Here's a video of Dan Werthimer giving a short talk about SETI@home at the Maker Faire Bay Area (on May 30th, 2009)

Message boards : News : Here's a video of Dan Werthimer giving a short talk about SETI@home at the Maker Faire Bay Area (on May 30th, 2009)
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Message 956781 - Posted: 15 Jun 2009, 0:00:00 UTC

Here's a video of Dan Werthimer giving a short talk about SETI@home at the Maker Faire Bay Area (on May 30th, 2009). Warning: must sit through ad before viewing.
ID: 956781 · Report as offensive

Message boards : News : Here's a video of Dan Werthimer giving a short talk about SETI@home at the Maker Faire Bay Area (on May 30th, 2009)

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