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Message 1040981 - Posted: 11 Oct 2010, 8:09:50 UTC - in response to Message 1038820.  

If the ETs run into just a thenth of the technical problems SETI had the last few months, we will NEVER get into contact with them!

Too bad if arecibo unfortunately listens right into their direction just during THEIR weekly outage!!

You all should hope ET DOES consider HIS part of the job - sending the signals we try to listen to - as 24/7.

Just in the unlikely case we finally get into contact, we really should send them a list of the server names we used in this project, just to prevent them from naming their spaceship, bound to visit our planet, e.g. "mork" - another crash of mork would be very poor performance, then!

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Profile Cyryl

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Message 1040994 - Posted: 11 Oct 2010, 9:14:54 UTC - in response to Message 1039252.  

Just wanted to take a moment to thank the SETI crew for their efforts. I just hit 1,000,000 and am rather happy about it. Took about a year after starting over and it's been a great way to utilize the power of my newly-built server. (A year-long benchmark; if you will.)

That said... I also want to express my extreme disappointment in people who don't seem to be able to understand that there is only so much that can be done sometimes...

For example: I see comments like THIS ONE:

The fact still remains for what ever reason's in the last 30 days user have not been able to access or use seti more than 50% of the time

That's appalling
news of whats up over a week apart
come on
That's no way to treat CONTRIBUTERS

Get over yourself.

It's NOT COOL that there are people out there who are passive-aggressively complaining about the run time of the project - as though they are owed something.

When you began contributing to this project, you should have known from the get-go that there are NO guarantees made to you. They owe you NOTHING.

Quit acting as though someone just broke a contract they had with you.

Me? I've been working with this project when I can for some time now. (Ten years now I think...) I see that they are having difficulties. SURE it's kind of irritating having work units holding on my servers. But what can you do?

I for one am NOT going to just turn my back on these poor bastards who are likely losing plenty of sleep trying to maintain things and get it all up and running again.

Yes I have turned to keeping my servers busy with other projects. Yes I've put SETI on ice for now. But only because it sure as hell can't really be helping to have their systems constantly bogged down by work requests, etc. I recognize that continually hounding the servers only places further stress on them. (Which should be obvious to anyone.)

I'll just let things get back up and running and get SETI back online once things seem to be running smoothly again. I can grab work units when they're available. I can turn them in when the servers are able to accept them.


If you're so malcontent with the current standing of things and you just don't seem to think that you're going to make it through the rough patches...


My piece is said.
2U Rackmount Server:
Tyan 2912E, 2 Opteron DC 2220's @ 2.8GHz, 8GB DDR2 667 ECC Reg

Gaming rig: ASUS Sabertooth X58, i7 950, 6GB Corsair DDR3, 2x EVGA GTX 570 Superclocked in SLI (012-P3-1572-AR), Corsair AX1200

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Message 1040995 - Posted: 11 Oct 2010, 9:23:35 UTC - in response to Message 1040981.  

If the ETs run into just a thenth of the technical problems SETI had the last few months, we will NEVER get into contact with them!

Too bad if arecibo unfortunately listens right into their direction just during THEIR weekly outage!!

You all should hope ET DOES consider HIS part of the job - sending the signals we try to listen to - as 24/7.

Just in the unlikely case we finally get into contact, we really should send them a list of the server names we used in this project, just to prevent them from naming their spaceship, bound to visit our planet, e.g. "mork" - another crash of mork would be very poor performance, then!


You're welcome to find a new project ANY TIME, sir.

Happy trails.
2U Rackmount Server:
Tyan 2912E, 2 Opteron DC 2220's @ 2.8GHz, 8GB DDR2 667 ECC Reg

Gaming rig: ASUS Sabertooth X58, i7 950, 6GB Corsair DDR3, 2x EVGA GTX 570 Superclocked in SLI (012-P3-1572-AR), Corsair AX1200

Using Lunatics Win64 SETI
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Message 1040997 - Posted: 11 Oct 2010, 9:26:46 UTC - in response to Message 1040994.  

My piece is said.

And very well said, it was too.

Welcome to the message boards, and please continue to share your wisdom. We need cool, calm thinking like that round here sometimes!
ID: 1040997 · Report as offensive
Profile APCyberax
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Message 1041014 - Posted: 11 Oct 2010, 10:59:36 UTC

between my home pc work server (running 14 hours a and weekends) and 14 work pcs i have alot trying to get work done. i've turn them all to doing some roseta when seti will not give me work units when i ask first time. Trying every 12 hours or so.

I understand that seti is losing alot of cpu time but whast the point of there cpu time if they can not get anything back because millions of people are hitting the servers 20 times a second trying.

I currently have a waiting on seti :)

2.8ghz Xeon (8 cores)
2.4ghz (4 cores)
2.4ghz (4 core) (8800 GPU) x6pc
2ghz (1 core) x8pc

the point i'm making here is when seti was setup i had a 1.8ghz cpu. there was no GPU and no multicore's

seti is now trying to handle 1000x more traffic and its showing. I'd love to be able to help more put i'm broke. Will donate some money in a month or so.

Recommend though. How many Astropulse work units are there. I knwo they are small but take longer to process. Can you try and send more then them out. If you do then the systems with them running will not try and hit the server for a day or so to report/request another.

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Jim Wilkins
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Message 1041114 - Posted: 11 Oct 2010, 15:26:11 UTC - in response to Message 1040995.  

You are 150% correct.

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Message 1041213 - Posted: 11 Oct 2010, 18:30:56 UTC - in response to Message 1040994.  

Thank you sir for your your excellent post.
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Message 1041232 - Posted: 11 Oct 2010, 19:10:36 UTC

Looking at cricket graph the first signs of the Max out easing have shown up. Time to loosen the limits for the heavy hitters to allow them to fill up a bit more.
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Matt Giwer

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Message 1041364 - Posted: 12 Oct 2010, 0:14:25 UTC

If I may be so bold and not ruffle feathers

I have been watching the foibles of keeping S@H online for more than ten years. If memory serves me correctly the problem always seems to be in the hardware not the software. This is hardly the first time. In fact I increased my backlog to ten days of work based upon the hardware downtime since I returned to S@H eleven months ago.

Has anyone seriously priced using off site servers run by people who keep hardware alive for a living?

Jerusalem Post
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Profile Geek@Play
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Message 1041374 - Posted: 12 Oct 2010, 0:28:12 UTC - in response to Message 1041364.  
Last modified: 12 Oct 2010, 0:34:18 UTC

Like a lot of scientists they (SETI) are fanatical about keeping the data secure.

If you think about it if we ever do find a signal for ET the very first questions to be raised are going to be about the integrity of the data and who has access to it.

Even now you can see the sceptics out in full force with this scientist who claims that a laser type pulse was received by him.
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Message 1041396 - Posted: 12 Oct 2010, 1:48:27 UTC - in response to Message 1041374.  

Like a lot of scientists they (SETI) are fanatical about keeping the data secure.

If you think about it if we ever do find a signal for ET the very first questions to be raised are going to be about the integrity of the data and who has access to it...

You raise an interesting question here.

I wonder which method of data collection/storage would be given the most credibility.

Data collected and stored in a closet, backed up and restored using a 3rd party web based data backup organization.

Or data collected, stored, secured and backed up on site by a professional web hosting organization who also handle financial and other mission critical data for a large number of businesses.

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ID: 1041396 · Report as offensive
Profile Dean Sheaffer

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Message 1041397 - Posted: 12 Oct 2010, 1:52:22 UTC - in response to Message 1040516.  

Hi Everyone,

I'm new to the forum, but have been following for a few days. Does anyone know if there is an ETA on the stats export?

I know it really doesn't "matter" but it's in my CDO nature (I used to have OCD, but CDO has the letters in the proper order, as they should be)to see my stats somewhere other than in the manager.

Thanks for any info anyone can provide.

ID: 1041397 · Report as offensive
Terror Australis
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Message 1041404 - Posted: 12 Oct 2010, 2:02:52 UTC - in response to Message 1041397.  

Hi Everyone,

I'm new to the forum, but have been following for a few days. Does anyone know if there is an ETA on the stats export?

I know it really doesn't "matter" but it's in my CDO nature (I used to have OCD, but CDO has the letters in the proper order, as they should be)to see my stats somewhere other than in the manager.

Thanks for any info anyone can provide.


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Profile cwburch

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Message 1041408 - Posted: 12 Oct 2010, 2:13:48 UTC

I'm not here for stats. I don't care how many work units I complete. I don't care where my standings are in relation to others. The only thing I care about is the work unit my computer is processing right now, as I ask the question, "could this one be 'the one'?". If it's not, then I move on to the next one. I participate for one reason, and one reason only.... the search for proof of intelligent life out there. Most likely when we find it (amd I'm confident we will in my lifetime) my computer most likely won't be the one. But I will be able to stand up and brag proudly that I helped. I don't want good stats.... I want bragging rights!
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Message 1041425 - Posted: 12 Oct 2010, 2:52:46 UTC - in response to Message 1041396.  

Like a lot of scientists they (SETI) are fanatical about keeping the data secure.

If you think about it if we ever do find a signal for ET the very first questions to be raised are going to be about the integrity of the data and who has access to it...

You raise an interesting question here.

I wonder which method of data collection/storage would be given the most credibility.

Data collected and stored in a closet, backed up and restored using a 3rd party web based data backup organization.

Or data collected, stored, secured and backed up on site by a professional web hosting organization who also handle financial and other mission critical data for a large number of businesses.

Do you honestly believe that a commercial venture would command higher respect among fellow scientists considering they love peer-reviewing each other's data and looking for reasons to dismiss the findings if they can?
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Profile ScarabDrowner
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Message 1041443 - Posted: 12 Oct 2010, 3:59:16 UTC - in response to Message 1041425.  

If the data is solid and (replicable? replicatable?), then that's all that should matter, that another scientist (or team) be able to reproduce the results. Point the array back at that same spot and listen.
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Matt Giwer

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Message 1041484 - Posted: 12 Oct 2010, 8:10:21 UTC - in response to Message 1041374.  

Like a lot of scientists they (SETI) are fanatical about keeping the data secure.

If you think about it if we ever do find a signal for ET the very first questions to be raised are going to be about the integrity of the data and who has access to it.

Even now you can see the sceptics out in full force with this scientist who claims that a laser type pulse was received by him.

Which is why no matter what us lowly grunts return the interesting data is always processed again by S@H. Of course one can assume a fundie operated server farm which suppresses positive results but that does not fit the profile of questioning good returns. And despite the theory, Fox News does not arbitrate scientific findings. This is not global warming the cost of energy goes up for the good of "mother earth" or some other hippy drivel. This is fact or non-fact regardless of what the politicians spout.

I have used a remote server for a decade and there have been three outages of less than a day total and I learn of them by apologetic emails. Multiple computers serve multiple hosts and when one server goes down the worst is everyone slows down a bit until the defective server is replaced. Everything is virtual and distributed.

As in my post the problems have never been with the software that I recall. The S@H folks are very good with the software.

But we just learned there is something called a closet for their servers and their servers do not shut down on overtemp. Either the 2009 Thanksgiving or Christmas shutdown was an A/C issue. Three major shutdowns in 11 months. They have all been hardware issues. They have no backup, no graceful degradation, no shared resources that are all described in the Apache manual.

Jerusalem Post
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ID: 1041484 · Report as offensive
Matt Giwer

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Message 1041487 - Posted: 12 Oct 2010, 8:19:52 UTC - in response to Message 1041396.  

Like a lot of scientists they (SETI) are fanatical about keeping the data secure.

If you think about it if we ever do find a signal for ET the very first questions to be raised are going to be about the integrity of the data and who has access to it...

You raise an interesting question here.

I wonder which method of data collection/storage would be given the most credibility.

Data collected and stored in a closet, backed up and restored using a 3rd party web based data backup organization.

Or data collected, stored, secured and backed up on site by a professional web hosting organization who also handle financial and other mission critical data for a large number of businesses.

There is no issue. The raw data is what it is. It will always be reprocessed to confirm. Fox News is not involved in the process. There is nothing in the life time of any living politician that will raise the subject as a political issue, i.e. no one is going to propose a transmitter be funded to answer -- it is not possible with our state of the art.

If there is any question of integrity in the regard, it is difficult to imagine those antagonistic to alien life running server farms -- computers are not mentioned in the bible. But (curse me) MS runs a server farm and the other Gates might be interested. Allen must have something like this to process what his array collects.

Who ya gonna trust? The entire tech community is behind the S@H effort. It is difficult to imagine one that is not.

Original data is on the original tapes. That is security. Worst case is a tape is lost after a signal return is reported. Take another look. If not there then the worst is another WOW event. Without repetition there is nothing unless there is a Jodie Foster's worth of data in the signal.

Jerusalem Post
The origin of the Yahweh Cult
ID: 1041487 · Report as offensive
Matt Giwer

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Message 1041492 - Posted: 12 Oct 2010, 8:37:53 UTC - in response to Message 1041408.  
Last modified: 12 Oct 2010, 8:44:20 UTC

PLEASE do not take this as an attempt to make this a number crunching discussion. This is economic considerations only.

I'm not here for stats. I don't care how many work units I complete. I don't care where my standings are in relation to others. The only thing I care about is the work unit my computer is processing right now, as I ask the question, "could this one be 'the one'?". If it's not, then I move on to the next one. I participate for one reason, and one reason only.... the search for proof of intelligent life out there. Most likely when we find it (amd I'm confident we will in my lifetime) my computer most likely won't be the one. But I will be able to stand up and brag proudly that I helped. I don't want good stats.... I want bragging rights!

Actually I do care because I am trying to calibrate a new quad core before I add an graphics accelerator card to price the performance improvement. There is always a point of diminishing returns and I can pay more for a graphics card than I will pay for a computer.

Problem with the graphics cards is they also appeal to gamers so no matter what the increase for them in boinc if it improves their gaming they don't care. I do not play games -- because they addict me. So anything I add has to be a cost trade-off against another computer. Presently I have two quads and an older single core needing retirement at present. The quads are refurbed machines at roughly the price of new dual cores. I am a penny pincher in bang for the buck.

I have read a lot on this and asked questions and it seems to me the current crop of video cards priced on the order of $70 are the break-point on cost to performance, that there is little gain after that in overall performance.
Jerusalem Post
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ID: 1041492 · Report as offensive
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Message 1041995 - Posted: 14 Oct 2010, 7:52:01 UTC

It appears there are some that have found a new place they can take other issues outside the known areas that they can post those issues. Count this as the 1st strike.

At this point I am locking this thread also for 24 hours.

If you have a valid question or concern with the topic that is current, please feel free to post. Otherwise you are slowing the Seti Staff with things that could be better answered in other forums. Some have proven that you have successfully wastaed the Staff time in wading through various replies to find valid questions.


Please consider a Donation to the Seti Project.

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