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NEZ - The truth behind the credits... finally revealed.
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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 25 Dec 00 Posts: 31126 Credit: 53,134,872 RAC: 32 ![]() ![]() | During a warranted search of his home earlier this fall, Gilbert police found 18 computers and other equipment stolen from the district. Me thinks theft of equipment, a felony, might be Nez's biggest problem. Likely also what brought Seti to someone's full attention. The old, pile on everything we can think of and see if it sticks. Sad story. But I think BOINC also ought to revise the statement about "free" computer cycles to remind people it does cost them $ for extra electricity and wear and tear on the equipment. With the downturn in the economy those pennies can add up. A boss who said sure in 2002 might say hell no today. Looking at our top 20 participants list by total credits, I see another account that looks suspicious. Really high total credits, but a tiny RAC now. Something tells me Nez's story isn't so unique. ![]() |
![]() Send message Joined: 9 Jun 99 Posts: 30986 Credit: 57,275,487 RAC: 157 ![]() ![]() |
Seems several people here are ready to hang Nez on the nearest tree. Remember we do not have the complete story. We have only heard from the current district administration and district attorney’s office. The only thing I have read that is incriminating is the fact that some of the school district’s hard ware was found at his home. And even that is not damming. He could have taken old stuff home to repair or it might have been surplus that he had purchased legitimately. I have a local school district computer on my desk right now. I bought it from the school district for $10. It’s an old iMac. As far as running S@H and Boinc on school district computers, there are no facts as to what his actual authority was. Was he the person who made the call? Did he ask years ago and get a yes from a prior administration or prior boss? No facts. I totally agree with the rule that you don’t install software on other’s computers without permission. But things change. I was president of my company for over 10 years. I ran S@H and Boinc on all company computers. It was my call. Last year I was demoted when the founder’s son took over control. He has taken Boinc off of most computers in the company, leaving it up to individual users. As for damages? I really don’t buy the argument that computers wear out because of running S@H or Boinc. In fact, I built 5 identical computers 3 years ago. Two of them are turned on and off during office hours. Three of them were on 24/7. The ones that have run 24/7 are still going strong. The two that were turned on and off have lost 4 of the 8 hard drives that had been installed. The turning on and off is harder on the computers than 24/7 operation. The only real “loss†that the district has suffered is the electrical cost. But as already stated, the increased cost of electricity must be off set by the saving on hardware repairs and replacement. I like everyone here am sad to hear about Nez. But is he really a bad guy, or just a convenient scapegoat that the district is using to lessen the impact of a shrinking budget? We don’t know. ![]() |
PP Send message Joined: 3 Jul 99 Posts: 42 Credit: 10,012,664 RAC: 0 ![]() |
Well, 10,000,000+ Classic CPU hours must have cost plenty. And I thought I was bad with my measly 390,000+ ;) Impressive though... |
![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 29 Jul 01 Posts: 42 Credit: 23,126,185 RAC: 0 ![]() |
If I have this right, these comments are from the original story that ran in an Arizona paper- I see some comments on that article that seems to be from people who worked with Nez, notably this comment- He was the director of Internet Technology until Dr. Birdwell promoted a family member of hers into that position. What I love most about this is that they neglected to mention that the previous superintendent KNEW and APPROVED him utilizing district computers in his home since he worked from home. In addition, they not only removed the districts computers from his home, but his families personal ones as well. Let's not forget that the district FORCED him to take a 3 week vacation this summer when he was in the middle of a huge project of getting the new school into our district ready for opening. Then they toook that project from him and gave it to another who FAILED to do it and blamed him. In a nutshell, it may be that the new school super trumped up charges against Nez to bring in a family member to take over the school districts IT dept. And I suspect that you won't hear anything from Nez because of pending lawsuits..[/url] Team Starfire World BOINC IRC- irc// ![]() |
![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 29 Jul 01 Posts: 42 Credit: 23,126,185 RAC: 0 ![]() |
More comments from that newspaper story- It is true that Brad was replaced by one of Birdwell's "family members". After nine years working for the district, his salary and title were cut, so that Birdwell could put into place her loyalists. and this one- Mr. Niesluchowski had permission from previous Superintendents to have the equipment at his home. It was there so he could work from home since HUSD was understaffed and he needed to put in very long hours. The police found NO EVIDENCE of any wrongdoing on the part of Mr. Niesluchowski. Somehow the reporter failed to mention that in the article and painted him as a thief. and yet another comment- This newspaper is reporting LIES. Do they even do any fact checking? I will point out the lies as a former Higley IT Staff member that left right before Brad. Now believe what you will, but there is the other side of the published story. Team Starfire World BOINC IRC- irc// ![]() |
![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 23 May 99 Posts: 4292 Credit: 72,971,319 RAC: 0 ![]() |
Sounds like he could be getting rich...if this is all true. Official Abuser of Boinc Buttons... And no good credit hound! ![]() |
1mp0£173 Send message Joined: 3 Apr 99 Posts: 8423 Credit: 356,897 RAC: 0 ![]() |
The only real “loss†that the district has suffered is the electrical cost. But as already stated, the increased cost of electricity must be off set by the saving on hardware repairs and replacement. I'm not convinced that computers last longer if they're left on. As an ISP, I've got a huge stack of computers that are on every day, all day. ... and as many of my machines as possible are turned off nightly. One of those is a seven year old Athlon XP -- my "daily driver" -- which has been power-cycled at least 2500 times. |
![]() Send message Joined: 28 Apr 02 Posts: 26 Credit: 24,605,608 RAC: 0 ![]() |
I still wonder why everyone still forgets to notice that with the HUGE amount of WUs this guy was crunching, the bandwidth used to move that data back and forth between AZ and Cal Berkeley had to be incredibly high over the period of time he was doing this. Bandwidth is NOT cheap and could have easily passed up the electrical costs depending on how the district is funded and who is providing said bandwidth. In any case, from an information security standpoint, what he did was wrong. Without board approval (which I doubt he had), this should have never happened, especially at the district level. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 9 Jan 00 Posts: 2562 Credit: 12,301,681 RAC: 0 ![]() |
The Thread is incorrectly Titled NEZ - The Man behind the Mask... Truth or Fiction I suspect we will never know the Full Truth. One of the key events as stated was on the advice of his lawyer he resigned. It implies that not the whole story is not yet told. It implies that there are other things that are afoot. I do know of School Districts that put Seti Classic in place for Children to learn a bit about Science (much to the distaste of IT Staff). He could have been "required" to start installing on the school district machines. There is so much Untold. I do know that some "managers" setup people to purposely fail, I have personally experienced that. I was told that on my first day of work "when you become more popular than the rest of my staff that is your last day." The really sad part was how much I taught his staff (The Peter Principle). Many of his Staff are still Friends today (that was Windows 3.11 over Novell). There is a large amount of politics in the IT field, it always gets in the way of keeping networks working, Seti aside. A large portion of this goes to if You have Permission Now to Use computers that you Do Not Own, You might want to check again. Regards Please consider a Donation to the Seti Project. |
![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 27 May 07 Posts: 3720 Credit: 9,385,827 RAC: 0 ![]() |
Wow, so a school helped another school. He probably saved them money...the main problems I ever have with computers usually happens when they are restarting after being shutdown. He probably saved them tons of $200 an hour so called computer experts. I never turn off my machines. It happens on my 10 years old K6-2+ / 524 MHz computer - it runs unstable after 1 day off - I think electrolytic capacitors are old and lose capacity if they are not charged. Also the 40 GB Maxtor HDD sometimes have difficulty starting. (S.M.A.R.T. info is reasonably OK - only 1 relocated sector - happened 2 years ago) If the computer runs all the time it is OK. And of course CPU don't "wear out" if run at 100% if you don't let it overheat. Â ![]() ![]() Â |
![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 27 May 07 Posts: 3720 Credit: 9,385,827 RAC: 0 ![]() |
I still wonder why everyone still forgets to notice that with the HUGE amount of WUs this guy was crunching, the bandwidth used to move that data back and forth between AZ and Cal Berkeley had to be incredibly high over the period of time he was doing this. Bandwidth is NOT cheap and could have easily passed up the electrical costs depending on how the district is funded and who is providing said bandwidth. I pay only constant $15/month for unlimited 10 Mbit/s DSL at home - I do not pay more even if I download/upload 2000 GB / month. So why do you think schools can't make contract with ISP for constant $$$ paid for unlimited GB download/upload? Â ![]() ![]() Â |
1mp0£173 Send message Joined: 3 Apr 99 Posts: 8423 Credit: 356,897 RAC: 0 ![]() |
I pay only constant $15/month for unlimited 10 Mbit/s DSL at home Because, as a home user, your ISP assumes that you're going to sleep sometimes. They assume that during business hours (when their capacity goes to business customers) you're at work. ... and you likely agreed not to run servers (per their Terms of Service). Schools get very good pricing on bandwidth, but it's not $15 month (but probably less than $15/month/classroom). |
Wembley Send message Joined: 16 Sep 09 Posts: 429 Credit: 1,844,293 RAC: 0 ![]() |
A large portion of this goes too if You have Permission Now to Use computers that you Do Not Own, You might want to check again. Always get this kind of stuff in writing, and be in the habit of reviewing it once a year as things change. ![]() |
1mp0£173 Send message Joined: 3 Apr 99 Posts: 8423 Credit: 356,897 RAC: 0 ![]() |
In any case, from an information security standpoint, what he did was wrong. Without board approval (which I doubt he had), this should have never happened, especially at the district level. The best book I've ever read on the lowest levels of the internet and how it works is "The Cuckoo's Egg" by Cliff Stoll. A lot of the details have changed, but a lot of things still work the same way. The hackers he helped catch were ultimately convicted of "stealing electricity" (the power to run the phones, IIRC). |
![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 27 May 07 Posts: 3720 Credit: 9,385,827 RAC: 0 ![]() |
I pay only constant $15/month for unlimited 10 Mbit/s DSL at home I sleep sometimes ;) but my computers run all the time - if I have HDD space I can download torrents non-stop (I really upload non-stop more than 100 torrents now). If "Schools pay less than $15/month/classroom" and it is regardless of how much GB they download/upload then NEZ did NOT increase the bill they pay for internet! Â ![]() ![]() Â |
Country Send message Joined: 13 Jun 99 Posts: 5 Credit: 12,339,917 RAC: 0 ![]() |
The reason his lawyer would have told him to resign - guilty or not is not important - resigning is better when moving on for other jobs. If you are fired - which they were going to do anyways it's way worse for you. If an employer / employee relationship deteriorates so badly it can't be fixed that is just cause for an employer to fire a person. Now if you can prove it wasn't you but them you can sue and if not you both go on your way Resigning looks better as well it court - it gives you the moral high ground - I couldn't take it anymore so I resigned vs he was a terrible employee who stole and lied so we fired him. |
![]() Send message Joined: 22 Sep 99 Posts: 81 Credit: 640,242 RAC: 0 ![]() |
This is so clearly a case of "If someone wants to get you, they can alwasys find something to nail you." At work we have been told to use not less, but MORE, MUCH MORE bandwidth !! We are not fully utilizing our bandwidth pipe. The fuller the pipe, the more it is justified. IF the bandwidth BOINC used even impacted the distric's network, then the network was already over-congested. Unless someone can show a graph of bandwidth usage along with a log showing the BOINC usage prevented other traffic, then the bandwith issue is just smoke&mirrors to confuse the issue. In all my professional years (29), I have NEVER EVER seen a computer that could pass 100% of all the security, configuration, authorized, legal, properly configured, justified usage, no unauthorized information/files, all accounts properly documented and justified and configured, all audits properly checked, etc. This includes Government secret and top secret computers. There is always always at least one flaw, one missing authorization, one newer file, etc. Had the district's lawyers provided written authorization to accept all the "User Agreements", licenses, update licenses, etc? I have never been able to get written authorization from legal for every piece of software, file, application, OS, and UPDATES on even ONE machine. Like most news stories, this is a lot of misinformation, incomplete information, and ignorant analysis. SETI@home since 1999 "Set it, and Forget it!" |
EclipseHA Send message Joined: 28 Jul 99 Posts: 1018 Credit: 530,719 RAC: 0 ![]() |
The local news is saying that it cost the school district on the order of a million dollars, with increased electricity costs, etc. I saw one teacher that said while she normally turned her PC off at night, she got an email saying it should be left on, etc. They also said he'd been running seti for 9 years on these machines, so this started in the pre-boinc days. The schools in AZ have had their budgets slashed this year, so all school districts are really hurting right now, and the one involved here is a small district. |
![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 9 Jan 00 Posts: 2562 Credit: 12,301,681 RAC: 0 ![]() |
I pay only constant $15/month for unlimited 10 Mbit/s DSL at home Ned I Love You like a Brother. I truly know what you are saying. It would be nice to drag out the 1993 and 1994 copies of Boardwatch Magazine and sit over a Cup of Tea, or a Beer (then I could brag). Where we both have been and where we are now. The only thing would be to Toast one of my Partners, when we opened the internet there was a security problem (shadow passwords) that he fixed it. His work before he passed away (as the maintainer) which makes Linux more secure today. But then slackware fit on 19 - 1.44 floppies. Coherent fit on 2 HD Floppies It burned his butt that I could install OS2 and he could not. All I have to say about that each person has their own strengths and weaknesses. What we do with them is what makes us a Person. We move Ahead. Some might ask, what does this have to do with Nez. At the point in time that I metioned earlier I gave brief to the local school district about Seti@home and the securiy risks. I also talked with the IT Adminstrators. They did not like it "because" it caused more work. Tools of Yester Year are not as they are Now. So as we all have to take any Risk into account. We have to decide is it Good or Evil. Regards Please consider a Donation to the Seti Project. |
![]() Send message Joined: 17 May 00 Posts: 139 Credit: 47,299,948 RAC: 2 ![]() |
I was sad to read this. I see political backbiting in action. btdt! It really sucks bad... Some of you should realize school boards are elected and what was okay a few years ago, suddenly isn't today. New leadership runs on a whim, no questions asked and no institutional memories to bother with. The more noise they make, even if about nothing, the better they think they make themselves look. That said, it is nice to see some of you live in a vacuum and were never in a position to experience a rapid political about-face. Can't expect you to understand how stuff like this works..outside that vacuum. Better yet, the media reporting on this appears to lend well to prevalent tabloid sensationalism. Honest and fair journalism with proper fact checking is much much too difficult. Plus, it doesn't keep Jon & Jane Q's attention long enough anyway. As I said, the whole thing is sad! |
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