Profile: Starhawk

Personal background
Greetings, fellow earthlings!

I'm a 47yo male from Wisconsin, USA. My occupations are many and varied as are my hobbies. I'm what's commonly refered to as a "Renaissance man". I'm a 'Jack-of-all-trades', but unlike the saying, I'm master of a few. ;)

I'm a mathematics and science buff. Anything that has to do with observing the sky or flying and I'm into it! I have an 8" SCT that I use a lot of the time to keep an eye on the sky above us. I also use it to entertain and educate the children and adults in my neighborhood and at work. I fly model rockets and kites as a diversion from the 'serious' side of my obcession with the sky above.

Working for NASA, JPL, Boeing or SETI is my lifelong dream! :)
Thoughts about SETI and SETI@home
I do believe there are civilizations that are above us in evolution and technology. Conversely, I also believe there are some that are below us, as well. Making contact with either one would only serve to better mankind and force us to understand that this Earth we live on is just a tiny spect of intelligence (debatable) and resources.

We must come together as a cohesive people and serve the greater good of ALL mankind. Only then will we be ready to go beyond Earth and make contact. Doing so at the current time and date would only serve to show other civilizations just how ignorant mankind really is. To believe we are better than any others is foolish. On the other hand, I would be cautious about placing our beliefs upon any lesser civilization. Look where we are now. Is this the legacy we want others to remember about mankind?

I think we should continue to look for other intelligent life, but not try and contact them. If they are more advanced, they will contact us first and then, only when they deem it is time to make such contact. If there is another civilization equal to us, they will also be having a hard time finding us, but that's okay. Neither is ready for space travel...yet.
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