Posts by #Con.#

41) Message boards : SETI@home Science : CODING MIND PROJECT; SECOND REALITY -2R (Message 1173601)
Posted 25 Nov 2011 by Profile #Con.#
im litte bit psycho-activ...after this.....

can i talk about my project here?

42) Message boards : SETI@home Science : CODING MIND PROJECT; SECOND REALITY -2R (Message 1173599)
Posted 25 Nov 2011 by Profile #Con.#
sorry for my english.....i cant do more with this...
its all [words - forget gramatic]...
it poor but full comunitivity....
what can i say......just try write something intresting for sciencetist people..
its my project which i create thinking alone....
just want you inteligent persons throw eye on my project....
i know is hard give to understood.
i dont know is it intresting for enyone...
i will glad if YOU help me organize this 'level'... - someone in future...

help - like correctig my words for understand...

i see second realitiy in corner of my eye -like

form created have valors wich i dont want lose...
i have big experience this subject ....
please ask..
i will be proud to answer....

for me everything is undersanded..

dont give die this project...
"nessesity is mother of invencion" -
43) Message boards : SETI@home Science : CODING MIND PROJECT; SECOND REALITY -2R (Message 1173460)
Posted 24 Nov 2011 by Profile #Con.#

project robotek:

elementary part roots program/system "detal" which are `project robotek` to make up beging concern, which is bring to surce
of mathematic, hevent got appliance practical nowhere . But in this domain [which is koding brain/mind] retrieve significant
even crucial importance in method of working. coding mind starts from point [dot].
point which we assumption set [point] in center of mind [in assumption put in it energy - takeing under attention that
all what we thinking it is energy being in brain in form electric impulses and next form, radio waves].
when are thinking[with point] being make energy. point holded/set in central position with thinking, works like a generator
and energy which is maded is grouping someware about behind horizon of percepcion.[pending this mind work/power will - can
at the same time: eat; read; whaching tv; enything].
we move in system and scale, percepcion and perspective.
Project never been and dont must more imagine be describe becouse cannot comes to all.
but by cause natural selection comes to dedicated/typed unit.

Here is a text about coding brain for a robot (or not) - how to?


1. We start think with the point
Point - assume/witch assume, means energy of nothing:
is;be;been + energy of destruction (fire;example)
2. Hold point (red;example) in center of us mind.
3. Point make energy, energy never is artificial what was maded when
we start thinking.
4. This energy is indestructible then and only then when all is maked
correct with the principals/rules. (mathematic, physicial)

- About being energy will be have own place somewhere behind horizon.

- energy is making/creating by thinking, consciously with will power
in form electric impulses in brain and radio waves - energy.

- point works like a generator.

This is short text describe how to correct coding brain/mind.

; An elaborate betwen perspective and percepcion.

Basic english version///

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