S@H Beta Test/Astropulse

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Message 189278 - Posted: 15 Nov 2005, 18:21:40 UTC

I hope this does not sound dumb.
Ok im confused is s@h beta astropuls or is astropuls some thing totali different?
Scorpions - Wind Of Change
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Profile David@home
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Message 189316 - Posted: 15 Nov 2005, 20:52:43 UTC - in response to Message 189278.  
Last modified: 15 Nov 2005, 20:53:54 UTC

I hope this does not sound dumb.
Ok im confused is s@h beta astropuls or is astropuls some thing totali different?

No it is not a dumb question. Seti@home beta is currently testing a new client for SETI@home that is more sensitive called SETI@home enhanced.

Astropulse was an old project that took data from the existing SETI@home tapes and re-examined them for radio pulses that lasted only microseconds. This could indicate a pulsar or maybe a signal from an intelligent source deliberately being sent out. As far I understand it work on a new Astropulse will start once the SETI enhanced client is in general release. The Southern hemisphere is another SETI project that is due to join BOINC in the future. SETI@home beta is a test environment for these three future projects. You can join the beta project over at

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Profile Al
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Message 189333 - Posted: 15 Nov 2005, 21:50:59 UTC - in response to Message 189316.  

I hope this does not sound dumb.
Ok im confused is s@h beta astropuls or is astropuls some thing totali different?

No it is not a dumb question. Seti@home beta is currently testing a new client for SETI@home that is more sensitive called SETI@home enhanced.

Astropulse was an old project that took data from the existing SETI@home tapes and re-examined them for radio pulses that lasted only microseconds. This could indicate a pulsar or maybe a signal from an intelligent source deliberately being sent out. As far I understand it work on a new Astropulse will start once the SETI enhanced client is in general release. The Southern hemisphere is another SETI project that is due to join BOINC in the future. SETI@home beta is a test environment for these three future projects. You can join the beta project over at


Thanks for the info:)
I joined Beta a fiew days ago:)
Scorpions - Wind Of Change
ID: 189333 · Report as offensive
Profile Mike Special Project $75 donor
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Message 189778 - Posted: 17 Nov 2005, 12:29:01 UTC


Astropulse an old project???

Not that true.

I was crunching astropulse in 2003 what is a bit younger than seti since 1999.
It was the first boinc application when i remember correctly.
I´m boincing since march 2003 and did a lot of astropulse units.
Astropulse is searching for black holes and pulsars.
This application will be continued in beta test after seti enhanced is finnished and before southern hemisphere search starts.

greetz Mike

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Profile Al
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Message 189834 - Posted: 17 Nov 2005, 16:31:44 UTC - in response to Message 189778.  


Astropulse an old project???

Not that true.

I was crunching astropulse in 2003 what is a bit younger than seti since 1999.
It was the first boinc application when i remember correctly.
I?m boincing since march 2003 and did a lot of astropulse units.
Astropulse is searching for black holes and pulsars.
This application will be continued in beta test after seti enhanced is finnished and before southern hemisphere search starts.

greetz Mike

Hi Mike
Cool i cant vait for Astropolse:)
Thanks for the info.

Scorpions - Wind Of Change
ID: 189834 · Report as offensive
Profile Phill_UP_007

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Message 189835 - Posted: 17 Nov 2005, 16:48:08 UTC
Last modified: 17 Nov 2005, 16:48:31 UTC

Sorry to crash the thread with what could be a stupid question but if Astropulse is searching for pulsars wouldn't that make Einstein@home sortta redundant? Or would it work with the enhanced SETI@home to help distinguish between candidate signals from background noise?

ID: 189835 · Report as offensive
Hans Dorn
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Message 189910 - Posted: 17 Nov 2005, 21:28:40 UTC - in response to Message 189835.  

Sorry to crash the thread with what could be a stupid question but if Astropulse is searching for pulsars wouldn't that make Einstein@home sortta redundant? Or would it work with the enhanced SETI@home to help distinguish between candidate signals from background noise?


Einstein@home is looking for gravitational waves, while astropulse will be looking for radio waves.

The two projects are looking at different aspects, and endorse each other.

Regards Hans
ID: 189910 · Report as offensive

Message boards : Cafe SETI : S@H Beta Test/Astropulse

©2025 University of California
SETI@home and Astropulse are funded by grants from the National Science Foundation, NASA, and donations from SETI@home volunteers. AstroPulse is funded in part by the NSF through grant AST-0307956.