the dishes either, for also a thing forgetting to say.

So why not make it the alphabet instead, for at least the spoken word, except for not any phonetics either, for that of a couple of syllables?

relates to, leads to, leads back at, redirects back at

For some reason, that of "Our Prayer" once again on my mind, for that of its words, or wording, for what it could be meant to say.

Perhaps still "In the beginning", a couple of places, or around, and also that of a scientific debate for such, except for still not all the answers either.

But next perhaps make it so for "Do you believe in a meaning", for next that of a question, or could rather a meaning be interpreted in a different meaning,
for next also that of a context?

One example for such, and not a very good one either, is that of a Messenger, which could also be interpreted as a "Messiah", except for not any Windows Messenger either.

Next, still perhaps press a button, for that of any "twist and shout" either, and have it all thrown over your head, when you could make it perhaps gods and angels in the sky.

This because except for a story about aliens or extraterrestrials, which still might not be believed, we could also be making it such a thing as gods or the like,
only because of such a thing as Myths and also superstition.

But still perhaps rather the celestial sky, for that of stars and galaxies, except for waking up each morning, to a ready covered table, filled with dishes,
forks, knives, spoons, and also glasses, for that of cups.

Still that little "leads back", for next also redirects back at, for that of original part, or background as well, except for not making it only part versus whole, as usual.

Perhaps you heard about the story "Roots", which could be about ancestry.

Tracing back from young, through next old, and also deceased, and you could end up at the start of it all, except for perhaps not an explanation either.

But while Lucy could still be the "Missing Link", for that of chimpanzees, versus humans, perhaps no such thing as a "common denominator" for that of science,
which could be telling about the story of life on Earth, for next that of the birth of the sun, and also solar system, and so on.

Interpreting nature, by means of both concepts, and also the known parts, which could be making for that of a whole, should also be that of
understanding nature by means of its parts as usual, except for also a Terminology which could help explain it all, by making it both similarities,
and also that of relationships.

It is like sorting all the cards in a game of cards, only for that of color, except for not making it any "Knight's Tour" either, for that of some eight knights,
when it rather could be eight Queens instead, for that of Chess.

Here that of iteration versus recursion as well, except for still only the element Hydrogen, which could be the major ingredient of the Universe,
and also be telling whether I could be perhaps an idiot, or rather a genius.

Again, that of Isomorphism above, and also that we are trying to understand nature, by coming up with a GUT, for that of the subject.

Perhaps still winners and losers, for a couple of things, except for not any elementary particles telling about an "initial", or expected truth,
for also that of its probability, or predictability, either.

Here perhaps a better word being wished for, except for also that of Probability Calculus, as well, or at least on my mind, because the word "expectancy"
already could be having such an implied meaning.

Really, I should love Lucy, and not hate her at all, when perhaps coming up with a Probabilistic equation, which could be telling that we perhaps are not alone,
only for that of numbers themselves, and also counting a bit, for that of enumeration.

Perhaps the word "substance" could be having more for that of a meaning here.

I translated a bit wrong earlier on, for making it a failure, for that of a fadese, except for perhaps not any blunder either.

Could we perhaps make it Einstein wrong, for next also believing him so, except for perhaps rather nature only, for that of such blunders?

Or should I rather be only guessing a bit, for perhaps thinking that Creation is not such a perfect thing at all, but rather imperfect?

Except for perhaps a bit silly, for next also that of the hands of God, for also God's hands, in that he could be a dealer of sorts, and next be choosing
among a couple of things, including that of "Mission Impossible"?

So here, that of honesty versus dishonesty. like also dignity, versus indignity, and it could be once again all over, for at least that of a story.

Think of Creation as being still that of Hydrogen, except not any "a+b=c", for that of Mathematics, and next also God standing by,
for also telling his part of the story.

So why not a little uplift right now, for also that of a bit of thinking, for that of perhaps the Drake equation, only being such a part versus a given whole?

Scroll down a little, to the first section, "Equation", under the first, or header part, and here reading it as being a multiplication symbol, between each part.

Shorten it a little, making it the DE here, and next also E=mc2, as being an Equation, for that of nature, and we almost forget that it also could be about energy.

Perhaps not that well working, but here that of such an Equation telling about possible Probability, or rather likelihood itself, for that of also a
similar correspondence, for that of matter versus energy, with respect to the constant c, which should be the speed of light.

Next, laughter in the audience, for making it perhaps Eternity here as well, except for not any addition, subtraction, or multiplication either.

Always a measure, for at least what I am trying to say, except for no such thing as any idiots watching the sky either, for that of a sense that we perhaps might not be alone.

Should "idiocy" be still having its own concept, for also Terminology, like also meaning, perhaps still only that of Matter for such, except not still the hands of God either.

Perhaps still the story about a thousand hungry people having a meal in the middle of the desert, except for not any "Small birds either, let them all fly".

Did I, or did I perhaps not mention that of Our Prayer, earlier on, and next for also that of its wording only?

You really do not have to be a believer for everything either, but except for perhaps only a notion, also a sense here, that Creation could still be in the hands of God,
for next also its intended meaning.

What if I nicknamed, or termed that of "Brutalix", for next also that of violent, except for not any Hell either, when it could be only a thing happening,
for next also a session, in which one perhaps also made for, or perhaps created the Universe?

Do you assume Heaven and Hell, only for making it "In the beginning", perhaps, or should it still only be rather that of Creation?

Same goes with yet another thing passing by during the day, namely that of an inconsistency, for that of the Laws of gravity, and also mentioned before.

Here the Wikipedia gave a suggestion for a word, before, or while still typing in, and while not catching it, at least a good suggestion here.

Almost like Guns' n Roses, except for not any power down either, I could be sitting in the straddle at first, but next also falling down.

Perhaps not able to finish through here, except for still only that of 9.8 m/sec, for that of free falling, next here on Earth.

But are we next discussing those things which are perhaps not right, for only wrong, or are we only questioning the same, for that of a debate?

At least a video being watched, had a stone falling down from a mountain, or cliff, and here at speed, and perhaps even slightly faster than that above.

But still perhaps both questions and answers, for also that of a lie versus a Truth, except for not making you a liar yourself, for what you could be suggesting.

Here perhaps also the lie detector for such, by making it both "positively", and also negatively", except for perhaps not any totally sure either,
for also some 99.999999 % sure, or certain only.

Except for still not any Logic either, which could be telling a thing for that of "perhaps not true", for also that of "almost certainly not true".

At least the Wikipedia makes it a section, or reference here, for that of "Certainty", for that of a couple of such things.

So, could we perhaps make it still "winners and losers", except for not any "absolutely" either, and next also think that numbers could be the possible outcome?

"Cry Wolf", for that of A-ha, perhaps, except for still not any constellation for such, having the name Lupus, and also an old supernova remnant (1006 A.D).

But next, perhaps still Matter, for also that of 1+1=3, and next who is right, and who is wrong?

Should tell that I almost hate, for at least dislike, that of Baptism, for that of a session, except for not any marriage in a church either,
where the bride could be coming in white, while the groom, or husband, could be entering, wearing a black dress.

As usual, refer back at the Drake equation above, for also that of thinking we may perhaps not be alone in space, for also that of given "Logic" itself,
except for perhaps a thought that such a thing as "Hymns", perhaps is not any proven subject either.

Could I perhaps make it "What if, if not any "What, if, else", that of a programming language, and is such a thing as Logic next implied?

Translates into a cartoon here, when it also could be that of a caricature, except for not any statue, for that of a "statuette", except not any statutory either.

Here uncertain about the word statuette, but next do not forget that of "In the beginning" either, and next all and everything, for that of science.

Does God next make it the Ten Commandments here, for only a bit of Wisdom, or are we here as scientists, only in order to perhaps still only "proclaim"?

Still, I hate Lucy, of course, except for not loving, or liking her either, for at least that of respect.

If rather making it a Logical Consequence here, for also analysis, perhaps we are a bit on the way.

It comes to me that while still that of perhaps terms, for that of Logic (Prolog, for that of a language). also that of Norms as well,
except for also still that of part versus whole, when it perhaps could be about that of numbers, for also Equations.

Next, more, or even more true (if not any false either), and next also "So help me God", if perhaps still only the spoken word either.

If you still are not catching it here, dealing with that of Logic here, for what it is perhaps meant to be, and also the limits which it also could be making.

Again, a quite deep subject, for also its meaning, and next not any ball of yarn, for next also "Wind him up" as usual, except for perhaps not explaining it all either.

Did you see the green dinosaur, for next also Kermit the Frog, except for the thought that I could be perhaps modest?

Or, what is perhaps meant with a "trickle", except for not such a thing for that of "idiots" possibly around, and next what they also could be having to say?

Should I perhaps "prove" matter, for only that of Matter Creation, when it also could be that of physical Laws?

Like the mentioned Edelweiss, also that of the Elephant, for never forgetting, except for not any Type II civilizations either, which could perhaps be my favorite.

It really comes to show, except for perhaps not the point either, that you need to "prove" the physical Laws of nature, for both that of precision and also exactness.

Read nt lips, for that of Fallacy, versus Infallibility above, and perhaps not any easy, when also taking the Uncertainty Principle into mind, for also consideration.

Making it exact, for also inexact, and also that of precise versus imprecise as well, except for not forgetting the Theory of Relativity as well,
which perhaps is not any disputed either, for that of a subject.

Except for perhaps not any "Meant to be", for also "Not meant to be", for also that of a meaning as well, except not any precise meaning either.

What did Einstein say? Namely that everything is relative.

Next kick your butt, for both questions and also answers, except for not anyone understanding either.

Think of a measurement as at least precise, if not any unprecise, and at least that of a calibration here, except for not any shortcoming either.

You see, perhaps still "foot", for a couple of things, except for not the trunk of an elephant digging in the surface either.

Matter Creation could still be about Existence, for at least the world we are part of, and next also belongs to.

Next, perhaps a difference between a sketch, and that of an inscription, except for not any scratch in the back either.

I have mentioned it before, namely that proving silliness, for next also science, perhaps does not mean anything, or is of no value.

Here that word being sought, namely that of "Deeper meaning", except for not any Foundation either.

Should we rather make it Greek here, except for not any Swedish either, when next meeting up with an alien, for also that of a greeting, except for not any pardon either?

Or does it rather mean, for next also meaning, except for no such thing as Monotheism either, when it perhaps could be that of believing in a single God?

Except for still not any Creation either, for next also the moment where it perhaps all started, meaning that of Instantiation.

Do we perhaps have such thing as Pluralism here on Earth, except for not making it any single thing either, almost like that of a singularity?

Or could you just say "Fault", for next also making it so, except for perhaps only a tennis game, for that of in error?

Yes, implied meaning perhaps, except for not any statutory either, but rather that I could still make it a Premise here.

Next happy and glad as usual, except for not any mislead, confused, or deceived either, because we already know that there should be at least Proof,
for that of science.

Perhaps not the best, or correct thing here either, but also that "Tell me the truth, and next also the whole, or given truth", comes to mind here,
except for not any "whatsoever" either.

Think of the Method of Proof, as being at least the Basic principle here, except for not any statue, or statuette either.

Are witnesses to an event, next also "creep" only, because they could be witnesses to an execution, for perhaps rather only an event itself?

Or should I still make it only Probability here, for also that of survivability, or perhaps durability itself, or alone, when next only speaking about nature?

What about making it Creation, for that of a given hand, except for not any spoken either?

We all know that perhaps no such thing as proving only myself sitting in a chair, for next also that of a tentatively, or intermediate scheme.

Here perhaps a third word as well, but next at least productive, for that of production, and also that a Method could be measured against a sequence.

The formula for this being mentioned at the start of my next, or second part, for that of Projects, and perhaps not any Gantt charts either. needs checking here.
for that of pulling the book.

Getting back at it.

Or maybe happiness little, for not that of striking any gold either.

You already know that it perhaps might not be possible to prove God, for that of any egocentric either, or even that of simplistic.

Creation is next such a thing, for that of things set in motion, except for not any chance of luck, for next also proving such a thing as well.

Make it a dictionary for a couple of things, and next "here I am", for at least a couple of things, except for not pretending it to be any science either,
like "De facto", of sorts.

Again, the little greeting, for next also a handshake, if you will, and next also prove science as well.


What is meant by quasi here?

Could, or should it be that of quasi-intelligence here, or could it rather be that of still only "Ready, set, go"?

Oh, think I am just still that of a fool, for making it that of a Norm, or Norms, when perhaps also that of Intelligence.

Should we next dig deep, and think that numbers could be all the answers, except for not any enumeration either?

So, next in the fridge right now, and I need to continue.

Anyway, so perhaps still only fools and horses here, except for not any "Apocalyptic" message, or transmission here,
except for only the field Equations of Einstein here, which perhaps might be able to explain nature.

Here perhaps a difference, for that of an explanation, except for not any explaining away either, next for that of science.
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Message 1947625 - Posted: 2 Aug 2018, 23:58:00 UTC
Last modified: 3 Aug 2018, 0:10:19 UTC

Pretend, versus that of pretension, and next having a bit of problems here with that one, silly me.

Any "gawd" here, next for also still both you and me, except for perhaps no such thing as "proving" nature either.

Yes, Open book, for also that of a Fundament, or subject, except for not any Foundation either, and it could be still only deep underground.

Think of Formalism as perhaps one way of proving science, next for that of another, and next also science itself, for the silly, or stupid idiot,
who or which I perhaps might be.

Gimme, and next perhaps still only a upper hand here, next for that of science.

Or perhaps "free will" only, for next only a temptation, when perhaps making it -1, 0, 1, of sorts.

Is an angel supposed to fly, next through the air only, or could it perhaps be rather that of free will?

Or should we rather still only prove that of idiocy here, for also that of given stupidity, except for perhaps not any free will either?

What is meant by Comprehension here, except for perhaps not making it only physical Laws either?

Should it perhaps be a way of thinking, and next also both positive and negative mentality, for also that of inclination, or even charge?

Or maybe that of a given attitude instead.

Becomes that of decision here, for next also half part only, in that we perhaps could be left not to decide, except for that of the decision process itself.

Like half, or full, next also full steam as well, except for still not any zero, for next nothing.

Bonkers, here you have it, for next also got it, and also that it was asked for, or perhaps mentioned, earlier on.

Lile the stray cat, also that of indefatigable as well, except for not any session either.

Climb the mountain, except for not thinking that I could be weird or stupid either, but next perhaps question nature, for that of its interface,
or way of showing up, next against us.

You see, our Moderator here, Bernie, perhaps is not any fool either, except for the Wise Man, which could be the falling tree, for next also stone,
by also surpassing that of gravity, by next also making it a falling stone only.

Next tell me, except for not any Truth, for that of nature either, and am I next also supposed to "believe"?

Oh, ended up being an Agnostic here, for perhaps that of Belief, and next not any "Upper hand" either, for that of such belief.

"So it goes", once again, for next God dealing me a hand, except for not any cards either, and next also a hand to choose, for also that of being a good one.

So, sight here, for next also countenance as well, except for not any God's hand, or hands of God either, which next could perhaps mean science.

Oh, so sorry, for at least having the table covered, with that of dishes, spoons, forks, knives, and so on, except for perhaps not any Creation either,
which could be meant for that of any significance, except for not any production, or consumption, in mind.

Keep it right, and also smooth as well, and next back at the Higgs boson here, for also making it the "God particle".

Is enumeration a fact for next at least counting, or could you perhaps prove God, based on other, or perhaps different circumstances?

Refer back at Ambiguity before, except for not any "Circumstantial evidence" either, and next perhaps good, for both these things.

Believe it or not (still Logic, if not any Proof either, for that of Evidence), make it that of a traceback, if you will, except for not any Evidence either,
and next also Evidence of God.

So, clamp on your foot, if you will, if not any harvesting of the soil either.

Keying in "Bigotry", for next that of Prejudice here, and I have not read it yet.

Why not make it just "compartmentalized" for that of the silly, or stupid idiot I perhaps may be, and next also "believe" in science?

So, except for the troll here perhaps around, why not still that of more. versus that of less, and next also making, if perhaps not thinking.
that it could perhaps be science?

Like value, for also that of "parlor" as well, except for not any miniscule either, when it perhaps could be the smallest of all, for next also everything?

Look above, for that of idiocy, for next also a bit of stupidity as well, except for not any geniuses either, for next that of a measure, and you could be having
Creatiion itself, or on its own.

Beware the wolf, but are we perhaps questioning such a thing as Creation here. except for only making it Matter Creation?

Or perhaps also that of told versus untold, for that of also an untold, or perhaps unexplained experience?

Is nature still having an upper hand, for next also "meant to be", or could it rather be still only the idiot, for such?

Or perhaps only Truth, for that of a truth, except for not any lie either, except for still not the "upper hand" either, which could mean that of God.

So, that of building blocks, for that of a couple of things. and next perhaps not any Laws of nature either, for that of its fundament,
or next, or otherwise, perhaps meant to be.

Back to subject, and next also place, and the word "Orphan" comes up with me.

Perhaps need s an explanation here, but next that it typically goes that Creation is for that of science, for next also in mind,
except for not any otherwise either, or even whereabouts.

Again, look above, for next also "Kick my ass", except for not any Lucifer either (needs checking).

Not the first one, or even newest one either, so at least worth mentioning.

So, could you perhaps make it a dance here, except for not such a thing as Creation either?

Or am I just stupid, for next also morbid, by next thinking that Creation could be that of just Fallacies here (lost the wording).
except for no such thing as Isomorphism?

Still bonkers, for also that of little blunders as well. except for not proving any science either.

Like still "row your boat", next not any Prejudice either. for next also proving any science, when you know where it perhaps "is", for that of the gravitational constant.
if perhaps not making it anything else either.

So it goes.
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Message 1947631 - Posted: 3 Aug 2018, 0:48:05 UTC
Last modified: 3 Aug 2018, 0:55:17 UTC

But next Idiots are for that of the church, and next not any productivity, or mentality either, for next also on mind.

Here I am, and next you also are, at least when it comes to music, or that of so being concerned.

Oh, raise your hand perhaps, and next for that of telling the Truth, except for not any Conscience itself.

Or am I supposed to believe, and next also think, that science also could be adhering to a couple of principles?

Laughter from the audience, except for not any scientific inclined. for that of mind. either.

You know, at least we could be laughing at God here, except for not making it any science either.

But it perhaps meant to be, for also "there is", perhaps that of the Higgs boson for such, except for not any elementary particle either?

Do you next think that a sentence is perhaps "screwed", or even weird, only because of a typo, or at least a typographical failure?

Or is it rather that of brave, for that of Braveheart, when perhaps direct, is also that of misdirect, except for not any mislead either.

So, why still that of proving science here, except for not any Religion, except for not any "broader sense" either?

Do you next take it as a misconception, for also a misdemeanor, except for still only cleverness, wits, craftiness, shrewdness, or even Intelligence here?

Or am I supposed to perhaps believe that it could be still only nature here, for next only an upper hand?

So,, does Idiocy go with the white coat here, or could it still be only the upper hand here, for next also perhaps "believe"?

Or maybe only pretext here, for that of written cards, except for not any showing up either.

It is like the bandit here, for next also "bandido", when next also Creation itself, and next also thinking about possible fulfillment as well,
except for still not in the cards either?

So, much of it perhaps, if not any more either, and next perhaps a bit sinister, except for not being dealt most of the cards either.

Guess what, but Probability should next also mean likelihood as well. except for not slipping on a stone either, and next falling.

Yes, proving God, except for not any Rationality either, and next perhaps a fulfillment, if not any success either.

So, thin man, versus thick man, and next passing me on the street, each day as well.

Or perhaps still only a Creation meant to be, because of only sitting here.
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Message 1947663 - Posted: 3 Aug 2018, 4:40:19 UTC
Last modified: 3 Aug 2018, 4:41:34 UTC

Or perhaps still, or rather that of trolls here,

Namely, what is Seti all about, and also its intended purpose.

Why not say "cuckoo", or even geek, and rather ask instead, because when perhaps next looking at nature, it could be from that of an initial stand,
for next also a given purpose, if not any Mind either.

Always that of a question, for that of an answer, except for still not any Mind either.
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Message 1947677 - Posted: 3 Aug 2018, 11:13:44 UTC
Last modified: 3 Aug 2018, 11:17:41 UTC

Or perhaps still, or rather that of trolls here.

Namely, what is Seti all about, and next also its intended purpose.

Why not say "cuckoo", or even geek, and rather ask instead, because when perhaps next looking at nature, it could be from that of an initial stand,
for next also a given purpose, if not any Mind either.

Always that of a question, for that of an answer, except for still not any Mind either.
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Message 1947678 - Posted: 3 Aug 2018, 11:17:04 UTC
Last modified: 3 Aug 2018, 11:21:23 UTC

So, is failure still an excuse, or is it perhaps only a measure?

Could you make it perhaps nature a stick, and next also adhere, or keep to such a stick, except for not any pull or draw either?

Leave it to that of training if you will, except for still not any measure, or even response either.

Except for next also thinking that nature could still be good, for also bad.

What about the word "feasibility" here, for perhaps a thing which we could be doing?
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Message 1947913 - Posted: 4 Aug 2018, 18:08:44 UTC
Last modified: 4 Aug 2018, 18:30:10 UTC

Not so good in the most recent, but I could be getting back at it.

A different thing perhaps, but if you happen to watch a video around, here two magnificent species of the race, telling about life on Earth,
both past, as well as also present.

Here keying in NGC 6744, for that of a large spiral galaxy located in the constellation of Pavo, and for a moment confusing with a similar one,
found in the constellation of Ophiuchus.

Becomes NGC 6384, for that of the latter, and here only using my memory, while sitting here.

Except for noticing a couple of short ones around, for that of some people being carried away for a moment, and getting it slightly better.

At least a nice thing, when first reading.

But also watching two different pictures on top of each other, for that of a web-page, gives yet another reminder that if such a thing as both Heaven and Hell,
should both exist, possibly part of a given Creation, regardless, or whether you happen to be a Christian, or at least a religious believer of sorts.

At least my take on it here, because as already mentioned, perhaps no such thing as a Method, or even Proof, for that of Religion, except for still only science itself.

If we could only ridicule ourselves, by also making it a laugh, only zooming out from the first galaxy above, and next past the colors surrounding alpha Scorpii (or Antares).

Here perhaps a bit better, for that of colors themselves, but still of course a written reference also needed.

Except for that of a judgment, which of course could be about the Law, and also Justice system, if not the Courts either, but rather perhaps such a thing,
for that of making it a Logical consequence, if perhaps not any wild guess either.

Perhaps only a pen, or even keystroke, but at least a painting by Picasso, was once again thrown out by Facebook, except for not any black paint either.

Should we perhaps rather make it white instead, and it could be the white background here, for that of the text also being written, at least in the posting buffer.

Or rather make it inverse, for also converse, or conversely, and you could be dealing with opposite Forces, if not any effects either,
leaving perhaps such a thing as time dilation, yet another subject here.

Maybe still for a better moment as well, but always the thought around for that of just little me, for that of a human,
and next the big Universe around both myself, and also that of every citizen on Earth, for that of humankind,
in that we sometimes could be embracing nature, for also that of the Universe, in that knowledge could be both a teacher itself,
for next also perhaps our best friend as well.

If perhaps rather Edwin Hubble for such a thing, that of making it a first hand experience as well, when next gaining knowledge, by sitting high up,
and still in a chair, with only the pipe in his mouth.

You may recall the session from the classroom, where a physicist was giving a lecture of sorts, and next it also became a bit of wrong lesson, as well.

When first coming across the Mandelbrot set, I first asked myself what is all this about, and where does it come from?

Here that word slipping my mouth again, and will have to finish up later here, but should be that of a "constraint".

You perhaps read about the recent news for that of the Riemann hypothesis, in that it is a problem still unsolved.

But next. perhaps only in a kindergarten, or even at school only, for that of a jump rope, or skipping rope, except for not any tornado in the sky either,
for that of two or more swirling vortices spinning around the main funnel itself.

Perhaps no synchronization either, for such a thing, except for that of making it an explosion, with 200,000 frames per second, for only watching the details.

If perhaps still rather Roald Dahl, for that of "Tales of the Unexpected", maybe only that of Tachyons again, for making it a hypothetical particle only.

So, if perhaps not any "Windows Messenger" either, for that of any Messiah, we still could make it the speed of light as that of a measure,
if not any constant either, for a set limit, at how fast we could travel in the celestial sky.

Therefore perhaps both the probable, for also improbable, when next perhaps either witnesses to an event in the celestial sky,
except for still only the laugh, when we could make it advanced civilizations, for also that of technology, and intelligence.

Proving perhaps both, for next a given things, and next also the opposite as well, for that of a counterproof, if still not only the opposite.

If life is perhaps only a "thing", for next also Existence, also that of a given measure for that of technology, except for perhaps still not only
believing in Creation itself, for next that of Belief, except for not any Conscience either.

But still perhaps only the jump rope here, except not any Mandelbrot set either, when a closet could be having
shelf, or shelves, for also rack, or racks at times, if not any drawers which could be pulled out either, more or less at the same time.

So except for still not any smile either, perhaps point me in the right direction here, for making it perhaps still only science,
when I also could end up stumbling into that of Religion, as a subject, if perhaps not any belief itself, or on its own,
because here which way perhaps, except for your possible attitude, or inclination.

Or perhaps not doing my home lesson here, by perhaps confusing Theology with that of Religion, except for still not any Philosophy either,
for only that of just a thought.

Even by making it such things as Cosmic strings, if it became mentioned, and next still only constraints here as well, for making that of a concept,
in a similar way as also that of Fractals, if not making it any Field Equations either, by Einstein, next also formulated in such a way.

Except for perhaps still only a Rhyme here, when you could make it a little mirror, if perhaps not any small either, for only guessing who could be behind.

As usual, science could next be still formulated, for perhaps rather that of Formalism here, if perhaps not any expressed, or written either,
for next at least some intelligence as well, if not any conscience either, when we at least could make it both symbols and swastika,
and still trying to explain, except for perhaps not any prove.

Therefore, still a couple of circles and square here, for that of a Pythagorean theorem, or the like, if not any colors either,
but next that perhaps Archimedes could be still having a bath, except for not any Achilles either, and for this also making a bit of "Eureka" as well.

So, perhaps still not any Wisdom either, but perhaps rather that of Myth only, except for still that of Creation at first, for next only myth,
in that science perhaps took the wrong turn, for making it Religion, when perhaps still only science.

If perhaps rather a formula, for that of an Equation, perhaps not any secret one for such either, except for perhaps only the "Wise Man",
who could be telling when it perhaps is science only, for that of still Religion, except for not any interface, or connection either.

Could we perhaps still make it that of living versus dead, for next also life itself, except for perhaps only the Aura, for that of science,
if not making it any Afterlife, or Eternity either?

In the world of processes, we sometimes could find, or encounter the "consumer versus producer" problem.

For this, we could also make it both static, if not any dynamic either, for perhaps still the Aura only a static feature, and also part of nature.

Or perhaps still rather the Higgs boson here, for such a thing, when some people could also choose to make it the "God particle".

If perhaps sometimes unknown, or at least unclear, for that of a given thing, still for perhaps that of a given context,
except for not interpreting it in such a way, for also that of one thing, for also another.

If science is still based on both Laws and Equations, and also elementary particles as well, we also need at least that of Formalism as well,
except for not any sleeping well either, for next also a sense of entering the seventh sphere, for that of a given Heavens.

Like also making it both right and wrong, for a couple of things, except not any wrongdoing either, when at least that of Laws governing such things,
except for only the Judge here, with his book, and also hammer, and also a bit of sentencing as well, if possibly needed.

Getting to this here, from a bit of local news, which you perhaps have not heard of, but if rather still that of Culture and Society here only,
except for not any Ancient aliens either, still that of written and spoken rules, for that of a society, except for not any rituals, or traditions either.

Could I make it a donkey, for that of a mule here, except for not riding any horse either, for next only Three Wise Men here, and also a star shining in the sky,
for that of showing them the way?

Or perhaps rather Existence here, for also that of Existence of God, except for still not any "Shining Path" either.

Here getting it perhaps wrong here, and more thinking about perhaps China here, for that of a Maoist government, or perhaps thinking,
if not any Burma either, for that of woman being kept in house arrest, for that of a brutal military regime behind.

Or perhaps still only the cross here, for that of a Crucifix, which could be held in your hand, for that of perhaps still that of Belief,
if not making you any martyr of sorts either, for that of any evil force of nature, or the protection you wish to be seeking.

Again, that it could be perhaps both simple, if not any complex either, for next also a bluff only, when we could make it science,
for also that of being witness to an event, but if perhaps still believing, for also trusting, also the "Alien Interview" here,
when it became that of a Dogma.

Here perhaps slightly better explained right now, except for in the past, when it was not that good for any reading.

Think of perhaps infinity here, for that of science, except for still not any laugh either, when we could make it the Earth, and press it together to a ball,
which could be held in a single hand, for at least that of space.

But next that a singularity should be only for that of gravity, except for not any endless wait either.

My guess is that we still could be having that of Probability, for that of science, except for still not any guess either,
except for still only the Kardashev scale dealing with the subject of energy, for both production, and consumption,
and next by living entities only, and not a thing happening in the cores of stars.

But next "Did it happen", for that of an event perhaps in the sky, except for not any Apparition either, or even a sprinkler, for that of a fountain,
where water could be flushing, except not any seeping from the ground either.

Perhaps it was meant that we sometimes should believe, for next also that of Belief itself, except for not any Credo either,
when we sometimes could be making it a Creator for such, as well.

And next that science still perhaps sells, except for not Religion doing the same either, for next also a thing being taught you as well,
except for perhaps not any sledgehammer either, for that of a bit of head throwing.

If perhaps still that of "In the beginning", next also that of Instantiation as well, for that of a "brief moment of time".

Except for still only the twelve disciples of Jesus here, also perhaps a famous painting as well, but need more reading here first.

But in the meantime, perhaps still a bit confused, for making it a bit of wrong, when next making it that of acceleration of gravity,
for next also speed of gravity, except for still only that of gravity itself, because here perhaps mentioning the error in the literature,
for that of making it 9.8 m/sec, for that of Earth, except for not any falling stone either, which came tumbling down at speed.

If perhaps Logic should not be about only true and false, for also 0 and 1, as well, perhaps also that of right versus wrong as well,
except for not making it any "illogical" either, for only making it relativity, because also that of sometimes consistency versus inconsistency, for that of the same,
while not still making it any Laws for that of nature either, in that it perhaps could be the governing method, or principle, in a similar way.

So, therefore, still touch the ground only, for also steadfast as well, except for no such thing as any Tachyons either, for that of making it any speed faster than light,
except for still not any travel through time and space either, for that of a Journey, because next perhaps still not any Method either, for that of possible Belief,
when we only could be making it that of science.

A bit too long sentences here, for also that of paragraphs, but also in the middle of the day.
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Message 1947916 - Posted: 4 Aug 2018, 18:44:08 UTC
Last modified: 4 Aug 2018, 18:44:46 UTC

Or maybe "duff", for also that of nuff only, if not any "nuff said" either, when perhaps only about society and culture, for also a bit of quarrel around.

Leave an apple half eaten, and it becomes like that of milk being left on the shelf as well.

Make it rather that of Norms, and also a bit of Rhetoric as well, and perhaps on a better way, for that of science, except for still only that of a heated debate.
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Message 1947920 - Posted: 4 Aug 2018, 19:42:03 UTC
Last modified: 4 Aug 2018, 19:47:21 UTC

And listen to the Skeptic among us here, except for perhaps only the Drake equation only part of the big puzzle, for that of nature,
in that answers should also go for that of an explanation, with also that of science in mind.

Perhaps still not any part time job either, but except for still only a Probabilistic equation for such, could we still make it myriads of stars here,
for also galaxies as well, except for still not trusting ourselves, for that of any feelings either?

Here a classic example for that of making it Alms, for next being heard as well, except for not any heard by God either.

Or perhaps only a bit trustworthy here, when it could be both listen, and next also heard, except for still only making it parts versus whole,
for that of nature, except for not any concepts either, for that of the similar.

Perhaps a bit more here right now, for that of contents, except for not any origins, or directions, for any such Belief either, when both Islam, and also Buddhism,
except for still only Christianity, could make for almost the same thing, except for not any fanaticism either.

Except for not making it any verb, for that of proverb either, because here reading about the First World War, or World War I, for that of a meaningless slaughter of people
once happening, for only a just cause, if perhaps not any pure accident either.

If rather Contact instead, perhaps contact lenses only, except for not making it any Psychology either.

Always a subject, it seems.
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Message 1947936 - Posted: 4 Aug 2018, 21:40:34 UTC
Last modified: 4 Aug 2018, 21:47:13 UTC

Still, rather, except for not any rather such either, except for perhaps only Dan Rather.

But next perhaps not the Supreme Court as such either, for only keying in Judge here, except for also Federal Judge as well, except for not feeling any sad either,
for that of such a judge knocking on the door to the Oval Office, and telling that it perhaps is time to go, meaning leaving Office.

Not forgetting here that it is still for the U.S. Senate, in order to appoint that of judges, except for still not any confirmation hearing either,
for only the hammer lying on the desk (and not that hammer either).

Or should perhaps the Judge be listening to the jury as well, except for not making it any impeachment proceedings either,
which could be also affecting a presidential race, for that of an election?

Suggestions welcome, but for that of any appointments or the like, it does not become all the details for this, when only at the spot.

Or perhaps only "hello there", for also an idiot only, at the other end, except for perhaps not any Legislative system, or business, for such a thing either.
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Message 1948138 - Posted: 6 Aug 2018, 12:36:08 UTC
Last modified: 6 Aug 2018, 12:43:27 UTC

Next, do not tell me such a thing either, for next science perhaps going wrong, except for not any such thing as evidence either,
except for still only the Scientific Method here, if we still could make it both space, and also time.

Should it perhaps be a written book of sorts, or could it rather be a deviation instead, when still making it such a thing?

Einstein, where are you here, except for perhaps not any "Inertial" either, because here still Classical mechanics, in the latter link.

It comes to me, that there perhaps could be salad, for that of dinner, except for not breakfast either, like also not having any turtles for dinner either.

But except for Champagne either, or as well, perhaps still that of "this here, and that there", and next it also goes, for making it perhaps a reference, and next also a frame.

Sorry for that above, but for making it only Theoretical Physics, you are not supposed to lose any point either, for next that of a reference, for only that of just knowing.

No more, and next no less either, for still only that of counting, except for those people rather listening, for just only watching, and next also perhaps believing as well.

Next, wish I was such an idiot, except for perhaps not any genius, for rather making it Creation here, instead.

Is perhaps Intelligence still a gift from nature, except for not any offerings either, for next also that of nature as well, except for perhaps rather that of Instantiation here,
for also the Initial Moment of Creation, except for not making it any "upper hand" either?

While also listening to a couple of quite good news reports coming from CNN right now, also a thought here for that of a Universe which perhaps "is",
for next also that of life itself, if not any living either, for that of also conditions for such life.

Of course the sound makes for a bit of distraction as well, and I need to finish it up.

Perhaps still that of analog here, for next also binary as well, when next only bits, except for still not any bits and pieces either.

Perhaps still rather a Construct here, except for not entering the door either, for that of Monotheism, or like, for that of the church, and also that of Belief.

Perhaps still a notion of time, except for perhaps not any Comprehension for that of space, but as usual, at least the discussion here, for that of any space travel,
if not making it any visit, or visitors either.

But if perhaps still only an "abstract element", for only that of a visualization, if perhaps not any concept, or conceptualization either, or even that of a vision,
next perhaps I both love, and also hate you, except for not the same with any Lucy either.

Show me the direction, and perhaps also the way as well, and next perhaps not any disciples sitting at a table either, for also that of bits and pieces,
which could be making up nature.

Or perhaps forwards, for also backwards as well, except for perhaps not any direction either, for only that of space, when it next could also be that of time.

If both life and death cut be put into a context of science, for also that of a place, we should know what it perhaps is all about, at least for ourselves,
except for not any space traveler either, when it could be only a notion of space.

Do we next see any "Belief" here, for next any science, when perhaps making it any Einstein here, for that of a bridge of sorts, or could we rather make it "Faith" here,
when still only that of Belief?

Or perhaps only Comprehension above, for that of a bit too long sentence, when next also that of both a left hand, and also right hand, and next thinking that
perhaps one thing should also go for that of the other.

Except for perhaps only the fruit here, when it also could be the forbidden fruit, except for not the top of the iceberg either, for next only that of science.

Could we perhaps make it a dead end, for that of a couple of things, except for not any return back either, for that of a passage, or even gateway?

Here the line for this, and perhaps open, except for not the end either, which could perhaps be a point, meaning that of a singularity at both ends,
for also that of open space in between, except for still only that of a line, for only one dimension.

Is next even such a line only a compressed set of single points, for that of a singularity?

The open area, for that of the first one, makes me feel better, for that of the second one only, in that perhaps not only Vectors here, but also the Mandelbrot set,
because like also that of Venn diagrams, being mentioned, perhaps is not any such thing as a Minkowski space either.

Or perhaps only that of a space curvature here, if not mentioned in the text, except for perhaps rather factual instead, for next only that of Facts.

Like still not the other things around for this as well, is it not the fact here, for also point, in that of bringing it all together, for next that of a GUT,
except for perhaps still only that of Comprehension here, for that of science, except for still not any such for that of God either?

Just thinking, and still a little, and next perhaps not any Martin Luther here, for that of a Bible, except for not any "you dare" either, for next only that of science.

Except for not any swap around, for also opposite order, because if still that of "-ism" here, what about the people here, for next also individual people,
except for not the church itself?

Only to have it mentioned, but except for perhaps only "Little mirror on the wall", for that of a mirror, should we perhaps make it only an Apparition here,
except for perhaps not any Aura either, and next for that of science?

Or perhaps only a bit of language here, for only making it a couple of Thoughts, for next also Facts, when it also could be incorporated as well,
except for perhaps not any included, or excluded either, for also the lost, or forgotten word, as well.

Meaning that Facts should be at least interpreted as science, and not only just Thoughts either, when perhaps still a difference between science,
and fiction, for also that of still Facts, for only a couple of guesses.

Perhaps still only a summary of sorts here, but should not the Uncertainty Principle be still about nature, for also that of exactness, or preciseness,
for also that of the opposite, if not rather so?

Or perhaps rather the Theory of Relativity instead, where a high rate of speed, for also motion, could be telling about a lack of measurement,
for also preciseness, when it comes to that of coming up with a precise answer?

Even only that of a slip, for also that of a fall, except for not any "ripples" either, for that of seismic waves, except for not any crust of the Earth either,
should perhaps tell, except for not any such thing as earthquakes, or volcanoes, for that of the Ring of Fire.

And do not forget the Pendulum either, for next also picking up where I once left, for still making it one thing, for next also another.

Or perhaps a bit of sad moment instead, for next only the living versus the dead, except for not any living thing either,
when next perhaps making it Eternity, for that of Creation myth, while still only a Wormhole, for that of Creation itself.

Or perhaps in switched, or opposite order above, except for still not any "Tempus Fuight" either.

So, the old drawing, or sketch here, from the old book, where you place two elephants on each end of a tray, with perhaps a support in the middle.

Next the tray bends, for that of the weight, only because the elephants could be standing, each with their respective weight.

Are they next supposed to bend space perhaps, except for not any time either?

Except for perhaps not any "Initial" either, except for rather meant to be, when the Force of gravity could at least make for a place of living,
when also that of space, for such a thing.

Think of being perhaps thrown off a ship, for that of a sea theft, if perhaps not any robbery either, and we next could see Creation as well,
for both purpose, as well as Mind, if not any intention either.

Or perhaps rather Mind, for that of Thought, instead.

Any stumbling block, or point here, except for not any failure, or fadese either, for that of "Biggest blunder of my life", making it Einstein, for next that of only nature.

Except for still only a twist around, for only that of a reflection, in that such a thing could also be a thought, for that of God,
if still not any reflection upon mind, either.

What if we could make it "Creator" here, for only that of science, or in a scientific context?

Of course you already know what you could be doing with your left hand, for that of your right one, if perhaps still not only the brain for such.

Does not the Bible tell that Adam, for that of a human, is created in the realm of God, for next also a picture as well, if not any sense either?

Or perhaps still both include, as well as exclude a couple of things, except for not any glorification, aggrandizement, or extol, for next only hatred itself,
if not any despair either, for that of perdition, or damnation.

We already know that knowledge should at least be telling about the idiot, except for still not any science at hand either, for that of the possible genius,
but next perhaps still that of Intelligence, for only that of nature.

But still deduce a couple of things as well, for that of a Deduction, except for perhaps not make it any Logical consequence either, and still perhaps only Creation.

Is walking a thin line, also a bit too far, if not any thread for such either, like that of threading too far?

Like still a diagram, for also that of a chart, if not any charts, also that of "diaphragm" as well, and guess next its interpreted meaning.

Make it rather a bad stomach instead, and perhaps even better interpreted so, except for not any pentagon, or hexagon, for that of a shape either.

So, the show goes on, for apparently no ending, except for still only a heavy hand, for also that of an "upper hand" as well, for that of Creation.

Make it perhaps that of a Faceless coward here, except for not any "Face of God" either, for that of a sight, presence, or perhaps countenance,
and perhaps even better.

Any doomsday here, or perhaps around, except not any Day of Judgement, or Judgement Day, and perhaps not listen to the disciples either,
for also that of Jesus, except for only God himself.

Or maybe only throw it a hat, except for not any me, or myself either, when perhaps rather a big quake on Earth, for perhaps rather an event in space,
for next also happening, or taking place, like that of a supernova, or even Hypernova.

Or is it perhaps only a wrong idea, for next also Thought, if not any Comprehension either, when it next became only such an event, for rather what
you perhaps expected?

Should we rather leave it there, for making it Creation "as is", for also what could be expected, and next also left to be, if not any beforehand either?

Or should we still rather step on someone's feet, if not any shoes either, for next not any trample either, in that Comprehension could next perhaps mean Belief?

Infinity is still perhaps the scientific aspect here, if not any construct either, but next what about a philosophical God instead, when it rather, or perhaps not,
could not be interpreted, by such a thing as science?

Spell it, if perhaps not bend it, or at least pronunciate, for that of a pronunciation, because here the red dots, for the first word, and next off tracks again,
except for still not any derive, for that of a derivation, when next imply could next also mean, for also that of meaning of God.

Or perhaps me only stumbling here, except for not any blunder either, thinking that it perhaps might be science here, for next only Philosophy versus Religion.

Except for perhaps a sheet of paper, for next also a leaf, except for holding it up against your mouth, for that of the tongue on your cheek,
if not any weighing scale either.

Only because of that of thinking, except for not any silly, or stupid words either.

Here Empirical research, close to the bottom, for that of this.

Does nature next tell, perhaps on its own, for also that of a lie, except for not making it any Empirical research, for also that of Empirical evidence?

Or perhaps rather that of a Conclusion here, for that of also a Fact, except for still not any Evidence either, when nature could be still such a liar,
except not any story, or fortune teller either?

Add to it for a little bit, when also making it that of a soothsayer here, except for not any Prediction here, next for that of the future.

Supposedly still only Logic here, for both that of true versus false, if not any right or wrong either, for that of Truth itself, except for not any
Judgement either, because presumably not any philosopher being present in a Court either.

Or perhaps rather Proof versus Contradiction here, when we could be left perhaps believing in one story, for next not trusting the other one either.

Guess what, but I could end up in prison, for also that of a sentencing, except for still not any Court for that of science either, and next also left to decide.

If rather still only a wave, for that of Isomorphism as well, next both sound and light perhaps, except for not any waveforms, or shapes either,
for next also a couple of boundaries for that of science as well.

Here perhaps a little more in due time, but need scrolling back, for that of a more comprehensive read, and next also look.
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Message 1948146 - Posted: 6 Aug 2018, 13:32:08 UTC
Last modified: 6 Aug 2018, 13:33:51 UTC

Still that of a Method, of course, except for not any Mathematics either, for also that of Physics.

"May I present myself for you", and my name is Dr. Stephen Hawking, for next not the one who I perhaps am not either.

Peace with the eminent scientist, for also passing away, except for not any eyes in his neck either.

Could I perhaps still laugh, for a couple of things, and next not him in mind, but perhaps rather such a thing for that of nature itself,
except for perhaps still not any such thing as believe.

Any miracles in the sky, and next also trust your feelings as well, for only seeing is believing, if, or except for perhaps only the Scientific Method itself.

Could I perhaps make it Creation an open thing, for also open-ended, when also that of the Uncertainty Principle for the same, like also Relativity as well,
in that there perhaps is no precise answer, for also that of a measurement as well.

Next, twist around a little, except not any shouting either, and suddenly Relativity, could also be that of a measurement here.

Empty space perhaps, for next one single thing, except for no such thing as Differential equations either, which could be telling about the properties of space.

Next, science for dummies, like also Maths, for that of the same, except for still only the tongue on the cheek, for also weighing scale as well.

Give or make it that of a Measure, next for also a measurability, and also Probability, for that of the unlikely, or improbable, but next not any derive, for any Derivation either,
when only that of Relativity.

Or spell it correctly, for also that of correctness, except for not any spitting either, it should also be that of "complete", for that of completeness here,
because like the meter, for that of a length, like also a kilo, for that of kilogram, both are "sticks" for that of a measure, except for only a scale,
except for not any nature either, when perhaps that of Relativity could be of more concern, or perhaps importance.

Still that of the Force of gravity here, of course, except for not making it any yard, for that of a meter either.

Think of it as being a reality show of sorts, and next wake up in the morning, for next still being here, for next also "Here I am" as well.

Next both fun and joy, and also a bit of laughter as well, except for not any despair either, for that of perhaps "Tears in the rain", sometimes.

Also translates into distraught, or distress here, when next only a bit of despair, except for still perhaps a couple of tears as well, or coming ahead.

Why not just only suffocate here, for next also drown, except for not making it any Condition, for also that of a Statement?

But still perhaps only raw data here, and next that of Causality, except for not any cold, or chilly winter either.

But more that of a self-destruct of sorts, in the movie "Predator", and perhaps no such thing for that of the "end of the world" either, when it perhaps could be
that of an oblivion, for such.

If rather using an arm for such, next around the throat, or neck of someone, and still that of suffocating, if not any Asphyxiation either,
because it should go for the same, for perhaps also knowing the same.

Do you next see a player of a game, for that of cards only, without any cards left, for that of also 0, zero, or nil, for that of the same?

Because of such, does he next have any options left, for also being left out with any options?

Does Creation next mean one thing, for also a single thing, except for perhaps still only many, for next also such a thing, and also that of options?

Should I perhaps read nature for that of red only, next for that of color, except for not making it any blue either, for also interpreting it?

Perhaps still only colors for both, but what do I next perhaps make of it, when it comes to only an interpretation only, for next also possible meaning?

Of course, still Creation, for that of an "upper hand", if not any heavy either, for that of such, and for this, also science for also its intended purpose,
except for still not any similar meaning either.

Almost like the fork and knife, for that of dinner, except for not any spoon either, but at least the tools here, for that of Creation.

Now time for the cup of coffee, except for not any thirsty either, when the heat could be turning up, for that of the day.
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Message 1948169 - Posted: 6 Aug 2018, 15:57:33 UTC
Last modified: 6 Aug 2018, 16:17:25 UTC

You do not suffocate someone, using only a hand, do you?

Except for perhaps rather a pat on the shoulders, for such a thing.

Here for still that of Mathematics, if not any Calculus either, when it perhaps could be more about science.

Perhaps our Mike here, for only that of "Donnerwetter", except for not any thunder and lightning either, for that of science itself.

But rather still waiving the flag, for both that of red, blue, yellow and white, when perhaps making it Electromagnetism,
for that of light, except for not any Weak Nuclear Force either, when only that of a Probabilistic argument, for also that of an Equation, if not issue,
could be the deciding, or even "deterministic" factor.

Count it on a single hand, and next also both 0, for that of many, except for not only a single one either, because next rather a double.

If rather perhaps a signal, next also a signal waveform, for also that of a curvature as well, except for not adhering to any standard, or Norm, either.

Is Probability next only an excuse only, except for not any Eureka either, perhaps we already know the answer here, except for perhaps not the Truth either.

Does it next mean still that of Agnosticism as well?

Or is it perhaps rather a framework of sorts, when we rather could make it a frame only, and next also that of a drawing board, for also that of a tablet?

Two or more such drawers, except not any such drawing either, and it could be that of a closet, which could be pulled out, either simultaneously,
or in a respective order.

So, ring the bell, because here I live, for next also living, except for not you across the hall, or even not upstairs, or downstairs either.

But next, come to me, for that of also towards as well, except for not any turning away either, for that of being left alone, or even in despair,
when such a thing as a sin, could be that of forgiveness as well, for that of a lost soul, which perhaps wandered away, for not returning back.

Because of that, think of both of these in concert, for also a relationship, except for not any mercy either, for that of still only forgiveness.

In a court of Justice, if perhaps for not the Law, we do have the pardon here, except for not any similar either, but not in the translation,
except for perhaps making it an excuse here, for a couple of things.

Just thinking here, but is that of Algebra, next the same as that of an Equation?

Or is it perhaps the word "ultimate" here, except for not any Windows Ultimate either, for next also that of life versus death, except for also that of an ending,
if not any oblivion either?

Almost becoming that of "derelict" here, except for not making it any living dead either.

Perhaps not any message either, but rather perhaps a motto, because here that of a word, for that of working by means of a standard,
and next also keeping to a principle as well.

Perhaps not only Ethics either, but still looking for the correct word here, because like a Hymn, also that of a Choir as well,
except for still not any big mess either, for that of the Church.

We could make it Hypnosis as well, for also that of Hypnotic regression, except for not any lost moment, or period of time either.

Are Fractals next any constants, or should they only be variables, for that of a Set, only because time could also be such a constant?

Or could you rather make it the Mandelbrot set, that of such Fractals, only because they could be representing a structure?

Perhaps rather two hands kicked against each other, for that of the Planck constant as well, but in the heat of the day, not up to it right now.

It is really like that of throwing a hand once again, for next also such a thing, except for not thinking that it perhaps might be true or even precise either.

But also know, for next also not knowing, and perhaps still only bad science here (knock-knock).

I think it became that in the past as well, for that of embezzle, if not any misappropriate either, when perhaps also that of a counterfeit as well.

Or could you still make it that of time also a frame, for also that of a "Frame of reference", except for still not any notion either?

Live, for next that of life itself, and also act as well, except not any counteract either, for still only a bit of overlapping periods of time,
for also that of brief moments as well.

Guess what, but sleep is perhaps still only sleep, except not any Paranoia, or Schizophrenia either, for only that of hypnosis, or sleep paralysis.

Running mad, and next only asleep for such, except for perhaps not at the beach either, and next at least one thing for that of the other.

Or perhaps only that of affecting ones given personality here, for also that of a state of mind.

Like that of jump frog, or leapfrog as well, except for not any play the sights, or play the tag, always the broad grip, for a couple of things,
except for not making it any Concept either.

Is Probability next also a winner, for also a loser, like also Logic telling about a possible falsify, for that of a Falsification, except for still not rolling any dice,
next also make it, for also believing it as well.

Again, that spelling here, or perhaps lack of it, but could be showing the way here.

Is nature for that of a telling, or should we rather take No as an answer, only because it also could be a negation?

Or perhaps only left without an answer, only because we are unable to tell the truth, for perhaps also that of itself.

If Uncertainty should mean an inability to predict, only because an answer may not be given in advance, also that of Relativity as well,
for at least that of Uncertainty, when it comes to making that of a precise observation, for that of motion versus speed.

If "given this", for next also "given that", next the moment of Truth as well, except for not any Premise either, when we only could make a Deduction,
except for perhaps not any Logical implication, or Statement either.

I guess you always thought that Proof was there, for proving one thing against, or versus another, but if rather that of Truth, versus no such thing at all,
perhaps not any given, or precise answer either, when also perhaps the opposite.

Both a Premise and also a Truth should be telling about a true story, except for not any lie either, except for still only the Truth itself.

Except for perhaps not any Fallacies, for that of Logic, either.

I could add another story to this, for also that of an example, namely the movie Where Eagles Dare, and here it took a little while.

Here, Richard Burton is calling Danny Boy, for himself being Broadsword, and next perhaps Confusion as a result.

Here it flips around, for next also speaking, except for not any Logic either, for that of a Statement, when it rather could be a Falsification, or even a lie.

But next turn of the Century, for next also flipping around even more, and is a Negation still a Logical statement, or could it rather be that of opposite,
or inverse Logic?

Similarly, is Creation also such a Logical thing, for also a Statement, except for perhaps not any flawed either, for that of mind, or mentality?

It is really like the two-edged sword here, except for not any Feather and Hammer either, for that of sharp, versus blunt.

Or perhaps rather Hammer and Feather here, except for not any vice versa, or in between either.

So, really I hate you, except for not any mean or sinister either, but should I next be dead as well, for also lying in a grave?

Are things next for real, for still also being so, or are they only Concepts, for that of reality of sorts, coming from only the mind of imagination?

A Fact is still also a Truth, except for not a Fact for that of a lie, when it also could be that of perhaps Truth, for also that of Logic.

Again, for perhaps the first, except for not the gist either, for that of catching the meaning here either.

Perhaps rather that of IF - ELSE here, or IF - ELSE - NEXT, for that of a conditional branch, or statement, except for perhaps not any Yes/No either.

Beware the wolf, but make it rather a spoken word for a couple of things, better enter the church instead.

Or, so sad, for next that of any teaching master, and next getting only tired of the day, and just wanting to sleep.

First I am making a laugh of those preaching, and next perhaps the same for that of the UFO community, because we are unable to come up with any Facts.

But second, or finally, making it that of a Premise of sorts, only because of perhaps nature for that of an upper hand, and next also the winner.

Another word for level here, when I also could be making it that of a ladder, except for not any fireman either, climbing such a ladder.

Are numbers for still only counting, like also enumeration, or could we also make it that of Algebra, also Equations, for also that of symbols, or even swastika?

Perhaps still the Drake equation, only a Probabilistic equation here, if not any argument either, but needs checking.

But count to infinity, if you will, by making it only numbers, and perhaps a long way to go, except for the symbol itself, (~), or even that of an argument, or Equation,
which could be used, in order to tell the same.

It is almost like making it an order of a magnitude, for both that of smaller, and also larger, except for not any poor or bad science,
when it rather could be a sleek one for such.

I guess, for also presumably, that we could still make it orders for that of a scale, except not any Logarithmic either, and still be dealing with only that of numbers.

Is Ambiguity next the same as Logic, for also that of a Contradiction, for also the same?

Of should it rather be that of a Concept here, for also a term, except not any Abstract either, when perhaps making it infinity the subject?

Perhaps still only a dead, or derelict Universe, for next also that of life on Earth, for that of both the living versus dead, except for not any Resurrection of Jesus either,
which could be telling about a symbiotic relationship, for that of life versus death.

Still that of Eternity, for that of a possible Afterlife, except for not any infinitesimal small, or large, for also that of the minuscule, but also that of Wormholes as well,
when rather that of the Universe could be concerned, or considered.

"Does the Universe exist", and next a Logical statement, for such a thing, except for not any Consequence, or Fallacy either, when next not thinking about a Premise yet.

Make it "inconsequent" as well, for also that of a thing of Consequence, and perhaps not any NOT(NOT) either, for only that of a negation.

Like also the human standing on two legs only, for that of a zebra, or horse, still that of Intelligent Design here, or at least evolution,
except for not any drawing board, or sketch, for making it only a Logical "thing", when next speaking about the Universe.

Come on, make it a sunny morning, for also that of Matter Creation, or perhaps coming out of nowhere, for that of Instantiation,
when also that of Energy, as a result.

But next at least two legs, for that of myself, and also a brain as well, except for not any stretched out hands as well, for that of looking up in the sky,
and also thinking that we could be part of a given Creation, for next also nothing.

If Ambiguity could perhaps be telling about nothing versus everything, perhaps still only two legs for that of standing, except for not any stance either.

So, does it perhaps matter when next being blind, and looking in the dark, except for not any "hide or seek" either?

Do you next have to "prove", if perhaps even more to it here?

I already told that it perhaps was someone there pulling my legs, if not making any "whoosh" in the carpet, for telling that perhaps time to get on the feet.

Except for not any parts, when it also could be that of detail, as well, when it becomes that of standing up from bed, above.

Losing track of it again, and therefore leaving it there, for now.
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Message 1948942 - Posted: 11 Aug 2018, 5:08:38 UTC
Last modified: 11 Aug 2018, 5:52:21 UTC

Namely that of experienced musicians looking for their fingers, in order to next also perform a bit of music.

Get rid of it, at least if it were me, or such a thing left to decide.

Except for a couple of firemen, by means of that of a video, of course.
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Message 1948980 - Posted: 11 Aug 2018, 12:08:46 UTC

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Message 1949101 - Posted: 12 Aug 2018, 0:03:13 UTC

Could I have the weekend beer, please?

A check with Yahoo! here, for that of a bad story about something floating in space, and here outside space shuttle Atlantis.

If some form of biological form, at best, still either a shot in the dark, for that of a visual look, if not any poor judgement either, and for this also questioning the
mind and qualities of those astronauts being sent into space, for that of no-one on Earth perhaps believing either.

Perhaps still the question about the little odd thing here, except for still not any strange either, for also peculiar, when next dealing with nature.
and those secrets still behind the invisible carpet.

Not sure about the name here, but perhaps Story, for also Musgrave, or the like, and here also an astronaut as well, who got to be well known by the public.

Really, cutting off all your toes on one foot, and still perhaps barefoot, if not any short of breath either, because if not any Ambiguity, for also a Contradiction,
that of a Paradigm comes to mind here, when we could be left with a nature still not always understood, but not necessarily beyond any Comprehension either.

If perhaps only opening a book, for that of reading, next a sneak preview, except for not digging down in the subject either, for that of finding an answer,
because perhaps still the fact that making it a Creation of sorts, for that of nature, always a scientific explanation, if not perhaps believing in any God either.

So while still the Perception around that scientists could perhaps be slightly better than ordinary people, also that there also is still a difference between physics,
and those ways and means for that of believing in a couple of things.

Or perhaps better, for that of tullio being still a good man here, for that of his expertise, perhaps such a thing as a Method of Proof, for still that of science,
except for also Logic as well, when making it Proof, rather than perhaps only Doubt.

If perhaps still only such a thing as "Mysteries, magic, and miracles", also that of enigma as well, which could be more than only a Puzzle, for that of a game.

For comparison, using only a yardstick for that of a measure, should not be the same as any meter, for also the kilogram, when making it that of SI.

Here a couple of thing of interest, for also the similar perhaps already being mentioned.
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Message 1949221 - Posted: 12 Aug 2018, 18:19:30 UTC

Meant to be a comma in the previous, and sorry about that.
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Message 1949306 - Posted: 13 Aug 2018, 6:11:58 UTC
Last modified: 13 Aug 2018, 6:43:03 UTC

Found this before I left the computer, and here quite nice stuff, in that before checking, the first one should perhaps also be about the subject of Probability as well.

"Why did you leave me", for just hanging there, and I could leave that subject to another time, for also moment, but if you rather make it a bit of Mathematics here,
for also the nerd, except for not any digging in the sand either, for that of Physics, such a thing as orbital elements, like a ellipse, or parabola, if not any hyperbola,
could be telling about fast orbiting binary stars around a common center of gravity, rather than just a shot in the dark, for that of any similar science.

"To be, or not to be", and perhaps here the answer itself, for also science perhaps speaking in a similar way, as well.

If still two options for that of believing, if not making it any Proof either, perhaps still in the context of nature, except for perhaps not any Logic either.

When you see all those things flying around, for perhaps sometimes no explanation, and also adding to it a bit of acid in water, if not any binary motion,
always a reason to wonder, except for perhaps not know either.

The bad thing experienced today, was that I was waking up from sleep some two times, for only showing out my uncle and aunt, and also my father,
through the door where I was once living as a child.

Here only a glass door, but with still a lock, for that of the key, but also white curtains covering the glass in the door.

But still waking up twice as well, and the same procedure happening each time as well, for that of standing up.

Perhaps it was not only about any smiling faces either, for also showing those people out the door, but at least a reminder of the glass door.

So, if ever listen in, for also doing a couple of things as well, perhaps no such thing of "believing" in any madness either, except for that of hypnosis,
when perhaps only about the Scientific Method.

If perhaps one thing only, for that of laugh and ridicule, except for not any sleep away, for that of time, perhaps only the final chapter, for also the end,
if only such a thing as sleep, for also that of sleep paralysis, if perhaps not any "carried away" either.

Becomes that of at least the faces for that of my relatives, except for not any physical bodies either, but if perhaps even more to it, for that of a living soul,
perhaps another explanation here, when perhaps only making it a dream.

So, where does it start, for next also end, except for still not proving anything, when only that of sleep, for also that of Telekinesis, where physical objects could be moved?

Even the old lady could be wearing two lids of paper, for that of sleeping, for that of the eyes, except for not any REM sleep either, which could be about dreams.

Guess we already made it such a thing as proving a subject, for next also science, except for not throwing it away either, but if perhaps suffering a fall,
or rather a car accident, you could be losing your conscience, for also the unconscious, becoming a state of mind.

Here it should be that of a protection mechanism, for that of the brain, but except for that, you always will become older, for that of ageing,
except for not being born either, for next also being laid to rest.

Is such a thing as life and death, only for that of the physical, or could it rather be having a Metaphysical part, or component, as well?

The old story around could perhaps be "Wake up", and next only out of bed, except for still not any hypnosis, for also hypnotic regression, as well.

If Creation is next also "meant to be", for that of both sleep, and also awake, also that of dreams as well, which could be telling about the unconscious world,
for also that of a state of mind.

If making a choice here between that of enumeration, for also counting, and next also dreams, at least we could be proving both, if not any throwing out either,
but next only proving such a thing as aliens or extraterrestrials, for that of any Method itself, except for not any given practice.

Creation myth is perhaps the subject of Religion, if not any Theology, but next that such a thing as dreams could be an unproven subject.

If still one thing for the other, if perhaps not any next, still showing my relatives out the door here, except for not any hidden disguise lurking in the shadows,
for also a bit of science, which perhaps might not be explained.

Better stand on your feet, for also taking the ovation, except for only that of natural sciences, for also a similar thing, for that of explaining nature.

The fact is that no-one bothers, if we sometimes could be climbing the seven spheres, for also making it a "GUT", of a couple of things, except for still not any
speculation either, for that of a couple of ideas.

If I could be making that of the unexplained, rather a bit of Metaphysics, still perhaps about the unconscious world, but next also for that of science.

Sorry to say, but perhaps still a couple of bits and pieces here, for also the Mandelbrot set, or the like, except for not any "Stairways to Heaven" either,
which could reflect a certain condition for that of death, and next also the soul perhaps also leaving the body.

At least we could dig up a couple of things, for also that of knowledge, except for not making the subconscious any Proof either, at least all the time.

Being just alive, and it could also be the difference between life and death, for only the physical part of myself, except for perhaps not my soul.

We all could be knowing the small things making up part of life, except for not any shoe for kicking away dirt, or at least soil, for next that of a funeral,
but next at least "sail away" here, for also floating, if not any passing away either, but at least becoming a voyage to another place, which should be
that of a given Heaven.

If perhaps such a thing as a "universal constant", if not making it the Hubble constant, for that of gravity, perhaps still only about space here,
except for not any similar architecture, for also making it rather "uniform".

Just for comparison here, because an advocate should rather be a lawyer, for also a barrister, and next having only a session in that of Court,
for that of his working day.

But if rather a given wait, could also be that of a delay, sometimes that of negotiations as well, for also that of a stalemate, when also such a thing as a wait,
except for perhaps not any waiting game either.

Rather, postpone the whole thing, for also the session, until tomorrow, for yet another day, and if next not pulling the plug either,
we could rather make it still bits and pieces here, for also that of infinity itself.

Perhaps just such a thing for that of the infinitesimal, except for not any small, or large either, but perhaps we rather could make it minuscule,
because if perhaps still only a property of time, for also a notion, only the Planck constant here, except for not quantizing any infinity either.

But as usual, those people who could choose to believe, may also be idiots as well, except for not any such thing as "believing" for that of science either.

Prove both silliness, and also the same for also making it any genius, except for still not any Probability, for that of nature, when also that of Logic, could be a part.

If rather such a thing as a measure, for also that of measurability, also that a couple of things could not be so, for only being that of the unexplained.

Here the article in the Wikipedia, with the picture showing Gauss, for that of a better reading.

Here the previous link above, for that of slightly better, if not any such, for that of a picture.

Could we still reject a couple of things, except for not any deny either, or should it rather be only Proof for that of science, for next also "go" as well?

But still perhaps not the same for that of a Judgement, for also any Proof, except for a couple of other things as well, including sometimes only being indicted.

Or to put it more specific, such a thing as Question time, or perhaps hour, for that of any Prime minister, should not be any interrogation either,
where perhaps answers could also be making for a couple of Logical fallacies, at worst.

Also makes me think that perhaps no such thing as any Logic either, for only that of elementary particles, when next only that of Physics, for that of nature,
except for only such a thing as Proof.

But next that Logic is perhaps for that of thinking, and also that of the conscious as well, except for also the physical, while still not any dreams either,
for that of the unconscious.

If perhaps out the door here each Thursday, or maybe even Friday, perhaps only because of such a thing as a need, for also being necessary,
in order to do a bit of shopping.

Needless to say, for also that of a necessity, but are you supposed to "quantize" such a thing as Logic, except for not making it any Probability either?

What if only Creation could be for that of the physical world, except for not any "state of the art" either, for perhaps only a bit of technology?

Speaking of the weather, and next perhaps such a thing as evolution as well, if not any vice versa, we could still be dealing with that of complexity,
for also that of an inherent world, except not still any quantizing either.

This because we could still be making it both part versus whole here, for both that of Uncertainty, and also Theory of Relativity,
except for still not any thing being relative either, for that of a motion through space.

If also such a thing as making it deities, for that of also gods and angels, we could also make it a bit of Theism here as well,
but for now perhaps for another time, when it comes to this subject.
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Message 1949309 - Posted: 13 Aug 2018, 6:45:53 UTC

Perhaps slightly better here, for also that of fixing the small details when also posting.
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