credit for those units where the time expired?

Message boards : Number crunching : credit for those units where the time expired?
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Miklos M.

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Message 565156 - Posted: 11 May 2007, 15:13:08 UTC

I hope we are going to get credit for those units where the time expired while BOINC was down. Does anyone know about this?

Thank you.
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Message 565194 - Posted: 11 May 2007, 16:12:46 UTC
Last modified: 11 May 2007, 16:14:41 UTC

Well, even though there has been very little new work to do since Thumper died (only reissues), the rest of the BOINC system has been up. IOW, you should still be able to upload your finished results and report them. However due to the high volume of traffic from hosts out of work and looking to get more from the project, it can take awhile for a host to get through and report.

I took a look at your host summaries and there was only one which was showing overdue ones. Is that the one you were referring to? The others only have a handful of results left due either later today or tomorrow, and didn't have any late ones listed for them.

One possibility is that the one with a lot of results still in progress got 'ghosted', this means the project thinks those results were sent to it, but they never got there. In this case, you would have to check in BOINC Manager to see what is actually onboard and compare that to the list of results shown on its project summary page. If they all don't match up one to one, then don't worry about the ones which aren't onboard the host. It never got them, so they never were run and there isn't any lost time or credit involved.

If you see there are some there waiting to report, make sure you have 'Network Activity' enabled. If it isn't, then BOINC won't contact the project to report them. Unfortunately, if the quorum has formed for any of the late ones, you most likely won't get any credit for them unless the validator decided it needed a third result to compare with. In that case you could try to force the reporting manually to get yours back before the reissue does, and then you would get credit for it.


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Miklos M.

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Message 565275 - Posted: 11 May 2007, 17:36:50 UTC - in response to Message 565194.  

Thanks for the reply. I returned all on all computers, so we shall see.
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Profile Justin M. Morford
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Message 566718 - Posted: 13 May 2007, 21:45:50 UTC

Kinda in a similar situation. All my results eventually uploaded while thumper was down, but I couldn't get any of them on my two machines at home to report during that time. I'm unfortunately stuck with 56k dial-up at home, and thus can't stay constantly connected, but for the few hours I'm online each day I'd turn the network activity on. Even tried a couple manual updates, and nothing would report until this morning.

Four of my results ended up overdue and thus didn't get credit. Sure, I only lost out on 165 or so credits, but with how long they were having problems (sure the other systems were up, but practically impossible to connect to) they should have at least thought about extending deadlines. I'm sure I'm not the only one that ended up with overdue results or that has dial-up and had major problems reporting results. I copied down the results ID, WU ID, etc. in case there's anyway for them to do something about it, but I'm guessing not. So in the end I'm a little ticked, but I've been here for almost 8 years and I'm not about to quit now.

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Profile Teratoma [SETI.USA]

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Message 567280 - Posted: 14 May 2007, 17:33:53 UTC

Fortunately for me I was able to upload and report all my work before the deadline.

HOWEVER, after thumper was revived many of those WUs now state they are over due. I assume they are missing due to DB consistancy. Hopefully they will be returned once they have a chance to do some more work on the systems, maybe tomorrow.

I know they had a long weekend so I will not bother anyone just yet. I'm sure I'm not the only one with this issue. I guess I nned to find the "Missing Work" thread or whatever it is called.

ID: 567280 · Report as offensive

Message boards : Number crunching : credit for those units where the time expired?

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