server run, October 08-11 2010

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Richard Haselgrove Project Donor
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Message 1041752 - Posted: 13 Oct 2010, 15:49:33 UTC - in response to Message 1041742.  

Yeah, well, it's disheartening to watch my computer grind away on SETI calculations, and then never be able to upload the results; there are other projects that I could be working on (though none that I'm more interested in seeing succeed). So I've suspended SETI project calculations until the current problems seem resolved. That will help with the backlog when you start accepting uploads, and allow additional useful (as in, I can upload the results) calculations to be done for other projects.

Do you see a fault in this reasoning?

Good idea to help out with other projects, and likewise to reduce your contribution to the 'rush-hour' traffic jam when uploads are accepted again.

But I disagree that there's anything 'not useful' about doing the calculations offline while the SETI servers are busy with other (back-end processing) work. None of the outages so far (planned or unplanned) has lasted long enough to impact on even the minimum 14-day deadline tasks (unless you've already been marinading them for 10 days in your cache before the outage starts, of course) - so any work which you crunch while the servers are off is just as valid or useful as it would have been if you'd been able to upload it instantly on completion.
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Message 1041775 - Posted: 13 Oct 2010, 16:48:39 UTC - in response to Message 1041750.  

... I just take exception to the term "disheartening".

You take exception to how he feels? WOW ... god complex much???
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OzzFan Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1041783 - Posted: 13 Oct 2010, 17:24:07 UTC - in response to Message 1041775.  
Last modified: 13 Oct 2010, 17:34:34 UTC

... I just take exception to the term "disheartening".

You take exception to how he feels? WOW ... god complex much???

I don't take exception to how he feels, I take exception that people would apply emotion to an emotionless process.

But as long as we're calling people out, how exactly does it look that you're accusing me of having a God complex for the way someone feels and you've just done the same to me in the way that I think?
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Profile ScarabDrowner
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Message 1041789 - Posted: 13 Oct 2010, 18:06:26 UTC - in response to Message 1041750.  
Last modified: 13 Oct 2010, 18:20:06 UTC

edited for soft^spirit getting snooty
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Message 1041790 - Posted: 13 Oct 2010, 18:14:06 UTC

could we please try to keep this on topic?

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Profile Jim_S

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Message 1041794 - Posted: 13 Oct 2010, 18:27:01 UTC

"Could we please try to keep this on topic?"
Sounds like a very GOOD Idea to Me.

I Desire Peace and Justice, Jim Scott (Mod-Ret.)
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Message 1041881 - Posted: 13 Oct 2010, 22:39:41 UTC

Now you're claiming he was describing an emotionless process when in fact he was talking about how he felt <sigh>.

The topic is the server run and someone posted how they felt, a long timer said they are wrong and I call them out. I guess that definition of not being on on-topic would lead most of the posts on these forums to be heavily edited or deleted.
<-- full of snot and expecting a mod edit
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Message 1041915 - Posted: 14 Oct 2010, 0:57:54 UTC

The topic is "server run, October 08-11 2010"
Feelings, Fights and personal feelings can be discussed in The Cafe', Politics or PM's

I Desire Peace and Justice, Jim Scott (Mod-Ret.)
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OzzFan Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1041964 - Posted: 14 Oct 2010, 4:29:51 UTC - in response to Message 1041881.  
Last modified: 14 Oct 2010, 4:52:40 UTC

Now you're claiming he was describing an emotionless process when in fact he was talking about how he felt <sigh>.

No, I'm not claiming he was describing an emotionless process, and I know he was describing how he felt. Your original misunderstanding, and now this further misinterpretation leave me wondering if you really understand me at all.

What I am saying is that there's no reason to attach any emotion to the process. There's no reason to "feel" disheartened because your computer can't upload or whatever. I can name off numerous things in life to feel disheartened about, but workunits remaining on your computer isn't one of them. Your computer doesn't "care" if the workunits are on it's hard drive a little longer, and it will keep trying to return them when it can. So why should any human be emotional about it?

Workunits on your computer do not cause emotional distress, disheartenment, agitation, aggravation, diarrhea, heart burn, erectile disfunction, loss of hair, loss of eyesight, loss of hearing, numbness in the hands, bi-polar disorder, obsessive/compulsive disorder, kidney failure, feelings of loss or depression, the urge to pillage and plunder, increase in vehicle insurance payments, bad credit, no credit, computer viruses, force you to watch Gigli, neuter your pets, cause static cling, send porno to your grandmother, mess with the pH balance in your pool, make you physically attracted to sheep, leave twinkie wrappers all over the place or any other various personal issues.

Bottom line is that any feeling of disheartenment or frustration is simply wasted emotion. I try to motivate people by challenging them to redirect negative feelings of helplessness into positive feelings by taking control of the important things in their lives that they actually have control over. That's not a God complex, that's trying to keep things in perspective. We all have things to worry about in our lives. Let's not add more to it with trivial matters.

The topic is the server run and someone posted how they felt, a long timer said they are wrong and I call them out. I guess that definition of not being on on-topic would lead most of the posts on these forums to be heavily edited or deleted.
<-- full of snot and expecting a mod edit

<--- Agrees with you on the off-topic thing
ID: 1041964 · Report as offensive
Profile Pappa
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Message 1041973 - Posted: 14 Oct 2010, 5:55:08 UTC
Last modified: 14 Oct 2010, 5:58:00 UTC

Thank You All

I know that "frustation" is running very high. Some things if you post to the Number Crunching Forum, might be "helped" to be resolved. Otherwise we are awaiting new Servers to arrive and be placed online.

I do caution that not all advice is sound. You, depending on your situation need to filter what you read and then ask questions back.

The Seti staff, do not have time to read large portions of things that do not relate to the issues they take time to notify the Seti Users about. These posts are only a glimpse of the current events. Each off topic post slows them down. If it is a problem that other Seti Users can help you with, it is ignored. All of this takes time away from getting the Servers UP and Running... As they have posted at times in these forums threads provides proof that you are successfully wasting their time. Get the picture?

So as Jim stated, if it is not a problem that is a result of what you saw in the Tech News, it is off topic. You need to consider where you post it.

At this point, I am going to lock this thread for 24 hours due to the isuues of he/she said and I do not understand. If you really need someone to hate, then pick me. At points in time I have been accused of being the "Poster Child for Seti." Please, after doing that do not get close to mirrors. You might not like the reflection you see.

Please consider a Donation to the Seti Project.

ID: 1041973 · Report as offensive
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Message boards : Technical News : server run, October 08-11 2010

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