I have been slimed..

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Message 1212033 - Posted: 30 Mar 2012, 18:39:35 UTC - in response to Message 1211999.  

I've read that Kosher works for both religions. Also interesting is a Kosher Slaughter house in Iowa that employes mostly illegal(hispanic/Catholic) immigrants. Honestly, the Fed should declare Meat packing to be like migrant farmers. Nobody in this country really wants to work in a slaughter house. Why not make it more convenient for those who are willing to do that type of work

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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1212038 - Posted: 30 Mar 2012, 18:57:35 UTC - in response to Message 1211970.  

Just an FYI most industrial sized Meat processing plants employ a large number of Hispanic(illegals) in the factory. This is less likely to happen at your local Food store. Though your local stores generally have moved over to buying meat or processing it in a central location and sending the meat out prepackaged

Yes, the local food stores no longer do anything but take packages off a truck and put them in a shelf. This because e. coli. Many of them simply could not run a clean operation. Huge pressure to keep the profit margin up. In a central plant the economies of scale work.

As to the illegal at the packing plant, I'd be surprised if anyone on the line is legal. As to the store, today they aren't in need of Manuel any more for just the back end.

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kittyman Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1212045 - Posted: 30 Mar 2012, 19:24:14 UTC
Last modified: 30 Mar 2012, 19:26:06 UTC

Send me slime.

I, like so many other folks in this world, are less than choosy when it comes to foodstuffs. Send me your slime please, and quit complaining about your wonderment of nourishment.

I welcome all you can spare......send me your slime, and stop complaining about your glut of it, you poor, sad folks.
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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1212067 - Posted: 30 Mar 2012, 20:47:06 UTC - in response to Message 1211998.  

Tell me it isn't "BEEF." If you want fresh ground sirloin, buy fresh ground sirloin. If you want fresh ground round, buy fresh ground round. If you buy ground beef, you get cow anus and any other part of a "BEEF"

It is not "GROUND beef". It is "Finely Textured" sludge, incapable of being
"Ground". It is not "BEEF" it is "Beef Byproducts".

Grind verb, past tense ground:
Reduce to small pieces or particles by pounding or abrading

Making slime seems to fit the dictionary.

English is a wonderful language. ;)

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Profile Jim_S

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Message 1212083 - Posted: 30 Mar 2012, 22:14:17 UTC

When I PAY for Ground Chuck or Round THAT IS WHAT I WANT!
When I want a Hotdog I Know it's Mystery Meat.

I Desire Peace and Justice, Jim Scott (Mod-Ret.)
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Message 1212774 - Posted: 1 Apr 2012, 10:50:57 UTC - in response to Message 1210548.  

What no one seems able to address is how fine it has to be before it changes from sausage to this stuff.

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kittyman Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1212776 - Posted: 1 Apr 2012, 10:56:40 UTC - in response to Message 1212774.  
Last modified: 1 Apr 2012, 10:56:59 UTC

What no one seems able to address is how fine it has to be before it changes from sausage to this stuff.

What has been addressed is that this is just a cosmetic issue......
Good, wholesome protein has not been compromised.
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Profile soft^spirit

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Message 1212778 - Posted: 1 Apr 2012, 11:03:51 UTC - in response to Message 1212776.  

actually yes, yes it has been compromised. Very much so. The product includes quite a bit of grissel and other "non-meat" portions. This is approximately the same as has gone into COMMERCIAL hot dogs and balogna. As was pointed out
the hot dog has less nutrition than the "white coffin"(bun) it is served in.

add to this the fact that viruses can easily live right through their "cleansing" procedures, and not only pass into the food chain, but be spread much farther and wider than any piece of beef ever could on its own.

Our food system is far from safe. And becomes farther and farther from healthy, as well as making it near impossible for the consumers to make informed choices. The "informed" portion is completely lacking.
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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1212822 - Posted: 1 Apr 2012, 15:31:22 UTC - in response to Message 1212778.  

The product includes quite a bit of grissel[sic] and other "non-meat" portions.

News Flash. Steers have gristle and non-meat. When you grind a hunk of steer you grind gristle and non-meat too. Meat ground in the traditional fashion includes "quite a bit" of them.

News Flash. When a butcher knows a hunk of steer is headed for the grinder, there is no reason to trim off the parts that would be thrown away in making other cuts, they just get ground up.

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Profile soft^spirit

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Message 1212942 - Posted: 1 Apr 2012, 19:33:31 UTC - in response to Message 1212822.  

The product includes quite a bit of grissel[sic] and other "non-meat" portions.

News Flash. Steers have gristle and non-meat. When you grind a hunk of steer you grind gristle and non-meat too. Meat ground in the traditional fashion includes "quite a bit" of them.

News Flash. When a butcher knows a hunk of steer is headed for the grinder, there is no reason to trim off the parts that would be thrown away in making other cuts, they just get ground up.

when you carve it up to "meat" you bypass most of that. Hense the lower quality of what is not meat.

Butcher divides it into meat/not meat. They throw the not meat into a bucket.
Then these companies sneat that bucket back into your meat. Gristlel IS non meat. Keep it out of the meat or warn people. It lacks in nutrition, and putting it back is NOT helpful.

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Message 1212974 - Posted: 1 Apr 2012, 20:54:50 UTC

Simple solution. Repackage it & export it to Argentina. They often put it in their tins of Fray Bentos Steak & Kidney pies & they're running short.

More than likely, bump up their economy :)
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Profile soft^spirit

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Message 1212978 - Posted: 1 Apr 2012, 20:58:16 UTC - in response to Message 1212974.  

Simple solution. Repackage it & export it to Argentina. They often put it in their tins of Fray Bentos Steak & Kidney pies & they're running short.

More than likely, bump up their economy :)

many countries do not allow american "meat". When I hear what we are doing with it, I understand why.

Our solution to Mad Cow was to stop testing for it. Slaughter the animals before they show symptoms, and get them right into the food chain.
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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1212986 - Posted: 1 Apr 2012, 21:10:08 UTC - in response to Message 1212942.  

The product includes quite a bit of grissel[sic] and other "non-meat" portions.

News Flash. Steers have gristle and non-meat. When you grind a hunk of steer you grind gristle and non-meat too. Meat ground in the traditional fashion includes "quite a bit" of them.

News Flash. When a butcher knows a hunk of steer is headed for the grinder, there is no reason to trim off the parts that would be thrown away in making other cuts, they just get ground up.

when you carve it up to "meat" you bypass most of that. Hense the lower quality of what is not meat.

Butcher divides it into meat/not meat. They throw the not meat into a bucket.
Then these companies sneat that bucket back into your meat. Gristlel IS non meat. Keep it out of the meat or warn people. It lacks in nutrition, and putting it back is NOT helpful.

Didn't even read what they do did you? How they separate the not meat out of their product.

Not nutritious ... god forbid you find out what jello is made from ...

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Profile soft^spirit

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Message 1213010 - Posted: 1 Apr 2012, 21:55:39 UTC - in response to Message 1212986.  

I have apparently read a lot more about the process than you have. They seperate the FAT away (they have other commercial uses for that) but the reside is not pure meat. It is basically blended and because the resulting slime is pink, they call it meat.

For the record, I do not eat Jello, I do not eat hot dogs(considering trying to make my own, rest assured it would not fit into what the industry produces..)
I stopped eating bologna approx 1969.

The entire point is.. industrially produced food, especially meats is not fit for human consumption. I am far from being a "health nut", but this has gone
MUCH too far.

Shmeat, Slime, GMO, Antibiotic resistant bacteria/viruses, these are a few things we know of that can pass right along to us on a massive scale. Bon Appetite.
ID: 1213010 · Report as offensive
Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1213066 - Posted: 2 Apr 2012, 1:26:51 UTC - in response to Message 1213010.  

The entire point is.. industrially produced food, especially meats is not fit for human consumption. I am far from being a "health nut", but this has gone
MUCH too far.

Humans who are eating them are living ever longer life spans. You might consider what was fit for human consumption before fire, back when the human was at one with mother nature. Meat was raw, no refrigeration and there were no knives to cut gristle out.

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Profile soft^spirit

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Message 1213071 - Posted: 2 Apr 2012, 1:37:10 UTC - in response to Message 1213066.  

The entire point is.. industrially produced food, especially meats is not fit for human consumption. I am far from being a "health nut", but this has gone
MUCH too far.

Humans who are eating them are living ever longer life spans. You might consider what was fit for human consumption before fire, back when the human was at one with mother nature. Meat was raw, no refrigeration and there were no knives to cut gristle out.

oh come now Gary, really? You really want to paint it like this? Before knives were rock knives and sharpened sticks. And a good hunter would eat around the gristle and fat.. tossing the remains to the dogs perhaps.. and maybe eating those too.

But to indicate that our lives have been extended by the corruption of our food supply, REALLY?!? It has nothing to do with advances in medicine, improved sanitation(which BPI and the USDA have struck major blows AGAINST) improved shelters against the elements..??

You really think this sludge improves our health and longevity at ALL?!?
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Profile skildude

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Message 1213083 - Posted: 2 Apr 2012, 2:45:15 UTC - in response to Message 1213071.  

actually they most likely ate the fat, too. Fat has a lot of calories and IIRC Neanderthals and Cromags both broke open long bones to get at the very rich Marrow. It is our modern diet and lifestyle that allows us to avoid needing high caloric foods that helped stave off starvation for cavemen.

In a rich man's house there is no place to spit but his face.
Diogenes Of Sinope
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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1213264 - Posted: 2 Apr 2012, 17:46:13 UTC

Looks like hamburger is going to get hard to find.
Beef processor files for bankruptcy over 'pink slime' uproar.

Will the price of a hamburger double?

ID: 1213264 · Report as offensive
kittyman Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1213277 - Posted: 2 Apr 2012, 18:15:22 UTC - in response to Message 1213264.  

Looks like hamburger is going to get hard to find.
Beef processor files for bankruptcy over 'pink slime' uproar.

Will the price of a hamburger double?

Oh, great. $10.00 Big Macs.
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Profile Sarge
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Message 1213286 - Posted: 2 Apr 2012, 18:41:45 UTC - in response to Message 1213264.  

Looks like hamburger is going to get hard to find.
Beef processor files for bankruptcy over 'pink slime' uproar.

Will the price of a hamburger double?

I've been tracking Big Mac prices for 24 years. (Big Mac, no extras, supersize or otherwise.) Based on my (B)ig(M)ac(P)rediction(N)etwork, I am, sorry to say, sir, not able to confirm your doom and gloom and scenario. In fact, I deny your claim.
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