Seti not suspending while active on MAC only...

Questions and Answers : Macintosh : Seti not suspending while active on MAC only...
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Ryan Gaudet

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Message 48521 - Posted: 21 Nov 2004, 23:32:12 UTC

I have BOINC running on various machines and all of the Windows machines suspend when I begin using the workstation as per my general BOINC settings but the one BOINC client I have on m MAC OS X does not suspend even though I've updated the preferences several times. Also, I've configured my settings to only use 1 CPU on a multiple CPU system yet on the MAC, It's still using both.
Has anyone else experienced this?
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Message 51555 - Posted: 5 Dec 2004, 11:14:49 UTC

Seti client runs at a low priority ( something like -nice 19), and should not compete with normal priority tasks. Unfortunately, the freebsd priority management does not work very well. A task niced to 19 should use 0% of the cpu when another task is running (19 is a conventionnal value). In fact, it still uses at least 30%. With linux X86 -also on a bipro- such a task uses 10% of a cpu, and with TRU64 Unix, priorities work very well: a task niced to 19 almost disapears and does not compete with normal priority tasks (tested only on monoproc computers).
Boinc people probably think that priority management is good, and that is wrong. Seti (CPDN as well) definitively slows your computer.
I didnt try to run seti on only one cpu. That sometimes occurs because there are some bugs in boinc : when CPDN stops, boinc may forget to resume a seti computation (boinc 4.13). In that case, it is clear that seti has only one thread, and is running on only one cpu.
ID: 51555 · Report as offensive

Questions and Answers : Macintosh : Seti not suspending while active on MAC only...

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