Stars are blue, Panthers are pink and the music plays here

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Message 1892561 - Posted: 30 Sep 2017, 3:30:59 UTC
Last modified: 30 Sep 2017, 3:58:45 UTC

Switching order of posts in the following while still having the time.
ID: 1892561 · Report as offensive     Reply Quote

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Message 1892566 - Posted: 30 Sep 2017, 3:50:45 UTC
Last modified: 30 Sep 2017, 4:04:39 UTC

This before starting watching the YouTube clips and part of it should come before the previous post.

Nevermind, if you have the time.

Before continuing, also going through the process of booting using safe mode and next having boot with only the system services and also skip the startup options until it is working.

Noticing that the trial version of DLL-files Fixer is coming up early and could better deserve a license key already here, because the Premium version is not doing what it should.

For now I have yet to try out RegClean Pro, because that of .dll files and next the registry itself should be two different things.

The underlying factor, or perhaps intended purpose here is getting it working and next properly so, because as mentioned, I have a brother who is a musician,
or perhaps musical talent, but otherwise is perhaps a bit weak when it comes to performance.

If such a thing as "Cakewalk" could be or mean that of music, here are two such options, because I mentioned that of sound cards (Sound Blaster) and next also my younger brother.

Next that while the manual for the new and expensive computer did not come with the purchase, but rather had to be downloaded from the web, I also mentioned a couple of
YouTube links before signing off yesterday and also that here it could be worth listening in.

Making a difference between the skeptic and also both the atheist or agnostic, is of course one thing, but as previously mentioned, the Notices tab of the Manager is showing up
each time I start up in the morning.

Of course such a thing as sex sells and you probably should know that, but why do such a thing as BOINC, or even Seti@home, when there always should be a difference between the
skeptic and at least the man in the street, which next could also go for a stupid idiot.

Here of course not any Politician, or even clown either, because here it became "what I saw" and next also such a thing in the sky.

Perhaps always the "niche" or genre, because at least such a thing as hardware, or even the "Musical box" is of no help, when next you could make it science and in fact "believe" in a couple of things.

As scientists, we should know about both the Standard Model and also the Scientific Method.

If you happen to believe in both these methods, you also should do the same for that of Matter Creation being the main reason for the existence, or presence, of the Universe.

If you choose the first word above, it perhaps could be Philosophy and next it could be possible science.

Perhaps I was a bit to hard or direct, but at least you know I gave it a try at both for a couple of things.

Also that I got the message that I perhaps was stepping on someones toes, by pretending to be a churchgoer, rather than a scientist.

It should be readily known that such a thing as science is with a general purpose in mind, which could mean or imply that of knowledge.

If you happen or choose to make that of your preferred, or even " " project, you also are supposed to believe what "Prediction" is all about.

The sad thing is that for now the Theory of Relativity apparently does not make it to the Scientific Method, at least not directly, by being part of it.

Also that a given notion of time also has become part of this Theory by becoming the Special Theory of Relativity.

One might therefore ask the question of what is perhaps disputed and next also accepted when it comes to that of science, because at least we should believe in both neutron stars and Black Holes.

Next I think I got it more or less right rather than wrong, when next mentioning a figure like Nostradamus and also claiming the fact that travel into the future might be impossible.

If so, is it perhaps the right or correct choice of words, like that of jumpers versus "Collective evolution", because once again each belongs to, or are being part of a different language?

Or perhaps a given way of speaking, because if you happen to be a weightlifter, such a thing as neither smoking the gun, or even smelling any tulipans, should be part of your mind.

Are we supposed to question the difference between the skeptic and the believer, because if you happen to be a believer, you also could be doing the work of science.

Perhaps it could once again be that of unfinished work, because as a nuclear scientist, you could beleive in such things as both neutrinos, gamma rays and even quarks.

Next that even the Scientific Method should be making a difference between the same skeptic and possible believer, by taking that of possibilities, rather than possible options,
readily on and next believe that a couple of things in fact could be possible.

If the discovery of the Americas, or the American continent, by Christopher Columbus in 1492, should fade in comparison with a given knowledge about the Universe, this is because we also
could make it that of both space and also Cosmos, when it comes to possible wording, or wording scheme.

Therefore the fact that Columbus ended up there and not on the Indian subcontinent, he also came across native people living there, which he probably chose to name or nickname as "Indians".

If for some reason science is still about that of possible "Proof" by means of a given Method, we should not make a couple of things neither a laugh, or even a "farse" either.

Only by believing (in a couple of things) and next you of course have the difference between the skeptic and the agnostic, except for perhaps not attending church at all.

We should readily know that both the Standard Model and the Scientific Method is not necessarily any "proof" of the possible existence of alien intelligence, or extraterrestrials
and therefore we could be back at the "Man in the street" for such a thing and next what he "saw".

There should be no doubt that witnessing a UFO in the sky is not necessarily direct evidence for such a fact, but if you happen to be either Budd Hopkins or ...
(forgot the names, but next those needles in the arms and legs of people, or perhaps science not always working). :(

Again I should be having a meal and next also a cup of coffee before finishing off the rest of the beer.

Now starting getting a bit cold in here and the window needs to be closed or shut.

One interesting thing is that while the Periodic Element Iron should be well known, as element 26, also that of Nickel, element 28, came up yesterday and also I would like to know about that in between.

Except for the Periodic Elements of the Periodic Table and here it now switches from Notepad to the web browser by just thinking and here of course Cobalt is the element in between.

Next I should give you an example of what I am thinking, namely the well-known story about a UFO in the sky.

Not necessarily the Rendlesham Forest incident this time, although it could also be a possibility.

But rather I was thinking about the end ceremony of the Los Angeles Olympic Games back in 1984 and needs a better wording.

Sorry to say, but back in 1984 my national broadcaster were a bunch of Communists by means of a thinking and therefore did not appreciate the American community that much.

Next also the technological evolution and the possibilities which has come or evolved since that time, except for a short piece or segment of people running in the streets, next being athletes.

If for some reason you could happen to believe, the event which took place during the end ceremony, perhaps was not part of, or belonging to the original or intended "scheme".

For one thing it could be building a city and next you also should make it a good thing as well and hopefully such a promise could be made until the next games being held in 2028.

So is there perhaps a difference in notion between that of the "Man in the street" and next possible "expectancies", because at least for that of making a guess about possible intelligent civilizations
in space, you are supposed to rely on both scientific fact as well as knowledge, when it comes to a couple of things.

The fact that one thing more or less could be written off when it comes to such a fact, even when it comes to the Scientific Method, is only one such example and for this a debate regarding that of a
possible user experience versus that of something else (not necessarily any servers), if no such exception either.

If you still happen to be a scientist, you could also be a ufologist as well.

Are we not supposed to know about such a thing as Probability, because this could also tell about possible facts?

But rather it could end up being the dice for such a thing and also that we should remember the words of Einstein for this, namely "God is not playing with dices".

So, if I mentioned the word Axiom yesterday, also we should know about the subject of Logic and also Arithmetic as well.

In my national or native Court of Justice, we actually have the term or principle that at times there should be a reason of doubt and therefore the accused should be acquitted.

Perhaps we should find a better word for that of a "believer" as opposed to that of both a skeptic, agnostic, or even debunker, except for the atheist, of course, because if you happen to be a believer,
you also should believe in God.

What if I rather believed in science, because I know that such a thing could be for both good and even betterment?

Yes, believe in science and next you should also believe in God, but the matter of fact is that this is not true.

Or perhaps we still could be back at that of an atheist versus a debunker, because it still could be science at times and not necessarily any write off.

Take it with a grain of salt if you will, but while I twist my brain for the lost names of a couple of people, that of both Uri Geller and even such a thing as "Cold Fusion" is coming to my mind.

If perhaps so, should it be any difference here, because some people could perhaps believe in such a thing as Cold Fusion, while a couple of others could believe in a couple of things happening in the sky.

Look, but like my friend in the horizon here, namely OzzFan, there should be no such thing as readily or even claimed evidence for a couple of facts, despite being possibly claimed.

Of course you are welcome at giving both your thoughts and also opinion, but if you happen not to be a believer, should it then next be that of a write off as well?

Look again, but we also should know that the mind is a place of mysteries, including that of possible dreams.

Here being stuck on the word itself and next redirects at that of a Riddle.

Should it perhaps be Nostradamus, or should it rather be the . . . (before the beer).

What is the correct word for this, except for the Egyptian mummies, of course, because here getting it wrong before the cup of coffee.

You readily know that a couple of people are not willing to discuss a couple of things or issues, because of the mentioned fact of the Theory of Relativity versus the Scientific Method.

If so, should it still be only that of entertainment when it comes to a possible issue, or should it rather be something else or better?

Rather that we either should believe in science and next what we are doing, because for one thing it could be that of possible extraterrestrial visitors, with their own story being told each time,
or (same as below).

My personal guess or assumption is that some people pretending to be ufologists could be living their lives based on the fact of "enlightenment".

This because they could believe in both what they are able to see, or perhaps think or feel.

A good example of a visual representation, or portrayal/depiction of possible facts, are that of "Close Encounters of the Third Kind", by Steven Spielberg, in two segments.

Again if perhaps so, should it be for the betterment of science in perhaps "believing" in such a thing rather than making it a complete write off?

You know that as an astronomer of sorts I have come to witness a couple of things myself and next it did not become any write off either.

The only thing you could be able to prove is a mind sometimes going wrong or losing track and next you could end up being mad, possibly even with a piece of paper in your hands.

If you rather could be a Cosmologist, the fact is that you could end up believing in both possibilities rather than only a single one.

When I happen to think about the Ostrich, such a thing as being stuck in the mud also comes to mind and next that such a thing as enlightenment should not be possible.

Or should it rather be such things as Paradoxes, Paradigms, or even the Schroedinger's cat or equation?

What if I rather happened to be stupid rather than a possible believer and next was believing in a couple of stories?

You probably know that the Kardashev scale is a "method of measuring a civilization's level of technological advancement, based on the amount of energy a civilization is able to use for communication.

Let us pretend myself to be the Man in the street right now and because of that could believe in a couple of things, including the possibility of extraterrestrial civilizations.

Assumedly that of Probability should not be the same as Diversity, because at least we could be speaking about Diversity in nature.

Should I perhaps jump back in the browser to that of the Schroedinger's cat or equation and next make up my mind about a couple of things, because perhaps the subject of Probability could give a better answer?

Again, being a debunker could next make for a write off as well, but if not so, what are the possible other options?

You already know that I mentioned both the Falling Man and also that of "What are my chances" if next placing a bullet in a single chamber gun and putting it against my head.

Is it still supposed to be a 50 % chance, meaning 50/50 if or when such a thing is happening?

Harrison Ford, as Han Solo in Star Wars is yelling "Don't tell me the odds".

Make it either dices or even odds, if you will, but next the fact that such a thing as Probability is supposed to be about science and not necessarily any conscience.

If you rather could end up on the back of a horse, you next also could be having some two chances, namely either be sitting, or perhaps be thrown off.

The notion of infinity is not necessarily any notion of time, but we also could be left to believe that these two things are related with each other.

In the same way as gravity and microgravity is not necessarily the same, we still could believe in both the notion of time and also that of space itself.

This because this is what I did after the last restart of the computer and found it to be stable and here should also be the links.

Perhaps the Schroedinger's equation is the better article here and not necessarily any Logic at all, or even the notion of time.

Is intelligence supposed to come with a human face all the time, or should we rather believe in the face of the Devil?

As far as I am able to tell, we still make a difference between that of intelligence and that of conscience, because such a thing as intelligence could be found in the sky and also that you are
supposed to believe in such a thing as well.

So if perhaps not only Diversity, but also that of infinity as well, because that of infinity could at least be having a mathematical explanation by means of a possible concept or term.

As usual, making it an abstract does not make any sense of it being perhaps real, except for that of concrete being used in bridges and the like.

The fact is that I could end up making a difference between a hairy female lying naked on a table and perhaps not a human at all and that of a couple of things passing by, which could be no planes at all.

Always the write off, of course, even if you happen to be a scientist, but once again lets us for the moment pretend it to be the opposite.

While that of both 0, zero and nil means a zero choice of a given chance, or perhaps odds, that of 100 (both measured in percentage), should be telling about similar odds, namely that of a given survival.

If that of an Ice Age could be telling about an environment where both that of survival and also that of life itself could be a possibility, we could in fact end up back with that of Probability.

If the Kardashev scale offers three types of intelligent civilizations in space, namely Type I, II and III, respectively, based on that of energy alone,

Here also noticing that both a "stellar civilization" and also that of a Dyson sphere is mentioned as being part of a possible Type II civilization.

If the story could be around about a possible landing in the city of Vilnius, Lithuania, either you could believe in such a thing and next think that it became almost there by being a hard landing.

This perhaps the reason why that of Type II civilizations catches my interest a little more, because of their possible level of technological advancement.

So next I am perhaps stuck in the mud in a similar way and except for that of energy alone could make me think about that of a Type III civilization as a possible deviation for that of God,
or even gods or angels.

If Picasso could be a painter, so could also Rembrandt and next that both these are not necessarily any artists.

Definitely ... and not Wernher von Braun could be a ufologist, but again I forgot or lost the name here, but should be Erich von Daniken.

You perhaps know that I read, or at least tried reading about the subject of "Intelligent Design" in the past, being perhaps biased, prejudiced, or preconceived about the fact that this also was about the possible notion of God.

Next that I did not follow up on the subject and lost track of it all, because I was not the starter of the thread or this discussion, by being the author of the subject.

I will make the dinner right now, but this name came up in my mind.

Feeling slightly better now and also came across this link.

Next read the contents and that for some reason we need those military men in order to carry out possible pseudoscience.

If for some reason it could still be the battle of Los Angeles, it could also be about a similar battle of conscience, because for one thing you could make it possible pseudoscience and next you could also end up
reading between the lines and next believe in a couple of things.

If so, could it be perhaps the "Missing link" here, in that a couple of things perhaps were left out?

If you could perhaps not be color blind, at least you could still make for the difference between white and black when it comes to such colors.

Mind you, but not listed here, but next rather I was thinking about such a thing as "Spiritual Enlightenment" here, because it could be about both the mind and also soul.

If perhaps so, it could be the melody "Dreamer", by Supertramp, because as mentioned either it could be the possible dreamer rather than the artist and next we could also believe in a couple of things.

But next that we could be back at a given conclusion of stated facts, namely that such a thing as a dream is not part of reality, or a given world and therefore is not part of a Method either.

We perhaps need a proper description of that of Conscience, because for a lack of anything else, such a thing as conscience should not necessarily mean any God either.

What if I perhaps had the answer to a couple of things and next could be the "Oracle"

Already we know that Oracle is also a database product or solution, but next not what I was looking for.

Becomes quite evident from the article itself, because here the proper description is being given.

teaching, doctrine, creed, tenet (for my personal notes and perhaps should be kept).

Perhaps not such a thing as a doctrine or creed here, but still we also could believe in the Pythagorean Theorem, because it is part of Philosophy and next also science.

So, while both that of Classical antiquity and also that of tenet itself could both be part of science itself, like a couple of other things, we still could end up with the notion of time and next make it a Theory.

Am I perhaps confused and thinking that such a thing as Evolution could be the same thing as Life and that both could be explained in a similar way?

Remember there is still no definite or conclusive proof about any extraterrestrial life, but if so, it does not necessarily mean or imply a write off either.

If facts should be something else than a possible Proof, there should be no lack of possible events happening, rather than any lack of such a thing.

When I once again am thinking about the Rendlesham Forest, it does not necessarily become that of any Method, including Method of Proof, but rather about a story of events happening or unfolding.

Those people experiencing the whole event were military men and not any scientists and therefore for the good rather than the better.

My guess is that such a word as "enlightenment" could be or explain more for, or when it comes to that of women rather than men, because of a possible attitude.

Men are supposed to be strong and next believe, while women could be weak and next be having no thoughts or ideas on their own which could benefit science.

Again, what if I happened to still be the dreamer and next believe in such a thing as Type II intelligent or extraterrestrial civilizations?

Could it still be the ponderer of sorts and next you should know of, or be familiar with the figure for this, except for perhaps the game.

Next I still could also be an idiot and leave the whole question of energy more or less open, at least when it comes to a subject.

I mentioned the Aura in the past and also that it was visible past my fingers when viewed against a dark background, like a main sound speaker system.

Also that both microwave and infrared radiation is supposedly invisible to the naked eye, so here a lack of a proper explanation.

The fact is that except for the Kardashev scale, we could be left mostly in the open, if not completely blind for that of a possible Type III civilization, with its possible technological capabilities.

Is it still supposed to be a measure only, but the scale as a whole is only a hypothetical one and not necessarily a representation of a given reality.

Next that I find it a bit hard to measure that of energy itself with that of a possible technology which could be used by such a civilization.

So here the name of one such game right now popping up in my mind, namely "Master Mind".

Look under Other uses, Mastermind (board game) classic board game for this.

If for some reason I could still make it a game rather than any Mathematics, I could perhaps know that a = b + c, or perhaps 3 = 1 + 2 .

Not that bad, but next that it rather could be that of Creation versus a possible Creator instead and that we could be looking at possible factors for at least one part of it.

Lurking in the shadows, eh and next it could be that of Healing when it comes to the subject of Medicine, except for that of possible alternative therapies, including possible radiation for
that of Cancer treatment.

Always an answer to a question, it seems and we most likely take the answer for granted most of the time, rather than perhaps asking any questions.

You could be the expert on elementary particles here, but next still the question of how the Universe evolved, or perhaps was being formed.

Next it becomes the Big Bang here and that this subject, or perhaps a notion of a given reality is more or less accepted by the scientific community.

Have a drink instead and next make it dispair rather than despair, because being disillusioned is not necessarily the same as any illusion.

A quite good example here is the mirror.

If like the mirror itself it could also be "Dirty Harry" for a couple of things, you should perhaps recall Clint Eastwood here and not necessarily any Joker and here I lost the word.

Funny perhaps, but like that of Intelligent Design, a couple of people here decided on making it that of "multiverses" and next it actually became almost funny.

Having a walk a couple of days ago, I passed the gate to the churchyard or cemetary where my father is buried.

Always the difference between the living and the dead, it seems, but next that there could also be people telling about "Near Death Experiences" during at least hypnotic regression.

I mentioned it possibly at the funeral, or at least the late lunch the same day, the sense that this was not the "end of the road" at all, but rather the start or beginning of something else which
could be a new life of sorts and next a possible "Afterlife".

Again it should be important to notice, or perhaps pointed out that such a thing as Afterlife is having no scientific explanation at all, but only being part of Religion and Faith.

The fact is that we could be stuck in the mud once again and perhaps beliving that such a thing as a soul could be something else than even that of energy.

Here perhaps the correct track, or order of sequence is needed, because we should know about the equation E=mc2, by Einstein.

Next that at least conscience, rather than posssible intelligence itself, could be having a similar meaning by means of that of Religion and Faith (and not necessarily any Philosophy).

If perhaps not "Braveheart" itself, but at times science could be brave next thinking that conscience could be explaining in certain terms by means of a given thinking.

My guess is that if we could be discussing that of Afterlife, we should also not forget the Devil, but here I was perhaps in a slightly different mood right now and rather was giving a thought about God.

The Falling Man is supposed to be on a different ladder than the Hangman itself and therefore should not be asking for such a thing as mercy, or clemency, at least when not falling, or hanging in the rope.

For this reason, we make of the Devil as both bad and sinister and therefore are not supposed to ask for, or perhaps receive any mercy or clemency there.

Or perhaps I rather could be just naive rather than stupid and next think that both the elementary particles and the equations making everything possible could be an answer for everything.

What if rather than lurking in the shadows, I could see the face of the Devil rather than the face of God?

Local news is having the story today about a face being visible in the Northern Lights of the sky (Aurora Borealis).

Perhaps a bit hard to believe, but when looking closer, it becomes the face here and not necessarily any lights.

Here it becomes a disambiguation of words once again and took a little to look up.

And not necessarily any sunshine either, because both these should be different and their respective subjects and also part of science, like that of both night and day.

So, while experiencing a slight hiccup in the graphical display, also that of Metaphysics is coming to my mind when thinking about that of Afterlife.

Namely the fact that the Greek made it earth, wind, soil and fire, while modern scientists are making it that of elementary particles, together with their respective equations.

One important thing perhaps is that in my opinion Metaphysics should not be the same as Pseudoscience.

Any numerical expression or similarity for that of both color and sound, because by means of a quite good book in the BASIC language by Abacus, that of at least sound could be having a numerical representation.

You could sometimes end up being both blind and deaf, but what about the sense of feeling?

Could it be pain perhaps, or could it rather be a sweet dream?

Yes, a sarcofagus is not necessarily that of aspargus either and perhaps you heard about that misunderstanding.

If there ever was a story about "Ancient aliens" here, should tell that I did not catch the story, but rather is left with the Egyptian pyramids and next also the Pharaohs.

Next the old question could be "Could time travel be possible".

Erich von Daniken (again for my notes).

His name popped up right now and please do not pretend to be a ufologist and next part of the scientific community without throwing this good man in the mud.

When thinking, there is a chance that this could end up not a debate between science and the Church anymore, but rather those pretending to be either Archaeologists or Paleontologists and those
seeking for an understanding of our presence or existence by just looking into the sky.

Matter Creation is supposedly synonymous with that of science itself, but for a couple of things, we could still be having that of both birth, life and next death.

So who is supposed to be at the gate when the time finally comes and you are passsing away?

The answer, namely St. Peter, the angel.

One possible explanation, or perhaps wording, is making it the Portal of Perception, or perhaps "Stairways to Heaven", if you will again the needed cup of coffee.

Next think of your past life and next make up your mind, or perhaps thought of a couple of things taking place during your life and you will next receive an absolution of sins, at least literally.

Next you are entering the Portal and you could find yourself by means of your soul in that of the Purgatory, which should be a sacred place (and not the Garden of Eden).

This because I still could be a scientist of sorts and next find this word a sacred one, by means of its intended meaning.

Right now time for a cup of coffee and do not forget the knock-knock of the hammer either, by means of a couple of things sometimes breaking.

Before continuing, the old story which became proven, or perhaps a fact, that gravity waves finally became detected and next added to our understanding.

It should be added that personally I see a difference between that of science versus that of Religion and Faith, but next that a possible burial of a family member became my Portal to a different way of thinking.

Always drive on greeen and not red when in traffic, because you are being taught so and not necessarily that the Laws of nature expressively inhibits or prohibits one certain or given way for another.

This because as usual this is supposed to be both nature and next science and because of that we are having not only the elementary particles themselves, but also the Equations which tells about both their
possible relationship, as well as given possibilities.

So, mirror on the wall perhaps, except for both Merlin and the witch and next no such thing in science at all.

We readily associate the perfect Ice World with nothing happening at all and that only an external event could possibly make for something to happen, making it an "instantiation".

Here perhaps the second, third and fourth link.

Again, drive on green and not red and next believe in such a thing, because if it rather was "In the beginning", rather than even Instantiation, the Laws and Equations making up nature came with the whole thing of
Creation and not the reason for it all happening.

Or perhaps even so or such a thing, because while sex still sells at times, you could be left beliving that science could be doing so as well.

My guess is that science could explain such a thing as ageing and also be coming up with a possible cure, but if I rather was believing in possible extraterrestrial intelligence, neither it would sell,
or even I could come up with a cure for the possible opposite.

"For the betterment of BOINC", of course and next I have not read the contents.

Buh! Perhaps repeating myself, but still only the first bottle of the night.

At least wasting my day when doing so and next you also should know.
ID: 1892566 · Report as offensive     Reply Quote

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Message 1892567 - Posted: 30 Sep 2017, 3:56:01 UTC
Last modified: 30 Sep 2017, 4:01:51 UTC

Getting the beer from my fridge right now and only making it a short one right now, getting a bit tired, except for perhaps the grand finale, still left for posting.

Accessing YouTube for that of late night music and entertainment and they probably made a page for me there which is a nice one.

Not for children, by the way and the rest of it your own business, or perhaps choice.

Getting this choice almost at the top of the list and next starting from there.

The second link next in the list automatically at least here if not the same with you and next only a starting choice of selections.

The subject of UFO's have been there from at least 1947 and most likely even earlier on.

I happen to be an astronomer of sorts and next find it quite hard at dismissing it all away, or the word I previously chose to make for this.

So if the word or phrase "I knew already from the start, or perhaps even before" could be true, the subject of UFO's could perhaps be no excuse.

I next watch the clips in sequence and also thinking about a star in the sky with the name of epsilon Pegasi.

From my 14 years at Seti@home, I know that this star has been under a quite close scrutiny, because of a possibilty of intelligent life near or close to that star.

Really it is nice to think about life here on Earth and also that of evolution, but also the fact that also both water and an atmosphere are the preresquite or requirements for that of life.

Also nice to think that evolution could be explained by means of the Scientific Method and the like.

I mentioned Type II civilizations earlier on and that this could be a fascinating subject, not only because of possible technology, but also because of other things.

You are supposed to have ice in a drink and not water alone and in the same way we could be question the origins of nature by means of the creation of the Universe.

Here not necessarily that of the birth of the Universe either, but lost the intended word.

The sad thing is that Antarctica could be a desolated place filled with ice only and not for a drink at all.

Next pretend to be Roald Amundsen rather than Julian Assange and also make it that of entertainment, or a possible dream rather than facts of reality.

Perhaps I got the message already and should rather start believing in a couple of things rather than doing the opposite.

Yes, it could be the face of God, or perhaps the Devil, but also that we could be making it science and next believe in such things as UFO's.

We probably should know of Werner Heissenberg for his Uncertainty Principle, but next also his book about part versus the whole or the like, once with my parents.

The stray dog running around is perhaps not the same as a flying thing or object in the sky, but there could be reason to believe that UFO research is now a serious subject and therefore
subject to a debate.

I still could make it a starting point for a couple of things, namely that of breaking a pencil at times and also confusing both instinct and aggression with that of intelligence, if not any conscience.

If you look at the Kardashev scale, that of a Dyson sphere is perhaps not specifically mentioned, but should still belong to, or be part of the subject of energy.

Reading a little down, the man at least is supposed to be having a private life, but next that his possible deeds could be controversial and also that I am not familiar with the story.

Guess what, but I am sitting in front of a large screen or monitor, because there is a reason for this being possible.

So I mentioned the bed earlier on and those things which could be happening there, except for possible sleep or even dreams.

Coming to me in the late night that we could also blame such a thing on the birds and the bees.

Yes, try it out for yourself and next find out that it sometimes is not working, at least when using your fingers, literally.

Except for that, it should of course be that of computers, of course.

When I continue watching the clip in the late night, the word flying saucer is being mentioned and I almost forgot the word.

So, is President Trump perhaps supposed to be "dumb", rather perhaps a Joker of sorts, because as far as I am able to tell, these things are not part of the regular news.

Or rather you could choose to make it science, err entertainment for the sake of perhaps throwing it in the trash, because there should be no validity of possible claims at all.

Superior being . . . (needs a rewind if I got it wrong).

Again perhaps the same, because there could be people around with just such a possible belief.

Posting here before perhaps continuing.
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Message 1892574 - Posted: 30 Sep 2017, 4:30:57 UTC
Last modified: 30 Sep 2017, 4:53:13 UTC

I was going to saying Enough at the end of the previous, meaning back tomorrow, but next noticing this link.

Oh, so I perhaps mentioned that of both Fallacies and Infallacies at BOINC and next that they did not like the subject at all.

If perhaps not acts of deed, perhaps an act of words.

Reading in the news that a Russian general apparently fell victim for terrorists in recent days.

Noticing his face and perhaps except for that of Communism, some sympathies around here and therefore RIP.

Should add that from a personal point of view, I sometimes choose to watch earthquake or tsunami videos when starting up the day.

But right now I am listening in at a Russian speaking clip where the translation is being lost when only listening in at the audio.

Next of course the translation is available when also watching.

So, is perhaps science the main reason for both wars and conflicts erupting, or should history perhaps be rewritten?

Here it should be the story of the Illuminati, but perhaps getting it wrong here.

Checking and will be back at it.

Doing so and the picture is not on the inserted or installed disks and should be somewhere else.

It could have been uploaded using Photobucket, but needs getting to my old account there.

Also that she should be known here as well and also is quite pretty.

Next perhaps guess her name.

Apparently not there so here only this for now and next perhaps the same old story.

Not watched before and perhaps not any entertainment either.

Back tomorrow.
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Message 1892583 - Posted: 30 Sep 2017, 7:30:38 UTC
Last modified: 30 Sep 2017, 8:23:36 UTC

Why not read the Politics Message Board here instead and also that the main writers, or contributors there are also being scientists and more or less contributing to Seti@home directly?

I remember from childhood years my brother making a big laugh of a skeleton rattling his cheekbone, or perhaps teeth.

I mentioned Julian Assange earlier on and next also his sexlife.

The musical band is having a clip with the name "The sun is shining" and next on you.

Perhaps you remember the fancy video coming with this clip.

Having been here for some 14 years, I am readily familar with the issue of moderation, including issues relating to that of Politics.

Oh, yes, but have Julian Assange for his sexlife in my notes, if perhaps not Bob Lazar instead.

Make it that of a proper or correct translation, but always the difference between teaching and learning.

When I watch a couple of YouTube videos. that of true, or truth is a subject sometimes being repeated.

This because of the mentioned clip at the top.

If it perhaps could be "Nobody's Fools" by Slade, it could perhaps be "lurking in the shadows".

The subject of science could at times be that of throwing out a couple of contents because of what they are supposed to be, or perhaps represent.

Did I perhaps mention that making a copy or replicating black and white colors by making it shades of grey or gray, apparently is a difficult thing, even with a good software package?

My logs became quite large overall and also you should know about the current problems being experienced.

Some 2,000 years ago, apparently Jesus Christ was born in a barn or lawn and next raised or nurtured by his parents Josef and Maria.

Next the sad thing that I perhaps confused Maria with Maria Magdalene and next made it possible angels of the whole thing.

Listening in at the clip and it should be a possible deceipt at times when it comes to possible contents and next also the possible ...ment as well.

But for now not in Google Translate, so here only a guess, but could be "deceivement".

Suggestions welcome.

But except for that, perhaps a thought of the atheists and agnostics here.

I happen to both read and also watch around and sometimes I could make a wish for a better world.

But also that this is not always true.

Such a thing as earthquakes and tsunamis are modern or current day or way of life killers.

Lacking the proper word, but there could be some people around with an interface to a world of aliens and extraterrestrials which are perhaps not part of our world.

This for now, but perhaps more needs to be added.

You perhaps remember a time of clairvoyance in the past where I perhaps was claiming a couple of things for the lack of any else.

Not getting to that right now, but if the story about both Bob Lazar and Julian Assange should be about their respective sexlife, what about that of nature itself?

As an astronomer of sorts, at least I could know about the Aurora making for possible sunshine during the night.

Is there perhaps an excuse for such a thing as dreams, like the secret continent of Atlantis, which should not be there at all.

Or perhaps I could be wacky or weird at times, because I read my Inbox here and those from a couple of moderators here.

Is perhaps science wacky or weird, or should you perhaps blame such a thing on possible users?

Watching the clips from the polar caps of native Earth, also a reminder that the country of Israel also should be that of Hebrew for their spoken language.

Next it could be the Dead Sea, or even the scrolls for that matter, except for the sacred place of Getsemane.

Because of that, it could be stars and stripes at times, including both neutron stars and Black Holes and except for that the wacky or weird thing and also the stupid fool or idiot.

Never mind, but always a difference between the sheets of ice making up the Antarctica and the leaves of the Jungle.

Using Google Chrome as my web browser, I have both the Apps shortcut and also the bookmarks available or in front of me.

Here a link for that of "Idiosyncracy" at Wikipedia is found or located in the middle.

Did Roald Amundsen perhaps get to the South Pole somewhere around 1911?

If so, did he perhaps fly past the North Pole sometime later, or perhaps used a ballon or airship (blimp) for that of exploring the North Pole sometime later?

I recall from past news a mentioning at CNN of a "blimp" parking in New York city in an unfashionable way.

Blame it on the food perhaps, but are we not supposed to know, or perhaps believe in what happened?

Dangit, but that day I apparently woke up late and was able to hear about this in one way or another.

Next you could be up there and hanging out a window, next forgetting about any science, but rather cry for help.

The past story of 9/11 and the events next happening are supposed to be for the masses and next also the possible idiots.

In a same or similar way, there could be times where we could rather believe in Nazi techology, or perhaps ideology and still think or believe that this also could be for the masses.

So perhaps once again "Existential Fallacy or Fallacies", because I see or notice it below.

You know, one of the proudest moment of modern science is that of Hindenburg being an air ship, or hot balloon, if perhaps not a blimp and next part of a "popular culture".

Yes, Enough, because next you also should know about the Holocaust.

You know, they sought or attempted finding a replacement for Pierce Brosnan as that of James Bond.

Why not Roger Moore instead, except for that he is now lying in his grave and also got or received a title for his work.

Here a mentioning of that of Carbon Di Oxyde versus Carbon Monoxide and also the climate on Earth, including the melting ice of the Arctic and Antarctic continents.

Sweet dreams perhaps, but except for the sweet figure, we also should know about the perfect Ice World where nothing is supposed to be happening.

Or perhaps the story of Winston Churchill with his cigar between his lips, if not the supercontinent which finally was breaking or broke up.

Carl Sagan, in his book Cosmos, is giving a mentioning of losing a good friend from an accident during scientific exploration or research.

Should next add that I feel with such a loss and that it also became a short paragraph of a whole or complete book.

My grandfather on my mother's side was born in 1907 and next we also should know about the flights of the Wright brothers around 1903.

Oh, perhaps Kitt Peak for the National Observatory, if perhaps not a horse race being carried out next to the shore, but for now I lost the name here.

Getting back at it, should be the Wright brothers above.

So funny, but except for my deceased grandfather, this was or supposedly happened more than a hundred years, or a Century before.

The local news of a national broadcaster is mentioning the word ordnance being found or located, so what next about "ordnance" versus "ordinance"?

As an astronomer of sorts, I could perhaps know the difference between teaching and learning, but next what about possible listening, or even "eavesdropping" and next
with regards, or toward the celestial sky?

Perhaps not even short wave, or even any modulation either, but is such a project perhaps a "clandestine" or secret one?

The Swedish cartoon once being watched could be telling about the possible stupid fool sitting in a garden (and not Isaac Newton here).

I perhaps could be a "fumbler of sorts" at times and next also hurt or damage myself.

Or perhaps it could be Tinnitus once again, because I could be left with only one good sense and next also having the sense of hearing being damaged.

Not a good thing at all.

If for some reason I could make a difference or distinction between such a thing as "Mysteries, magic and miracles", it perhaps could be that of an illusion.

Albert Einstein is supposed to be a scientist, despite his possible notion of time and also his statement "God is not playing with dices".

Also that Cosmology is supposed to be a subject on its own, where perhaps no difference is expressly given or stated between the possible idiot and the possible genius.

You should know that I am not here for picking up the earphones and next listening in at a couple of things, because this is not what I am supposed to do.

Make it my day perhaps and you next could be the one "kicking me out", or perhaps even in the a**, because there supposedly is no such thing as science.

You perhaps do not know, but except for possible "expectancies", science at times could also be about a couple of nice or straightforward words.

Beyond 2000 perhaps, except for the nasty woman, but except for that perhaps a couple of things "beyond our comprehension" for a couple of things.

Noticing that also Morgan Freeman was being mentioned during the day and next also a couple of not so good things.

For now nothing more to add here, so it perhaps becomes only a rumor or perhaps a fluke.

But except for that, something is definitely wrong.

My grandparents had a cottage being built or set up during the years of the Second World War and had to drive on a haystack rather than petrol and also had to pass a couple of control posts on their way,
except for driving backwards, or in the reverse one time when the conditions were particularly hard or difficult.

So, perhaps that of "enlightenment" once again and also the story around about a man having an evening walk in the past and next finding his surroundings being lit up and next part of a city.

Also that this should be out of town and not any city, or part of it at all.

Because of that, I could be back at the subject of Perception and next the way such a thing is being caught or noticed, or perhaps comprehended.

I mentioned the Man in the street in the past and that he also could be both silly and stupid.

But next that nature itself or on its own is perhaps not such a thing at all, but rather could be past our imagination, or even comprehension.

The tricks being performed by a magician could perhaps be a fluke, but next not past our comprehension at all.

If so, what about any science being carried out?

Is science supposed to be carried out on a big fluke, or should it rather be a thing past our comprehension?

Living in a Democratic society, I am supposed to believe in the reigning King being the Monarch of my country, making it a Constitutional Democracy.

Next that even such a thing does not necessarily benefit any science at all.

Josef Stalin, as you perhaps know, should be a better example of the complete opposite of a Democracy and next no Adolf Hitler at all.

With respect for Raistmer here, always not tease or annoy the Wolf and next I also should know that.

Except for a possible anarchy, that of Law and Order is supposedly always there in order to "trample" on my possible opinion, when perhaps doing so.

Should I perhaps admire Stalin for his possible deeds, except for perhaps believing in a story being heard for a possible cry for help and next that of a civilization meeting or
encountering its own demise or destiny?

I have perhaps told about or explained such a thing as both earthquakes and tsunamis in the past and that such things could be possible killers.

So, what about the hidden threat perhaps lurking in space and next that of hypernovae or novas?

Perhaps or next the hidden threat we are not supposed to know about, but definitely the atmosphere should be about such a thing as the weather and not a shield for that of any radiation.

Ever heard about Star Wars and next perhaps rather Han Solo rather than the possible idiot?

If not so, perhaps "Desert Shield" versus "Desert Storm", because this could be part of a "doctrine", or perhaps "tenet".

Sigh, but always the day passing along and next also part of my notes, as you should perhaps know.

In the world of technologies, or at least "allies", we should both know about technology and also possibly trust each other, like the U.K. versus the United States.

Perhaps the subject of Politics above, but except for the weather, I did not find the picture of the Illuminati, or the like on my running disks, nor at Photobucket.

Should be somwhere else, but for now I put it away.

Rather I was giving a thought about the human face when it comes to a couple of things and that this also could be visible in that of the Devil, except for a couple of deeds.

I mentioned the witch with no name earlier on and next that it also could be a soothsayer or fortune teller.

Oh, perhaps stars and stripes for that of the sorcerer or magician, rather than a witch, but next no such a thing as Cosmology, or even Black Holes at all.

You should know that for practical reasons, we chose to shut down the homes or institutions caring for the possible mad men, or Psychics / Psycopaths earlier on.

So, if perhaps Budd Hopkins for kind of a dream, or perhaps illusion which supposedly should not be there, we next of course could believe in the man in the street and next that
his possible experiences could perhaps benefit science.

Get lost, but perhaps not the truth at all, but rather the complete opposite.

Is science perhaps the same as given Politics, because a couple of things could be more or less "granted"?

Using my computer for a couple of recovery issues during the day, the Recycle Bin is supposedly the place where a couple of things becomes forgotten and next the waste bin.

This word was lost during the day but coming back at me now during the night, including the possible Norton Protected Recycle Bin, which could be used for possible recovery of files and directories.

Next that it also could be a cyclic or continous effort or recovery, because it could loop back at itself never ending.

Ever heard about "Twin Peaks" and the picture of the blond woman coming along?

Next that this story perhaps is telling me nothing and because of that I could leave it there.

Oh, read about the story of the Bible and next it could also be about both jealousy and possible hatred, unless or if not directly stated.

The fact is that we could be left with a couple of things flying around and next the idiot being a witness to the whole thing and next that I am getting a bit tired.

Perhaps rather "Witness to the execution", if any and also the possible butcherere with his axe between his fingers and also blood on his hands.

Err, perhaps Saddam here for this, meaning Saddam Hussein.

By the way, if you did not know, he perhaps ended up being a witness to his own execution, but also that Saddam is his last name.

Perhaps it rather should be a story of an American hero instead, because it should both benefit the masses and also be a more popular subject, or a thing to say.

As far as I am able to tell, general Norman Schwarzkopf is perhaps no angel, or even a rescuer of sorts.

I mentioned that of perhaps cheap or invalid science in the past including possible "Mysteries, magic and miracles" and next that such a thing should be having no value at all.

Being a rescuer of sorts, he perhaps prevented the invasion of Kuwait, or at least the fact that Kuwait became the native land of innocence versus the possible slaughter or tyrrrany of a dictator.

I happen to know that the thread here in Politics about the Senate became locked, because here is supposedly gentle or precious people.

With all respect, of course, except for perhaps a couple of scientists, or perhaps idiots.

Move along and it could be possible eye transplant (Blade Runner as a futuristic movie).

If perhaps so, I still could be sitting here for a reason beyond my way of catching a couple of things, or even "comprehension".

You perhaps know that Virtual Computing could be part of computing and next also the difference between the man in the street (or possible idiot).

I mentioned getting tired during the late day and next that "Fade away" by Enya could be a possible subject or title.

Here lost the correct title of the track, but always the manager telling me about that of music and next also just listening in.

If I happened to be a composer of music, I could choose to make a "compilation" of my work and next perhaps not any science at all.

If the fact is perhaps true that even science could be meeting or encountering a "dead end" because of a lack of a given or proper answer, next what else?

The fact is that I could choose using a couple of "big" words for a couple of things, including that of "comprehension", but next who is supposed to be at the other end?

In my opinion, the subject of Cosmology is perhaps open ended and definitely I know that.

Next that I perhaps could make it science for one given thing, next perhaps Philosophy for yet another and finally perhaps that of Religion and Faith for the third or latter. without next coming up with a
definitive answer for each respective thing.

So it goes, apparently and supposedly could be science as well, or as usual.

Yes, science perhaps sells, except for such a thing as "Mysteries, magic and miracles", which could rather come up cheap.

You should also know that I happened to make Robert Oppenheimer a possible "scapegoat" of science, despite he perhaps not deserving such a thing, or reputation.

Except for possible debunkers, where are we supposed to believe where science itself could be possibly flawed?

For now I do not have the answer here and suggestions of course welcome.

Finishing off the edit with yet another weird editing error being noticed.

Edit: Here a nice piece of music and next at 09:50 AM in the morning.

Clip at somwhere in the last third part and next rewinding and losing the start of the nice piece.

Getting back at it, but for now I do not have the starting point here.

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Message 1892586 - Posted: 30 Sep 2017, 8:08:03 UTC
Last modified: 30 Sep 2017, 9:01:28 UTC

Or perhaps this way of a possible thinking.

The broken arm or leg is always a more bad or worse thing than even a broken pencil.

Mentioned in the previous post, but also that it became the nice piece of music which should be listened at, or perhaps encountered.

Here some 5:30 or 5:31 in the clip for that and next also being mentioned.

Define such a thing as science if you will and next that it could be possibly open-ended.

Meaning no definitive answer in sight and next we could choose between the stupid idiot, or man in the street and next that of science itself.

You know, back in 1908 we had the Tunguska event and except for both the flies in the summer and the sled being used for that of transport,
at least a couple of bits or pieces of science was apparently made or collected from pieces of dust.

Here the name for this should perhaps be mentioned, but for now lost it, but perhaps he was wearing glasses (and not Philip Glass, duh).

That of glasses should be a thing being worn on your nose rather than being a peek or poke through any window glass.

Philip Glass and next he is supposed to be a debunker of sorts, or perhaps the whole thing.

Dang or darn it, but not the one I was looking for here and perhaps the same problem as before, or previously being experienced.

Getting back at it.

Always the butcher or butcherer for a couple of things, except for perhaps the madman which could be around.

Oh yes, think of it as an experiment of sorts (meaning the intended purpose of Seti@home).

Next by perhaps being intended, or intentional, always the butter on the piece of bread as usual and next you should also know about that.

Guess what, but I could rather make it science, because the Danish figure, or perhaps woman, being naked, could next be an "Aphrodite" and next also a statue.

For now I do not know the answer here, or know any more, but could be checking.

5:30 or 5:31 for the nice clip being watched, which by the way I next for now I do not know where it ends.

Editing that above, perhaps should be a bit better for that of contents, or perhaps clarity.

Except for perhaps making it an ugly joke.

Except for that of Perestroika, never annoy or irritate a companion or fellow citizen or scientist, because such a thing should be of no benefit or value.

Always the good idea, including that of vents in the ocean or sea for that of a starting point for that of life on Earth.

Guess what, but rather than Perestroika, such a thing as moderation being used for such a thing as that of conveying possible science towards the masses.

For your late entertainment, if you happen to be a scientist.

The link above should next be put in a proper place in the text, but next that it became late in the night and I also wake up from the sleep of the regular day.

Again, I lost the name for the scientist (or possible debunker) and getting back at it.

For clarity, it should be Philip Glass here, orr the like or similar and next yet another name for someone wearing glasses and next part of a Communistic or Ideologic system or society and next
wasting his time carrying out science in a swamp.

I perhaps mentioned getting across this name problem, or perhaps confusion, earlier on as well.
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Message 1892591 - Posted: 30 Sep 2017, 9:21:43 UTC
Last modified: 30 Sep 2017, 10:20:06 UTC

Next perhaps something else in the late night.

Please do not throw out my second account here, or I could leave the whole show.

Oh, pretty picture for that of a woman perhaps and next I also made a comment of this as well using Google / YouTube and also that I do not know her name, of course,
except for it perhaps not being Linda at all.

Except for that, always the slewed or skipped lips for that of someone perhaps having no name at all.

So it goes but next try me for starters.

Should it perhaps be that of lips for a possible kiss, because you also should know that such a thing does not come cheap.

I happened to notice a casual or random shooting of an innocent civilian during the day and next that such a thing does not necessarily come any cheap either,
at least when it comes to me, or myself.

Should tell that I also checked in with my account for my Internet Service Provider earlier on, because I chose to upgrade my speed, or connection.

Here it perhaps goes that my mobile telephone number (because I do not have a fixed line or subscription anymore for that of dial-up), is perhaps locked or unregistered by my internet service provider,
or at least telephone company.

Duh, but what did I perhaps say, but perhaps not the most important.

So funny, but at times I could perhaps think or make a guess that this is or could be for an intended purpose.

In the past I perhaps gave a mention or mentioning of the fact that data communications as a subject alone should be more or less obvious or intuitive and therefore also a straightforward thing to next
understand and also interpret.

Edit: also here as well for some quite pretty or nice music.

Perhaps from the start above, but next some 5:12 or so in the playback or clip.

Please continue reading.

Next try it for youself of course, because here I was only rewinding the mentioned clip.

Wait a second and next listen in to the playback of contents.

Oh, so exciting (except for the lips of a possible kiss), snag, or :( ).

Here it should be a blank in between, but perhaps not directly visible (snag), or what the heck else.

Next not forgetting Jill Tarter either, or even nice or beautiful Linda getting old, but perhaps another story.

Therefore, both Google, or at least YouTube is for entertainment purposes only.

Therefore, making a typo in a posting there is no good thing at all and also I that apologized.

Suckers, except for the pretty woman of course, but if so or next, still or yet the same old story.

Next it becomes Fermilabs in the playback and needs checking.
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Message 1892599 - Posted: 30 Sep 2017, 10:58:24 UTC

Now I am off at 12:55 AM or PM in the early morning, or perhaps afternoon.

Next should not be the voice of an astronaut here either (sigh).

Back later (and also meaning it).
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Message 1892726 - Posted: 30 Sep 2017, 22:02:20 UTC
Last modified: 30 Sep 2017, 22:40:51 UTC

Yes, the riddle and so on, except for the technical stuff being part of the discussion, because I feared the worst.

Starting up here when returning back to the computer.

If not previously said or stated, only those different names or naming schemes could make for a big confusion.

Put it front of you when it comes to hardware and you know how it looks.

The only thing being learnt is that AMD when being compared against Intel, is selling quite good products at a quite reasonable or affordable price and next you could perhaps make out the difference.

One of the used motherboards being put away here came from MSI and it was already broken and like AMD, I am not familiar with none of these.

The hardware vendors, or really the sellers of the products should make it quite clear the difference between server architecture and PC / Workstation motherboards,
because one thing is the color or color scheme only, where the one in blue could be chosen from the yellow, or even the fact that the number of processors available are not
readily visible or present in the photo typically being included.

Here, while still having the time and take that above with a grain of salt, or at least preliminary, because the first should be a Serverbased motherboard and the second a PC / Workstation such.

Do you next see both motherboard processor slots in the second picture, except for the color difference?

Should be large caps for Server, but next that making it one word rather than two looks better.

Here as an example, a very large sized graphics or graphical card which takes up much space in a computer and should next tell that I am a bit unsure which one of these two.

When next clicking the link from here, it should be the one at the right, or perhaps still not there.

Not about the price here, because I am using a different vendor, but rather the technology and the requirements needed.

For a possible redo of the whole thing, I would need a new systems box and also a power supply, processor, processor fan and possibly a different graphics card, despite having two.

Almost forgetting the motherboard, which is the main point here and the second graphics card should perhaps enough or suffice.

Therefore the latter if it is still not working, but rather it should be the cable, or the connector in between (male versus female), which could be the problem.

My friend of course chose to use the cooling paste when attaching the processor to the processor fan.

This of course means that you still could remove the processor from the motherboard, but next there should be no point doing such a thing.

You probably know that I chose a different track than both my father and also younger brother, but one reason for having a PC / Workstation motherboard, is having a sound card installed.

I love listening at the music and perhaps the reason for my username currently active, but also that I mentioned a couple of vendors, like Arturia, for a couple of nice things,
which again should be hardware products.

But more important that running on 64 bits is a completely different world than 32 bits and here there is no good alternative or substitute.

Making the discovery of the dual PC / Workstation processor motherboard, once again from Intel, after making the wrong selection first, gave a bad taste for the stomach.

I regret that choice quite much, but the only thing is that my friend was not that hostile when making the point with him.

One thing to remember is that each separate processor needs its own processor fan and if also wanting two graphics cards inside, the systems box should be the deciding factor.

Also that if so, the whole thing need assembling in the correct way, because here it was no room for the second card and also that a liquid cooling system is too much to handle.

I made a point earlier on that at times you could perhaps make it "+" where it rather should be "*" (addition versus multiplication).

To be a little rude or unfair, there could be a couple of people having E.T. like a pet standing on the shelf while working, because they also think that this the ultimate answer.

Ask a physicist about a couple of things regarding water only and next the same for a chemist and there would always be a different answer.

I happen to watch a couple of YouTube videos before signing off each day and next that the subject of intelligent life in space is probably a never ending story,
despite perhaps never being proven, or even the opposite.

Should I perhaps switch order here, because I caught the latter in just 20 minutes, but the first one became a new or first read today, because of changing contents.

My guess is that both a physicist and a chemist are able to give a quite good description of the properties of water, but next being the "Man in the street",
is perhaps not the same as using a bit of time of what could be an equation and next a mathematical such.

If not wrong, I was looking for the correct name late last night and it only became Philip Glass.

Here is the one I meant to say and discuss and that it fell off completely and next should be of some importance.

My mother is having her 80'th birthday some four days from now, or a little more, your time or timezone.

Only myself, my younger brother and also my helpful aunt will be present, including myself.

It really should be her day, but if possible or appropriate, I would give a couple of minutes telling about the problems being experienced, but here I leave it for them to decide.

If I mentioned that my younger brother is playing the guitar at times, he most likely are not having any visitors in his home, at least from space or the like.

Therefore that of both "+" and "*" above, because the mentioned military man should be well known as a debunker, while he in fact could be the opposite.

Telling that such a thing as water does not exist should not matter, or be helpful, in any way, regardless of you being a physicist or chemist, but we could also be left in the dark when it
comes to that of the true story which either could be around, or maybe could be a fabricated, or perhaps fictional one, coming from someone's mind.

But also that the above is not my preferred way of telling a couple of things, but only reflects the notion which perhaps could be around.

Now I will continue with the things being worked on here.
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Message 1892745 - Posted: 1 Oct 2017, 0:40:13 UTC
Last modified: 1 Oct 2017, 1:13:04 UTC

The three PrimeGrid LLR tasks finished off and now I have 12 slots available for this project.

The four Genefer World Record tasks are no point at continuing, with the undervolt problem being experienced.

Therefore a bit more science right now, because I should have mentioned the WOW signal previously.

Of course it has been mentioned here and also that is being disputed.

Make of it a strong narrowband signal being detected by a radio astronomer of profession while at work, it is still far off from the world of science fiction and entertainment.

The old adventure from my native country is telling about both the man having big stones for dinner, as well as the one running halfway around the globe in an instant.

The space environment, which also goes by other names, definitely is part of reality and not a painting at all and also that such a thing as the flat Earth is similarly wrong,
or in fact complete nonsense.

I think that for our own interest, or business, that of Perception is still a quite good point, because I would need getting back at the list of Saturn's moons, because I lost track of
both the Janus face and also the small moon.

Again, Saturn is a planet in the solar system.

Here it now became the Rubin vase at the right and perhaps the closest I get.

If I perhaps made the name confusion between the hypnotist and magician, the links still needs to be added.

Next that I was not having Budd Hopkins in my thoughts either, or even the one who did not finish his work, but I could end up in bed not sleeping, or even having fun,
but rather be exposed, or subjected to hypnotic therapy or regression in order to recall lost memory.

Therefore the link above becomes the wrong one and the rest is perhaps on a disk lying on the shelf, but could perhaps be some two other people.

If not mentioned before, we got rid of the mental institutions locally a couple of years ago and now they are roaming in the free.

If perhaps not the insane killer, it could be Dr. Strangelove, from the famous, or well-known, perhaps classical movie in black and white.

The point here is that while both Logic and Aritmetic are part of Mathematics, both the Madman and the psycopath are both completely different, or something else.

You are never supposed to say or mention such a thing as "Tell me a lie".

Always the difference between a rational and an irrational number and also the same when it comes to possible behavior or thinking, because a physician, or hypnotist (not magician),
should be for the good of things, while the subject should be the accused and not any victim at all.

It could perhaps be written better above, but while obesity as mentioned is still a problem in the United States, there also could be the woman around telling or saying
"I love cooking".

If I rather choose to sign off in the late night after watching a couple of YouTube videos, I know it is not about any food, or cooking, but rather a portrayal or depiction of a possible nature which
could be around and better could be explained by a scientist, rather than an artist.

One possible way of explaining nature is either looking at the elementary particles making up nature, including their properties, or rather the objects which are making up space and telling us
about the Universe we are part of.

And while it becomes nature twice above, I was perhaps not thinking of space itself only.

Therefore, our understanding of both the small and the large comes from scientists and by means of at least the Scientific Method, such a thing as the difference between False and True when it comes to
that of Logic, as well as "+" versus "-", or "*" versus "/", for that of Arithmetics, are only one or two examples among others.

I wrote in the previous that I feared the worst when starting up, because I had the weekend beer as well.

But rather that there could be times when some people, including scientists, could both wish for and perhaps look for a better world by solving difficult, or complex problems.

One difficult problem relating to the business of daily life, is that of Logistics.

So, perhaps rich man versus poor man, if not the healthy versus insane and next it becomes a different story.

Is Frank Drake as an astronomer perhaps a debunker of sorts, because he is not a military man at all?

If he rather could be a believer, at least we could be having a better word for the same thing, but except for Philip J. Corso, we should probably know the difference here.

Read and next understand the Drake equation and perhaps you have or are having a good taste yourself.

Evolution as a subject is not about birth, life, or death at all, but rather as a change in the environment because of certain factors affecting, or being responsible for such change.

The peculiar thing is the phrase once being heard that alien intelligence more or less likely found their way inside Black Holes for the sake of investigating.

If not correct, we may also have heard or noticed the story about a possible cry for help coming from space, which could be that of a civilization meeting its demise or destiny.

It should be no secret that even science is not a perfect thing, but sometimes are only able to give or come up with an approximation of the real world, or perhaps result.

While a Black Hole could perhaps be the "end of the road" in one given fashion, or the other, we also think of the Big Bang as the moment when it all started, or perhaps began.

Only using such a phrase or wording and the notion of time should also be included, or come along.

The sometimes secret place making up space, is next also a place where both galaxies, clusters of galaxies, or even superclusters of galaxies are known to exist.

Everything in our Universe are only just two or three things, namely matter, energy and the Forces which links both matter and energy together, because we also should know
that energy, by means of radiation, also are elementary particles, which could be thought of, or regarded as matter.

And right now I lost the Wikipedia, which could make for even better wording possible.

Apparently the problem became solved, but still needs adding a couple of links.

The story around, which could also be possible entertainment, or even a horror story, is that of the "Walking dead" and here not specifically having "Thriller",
by Michael Jackson, on my mind.

If you are sitting below a lamp in a room and the light is white in color, it makes for a boring day.

The Periodic Element Mercury, like a couple of other specially designed, or manufactured lamps, could be coming with that peculiar yellow, or yellowish color,
which is not any yellow at all.

The color of the links for that of web addresses in this page, could perhaps be a good reference point here.

But if I still should end up making a difference between technology and intelligence, I would perhaps still be looking at nature for at least one of these two.

So, perhaps "To the point" and next we should also know about such wording and next the difference between the food you are eating and the equations which are responsible for nature.

Except for perhaps a "better world", which I also mentioned above.

I really hate to say it, but if I should make a difference between Getsemane and the Garden of Eden, for the latter, most likely the snake, or perhaps tree, is the thing better remembered.

And not necessarily the naked, or halfnaked woman also present, which should be going by means of a certain name, which should be Eve.

My guess is that the story of the Garden of Eden at least belongs to Creation myth, if not being part of Religion and Faith and definitely is no science at all.

But while I lost one point of reference right now, I still could be having YouTube, which should be the place for both entertainment and leisure.

The question "What is on the upper deck" is perhaps one which fascinates both ufologists and also a couple of astronomers, except for the possible meaning.

If such a thing as a mothership should be more than a wishful dream, or part of fantasy or imagination, we could be having a better world, both for ourselves,
as well as a given understanding.

But rather that ufologists could be claiming to have the answer and next make other people that this in fact might be true.

It really should be of no point creating a Universe at least 13.8 light years across, only with ourselves stretching our legs on a globe which at least is round, or circular and not flat.

So, while the notion of "Heaven and Hell" could belong to that of Creation myth. if not that of Eternity, at least we know where it starts when it comes to ourselves,
meaning birth, life and subsequent death.

Compare with both stars and galaxies of the Universe and we have more or less the same thing.

Pollution is a problem related to our industrialized world and far off from both wishful thinking, or even the Universe as a whole.

If for some reason I came up with the thought or notion that the burial of my father perhaps was not the end of the road, most likely it should not be any science at all.

If I for a similar reason was asking for the "Laws and Rules" making an equation possible, what would be the answer?

Are you supposed to see any equations in that of Creation myth, if not any Laws at all?

Is Probability next also supposed to be telling about given possibilities?

If I happened to be listening in at the music of Vangelis, or perhaps Enya, I could perhaps end up with a wishful dream, or if not so, a wish for a better world.

Creation Myth supposedly tells about at least the Heaven, but not necessarily Hell, but except for perhaps the naming, possibly that of Hell is better described and next explained.

Here Creation myth versus "Heaven and Hell", to be more precise and not the celestial sky which should be a familar place for an astronomer.

If we are ready to assume ourselves being not alone in space, is that of technology alone the ultimate answer?

Sorry to say, but I mentioned the Aura quite well visible past my fingers against a dark background.

I am quite inclined to say that part of us is a non-physical one, which should be attributed to that of a soul and for this we are having the subject of Metaphysics.

Even when only using such a word as "Mechanics" and you know it could get wrong.

If I wished to drive around, I could be using a car and next such a thing is a vehicle.

The lights needs turning on when it is dark, but next not the same as any staring eyes which could pick up the surroundings and next tell the difference between the road and a tree.

Therefore, if it was not a car, but rather something else, it should be someone inside, which we next could think of as intelligent, because there should be kind of a brain included.

For the sake of both humans and animals, nature has chosen to make it both a head and next a brain which could be some three-part.

Both books, movies and also your real life could be telling about lessons of life being learnt.

I find it quite unreasonable thinking that life could exist on its own in empty space, but like matter being present everywhere in the Universe, stars could be having planets around,
orbiting these stars and next give life to which here on Earth are some four different things.

I once had the wish that a computer software with the name of Java could make ice out of water, or perhaps vice versa, but except for the colors, it did not work.

Really I am quite happy with the recent video showing a chimpanzee close up in the wild, including its eyes.

Start looking at both the chimpanzee and also the dolphin and next ourselves and you see intelligence here on Earth.

But next that there still are no such things as both Laws, Rules and the equations which makes even Quarks and anti-matter possible, only ourselves.

Are you still supposed to believe in such thing as multiverses?

If perhaps so, it is speculated, or theorized, that such things as Wormholes and White Holes could exist, as opposed to Black Holes, which are a result of the Force of gravity.

If rather than multiverses we still could believe in "Love from God", in the same way as the Devil is showing no mercy, yet another answer to a whole puzzle.

Local news is telling me that huge amounts of rain is expected in the southern part of my country the coming days, which could make for some misery.

It should be no secret that Benjamin Franklin used a kite for the detection of lightning strikes because he was just curious and did not write a book about the subject.

Make it rather Chinese Lanterns and you next typically get drunk on New Years Eve and probably miss the fireworks show around midnight.

So easy and better leave it there for a lack of anything else.

By means of Religion, that of God could also be that of as the "Almighty", because of his possible powers.

Next that we do not see his face in nature, but only the products of his Creation.

If for some reason you catched the plane on the same day as above and next never made it there, or back home, you definitely are put to sleep for good.

If we still could think or believe that this are only natural processes, once again a reminder of evolution, which should tell, or perhaps explain the factors responsible for possible change.

If infinity should be synonymous with both Diversity, as well as a "better world", it should not be able to tell about the Garden of Eden, which could be a sacred place, but next that I could be bit by a snake.

Even our physical world, which also could be a materialistic world, is making a difference between white and black, as well as the blinding sun or sunshine, or complete darkness in the night.

Now I better have the dinner.
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Message 1892779 - Posted: 1 Oct 2017, 7:13:39 UTC
Last modified: 1 Oct 2017, 7:45:07 UTC

Trying to write using Notepad, but it became two successive restarts this time.

Still with BOINC Manager 7.0.64 for this 32 bit partition and getting a message about updating the graphics driver, which perhaps is already the most recent one.

Therefore it does not become what I meant or intended to say, at least for now.

I still want to run PrimeGrid in parallell and therefore checked in with the server status page on their server.

Also that the Cullen/Woodall sieving project became a couple of questions about, since I picked the task for this.

Next it became Wikipedia for a little more about sieving, including a couple of new pages which deserves a closer read.

Perhaps the more than 14,000 result lines on the main disk or partition is not visible in the credit here, but I also check in with Yahoo! each time when returning back.

So if you perhaps recall me listen in to a piece of piano performance and this time by a middle aged woman on the web, there is perhaps no secret that even a server status page
may not be of any help when you next could think there are somewhere out there, but for some reason it might not be proven.

I really wish that any wishful thinking should be something else than the necessary break being needed during the sessions and therefore scientists should be the ones which could be
having the final answers.

One of the pages being in a tab of the web browser is linking to an article from the main page of Yahoo!

But of course losing the tabs when returning back and also that there were only a few.

Either the link for the page or the page itself if you are interested, but personally I did not get too much here.

If it rather became a military man with the name of Philip J. Corso, he next was a debunker and also perhaps even a bit more.

Perhaps worth a closer read, because here Philip Klass (and not Glass) after checking, is listed under Notable debunkers and should also not be confused with Philip J. Corso.

If the matter of the truth is that science is always telling the truth in a similar way, there may perhaps not be complete different story here, except for the actual truth.

If the Scientific Method by means of science alone or only should be something else than "Knock-knock" (and not in the head, but rather on the door and you are next welcome),
it should be something else than saying Goodbye, or even the more ugly word for this.

The fact is that I could end up being so unfortunate believing in a story being told which might not be of any value, or perhaps scientific validity at all.

Or perhaps rather the opposite, namely stumbling upon a world where good things are more typical than those things which could make your day a bit shorter.

Many people, including scientists, do not believe in God.

Therefore the Scientific Method could be either a tool, or a possible excuse for making a possible write off of the whole thing.

I forgot a couple of names, but probably have been mentioned in the past.

Not the same as a psycopath in any way, but when next looking up the article, it is a quite good one.

I still think or believe that there should be made a difference between a couple of things, because the cheap or dirty trick by a magician is perhaps not the same as any hypnotic regression.

Now it says or reads "Poltergeist" at lower right in the box and you may perhaps recall both the young woman being caught or captured in front of the television set and also the old woman wearing glasses
who was trying to bring her back with her parents.

Next it should be yet another example of having a break from work and next be doing something else.

Also noticing that Nostradamus is being mentioned in the main section or paragraph in the article, but at 08:45 AM in the morning, it is not the correct time.

But except for that, I happen to know that the sun is up in the morning and next set in the late afternoon or evening.

Being hurt or even killed by a lightning strike (and not any scientist) and you also have to understand what happens when you ignite a fire with a match or lighter.

Wood burns, escpecially when dry and also the gasoline being stored in a tanker could ignite and next either burn, or possibly explode.

If it next became sunbathing, the Weak Nuclear Force could be a subject of interest, because I happened to come across an article where nuclear fusion is being explained,
first by means of human or scientific research and next the same which is happening in our sun and also other stars.

Here there are two different processes, which are both chain reaction processes which could be thought of as chemical processes, but in fact are rather physical ones.

Or to be more precise, again the physicist versus the chemist and not the physical versus the non-physical or Metaphysical here.

Anyway, I am not a scientist myself, but there could be people around perhaps thinking that a couple of things are not always what they are, or are supposed to be.

Even those constants, including the speed of light, c, is now being questioned at times.

If you have or get a bad throat, or perhaps stomach, you probably get to the doctor or physician for a visit or consultation.

Next he or she asks you to open up your mouth and say "Aah" and next he picks the small hammer and knocks your knee.

Even if getting stuck in the microwave oven, you are not supposed to experience "hard radiation", this time coming from the sun.

This because nuclear fusion better is explained by means of the Weak Nuclear Force rather than anything else, including Electromagnetism.

Also that it should go by the name "Interaction" here, but needs checking.

If I rather fell in love with a spinning neutron star rather than an elephant in a circus, this is because the first thing is about a nature we seek to explain,
while the latter could tell about at least ourselves and possibly others as well.

Of course I could still return back at YouTube before going to bed, but next that the story being told should still be the same.

Really nice to know, but even a scientist, except for perhap the military man, could sometimes be a debunker and next claim a couple of things to be true.

If science could tell me or perhaps explain why having ice in a drink is better than just pouring water, I probably would accept the answer, rather than the opposite.

It still is the same, only water, but next still a drink.

The Periodic Table of Elements makes it possible to make a difference or separation between Iron and Cobalt, if perhaps not Nickel.

A fusion process should be about Hydrogen versus Helium and next nothing else, but next that Helium is an inert or noble gas and that Hydrogen is flammable.

But still the drink of water, of course, because Silicon is meant for your breasts if you happen to be a woman and next unlucky.

Take the time if you will, because it should be there all the time, namely the story being told about a world which is beyond our comprehension and next a mystical place.
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Message 1892785 - Posted: 1 Oct 2017, 9:07:25 UTC
Last modified: 1 Oct 2017, 9:23:26 UTC

Suspending the tasks in one single keystroke, because it becomes a little too much and it becomes down and up once again.

Next reading here, because he did not become popular with me because of his possible attitude.

But next notice the name confusion here and also that there is a picture a little down which adds even more to this.

The rule of thumb is never pour water into acid, but who says or tells that this might not be possible?

One of the stars in the celestial sky is the rotating double star Beta Lyrae.

Here we know that the stars are not circular, but perhaps more ellipsoidal, or the like, because of an almost direct interaction between the two components,
although there is no direct contact.

Therefore perhaps rather oval, because an ellipsoidal double star should be where the stars are in direct physical contact with each other, but still two sepate objects.

If so, where in their lives are these two stars when perhaps being such an object?

Perhaps it should be the Table of Elements here, but next not any Silicon for the breasts of woman, or even that of Silicon Valley either.

The second link if you are wearing a wrist on your arm and it next could be those regular pins for both hour and minute and also the seconds as well.

Next it should be a digital watch rather than an analog one.

But except for Cold Fusion, I was giving a little more thought about what is happening in a couple of stars in the Milky Way, because we should not forget about such a thing as life.

A fusion process better should be a controlled one, both in a laboratory and also in a star and here not about fission for now.

Here I could perhaps choose the first and fourth link under the first section "Physics and chemistry" and next skip Cold fusion.

Next it could be the fourth here, because it deals about what I am thinking about.

Scroll down to the section "Requirements" a little down and next you have the proton-proton chain, or chain reaction and also the CNO cycle for that of heavier stars.

Here the interesting thing or fact to notice is that you are having such things as both the Neutrino, Positron and also gamma rays as the possible fallout, or radioactive decay being the
result of this process.

And also both the Proton and Neutron, of course.

Here the possible confusion, because it should be about fusion here and not any radioactive decay directly, which means that both Uranium and Plutonium could be half as much radioactive
when it comes to that of radiation either tomorrow, or even in a million years or more from now.

Because of that, I do not see neither the smile of a face, or even the butter on your bread here, because the sun should be one of the main reasons for why life exists on Earth and not
such a thing as a white or red dwarf, or even a neutron star.

If the weather forecaster for some reason is able to predict the worst, namely an ice storm at sea, it should still be about the weather, meaning the climate.

Therefore better wear a raincoat rather than a swimming trunk or bikini when such a thing is happening and also forget about the sun with its Electromagnetism,
or even "hard radiation", if possible.

If Silicon by means of Quartz could be a stone being held in your hand, rather than perhaps a watch, having ice in a drink rather than water, means crystals for your heart or stomach.

I ended up a bit silly earlier on and linking to the Periodic Element Gallium, where that of Germanium should have been sufficient.

When I mention both Neutrons and Quarks, if not the drink of water, this is because there could be times when science more or less could be taken for granted and that the
Scientific Method is only part of the whole scheme and not necessarily all.

If rather it could be "Portal of Perception" or the like, it is not necessarily about any crystals at all, whether or not for a piece of glass, or even the drink for your late evening.

We are supposed to both know and also believe in the fact that the Laws which next could sometimes be equations as well, are deciding the conditions for both life and also other things
which could be either part of the environment, or possibly part of the celestial sky.

But also that nature is keeping a secret in its sleeves at times and this is where things sometimes goes wrong and a controlled process, which could be either a cyclical one,
or perhaps a one time event only, namely that of fusion, becomes a chain reaction spinning out of control.

One of the reasons for this happening, is the Periodic Element Iron, or perhaps the lack of it, together with the Force of gravity.

Gravity is still the lurking force of nature, meaning that it is having no face for its possible explanation.

We are so fortunate now in knowing that matter and energy could be sometimes almost the same, in that gravity waves could be having an intrinsic energy coming along,
or being included.

Or at least something like that, if not completely wrong.

I almost forgot about both deuterium and tritium being isotopes of water and for this also a story or two being told, respectively.

I happen to know that life could be both DNA and and RNA and also a couple of enzymes.

DNA is some four proteins, of which three are relatively simple, while the fourth is a more complex one.

RNA could be the ingredeient or constituent, if perhaps not component making up such things as viruses, because they are perhaps not any life at all,
which such a thing as enzymes could be a wild guess only, unless looking up the subject.

Have a half litre of blood being taken or pulled from your arm and next a glass of milk and a good chair should be needed.

If you happen to be really silly, next you should know that it could be still in the "flesh and blood" and nothing else.

I still think that a soul alone perhaps do not need any salvation or even "savior" in order to enter the Portal to a given Heaven, because first of all once again the bad or
lacking translation available and next that such a thing most likely is not having any scientific explanation.

The Wikipedia makes of that of "Physic" as a subject part of a series on the paranormal.

Next I could perhaps claim that such a thing as both Wormholes, or even White Holes does exist, but rather that it should not be so.

If God still could be the Creator of the Universe, next also such a thing as Creation myth should be telling about his credentials, or what he stands for.

When doing so, I still think that Creation could be a two-part subject where both could be thought of as part of science.

Is a dictionary supposed to be coming up with the final conclusion at the first or starting place, or should it rather be the last page, or final chapter?

Really, ending up waiting a the first bus stop when finally passing away and next be picked up by a passing craft rather than a bus is something which is not supposed to happen.

Either it becomes the hard way of learning a couple of lessons, or it could be that of entering church for that of giving praise to God.

But also that we happen to know that Civilian wars could be part of life and next sometimes also being a Religious war as well.

Pray for mercy and such a thing might never come your way, because except for perhaps love, such a thing as hatred could also be part of life.

Because technology should still be a substitute or replacement for that of the intelligent brain, always the pilot and not necessarily only the plane.

Here again getting it wrong, because there could be people around being blind and still see their surroundings because of their senses.

If there could be more to it than even flesh and blood, it could be a way of nature telling us a couple of things which should not be there.

Religion and Faith is perhaps no science at all, but possibly the paranormal could be and here it should perhaps be large caps.

But next that Fact could be something else than Proof for a couple of things, including that of a given Method which could be used.

Still presumably it should be science at times.
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Message 1893102 - Posted: 4 Oct 2017, 2:13:22 UTC
Last modified: 4 Oct 2017, 2:15:04 UTC

Did you catch the typo in the previous, except for the following being written before the last events?

For some reaon it became Illuminati here, but rather I meant to say Annunaki here.

As usual, Wikipedia could be a general reference for a couple of subjects and not necessarily a straight-on photograph like that of a passport.

There should be a difference between having freckles in ones face and that of being pockmarked, but regardless, it should be possible to spot the difference.

If I happened to be wearing white hair, but also a red jacket, I still could go for a human, but also that we should know the difference between archeology and paleontology.

For that of the Annunaki, it could be more or less the same, or perhaps resemble that of the Sumerians, which became a "lost" civilization.

The first link only if you want to read more, because I guess the both went to bed and also got up early in the morning as well, so our view or interpretation should either be from ourself,
or possibly what they meant to be or represent.

Giving a thought while watching the clip that one of the reasons for extraterrestrial civilizations perhaps being far ahead of us, is not only their use of technology, but also their interaction with nature.

Our own interaction with the living versus the dead are that of both birth, life and also that of death.

Energy could perhaps be radiation, but next perhaps about a given soul and for that we also could be back at the subject of Religion and Faith.

If this subject still was about the possible belief in Gods, we could be having the same old story, but that of a possible soul should also be about a state of mind which is not physical.

Becomes a first time chilly watch above making for a bit of impression, so no pickup of particular moments for now, but could be for a later playback.

When I look at contents, I do not see humans behind it all, but perhaps not only an alien civilization either, giving a sense of possible interaction, or co-operation.

Perhaps you did not catch it, but in fact I sensed it earlier on that the spoken voice being heard by a woman was that of someone else perhaps telling a story.

So while it could be both a cave and also a labyrinth at times, perhaps technology alone is not the whole answer here and next that we should know the other possibilities.

I personally have both a workstation as well as a serverbased motherboard in my flat or apartment and if you happen to end up in a hospital room downtown, at least it should be a bed and
also a lamp or two for that of illumination.

Still a bench to sit on in the middle of the clip and also the brick walls, so did they make their food before leaving home and next carried the rest of it as well?

The blue and white sky and next the trees standing up from the snow as seen from above, makes for a quite big contrast and only is telling about nature versus ourselves.

But also the fact that while driving across the bridge, we also could still be the only intelligent civilization known and that we should be looking at other reasons for certain events.

When watching a couple of YouTube videos, there also could be times when those behind a production should make us believe in the intended contents as well.

Therefore perhaps rather about a given truth rather than a given lie and next this should also be reflected by a lack of results being returned or accomplished by means of science.

Here not science as it purportedly could be by means of such contents, but rather what we are supposed to be doing here.

If both our cities and also our cars are our preferred way of living, it still could be such a way of living with a nature sometimes going wrong, or perhaps running wild.

As usual, perhaps not should be swallowed either, but if everything in life was passing by without you coming to terms with events as they happen, it could also be a dead end, or write off.

Is perhaps believing in UFO's more easy than believing in an intelligent signal?

Or should we as humans perhaps think of ourselves as being part of a nature for which all answers are still not known and therefore could be past or beyond our comprehension?

I guess you still could make it a big hoax or fake, if not a bluff, but possible interaction should next also be about questions on ones mind and this time for the alien subject.

Again that of "Dogma" and that questions could always be asked about the reasons for the existence of the Universe.

If this still could be about different doors ending somewhere else, where that of such endpoint could be a "Stairways to Heaven", it next could also be God's creation the whole thing.

Events sometimes taking place on Earth could be a reminder of God, because even a funeral should be with that of God possibly still on one's mind.

But next start thinking and next it also slips as well, because even with a certain attidude, it could be still related to the immaterial.


Next continuing watching and it is not Superior Being anymore, but rather Supreme Creator, which is perhaps a better wording.

Adding the link above, but as usual not all people are reading the Bible before getting to bed each night.
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Message 1893119 - Posted: 4 Oct 2017, 3:48:36 UTC
Last modified: 4 Oct 2017, 4:31:57 UTC

I guess I could make a couple of typos myself, but also a couple of problems during the day.

Turning off the main power switch and next using the fingers in order to squeeze in the main power connectors on the power supply,
more or less blindfolded, or with a main source of light turned off, perhaps helped a little.

The Recycle.Bin problem became of the hitches right now, because there is no point deleting both files and directories and next have a regret option.

If I try to run the old Norton Utilities package from another partition, it will probably complain under Windows 7.

Coming across a big macho man with a big surplus, or perhaps cache of weapons in my possession, he next was also walking the street in order to help victims of the recent shooting.

Therefore no arsenal here, even when it comes to that of weapons, because as far as I am able to tell, always the American hero which could be around.

Next make that of possible contents which could be watched and the fact that not all is perhaps not Headline News, or topmost interest.

I perhaps mentioned it before, but even as a rather small child that time, I could in fact sense that something was wrong, and this time with the Apollo missions to the Moon.

At 4:04 in the clip and continuing, there is a quite colorful sequence visible or available.

The first clip is much longer lasting and therefore a bit harder to catch, while other problems are also there.

If it either should be about narration, or possibly about subject, for one thing we could be having the magnificent splendor of the Earth, while for another,
it could be that of the celestial Heavens.

That of a possible Creation, at least for that of the Universe, at least should be by means of subject and next by means of narration.

The man being interviewed most likely on the phone, and here it should be Art Bell behind the microphone when it comes to the show, is perhaps the one having the answer.

If this man is perhaps a scientist of sorts, possibly with a given reputation, you next should be listening in at his words.

While the endless cycle of birth, life and death is still continuing, always the same story about people being victims of circumstance and next scientists trying to give an explanation.

When I first noticed the discrepancy, I thought it was those frames in a picture which had been blacked out and here I do not find a better word.

If this perhaps became the official story about the Moon landings, or the like, definitely it was nothing there, but next some people made up their mind and decided that this was not so.

Returning back at the first or longer sequence, there is a quite good closeup of a lander at some 55 minutes into the clip.

If you next look at the Annunaki, which I eventually got right, they perhaps did not have wheels for driving at that time.

But rather that they could either enter into a vehicle of sorts if necessary, or at least perhaps communicate with someone with that capability.

When I read about a possible size estimate of the Universe being some 13.8 light years across and next also hear about a number six times larger, it becomes a source of confusion.

If both witnesses, as well as radio and television hosts are there to confuse in ready order, the scientists could be having a quite hard task at catching up with facts.

One of the recent revelations is that of the statues of the Easter Island, which could be dug into the ground and next be complete humans rather than faces when it comes to their appearance.

In a same way, an Archaelogist could be perhaps proud of making a discovery going some 10,000 years back in time, while a Paleontologist could be doing the same for something being
perhaps 150 million years old.

For both such types of discoveries there should be a point of reference, but still we sometimes find it hard making similar references to that of events being part of the celestial sky.

If nature knew that we could be giving a couple of things relating to that of both superstition and also alies a laugh, there definitely would be a good point of doing such a thing.

If rather escavations of burial chambers like those of the Pyramids of Egypt were giving the answer that perhaps a couple of old vases, but next no more, we should probably rely in such answer.

But next there could be people coming up with claims about something even more or different and next that we also should believe in such claims.

Not even the middle of the week, I will have to wait until Thursday before once again doing the weekend shopping and in the meantime, it could make for some strain.

Exiting the middle box, which I get from the Washington Post, you may notice the people stepping on both the Israeli and the U.S. national flag.

But next they do not burn it either, possibly in order to show at least some sign of disgust, or perhaps displeasure, but perhaps nothing more.

Edit: Listening in a the long clip and it becomes the name Richard Hoagland here when keying in directly using the address bar of Google Chrome.

But still apparently Art Bell here, because for a moment I was confused.

Should be somewhere in the interview, or perhaps the clip, but next needs checking.
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Message 1893284 - Posted: 5 Oct 2017, 1:11:48 UTC
Last modified: 5 Oct 2017, 1:44:22 UTC

Becomes the night shift again, because I have lost track of the 24 hour day.

Next having a look outside from my computer room and there is a garage across the street in a diagonal fashion, where a car is standing next to a door which should be locked.

Some two two door gates or ports in the small building, but before the cup of coffee, it is hard to tell whether one of the gates is wide open.

But next that with my poor eyesight, I notice a blue and a yellow light in front and next a series of short flashes, lasting only a second or two.

I have previously noticed some people there wearing those new flashlights which are more of strobes when it comes to their possible lightning, but before getting the pair of binoculars
from the other room, the lights are not there anymore.

Only a short distance between the parked car and the gate, so here it could be a closed door.

But also that while yesterday "driving" around, I did so locally and ended up at the top of the street going to where my mother live, from the main road going down to town.

Here it became a look into the air and next some two objects in the air, of which one stood out quite well, while the other was more diffuse or obscure, but next in proximity with each other,
below a cloudy sky.

If it still should be the assumption that we are alone in space, you are of course welcome, but for one thing we could still have the technological aspect, while next also perhaps having those things
which could relate to a perception of either something else when it comes to that of a soul, or perhaps a given entity, rather than that of a celestial sky which could be there for an observational purpose.

I happened to watch a video a couple of day ago where someone picked up two different skulls made of glass or the like and next it made for a sound, because it was done a bit hastily.

So, with perhaps a lack of care, always the remains being found of decased animals which next could be fossils, or fossilized, are next also pure bone remnants as well, including both head and body.

One of the most important such discoveries apparently lacked the corresponding head, but they were able to make it the rest.

If not so, there could be museums or exhibitions or the like, showing up these samples being put together and next standing on perhaps four legs.

Really you do not need the priest for that of a possible death when it happens to such creatures, only that the phrase "From soil you came, to soil you go", should be common or usual among humans.

Only that of catching something in the air, possibly with a video camera and next I sense the not so usual thing, meaning that I am unable to put it into a context, or perhaps reference with something else.

If science still are unable to explain many of these phenomena, it should also be quite clear and not a secret that many different words could be used for their possible explanation.

If there were some two objects visible in the sky, I next could ask myself where they are coming from.

Perhaps it now should be time to get it into a context and not dismiss it all, because like both the sense of pain of losing a loved one, the excruciating pain which sometimes could be experienced,
should be part of your physical life and therefore also tell that something even worse should be no point at all, except for perhaps sometimes entering a different world of perception.

The world of "Ancient Aliens", which in fact is not my favorite subject, could be far from that of lights being placed at a grave in order to offer respect for a deceased person.

But also that what we know about the Universe could perhaps or most likely be explained by the Laws of Physics, which includes both matter, energy and gravity.

That of Transmigration, as a randomly picked example, is only one such when it comes to that of perhaps believing in a soul.

If the secret became of rather believing in a couple of such things, we probably are back at the subject of Religion, which believe it or not, could be perhaps open ended.

"The Lord is my Shepherd", or perhaps even yours, but we next also are having the debate whether or not this should be the correct subject.

Make it rather sins being carried out and next an absolution being given and because of that we should still believe in the "Lord", rather than someone else.

If it rather could be even better words, like that of St. Peter at the gate, or even "Portal of the Heavens", we should also know about the "Purgatory", which is the process,
or perhaps place being entered, before eventually being carried into the Heavens.

The rolling dices which should be a typical thing or feature of the streets of Las Vegas, for a moment was replaced with that of a religious prayer being performed by means of a song.

Perhaps another reason that even such a thing as materialism, by having expensive and fast cars, perhaps is not everything.

This because we probably find it easier believing in a savior, who next became "Messiah", because the given or told story about Jesus Christ, next should also be the story of such a Messiah.

The man or woman ending up close to death by means of a car or train accident, if not being hit by a bullet, is not a person which could be saved by either acupuncture, or perhaps homeopathy.

But rather that you could end up believing in a possible miracle, which should not be there, because the process of death is supposedly a natural one, which can not be avoided.

Even as scientists, we sometimes have made a laugh of that of "multiverses", because such a thing should be explained in a scientific context.

If that of both pain or even a sense of happiness and joy, could still be a notion related to that of the physical, perhaps it should be difficult explaining, or perhaps sensing an experience which
could be related to an "out of the body experience" and here that of "extrasensory", "transcedent", or "ethereal", which are now the words in the translation.

My guess is that even the old burial chambers, or perhaps the funeral practices or habits, perhaps was not a direct representation for what could otherwise be there, but rather an
approximation for what could really be there.

The recent find or discovery of a female warrior from the age of the Vikings (around 900 AD), also tells that this became a grave and that someone chose to put her there.

If for some reason it became such a warrior and next perhaps a church being built some hundred years later, should we perhaps believe in a "miracle of sorts"?

Except for that, no such a thing as Billy Graham weeping his tears and next confessing his sins, when it rather should be a prayer for that of a remembrance of the dead, or perhaps fallen.

Again perhaps a given practice, but next not such a thing as superstition either, because a given Faith, or way of Faith, should perhaps tell about the way such a practice should be carried out.

The phrase currently around could be that of "Superior being", or perhaps "Superior entity" for that of perhaps explaining a couple of things, including the Universe and its possible Creator.

Always the proper wording, it seems, because if you happen to be a philosopher, also a given notion of the proper word which should be used, like in the previous.

Not even forgetting "Life of Brian" for that of the same thing, but next it could be either a comedy, or perhaps parody of the whole subject and next losing track of the whole thing.

You should know that except for a similar wording, that of a couple of things, like "Out of your mind", first came with that of a similar wording and next no similar meaning.

Whether or not it could be "extrasensory", or something beyond normal or ordinary perception, we next should believe in the five senses and next more or less write off anything else.

Except for the dog licking for food, right now it became at least one of the subjects I lost the name for.

Next that while using the Google Chrome browser, I have both the App shortcut and also the Bookmarks at the top.

One of the bookmarks is for that of "Idiosyncracy", at Wikipedia, while another for the home page of NOAA / NWS Space Weather Prediction Center.

The fact is that both these subjects are not about any life and death as such, or even the subject of aliens and extraterrestrials, if not UFO's, so why even bother or make a difference?

If you happen to be a scientist, you could still make a notion of that of time being one of the reasons behind such a thing as Black Holes in space and also their properties.

We could be left believing that the moment of Creation, which we think of as the Big Bang, was an instant moment of time and space, where everything started, or perhaps began.

Always the concept or perception of time and once again I am stuck in the translation, except for such a thing being an Instantiation.

The tick of the clock should next be that of both Planck time and the Planck constant for that of expressing the notion of time, but next that time could also be quantisized.

So I mentioned the fact that President Trump did not spend his time at sunbathing, but rather was looking around for a formula in order to make a couple of people rich from that of poverty.

I mentioned that if you rather chose to make it for the sun, it should be because of a couple of things happening in the sun which next makes it shining.

Next, strangely, it becomes a couple of things which should be far off from both the climate, or even a prediction of any weather, because models, or even knowledge about the sun.
could tell us about both protons and electrons, as well as positrons, gamma ray and even neutrinos and

Notice the ambiguity here, or perhaps the difference, because one article could perhaps be better than the other.

But also that I came in here first, by reading both the first and fourth article under "Physics and chemistry", except for Cold fusion, which is a separate subject.

Here it definitely is usable or applicable science, or physics, because that of fusion could be for a purpose here on Earth, including that of heating cold rooms in the middle of winter.

While that of Fusion power is having an applicability here on Earth and also the complex tools, or environment being needed for such a thing, we next are still supposed to "mimic" the same
things being found in nature and next in the cores of stars.

While that of an intended purpose for such usage could perhaps be questioned, next perhaps not my subject at all, because while the U.S. Department of Energy could be hiding its secrets,
including that of both fission and fusion bombs for that of creation of energy, there should be no such thing as "Matter Creation" here.

Anti-matter, or its correct spelling, is about the way matter could be created and next got rid of, by means of possible "annihilation".

Also that one small thing for now became left out here which slipped my mind.

Next you could be having the mathematical equation at the right, expressing its possible intended meaning by next linking to Spacetime topology (Manifold dynamics), and also the
Schroedinger and Klein-Gordon equations, which for the latter became something new.

Beware the wolf, but if it still was the story of a scientist being a "scapegoat" for what he came to see and believe, that of nuclear fusion could still be the chemist's arena or territory,
because nuclear fusion is supposed to be a transformation of matter into something else still believed to be matter and next that it should be only Physics.

Here perhaps another word as well for that above.

If I ever mentioned such a thing as "hard radiation", it was of the possible belief that it could be coming from the sun and next we could believe in both Electromagnetism and also the
Weak Nuclear Force.

If that of fusion was still unexplained, but we next knew about both bosons and quarks, as well as a couple of other things, what next?

In which way or context should we place that of fusion if we did not know its reason or cause?

My guess is that you could love sunbathing in the same way as you also could love cooking.

If for some reason I tried being a hero and next believe in God, it was because I did not look at the equations and next that the Higgs boson could be the 'God particle',
in the same way as both the weather, or at least the climate, could be explained and sometimes predicted by means of a forecast, by looking at such a thing as the
Uncertainty Principle, if not perhaps traveling into the future and next making it science fiction instead.

When we happen to look at both the weather, including that of prediction by means of a forecast, we always have that of an uncertainty on our mind.

Meaning an uncertainty in the model for that of a given prediction and not that of an Uncertainty itself.

For now, that of Nostradamus as being a Prophet, in order to tell about a possible future, could be still a subject left on the shelf, but rather that climate models could be explained by
making it that of prediction for the same and next also the equations which should be used.

Here again it could be the small dynamo which could be placed on the wheel of your bicycle during the night, or it could be the dam being built in order to generate electric power for a whole city.

Such a thing as wind turbines and also power plants exploiting or utilizing waves in the sea, if not harnessing such things by bringing it under control and it still becomes that of making it
electrical energy for that of consumption.

That of harness, or harnessing could next perhaps translate into that of "control and make use of (natural resources), especially to produce energy", or perhaps "attempts to harness solar energy".

So therefore a reason to believe that such a thing as electrons could be both part of and next also being used for that of energy for both production and consumption.

Is this perhaps not also a reminder of the "Dyson sphere" as well and its intended purpose?

Of course it could still be that of "Angels in the sky", but next that both Electromagnetism and the Weak Nuclear Force, which should be part of the sun, perhaps is not explaining everything.

What if I rather fell in love with the subject of neutron stars and Black Holes, perhaps thinking that a "dead end" should perhaps also mean a "dead thing" as well?

Yes, put not one mattress atop another, but rather two or three, or perhaps even more and you get matter being crushed into pieces which could next be something else.

Next you could believe in the Force of gravity, if not the notion of time perhaps lacking completely and next you could be having a Black Hole, with its singularity.

If for some reason nature should be quite obvious and also evident for what it should be doing, it could perhaps be "forgiving" as well.

We choose to make of a couple of things that of both Laws and Equations, but not necessarily because it should be about any morals or deeds.

If perhaps such a thing as an "Out of body experience", or "Near death experience" perhaps is no science at all, that of deities could be either a possible belief, or even lack of it
when it comes to science, because it always could be put into a different context.

If not so, we could still be left with the Paranormal as a subject and next think that both Electromagnetism and the Weak Nuclear Force could be more or less the same.

But in fact it is not so and perhaps this is not only because of the Laws and Equations alone.

Now I am having yet another break.
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Message 1893308 - Posted: 5 Oct 2017, 3:14:55 UTC
Last modified: 5 Oct 2017, 3:25:10 UTC

Always the better science, of course, because rumors could tell that while "Harry met Sally", next it also became something else.

But rather that while raindrops could be falling in ones head and next we should be using an umbrella, I am not necessarily that fond of using both Logic,
or even the language of Prolog for everything, including that of fusion for that of coming up with a complete Law of that of Fundamental Physics.

Or perhaps if not so, rather the knock-knock in my head this time, because I could be silly and ending up in trap falling for a good story.

For some reason it could be the chambers of the Pharaoh, related to that of burial and next preservation, by means of a possible stone coffin with that of an Embalming.

Here it becomes a first read, so therefore a bit short.

The possible thing about the evil which could be noticed in the face of some people, is a reminder that both a human when it comes to appearance, like that of an animal as well,
could be a possible disguise for something else, which at times could be viewed as that of the Devil, if not anything else.

If we still should believe in the "Butterfly effect" as the reason for something changing, perhaps the face of the Devil could be easier to catch, than the similar face of God.

The fact is that philosophers probably, or most likely could be there for a possible excuse, namely being both scientists and also sometimes theologists as well.

But more likely that the latter could be more hidden, except for the fact that scientists are not supposed to be speaking on behalf of God.

If I for one thing could be mentioning both Harry as well as Sally, or even the raindrop falling in my head and next comparing it with the Forces of nature, where are these things supposed to meet?

Make it that of "Predicative", or perhaps Logic for such for that of a given subject, or it could be about given "Fallacies" and it still could be about Philosophy, if not that of nature itself.

When scientists choose to make it "Forces of nature", they are speaking about both matter and energy and also their individual or respective properties and next perhaps forgetting that of gravity.

But next that such a thing as Forces of nature are not supposed to be telling of neither God or at least the Devil, if not the "Man in the street", for that matter.

Here I should perhaps be more clear or precise, in that perhaps stepping on someones toes, including one's own, could sometimes hurt, but that you are not supposed to see the face of the Devil.

If the Forces of nature, by means of the Standard Model and both the elementary particles, as well as their respective properties, by means of possible equations, should be known,
perhaps not the face of the Devil himself, although we could in fact be speaking of possible Forces making up that of nature.

In my opinion makes for a bit of confusion here, because it should still be about the relationship between matter and energy and not a corresponding or similar belief about possible deities,
or the like, which also could be around.

If the main reason for making both that of matter and energy life as we know it, perhaps next I am not so sure.

For some reason I could perhaps be satisfied and believe in such a thing as both neutron stars and Black Holes, because next make it both water and air and it rather could be a belief in ourself,
as both human beings and next also sometimes intelligent people.

If the question could still be around where it all started, it could next be with the push of a button, like the start of this project.

Next ask about such a thing as both a gaussian score and also that of a "Probabilistic argument" and you probably know that it vanishes in the queue.

The Greek definitely knew about both earth, soil, water and fire, but also that they came up with that of "atoms", which means "indivisible" when properly translated.

Here worth a closer read, because next also an illustration of a "nuclear fusion process that forms a deuterium nucleus", a little down the page.

Here it becomes work as usual, at least in a lab, by making it that of physics in order to know how a couple of things work and next it becomes Physics.

So, if one thing should be perhaps straightforward, or perhaps simple, we next should also know of a couple of things which perhaps are not that simple.

Scroll a little more than halfway down and it becomes that of both "Origin and current state" and next "Formation" some two thirds down.

Here it reads that "Atomic nuclei forms in nucleosynthesis reactions and next becomes a separate read and now we are also back at the Periodic Table of Elements.

Here I sense that perhaps one thing should come before another in a given order of sequence as it is being explained and next not about contents itself.

So easy it is by making it science and next not that of any "Little Green Men", because such a thing is what you easily could throw away.

But next that while perhaps trying to be brave, you could still end up being a debunker rather than perhaps a believer.

We are supposed to believe that life as we know it, should come from that of nature by means of being a result of possible Creation.

Next that we could also end up asking ourselves what Creation in fact actually means.

If the Standard Model means just elementary particles, with their corresponding Laws and Equations, just fine, but what about the rest?

Should there be anything more to it and next in which way are this supposed to be explained?

While an atom should be making for both Hydrogen and Helium as two separate elements making up the Periodic Table of Elements, there also should be particular Laws and Equations telling
about the Universe as a whole and next explaining it as well.

This makes me perhaps believe in the fact that for now we do not have a "Standard Model" for that of Creation myth, or a similar wording, despite perhaps such myth being part of science.

The only thing being noticed is that one thing could perhaps be lacking a reference with another and here in the context of the Standard Model, like that of an atom itself.

Or should we take it more or less granted by at least believing that an atom should be part of the Periodic Table of Elements and next that there also should be corresponding Laws and Equations around?

If such a thing as "Predicative Logic" could be expressed by given Laws, the same should go for both an atom itself and next also the Periodic Table of Elements.

But rather that we choose to use a comb here and rather make it the Standard Model in order for making it a collecting or unifying subject.

Like both "Harry and Sally", or even Raindrops in the head, I could next also end up believing in Cold Fusion as well, which I next perhaps do not do.

By rather making it the Mandelbrot set, it could be missed the fact that this subject also relates to that of fractals, as previously mentioned.

Here notice at least two of the animated gif's and that of possible objects in the sky, like that of a Galaxy filament could be discernible.

For this reason we could end up perhaps thinking of ourselves as Mathematicians at times, while we rather should be looking at the Universe as a whole.

Like that of Abstract and Concrete, always the same confusion, at least when it comes to naming, but here it could be about an Abstract object in either philosophy, mathematics, or
perhaps computer science.

Next ask the question "Does God exist" and where is perhaps the answer being found?

You could perhaps end up making two different words for more or less the same, if not any different, but also the fact that we could still believe in Isaac Newton for a couple of things,
including that of the "Gravitational constant".

Not about any "belief" here, or even that of deities, because here it should be about Mathematics and Physics and next the question about whether constants are changing over time.

The fact is that you could be both a Mathematician and next also a Physicist and next do not see the face of God, because there should be no such thing.

At least former President Bush made it a "Faceless coward" for a couple of things, because here it perhaps became such a thing.

If it still should be about that of "In the beginning" for that of the moment of Creation and next that of "Instantiation" for the same, also that of the heavy hand, or perhaps hammer
which could also be used, telling that time is up and next it is off.

Next that this becomes not good or pretty words, but rather ends up being better explained.

Perhaps I should pick up the Bible once again in order for a closer look at what it reads.
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Message 1893364 - Posted: 5 Oct 2017, 13:44:11 UTC
Last modified: 5 Oct 2017, 14:43:41 UTC

But still with 32 bits Windows only, also experiencing the problem of doing some three or four factorization tasks partly by means of ecm only and next that all the tasks in
the Manager becomes suspended, because the CPU is busy, which should next be the same as "Waiting to run".

Or to be more precise, two tasks are currently running by means of ecm, while one was started with the factor command, but next, like the last such task, is using the SIQS command.

Rather than the factorizations themselves, it becomes that of the Manager for some reason unable to use the available resources where it still should be such.

If 32 bits is a slow business, definitely better when using 64 bits, but still not having a full or total explanation here.

Really thinking that this is a bit of a pity, or perhaps mediocre, so here is probably only one choice among some two and not two things at the same.

Suggestions welcome, but it is not the mentioned problems with temperature or undervolt here, but rather the way it should be running.

Also noticing that while using the up arrow in order to watch hidden or invisible icons in the tray of the taskbar, programs which have been exited, sometimes being in a duplicate fashion,
still hangs there and needs the mouse being moved over or across.

Next that while a couple of files and directories could still be in shambles, it also says Service Pack 1 for the operating system itself.

Giving a thought of perhaps going for the weekend shopping right now.
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Message 1893532 - Posted: 6 Oct 2017, 1:16:48 UTC
Last modified: 6 Oct 2017, 1:27:14 UTC

So why not the evening show instead, rather than those things happening during the day?

Not forgetting a couple of other things, but right now it is not that important.

Please no more preaching, at least when it comes to possible contents.

Make it that of science instead and here I sense a bit of excitement around.

Again that "postulation" of the Universe perhaps being event driven in fact comes back at me in the beginning of the clip.

Even so when it comes to that of energy itself.

One story unfolding, or perhaps being told, was perhaps of events being predicted in advance, while another could be having an outcome almost impossible to predict in advance.

If summer comes before winter and next winter once again comes before summer, such a thing could be predicted in advance, but not those things which could be in between.

If you notice the embryo for that of another clip, next no such a thing as arrows which could tell where one thing either starts, or perhaps belong, including that of evolution.

Not my initial subject as you probably know, but next it could be the question of perhaps a divine creator behind that of the Universe.

If perhaps so, it should be two part, namely that of what was being created and next the reason for why this actually happened.

At some 5:24 in the clip, you once again are having the Periodic Table of Elements visible and next that of "Order, order", comes to mind.

Here perhaps once again being left astray, or perhaps off the track, because the opposite of order should next be or mean Chaos and perhaps we are too busy or concerned
dealing with the Laws and Equations for each given thing.

If that of chaos rather than possible order, that of variables should be quite apparent.

Next that factors could be another word for that of variables and we next are placing variables for that of constants in order to come up with a desired result.

Such an example is of course the equation E=mc2, but also that it could be about quadratic equations or beyond when it comes to that of Mathematics, where my knowledge is almost nil.

Again that of the embryo versus the initial thought that the Universe was created in an instant, becoming that of "Instantiation" for such a thing happening.

I noticed a female news presenter on the street making an interview for that of a recent event happening.

Sadly she could be white haired, but next the fact that while she gets older, also she could end up getting breast cancer, as well as short or stub legs because of that of

Of course she could still be left with a smile, but next be losing out on a couple of other things.

Next we definitely know about the ants as building their heeves facing the sun, but next not that of any deceases which might be around.

For some reason, either the moose, or perhaps bear, chooses to thrash their hive, except for no such thing as honey being around.

You may perhaps recall an earlier event happening in San Bernardino, California, where also a murderer, or possibly slaughter ran loose.

If for one thing we could perhaps make President Trump a silly idiot at times, next that events which could be happening, next could be telling about the same,
including possible disorder, which next could lead to possible Chaos.

If for some reason it became order out of chaos by just saying such a thing twice, we next could perhaps also believe in a divine, if not spiritual entity for our existence.

Here perhaps two different words which needs a bit more of thought and needs getting back at.

Still watching the clip and rather than possible disorder, we could in fact be left believing that the Universe could be for a given or certain purpose.

Perhaps making it that of 200 billion stars and next some 500 billion galaxies in total, is perhaps a way of expression by telling that a couple of things could be past our comprehension.

If that of the Butterfly event is perhaps telling about an event itself and next only a small one, it could still tell about such a thing as the Universe being event driven.

I mentioned the Avogadro constant in the past without giving any mentioning of numbers.

Definitely it should be a difference between that of 0 and 1, if not forgetting the negative numbers either.

But if you rather watch the clip, it becomes a mentioning about both a "trillion, trillion . . . ", and next also the Cosmological constant as well.

It should be quite clear or evident that neither that of -1, 0, or 1, could be showing the face of God.

Next watching the clip and it becomes that of "designer" from that of design, or Intelligent, by means of a belief, or perhaps thought, that the Universe could be having such a designer.

Or perhaps rather "Intelligence" above.

Also that the clip is mentioning that of multiverses as well, which has been discussed before or earlier on.

Perhaps that of design should be that of "Creation" itself and here that of such a thing as you choose to make it.

But next that Creator should perhaps be a better word for that of explaining God himself and next also by means of Creation myth.

I personally make a difference between that of WordPerfect and next Microsoft Word for that of text or word editing software.

Here again being left astray, or off the tracks, except for the butterfly sometimes being red and sometimes blue in color.

Of course it could be both the Butterfly effect and next also that of Chaos, but the clip is also mentioning such a thing as "

At 44:34 or 44:35 and following, there is a sequence starting with that of flowers, but next could be that of the Fibonacci sequence, where each number or factor is being referenced by
a possible summation of each number.

Doing the business of programming in the past, I was not directly into that of Hilbert curves, but only know about both the Towers of Hanoi, as well as both iterative and recursive processes,
or algorithms.

But rather that such a thing as flowers become that of Intelligent design and next that of Fibonacci numbers for that of a possible recursive series.

Or should it perhaps be iterative series instead, next being that of 1+2=3, 2+3=5, 3+5=8, and so on.

If perhaps not wrong, that of 89 should be in this sequence and next also a Fibonacci prime or factor.

Next compare with the helix of the DNA molecule, if not the enzymes involved and at least we should be seeing such a thing as design, if not that of a functionality.

If perhaps still the face of God for a couple of things, we should perhaps see such a thing in that of Mathematics, if not that of Physics.

But perhaps not so, because except for perhaps Logic itself, there should always be other explanations.

Listen closely and also the Golden ratio, is also being mentioned in the clip.

Here an important Mathematical constant and also being mentioned at .

When I am perhaps thinking about that of Intelligent design, you also probably know that I did not read the contents, or got acquainted with the author.

But rather that I perhaps was taking a couple of things as granted, by means of subject alone and next thinking that there should be a meaning to everything.

If we still could perhaps make it that of evolution and not necessarily that of order out of Chaos, are we still able to face that of God because of what he could be telling us,
or perhaps rather what we could gain from his knowledge about nature?

Here perhaps that of knowledge if not that of possible experience, because the latter word for now perhaps lacks a context in which it should belong.

Always the other or different word, because that of "circumstance" could first be about "Circumstantial evidence", but next also about events which could be happening.

At some 1:01:00 in the clip (and here I could be wrong), there is some music in the background and when next thinking, it could be that of Enya and not the usual thing.

But next if not so, also the thought that a couple of things could be having wings and next we also could be having such things as both planes and helicopters.
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Message 1893544 - Posted: 6 Oct 2017, 1:59:42 UTC
Last modified: 6 Oct 2017, 2:21:06 UTC

The second link above if you did not watch the first or previous clip being mentioned here.

Did I perhaps mention the human cell, if not making it that of microbiology?

Strike luck if you will, because I could in fact end up lucky and writing what I want and also will.

Sometimes it becomes quite good contents as well and could next be written almost from scratch, or on the spot.

So what is next that of a tenet or doctrine, if not creed based on that of a given teaching?

Should it perhaps be the Ten Commandments when next doing so, because here I was thinking about the clip being watched.

The old story could perhaps be around that Moses was being delivered the Commandments atop Mt. Sinai, in the Sinai desert.

Here needs checking, but perhaps did not get anymore on this subject earlier on.

But rather that learning should be a different thing than teaching and next that such a thing should also be Universal.

The typical or ordinary schools of today still choose to make the subject of Religion and Faith that of a given practice and next also a lecture for such a thing.

If so, in which context, except for that of a possible belief itself?

Should it perhaps be the celestial sky (if not the Heavens), or perhaps rather the elementary particles next making up such things as protons, electrons and neutrons?

The possible assumption that both Eric Korpela and myself, as well as a couple of others, should be having a free ticket for the Stairways of Heaven, is of course wrong.

Put a couple of things, including both fossils and also reptils, or a "leave cabinet" and next it could be that of a museum for such a storage, because here I lost the intended word.

Possibly more and related links above, but starting here from only the look of the word itself.

Next I choose to rewind in the clip back to that of multiverses, because perhaps this is more interesting.

If a possible debate about that of life on Earth and its origins should be a similar debate between the scientists and the church, we could next be left with a similar debate possibly explaining such a
thing as "Stairways to Heaven", or "Portal of Perception", by means of making a couple of things possible multiverses.

If we could still end up believing in possible multiverses, we could also end up believing in a certain cause, rather than a certain or given start sequence, or perhaps origin.

Err, Big Bang, or Big Bang Theory, of course.

And here not about any evolution at all, because rather the proper word is lacking here, but in the world of Mathematics, such a thing as "Common denominator" should be known and next that this
subject needs to be expanded, "encompassing" such features as both Genesis, Creation and also Intelligent design, next explainable by means of a certain context, possibly both Mathematics and Physics.

Duh! but next no such thing as God among usual or ordinary people, but rather a way in which such a thing could be explained, or perhaps interpreted, by means of using the proper words.
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Message 1893548 - Posted: 6 Oct 2017, 2:23:44 UTC
Last modified: 6 Oct 2017, 2:49:12 UTC

The link above only if it became lost, or for some reason fell out of contents, because here it rather should be worth at listening in at certain contents.

Being mentioned in one of the clips and also should be a classical subject in that of Mathematics.

So while still perhaps having the time, except for taking the time of healing the sick and deceased, also Jesus should be known for telling that of "parables" for his listening disciples.

My guess here is that this is no such thing as "Mysteries, magic and miracles" at all.

Remember the current discussion, namely that such a thing should be in a scientific context, or within a similar framework for that of both understanding and also knowledge.

Listen in at the metallic voice, if not rubble, if you will, but probably we could be back at the same question, or perhaps subject.

Oh, he is slipping in the words as well.

Next rewinding the clip and unable to trace it back, but should be around 23 and 24 minutes pr so into the clip.

Also rewinding for another check as well and it should be the second clip being mentioned for that of Enya, if not that of a "trillion, trillionth", as well as that of given music.

Now I am off for the rest of the day.
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