Stars are blue, Panthers are pink and the music plays here

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Message 2052277 - Posted: 19 Jun 2020, 1:17:17 UTC
Last modified: 19 Jun 2020, 1:24:46 UTC

Make nature still your best friend, because here only translating for that of foe instead, when not any enemy.

Perhaps just guitar for that of playing, because any IEEE 754 could be involving much complexity.

But only just making it purpose and mind, could still be also what this question is all about.

Either you could loose, for only just falling or you could trip instead, for only just shoes, when not any stairs instead.

Did you see it, and next you also get it, for perhaps also sensed, or maybe even heard, for only a sound being made.

Any sentence I did not write during 15 years here, perhaps not any strophe either, but should not be any music for just Lyrics either.

Only sing a song, and perhaps only a melody, but here Julie Andrews coming at me for at least an artist, when perhaps not any Lucille Ball either.

You know I could be still concerned with that of any Consensus, for only what it could mean, when still some 15 years with this project.

Being near-sighted, as you probably know, I rely my senses quite much on that of sound, for still the hearing capability it could be.

When also that of pollen allergy in the summer, making for a clogged nose, the symptom becomes even more acute, for only being sensed.

Here not directly spelt for that of translation, but the word "perspiration" comes up with me here, for only just the breathing it could be.

So, rest on your shoulders, for still nature only generous, and we still have to choose for only what we could select, or prefer.

But next, any gift of God for just sitting here and being present, and perhaps not any "allowed" it should be, for only a presentation.

Perhaps only make it still, for not any believe it should be either, and only an Equation it could be, for perhaps not telling about any God either.

Here this project could be a stated one, for perhaps not any chosen or preferred either, but also that we could be looking for extraterrestrial intelligence,
for only the purpose to having someone else to compare with, for just a comparison.

But naturally perhaps, for only having five fingers and also five toes, on each hand, and also foot as well, for only left to be decided just in advance.

Perhaps monkeys for also that of apes could be still climbing a couple of trees, using their hands and legs, but times could also be changing, for just evolving.

But next that a caterpillar could be still crawling, for only a carpet for such, when still looking for food.

And yes, for only the "do re mi" it could be still, only a Sonata for such, when not any philharmony either, when perhaps not any "sing a song" it should be either.

Perhaps "come to me" instead, for only the Certainty it could be, when not any Jesus close at your side either, for offering you a possible remorse.

So, what is left of nature when we perhaps already know, for also the enough or sufficient it could be?

Ask for food when only hungry, and food could next be offered back in return for only given, and you could end up satisfied.

Or could we still choose between gods and angels, for perhaps also the more material it could be, when only a spaceship instead, for just the flying it could be?

Here travel could be still a voyage, and it next could be happening at the speed of light, for not any understanding it could be either.

And next giving could be still offering, for also returning or yielding for the same, when only the answer it could be, for also being wished for.

So do we perhaps next, or did we rather instead, for only the Consensus it could be still, and next the one we could be seeking?

Only just writing a letter, and it could be still a loved one for such, except you also have to formalize at times, for only getting it better.

Letters to an idiot perhaps, and still only the writing it could be, for not any dictating it should be either, when also a phrase.

Only knowing that success could be still a possibility, only any for such, when not any always either, because here at least I did it sometimes.

What if I could still run, for not any crawl either, and next knowing that success could also bring a fortune, for still not any slow moving instead?

Maybe cheat or perhaps cheating, and happiness could be that of the same, for only in a hurry for such a thing, because it could also end up premature.

But for that, only too soon, when also hasty, when still in a bit of hurry, for only accomplishing a couple of things.

And for that, I could be still making it properties of Objects here, for only what it could represent, for also the different things it could be.

Here at least a bit of successful day, only because I could recover, except still not knowing what future could bring, except perhaps not any fortune either.
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Message 2052278 - Posted: 19 Jun 2020, 1:57:25 UTC
Last modified: 19 Jun 2020, 1:59:15 UTC

I maybe should have mentioned this first, but just forgot.

Here a prewritten message, for that of a sheet of paper, on my entrance door at the front, for just the annual or yearly fire check.

So here the man calling on my door upstairs, before leaving for the shop today, but still a bit late.

Here asking if I could bring the fire extuingisher by means of powder and a hose to to the door, for just a check of pressure.

Doing so, and next carrying it some three meters from behind the commode or dresser for just standing in the hall inside my flat.

Here should tell that there is an old one having a battery inside a cover in my front or entrance hall, for also one more new one,
as well as also one in my living room, but not the kitchen.

And yes, perhaps not the kitchen sink either, for only knowing it could be written better, but still only with a battery, for being roof mounted.

So for your eyes only, and perhaps only a sweetheart for such, when fire could still be killing, for also smoke as well.

Guess what, but for not any endless roadway or country road it could be either, only dangerfield instead, for that of proving, for also the Consensus it could be.

Only just "type mismatch" instead, and next only forgetting that, for still only standing in the crowd.

Really, the word "nevertheless" is perhaps a quite good one here, for not any cheating it should be either.

So, "do you remember, for only a day in September", and perhaps not any April it should be either, for just a countenance instead, when perhaps only
an agreement could at least mean something, for also the thing we could wish to accomplish.
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Message 2052279 - Posted: 19 Jun 2020, 2:49:33 UTC
Last modified: 19 Jun 2020, 2:56:43 UTC

So is any sad next only ashamed instead, for also the announcement it could be?

Let me announce Dr. X, who for just the evening, should be the celebrated host, for only among us.

Maybe just give me a chance instead, for only just "may I allow" instead, for also the "Let me present myself" for just what it could be.

But here perhaps intelligent life was found outside Earth, for not any Consensus it should be either, when only scientists for such.

Maybe just that part of the story, for not any believing in ourselves it could be either, for not any unilateral Faith instead.

So more to it, for perhaps only present, and still only the situated you could be, for not any place either, when only gravity for just a spot.

"Here I am", and next taking my presence only for granted, when also the singing of the song it could be, for only that of presence.

But rather that God left his son, Jesus, for perhaps not any betrayal either, when not any confession it should be either.

Just a given way, and only a way we could measure, for that of Statistics for such.

But only tell me a lie instead, for just the cheating it could be, and perhaps not any excuse it should be for nature either.

Here that nature could be only just infallible instead, next for only meaning, when perhaps not any insane either.

Anyway, so false Logic perhaps, and next not any presumption either, but only just illogical instead.

But only a day in September, and next not any "duck take cover" either perhaps, for only just early morning Christmas instead.

Could I still be proving here, for only the Uncertainty it could be, when not any Statistics either?

Only set, and perhaps also meant, and next also implied for such, when that of both Contradictions and Ambiguity, could end up with a
nature we could not tell about, just for meaning.

Dinner served, and next the improbable only, for not any probable either, for not any successful it could be either.

Just make it wrong, for that of a click, and next also enter as well, for not any stairways it could be either, for just going wrong.

Only slip, for that of just falling, and it could be still the stairs, for not any entrance either, but only just the error you made, for only carrying out.

But if I could still slip, and next also fall, perhaps not any countenance or sight it could be either, for just having two eyes in my forehead or perhaps eyebrows.

Maybe just sell instead, for only the seller for only such, because any countenance or sight, should not be any Uncertainty either.

Here perhaps only wheel inside wheel instead, for only the story being told by Ezekiel, except still perhaps not any founded either.

So do not forget any thumbs or hallux it could be either, for only the tissue it could be still, when perhaps not any "allowance" it should be either.

Only just tell, for perhaps only seeing, and not any fallout or leftover it should be either, for only missing out on a story.
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Message 2052281 - Posted: 19 Jun 2020, 3:16:24 UTC
Last modified: 19 Jun 2020, 3:18:54 UTC

Here I clicked wrong, for that of the subscription button, when that of messages.

Getting back at it, except not any message just placed, for only just told, when also correct position for such.

Only see, and next only meant, for also the phrase it could be, when not any paraphrasing or "intermingling" it should be either.

So, just for a mix perhaps, and also a mixture, for also the concatentation it could be, next between words, for only their relationship.

Forget about any juxtaposition, for also correspondence, when only more difficult words to handle, and also understand.

Only just pick, for only extract, and next only get at, for just getting a hand at, for still the knowing it could be.

Just somewhere around, and it could be a "need to now", for not any somehow it should be either, but perhaps right to know instead.

Yes, I do know, for not any knowing it should be either, for not any guess either, when also a surmise.

Only just two things, if not any three or more things either, and you could still only choose, for only a selection for such.

But next come along, for only just being included, because nature could be still that of preferred, for only chosen, when still not any Method either.

So, what did you say, for perhaps not any chosen either, and it should be only a preferred Method to say, or perhaps use, when also tell as well.

Meaning that nature could be still set for only just meaning, when also implied, when not any "nonsense" it should be either.

But only "yes" instead, for only a passer-by on the street, and perhaps not any handshake it should be either, for also a Method for such.

Just dumb, for only the stupid you could be, and perhaps not any heartily welcome for only a science still with that of a meaning.
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Message 2052314 - Posted: 19 Jun 2020, 16:05:32 UTC
Last modified: 19 Jun 2020, 16:10:41 UTC

And still not up to it here, should tell, for having the first cup of coffee when up from bed.

Make it any statues, for only heads and bodies, and perhaps only confederate for such, when not any conquest either.

Either it should be a look back for just recapitulating, or perhaps just the "Freedom" you could make it, should not be any slavery, for also Racism for such.

If any sentencing for just the release it could be, only because of being black, you could still be committing a crime for only a burglary for such.

But should tell, here not any Black holes either, for only nature at its best, for still only a story being told.

Just the "reason" it could be, for only making it the Civil War of 1861 - 1865, and perhaps a president being murdered, for only assasinated here.

Any "inherent" feature for only making it Racism instead, and perhaps dominant for still only its presence.

In Economics, for that of a subject, we could be making it Trends, for that of things happening at regular times for that of intervals, when also the sudden it could be.

And for that, also that of periodic it could be, when that of Periodicity for such, when not any repeating either.

So do you perhaps not like any future modeling it perhaps could be, when only weather forecasting for such?

I guess that we could still make it Black holes here for only a preference made, when also set, for just the interest it could be.

But also that dinosaurs once were roaming the surface of the Earth, for the digging it could be, when also an excavation as well.

So here perhaps the depiction it could be, when also a description as well, for still not any model either, for just such a thing we could be making of nature.

Here at first, it could be that of a "bad a**" for just a word, for not any stupidity it could be either, when only killing a cat.

Weather forecasting could be still that of predicting the weather, for also the cycles and periodicity it could be, when also patterns.

So here perhaps not the word "regular" the best either, for only the repeating it could still be, when also change that could be happening.

Making it any such thing as set, for also implied, when still that of change also happening, for just occurring, and only a changing world it could be still.

For that, the variables still needed or perhaps included for only just deciding, except still only factors for such.

So if perhaps God could be my friend, for only the smile it could be, only just Faith instead, for that of Belief, for not any relate or orientate instead.

Any 1+2=3, for only just A+B=C, and still only an Equation for such, when perhaps not telling about any difference either.

But only how, or in which way one thing could be relating to another for that of position or place, and still only the orientation of space it could be, for just looking.

Not too good here, but only just the "where am I", and I could still be only confused, for not knowing my whereabouts, for also the place it could be.

Here I know that a tracking device could be used for only looking for something, when not any X-Y-Z coordinate system for that of an axis instead.

Anyway, you do not have to be any believer for only the emphasis it could be for just only telling, for still only nature at its best, for only Equations for such.

Because of that, not any smile it should be here, when also laughter as well.
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Message 2052315 - Posted: 19 Jun 2020, 16:55:02 UTC
Last modified: 19 Jun 2020, 17:13:34 UTC

But next the relationship it could be still for that of science versus Religion, and perhaps not any orientation it should be either.

For that, only a reference which could be made, except not any Einstein, for that of Frame of Reference instead.

So perhaps the opinion it could be for only meaning for such, perhaps still not any reference for only an orientation being made, for still only looking.

Either it could be still just science for the things we still could make, for also carry out, when not any Faith or Belief, for only just close to heart.

Again, just dear friend it could be, for only a relationship, for not anything relating to another for just a difference.

Either just the "sex" it could be for only hanging together, for not any cohesive structure it could be instead, when still not any database.

Only just the versus it could be, for also against, and only the quite or just opposite for that of the same, when still only meaning.

Here two people could be staring at each other, for just looking face at face, for perhaps not any glaring either, but still only opposite, for that of straight on.

Any purposeful act, and perhaps only such a thing being meant, for still not any use it could be, when also fitness for such, when rather usability instead.

Here still that of applicability or merchantability, for perhaps not any fitness either, but only a way to describe, for also the depiction it could be.

So, do as you are told, only because it could be better, for also the right it could be, when not any wrong.

If our way of just making it Laws and Equations for that of decscribing nature for that of meaning, still the better thing of just doing it.

And for not any preset it should be either, only just set instead, for also implied, when still only meant for that of the Uncertainty it could be,
when also Contradictions and Ambiguity as well.

But here only the preset conditions it perhaps only became, for that of the primordial atom just preceding the current Universe for that of state.

Only just knowing, for that of the Certainty it could be, and rather a Premise instead, for not any guess or thought it should be either.

For that, not any nature we could conclude just for meaning, when still only Uncertainty instead, for that of a thing we could not be able to determine.

Any Religion instead, for only the Faith or Belief you might have, and only God on a pedestal, for just sitting, when not any relying it should be either.

Here it reminds me of the Proof method we could make it still, for only the Certainty it could be, when not any Proof it should be, for only conclusive Evidence.

Only making it close at heart, for perhaps not any Belief it should be either, and only a couple of advanced civilizations, for that of highly developed for such.

So here only speaking of possibilities instead, for not any making it should be either, for only the engine it could be, for only the sophisticated it could be.

Just a marvel instead, for that of its presence, and only an invention being made, for that of strengthening our capabilities, for also the evolving it could be.

Here just the devices it could be, for only technological for such, when still that of advanced, for also sophisticated, when only that of development for such.

And for that, just knowing that the above is not any good for just writing, except only the "monster" being created for that of a "Death star" for such.

Here even the dark figure, Darth Vader, admitting to only such, for just the fact it could be.

But next sorry, for not any apologies it should be either, for only the readily acceptance it could be, for only highly developed civilizations for such, for also the skill it could be.

Just technology it could be still, and that of such a thing being developed here on Earth, for the purpose it could be meant for.

And here perhaps still only water and air for where it once started, for also the developed products it could be, for only advances being made.

For that, still the Intelligence it could be, when only that of learning versus taught, for not any skills it could be instead.

Here once upon time, someone gave us a warning about such capabilities being possible, and here a military man for such.

But here not knowing, or perhaps sure if that one was the right one either, for only warning us about the technological marvels being present, and also created.

So here it goes, for only the learning or skill it could be, and next also productive for such, when still not any nature, for only casual or random meaning.

And for that, only the nature it could be for only being set, for also the preset conditions it could be, for not any refinement it should be either.

Does Laws only make for possibiliities when only such a thing being offered, or should we also take it for granted for only the thing it could be?

Here still the perfect instrument, for only the completeness it could be, when still manufactured, for only a process for such.

If any nature could be still perfect, for only such a thing being meant, in which way could you next make it any Reason behind for only such possibilities?

Could it still be flawed, for not any perfect it could be either, and next not any working for the same, when still only a device.

So, reach for the stars by only just climbing, for still not any striving it could be, for only reaching a goal for that of an accomplishment for such.

Only the learning process it could be still, for just getting things at hand, and only a practitioner needed, for just the practice it could be.
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Message 2052317 - Posted: 19 Jun 2020, 17:57:22 UTC
Last modified: 19 Jun 2020, 18:15:27 UTC

And perhaps mentioned that, for not any Certainty it could be, for only absolutes instead, when only the things we could make just for a Fact.

Here still that of casual, for also random, when still only a user, for perhaps an observer instead, making an observation from his current point or position in space.

If I could make it two people standing close to each other for only a football field for such, and next throwing a ball in the air, for only the curve it could be.

Here the sender at just one end for that of throwing the ball, and next the recipient for only receiving it.

So if perhaps for only just a thing being meant, for also the set or implied it could be, also a Principle for such.

But rather that it became the word "arbitrary" here for almost forgot, when only telling about possible conditions of nature.

So if still science could be used for only a way of explaining God, for also a Method for such, at least one way it could be done, for also meaning.

Any common denominator, for perhaps the sharing it could be, and only OR instead, for that of a Set.

But here also noticing that it also could be bitwise, for not any Logic it should be either, for still the "both" you could make it.

Again a bit down on the page here, for not any top of it instead for where it should be.

So here not any spread of your legs it should be either, for only fit for a given purpose instead, for the meant it should be.

For that, I only could be wishing instead, for not any climbing it should be either, when only reaching for a goal it could be still.

Just the dismiss it could still be, and also denial as well, for not any Fact that it could be still 100 or 200 biliion stars in the Milky Way, for also 500 billion other galaxies.

Here still gravity the dominant Force, for only the regular it could be, when perhaps more widespread, or wide ranging, for also the broad it could be, for just everywhere,
and here also the word "panoramic" coming my way, for that of a translation.

Any excuse instead, for only the dismissal it could be, when also denial, and it could be the WOW! signal just for meaning, for still not a thing we could prove.

But perhaps making ourselves infallible for only a civilization for such, and still our presence only, for that of the empty space it could be.

We could be still unique for that of ourselves, when also technological capabilities as well, for not any respect or comparison for still only empty space.

But only just "In the beginning" for perhaps what it was meant, and still not any purposeful act, for such a thing being meant.

And for that, not any need of making it "Oops" only for such, when still only just happening, for not any Religion it should be either.

So what does it cost, for still only price for such, when not any possibilities instead, for just being offered?

Here not getting fully at it for that of the summer heat, except that just the turmoil it could be, when also Chaos, could still make it Laws for only a way to determine.

So here still perhaps a way of only explaining God when perhaps needed, for not any perfect or splendid it could be, when also superior as well.

Just everything on the table for only being offered, and still the limitless possibilities it could be for also the thing which could be set.

But if next making it any infinity only an excuse for such, perhaps still not any table it could be for only just God sitting, for only his presence.

So only come along, for still the all it could be, when also everything, for just included, when also being meant.

For that, not any way off it should be either, for only better off instead, for making it science that of provable Facts, for only what it could be meant.

Here still nature being created, for only the purpose it could be, when perhaps not any "act" either.

Only just a show, for that of a display, and it could be showing its face against us, for only a presence.

If nature could be still perfect, for only completeness for such, also the fulfillment it could be, only just for meaning.

And here that of the knobbly or gnarled it could be still, for that of objects of different sizes, and also structures for the same, for not any turmoil or Chaos instead.

So make it nature only a Cause for that of meaning, when also Effect, and here it once started, for only still, for that of a beginning for such.

But only add to it, for only next, and it becomes layer upon layer for that of structure, for still not any overlay it should be either.

But only filled instead, for the Topology it could be, and perhaps not any added it should be either, when still only the objects it could be, for just part versus whole.

Here the afternoon heat once again for almost killing me, and leaving it there.
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Message 2052322 - Posted: 19 Jun 2020, 19:20:05 UTC
Last modified: 19 Jun 2020, 19:27:38 UTC

Blame the summer heat still, for only the line not any perfect here, and only Einstein still for that of absolute meaning, when not any grabbing either.

Here those topologies we still could be making for only that of space, and being important as well, for only meaning.

But if time only an added constant, for that of an added feature, still an attachment for only such.

So not any afraid it should be either, for only the Rendlesham Forest incident it could be, for also underground bunkers, for only the debunking it could be still.

Where is the scientist still thinking he could be proving something, for not any dismiss or denial it should be instead, for still only just Facts of meaning?

Should I rather debunk nature instead, for only its Consequence, when still not any meaning instead?

Perhaps nature could be still forgiving for only offering limitless possibilities, for not any denial it could be for only the the Truth it could be.

Only "no such thing" perhaps, and still only the denial it could be, for not any conclusive Evidence we could be wishing for or perhaps seeking instead.

At one time spelling it wrong for only glamour for such, when still not any magnificent or splendor, for only a thing we could prove.

So here just one way could be still that of aggrandizement and glory, for also extol, for only the Belief it could be for only such.

But if perhaps the other explanation, for just another thing instead, and perhaps the better solution, for only just offered.

So here at times only the exaggeration it could be, for also not any believable as well, making it unbelievable only for such.

But just the realistic Fact it could be, for not any scenery either, and only the conclusive Evidence it could be still, for not any Proof instead.

Are these things still only for that of explaining, for also a way of such it could be, except not any absolutes it should be for only just "telling"?

Here both that of Method and Proof for at least a way in order to describe, except not any nature for its Truth either.

Only just knowing, for the answer it could be, and next that of Truth for only such, when not any hidden answer either.

So here perhaps regardless instead, for not any regard it should be, for only just the Proof it could be, when also an answer being made.

Meaning that just Proof should be the way to only choose, for that of being preferred or chosen for such a thing.

But only reveal yourself, for the hidden disguise it could be, for also cloaked, and it could be the Scientific method here, for only a way to describe.

Are just the bitwise you could make it, for also Logical as well, still two different things, for not any nature for only its given Truth, when perhaps not any secret either?

Only just knowing, for the answer I could give or make, and stil that of Proof needed, for making it just "true".

So here perhaps not any Revelation you could make it, for also the other word, and next the "Truth" it could be only just for meaning, for only describing for such.

Any false instead, for the Falsification it could also be, and not any just it should be either, for also unjust, when still not any fair versus unfair either.

Both that of true and false could be still an answer for only such, when not any bitwise negation it should be either.

And here a bit down on that page, for still not any top it should be either, because here still science with respect with only Religion for only such.

Any way of just uniting, for only the comprehensive it could be, and next only tantamount for such, for only the single meaning it could be.

Here thinking it should be this word, for not any unambigously or unique instead.

Just the Stairways to Heaven it could be still, for not any science either, for only just describing, and perhaps still only words for such it could be.

"Follow me", and next follow the leader for only such, when not any limits for also limitless, for also the past or beyond it could be.

Here just everything included, for only "all" for such, when not any second or next hand, for only past infinity.

Only just "Glory, glory, hallelujah" it could be still, for only precious and also glory, and still the magnificent it also could be.

But does such a thing next represent any infinity for just a meaning, or could it be something else, for only past or beyond for such?

And here you also know that I am not into that discussion of any Consensus, for only the 100 billion stars it could be still, for also 500 biliion other galaxies.

One thing is perhaps making it a Fallacy, for also the infallible it could be, when not any Construct instead.

So here death perhaps only such a thing, for only the way of Belief it could be still, when only a witness for such, except not any Alien interview either.

Any upper thing for just the element it could be, and next only second or third man instead, for not any

Next losing that word, for not any covert operations it should be either, for only hidden in darkness for that of cover for such a thing.

If you look back at what I said or mentioned for that of 9/11, you will find that wording being mentioned there.

But it also reminds me of the "Susan seeking" it could still be, for not any way of, for just the Method it could be, for also Proof as well.

Here "dinner served" for still making it at least one thing, for also the Proof still needed.

Running in circles for perhaps the spinning it could be, when also cycles, and also the endless it could be, for also Consensus still only lacking.

The UFO phenomenon could be still only such a thing, for not any face or handshake it could be instead, for only the Proof it still could be.

Here I am still, for only just living, and also taking part of it, for not any Consequence it should be either.

Just prove, for still not any dismiss or denial it could be, and next only nature for that of its meaning, for only Causality for such.

Just the false it could be, when also a Falsification for such, also that of Doubt, for the dubious or spurious it could be.

But only just tell, for not any Ten Commandments it should be either, and still only the Truth we could make, for only Proof for such.

Next perhaps only "which-which" instead, for only the absolute meaning it could be, when only nature for such.

Here perhaps the intention of God, for only the contradictory or uncertain it could be, for still only an answer, for not any proving it should be instead.

So, for not any butterfly it should be either, for only just angels instead, and still only the spread of wings it could be only for such.

Perhaps only an Event instead, for just happening, and not any moment it should be for only being spawned here.

Only living memory for just such a thing, and here not any Fallacies it should be either, for only a way of concluding a couple of things, for only certain Facts.

So here perhaps only knowing, for just the Fact it still could be, and next only an Equation for such, when also Laws.

And just forgetting it, for only the limit it still could be, when also threshold as well, for still not any physical barrier it should be either.

So press the button still, for only the hard it could be, and next not any soft or gentle touch it could be instead, and here perhaps more needed.

Perhaps that of just more looking, for also the sense or feel it could be, and next also gentle touch as well, for not any "holy smoke".

Buy or purchase a thing for only just new, and it becomes brand new for only such, for still not any feather it should be either.

Here I was still able to conclude for only a Certainty for such, when still not any Fact either, for also the uncertainty it could be, for also Fallacy.

But rather that it could be just implicit, for still only meaning for such.

Any bitwise here instead, and perhaps only a sequence for only such, when perhaps not any existing either.

We could still make it God for just that of sitting for only a throne for such, when not any pedestal either, but that it could be still a Premise only for nature.

So "that's it", only just for meaning, when not any Consequence for just following either, and we could be still proving aliens only just for meaning.

Now having the rest of the dinner for just meat in the oven, and finishing the rest of the beer.
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Message 2052323 - Posted: 19 Jun 2020, 19:38:23 UTC
Last modified: 19 Jun 2020, 19:39:23 UTC

So still press the button hard, for not any gentle touch it could be, and next also instantaneous, for also the momentarily it could be.

Always each respective thing, for where it belongs, and next also context for such, for not any moment of time instead.

Perhaps mentioned before, for that of hindsight, and it should not be any preceding for just before, when also thereafter for just following.

So here still that of a choice being made, for also the select it could be, when not any chosen instead, for still only a Method for such.

Prove for only a sentence, and still only meaning for such, except not any respective for also the separate it could be, when also Objects for that of Sets.

Either it could be just conclusive for only the proving it could be, or it could also be inconclusive as well.

Any nature set forward, for still only meaning for such, and perhaps a Premise instead, for still not any Proof it should be either.

But only just a guess, for also the reasoning it could be, and next only a way to speculate, for also the Idea it could be.

And for that, not any "whereas" it should be either, for just meantime instead, when still only the dinner it should be here right now.
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Message 2052343 - Posted: 20 Jun 2020, 0:01:28 UTC
Last modified: 20 Jun 2020, 0:03:41 UTC

Before continuing after the dinner, I clicked wrong with the mouse, and it became a thread subscription for that of my own such here.

Next visible at the bottom, for that of the main Message board here.

Asking next how to get rid of that thing, because not any needed.
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Message 2052347 - Posted: 20 Jun 2020, 0:53:18 UTC
Last modified: 20 Jun 2020, 0:57:34 UTC

So not any playing the guitar it could be, only running on empty air for perhaps not any thin either.

This web page could be still for that of Covid-19 here, but also noticing the quite nice graphics coming with that page.

Any Politics instead, for only just a discussion, and perhaps not any pockmarked for that of a face, when only president Trump here,
but at least mentioned somewhere.

Here I already mentioned the fact that it could be the summer heat still, for only just hanging around, even after sunset.

But only for the difference between winter and summer, only seasonal variations for such, when the Earth could be changing its orbit,
for only such around the sun each year.

So here only a fixed orbit still, when also Aberration and Nutation, when also the whole sun system could be traversing or just traveling through empty space,
for only regions for such.

Here also Scintillation as well, if not any wrong, because that of Nutation becomes at least a referenced article here.

So here still not any Politics either, for only just the more or better well-behaved instead, when it could be still Frame of Reference, for not just any way it could be
for only just the Earth spinning in its axis.

Just think of it for still only the preferred it could be, for also a Method as well, for rather a choice instead, when not any option or selection instead,
for just making it spinning around for that of an axis it still could be, for not any X-Y-Z coordinates instead.

Anyway, did we not have a discussion for only a way nature could behave, for still not any closed-circuit television instead, for just monitoring people?

May I only suggest, for not any propose either, that there could be a Type II civilization there just for living, for only the ideal conditions it could be for such.

But next also technology more advanced than us or ourselves, for still only what nature could be having to offer.

So here only "take a chance on me", for still only generosity for such, and next thinking that it could be just everything, for only possibilities being offered.

For that also countless other civilizations possible, next for only meaning, except not any way to determine or conclude either.

Maybe just wishful thinking, for also the dream it could be, but next with only respect to ourselves for that of a civilization, we should be knowing about ourselves.

And here it should be better written once again, for also that of masterpiece, for still only a word.

Only just human interaction here, for not any Ecology instead, which also could be that of diversity and manifold, next for that of nature.

Here only birds singing their song, for not any whistle either, and the whales could also be singing, by means of a humming noise.

And here should know that it should not be about the environment here, when only Greenpeace or the like for such, when only science about the Earth instead.

For that, still the three fingers perhaps needed, for not any five, and next also knowing how or in which way to put it in, for that of a connection.

Here at least making it both single and plural for that of a language, for still not any interaction between elements for only nature for such.

So maybe just stunned, for not any stuck either, and I could be still left out of words, for only that of Izar still (epsilon Bootis).

One thing is still what nature could be having to offer, and next perhaps not any agreeing on such a thing either.

Therefore, not any Hogan's heroes it should be, when only heroes here, for still only the scientists we could be, for not any priests either.

Because of that, making it that of "mint" one time, for not any Conclusion it should be either.

Just following, and still perhaps a Conclusion for that of a making, for not any next following either.

Here at one time earlier on, mentioning the Fact for only suggesting, that not only time and space could be synonymous, but also the way we could believe.

For that, still only God for a single meaning, when also an entity for such, and once again leaving that of Consensus to you, for only the agreement it should be.

Here the lost word, if any, should be that of "Faceless coward", but perhaps having it in another post or buffer here, still not uploaded.

But here still the heat quite much sensed, for also the relaxed motion it could be for only the evening becoming night instead, for not any fading either.

So only hot it could be still, for not any rain or drizzle either, when just the autumn it could become again, for that of a repeat of yet another cycle.
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Message 2052417 - Posted: 20 Jun 2020, 22:18:37 UTC
Last modified: 20 Jun 2020, 22:55:22 UTC

Here only the thread as the whole, when it could also be one from me here.

Only silly versus stupid, and still the better it could be, for only even better, and for that only still a difference.

Any alternative approach, for only a suggestion, and still that of nature for such, when only science.

So with respect to, or perhaps with, only such an alternative, when also the aspect it could be, for only a given understanding.

Here quite a nice one for that of a link, when still only sitting in the chair, and next popping up in my head for only such.

Any Cause instead, for also the Effect it could be, perhaps only a different word for that of things for such.

But for only the rich and wealthy, also that of stomach as well, for not any poor instead, because here not any bad, worse, worst either.

So here noticing that someone is making it "prevalent" for that of a word, and perhaps William Rothamel here.

One way could be still proving that of aliens for only an Equation it could be for such, when that of the Drake equation.

But for perhaps only a mix or mixture, for also a blend, only that of nature instead, for that of its composition.

So maybe speaking of God, for only on behalf of such, if not any about either, only such an approach, when still not any science.

Only the different things it could be still, for that of rain in the autumn, and snow in the winter, for also the dry summer, and still only interaction for such.

So for only the place it could be still, for that of whereabouts, and here "where am I still", for only being located, or perhaps situated.

Could it still be different things for only just offered, when not any God's hand it should be either, but only a product of nature for its own meaning?

Here still "Susan seeking", for only just looking, when it could be the intelligent signal we could choose to dismiss, for only that of meaning.

We know that water could be still both liquid and solid, when also ice when just frozen, and being crystals for only that, except still only Hydrogen and Oxygen.

But here perhaps only the same thing, for not any difference either, when still only solid stuff, for that of state of matter.

Only that of Politics it could be here, for not any science, when only just an Idea coming up in my head, when only a thing for that of being launched.

You may remember or recall that I made it that of Creation, for not any debunking it should be instead, for perhaps not any believer either.

But next making it empty space, for only the Empty set it could be, for not any possibilities, for only how much it could be, when also that of likelihood.

Only more of a chance, for that of Statistical likelihood, and we could be still making it Empirical evidence for such.

If I were to choose, I could be still only in the middle for just thinking, when not any middleman for only average either.

So here only "in the name of" it could be still, for that of making it science, for not any Religion instead.

First of all, you have to believe in a witness, for also the credible it could be, when perhaps an experienced pilot, for only a thing he saw.

But next perhaps only guessing about possible aliens, for still not any Kardashev scale it could be, when also types of civilizations.

So look back at what I said for that of being rich and wealthy for only a man for such, for also the limiltless possibilities being offered by nature,
when still only in the middle for just sitting, for that of middleman for such.

But next also knowing where it all ended, for not any Consensus it could be still.
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Message 2052419 - Posted: 20 Jun 2020, 22:33:31 UTC
Last modified: 20 Jun 2020, 22:57:10 UTC

Here just checking in, but not finding the subscript right now, for just the water it could be.

Adding the note in the previous text at first, but found that it made the post less valuable.

But if perhaps "we built the city" instead, only that of streets and buildings for such, for only the homogeneous it could be, when still both diversity and manifold.

So here for just knowing that it could be short of time, not any stuck either, for also the single-minded it could be, when only track for such.

Religion could be still only such, for also that of science as well, for not any stark contrast, when only a difference.

So here perhaps that of "betterment" it should be in the previous, for not any credible or trustworthy instead, for only the witness it could still be.

Only close at heart, for maybe close to instead, and perhaps still not any hands it could be, for only an embrace for such, when not any umbrella either.

Perhaps still only in and out for a couple of things, when not any line wrap it should be either, because for only just ready, I could still both debunk, for also dismiss.
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Message 2052422 - Posted: 20 Jun 2020, 23:34:39 UTC
Last modified: 20 Jun 2020, 23:50:06 UTC

Anyway, here it could be just the meaning of life, for only the sacred it could be, when not any "sanctimonious" either.

Just rely on a couple of things, for not any believe it should be either, and for that, only the Proof it could still be.

But for only just nature only speaking, perhaps only visible instead, for also that of presence, when not any telling either.

So here only a reject, for also a denial it could be, when perhaps not any rejection either.

Does nature still come with a couple of things for only its meaning, or should we only make it product of nature for what it could be meant?

So here only assumedly, for not any presumably either, for still only a thing being meant, for also meaning as well.

Here at first, for only earlier or previous, making it that of Creation for only a moment where it once started, for not any Religion it should be.

Only just order versus disorder it could be, for also turmoil and Chaos, and still side by side, for only just together, for that of a pair it could be.

So here not necessarily all details either, for only mentioned, except still only the science it could be, for not any God's hands instead.

And here perhaps not necessary mentioning the fact that I am not part of any Consensus here either.

The celestial sky could be filled up with G2V main sequence stars like our sun, for still our inability to find or detect something.

Only say "yes", for not any "no", and I could be still open on the subject, for not any set preference it could be.

So here perhaps only ourselves for that of meaning, for only life and death for such, when still not any wheel of fortune it could be, when only interaction.

But here getting a note or reminder from a moderator earlier on, that I should be still only looking, for also the seeking it could be, for only a signal for such.

Perhaps an Atheist you could be still, for not any Agnostic either, and it could be nature for only your purpose and mind, for also the set it could be.

Any sacred, and still only Religion for such, for not any equivalent or corresponding it should be, when only science instead.

If perhaps the countenance or sight it could be still, only that of Religion for such, for still not any explanation by means of science.

But only with respect to, for perhaps with, still not any science for only that of Religion, for only in behalf of such.

"We are the world" still, for only the people it could be, when also the population of the Earth as a whole, for not any "green" it should be either.

So here perhaps only the stick, for also baton, for only the white supremacy it could be, and not any superior being instead.

But only my point of view, for only just opinion for such, and I could still value a lesson, for also the "believing" it could be for such.

So here mentioned the fact that God is not selling any cigarettes either, for just standing on the corner of the street,
for also the alternative it could be, for only an initiative instead.

Apologies, for only just the fact that I could still key in "Logical assumption", for not any Tacit or Fallacy it should be either.

Be my friend perhaps, or maybe only instead, for only the alternative it could be still, when only science versus Religion here.

As far as I can tell, or am able to tell, only that of Proof it should be still, for also the Method it could be, when only proving a sentence.

So, forget what I said, for only the down to Earth it could be still, for not any Fallacies it should be, for only God for its meaning.

Perhaps still not any skating it could be either, but only just slip and fall instead, for only a failure for such, because here not any end product either.

"Bring me the shuttle", and next only a document instead, for only the different it could be, when still not any skating either.

If any Judgement could be making it Doomsday only for such, it also could be that of victim of circumstance, for not any end of the road instead.

The Fallacy it could end up to be, could be still only science for such, for not any Religion it could be instead.

But rather "speaking of", just for only a meaning, and perhaps not any telling either, for also the bidding it could be.

Make it any Ten Commandments instead, and still should not be any God just standing on the corner, for only cigarettes for such.
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Message 2052437 - Posted: 21 Jun 2020, 2:24:41 UTC
Last modified: 21 Jun 2020, 2:33:01 UTC

Perhaps product of such for not any nature twice, because you perhaps know which preference I could make.

Here perhaps the big picture it could be, when only contemplating for such, except only still sitting around.

By all means is just a wording you could make, for not any evidently it should be either.

Any Evidence it still could be, when also Truth as well, and only two different aspects of nature for just look it could be, when also Perspective.

"Does God exist", and the answer could be still no, for not any yes it could be instead.

But only you make it, for also mean it as well, still a couple of intelligent civilizations you could make it for only a preference, for still scattered for such.

And here finishing off the last two beers, for also the disproportionate it could be.

Is any E=mc2 for just an Equation, the ultimate answer you could give or make, or should it rather be fulfillment instead?

Perhaps not any boots, when rather Bootes or Bootis instead, for that of a double star, and here Izar.

But if a scale could be upwards for that of a meaning, not any downwards either, when that of the Kardashev scale.

Just more could be or mean better, for only such a thing it could be, when not any downward spiral, for just a downfall.

Here at one moment, I could make it "Letters to an idiot", except not the other connection or relationship it should be here still.

Here perhaps not needed either, for only the dust and gas visible in front of the Milky Way, for the band it could be still.

But asking it to be true, for only the answer still being wished for, and perhaps not any Truth it should be either, for only just "of course".

Here nature choosing to make it both spiral and elliptical galaxies for only a given choice, except still gravity only the main reason.

So here nature still coming with its own Premise, for rather visual appearance instead, for also the presence it could be.

Just knowing, and only a closed hand for such, for not any open it could be, for also verbose, widely spaced, or spoke at length.

Here at one time making it that of attributable, for still only an attribute it should be instead, for not any closed hand instead.

Make it both Tacit assumption and Formal fallacy, for not any God's or upper hand it should be, and at least not any uplift either, when only a stairs for such.

Only perhaps a couple of cards it could be, and just the playing it could be, when also that of the Joker as well.

But here making it presumption, for not any "prior ingestion" it could be, when only a poor translation.

So here I could be still only wishing, for not any seeking it should be, when also looking as well, for only the intelligent signal it still could be.

"Beware the wolf", and next I perhaps only "was" for such, when not any "were" either, for only the spelling, or way of writing it could be still.

So don't tell me, for still not any knowing, for perhaps only knowing so, for rather the except it perhaps could be.

But here not any literate it should be either, for just only the spoken word, when also knowing that poor people could also be illiterate.
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