Moon-walker claims alien contact cover-up

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Profile BentStar

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Message 786446 - Posted: 24 Jul 2008, 18:42:02 UTC

FORMER NASA astronaut and moon-walker Dr Edgar Mitchell - a veteran of the Apollo 14 mission - has stunningly claimed aliens exist.,23599,24070088-13762,00.html
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Profile Mr. Majestic
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Message 786452 - Posted: 24 Jul 2008, 18:56:33 UTC


btw..... If your into this sort of thing some good sites to go to are:
or my site....

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Message 786522 - Posted: 24 Jul 2008, 20:59:48 UTC

I don't know the title of the video but my favorite of all time is the one where the astronauts are on a space walk and somebody in mission control sees something strange on the camera. He asks the astronaut to check it out and without even turning around the astronaut says "I'm not sure what your talking about, am I missing something here?" at which point the guy in mission control says something like "your right forget about it".
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Message 786529 - Posted: 24 Jul 2008, 21:06:14 UTC - in response to Message 786522.  

I don't know the title of the video but my favorite of all time is the one where the astronauts are on a space walk and somebody in mission control sees something strange on the camera. He asks the astronaut to check it out and without even turning around the astronaut says "I'm not sure what your talking about, am I missing something here?" at which point the guy in mission control says something like "your right forget about it".

If you think of the video title will you PM it to me?

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Message 786571 - Posted: 24 Jul 2008, 21:39:44 UTC

I was watching "when we left earth" or the show before and they talked about a time when.. not sure what mission to the moon, one of the astronauts wanted to know where the 2nd stage boaster was because they could see AND FILM! something that was very close to them. Mission control and the astronauts knew many people where tuned in using ham radios and could not go in to any detail.
As it turned out, NASA reported back to the command module that the 2nd stage was over 3,000 kilometers away.. So.. what was that odd thing they caught on film?? In that film clip, the object looked nothing like a 'saucer'.
You may wanna dig around at the Science Channel's website. There might be some more info about that there.

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Message 786596 - Posted: 24 Jul 2008, 22:12:24 UTC - in response to Message 786571.  

I was watching "when we left earth" or the show before and they talked about a time when.. not sure what mission to the moon, one of the astronauts wanted to know where the 2nd stage boaster was because they could see AND FILM! something that was very close to them. Mission control and the astronauts knew many people where tuned in using ham radios and could not go in to any detail.
As it turned out, NASA reported back to the command module that the 2nd stage was over 3,000 kilometers away.. So.. what was that odd thing they caught on film?? In that film clip, the object looked nothing like a 'saucer'.
You may wanna dig around at the Science Channel's website. There might be some more info about that there.

I think this was on apollo 13.

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Message 786720 - Posted: 25 Jul 2008, 3:23:13 UTC - in response to Message 786446.  
Last modified: 25 Jul 2008, 3:23:43 UTC

FORMER NASA astronaut and moon-walker Dr Edgar Mitchell - a veteran of the Apollo 14 mission - has stunningly claimed aliens exist.,23599,24070088-13762,00.html

- Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence
- No "argument from authority"

The fact that he walked on the moon is nice, but it doesn't by itself back up his claims or give them any validity.

"I happen to have been privileged enough to be in on the fact that we've been visited on this planet and the UFO phenomena is real,"

LOL.....funny how he doesn't exactly explain just how he was "in on it"...

"Reading the papers recently, [alien contact] has been happening quite a bit."

So, he's "in on it" but his source for information on alien contact is the newspapers?

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Message 786725 - Posted: 25 Jul 2008, 3:29:24 UTC - in response to Message 786720.  

FORMER NASA astronaut and moon-walker Dr Edgar Mitchell - a veteran of the Apollo 14 mission - has stunningly claimed aliens exist.,23599,24070088-13762,00.html

- Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence
- No "argument from authority"

The fact that he walked on the moon is nice, but it doesn't by itself back up his claims or give them any validity.

"I happen to have been privileged enough to be in on the fact that we've been visited on this planet and the UFO phenomena is real,"

LOL.....funny how he doesn't exactly explain just how he was "in on it"...

"Reading the papers recently, [alien contact] has been happening quite a bit."

So, he's "in on it" but his source for information on alien contact is the newspapers?


No one ever said that it was convincing evidence :)

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Michael Watson

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Message 786944 - Posted: 25 Jul 2008, 16:29:01 UTC

Dr. Mitchell seems to imply that he has been briefed on the subject of ET contact and UFOs, by the military and/or the intelligence community. Either he is being either misleading or deceitful, or he is telling the truth. One recalls the remark, attributed to Thomas Jefferson, to the effect that he'd rather believe that two Yankee astronomers would lie, than that rocks could fall from the sky. Michael
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Message 786953 - Posted: 25 Jul 2008, 17:18:09 UTC - in response to Message 786944.  

Dr. Mitchell seems to imply that he has been briefed on the subject of ET contact and UFOs, by the military and/or the intelligence community. Either he is being either misleading or deceitful, or he is telling the truth. One recalls the remark, attributed to Thomas Jefferson, to the effect that he'd rather believe that two Yankee astronomers would lie, than that rocks could fall from the sky. Michael

He never said he'd been "briefed" about anything.

Ex-astronauts who are no longer active members of military projects don't get "briefed".

He's probably got a few ex-military friends who have told him stories about Roswell and conspiracies; there are more than a few ex-government and ex-military who claim that there were cover-ups.

Of course, none of them have any convincing physical evidence....
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Message 786966 - Posted: 25 Jul 2008, 17:55:39 UTC

I'm just curios Taurus (as you seem to be against the idea), what is your personal opinion about ET visiting the Earth in general. Not necessarily in this instance but at one time or another do think that it has happened? Again, just curios.

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Michael Watson

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Message 787010 - Posted: 25 Jul 2008, 18:54:28 UTC

I quote Dr. Mitchell from the Daily Mail (UK newspaper) article: 'I happen to have been privileged enough to be in on the fact that we've been visited on this planet, and the UFO phenomenon is real'. Further on he says: '... some of us have been privileged to be *briefed* on some of it. Michael
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Message 787081 - Posted: 25 Jul 2008, 22:03:35 UTC - in response to Message 787010.  
Last modified: 25 Jul 2008, 22:54:50 UTC

I'm just curios Taurus (as you seem to be against the idea), what is your personal opinion about ET visiting the Earth in general. Not necessarily in this instance but at one time or another do think that it has happened? Again, just curios.

It can be touchy issue with some people on both sides, so thanks for phrasing the question in a polite way. :)

My own personal opinion is this:

- If ET exists in the Milky Way galaxy, then I am fairly certain that they are aware that there is life on Earth and have been for potentially millions of years or more. I believe this because of our own current astronomical technology and some common sense extrapolations on the future capabilities of that technology.

- If that's true, then it *does* seem plausible to me that ET may have sent some kind of probe in the past to our solar system or planet to observe us in more detail.

- I don't believe that ET would have any need or desire to travel here in person since a single probe or machine could gather all the information they could ever need. A probe needn't even enter Earth's atmosphere to study our entire planet and every individual organism on it in complete detail. Since our technology allows us to study planets within a certain amount of detail without landing on them, I extrapolate that and assume that ET's technology will allow them to do so in much greater detail; perhaps complete detail. If ET is millions of years more advanced than us, why would they ever need to enter Earth's atmosphere to study our planet when our current ability to study planets without landing on them is getting more and more detailed by the decade?

- An ET probe might exist at a gravitational lagrange point where it could remain stationary in a stable orbit without expending energy over long periods of time. This has been hypothesized by some astronomers, including Jill Tarter of the SETI Institute. The lagrange points between Earth, the moon, and the sun haven't been scanned for artificial objects, so their existence remains a possibility. A probe may also exist on the moon as a von Neumann probe, as was depicted in the movie "2001".

- Even if no probes are discovered, it seems that ET could have the technology to make such a probe absolutely invisible and undetectable...or perhaps such a probe would be microscopic in size?... When speculating about ET's technology, it's easy to make basic assumptions about what they would have based on what we know about our own tech, but difficult to imagine what's possible to create from as yet undiscovered sciences.

- If UFOs are real, it would seem pretty funny to me that ET can avoid detection by private and government satelittes and telescopes in the ground and in space owned and operated by organizations in various countries throughout the entire world.......yet they can't avoid detection by some dude with a hand-held camera in his backyard. Heck, our stealth bombers could be utterly invisible to machines and fly at heights making them undetectable by eyeballs on the ground in the Persian Gulf War.... so those aliens must be pretty dumb.

- As far as abductions, etc.
Again, I guess our technology must be better than theirs.
If ET wanted to dissect humans, all they would have to do is retrieve a single human hair follicle or skin cell and they could clone billions of us to experiment on if they wanted to. So why do they insist on sneaking into Uncle Goober's house and fiddling with his weewee?

'... some of us have been privileged to be *briefed* on some of it. Michael

He's never been "briefed" on it in any official capacity whatsoever, I am absolutely confident of that. In fact, I would wager my left hand on it.

Either he's being misleading, or his memory is getting skewed and shoddy with old age.
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Message 787087 - Posted: 25 Jul 2008, 22:24:18 UTC - in response to Message 787081.  

'... some of us have been privileged to be *briefed* on some of it. Michael

He's never been "briefed" on it in any official capacity whatsoever, I am absolutely confident of that. In fact, I would wager my left hand on it.

Either he's being misleading, or his memory is getting skewed and shoddy with old age.

I'm not saying that I believe this guy, but your being NO better than he is. You are dismissing him without ANY proof. You complain that he doesn't give proof, but then you go and do the same thing. Please don't take this the wrong way or anything, I'm just simply doing the same thing he did ;)

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Message 787098 - Posted: 25 Jul 2008, 22:44:50 UTC

Thank you for sharing your opinions with us Taurus! :)

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Message 787103 - Posted: 25 Jul 2008, 22:54:14 UTC - in response to Message 787087.  

I'm not saying that I believe this guy, but your being NO better than he is. You are dismissing him without ANY proof. You complain that he doesn't give proof, but then you go and do the same thing. Please don't take this the wrong way or anything, I'm just simply doing the same thing he did ;)

hehe, I don't think you understand how the "burden of proof" works.

If he has an extraordinary claim, then the burden is on *HIM* to back it up. You, me, and anyone else is free to dismiss any claim made by anybody unless the person making that claim backs it up with proof.

So I guess Skeptical Inquirer magazine has to prove that ghosts DON'T exist otherwise they can't dismiss claims by paranormal investigators?


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Message 787131 - Posted: 26 Jul 2008, 0:15:51 UTC
Last modified: 26 Jul 2008, 0:49:27 UTC

Dr Mitchell sets the record straight about THAT interview on NASA and aliens.

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Eleanor Roosevelt.
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Message 787148 - Posted: 26 Jul 2008, 1:27:29 UTC - in response to Message 787131.  
Last modified: 26 Jul 2008, 1:35:55 UTC

Dr Mitchell sets the record straight about THAT interview on NASA and aliens.


[about little gray aliens]
"I do accept the fact that those seem to be the prevalent story."

"And most of the UFO sightings, you know hundreds of military pilots were told to shut up about it, and airline pilots and police officers at night and people who have seen real crafts..."

[about an Alien crash victim at Roswell]
"That's what I understand. Apparently that individual did survive for some time, as far as I know. But I can't go further than that because I don't know any more."

"I can understand if they think I was attributing anything to the NASA organization, or deriving anything from the NASA organization, they can certainly say that. And it's true because none of my experience or what I said relates to NASA at all."

....I'm starting to understand this now. He believes in UFOs but has no special firsthand knowledge or evidence apart from what he's read and seen about the phenomenon on TV and the internet. I think his source on the Roswell crash victim was the "Alien Autopsy" tv show that aired on Fox a while back. He has no "inside information", he was never "briefed" on anything, and he was never "in on it". He just happens to be a former astronaut who believes in UFOs.
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Message 787520 - Posted: 26 Jul 2008, 14:53:33 UTC
Last modified: 26 Jul 2008, 14:55:50 UTC

Could it be that these ETs are simply trying to understand much like us and why they have traveled? to a remote part of the Milky Way? We that is the earthlings are studying microbs.. A much lesser developed organisim than the trillions of cells that make up out bodys.
SETI is searching for ET using radio. We have been broadcasting radio over 100 years. Moores code at the begining. If a race that is far more advanced that us decided to look for life, they may also have ways to search for radio that the scientist of earth have not even dreamed about. I really do ponder these ideas a far amount.

Now.. for my personal opinion:
Can the governmnet keep something this big under wraps?
The SR-71 was build in 1960-1961. How many decades went by before the general public knew we had a plane that routinely flew at 125,000 feet at nearly mach 4?
I remember when Clinton stated at a news conference that he was going to get to the bottom of the whole AREA 51 story and let the people know as soon as he had information. A week or so (I dont remember the details exactly) Clinton came back with something like "Area 51 is a matter of national security and that was all I'm (he was) prepared to state on that subject".
Clearly there are things going on at a base that the government wont even actknowledge exist. So.. could there be an alien life form either alive or dead kept at Area 51? My take is... You betcha! Is there? I doubt it. At least I would think something that big would have it's own special place for research. Are there alien spacecraft stored at Area 51? Hummmm.. Obviously the SR-71 was a HUGH leap in technology. Also, there were new metal alloys that showed up in the very late 50's and early 60's. Reverse engineering? Maybe.

The show I watched about the Apollo actually had shown the film of a very odd looking object following the command module. In that kind of enviroment (space), I would think that figuring out how far or how big an object is would be very hard to do. For all the Astronauts knew, they were looking at (and filming) some debri that was tagging along after separating from the boaster stage. There is just no way to tell how big that object was.

I want to believe.. I truly do.. that we have been visited. I even thought I saw something once.. and to this day, I still can't explain what the Hail I was looking at. An EXTREMLY BRIGHT LIGHT THAT WAS NOT MOVING AND WAS JUST OVER THE TREE TOPS. Something like that needs to be seen first hand to appreciate it. The sad truth is.. There is just NO proof other than poor quality video, some rather impressive photos and the testimony of thousands of people.
There is NO actual physical proof.
I guess I have a WAIT AND SEE kind of attitude towards all this.
Im not saying they are BS and I sure can't say ETs on earth is real.
There just isn't any evidence!
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Mark A. Tyler

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Message 787651 - Posted: 26 Jul 2008, 19:52:45 UTC

Give it a read.
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