Emergency fund drive for the project.............

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Profile Byron Leigh Hatch @ team Carl Sagan
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Message 1043940 - Posted: 23 Oct 2010, 12:40:30 UTC - in response to Message 1043296.  

thank you Helli! and thank you Orioneti! and all who have contribued!
this fund drive is going great! thank you guys and gals of SETI@home!
here is some more money from me to throw in the pot ... $145.00
hey folks, keep those $5 and $10 donation coming it all adds up and counts :)

Thank you Byron for your gift of $145.00
via Visa on 10/23/2010
Your gift was assigned to the following areas:
SETI@home - $145.00
Your confirmation number is:

Thank you Byron for your gift of $270.00 via Visa on 10/20/2010. Your gift was assigned to the following areas:
SETI@home - $270.00 ... Your confirmation number is: 63746

Byron!! That's beautiful, 270 dollar! The last thing you should do is excusing yourself for this
Julie :)

thank you Julie
Best Wishes
ID: 1043940 · Report as offensive
Profile Helli_retiered
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Message 1043952 - Posted: 23 Oct 2010, 13:51:27 UTC - in response to Message 1043927.  

Even if Mark is on his Vacation (how long will it take this time?) , the Donation Call continues...

I have to qoute myself...

That was a very short Vacation. Nice to see... :-)

A loooong time ago: First Credits after SETI@home Restart
ID: 1043952 · Report as offensive
kittyman Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1043972 - Posted: 23 Oct 2010, 15:00:34 UTC - in response to Message 1043952.  

Even if Mark is on his Vacation (how long will it take this time?) , the Donation Call continues...

I have to qoute myself...

That was a very short Vacation. Nice to see... :-)


As Matt once put it........
It was kinda a 'staycation'......
"Time is simply the mechanism that keeps everything from happening all at once."

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Message 1044002 - Posted: 23 Oct 2010, 16:19:43 UTC

i read about whatever troubles seti is having with paypal. realllllly hope that is straightened out asap. even with the workaround (yet another piece of plastic) (which i can;t get due to paypal;s [idiotic] restrictions) my bank is messing with my feeder account (loss mitigation and foot-dragging for my refund).
thus, only DIRECT paypal (money exists there) donations can work for you, from me. grrrrrrrr. if someone would be so kind as to flag my account and email me AS SOON AS you can take paypal-direct, i will gladly contribute what i can. tia, toasty.
ID: 1044002 · Report as offensive
Profile JimHilty2

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Message 1044057 - Posted: 23 Oct 2010, 20:00:57 UTC - in response to Message 1043952.  
Last modified: 23 Oct 2010, 20:01:43 UTC

Oh Helli, ein bischen zu fruh lol
ID: 1044057 · Report as offensive
Profile Byron Leigh Hatch @ team Carl Sagan
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Message 1044140 - Posted: 23 Oct 2010, 23:35:16 UTC - in response to Message 1042627.  

from: Justin M. Morford's - post - Message 1042627 of 16 Oct 2010 10:29:53 UTC - please correct me if I make a mistake here.

For starters, my monthly donation for October.

Thank you for your gift of $50.00 via Visa on 10/16/2010.
Your gift was assigned to the following areas:

SETI@home - $50.00

Your confirmation number is:

Has anyone got a total lately? We've got to be way up there! Great job everybody.

Been busy the last couple days with work and some things after work. Behold:

$55 msattler
$500 Helli
$100 ryeomans
$50 Dorphas
$100 MJS
$10 SciManStev
$200 JohnDK
$20 jason_gee
$100 Geek@Play
$20 Niteryder
$100 Fourmyle of Ceres
$100 bill
$50 RoosStar
$20 perryjay
$175 Clifton L. Harding Jr.
$50 Albireo380
$75 dnolan
$2,175 MarkJ
$50 Bernie Vine
$100 rebest
$100 S@NL - Fred - www.efmer.eu/boinc
$50 Big Don
$625 Byron Leigh Hatch @ team Carl Sagan
$300 samuel7
$30 Silje
$100 Klurt
$150 Magnet
$25 Robert Ribbeck
$124.75 Zebra3
$150 soft^spirit
$100 Rabbit&Carrot
$25 gomeyer
$25 Tony DeBari
$50 Eve - Pyro nl
$20 Anthony Coleman
$250 Roman Wagner
$35 Chris S
$50.25 razamatraz
$25 Frizz
$25 dan
$25 tnmjr99a
$25 arkayn
$20 _heinz
$50 Eewec
$25 Philhnnss
$100 Anthony G. Todd
$108 Justin M. Morford
$250 RWZeitgeist
$15 SockGap
$50 Bearcat
$50 Donald L. Johnson
$20 Arjant2
$400 Orioneti
$50 Ingrid Brouwer
$50 The_bestest
$100 Thomas Arnold
$10 John
$200 David Anderson
$200 J. Mileski
$100 James Sotherden
$100 Egad Ivegoninsane
$50 yank
$12 VM Bobier
$50 Blake Bonkofsky
$50 Ocna
$40 Area 51
$50 Terry & Laura
$20 Dean Sheaffer
$200 Claggy
$100 WendyR
$100 dcappello
$25 119FWMXS
$10 MJKelleher
$2,175 -ShEm-
$50 Spectrum
$25 Fuzzy53
$25 JimHilty2
$100 Tom Mehrens
$15 APCyberax
$25 [DPC] hansR
$10 Zeus Fab3r
$100 Doug vE
$25 KWSN - Xfer.cns
$10 Mike Bader
$300 Tony Baczynski
$50 Xeltrix
$10 Francis Noel
$100 Frederic Salve

Total comes to $12,050. Total from the donation history page (dating to Oct. 6th) is $14,257.55, for a difference of $2,207.55. Looks like there was another donation made for $25.55 that wasn't mentioned here (which is perfectly fine). Thank you everyone for your generosity. It looks like Oscar will be getting a sibling for the holidays (I hope that's all he ever wanted). :-)

Go Huskers!

ID: 1044140 · Report as offensive
Profile Byron Leigh Hatch @ team Carl Sagan
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Message 1044141 - Posted: 23 Oct 2010, 23:35:53 UTC
Last modified: 23 Oct 2010, 23:42:49 UTC


ok folks ... I havetrieddone an updated from - Justin M. Morford's - post - Message 1042627 of 16 Oct 2010 10:29:53 UTC - please correct me if I make a mistake here.

Total $ 13,610 - bravo!

the first post I can see - in this thread is from - Helli - $300 - Message 1039473 - Posted 8 Oct 2010 8:11:28 UTC - in response to Message 1039469.

I/we can't see - Msattler's - posts for now - because of his short vacation.

Honorable mention to - Josef W. Sequr's donation of $4000.00 for the first replacement Server. Thank you Josef!

the color blue goes to our champ MarkJ. $ 2175.00 donation - Someone down under, (Australia) - please give that man a pat on the back

the color green. just let's you know of multiple donations

$500 Orioneti
$250 owensse
$115 Doug vE
$50 soft^spirit
$250 PT
$175 Al
$50 Neal Chantrill
$50 Lutz66
$55 msattler
$550 Helli
$100 ryeomans
$50 Dorphas
$100 MJS
$10 SciManStev
$200 JohnDK
$20 jason_gee
$100 Geek@Play
$20 Niteryder
$100 Fourmyle of Ceres
$100 bill
$50 RoosStar
$20 perryjay
$175 Clifton L. Harding Jr.
$50 Albireo380
$75 dnolan
$2,175 MarkJ
$50 Bernie Vine
$100 rebest
$100 S@NL - Fred - www.efmer.eu/boinc
$50 Big Don
$1,080 Byron Leigh Hatch @ team Carl Sagan
$300 samuel7
$30 Silje
$100 Klurt
$150 Magnet
$25 Robert Ribbeck
$124.75 Zebra3
$150 soft^spirit
$100 Rabbit&Carrot
$25 gomeyer
$25 Tony DeBari
$50 Eve - Pyro nl
$20 Anthony Coleman
$250 Roman Wagner
$35 Chris S
$50.25 razamatraz
$25 Frizz
$25 dan
$25 tnmjr99a
$25 arkayn
$20 _heinz
$50 Eewec
$25 Philhnnss
$100 Anthony G. Todd
$108 Justin M. Morford
$250 RWZeitgeist
$15 SockGap
$50 Bearcat
$50 Donald L. Johnson
$20 Arjant2
$50 Ingrid Brouwer
$50 The_bestest
$100 Thomas Arnold
$10 John
$200 David Anderson
$200 J. Mileski
$100 James Sotherden
$100 Egad Ivegoninsane
$50 yank
$12 VM Bobier
$50 Blake Bonkofsky
$50 Ocna
$40 Area 51
$50 Terry & Laura
$20 Dean Sheaffer
$200 Claggy
$100 WendyR
$100 dcappello
$25 119FWMXS
$10 MJKelleher
$2,175 -ShEm-
$50 Spectrum
$25 Fuzzy53
$25 JimHilty2
$100 Tom Mehrens
$15 APCyberax
$25 [DPC] hansR
$10 Zeus Fab3r
$100 Doug vE
$25 KWSN - Xfer.cns
$10 Mike Bader
$300 Tony Baczynski
$50 Xeltrix
$10 Francis Noel
$100 Frederic Salve
ID: 1044141 · Report as offensive
Profile Byron Leigh Hatch @ team Carl Sagan
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Message 1044142 - Posted: 23 Oct 2010, 23:36:23 UTC

So far by My count, It's up to $13,610 Every Little bit helps.
ID: 1044142 · Report as offensive
Profile Byron Leigh Hatch @ team Carl Sagan
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Message 1044143 - Posted: 23 Oct 2010, 23:36:47 UTC

so ... hey folks, keep those $5 and $10 donation coming - they are important - it all adds up and counts.
ID: 1044143 · Report as offensive
Profile Byron Leigh Hatch @ team Carl Sagan
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Message 1044144 - Posted: 23 Oct 2010, 23:37:10 UTC

Thank you for your gift of $125.00 via Visa on 10/23/2010.
Your gift was assigned to the following areas:
SETI@home - $105.00Your confirmation number is: 63795
ID: 1044144 · Report as offensive
Profile zoom3+1=4
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Message 1044145 - Posted: 23 Oct 2010, 23:42:29 UTC - in response to Message 1044141.  
Last modified: 23 Oct 2010, 23:46:42 UTC

ok folks ... I havetrieddone an updated from - Justin M. Morford's - post - Message 1042627 of 16 Oct 2010 10:29:53 UTC - please correct me if I make a mistake here.

Total $ 13,610 - bravo!

the first post I can see - in this thread is from - Helli - $300 - Message 1039473 - Posted 8 Oct 2010 8:11:28 UTC - in response to Message 1039469.

I/we can't see - Msattler's - posts for now - because of his short vacation.

Honorable mention to - Josef W. Sequr's donation of $4000.00 for the first replacement Server. Thank you Josef!

the blue goes to our champ MarkJ. $1500.00 donation - Someone down under, (Australia) - please give that man a pat on the back

the color green. just let's you know of multiple donations

$500 Orioneti
$250 owensse
$115 Doug vE
$50 soft^spirit
$250 PT
$175 Al
$50 Neal Chantrill
$50 Lutz66
$55 msattler
$550 Helli
$100 ryeomans
$50 Dorphas
$100 MJS
$10 SciManStev
$200 JohnDK
$20 jason_gee
$100 Geek@Play
$20 Niteryder
$100 Fourmyle of Ceres
$100 bill
$50 RoosStar
$20 perryjay
$175 Clifton L. Harding Jr.
$50 Albireo380
$75 dnolan
$2,175 MarkJ
$50 Bernie Vine
$100 rebest
$100 S@NL - Fred - www.efmer.eu/boinc
$50 Big Don
$1,080 Byron Leigh Hatch @ team Carl Sagan
$300 samuel7
$30 Silje
$100 Klurt
$150 Magnet
$25 Robert Ribbeck
$124.75 Zebra3
$150 soft^spirit
$100 Rabbit&Carrot
$25 gomeyer
$25 Tony DeBari
$50 Eve - Pyro nl
$20 Anthony Coleman
$250 Roman Wagner
$35 Chris S
$50.25 razamatraz
$25 Frizz
$25 dan
$25 tnmjr99a
$25 arkayn
$20 _heinz
$50 Eewec
$25 Philhnnss
$100 Anthony G. Todd
$108 Justin M. Morford
$250 RWZeitgeist
$15 SockGap
$50 Bearcat
$50 Donald L. Johnson
$20 Arjant2
$50 Ingrid Brouwer
$50 The_bestest
$100 Thomas Arnold
$10 John
$200 David Anderson
$200 J. Mileski
$100 James Sotherden
$100 Egad Ivegoninsane
$50 yank
$12 VM Bobier
$50 Blake Bonkofsky
$50 Ocna
$40 Area 51
$50 Terry & Laura
$20 Dean Sheaffer
$200 Claggy
$100 WendyR
$100 dcappello
$25 119FWMXS
$10 MJKelleher
$2,175 -ShEm-
$50 Spectrum
$25 Fuzzy53
$25 JimHilty2
$100 Tom Mehrens
$15 APCyberax
$25 [DPC] hansR
$10 Zeus Fab3r
$100 Doug vE
$25 KWSN - Xfer.cns
$10 Mike Bader
$300 Tony Baczynski
$50 Xeltrix
$10 Francis Noel
$100 Frederic Salve

VM Bobier??? Who's that?, Ok I'll fix that, As there is No such person as VM Bobier in this forum, a VW Bobier, Yes and that's Me and only Me.

$500 Orioneti
$250 owensse
$115 Doug vE
$50 soft^spirit
$250 PT
$175 Al
$50 Neal Chantrill
$50 Lutz66
$55 msattler
$550 Helli
$100 ryeomans
$50 Dorphas
$100 MJS
$10 SciManStev
$200 JohnDK
$20 jason_gee
$100 Geek@Play
$20 Niteryder
$100 Fourmyle of Ceres
$100 bill
$50 RoosStar
$20 perryjay
$175 Clifton L. Harding Jr.
$50 Albireo380
$75 dnolan
$2,175 MarkJ
$50 Bernie Vine
$100 rebest
$100 S@NL - Fred - www.efmer.eu/boinc
$50 Big Don
$1,080 Byron Leigh Hatch @ team Carl Sagan
$300 samuel7
$30 Silje
$100 Klurt
$150 Magnet
$25 Robert Ribbeck
$124.75 Zebra3
$150 soft^spirit
$100 Rabbit&Carrot
$25 gomeyer
$25 Tony DeBari
$50 Eve - Pyro nl
$20 Anthony Coleman
$250 Roman Wagner
$35 Chris S
$50.25 razamatraz
$25 Frizz
$25 dan
$25 tnmjr99a
$25 arkayn
$20 _heinz
$50 Eewec
$25 Philhnnss
$100 Anthony G. Todd
$108 Justin M. Morford
$250 RWZeitgeist
$15 SockGap
$50 Bearcat
$50 Donald L. Johnson
$20 Arjant2
$50 Ingrid Brouwer
$50 The_bestest
$100 Thomas Arnold
$10 John
$200 David Anderson
$200 J. Mileski
$100 James Sotherden
$100 Egad Ivegoninsane
$50 yank
$12 VW Bobier
$50 Blake Bonkofsky
$50 Ocna
$40 Area 51
$50 Terry & Laura
$20 Dean Sheaffer
$200 Claggy
$100 WendyR
$100 dcappello
$25 119FWMXS
$10 MJKelleher
$2,175 -ShEm-
$50 Spectrum
$25 Fuzzy53
$25 JimHilty2
$100 Tom Mehrens
$15 APCyberax
$25 [DPC] hansR
$10 Zeus Fab3r
$100 Doug vE
$25 KWSN - Xfer.cns
$10 Mike Bader
$300 Tony Baczynski
$50 Xeltrix
$10 Francis Noel
$100 Frederic Salve
CA HSR built a foundation, is laying Track!
PRR T1 Class 4-4-4-4 #5550 Loco, US's 1st HST

ID: 1044145 · Report as offensive
Profile Byron Leigh Hatch @ team Carl Sagan
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Message 1044146 - Posted: 23 Oct 2010, 23:45:16 UTC

sorry MarkJ.
that should read:

the color blue goes to our champ MarkJ. $ 2175.00 donation - Someone down under, (Australia) - please give that man a pat on the back
ID: 1044146 · Report as offensive
Profile Byron Leigh Hatch @ team Carl Sagan
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Message 1044148 - Posted: 23 Oct 2010, 23:49:26 UTC - in response to Message 1044145.  

Oops... I'm sorry

VM Bobier??? Who's that?, Ok I'll fix that, As there is No such person as VM Bobier in this forum, a VW Bobier, Yes and that's Me and only Me.
ID: 1044148 · Report as offensive
Profile Byron Leigh Hatch @ team Carl Sagan
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Message 1044149 - Posted: 23 Oct 2010, 23:53:27 UTC - in response to Message 1044144.  

Thank you for your gift of $125.00 via Visa on 10/23/2010.
Your gift was assigned to the following areas:
SETI@home - $105.00Your confirmation number is: 63795

so far by My count, It's up to $13,610 Every Little bit helps.
so ... hey folks, keep those $5 and $10 donation coming - they are important - it all adds up and counts.
ID: 1044149 · Report as offensive
JohnDK Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $250 donor
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Message 1044156 - Posted: 24 Oct 2010, 0:00:05 UTC

It says minimum $10 on the donation page :)
ID: 1044156 · Report as offensive
Profile Byron Leigh Hatch @ team Carl Sagan
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Message 1044157 - Posted: 24 Oct 2010, 0:00:53 UTC - in response to Message 1044156.  

It says minimum $10 on the donation page :)

Oops sorry:(
ID: 1044157 · Report as offensive
Profile zoom3+1=4
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Message 1044161 - Posted: 24 Oct 2010, 0:12:48 UTC - in response to Message 1044156.  
Last modified: 24 Oct 2010, 0:37:21 UTC

It says minimum $10 on the donation page :)

So? msattler did a $5.00 donation on that page and It went through.
CA HSR built a foundation, is laying Track!
PRR T1 Class 4-4-4-4 #5550 Loco, US's 1st HST

ID: 1044161 · Report as offensive
Profile Byron Leigh Hatch @ team Carl Sagan
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Message 1044168 - Posted: 24 Oct 2010, 0:29:02 UTC

so ... hey folks,
keep those $10, $15, $20, $25 donations coming
they are important - it all adds up and counts.

Hope this helps
Best Wishes

ID: 1044168 · Report as offensive
Profile hanyou23

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Message 1044248 - Posted: 27 Oct 2010, 21:53:28 UTC

Thank you for your gift of $10.00 via Visa on 10/27/2010.
Your gift was assigned to the following areas:
SETI@home - $10.00
Your confirmation number is:

Go SETI :D !!!
ID: 1044248 · Report as offensive
JohnDK Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $250 donor
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Message 1044256 - Posted: 27 Oct 2010, 23:56:46 UTC - in response to Message 1044161.  

It says minimum $10 on the donation page :)

So? msattler did a $5.00 donation on that page and It went through.

Yes I mentioned that once before in this tread, but for whatever reason it does say minimum $10, maybe it's due to fees or something.
ID: 1044256 · Report as offensive
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Message boards : Number crunching : Emergency fund drive for the project.............

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