Enlarge Window of Boinc manager

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Message 867707 - Posted: 21 Feb 2009, 17:35:45 UTC
Last modified: 21 Feb 2009, 18:16:29 UTC

Hi, since I do switch of the computer because of electricity saving measurements, I also have to switch it on again. After that do start the Boinc manager and start crunching.
Every time I start the manager it opens in a pretty small window. I can not see all I want to see. Is there a way to open it with a larger size, so I don't have to enlarge it by hand?
Is it something I can do myself, or is it baked into the program and can not be changed so easily?
I do use the Linux 6.6.4 version of the Manager.
Who knows his/her way around in the program?

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Message 867731 - Posted: 21 Feb 2009, 19:55:54 UTC

Using file-exit will sometimes store the window size.

BOINCing since 2002/12/8
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Message 867753 - Posted: 21 Feb 2009, 21:17:03 UTC

Try this: in boinc manager window, change from your current view to simple view and close window (not exit manager). Then open window and switch (return) to your view. Use file->exit to close manager. This works for me for windows version 6.4.5 of boinc.
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Message 867891 - Posted: 22 Feb 2009, 3:25:47 UTC

I've been having this issue with 6.2.19 since I started using it as a development version.

The trick I have found to be very handy, is make a little registry file on the desktop. The only thing it contains is the width and height of the manager window, and you merge this registry file after you open manager one time after startup.

Contents of the registry file (copy and paste into notepad, save with *.reg extension):

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Space Sciences Laboratory, U.C. Berkeley\BOINC Manager]

That is set for 1024x720 (in hex), so feel free to adjust it to the size you want.

I tried setting that as an automatic thing to be run after startup, but it doesn't work unless Manager has opened up and become visible at least once. I know there's an extremely convoluted way around that (make a script that starts BOINC, then hides manager, then adjusts the size in the registry), but manual mode does the trick, and it take 5 mouse clicks.

Note: I know it is generally recommended that most users stay out of the registry, but this method does not require them to manually dig through there.
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record uptime: 1511d 20h 19m (ended due to the power brick giving-up)
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Message 867899 - Posted: 22 Feb 2009, 3:42:15 UTC - in response to Message 867891.  

Note: I know it is generally recommended that most users stay out of the registry, but this method does not require them to manually dig through there.

...but it does require that the user is careful of what they type and that it is typed accurately.
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Message 867916 - Posted: 22 Feb 2009, 4:17:19 UTC - in response to Message 867753.  

Thanks guys, but your "tricks" don't work for me since I use the Linux version.

I can not close the window without exiting the background-service since there is none.
I can not change the registry since I don't have one.
So, I don't have to be careful what I type. :-)

But thank you for trying to find a solution. I do appreciate it.

Are there any Linux users who can help me, some of you who know a lot more about Linux than I do?

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Message 867919 - Posted: 22 Feb 2009, 4:20:00 UTC - in response to Message 867899.  

Note: I know it is generally recommended that most users stay out of the registry, but this method does not require them to manually dig through there.

...but it does require that the user is careful of what they type and that it is typed accurately.

True.. but copy and paste shouldn't produce any typos.
Linux laptop:
record uptime: 1511d 20h 19m (ended due to the power brick giving-up)
ID: 867919 · Report as offensive

Message boards : Number crunching : Enlarge Window of Boinc manager

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