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Message 1870964 - Posted: 3 Jun 2017, 22:28:19 UTC
Last modified: 3 Jun 2017, 22:29:11 UTC

Not forgetting it is Sunday, so therefore only a short one.

Visiting the Wikipedia, here I was concerned about that of life itself, because only water is not supposed to make such a thing as life.

Next it becomes that of evolution and we could end up forgetting a couple of other details.

Next it becomes natural returning back at that of Extraterrestrial life for a possible comparison.

One of the tools at our disposal is the Allen Telescope Array, together with both Arecibo and also Green Bank.

Next the fact that at least human interaction with that of technology should be a reason for possible success, at least in general terms.

Both bacteria and viruses are a natural part of our environment, but next we choose to make both intelligence, or at least conscience, slightly different.

Not forgetting those words invented by scientist, I perhaps should leave it for another day, but next only the fact that we at times could question both that of intelligent civilizations
and also that of the Universe itself and when doing so, making it perhaps either life or evolution, or perhaps rather that of technology.

The tools at our disposal are supposed to be those related to technology and not necessarily such a thing as any conscience at all.

My guess is that we could have both when it comes to other civilizations in space, because a possible belief in that of Creation myth could be more diffuse than that of technology itself.

Therefore the possible extraterrestrial visitor could be a UFO passing your window and next being caught on video and not necessarily any angels, or the like.

Now I am off to bed after the finishing refreshment and will be back tomorrow.
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Message 1872149 - Posted: 10 Jun 2017, 8:07:47 UTC
Last modified: 10 Jun 2017, 8:32:19 UTC

Noticing this when having a late party on my own.

A couple of unfinished posts in other tabs, but except for perhaps yelling at times, I think I also may do it better.

You know, Jerry R. Ehman is a radio astronomer and next Frank Drake is a regular astronomer.

By coming up with the Drake equation, he introduces a "Probabilistic function" to the public.

Astrobiology could be the subject field or area related to possible life in space.

Entering by means of the main page here, the picture at the top is in fact not the Milky Way, but except for that, not too bad.

Rather it is a pretty good one and gives a sense of possible life in space.

The question could perhaps be whether that of possible randomness could make for such a thing as possible life in space, because from a mathematical point of view,
order comes out of chaos and for each of these ones, we are having Equations for the same.

I looked at the article in the Wikipedia about Biochemistry with a sad reminder, or perhaps thought that one of the projects while doing my education, was that of making web-pages for the
lab at the local High School of Engineering, only with a basic knowledge of Mozilla from the labs, mainly running under Unix System V.

Not a good thing at all and even today I am left with Microsoft Frontpage Express in hope it could be running.

The version of "Hot Metal Dog Pro", which was being used at a Public Office or department for training purposes, had a flaw in its version 3.

Like that of a Database software, like Microsoft Access, one of the purchased versions went down the drain, because of one of the disks failing.

For now I will not give it a try, but at least tried to carry on with the cleaning of one of my partitions containing the old PartitionMagic software in its initial version,
where the files for some reason duplicated forever, making for quite a misery.

If you look around, the old question remaining to be answered is still around as well, namely "are we alone in space"?

Next the fact that we could perhaps discuss such a thing as evolution or the like and think we could be having the answer.

If you do not mind, but a radio astronomer is not using his eyes in order to see a couple of things.

As you may know, Dr. Eric Korpela is both Project Manager and also a scientist for this project and he also happens to be an astronomer.

If I happened to be playing with cards, I could be dealing with possible Tarot cards, but next we also should know that a possible guess about extraterrestrial life could be based on a given assumption
and for this not necessarily any such cards, but rather a Community for such a thing.

For this it becomes the UFO community and for now it could perhaps be about "Setizens", rather than "citizens".

In my opinion, a possible belief in possible extraterrestrial life should not be based only in that of UFO's, but rather a given way of perception.

Such a thing as Creation myth could perhaps tell us about a "perfect world", meaning that of possible "divinity" for such and next it becomes "Heaven and Hell", rather than any angels.

Again a reminder about the article about Biochemistry in the Wikipedia and what life is supposed to be all about.

The Drake equation only tells about the possibility of such life existing, not necessarily that there is a 1/6 chance if I either roll the dice, or perhaps pull the trigger.

In my opinion life itself should be regarded or viewed as "weighted", because such a thing as randomness or chance alone should not be the reason for such life to exist.

If you look at the reason for why such things as Laws and Equations exist, it should not be the same as that of such randomness or chaos, but rather that it could be there for a meaning.

If the Drake equation should come up with a statistical Probability of 0, or nil, for such a thing as life, we probably would not be here, but still there are people believing in the Bible.

So, while at least trying, or giving an attempt of mentioning recent discoveries about our recent past, particularly those humans being around in Africa, some 300,000 years ago,
put some clothes on them and have them wandering the street and noone would notice the difference.

If the human brain evolved from a single cell, we next could believe in that of evolution and also the trilobites for such a thing.

Next, make it perhaps something else and you could be having either Creation myth, or perhaps no science at all.

The general opinion is that we still are supposed to be alone in space, but next the fact that water alone does not make for any life being present.

Both the Biologist and also the Biochemist know that some four molecules of protein, making up that of DNA, is the main ingredient, or recipe, for that of life.

Add to it that of Enzymes and well, but next I do not see that of any Probability among such molecules, or enzymes.

If for some reason a cup of coffee is being spilled across my table, such a thing would be an "Event" and for some reason we make that part of astronomy as well.

Such a thing as "Lucy" should rather be for the Anthropologist, but next we could also be having both the Stone Age and the Ice Age and so on.

Guess we could still call it the "Missing Link", but rather the fact that such a thing as Extraterrestrial life is not mentioned in books about astronomy.

One of the main reasons for life on Earth is that of an environment for such a thing, including both water and air and of course not forgetting the Sun either.

That of both Electromagnetism and the Weak Nuclear Force as two of the Fundamental Forces of nature, should be thought of or regarded as the main reason for this and not
necessarily only the Ice Age alone.

Definitely such a thing as superstition and myth is not always part of science and for this reason we should believe in Matter Creation, rather than Creation myth.

The sad thing or part of all of this is that it may in fact be "Easy come, easy go", because for one given thing there might be an answer rather a solution, while others remain in the dark.

If the popular word or theme for this could be "Hocus Pocus", either we should believe in the "Wizard of Oz", or maybe no science at all.

Placing a piece of topping on perhaps your bread, or maybe the dinner, is not the same as climbing Mount Everest, or even go to the Moon, for that matter.

But next it should be remembered that at times only a small piece could be left or remaining in order for the complete puzzle to be solved.

Google Translate makes it eternity here, but if it should perhaps be from here and next towards eternity, the word becomes either a Religious or Philosophical one and
perhaps should not be or mean the same as infinity.

If you look at such a thing as "Indigenous peoples", you next could think that they are primitive.

Next the debate about possible instinct and aggression and that rather we are seeing such a thing as "sophistication" right now, because of our evolution.

Also that while such a thing as a developing world could be a present factor, also that of both ageing, or even stuck hands could be part of life.

Because of such a level of technological evolution, the world is no longer neither black and white, or even still photographs, but rather live video on the spot.

One of the main reasons for our whereabouts, or perhaps way of living, is that of electricity provided for our homes.

Next, perhaps pack or leave, but rather than petrol for that of fuel for our cars and the like, we are supposed to "believe" in that of possible time travel and that both gravity as a
force and next also time, could make this possible.

Why not perhaps meet both Isaac Newton, or Albert Einstein and tell them they are completely wrong?

One of the current scientific areas when it comes to possible development is that of controlled fusion and here I am more or less lost.

Our current knowledge about fusion is telling that such a process is happening in the Sun, making for Helium from that of Hydrogen.

Next that if it perhaps "blows" in the core of a massive star, it is because the element Iron is fusing into something else, with no avail, or success.

If for some reason you still could believe in "Little Green Men", it perhaps could be science, but next you should perhaps believe in the "Upper Deck" as well.

If you happen to be looking at such things as both numbers and possible results alone, you could be speaking about a possible "validity" of such results.

But this does not necessarily tell about science as a whole, where you rather could be left with the skeptic for the possible believer, or the like and you have that story.

As you may well know, a Court should be about that of both Laws by Justice being carried out in order to avoid possible injustice.

Making such a Court part of the Justice system and next think that a society should adhere to the Laws being set or made by such a Court could perhaps make a difference between
right and wrong and therefore make such a society work.

Rather an astronomer is not supposed to be thinking in such a way, but only the fact that he or she could be looking at the Universe as it is and next take it for granted.

Again, the fact being mentioned that we have become a highly evolved civilization without noone else to compare with.

If we should be looking at the Universe, we could perhaps think of Laws and Equations for its existence.

Next the fact that possible intelligent civilizations could come from, or be based on a "Probabilistic function" for such a thing.

Possibly in another tab, but could be mentioned here, because when looking at Cosmology as a subject, it may not necessarily be about the anthill only, but perhaps even more.

Rather we should be looking at the reason for a couple of things as being that of a "purpose", meaning intent.

Evolution in nature is not necessarily only random, but rather could be "stepwise".

Next it should not be about such a thing as CASE analysis either, although we perhaps could assume a given method, or Methodology, for such a thing.

God is supposed to be for "good", but next we also are having the Devil.

The fact is that we could perhaps believe in the anthill facing south for a given purpose in mind, but next such a thing could also be happening when next confronting God,
or perhaps the Devil.

If such a thing as Hitler, as part of history, could mean a possible belief in either "good" for "bad", or the possible divine, it rather could end up being a menace.

Therefore, whether or not any science could be for possible "good" or "bad" in a similar way, is perhaps another story.

If I could choose between sunbathing, or that of possible worshipping, including that of a given menace, I probably would make the first choice.

Stars and galaxies are supposedly everywhere, at least when it comes to the Universe, but next you also could have a belief, or perhaps know about a given menace.

One of the reasons for a possible assumption, or maybe guess, about that of Wormholes, or parallell Universes, is perhaps not because of gravity alone.

Such a thing as existence could at least be about that of Philosophy, but next make it possible time travel, you could be having such Wormholes, or the like.

I mentioned the passing of my father earlier on and the thing being felt, or noticed, that this was perhaps not the end of the story.

Being an astronomer myself, I ended up in a chair in front of a computer right now and rather being a skeptic, now perhaps feel a bit more open minded here.

Look at the Bible and it should be about Religion and not any science and next if you happen to believe in the Revelation of John, it perhaps could be "Pseudoscience" of sorts.

Rather than the "Revelation of John", the Monthy Python group makes it "Life of Brian" instead, both because it could still be about the Earth and next also satiric.

If you could be waking up with the sound of the churchbells in your ears, this is not necessarily because of life itself, because it could be about a celebration, but rather that of death by means of a
burial, because you know that there is a soul passing away and next going somewhere else.

If this is the main reason for both Religion and Faith, or perhaps the way it is carried out by means of practice, I really do not know, but perhaps question that of eternity and next it means that of
possible "Afterlife".

If Charles Darwin could perhaps believe in that of evolution as one of the reasons for life, also Stanley Miller in the laboratory could be doing the same.

If not so, or perhaps something else, we rather could be back at that of Religion, or perhaps Creation myth for the same, because we may think that there could be an explanation here as well.
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Message 1872150 - Posted: 10 Jun 2017, 8:24:02 UTC
Last modified: 10 Jun 2017, 8:58:05 UTC

Could add that together with my party, I for some reason went back to the main page and also became logged out.

Returning to my account and next the buffer for editing, I still have to use the Google Chrome Search button in order to get at the proper location in the text, so here still something missing.

Perhaps a feature that could be added in the future.

Guess she is smiling as well, but next becomes another story.

Back later.
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Message 1872164 - Posted: 10 Jun 2017, 10:10:53 UTC
Last modified: 10 Jun 2017, 10:30:33 UTC

I came across this video when having the day off and perhaps was thinking, or giving a thought about that of heritage.

Everyone knows that we are living in a scientific world, so why not such a thing as genetical heritage here as well?

One of my cans of beer is having its contents boil over when flipping it open, which is a bit unusual and not noticed before.

Cook in the oven or micro wave perhaps, but not necessarily so in the fridge.

I checked a bit down for the mentioned video and the word "Pretty face" still is there and could be relevant as well.

If I read the Church well, or perhaps right, or at least for now being that of the Catholic church, we could be speaking about possible "sins" and forgiveness".

Should tell that in my opinion the possible choice or option for such possible sins and also forgiveness, could be that of good versus evil and here perhaps not any better.

If you happen to read the Bible, you should next believe that God created the Universe "as is", because he saw that it was both good and also working.

The fact is that the Church could choose to be making it an absolution, or perhaps rather "excuse" for sins being carried out when possible and here a better wording is needed.

If I for some reason happened to make it "Pretty face" for some reason, why next perhaps such a thing as possible sins being carried out for such a thing?

My guess is that the Church, as an institution, is supposed to make a difference between possible "good" versus "bad".

Really, I could be having a "good" taste of choosing or selecting an Intel based computer rather than an Apple based computer, because at least it should not be having a
Motorola processor inside.

But if you happen to be a "sanctuary" by means of person (need the proper word), you at least could be a priest.

Becomes "holiness" here, but next that the whole subject could perhaps be open minded.

Large caps perhaps, but next the fact that science could be one thing and that of Religion yet another thing.

Remember once again that both "Heaven and Hell" and also Creation myth supposedly are properly defined and we could be left with a given menace for a couple of things.

If not so, you could perhaps be familiar with the billiard ball rather than the golf ball as being the possible "sleek" thing, because when next patting such a thing, which rather could be your cat,
it could actually end up being loving and responsive, or it rather could end up with no responsibility for the law as being given by that of Justice.

If you happen to be a gambler in a play of cards, you should perhaps know about not only the Ace, but also the Joker.

Guess what is still missing and also the name for such a thing and not necessarily by means of name.

When people like Charles Darwin look at such a thing as evolution, not only does it become a thing possibly happening, but rather an "Event" for such a thing.

Make it possibly a marriage going wrong and next you could believe in possible science going wrong as well, because it either could be that of CASE analysis, or rather the fact that
we are living in a scientific world.

Duh! Anyone is suppposed to know what nonsense means or is supposed to be all about.

But is next perhaps a "Pretty face" supposed to be having any scientific value?

If perhaps falling in love in someone, I know that this may be possible not because of only moral and deeds, but also because of an absolution of sins given.

Next, rather the fact that it may not necessarily be so, at least when speaking about moral and deeds, but what next about an absolution of sins?

The small pray "Our Father" should be a thing being noticed here.

I happen to live in a world where that of technological innovation and evolution is a constant or regular feature and therefore not necessarily about any sins at all.

Look at our society and the way it is supposed to be working and next it should mean that of life, including intelligent life.

Speak about a possible "gay marriage" and you could next be having such sins and forgiveness once again, or all over.

Next the fact that there could perhaps be an excuse for everything, because we either should believe in the Ten Commandments, or perhaps rather God being "heavy handed" when
creating, or coming up with the Universe.

If such a thing as "Ideology" could be a principle, we could still be speaking about possible "Totaliarism" as well, but not necessarily any Black Holes either.

If we are supposed to believe that God perhaps is a good mathematician, by means of that of infinity, so it goes, but not necessarily any notion about "Heaven and Hell" either.

The fact is that Western Culture, or maybe even that of science, could make us think about the Devil and not necessarily only that of God.

If I next said that such a thing as Creation myth perhaps is a way of thinking, perhaps this is not correct either.

Think of possible Creation by means of Matter Creation as a fact of reality and not necessarily any imagination for such either for your spirits.

More could perhaps be added here.

Rather perhaps make a wish for perhaps a better world and next the fact that Charles "Charlie" Chaplin was playing the movie without any sound, but also was driving the car as well.

So, if I happened to make it "Lucy" it could be that of "Indigenous peoples" as well and also that it could be "stupid people" as well.

If I for some reason made it both "Indigenous peoples" as well as "stupid people" as well, you probably know where it goes.

The fact is that scientists should not be concerned with, or dealing with such a thing as angels at all, because even primitive or native people ("Indigenous peoples") chose to be making such a
difference between possible heathen and pagans and next not anything else.

Make it perhaps a "motto", spirit, or perhaps a "realm" and we still could be speaking about possible science.

Look at such a thing as "Indigenous peoples" and also it could be about possible "Cannibals" as well and not necessarily any "spirits".

If not so, you could perhaps believe in "American culture" and the fact that not everything is supposed to "fit" either, including that of "Exorcism".

Yes, make it that of possible science, including that of Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence" and the answer, or maybe fact is far from true.

Make a claim about UFO's visiting, or perhaps penetrating that of Black Holes for possible interest, or even curiosity and the story should be far from the truth,
but still apparently being told.

When a scientist perhaps could be coming up with a story, he could perhaps claim it to be true in lack of anything else.

If so, are we perhaps speaking about the credibility of such a scientist, or should we rather believe in that of science itself?

Perhaps more could be added, except for making it a bump of sorts, but for now I leave it there.
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Message 1872184 - Posted: 10 Jun 2017, 11:19:28 UTC
Last modified: 10 Jun 2017, 11:27:08 UTC

Again "Pretty face", because it may not necessarily be far from the truth either.

What if we are still supposed to belive in God as the possible Creator of the Universe.

Is it still supposed to be "Heaven and Hell", or perhaps Creation myth, or could it be something else?

What if dinner perhaps became served and next we could believe in that of infinity as that of possible "Creation"?

Speaking of possible sins and next you could be speaking about possible moral and deeds as well.

Became a thing being noticed and therefore a link for this.

If you scroll down to the middle of the article, you next have the hard facts, namely that of "digging a grave".

Is perhaps getting or receiving an absolution for possible sins being carried out any better than possible remorse given?

As an astronomer myself, or at least a scientist of sorts, I could perhaps be asking myself about that of "digging a grave".

Next the fact that science could rather be a bit more clever and make it "Metaphysics" for such a thing.

If I perhaps could believe in that of birth as a reason for our existence, rather the fact that death should rather make it even better.

Oh, we choose to make it both God and the Devil, aren't we, because that of God could mean both Creation and also birth and next the Devil that of death and the similar.

I happen to be an astronomer of sorts myself, but next could also be questioning that of life, because it could be about both moral and deeds and also sins and forgiveness.

I mentioned that of "Creation" earlier on and that when it comes to a possible Creator, he or it should not be concerned or dealing with such a thing as "moral and deed", but rather be
kind of "heavy handed", because we also could be dealing with that of the Devil and not necessarily only that of God.

Personally I do not take everything literally, but if we should perhaps speaking about that of diversity of nature and also that of infinity, a possible notion of God could be almost exciting.

When we look at possible Creation by means of Creation myth, we could perhaps be seeing that of inertia, because it is part of gravity, or we could rather be looking at possible success versus a given failure,
because such a thing could be part of that of CASE analysis.

We are never supposed to say "When God created the Universe", because there is no such a thing, but rather why, or perhaps how.

I could next go for a visit at the graveyard, or cemetary for my local church and next the fact that I only was there during the funeral and not any later.

The problem is that I could be left to choose between the possible slap in my face (if any) given by my father, because he chose to be doing both the books, newspapers and also the piano.

If not so, I rather could believe in both my mother and also my aunt, because they are responsible for that of human reproduction and also are living longer.

What if you happened to be a "Cliffhanger" of sorts and at least able to make it for the next cliff, or perhaps stiff slope, but perhaps no longer?

The fact is that Charles Darwin should be both well known and also recognized, not only because he paid a visit at the Galapagos islands and next came up with that of evolution as a
theory behind our existence.

Buh! Again, but did I perhaps say something wrong?

What if both Charles Darwin and Isaac Newton were both wrong when it comes to their respective "theories" about evolution and gravity, respectively?

Again, buh, because this is not supposed to be any science at all.

Have it all served, on a dish if you will and next I am supposed to "believe" in the whole thing.

"Tell me the odds" and not necessarily the facts and this is what science is supposed to be all about.

When we look at science and also that of nature, we also look at things which could be explained, while at times perhaps not.

Doing so, it does not necessarily mean that of a given Probability either, but rather about given facts.

Tell me the truth and I could perhaps be a liar and still it could be about possible science.

Is it not the same story all over again, namely that you could question a possible validity of a result, not necessarily because it could be true as such,
but rather that you in fact could be a liar.

Oh, are we not supposed to believe that science could perhaps be "open minded", except for that of possible results?

Sigh! Blame the weekend beer.

Back tomorrow.
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Message 1872355 - Posted: 11 Jun 2017, 2:31:20 UTC
Last modified: 11 Jun 2017, 2:42:11 UTC

Except for the beer, apparently it was working last evening.

Possibly the reason may be that I was not straining too much into that of possible murkiness of life, which sometimes could happen.

Here when clicking on one of the suggestions and when next making a search on the text only, it does not get any better.

Either the correct word for this is missing, or it becomes an error in the translation, but not necessarily in a somber mood either, because it became a new session.

Waking up from sleep, the pillow was at the other end with my feet on top and again the sense of being slightly carried away.

Having water for the cup of coffee, there was a television series of sorts on my national broadcaster, showing the ocean in movement together with high waves.

Quite impressive and also very nice, I am being reminded at how perhaps software could interpret such a thing as waves in the ocean and the like.

Also the colors should be noticed or remembered as well, because as already mentioned, that of water itself might be a prerequisite for life on Earth, but not necessarily the main reason.

I do not know the precise story here, but except from that of evolution as a subject, Charles Darwin spent quite a while on the islands of the Galapagos before making his conclusions.

I mentioned previously that in my opinion a couple of things are with a given intent, or perhaps meaning and not necessarily a result of randomness or even coincidence.

Both or all these things are definitely around, but life supposedly started in the ocean with that of both bacteria and viruses and the Iguana appears to be a descendant of the Dinosaurs.

So easy it is looking at the past when we rather should be looking at the future, because it should be remembered that time could always be in motion and next being fluid, but that from a
lack of any comparison, planets could be found around other stars, together with water on the surface and also an atmosphere.

So, should we perhaps rather marvel about our technological capabilities and watch "Star Wars" or "Encyclopedia Galactica" instead?

If so, of course you are welcome, but at least such a thing as medicine and other therapies are not making us any younger, or that of death something which does not happen.

Definitely you could reach 100 years of age if you are lucky, but for one thing you could be conceived inside the living body of your mother and next end up in a grave.

That of "Valley of the Shadows" to me therefore translates into a state or condition perhaps being experienced before that of death itself.

Rather than Creation, or even Creation myth, the word "Conception" could be used for that of possible birth, but when next comparing with that of death, it becomes something different.

Compare with the general assumption of the Big Bang as the main reason for the creation of the Universe and here that of Matter Creation and next that possible death could also make for
that of the singularity, which should be the same as that of infinity.

We could be able to define that of antimatter as being part of nature and because of that also an article for this.

Rather than sitting below a tree in a garden and next having an apple falling in his head, Isaac Newton was able to come up with that of gravity as one of the Fundamental Forces of nature,
or at least the three Laws of gravity.

I next choose to look at the two different Equations using separate tabs in the browser and here they are both different.

But next the fact that at least it could be both Mathematics and Physics, but neither that of water, or even Iguanas are the same as that of an Event Horizon of a Black Hole.

One thing could perhaps tell about the reason for that of life on Earth, while the other could perhaps tell about the fate of the Universe, because it could be about gravity.

I do not have the details, but possibly it was a Danish author who once wrote the book about the richness of the soil, making it "Soil Festivities" of sorts.

The soil is where the trees and plants could be standing and both the Earthworm and possibly Caterpillar as well could be present.

Definitely there should be a difference between both these things and next the Command Ship of Darth Vader in the Star Wars movie, but next compare that of nature with ourselves,
we could next be back at such a thing as both greed, love versus hatred, good versus evil and so on, except for that of technology itself.

Look at the possibility of extraterrestrial intelligence, it could be both or all these things, including also that of possible "Angels in the Sky".

Also compare with such movies like "Terminator 2, Judgment Day," particularly the beginning sequence where that of Freedom is being acquired and also "Blade Runner", which is a
possible depiction of a future world, that of technology itself tells about both existence and also a level of development.

That of Blade Runner could mention such a thing as "eyes", because eye transplantation might still not be the usual or common thing (not pretty at all).

If we are still supposed to believe in the method of "trial and error", only because it could be about CASE analysis, we should not forget that at times it also could be ugly.

The old book in my collection is giving a mentioning about placing the planet on the surface of water, it will next float on the surface.

We also had recent pictures showing one of the poles of Jupiter (possibly the South Pole) and next that whether or not any surface, only the temperature itself makes for
life not being very likely at all.

So, perhaps fish for dinner, after having bread for breakfast and at least you are able to survive on such nutrition.

Add to it possible vitamins and this is not the same as any minerals either.

My guess is that we still are digging only on the surface, but that of sleep is not always the same as dreams, or at least that of hypnosis.

A Conspiracy is not the same as a hallucination or other psychological effect, but you probably know what the possible result of war could mean.

I happen to make the story of Harrisburg that of a possible "Syndrome" for such a thing happening and if not so, it rather could be that of Chernobyl.

A nuclear reactor accidenhappening could make for at least an ecological disaster, but perhaps not necessarily "The Day After", because here on Earth, we should not be concerned about
possible "Hypernovae" in space, or even that of "Holocaust".

Both good and bad words around and next we could perhaps believe in one thing rather than another, because it could be possible science.

The fact is that we may choose to perform "Love from God" at the grave, because we are supposed to believe in God as our savior.

Therefore the Valley of Shadows at the beginning, because before entering the Portal to the Heavens, the angel is coming up in front of you, next telling about your life experiences.

Next you are being carried away and most likely ending up somewhere else, which supposedly could be the Heavens.

But the fact is that if you are still supposed to be a scientist, you still should believe in Matter Creation only, because of the fact that it also should mean both birth and death.

If you rather could be looking at life itself, it could be that of both events happening and also that of both Methods and also CASE analysis.

If that of both infinity and also the singularity could be possible "abstracts", or at least a concept, or perhaps notion, like that of time, remember that at least that of LSD as making a
hallucination possible and also that of memory recall, which literally became almost forgotten.

In the end, you perhaps may be able to notice the discrepancy.

At least when it comes to mathematics, infinity means a number, or numeric value without end, but that of the singularity is next supposed to be as a result of infinite gravity (and not matter).

If you are standing on top of Mt. Everest, the only way is down and similarly, if you are on the surface of the Moon, your next destination would be back at Earth.

If you happen to be at the bottom of the ocean, the next option is returning back at the surface.

If both infiinity or the singularity are possible branches of an entirety, or perhaps a whole, next it could be a remaining part still missing, making up most of it, including the main trunk or strain of the tree itself.

In my opinion, a possible event happening is not necessarily the same as a coincidence either.

If for some reason we could believe in both the Holocaust, or even "The Day After" as only part of a whole story, what is then the next, or perhaps final chapter?

Should we perhaps be speaking about the funeral as being the final end, or chapter of that of life, or should we perhaps make it that of possible Religion and Faith and next perhaps believe in an "Afterlife"?

If you happen to look at the Church of today, you might perhaps think that it at times could be "Dead End", because the priest could be speaking for deaf ears.

The dream could perhaps be part of your sleep, in the same way as that of LSD could make for a possible hallucination, but still not "The Day After" either.

The book in my collection is having the title "Cosmos", because it could be about that of Cosmology.

If it at least could be about the Universe, it could be about both stars, planets and galaxies in the usual way, but perhaps not about any wild dream either.

The fact is that if or when it comes that of possible "intent", or perhaps "meaning", we should also be looking for the deeper meaning of the subject, rather than only digging on the surface.

If you could happen to be a member of a tribe, or perhaps cult, or the similar, you could end up committing yourself by making a possible allegiance, or fidelity for a given cause.

If that of "Ball lightning" for some reason should be or mean the same as that of intelligent life, it could be wrong, but next we should also know what life is supposed to be all about.
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Message 1872572 - Posted: 12 Jun 2017, 14:18:31 UTC
Last modified: 12 Jun 2017, 14:26:34 UTC

Should tell that there are a couple of tabs lying around, but I left the computer running again and had the opportunity at watching a couple of YouTube videos.

Things perhaps starting to run a bit slower, but next still a couple of things in my sleeves, because I could jump from one thing to next another.

I may have continued watching into the small hours, so it became a slight rewind, but this video caught my attention, or perhaps notice.

If you happen to be doing this yourself, you probably know there is a story behind this and also that quite much became told.

Either it becomes the first watching, or rather it could better suit your leisure time, but always the different way at looking at things.

I should wish that this now could become science and not only a military project and perhaps it already is.

If I could go to the Moon, the most important thing is getting back home in a safe way, but this means that I should be able to travel as well.

The Pleiades could be having individual stars with planets and these planets could be inhabited by an intelligent civilization.

Next they choose to build craft, making it possible to travel 410 light years or more and next end up on Earth.

Recent videos are showing both living and probably also dead samples, or individuals of those entities and that it may have been a close call, only for the selected ones.

Always the difference between the living and the dead, it seems and therefore we should know about both matter and energy, but next perhaps about intelligence and conscience as well.

There should be no reason to believe that the Universe is an artificial product, being created in a lab, but rather that intelligent civilizations may populate the Universe, like living in separate rooms.

I am noticing the fact that Bob Lazar during the interview is opening up and is not that hesitant at telling about the details.

My guess is that this still may come at a price and that it not necessarily came for free.

If he ever became slapped in his face, who chose to be doing such a thing?

If for some reason Contact was being made, it could next be an alien exchange program of sorts as well.

Believe in hands, feet and heads and also a skin for your tissue, it is still supposed to be about biology and next this could be a more common thing as well.

The fact is that we choose to be using petrol and gas for our engines, but that both fission and fusion, or even antimatter are not the usual way of travel either.

Rather we are choose to believe in both gravity and time as such a means of travel.

The video is telling about at least two different configurations for that of propulsion and here it rather becomes that of moving through space.

One such configuration apparently had the name "delta" configuration, while the other perhaps need some help when it comes to its spelling.

For now I really do not know where it all started, but it may go back at the events at Roswell, back in 1947.

Please have me excused, will you, but you are not suppose to debunk the debunker either.

What if it rather became a story being told about secret planes being built on Earth and next by humans only?

In fact Bob Lazar is making a point that alien craft is not being flown at Area 51, but rather from S-4, which is located nearby.

In fact either this video, or maybe some other is showing the hangar for these craft and also at least some two such craft.

Apparently some 52 feet across and also having quite some weight, this should in fact match.

Perhaps slightly difficult to tell whether these should be thought of, or designated as Type I, or Type II civilizations, but perhaps both.

In the end it could be more or several of these ones, but in a general context, such civilizations, including our own, becomes part of the Universe.

By perhaps thinking that this story is true, we now are taking the first step into the unknown.

For one thing, we could think of the way a society should be working as not only that of moral and dignity, or perhaps not that of True versus False either, but still rather Justice.

Compare ourselves with other possible civilizations and at least we are having part of a whole story.

We could still be left with explaining the Universe itself and what it is supposed to mean, or be all about.

For this reason we once again could be stuck with the word "Dogma" and that the correct meaning of this word has yet to be defined.

Leaving it there before perhaps continuing.
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Message 1872582 - Posted: 12 Jun 2017, 16:01:55 UTC
Last modified: 12 Jun 2017, 16:04:20 UTC

Anyway, I mentioned "eyes" earlier on and that it became "Blade Runner" for such a thing.

Next, having the opportunity at watching eyes coming off during an autopsy, made for quite a bit of experience.

Definitely this is something physical, at least when it comes to possible aliens, both living and dead and also some craft.

But also there could be still some around for which only their lights, or possible illumination, could be visible.

Could it perhaps be a difference around and I also have mentioned the difference between the living and the dead.

Matter and energy are supposedly two different things, except for energy being radiation coming from matter.

Next at least intelligence should be part of our physical body and that also conscience could be defined in a similar way.

Possible questions about the Aura and the Metaphysical perhaps should be part of Religion and not necessarily any science, but you probably know that I felt it the way that
such a possibility may not be impossible.

Because infinity could be represented as a possible numeric value of no end, at least it could be defined.

For now it becomes perhaps a difference between that of infinity and the singularity, because there could be different properties involved.

If Bob Lazar happened to be inside such a craft, he definitely was there in order to pick up a couple of things, so therefore no secrets either.

If it became kind of an alien exchange program, it perhaps was not for such a thing as eyes either, but more likely perhaps an emergency landing, or even a crash in the desert.

Look at such movies like "Star Wars" and "Battlestar Galactica" and next ask how these were made and at least you should be impressed.

I ended up watching "Apollo 13" last evening, because this was a mission that ended in failure, but at least made for the astronauts returning back at Earth.

At least the missing word starts with "o", but next "oozing" while rewinding back, it becomes a replay of the clip some 10 minutes before.

Because of that, I once again listen in at President Reagan's speech where he makes a point of the alien threat.

So next that perhaps even Bob Lazar was slapped in his face before being able to do a couple of things.

Also noticing that this also could be a story that has become 25 years old.

One part of the clip is probably from one of the recordings being made by Billy Meier.

If humans are supposedly are for good, possible aliens could be for perhaps bad and next this may not be so either.

But rather that this is something that has been going on for a long time and therefore a reason to question the intended meaning.

Therefore it could be reason to believe that this is perhaps for real, but also the fact that there is not supposed to be any proof either.

So perhaps use your car and next drive to the Moon and if so, why not use a rocket instead?

In fact it supposedly ended up becoming so and we ended up on the surface of the Moon.

Both fission and fusion are mainly for the purpose of bombs and next it becomes a source of energy for that of heating.

It is an interesting fact, but actually a fission generator is making electricity from the fission process and therefore needs a generator.

Here it becomes the second link for now.

But if we rather should believe in such a thing as gravity amplifiers, at least it could be that of fusion instead and still perhaps our own technology.

If for some reason gravity amplifiers were being used in order to travel through space and perhaps time, it was because of research being carried out.

Next it could be reason to believe that someone came up with this idea before us.

The general thought of view is that perhaps first you have both Electrogmagnetism and the Weak Nuclear Force and next the Strong Nuclear Force, before that of gravity,
but this perhaps may be wrong.

In my opinion, this is not Bob Lazar using his video camera and recording their performance, but rather an active exchange program

Also Bob Lazar is not supposed to be Billy Meier and therefore no Contactee either.

If that of extraterrestrial craft are supposed to be a research and development issue, it should be a technological issue as well.

Making it a technological issue should make it a possible scientific issue and not only an issue involving the Military.

Always that of a security issue, of course and not forgetting the slap in the face either.

My guess is that Bob Lazar perhaps could be able to fly such a craft, but who next would be the passenger?

Perhaps Ann Druyan for such, except for perhaps a "dreamer", or maybe visionary.

Because in my opinion an extraterrestrial craft is not such a thing as a plane at all.

Perhaps a dream would be that of traveling 410 light years through space in order to visit their planet in the Pleiades, but for now the story perhaps is gone and we rather should be
waiting for the next thing to happen.
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Message 1874820 - Posted: 24 Jun 2017, 8:38:58 UTC
Last modified: 24 Jun 2017, 9:04:27 UTC

09:45 AM in the morning right now and right now in the middle of the session of beers.

Should tell that "Short stories" by Vangelis came up in my mind when finishing off the day, but rather than the first, or initial song,
or perhaps starting song, if you will, the video rather chose to play back from the second part of the album.

Or perhaps second page, if you will, because the audio cassette for this is lying in my shelf, but next no more.

Playing back contents at YouTube, it apparently breaks into something else.

Oh, perhaps the regular pause theme, which could be different each time, but this time it apparently had a mentioning to something related to science.

The same again, but is really that of science supposed to be "heavy handed"?

This because I perhaps could give a mentioning of the Periodic Table of Elements and next think that everything perhaps could be taken for granted.

Should we perhaps know a couple of things right now, including my 14 years on this project and also a bit of surfing across the web?

The Greek could perhaps choose to make it both "alpha" and "omega" for a couple of respective things, but is this to say that it could mean the same as the "start" versus the "end"?

A fine thing with Yahoo! is that it is giving a mentioning of a couple of scientific things, including discoveries, on their main, or front page.

One current thing being noticed, or perhaps mentioned, is the fact that galaxy formation perhaps need to be rethinken, or made a new start.

Yes, think, thought, thought.

Is this not supposed to be the stupid thing, namely the fact that you could perhaps think of, or come up with a thought, or perhaps idea, of in how, or in which way the Universe was being created
and not necessarily "formed"?

If I am not wrong, we could be left with some two different theories, or approaches as to the way the Universe came into existence.

Here again perhaps making a choice of using the proper or better word or words, because you probably should know about the "Fudge factor". except for it perhaps being or making it
"In the beginning".

What if I happened to be a priest and next perhaps "knew" a couple of things?

Dig or make a grave for my father and at least it became a quite nice place for his graveyard, looking down on the city and also the "fjord" in the background, or beyond.

Take the business of numbers and also that of factoring of such numbers and you also should know that it is "business as usual" most of the time.

Look at the Constitution of the United States and other countries as it is being defined and it is not supposed to be a "Constititutional Monarchy" either, with a King as the regent.

Rather we are supposed to believe in the President for such and a couple of things because we next are supposed to believe that Politicians are perhaps not any idiots either.

Same old story, except for that of science and next also that of Religion, of course.

Dig a grave for perhaps your father and next you probably see or notice his genes being either buried, or perhaps cremated in the fire.

The fact is that scientists probably would look at the Periodic Table of Elements, rather than a spooky face, or perhaps event, telling that a couple of things could be perhaps different,
or something else.

Really, I am supposed to believe in both that of birth and next that of death, because either a given "Faith", possibly a personal one, could perhaps tell me such.

Before checking, or perhaps I am not familiar with the story, what I know is that the Church for some reason divided or "split" many years ago, making it both the Catholic and the
Protestantic church.

In fact and you probably already know, but the Church itself is not that much of meaning when it comes to me.

Perhaps believe in, or better know about such a thing as birth, both when it comes to stars in the sky and also humans on Earth and we probably should know the reasons for this.

Here only the prefix, or abbreviation for the word. Therefore the dash at the end.

You know, in possible religious terms, that of "Purgatory" could still be the most noble or humble definition when it comes to

Anyway, we had a discussion in the past about the use of "swastikas" when it comes to a given use, including the possible flag, but here I forgot the details.

If you happen to be a scientist, like our moderator Julie here, you probably should know about the arrows and the like for that of electrical current.

Speaking about mind control, or perhaps telepathy, is there supposed to be such a thing?

Reading around, I am supposed to catch the notion that numbers perhaps is not for everyone.

Rather be perhaps at least a scientist and next by sitting below a tree in a garden, next the theory of gravity next could be on your mind.

The fact is that this happened and next it became Isaac Newton for such a thing.

Make it "inertia" if you will, but what next about "Time dilation"?

Tick-tick, everyone knows that Albert Einstein was working as a clerk in a shop and next came up with his Special Theory of Relativity even before Isaac Newton could be doing the same,
next by means of that of General Theory of Relativity.


The fact is that you are supposed to believe in that of gravity and not necessarily that of time.

So, what am I perhaps supposed to make of it when it perhaps becomes the "Fudge factor" for such a thing?

Is it still supposed to be science, or perhaps time will tell, because at least for now we do not have any equations for that of time.

Back tomorrow.
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Message 1874824 - Posted: 24 Jun 2017, 9:00:31 UTC
Last modified: 24 Jun 2017, 9:02:40 UTC

Anyway, forget the "Fudge factor" here in between.
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Message 1874827 - Posted: 24 Jun 2017, 9:49:27 UTC
Last modified: 24 Jun 2017, 9:50:11 UTC

So, with a needed break before continuing, I am right now back at the soundtrack for "Terminator 2: Judgment Day - Full Soundtrack Remastered"

Ring a bell perhaps, at least when it comes to the sound of the clip.

What if perhaps astronomers chose to be doing the same, next with that of the Universe itself?

Still perhaps the "Fudge factor", because at least such a thing could be defined, or should we perhaps wait for other solutions, or perhaps ideas, in order to come up?

The fact is that Philosophy as a subject could be speaking about the possible "living", rather than that of a similar death.

Because of that, the name or wording "Existence".

So, except for perhaps a couple of other things, what is supposed to be meant with a "True believer"?

Honestly. or in fact, that of True means that of True versus False when it comes to that of Logic.

Next, perhaps being a believer (rather than a skeptic) and next you could also believe in the Purgatory.

For this we also are supposed to be having that of Heaven and Hell, but next another story.
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Message 1874828 - Posted: 24 Jun 2017, 10:15:14 UTC
Last modified: 24 Jun 2017, 10:34:50 UTC

The above for that of the subject of Politics, by the way.

Here perhaps a bit interesting, at least for Julie as our moderator.

The fun or interesting thing is that right now I am a bit unsure at how these things relate to each other, but at leat the third link popped up from the first two.

Next it becomes that of Electromagnetism and also we are supposed to believe in with his kite.

Again I am forgetting his name, but should be in my notes.

Really it should be Benjamin Franklin.

So, perhaps read my lips and next you could have a smile.

Is such a thing supposed to perhaps go with Stephen Hawking rather than perhaps Linda Hamilton, because you either could put or place a face on at least one of these,
but next not perhaps making a guess about the other thing either.

The fact is that when it comes to that of reality, it next becomes that of real life, not something else.

If I chose to make some people "weasels", it may not necessarily be because they are any "whores" either.

Or should I perhaps make it "wh**es?

"I sold, you bought" and perhaps this is not true either.

Wnere is the science?
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Message 1874832 - Posted: 24 Jun 2017, 10:33:27 UTC
Last modified: 24 Jun 2017, 11:03:20 UTC

Here perhaps a better one, at least when it comes to music, but still perhaps tend to disagree a bit.

Definitely music should be coming with bit of touch and not necessarily any errors either.

Hit it perhaps hard on "that" tangent or key and you perhaps miss that in between.

So, therefore, not too bad here, but what perhaps about that of any welcome and compassion?

Wish I was a musician instead, rather than a computer nerd.

Why not key in "indulge" rather than "indulgence" using Google Translate and next see what you get?

Guess you are having the answer.

Edit: Listening it at perhaps some 33:06 in the second clip above and you perhaps know what I mean.

Here is perhaps slightly better when it comes to that of music, but perhaps also needs a little more of listening.
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Message 1874838 - Posted: 24 Jun 2017, 11:21:43 UTC
Last modified: 24 Jun 2017, 11:22:54 UTC

Or perhaps "I am the flyer".

For this, perhaps listen to the music of Saga.

Oh, I happened to look up that of "Predicament" versus perhaps that of something else.

Guess what I found and next it became wrong.

Oh, becomes a bit of science in the third link, but still perhaps about an initial wording, or naming scheme.

Not necessarily any science here, because that of a red spot visible in the eyes of someone, not necessarily tell about us being alone in space.

And not necessarily any idiots for such a thing either, because as humans, we are supposed to believe in the Scientific Method.

So, perhaps rather the "fight" or intermingle constantly going on between the Politicians and the scientists, why not give a look at those creative artists instead?

Next should perhaps mention that we perhaps had a discussion about such a thing in the past as well, except for that of mentioning any Religion, of course.

Back tomorrow.
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Message 1875738 - Posted: 29 Jun 2017, 20:42:21 UTC
Last modified: 29 Jun 2017, 20:47:59 UTC

If you do not mind, because this could be important and perhaps time consuming as well.

Remember that I also could be having even more on my mind.

In fact, Toshiba is a quite good brand when it comes to their products, but next a long time since I came across such one.

First of all, no advertisements perhaps, but who could tell me about such a thing as quality and durability of such a product, which is a Japanese one.

If I for some reason would like to measure the similar for that of my Western Digital 3 TB, drive, then which ones to compare against?

Anyway, they changed from Datsun to Nissan when it comes to car manufacturing and production, perhaps they eventually were told about the name mismatch.

Should you perhaps choose a Fiat rather than a Mazda, because the first one could be coming from Italy and the next from Japan?

So next perhaps all that related to protectionism, or at least a selection of one product from another.

Think of batteries instead and next think it should read "Made in Japan", or perhaps China.

At least the alarm clock could be either Seiko, or perhaps Casio and next made in Japan.

Should tell that I give that of "produce" a little thought at times, because I sat in front of my student PC earlier today and had a 40 GB and also a 200 GB IDE inserted.

The 40 GB IDE is having two partitions, each of which could be running Windows 98, but apparently the whole thing had fallen apart.

So, while noticing the sound connector on the rear of the motherboard, also the RESET button was dead, needing CTRL-ALT-DEL instead, when trying to boot Windows 98.

Of course the 200 GB IDE had been formatted using NTFS, which is a bad thing to do.

Switching jumpers on the disks, making the 200 GB master and the 40 GB slave and it actually booted up on the latter.

So, the problem right now is that I have the SATA --> IDE adapter in front of me, but next unable to locate the power adapter.

Next need an IDE hard disk data cable and also a SATA cable for the disk the contents could be transfered to.

Also with the left cover off on this computer, a 1.5 external TB SATA disk is lying on the soldered panel beneath the motherboard and the power supply.

Not bootable, but this disk contains quite much as well and is being worked on.

The problem becomes transferring the contents of the 200 GB IDE to somewhere else using the SATA --> IDE adapter and again perhaps this computer may be needed.

Next I happen to know that the two partitions of the 40 GB is having quite much on it, despite being a couple of years old.

One of the problems encountered when using the 1.5 SATA drive was that of the Norton PartitionMagic package.

Here there is at least two versions of this product, both DOS based and also more graphics oriented (not necessarily Windows).

Rather it becomes PartitionMagic with DOS files for perhaps Windows 95 or 98 or older and also a more recent set as well.

Some of these files ended up on floppy disks having limited room or storage, making for an almost endless set of duplicates when it comes to the files.

For now merging the separate DOS directory in C:\Program Files with the DOS files of Norton PartitionMagic, leaving one or two files having a question mark.

The remaining files for now ends up in PM60 in the same directory and here I want to split it up.

Such files as Config.sys and Autoexec.bat are not needed by Windows Ultimate, but as long there are duplicates, I choose to go the long way for this.

One of my 2 TB SATA disks developed a hardware failure and is no longer accessible, but if so, would have been even more cumbersome to make a track of.

The problem is that Norton Security thinks these files may be a treat and put at least the executable files in quarantine.

Also there are more such files and directories as well and again no advertisements, but at least these should be part of a working scheme when using the computer.

Really, if I was able to locate the power adapter, I would try recover the files from these two disks and have it placed somewhere else.

Next, I could perhaps add some more about possible stupid people, but need a bit of thinking first.
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Message 1875762 - Posted: 29 Jun 2017, 23:39:22 UTC
Last modified: 29 Jun 2017, 23:48:28 UTC

In my bathroom before continuing and next getting wet on my clothes.

Except for that, there you perhaps have it, because I was thinking of it, or rather giving such a thing a thought.

Namely that of a proof when it comes to a given or certain thing.

Of course the UFO debate is almost everywhere, next thinking what I saw was possibly aliens.

Next such a fact rather is likely to become dismissed when confronting the scientists with such facts.

This perhaps the reason why I am not doing science all the time.

The fact is that we use certain tools in order to measure things, including that of time.

When necessary, such a measurement could become quite stringent, because it is that also which is needed.

When dividing the sky into coordinates in order for a certain object to be located, both minutes, seconds and also tenths or hundredths of a second may be needed.

Sometime even a thousand of a second when it comes to that of R.A. and there you have it.

What if Einstein perhaps bothered about time, but not about space?

If so, does it really matter?

Much of science today, at least when it comes to that of UFO's and aliens, is because of that of radio astronomy for such a thing.

Therefore those scientists behind this concept might also be on a pedestal at times as well, because they could think they in fact detected life.

Next you could perhaps be left with the man in the street, because at least he was able to saying so.

Oh, what a story and next perhaps a story about fools all over.

Who is supposed to be right and who is supposed to be wrong?

If there should be such a thing as a UFO community around, possibly such a community could be among the scientists themselves, because they are supposed to either know,
or perhaps telling the truth.

In my opinion, either telling, or perhaps claiming the fact that we are alone in space, perhaps either could fit a purpose, or perhaps suit a given mind when it comes to such, but if so,
where is perhaps the truth?

Is such a truth, or perhaps true story, something which might be readily accepted, or rather be taken as a complete lie?

Whether or not true, is such a story, when being told, perhaps any science at all?

Asking such questions and it most likely becomes the nutshell which next needs to be cracked.

Any better suggestions or advice and if not so, I will continue on this a bit later on.
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Message 1875804 - Posted: 30 Jun 2017, 4:30:33 UTC
Last modified: 30 Jun 2017, 4:41:45 UTC

I hit the Refresh button here in the middle of it.

This is quite pretty at least when it comes to music and next makes up my leisure time.

Or perhaps what is needed below, because it was in the middle of the day.

Except for that, the funny thing perhaps that life is not supposed to sell either.

Therefore becomes yet another story for me and you to guess and next perhaps make an opinion about.
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Message 1876111 - Posted: 1 Jul 2017, 2:31:57 UTC - in response to Message 1452054.  

Would my system possibly benefit from 16, 32, or 64 GB of RAM installed rather than the 8 GB currently being present?

It always depends on what kind of applications you are trying to run and how much memory they need to run efficiently.

A proud member of the OFA (Old Farts Association).
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Message 1876152 - Posted: 1 Jul 2017, 6:24:29 UTC - in response to Message 1876111.  
Last modified: 1 Jul 2017, 6:30:49 UTC

Perhaps I rather should say thanks here rather than the opposite.

In fact I had forgotten this one, which is some four years old.

My guess is that I am not as good at writing now as maybe that time, but perhaps my interests have changed a little.

For one thing I could perhaps finish off the rest of the beer, but for another, I could also give one more thought about that of Cosmology as a subject.

"The good, bad and the ugly" and what a great title for a movie.

Who is supposed to be the good one here?

Is it perhaps Clint Eastwood as at least one of three such figures which could be involved and what next about the two remaining ones?

Perhaps make an analogy between that of a game of cards (not necessarily Poker) and next ask how many people could be taking part.

Except for that, perhaps roll a dice in order for a chance of 1/6 of having either 1 or 6.

For such a reason, Probability always will become that subject, in the same way as also Logic would be the same.

There should be no secret that once again my RAC is declining, because of perhaps being busy at doing a couple of other things.

But also that I mentioned that a possible belief in such a thing as "Little Green Men" could be as a result of science being carried out and not anything else.

There is a book about Astronomy standing in my shelf with a big color photograph of a radio telescope (not Arecibo, but rather one like Green Bank) which probably deals with the subject
at the end.

Needs checking and in order to do so, I would need to pull the book.

Compare with another book which I may not have, but originally was with my parents, which was having a picture of a punctured Earth on the outside.

Gives a reminder about yet another book which I would need to ask my mother for its whereabouts or origin, also dealing with the subject.

The fact is that when dealing with the subject of Cosmology, we could also be looking at ourselves versus that of nature, because we could choose to make that of Religion for a given purpose
and next that of science for yet another purpose.

As you probably know, the Butterfly Effect could be the reason for why a falling leaf from a tree could next make an asteroid hit the Earth.

What if we rather chose to be looking at it the other way around and perhaps make a thought of what could next happen if a plane crashed on a street, or some other accident was happening?

Perhaps exclude such a thing as a nuclear accident or disaster here, because a possible fallout could lead to a chain reaction of events, which rather could be thought of as "after effects".

Also a reminder that a HP-10 C still in my possession also comes with an example related to that of Statistics, which in fact becomes wrong when being checked out.

When Isaac Newton was being hit in the head by the falling apple from the tree, noone probably asked whether it hurt or not, only that the force of gravity was discovered.

The event perhaps making the headlines of the day, either from a personal perspective, or possibly being in the news, is because such an event is part of Cosmology and therefore part of nature.

Perhaps walking into an entrance and next having the door being slammed in your face could also be such an event happening, but most likely soon is being forgotten.

When Albert Einstein is coming up with the notion of time by means of perhaps "formulating" such a thing or issue, we next could perhaps think, or be inclined to believe that such a thing as time
should be related to that of gravity itself.

But perhaps this is not true either.

Putting it a bit on the edge, we still are supposed to believe that both Mathematics and Physics are supposed to be both doing their things and next be our homework as well.

And not necessarily being a painter or artist for such a thing either.

One subject perhaps still open for question could be that of the "Cosmological constant".

When next reading the second link above, it becomes that of Philosophy for such a thing rather than both Religion and also that of Pseudoscience or the like.

The fact is that you may possibly be able to detect intelligent signals coming from space using a radio telescope, but not necessarily be able to determine that the redshift of a spectrum is a
sign that the Universe is constantly expanding.

Thinking of that subject, it perhaps becomes Hubbles constant for such a thing, but rather it becomes Hubbles's law instead.

The sad thing is that in the end such a thing as Cosmology could also tell about our whereabouts in space, but also that the properties of elementary particles, including Quarks,
may not be able to do the same.

Because of that, perhaps a comparison between the Planck constant and the similar Laws and Equations related to that of Cosmology should be compared.

Einstein could perhaps come up with an Equation like e=mc2, but when reading the articles here, there definitely should be even more to it.

Such a thing as time dilation should definitely relate to the Special Theory of Relativity and not that of gravity itself.

Also the funny thing that the Mandelbrot set also became the subject of Fractals as well, by means of perhaps making us think that such fractals could be making up the Universe and not any
prime numbers or factors being used for that of number crunching.

Such a thing as "Existence" always will have a Philosophical explanation only, by means of being in such a context.

Again the more speculative words, like "Quintessence" for this which also could be used, but I leave it for the reader in order to just speculate.

Assumedly we could be following up on the Greek philosophers here, but rather than the first link, I rather could be reading the second one instead.

Back tomorrow.
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Message 1876157 - Posted: 1 Jul 2017, 7:56:41 UTC
Last modified: 1 Jul 2017, 8:02:45 UTC

The rest of the beer will have to wait a little, or perhaps I am having it right now.

I read that above when continuing with the session.

Perhaps I am not the one who should get involved, but at least there should be a difference between a NAND gate for that of computer architecture and a similar
QNAN or Q.N.AN. which is an abbreviation for such a thing.

This because I was one taking part of the analysis of the numbers, starting with perhaps 1999 for year and continuing next.

Most likely that for perhaps 2005 and earlier became lost, but as mentioned, I was doing a bit of work on two older disks using my student machine.

It would need transferring to another disk and this is something which I may not be able to do right now.

But from my memory, such QNAN's could be found in both the spike table, the pulse table and also the triplets table of SMV, but not in the main table, or the gaussian table.

Except for that of Autocorrelation, a gaussian score is perhaps the best way of interpreting a possible signal, because its transformation, or rather being part of something else,
or even more, could make for such a signal, telling that we are not alone in space.

The graphical output or display of the WOW signal either tells about those numbers which were being processed, together with the display of the actual signal itself,
at least by its representation.

According to the discoverer of the signal, Jerry R. Ehman, the WOW signal was not a gaussian itself.

So here perhaps back at the way the client is supposed to be working.

Put the raw data of the signal under the microscope if you will and next have it analyzed or processed by a client which is having that of Autocorrelation included,
or perhaps featured.

Really the fact is that even the Search for Intelligence (SETI) is only one among many sciences and next probably will have to compete with the others.

Starting up becoming a new day here, I am once again back at the definition of life itself as it is being thought, or perhaps viewed.

Here perhaps not about Religion and Faith once again, but the fact remains that both the Uncertainty Principle and the Mandelbrot set could be such definitions which could be added to our
knowledge about the Universe.

If I had to choose between sheets containing Equations lying in front of me on a table and next the Bible, which one of these should I perhaps go for or select?

You may recall from the first detonation of a nuclear bomb in the desert that in fact it was a Plutonium bomb and also that it was also about a fission process.

Also that Robert Oppenheimer in fact was not sure whether or not it would work.

That of Creation myth is supposed to be telling that God created both the Earth and the Universe in just six days and next saw that it was working.

As a scientist, you could be left to assume that both fission and fusion could be working, depending on both temperature and pressure.

But while the fission bomb is a human product, that of fusion is a natural process which is happening in the Sun, among other places.

If for some reason we could think of the Big Bang as the moment of Creation, this is perhaps not because of that of fusion alone, because even such fusion processes
became part of the Universe we are living in.

Not having the details right now, but perhaps I already mentioned this thing in another context as well.

Being able to prove that we are not alone in space could be one of the greatest achievements of all times, but except for perhaps the way it is supposed to be done,
such a thing as Religion and Faith and also that of both music and other artistic talent, could be able to tell about a possible Creator of the Universe as well.

Closing in on 10 AM local time, I better finish off the weekend beer and get to bed.

Back later on.
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