Posts by Eduardo Bicudo Dreyfuss

1) Message boards : Number crunching : Setting for downloading additional WUs? (Message 991141)
Posted 22 Apr 2010 by Profile Eduardo Bicudo Dreyfuss
Wow, after 6 hours w/o work and w/o asking for more, 20 minutes after I'd posted this message and left, out of nowhere my Boinc started to ask for more Seti CPU work and got just 1 task. And continued to ask for more work from 14:33utc to 16:02 utc and got one or two more each time in an incredible series of almost 150 work requests that got me 157 Seti CPU wus!! The wus were not downloaded yet due to a project back off, but it seems that Boinc had got alredy in motion to recover.

Notwithstanding, it wuold be interesting to know why it behaves like that.

Thank you anyway,

2) Message boards : Number crunching : Setting for downloading additional WUs? (Message 991091)
Posted 22 Apr 2010 by Profile Eduardo Bicudo Dreyfuss
Hi, there,
I run 80%SETI and 20% CPDN to keep the computer busy during SETI outages but my preference is highly SETI. I understood that in the medium/long term Boinc keeps aproximately the desired ratio and this is fine. Right now I have 8 CPDN units already running continuously for many hours (time to completion from 50 to 250 hours, new CPDN work not allowed), 200(!) Seti GPU wus and ZERO Seti CPU wus. My settings are connect every 7 days, extra work for 3 days, connection allways allowed, Seti new work allowed (I checked it out).

BUT Boinc is not asking for Seti new work.

How or when is Boinc going to ask for Seti new work, mainly Seti CPU work?

I've read a lot of related threads before posting here (trying not to be a pain in the ...) and despite it would shake a little this crunching race we like, there is actually no need to keep the ratio exactly to the 80/20 and I wouldn't complain if Boinc is going to revover in some time.

Thanks for any info,

3) Questions and Answers : Windows : Upgrading from XP to 7 (Message 989009)
Posted 14 Apr 2010 by Profile Eduardo Bicudo Dreyfuss
Does Astropulse use more memory? I mean to take more advantage of the available capacity.

I really care for SETI and I'd like to stay 100% SETI but I guess there's also a sense in using the pc entirely.

Does anybody can tell how much of memory does Climate Prediction or LHC use?

One or two out of these 3 will do.


4) Questions and Answers : Windows : Upgrading from XP to 7 (Message 986732)
Posted 5 Apr 2010 by Profile Eduardo Bicudo Dreyfuss
OK, I understood now, I was thinking that Seti was like some engineering softwares used for Finite Element Stress or Air flow or Heat Flow analisys that use a calculation front line wich size is memory avalilability dependant and this is an idea for you to consider for future developments.
Thanks very much,
5) Questions and Answers : GPU applications : Windows 7 (Message 986353)
Posted 3 Apr 2010 by Profile Eduardo Bicudo Dreyfuss
Following a clue given by Jord in the windows thread, I updated the driver directly in the NVIDIA website and it worked, I'm running GPU WUs just fine.
6) Questions and Answers : Windows : Upgrading from XP to 7 (Message 986350)
Posted 3 Apr 2010 by Profile Eduardo Bicudo Dreyfuss
1 - I want to use all 6Gb because it would crunch faster using more RAM memory (that is faster than the HD memory). The main advatage of a 64 bit system is its capability of addressing more memory.
If I understood correctly, Seti is not capable of using more than this current 1.5Gb and in this case, is there a prevision of when it will do so?
You can see that right now there already are a lot - I mean thousands - computers with more RAM memory than 1.5Gb. This is a waste of available computing power.
And thanks, I'm 100% SETI and don't want to attach to any other project,.

2 - I went to NVIDIA website and downloaded a very large recommended driver and now it's running cuda just fine, thanks a lot,
7) Questions and Answers : Windows : Upgrading from XP to 7 (Message 986252)
Posted 3 Apr 2010 by Profile Eduardo Bicudo Dreyfuss
I've just upgraded my i7 from XP 32 to Seven 64 today and 1 - The boinc is using only 1.5Gb memory but the computer has 6Gb. HOW CAN I MAKE BOINC USE ALL 6Gb?
2 - Boinc didn't recognize the GPU and I'm running only cpu WUs. The NVIDIA is correctly installed and the driver was already updated. HOW CAN I MAKE BOINC RUN GPU? (the GPU was crunching just fine under XP32 until last night).
Thanks for any help,
8) Questions and Answers : GPU applications : Windows 7 (Message 986192)
Posted 2 Apr 2010 by Profile Eduardo Bicudo Dreyfuss
I've just updated from XP 32 to SEVEN 64 and now my gpu is missing in Seti (it's running ok for my video and it was crunching for seti undr XP until last night).
How can I make the seti recognize de GPU?
(In addition, how can I merge this new computer registration with my older, since is the same machine?)
Thanks for any help,
9) Questions and Answers : Wish list : BOINC Wish List (Message 982645)
Posted 23 Mar 2010 by Profile Eduardo Bicudo Dreyfuss
Maybe size is not the appropriate word, but I meant the required processing time. I use to receive tasks that vary from 1 to 22h processing time.
10) Questions and Answers : Wish list : BOINC Wish List (Message 982364)
Posted 22 Mar 2010 by Profile Eduardo Bicudo Dreyfuss
I understand, I really do but the Project actually does split WUs with diferent sizes . . .

That condition of keeping some "movement" in the customer screen is a marketing approach, to keep the volunteer interested and thus willing to make his computer available more often, I mean not everybody is a setiaholic like me that update equipment at home just to crunch seti and so the marketing thing is important. Right now I see the difficulties that you explained to me but maybe you can include this thinkings - to see the project from the customer point of view - in considerations for major revisions in the future.


11) Questions and Answers : Wish list : BOINC Wish List (Message 982247)
Posted 21 Mar 2010 by Profile Eduardo Bicudo Dreyfuss
1 - Gundolf understood very well and I don't understand why the boinc client must be blind to the type of wu needed and why the boinc seti must be blind to the size of wu adequate to each computer. In fact, I wondered that this could be easy, just making use of the already available statistics.

Diferent computers need different sizes of WUs: slow computers smaller units and faster computers and multi-core computers very big WUs and tha reference shall be that tha SETI must keep some "movement" in client screen, to keep the customer interested and thus making his computer available more time.

How can this be not possible to be done?

2 - Since I'm crushing for SETI for almost 5 years now, it's clear that I know that tha validation of a freshly reported WU will take some time, but in this very moment you can take the oportunity to see your updated credit, because some of the WUs you'd reported earlier might be already validated.
And this is not a concern to me but my suggestion was that that report and credit updating to be made between seti-computer-to-seti-computer without the need of using the external communication link again.

Number 2 was just a suggestion but I believe Number 1 woul avoid a lot of traffic and make all crunchers happier leading to more computers hours available to the project.


12) Questions and Answers : Wish list : BOINC Wish List (Message 981650)
Posted 20 Mar 2010 by Profile Eduardo Bicudo Dreyfuss
Hi foks, I have 2 suggestions that maybe can help in lowering the amount of access requestes and thus the communication traffic with SETI.

1 - Provide the BOINC sotware with a more acurate gear to detect wich type of WUs are needed to download.

Since I have just one video GPU board and 8 CPUs, I have always a huge amount of cuda units ready to start and I fequently run out of CPU work and my boinc still asks for more CPU AND GPU work.

Consequently my pc is always asking for more and more and this is a lot of traffic and a waste of CPU resource.

I guess that using the client stats available, maybe it's not difficult to provide boinc with a more accurate gear to manage the communication.

2 - Make the upload to be done in one shift.

Today we have a 3-hit-uploading: a)we first upload and b)report and c)ask for update to see the updated numbers!

I don't leave my computer with communications open all the time because it would receive a lot of bad units that are beig recycled and a mess of hi priorities and I allow communications just once-a-day during the week and maybe twice in the week-end: at these momments I want to know the numbers, since this is the fun and then comes the third hit. MAYBE the site could receive all the uploads in a kind of "updating session", make the report internally and update the numbers for the customer at the end. This would be a just-one-hit-updating and less traffic.

Regarding sugestion 2, maybe the problems you have up there are others, but the suggestion 1 would really contribute to take better advantage of the computing power available.


13) Questions and Answers : Web site : No Work Available To Process (Message 979407)
Posted 16 Mar 2010 by Profile Eduardo Bicudo Dreyfuss
So, I'm turning my computer off and I'll wait ntil the upload issue is solved.


14) Questions and Answers : Web site : No Work Available To Process (Message 979291)
Posted 16 Mar 2010 by Profile Eduardo Bicudo Dreyfuss
I don't have any CPU work to do and my boinc is NOT ASKING for new work, maybe because of the GPU WUs ready to start.

How can I make Boinc ask for new cpu work?

I guess the upload problem is going to be fix in some time, but meanwhile we should be able to get new work and take advantage of the available computing power.

(I'm 100% SETI and I don't want to attach to any other project.)

Thanks for any help,

15) Questions and Answers : GPU applications : GPU runs 6 cuda WUs swtching among them. (Message 911474)
Posted 26 Jun 2009 by Profile Eduardo Bicudo Dreyfuss
6.6.20 is no longer available at Boinc site. Will 6.4.7 do?
16) Questions and Answers : GPU applications : GPU runs 6 cuda WUs swtching among them. (Message 911056)
Posted 25 Jun 2009 by Profile Eduardo Bicudo Dreyfuss
I still have the same behaviour, now crunching 45(!)cuda WU at the same time and some of them are taking up to 7h to crunch compared to 1:07/1:10 typical time(see (*) below).

I checked the BOINC Q&A and this is being tracked there also, under the name "Stop switching between WU".

My pc was at 920 RAC, in a rising curve expected to reach 1400 at least and now it's at 740 and going down, a big waste of computer power.

I please ask for a solution.



(*)30mr.09ab.10053.19704.3.8.74_1, reported jun25, 02:00 gmt, and I couldn't know haw many credits, since right after reporting it wasn't in my tasks list anymore. Is this one a VLAR that justifies this huge time to crunch it?
17) Questions and Answers : GPU applications : GPU runs 6 cuda WUs swtching among them. (Message 909977)
Posted 22 Jun 2009 by Profile Eduardo Bicudo Dreyfuss
One cuda unit from that group of 15 I left running took more than 5 (five!) hours to ask for 40 credits, so I abort 3 others that were going in the same way. And the tips from Claggy are expllaining a lot how the manager works: I unsuspend all units and the manager started to request new work imediately.

But maybe the real question is: why, after many days running right and without any interference of my side either hardware, software or settings, why does the manager begin to jump from task to task all the time ?

This reminds me of that problem with old releases that were uncapable to unwind some units AND uncapable to ask for exit with bad wu, I guess 5.8 or something. I don't know what was done to solve it but it doesn't happen anymore(I have the same computer). Maybe same kind of adjustment must be done regarding cuda management.

While I wrote this, the manager got new work and now I'm crunching regular units again.

I'd like to have a definitive solution but meanwhile let's follow claggy advice and wait the time to pass and see what happens.

Thank for your advicing,

18) Questions and Answers : GPU applications : GPU runs 6 cuda WUs swtching among them. (Message 909800)
Posted 21 Jun 2009 by Profile Eduardo Bicudo Dreyfuss
6 hours after step one, with no behavior change, I went into step 2 and as soon as I'd started to suspend a "large enough" amount of cuda units, the effect was that the manager got instantaneously crazy, starting units and living them waiting after 2 to 5 seconds of processing: now I got 49 waiting to run. Thus I suspended everything else except 15 and go into step 3 "letting time to pass" and see if it cleans up. The truth is that I'm going to pilot the amount of available units each day until this ends up.

And the boinc manager still does not request new tasks and the computer's out of regular cpu work for 12 hours now.

Shall I reset the project and start all over again with this new preferences settings?

19) Questions and Answers : GPU applications : GPU runs 6 cuda WUs swtching among them. (Message 909737)
Posted 21 Jun 2009 by Profile Eduardo Bicudo Dreyfuss
Now I see how Boinc understand the settings and how I've mislead it.

I changed the cache settings and I'm following the suggested steps.

I'll report its efffectiveness.

Thanks very much,

20) Questions and Answers : GPU applications : GPU runs 6 cuda WUs swtching among them. (Message 909706)
Posted 20 Jun 2009 by Profile Eduardo Bicudo Dreyfuss
My cache is set to 10+2 days. It was loaded a couple of days before and I have about 140 cuda units ready to start and 13 running.

Right now I'm out of work of cpu wu's and the manager does not ask for more work. I know this is another problem being discussed in another thread, but my ccomputing power is available to Seti and it's a shame it's not being used at is maximum.

Please, help.



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