The Simple Math of CO2 Reduction

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Message 1077121 - Posted: 14 Feb 2011, 13:14:11 UTC - in response to Message 1077007.  

more like

left = very good ideas, perhaps poor implementation

Ya think?! Likely a bunch of over enthusiasm thrown in too and a missing dose of reality check.

First time I've heard anyone on the left admit their error. The right sees the sum total of their poor implementation as worse than doing nothing.

and educating people on facts.

Requires you to stop and do a study. It isn't oh my gawd if we don't put something, ANYTHING! in place NOW NOW NOW NOW someone is going to suffer because we didn't rob our great grandchildren.

Right = hit the brakes, disagree with everything the left says, call it socialism to scare people even though they secretly wish they'd have an original thought to themselves so they wouldn't constantly look like they are a virgin on their first real date. NO NO NO NO NO

Attempting to get a good plan in place to implement isn't:
Change and Hope it is better.

poor implementation can be repaired, No implementation gets you staring at a wall. Not surprising that theres no problem with no implementation problems when you have no plans

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Message 1077145 - Posted: 14 Feb 2011, 14:57:24 UTC - in response to Message 1077121.  

poor implementation can be repaired, No implementation gets you staring at a wall. Not surprising that theres no problem with no implementation problems when you have no plans

Just like the current plan. Claim you are going to save the economy with new green jobs then cut the pell grants so we don't have college grads to do it. Don't you hear that giant sucking sound?

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Message 1077243 - Posted: 14 Feb 2011, 18:54:36 UTC - in response to Message 1077145.  

Oh I've heard it and seen it. We need to drastically cut back Military spending. Look at the great Powers of Europe. The Dutch, English, German, and Spanish Economies became enveloped in Military spending and wars. The best were killed off and the educational systems in all pretty much failed to provide adequate scholars for future generations. Each is no longer a shadow of its former glory. We cannot afford to follow foolishly in their footsteps.

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Message 1083536 - Posted: 4 Mar 2011, 16:19:12 UTC - in response to Message 1083516.  

in order to be fair, we need to start handing out gas vouchers (paid for by the rich) to the poor?
Hey, that is one good idea! Thanks.
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Message 1083586 - Posted: 4 Mar 2011, 19:22:42 UTC - in response to Message 1083516.

The truth eventually always comes out. It's just another POS electric car.

But don't worry! Gas prices are spiking, thanks to a multitude of current liberal policies. This *will* reduce our greenhouse gas emissions. (golf clap everybody!)

Now, the question is, when are the liberals going to start claiming, in order to be fair, we need to start handing out gas vouchers (paid for by the rich) to the poor? It'll be another example of liberal hypocrisy and the liberal socialist, redistributive agenda.

Just wait...

The truth is out to those that can read. It is actually a plug in hybrid, enabling the vast majority of commuters to most if not all of their commute on
plug in only, enabling use of non-fossil fuels to power it.

Gas vouchers? Where we are going you will not need any gas vouchers.

Oil prices will drop as we start moving towards its proper use. A lubricant.
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Message 1083708 - Posted: 5 Mar 2011, 1:38:31 UTC - in response to Message 1083703.  

Science fiction is fascinating, especially as it becomes science fact(like oh, around now).

Remember back in the 70's.. Pfft.. Star Trek had all of someones service records on a piece of plastic fitting inside someones pocket, and computers were able to read them in a voice?? hah.. but that was hundreds of years away.

And Lithium-Ion has revolutionized batteries. A battery is in effect a "super capacitor". And we keep moving forward.

Of course if you can get the horse to go further on a bucket of oats, they can really put these horseless carriages in their place.

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Message 1084051 - Posted: 5 Mar 2011, 8:00:02 UTC - in response to Message 1083703.  

Oil will become a feed-stock for the CHON factories producing synthetic food
for an ever increasing global population.
Beyond the blue event horizon, where is Robenett Brodhead when we need him.
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Message 1084153 - Posted: 5 Mar 2011, 19:01:34 UTC - in response to Message 1084051.  

I think I've said it here before. We need to stop using oil as a fuel and start using it to make more products that can produce energy. Like solar panels and wind turbines. Plastics come from oil. no more oil means no more plastics.

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Message 1084213 - Posted: 5 Mar 2011, 22:42:22 UTC - in response to Message 1084153.  

Plastics have been an environmental disaster as well. They can also be made from vegetable oils. Preferably we can move back away from them.

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Profile William Rothamel

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Message 1084445 - Posted: 6 Mar 2011, 20:36:32 UTC - in response to Message 1084213.  

No more plastics mean no more plastic bags to follow the mandated disposal procedure for the mandated Chinese-manufactured CFL light bulbs that contain Mercury. Woe is me !!
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Message 1093318 - Posted: 4 Apr 2011, 13:35:09 UTC

To quote a comment from a few posts back, science is indeed fascinating for what might come next...

Nano-sized plastic beads can establish hydrogen as a practical everyday fuel

... The new process allows hydrogen to he handled, stored and dispensed in much the same way as regular petrol...

Nanotechnology improves hydrogen storage and delivery

Researchers developed a new, low-cost technology that makes hydrogen fuel safer to store and use, inching clean fuel vehicles closer to reality

London's hydrogen black cabs awarded road legal status

... They should offer a range of 250 miles between stops and are said to boast a quick refuelling time of around three to five minutes.

"The Fuel Cell Black Cabs are now road proven with thousands of miles of operation. ...

As for getting the hydrogen fuel in the first place... If from oil/gas, then you gain a great advantage of suffering CO2 generation at just one industrial location where that CO2 can be cheaply sequestered. If using solar energy, there's developments for using photosynthesis or artificial photosynthesis to directly split water into hydrogen and oxygen.

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Message 1095791 - Posted: 10 Apr 2011, 19:29:41 UTC
Last modified: 10 Apr 2011, 19:30:44 UTC

Following on nicely, there is:

Nottingham expected to save with battery-powered buses

A £1.7m scheme will see eight battery-powered buses on Nottingham's roads by the autumn.

It is hoped that the lower energy costs and maintenance needs will make annual savings of £8,000 compared to diesel buses.

Note that the routes to be tried are the shorter central city routes. The 'shorter' actually means 'worse case test' due to the many stop-starts. They will still be running for a full day/shift and so will likely add up to a similar distance to that of the buses on the longer routes.

Interesting to see what the follow up is for them and whether more buses of that type get added.

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Message 1097227 - Posted: 14 Apr 2011, 21:17:57 UTC

How does this little lot add up?

The Cost Of The Smart Grid: $476 Billion

... While the number seems to be outrageous, the EPRI also said that the benefits could reach about $2 trillion. The benefits are measured in lower cost for energy delivery, greater energy capacity that is achieved through greater efficiency and fewer outages...

Just a question of politics as to whether anything gets done?

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Message 1109018 - Posted: 23 May 2011, 14:42:02 UTC - in response to Message 1097227.  

... Just a question of politics as to whether anything gets done?

Perhaps the politics is finally heating up for at least one area where they have a lot to lose:

Australia Climate Commission says warming risk is real

... The BBC's correspondent in Sydney, Nick Bryant, says the commission's report delivers a strong rebuke to those who question that human emissions are causing global warming.

It warned that the window to take action to limit global warming was closing fast.

Climate politicised

The report claims that climate science was ''being attacked in the media by many with no credentials in the field" and also that attempts to "intimidate climate scientists have added to the confusion in the public".

One member of the commission criticised the "fruitless phoney debate", and said that Australia "no longer had the luxury anymore of climate denialism", as he called it. ...

Can we act positively and effectively and soon enough?...

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Profile William Rothamel

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Message 1111420 - Posted: 30 May 2011, 16:39:18 UTC - in response to Message 1111360.  

Global warming should cause more rainfall due to the greater amount of water vapor in the air and the energy to raise clouds to great heights where the cooler temperatures will cause it condense into rain.

Since we have floods here in the central US--all I would conclude is that there are continual short and long term climate cycles. Hot and cold, drought and flood etc.
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Message 1111525 - Posted: 30 May 2011, 21:21:08 UTC - in response to Message 1111420.  
Last modified: 30 May 2011, 21:22:03 UTC

Global warming should cause more rainfall due to the greater amount of water vapor in the air and the energy to raise clouds to great heights where the cooler temperatures will cause it condense into rain.

Shame you also get more intense storms as a consequence, including tornadoes and hurricanes.

Since we have floods here in the central US--all I would conclude is that there are continual short and long term climate cycles. Hot and cold, drought and flood etc.

Shame also that climate change means that it rains in different places to what was once the case.

You can claim any 'cycle' you like if you look back far enough. However, we are in the here and now and we are rapidly changing the climate that is now on an industrial scale by human industrial scale intervention...

Except noone at the moment has any useful game plan as to what to do next other than wail and scream. Perhaps your USA rapturous pastor isn't too far off target...

Meanwhile, we have:

Global carbon emissions reach record, says IEA

... The watchdog says emissions rose again after a dip caused by the financial crisis in 2009, and ended 5% up from the previous record in 2008.

China and India account for most of the rise, though emissions have also grown in developed countries.

The increase raises doubts over whether planned curbs on greenhouse emissions will be achieved...

... worldwide CO2 emissions from the energy sector reached a record 30.6 gigatonnes in 2010.

The IEA's Fatih Birol said the finding was "another wake-up call". ...

How many 'wake-up' calls do we get before it gets too late?!

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Profile William Rothamel

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Message 1111559 - Posted: 30 May 2011, 23:50:14 UTC

Perhaps we should rail over the injustice of the ultimate outcome of the roulette wheel or the blackjack table.
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Message 1111673 - Posted: 31 May 2011, 7:56:08 UTC - in response to Message 1111559.  

Perhaps we should rail over the injustice of the ultimate outcome of the roulette wheel or the blackjack table.

That all depends on how you use (abuse) physics to deliberately bias the outcome.

We've been playing the game with our atmosphere for over 200 years. We now control enough of a proportion of the atmosphere to pretty much guarantee 'game over'.

Can you really claim that our industrial activities and pollution, including emitting thousands of years of CO2 in a mere few years, all has no effect? Or are all astronauts and scientists lying when they say they can directly see and measure the results?

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Profile William Rothamel

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Message 1111718 - Posted: 31 May 2011, 12:41:47 UTC - in response to Message 1111673.  

CO-2 is good for plants. Plants transpire significantly. Transpiration has a cooling effect.

Therefore by modus ponens: CO-2 makes the immediate environment cooler.

Do you accept my premises ??

If so can, you point out the flaw in my conclusion ??
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