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Message 1956729 - Posted: 22 Sep 2018, 3:03:53 UTC

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Message 1956731 - Posted: 22 Sep 2018, 3:46:21 UTC

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Message 1956909 - Posted: 23 Sep 2018, 11:40:23 UTC
Last modified: 23 Sep 2018, 12:00:54 UTC

Let alone decide, for perhaps no one at all, but could you make it still one thing for another, and next also that of life as well, when it should also be Intelligence,
but also that the further references in the second link above needs checking, because it still could be more to it.

Of course the latter becomes the direct link between life as we know it, and those parts making up every single cell of the body,
but if rather making it a personality, for also a Mentality, when also that of given Mind, are those genes, for also chromosomes, still responsible?

Valuing life could sometimes be about tears only, for also comforting one resting in bed, for only a decease, or perhaps surgery,
but still making it a debate between scientists, for also believers as well, the meaning of life, for the way it should be.

Any lack of conscience, and it should mean that of sleep for such a thing, except for sometimes rumors that part of your personality could be a hidden one,
for which one you might not be possibly aware of yourself.

We could sometimes explain a couple of things with reference to each other, except for still not the big picture for that of making it all fit together.

If RNA could be for one explanation, while perhaps DNA for yet another, perhaps a bit of "strand", for only making it bits and pieces, if not any enzymes either,
because this could still be in "Flesh and blood" for such a thing, only with respect to the physical body.

If perhaps a different explanation, it could end up just becoming so, by only making it Belief once again, for only those believers among us, who could be thinking
it may be another possibility, for also an explanation.

Is sleep any state of Mind, for also Mentality, or is it rather a different physiology instead, for more that of a character, except for still not any sleep disorder?

If still one simple thing, for yet another explanation, it could also be that of processes as well, which could involve that of Chemistry taking place in the body.

For that of the not so conscious, it could be that of sub-, or under, for only just that, but next not being readily found in the translation.

If only the second link above, and you could end up being lost, for the Atheist, or Agnostic which you perhaps are, but next that I could still end up thinking in such a way.
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Message 1956913 - Posted: 23 Sep 2018, 12:15:07 UTC
Last modified: 23 Sep 2018, 12:37:13 UTC

A bit of turmoil, for that of the previous links, in that the subsequent links from that of Religious science, is having quite much worth of reading.

But it could still be the old debate of whether the above is just for such a thing only, or whether science could perhaps be more interpreted in such a way.

The second link above makes me think a little, because at least to myself it represents a bit of valuable contents, for only that of reading.

If we perhaps "knew" that Probability, for also Logic, became the direct answer for just everything, then fine, except for only Affidavit making no sense either.

We still could make it that of Flesh and blood, for only that of water as well, except for still not making the Universe any living thing either, for only a possible argument.

Compare with just that of Metaphysics, for only that of sleep versus Hypnosis, and still not any similar either, for only that of different pieces making up a whole.

If one thing still only that above, for also a given way of approach, for also attitude, also that of being stuck on mind, for making it still one thing for another, except for only that of science.

Any belief in God, for also such a Thought as well, could well be for that of just such a thing, except for still not making it any Religion, where it possibly could end up being only science.

Is it just being biased, or could it sometimes be that of making it only different sciences, for only that of subjects as well?

Where is it supposed to fit, when it also could be that of the opposite, except for still not any single whole, for that of possible entities, when it could also be objects as well?

Again that the Method of Proof could still be science itself, or on its own, except for what you sometimes could be making of it, and once again it could be a given way of thinking.
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Message 1958867 - Posted: 6 Oct 2018, 17:54:00 UTC
Last modified: 6 Oct 2018, 17:55:13 UTC

I am being logged out of my account right now, and next losing the whole thing once again.

I better start running the tasks again.

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Message 1958922 - Posted: 6 Oct 2018, 22:08:33 UTC
Last modified: 6 Oct 2018, 22:18:42 UTC

But also the fact that both skepticism, for sometimes also debunking, could be a theme among us, for just only dismissing, because if doing it the other way,
I could end up still being a believer of sorts, except for not having Direct evidence in front of me either.

Perhaps we could still be making it evolution, for also the Universe, except for still eyes which could see, for next also think as well,
for only the more helpful, or accommodating part of the subject, which sometimes could be wished for, except for still not any specific Proof.

If still the purpose of detecting intelligent life, for only a signal for such, perhaps in vain, except for those things we could make Crop Circles, and also UFO's,
for a nature which we sometimes might not fully explain, we know that it could be still only science.

Are ideas and suggestions still to be measured, for also studied, except for not any rejected, because of no relevance, or could we end up being stuck in
possible "belief", for only that a thinking, when still only science, rather than perhaps Project management?

If rather guesswork instead, perhaps not the right word either, because it could end up being Logic or Probability for such a thing, and right now not wishing to do that.

Making it a possible outsider, for only a third person, it could be the alternative thinking of someone, for also opinion as well, but except for that,
we could still be making it a difference of meaning, for only such a thing as approach to a given subject.

Could it sometimes be speculative science, for only a way of thinking, or could we perhaps still end up in the blue, for just not knowing anything?

If our way of approach could be that of observed Facts, for also Evidence, perhaps fine, for also correct as well, but next presenting any ideas to the audience,
it could end up much like the presidential race, for only a candidate, when sometimes being rejected for that of a majority vote.

I hate to speculate, except for not blaming Chris S here either.
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Message 1959058 - Posted: 7 Oct 2018, 11:48:49 UTC
Last modified: 7 Oct 2018, 12:08:59 UTC

It was meant as my suggestion for no further discussing, because here I leave it to others to decide.

Also got it corrected for the word adversaries, when I rather meant a gift for Christmas instead, because I do not throw all my enthusiasm or eagerness into
that of Politics either.

I am a little more concerned, and also thinking about the post which went down the drain, because it perhaps was the best of them all, but getting to the Favorites,
using Microsoft Edge, I am unable to recover from there as well.

One thing noticed, is that perhaps not my keyboard either, or even a sometimes hanging server, but it does not take the extra line between paragraphs,
so here pressing carriage return only once, before it inserts an extra line, and here not my liking at all, and needs a fix.

If a given way of approach, could still be a way of belief, it could sometimes be that of symbols or swastika, except for not any perfect or better world,
for what we could sometimes make of it, for what it could possibly represent.

Tyrants of the past, could also be dictators as well, but next not for any good either, when just only for bad.

But if you could be an Atheist, for sometimes an Agnostics as well, that does not necessarily mean any fumbling around either, for that of being blind,
or perhaps a lack of knowledge, particularly if you happen to be a scientist, and next could be on the job.

We could still make it elementary particles, for also fundamental Laws of nature for only that of Cosmos, or its equivalent, but except for the other word for this,
it could sometimes be a bad day, for only that of persecution, and also a blind eye for that of science when it comes to mind or opinion, because the regular day
takes away most of the spirit and joy, for also pleasure as well, when still only doing the job.

Perhaps not any glad, or even lucky either, but here the word becoming for this, became another than the suggested one, so in the meantime falling out as well.

Of course it should not be any three part science either, or perhaps even more, when we already know that it should be two ways of interpreting nature,
but except for making it a sad day of the past, for also even more, it could be still that of Cosmos, for also the Universe, for only the events making up its
day to day business, for more that of its inner-working.

If Probability could be a way of understanding nature, also that of a Probabilistic equation for such, when it comes to estimating the number of intelligent civilzations in space.

But if rather Sets, for also the Venn diagram as well, it rather could be inclusion versus exclusion, for that of also Logic as well, except for not making it any order out of Chaos either,
for only a Deterministic principle.

I do not get to the other thing right now, and lost the final word, as mentioned, so here not any funny at all, but if such a thing as "Ready, steady, go", should still mean cook as well,
just sitting in my chair, could make it everything loud and clear, for only in front of me, because the sum of all factors making up the Universe, should also make for a given Existence,
and still only myself for that of the chair here as well.

I am still supposed to breathe, except for not holding my breath, and the heart could be beating in its regular fashion, for only that of keeping me alive,
but except for that, the falling leaves for only that of autumn, should be telling about regular cycles of nature, for also repeating as well, in that it could be a process for such.

If it still could be that of part versus whole for a couple of things, next not any "stupid me" either, for also a black cat across the road, but rather that a given Comprehension
should be based on multitude, for also manifold, in that we could be still only a small speck of space, for also that of importance.

Therefore the trick is making it the genius part of it, for also a scheme, by just thinking the correct way, in that 0 should precede 100, for also 1 as well,
except for not any Intelligence skyrocketing either, for only that of a limbo of sorts.

If such a thing as the Method of Proof, for also Proof itself, could be a way of making it science, for also interpreting the world, perhaps not any Religion for such,
but rather that a way of understanding, could be that of measurability for both size, and also numbers, except not any objects, or entities either.

The part which fell out here, became that of Abstracts, for also that of Constructs, when we also could make it Abstract and Concrete, for at least the physical part of the world.

Perhaps it should be a description for such only, except not any literal one either, but one way of perhaps thinking of it, is making it that of life and death for such,
in that death could be thought of as a Construct, except for not directly referencing any Afterlife either, for also that of a similar Eternity.

For one thing it could still be the danger zone, except not any trap either, making it only the subject of Religion, except for not any approach either,
but if at best space could be filled up with Intelligence, for at least a couple ones of such, I could end up believing in the "Alien Interview" for its supposedly meaning.

If still only the subject of Religion, do not forget that of birth and death of stars as well, for also planets, except for not dead bodies only, for that of the physical part,
because as usual, flipping over when just only starting the heat, and it could all fall to the ground, for nothing being successful, and therefore not accomplished either.

Could I make it Facts for a couple of things, and next it could also be the way it should be meant, for also interpreted as well, in that we still could make it a Religous debate,
for also a Theological one, but if rather such a thing as an Aspect could help explain the world, also that of Abstracts versus Constructs, for that of the similar?

Making it perhaps only science, and one could be tempted to say that any Religious could mean lack of knowledge, and also a similar lack of just interpreting a couple of things.

Possibly it became the new, or more recent thing right now, but if perhaps still such a thing as Metaphysics, it could be still past, or beyond any levels of understanding,
for also limits, except for not any skeptic people either, versus a couple of believers.

Perhaps not any labyrinth either, for only that of the Mandelbrot set, but more that of an iterative structure, for not any recursive either, when we could make it at least
one way of thought, for that of an imagined Universe for also world, except not any real one either.

If still that of jump buck, for also leapfrog, is not any suitable, or proper, it could perhaps be that of jumping into hyperspace instead, for that of possible time travel,
except for still not any notion for that of a four-dimensional space, where time could be the fourth dimension.

Always the given reference, for still this and also that, except not any vice versa either, but if perhaps becoming a bit boring, why still not the given reference for
perhaps one thing versus another, in that it also should relate, or correspond, except for not part of a larger picture, for only its meaning.

Perhaps such a thing as Afterlife, for also Eternity as well, if not any "Stairways to Heaven" either, could still be out in the blue, making it a Construct, for only that of death,
should next be telling that there could be another way of life, for also Existence.

So therefore still a priest for also that of preacher as well, and you are of course welcome, except for my personal experience that it could go down the drain even here as well.

The best approach should still be the scientific one for such, except for not any twist and shout either, when only turning around in the grave, because the soul has left your body.

Somtimes those things which could be known to be luminescent, except for not making it any fireflies for such either, but next perhaps not any dragon either, for only a snake.

So, if perhaps any better, it perhaps should be that of still interpreting a couple of things, by making it Religion instead, except not any science where it should belong.

The Aura past my fingers, visible against a dark background, is not any dynamic one either, but rather fixed, for not any moving.

Still infrared radiation being invisible to the naked eye, so here something completely different, so here I suspect, for also guess, that here I am looking at the non-physical part of myself,
for only that of the soul.

But next still tempting at making it the ladder once again, for only a Comprehension about an unknown, or unexplained nature, which for some reason could become that of Religion once again,
except for not any similar explanation by just science, when also more proper at doing it so.

Could it be the excuse of just doing it the other way, when also making it Sets, for sometimes objects or entities as well, for only that of Abstracts or Constructs,
when perhaps not any numbers all the time either, for only making it infinity?

Again, if not already mentioned, but scroll down to the figure here, for that of the main point of it all.

Perhaps God did not mean everything to be science either, for that of the Creation of his making, but except for that, it should be the way it could be possibly interpreted.

Except for still a jump into hyperspace, for only that of time, any Construct for that of life versus death, could still be a different thing, and also needing a different explanation.

It could still be the forbidden fruit, for only the Garden of Eden, but except for perhaps not any garden at all, could we rather make it leaves for that of a tree, and next make it
the trunk for only the rest, or remaining part, and in a similar way make an understanding of it, for only that of Comprehension?

The circle is not supposed to be having any sharp edges, but rather that the different parts of just only the Earth, are not supposed to fit in with each other all the time.

It should be impossible to make it a single entity out of a circle versus a square, because they do not fit each other, except for not any water either, for only the bottom of the ocean.

If a+b+c could still make for d, only the little smile for that of "=", should mean correspondence, for also that of equality, if not any similarity either,
but rather that you could make it 2*3*5 instead, for also E=mc2, for just only a famous Equation, except not any Mass-energy equivalence either.–energy_equivalence

Could it be Special Theory of Relativity here, or could I still be only jumping through hyperspace, by only making it so, but for some reason it could be telling me about
properties of space here, except for not making it any notion of death, for rather a Concept, if not any Construct either, because here perhaps a slight difference.

The end part of the story, for also matter of fact, is that we could be afraid of making it the "Truth" for a couple of things, by also accepting a couple of Facts as well.

The thing which still could be life, could next end up with death, except for not any way of describing each one versus or respective the other, for also defining as well.

Perhaps still only a notion for a couple of things, except also Concepts, and also Abstracts as well, and it could be a way of making it science, for also interpreting,
for rather that of the real world, including its Facts for only a sequence of running.

For one thing it could be still one thing versus another, except for also one part science, versus the other part just only Religion, but if you happen to be a
Mathematician, or physicist, rather than only a home based astronomer, give me a call, and tell me that it should be those physical Laws, for also Equations,
except for still not any explanation which could be telling it all.
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Message 1959062 - Posted: 7 Oct 2018, 13:08:38 UTC
Last modified: 7 Oct 2018, 13:27:56 UTC

Perhaps sea, for not any ocean either, but if one thing could be that of being figurative, it could also be a way of explaining a couple of things,
and except for possibly other wording, or alternative, that of "terse" comes up with me here, when trying to be objective.

Perhaps we could make it a false start at times, for only that of a running heat, or session, in that it could be the pistol for the gun,
and next it becomes two shots fired in a row, except for only a single one.

Any verbal description, and it should be only wording for such, except for any diagrams or symbols ending up in swastika as well,
when we rather could make it objects and entities as well, for only that of Abstracts, and in such a way sometimes telling about a hidden nature.

Could it be the turn around, for just only Century, except for not any two part Universe, where at least one thing should be about manifold and multitude?

If still only the physical part of it, also the Laws and Equations for much the same, except for not the other part of it, where perhaps no such thing as Laws,
for any bias, or prejudice, when rather that of a Premise instead, for only a possible interpretation of a given nature.

Is it perhaps just only the unknown, for also unexplained, but if perhaps Mysteries, Magic and Miracles instead, for not any Religion either,
it could perhaps be explained in one way or another, because doing it so, it should also mean the Method of Proof as well.

So, except for the leapfrog, or even false start, perhaps not any limbo either, when sometimes only slipping, and next falling, except for not through any Black Hole either,
for still dealing with science, for only that of its Methodology, except for not any Religious part, which should not be about any Jesus Christ either.

Still the little Messenger of sorts, for its possible use, or meaning, but if perhaps the same man speaking on behalf of his father, it should perhaps be rather the Bible instead.

The Greek could make it some four elements for that of their understanding, and at best I could make it the Aura here, except for still not only Jesus on behalf of his father,
for also a Universe which could be still comprehended in one way or another.

Perhaps it could be self-referencing of sorts, but next I could end up being an Agnostic for such, so therefore choosing to leave the Bible alone, for only that of Constructs instead.

Look back at those silly and stupid things making up possible events, for sometimes historical ones for such, but next also that of symbols and swastika telling about a possible nature,
except for still not making it any God either, for only such a reference.

Still the flipover, except not any turnaround instead, but if it could be still two chairs and a table for such, at least a conversation, except for not any daily routine either,
for only part of the big piece, except not any "When do we meet again", for just only a love story.

The way we could understand nature, is also the way we could interpret it as well, and for that we choose to be making it science, for also the Scientific Method.

The one thing we could make a whole, except not any part, could still be that of infinity, because at least a notion for such, except not any Concept either.

Therefore it should be the light in the end of the tunnel, except not any opposite, for making it an understandable science, for also explainable as well,
when still only that of Matter Creation, for also physical Laws as well, because here perhaps no such thing as "We will meet again" either.

It could be tempting to say, that Proof could still be a way of showing a couple of things to the audience, for the way a couple of things are supposed to be working,
except for still not the phenomenon itself, which could sometimes be unexplained.

If such a thing as Rationality could be having its respective counterpart, for also the opposite, perhaps not any flipover either, for that of daybreak of sorts,
but if writing something on a sheet of paper, and next held in front of a mirror, it should not be the mirror itself, but rather the reflection, for the mirror image,
showing the characters the opposite way, for also such a turnover.

Here that of a dual, or two part object, for only that of its properties, except for not any square, for any pentagon, when also a hexagon, for making it different properties,
for also attributes, with respect to only one single type of object.

If perhaps such a thing as circles and squares, it could also be Creation as well, for what it is supposed to be meant, except for not any way of looking at it either, for only a shape.

But if still not any this, for also that, making it perhaps finer, it could be thought of as also a representation of an object, because of also a definition,
when perhaps not any figuratively either, for making it just a circle, for also a square.

The answer still lies in the fact that we perhaps really do not know, and therefore have to do it one way first, for also the other thing as well, except not any climbing up the ladder,
for only reaching the top, or summit, because the end goal could be still that of Comprehension, when also that of understanding as well.

If we could make it Jesus Christ spending some 30 years here on Earth, also that we should know that it could be on behalf of his Father, by just his name for such.

One way of making it the Heavens, for also God as well, is that of noname for such, except for not any "Faceless" either, when also that of a coward as well.

Those things which we could be making figures, for at least circles and squares, could end up being symbols and swastika as well, except for not any other
representation of nature, for also its interpretation, or possible meaning.

Here just keying in "Theological aspect", for only that of such an idea, and guess what I found, except for a little down in the article, for the specific detail.

Perhaps not too bad here, so leaving it off there for now, because here closing in on dinner time once again.
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Message 1959066 - Posted: 7 Oct 2018, 14:35:53 UTC
Last modified: 7 Oct 2018, 14:39:07 UTC

Just the little "s" at the end, and it should be Agnostic a little down, but too late to fix.

Of course no such thing as a "Deterministic principle" either, so leaving it here with a couple of other suggestions.

If still only numbers for one thing, versus a couple of symbols for that of the other, could you make it Sets for each respective thing, including also numbers,
and next also think that it could be part versus whole, in a similar way?

Microsoft Edge apparently does not have a text search function readily available, so here only leapfrog right now, except not any jump buck either.

And please remember that for our intended goal or purpose here, it could be the way a couple of things could be interpreted, for also understood,
and this time not my way of approach, for also understanding, except for other people telling the story instead.

Could it be just the UFO phenomenon for what it could be worth, except for still eyes which could be seeing, for also that of making it life as well, for only a similar value?

Remember that I said turnaround, for also flipover as well, except not any turn of the Century either, but if a Contradiction could mean the opposite of an intended meaning,
it could also be a way of entering a stage using two entrances, for also a way of approach.

Assuming ourselves, and next also intelligent life as well, for what it is supposed to be meant, but if rather a notion of death instead, it becomes that of an Afterlife,
for at least a suggestion, except for not any Implication either, for just only Proof, in order to tell that it also should be so.

Could you think it becomes a derailment of sorts, when perhaps making it Religion of the whole thing, including those things we still do not know,
except for not making it any unexplained phenomenon either?

It still could be this and that for a couple of things, except for not any guess for that of nature, when still making it one thing, when it also could be the other.

Here the brief sigh for just thinking, except not any halt for a delay, but if we could still make it two part science for a couple of things, it should be Creation itself,
with respect to a Creator being behind, and next responsible for it all.

We could make it a fit for also a chi-square, except not any "Jack in the box" either, for only a circle within a square, for that of its perimeters.

Spending 30 years of his life here on Earth, he could be still living as well, for only being among us, except for not healing those sick or ill people either.

Measurability could be an ingredient, for also constituent, except for not any component either, and next such things could also be objects as well,
for also properties, making up that of nature, for also defining it as well, for only its physical part.

Could you make it an Abstract, for also that of Metaphysics, and next think it could be measured in a similar way, for only what it could represent?

Or could you still rely on the Method of Proof, for only Proof itself, because it should be about physical objects, for also entities, except not any invisible either,
for that of any non-physical part?

You could always be rubbing your skin, except for not any shaving either, when only a possible interface between the razor and your skin,
except for not any edge of a square versus a circle either, for also the bottom of the sea, for that of its surrounding water, because such a thing
should still be an interface, where one edge meets another, for also the top.

But if still only a circle and a square, you know that these are physical objects with their respective characteristics for shape and look,
except for not any closed door either, for only a keylock, when perhaps the key is needed to enter, except not any interface either.

The thing we could be making for death, should be a natural cause, for also outcome as well, because it should be part of a living world we could know about.

Therefore no such thing as proving life either, for also death as well, except for not a way of thinking what could be following, for also after.

If still noname for a couple of things, like also Faceless as well, should it really be that hard of making it perhaps the Aura for the soul, but next not anything more?

We still could be proving for science, because it should also be the world, except for also its physical properties as well, for only telling about their respective attributes,
and if perhaps so, attributes and characteristics, for that of an object itself, could be synonymous for only that of its meaning.

Making it Existence instead, and at least it should mean something, except for perhaps Implication coming first, for only that of meaning next.

Either still synonymous for that of a single meaning, or it could be more than one object for rather a single thing instead, because you could always explain things in
different ways, for also that of a wording of a phrase.

Perhaps not any Abstract either for that of infinity, but at least we could make it a single thing only, for what it could represent, and also mean,
except for the heap of stack either, which at least could be making for a heavyweight burden, for only that of lifting.

So perhaps still both you and me here, except for not any Father watching over us either, for only the small steps we are making, when also that of understanding nature,
could be that of Comprehension for such, in that it should also be for an intended meaning.

The daily life, for also life around us, perhaps is not any tied hand either, for only a fist, but rather the small events still taking place, and making for such a day.

Perhaps making it Concept here, and it could be still the part issue as well, for only that of part versus whole, because this became the thought coming up here,
and believe it or not, here the same figure for that of Cognition, when only the upward tree, for that of its root at the top.

But could even this, for that of an object, be only a symbol or swastika, for that of a representation of nature, which could possibly be interpreted in another way?

Should we be looking for God, because we supposedly could be doing so, or is our way of interpreting a couple of things, still for that of science, when meant in such a way?

Still that of a Concept, as far as I can tell, except for not making it a way of telling about a couple of things, for also an interpretation of such things as well,
and please have me excused for that of the middle of the day.

Better wait to 6 PM, before the next cup of coffee.
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Message 1959072 - Posted: 7 Oct 2018, 15:19:10 UTC
Last modified: 7 Oct 2018, 15:25:31 UTC

It could also end up being Politics of itself, except for not on its own either, when still a three-part structure, for also system, when next also thinking it should be the way
Government should be working.

Perhaps not any nice when making it any filibuster either, but if still only the Legislative here, for that of a process, my first thought becomes that of Democrats here,
for only such a thing, except for still not any judicial, or Judiciary, for also the Executive part, or Office either.

Hiilary Clinton perhaps became a senator because she was appointed to the position, except for not any elected either, but if still a president,
you need to lift your right arm, for only expressing faith, for perhaps also fidelity as well, because the wrong translate, should not be any swear either,
when rather an Oath for such a thing.

Perhaps not any Bible needed either here either, so it was not in my thoughts either, but rather still the lifted arm, for that of "swearing" obedience,
except for not any confession either, for just the same.

If next another way of thinking perhaps, not any this for also that either, but rather that swear is still not the correct word, for lacking the alternative translation.

Morality could perhaps be implied as well, except for not any intended either, and it soon could become that of "pun" as well.

Make it "as is", except for not any election either, and it rather could be that of the fiscal year, for only the budget, except for still a president being in charge,
for also the Supreme Court being the one institution making the final decision, for that of a couple of issues.

Being a male, for that of his appointment, or the better word for this, he does not need any pill in the morning either, for that of an abortion issue, or sometimes controversy,
but rather that it could be a gun past or below the pillow instead, for just only gun control instead, for also a couple of other issues.

Governance could still be a way in which Politics is being carried out, except for only a system for such, when it also could be that of individual personalities left to decide,
for also decision making as well, and except for that, still perhaps not any Politics either, for only a couple of issues, but rather a decisive moment, for also character as well,
when having the position, as well as authority, for being able to make such decisions, and here still only the Supreme Court.
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Message 1960570 - Posted: 17 Oct 2018, 0:11:30 UTC
Last modified: 17 Oct 2018, 0:17:35 UTC

Here suffered a catastrophic error of sorts and the previous text got lost, because of not making a copy first.

Now it got posted this time, but it was a pretty good explanation getting lost here, but for now, only halfway back at recovering the whole thing.
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Message 1960615 - Posted: 17 Oct 2018, 4:59:41 UTC
Last modified: 17 Oct 2018, 5:19:51 UTC

Could you make it any Religion, when perhaps rather only that of science instead?

Either the web could be my best friend, or rather it could be a way of looking at things from only the latter thing above,
where at least science could be offering a lot of possibilities, except for not telling about nature itself.

It should be the correct article for this, but if for some reason a cube could be "warped", it could end up more becoming
such a thing, with at least curved ends, rather than edged ones, and also more of circles rather than lines, between the edges,
but again, more that of curves once again, if not any butt either, for only that of a circle.

If perhaps thinking of a "flat" universe by just only a concept, also that of positive and negative for such as well,
in just thinking that a sheet of paper could be folded "upward" or downward", depending on still the angle of perspective.

Either just a notion only, because at least we could be thinking of it as such, except for not any Mathematics either,
for only telling that it should be so.

We made it to space, and also the Moon, using the Saturn V rocket, but if possible visitors from other stars visiting the Earth,
they more likely could be traveling through space, and also time.

Those endless possibilities we could be making for the universe, are also what we could get, and just only understanding,
also means comprehending as well, in that warped space should not mean any flat universe at all.

If Religion is still not any provable, for only being not any science either, look at the Mathematical terms and concepts
for at least describing the universe, except for where I should go, if only offered the chance.

Being still only insignificant as just only citizens of Earth, it could sometimes be difficult reaching out and just grasp,
except for still that above, for only understanding, except for also the notion of infinity, more defined as a concept instead.

Infinity could still make for the singularity, by only defining such a concept, except for still not telling about any endless
possibilities either, when rather that of nature, because if only gravity for at least the singularity, this force is perhaps not the
uniting force either, in which all concepts of nature could be a part of.

Making it some four fundamental forces in all, we are perhaps getting it wrong, for only making it radiation here,
except for still elementary particles still responsible for both matter and mass.

If the laws of nature could be different inside a Black Hole, for at least the Schwarschild radius, we could perhaps make it
"Relativistic effects", by means of only Einstein terminology for such, except for thinking that the laws of gravity, by Newton,
could be imperfect, or incomplete.

Either just come and see, except for not any watch and wait either, because of a couple of UFO stories at least told,
but except for not any Mathematician myself, rather watch the celestial sky instead, for that of a magnificent spectacle.

Better carrying it out in practice instead, and at least that of the universe, by making it Mathematics for such.

Either the bedtime song only, for that of "Come to me", except not any holy spirits either, because Reincarnation could
also be added as a subject, except for not any Return of Jesus either.

We could still make it only Mathematics here, because it also could mean provability, by making it at least Logic,
except for not any distant travel either, past a distant horizon.

Making it only a circle, and you could be running across its surface in an endless fashion, except for not any cube either.

If still only Mathematics for such, only a way of describing nature, except for perhaps any origin, for also a possible Creator as well,
because we also could know about a couple of things which perhaps are not any science, and therefore not able to describe nature either.

Thinking of it being perhaps only one thing, and next also a single concept as well, except for not any possible alternatives either,
when still making it Religion one such option.

Is the notion of time any synonymous with gravity, in order to perhaps explain everything, or could I be still traveling using the
Saturn V rocket?

Except for not any "Letters from an idiot", why not make it "Letters from a genius" instead, by just making it the universe
such a marvelous place, except for not any laws of physics either, which could make it at least understood?

If perhaps making it infinity not only with respect to itself, but also what other things could match up against,
why not still making it any laws of nature, except for rather in respect, or comparison with such a thing?

The open space still around or present, could perhaps be still curved for such, except for also singularities also present.

Those things which sometimes could be just concepts, could also end up becoming a notion as well, at least for that of time,
but if still only those "letters", perhaps not any provable science, for also possible visitors as well.

Guess it could still crawl, and also jump here on Earth, except for not any fly either, because an idiot could still make for
a bit of stupidity, except for not any extraterrestrial craft which could be traveling through space and time.

If rather making it terms for the laws of nature, when also that of limits and constraints as well, nature could be making its own subject,
for just only a definition for such, because still a couple of pictures for your pleasure, except for not going anywhere either.

Or perhaps I misunderstood the meaning of this whole thread, so perhaps a better place for this instead.
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Message 1960617 - Posted: 17 Oct 2018, 5:45:12 UTC

I guess the longer one could be squeezed in just before this one, because here it should be the first link, for that of the previous post,
rather than the latter one, when that of infinity could also be making for a cube of sorts.

But really meaning it "catastrophic" as well, for not having any disk or partition to boot up on, except for only a USB stick right now,
for only the Active Boot Disk Demo, and here unable to create new floppy disks, for also not having the BootMagic software.

It should be a web page for this, but because of the certificate, I am unable to access the page, so here a problem still remaining.

Finishing off with the last beer in the fridge, so next going to bed, because here it became 07:45 AM in the morning,
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Message 1960628 - Posted: 17 Oct 2018, 8:08:03 UTC
Last modified: 17 Oct 2018, 8:44:47 UTC

Should I perhaps go to bed right now?

Thanks for reminding me about Entropy here, for that of a subject, because it was a timely one so.

Really you could make it Lucille Ball for only a bit of laughter, except for keying in Topology, for also Open set as well,
except for not any Network topology either, for that of a different subject.

Still eyes which could see, except for not any falling meteorites either, because here it came to me, as you probably know,
that there could still be an approach, for that of science, except for not thinking that nature could be setting is own Principles,
by also Terminologies for such, except for not any Abstract or Concrete either, where the latter could be the subject of Religion, except for the
more equivalent, for only that of science, when making it the triple link in the previous, except for the starting line.

if still only Abstracts here, for also that of Sets and Topologies, we could make it the provable science we should know,
and also visible by means of Mathematics.

Proving a certain thing, could still be just only Logic, except not any a through z only, for just the alphabet, because with the three links above,
you could make it Creation as such, and also that of Certainty as well.

Spell it wrong, and we could also make it a couple of missing things as well, except for still only Lucy, for that of evolution,
but if rather a dictionary for the Wikipedia, like also the posting board here as well, except for not any editing buffer.

Also Cardinality as well, for only that of Sets, except for still not any stupid idiot for sometimes fools as well, when making it one person
more intelligent than another, only because Intelligence could also be defined in such a way.

Perhaps not any self-reference Methodology either, but if perhaps an Abstract, for perhaps both Objects and Sets,
and also Entities as well, because next not any Concrete either, for only that of Religion.

The things we could be making science, could be that of Formalism for such except for still not any proving either,
when still that of Logic being part of such, except for not any "Letters from someone" either.

Both the pictures, and also figures as well, for just of today, made for a quite bit of kick, except for not any opposite either,
for only a couple of problems being faced with right now.

Any mix, and it becomes a mixture as well, except for not any mix-up either, for just being confused, and thinking that one
thing should go for the other.

Except for still only a letter of sorts, sometimes a blunder as well, except for also a mishap as well, if only a thing just
falling back to Earth, from that of an unsuccessful launch.

Or maybe just guess what, for that of the previous, except for not checking right now, and making it guesswork instead.

Being an Atheist of you, for also an Agnostic as well, perhaps no need of proving such a thing either, except for only thinking
that Intelligence could still be part of nature, and also being measured as such.

Except for still not any Religion being provable for that of any science, and you possibly should know that as well.

So, is any drain like a bit of salt, except for not taking such a thing literally either, for almost that of granted?

Make it rather a Theme, for just that of a love song, and perhaps not any Cartoon Network either, for that of painted frames.

Or perhaps colored instead, because if still a couple of letters, perhaps not any love letters either, but rather science
with respect to such a thing as Religion, for which there perhaps is no face for, but rather only a faceless clown.

Is Logic having any deficiencies, or could it rather be that of Truth for the similar, in that we sometimes could be
wishing for an answer?

Perhaps no such thing as a Myth for only such an answer either, except for making it Creation with respect to a
possible Creator, which could rather be a Faceless coward instead.

You do not have to know, for only being an Atheist, but sometimes not any right to know for such either, in that we
already could know the general Principles for the way of such thinking.

Presenting a couple of Facts, and still only an Axiom for such a thing, except for not any postulating either.

The latter took some two attempts, because you probably know what I tried keying in at first.

Could you make it Sets just ordinal for such, except for not any hierarchical branch either, for that of a structure,
and next think that they are just equal, for only that of science itself, except for not any misery,
for that of a blunder instead, and rather think it could be the subject of Religion, for not any Matter and time either?

Except for not Matter and Energy instead, because we know that these could be two different forces, being equivalent to each other,
because of the famous Equation.

Any stupidity, for also idiocy as well, and only that of false, or 0, when perhaps only a scale, for that of measurement, because it became that of
gravity above at first, rather than just Energy, but here could need a possible fix.

If you did not catch it already, it became that of Topics of science, for just such a thing, in that one thing could be interpreted
in just a given way, except for not any combined either.

Only because someone could be wearing red hair, he or she is perhaps not any nice either, except for such a thing
still needed to be proven.

If still a measurement, for that of science, perhaps not any Logic either, but only that of a Fact instead, because it
could be representing something.

But rather make it pretty or nice instead, for not any opposite either, and the positive Aspect should still represent
a bit more of value, except for not any pretty face, for only that of a show.

Count from 0 to infinity, if you will, and next also glamor and splendidness as well, except for still not any magnificence for
that of the celestial sky, for only a couple of colors we could be watching.

Is it that of self-referencing once again, or is rather that of Creation versus a Creator a possible debate for such,
except for still not any proven either?

Here also that of Perspective as well, and next no need of reminding you about any letters either.

Here it became the empty pocket right now, so therefore back later.
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Message 1960637 - Posted: 17 Oct 2018, 10:22:26 UTC
Last modified: 17 Oct 2018, 11:16:04 UTC

Or just set and forget, except for not any timely so either, for making it "still" only here.

Too late to fix, but it became one too much such here.

Take the following with a bit of salt, for also reservation as well, because knock on wood is perhaps not any blood in
your veins or arteries either, but rather a way of thinking, for also interpreting as well, except for not any pushed either,
for that of knock on wood, of sorts.

The Aura could be a phenomenon of some kind, like also the UFO phenomenon as well, but if perhaps only provable science for a
couple of things, how far could you go in order to make something even better?

Definitely 2+3=5, for only that of Arithmetics, but except for the size of numbers, which is the better thing, for making it a
famous Equation instead?

Could you make it a definition, for only such a thing as circles and squares, except for not any polygons either,
and next only Paint for such a thing, except for not any "tags" either, for that of the endpoints, where at times it
could break off in a 90 degree angle, at least for the square?

Here you are and next you go as well, except for still science being the winner, for only the Abstract thing,
except not any stretched out hand either, for that of any give and take, except for the possible fact that Jesus was
once living on this Earth.

Is proving just only knowing, or could we still only make it just Facts for such a thing?

Tam-ti-di, perhaps, and Einstein made it a notion of time, except not any Concept either, but except for that,
still the Man in the street for a couple of things, except for still not science itself, for only running its own thing.

Or maybe science only, with respect to itself, and still the notion of infinity, with also respect to a couple of other things.

Sometimes only odd, for not any even either, and perhaps no other options, or alternatives either, at least for Arithmetics,
because it became a link in the previous, which should have been added.

Getting back at it, when perhaps editing a little more.

Rather that the universe should be "as is" for what it actually is, and also supposed to be, except for not any universal laws either,
because if in concert, also in sync as well, and therefore possible contact as well.

Are the fundamental laws of nature still such a thing you could define, for also know, except for also the Man in the street
as well, except for not making it any worse, or even "bad a** either"?

Guess what, but we could still make it provable science, for only that of Formalism, for such a basis, or perhaps starting point.

Making it perhaps the other thing, and it could end up being the Bible in one hand, and also preaching from your mouth.

The philosophers of old Greece could still speculate, for just only thinking, except for still making it science out of figures
and shapes.

Because of that, the universe should still not be the other thing either, for that of things we could be able to prove.

Is Atheism, for also Agnosticism as well, "your way" for a couple of things, except for not absolutely proving everything either?

Are set limits, for also constraints, just numerical values for such, or could it also be that of Sets as well?

Or could you make it science a "reference" for such a thing, except for still both Matter Creation and Creation myth,
for possibly two different things?

"Yes, I know", and definitely "No, I did not know" either, and it becomes a bit of Logic here, because the thing you could be
making an Abstract here, is still the thing you also may be able to prove, for just being only science.

Or maybe just goes into, for also fits as well, except for not any chi-square either, for just only proper or suitable.

The thing you still could be making provable science, is perhaps not any waste of time either, for also that of money.

If still a self-reference to a couple of things, except for perhaps with instead, possibly no such thing as a whale either,
for just only flipping over on its back, and next sunbathing.

Only figuratively so instead, and perhaps also absolutely as well, except for not any final description either,
because either take it granted, for sometimes also proven, except for still not any Mythical facts for a couple of things.

Could we still make it Abstracts for only that of Objects and Entities, except not any attributes either?

Or could we make it perhaps Creation myth instead, for only that of a best answer, for also a guess as well?

Make it the face on the wall, except not any mirror either, for only proving mankind for itself, except for still
not any Universe around.

If the Laws of gravity, and still only Newton here, could still be in failure, also that of impreciseness as well,
except for not any vain either, because Heisenberg could rather be making it Uncertainty instead, for something
which perhaps may not be measured.

So, did Einstein make it his biggest blunder here, except for not any "Cuckoo" either, for just only science,
and next thinking that one thing should be going for another, for just being so?

Why not just jump on the tracks here, except for not jumping any off either, for just thinking that science is there for
only "just is" as such, except for still not any humankind either?

Or maybe just still only this for only that instead, because some could choose to step in, except not misinterpret anything either,
by just thinking that science could be just that thing, except not pretending to be the other either.

Now I am off to bed.
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Message 1961114 - Posted: 20 Oct 2018, 12:23:10 UTC
Last modified: 20 Oct 2018, 12:56:22 UTC

Some good news for you right now.

Apparently able to get back at the Windows 10 partition in my living room, using a lab setup for my troubleshooting,
and therefore not any sitting in a chair.

I guess it took some two weeks to fix this problem, but in the end it was worth the effort.

But now the rest of it is not looking any well, so cleaning up and having it back in the computer room, could take one more week, or two.

For now, setting 50 % on the running of the CUDA tasks, and also having the Normal mode for the BIOS only.
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Message 1961397 - Posted: 21 Oct 2018, 18:43:27 UTC
Last modified: 21 Oct 2018, 18:56:25 UTC

Continuing with the tasks during the day, and also noticing that the color rendering from the regular Panasonic 15 inch monitor, is a bit better than the LCD monitors for the same, but just a bit too small in size.

A couple of things being tried out here, and the remedy became a 16 GB USB stick, containing the Active Boot Disk Demo version, which became bootable.

Pulling the screw on the adapter for cable television in my living room, and I connected the modem to the outlet at the top, and next to the Realtek network connector, by means of the plug being the telephone type jack, but if a small difference in size here, also quality as well, in that I do have a couple of cables for this, but not any 5, or 10 meters of length.

Of course, still lying on the floor here, but except for my ears, and the bit of stuck hands, things got better, including the sound from the television, which probably had a network error of sorts in the past.

The problem here is software across disks and partitions, and having only three working SATA connectors inside, because of the initial problem with the uppermost one, which did not got completely fixed by hardware factory maintenance.

Left stuck with a broken carriage return, have to use the numeric keypad, but there could be another one lying around.

Because of the weekend holiday, not any cleaning today, but I will have to make an empty bucket of hot water tomorrow, and have it poured across the floor in the computer room, also opening the window.

The laptop computer being used, does not take the password, or PIN code, and the camera of the unit apparently blew.

Pressing the volume adjusting button, together with the power button at top left, could make it to the internal BIOS, and from here the typical recovery screen for that of Windows, if pressed from the login screen where it for now becomes stuck.

This because the shutdown does not become any clean, but rather than safe mode, it becomes that of the diagnostic session instead, for that of getting back, but here a bit eager today, and pressing the wrong button.

Perhaps a slow start when waking up from bed, but not using any Pro version for that of recovery, should tell that this is possible, but not for the novice, or faint-hearted.

I had to do it this way, because I was unable to boot, and the Windows 10 USB stick did not work out with the disks, so therefore the long way by means of¨Windows 98, and also one working DVD unit, out of two.

Because the Active Boot Disk is only a Demo version, not able to do any much moving or copying, and many files did not launch or execute at all.

An emergency solution for that of boot up should be needed here, but of course only floppies here, and also a CD, as well as DVD, but only ROM, or readable, a 5 1/4 inch floppy drive is perhaps not any use either, but at least having one such, so because of the older IDE design, the SATA --> IDE connector became another solution here.

Not that much experienced with burning of software, but one of my 2 TB disks stored away, is having a large amount of purchased software, so the problem is still that of what could be readily accessed in one given moment of time.

One problem could be still file transfer speed, and if set up for that of any such recovery, I could leave it off, and return back at it some 6 or 8 hours later, if not any more, but still left to be done.

My advice is that USB sticks coming with any purchased software, should be write protected, or not any such thing at all, because writing over such software, it loses its original state, and here rather a data solution should be available instead.

Handling disks, should also be about partitions as well, and here the Active Partition Recovery software made most of it possible, but not any Pro, or most recent versions here either, because at least three of my disks blew over time, and I will have to look around for the rest.

One thing making whole disks unusable, is because a partition is not set active, for that of running.

Finally getting to the disk being used, I plugged it on with the cables out on the floor, together with another 2 TB disk, meant for that of copying, or file transfer, but still booting only from the Active Boot Disk Demo USB stick.

Another difference here is that of NTFS versus FAT32, for that of partition structure, because here both that of readability and writability.

At least some disk writing possible, so using the File Explorer of Active Boot Disk, together with the Active Partition Manager software, and also Active Partition Recovery as well, still only in standard mode, is that of making a partition active, when more than one operating system is installed.

I became left stuck here, because this became the thing not any expected, because while still booting, for that of DOS partition recovery, and also typically running a network installation, or a Windows upgrade, from Windows itself, it really has to be installed.

I better should have the DVD installation disk here, for that of Windows 10, but also liking Windows 7 Ultimate better, so also this one thing being returned back at, because I may have a complete image file located around for that of the latter, but also a thing still left to do.

But again, while this could still take some two weeks, for only that of the computer room, tomorrow is once again a weekday, so getting the bucket of water tomorrow, for that of a cleaning session.
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Message 1961402 - Posted: 21 Oct 2018, 20:11:06 UTC
Last modified: 21 Oct 2018, 20:56:53 UTC

Apparently the mouse is slipping on the wooden floor, so getting a mat, which is not being used otherwise.

Before writing the previous, should tell that I had the evening cup of coffee first, together with a bit of chocolate, but starting up the day, noticing that the freezer part of the fridge in the kitchen, located at the top, had become an igloo of just ice.

Pulling the power plug first, I wanted to make it as quick as possible, so using a kitchen knife, and also a bucket as well, for knocking out the ice, and pulling out the contents.

Really, you perhaps know about my eyesight, but the screen resolution should perhaps be larger for smaller monitors, because here the large posting buffer once again, and I have to scroll down the page itself, for that of the OK button.

One suggestion is perhaps making it a complete editor here, with perhaps a menu at the top, including a text search feature, because using Microsoft Edge here, not any such, before checking.

Another thing is that of a notice for that of insert versus overstrike for that of text, but this should come with the keyboard itself, because of only a small annoyance here.

Really, speaking of matters, also possible options as well, for only that of alternatives, because if rather "hinged" upon certain types of music, also kinds of such as well, and here "Mike and the Mechanics" for such, except for not thinking that drilling could be the dentist for that of your teeth, except not any hammer and nail either, when also the saw for that of making any wood, because if still such a thing, also the blood you perhaps are made of, and therefore not any "Aspect" either, when only looking at Creation from the physical point of view.

Perhaps it became something like know versus do not know in the past, but here unable to check right now.

The 92 natural elements making up atoms of the world, should also be the Fundamental Laws of Physics as well, for making it at least the physical Laws of nature, for also what we should also know.

If such a thing as Logic, for also Probability as well, it could perhaps be Mathematics, except for not any such thing as making it Monotheism, for also Dualism as well, when making it possible deities, except for no such thing as "believing" in any aliens either.

Perhaps we do not find any such thing as provability for that of Religion, except for making it Certainty instead, for perhaps rather science, except for not thinking, for also perhaps guessing what Creation should perhaps be all about, and next also understood.

Next perhaps not any handshake for that of science versus Religion either, and except for also aliens for the same, I already said that I could be just confused, for perhaps not being the same.

Could science still be the winner here, for only a thing you could possibly define, and next also make a subject as well?

If still Heisenberg here, for that of part versus whole, we sometimes do not know what could be making the parts, except for the complete picture, which should be that of infinity.

So here thinking that infinity should perhaps mean Creation as a whole, for only what it could be defined, except for not any possible Creator behind, which could still be only that of Religion.

Definitely Atheists are not any believers, for sometimes also Agnostics as well, except for only laughing at the subject as well, because believing in aliens should be about provability, and therefore also need possible Proof.

But as you probably know, I used some of my leisure time just thinking that Proof, for also Certainty as well, could be just only part of a given whole, except for also Logic and Proability as well, for much of the same.

The deity, for perhaps also Creator as well, is perhaps not the thing visible by means of science either,
but except for that, should you still perhaps "believe"?

Could you make it a notion of Heaven and Hell here, for perhaps only Religion, except for no such thing as thinking that this could still be the world around, for what it could be all about, and next also making it Creation as well?

If still a couple of things worth, for only that of value, also that of one thing versus another, except for not any previous or following, for that of possible Equivalence, and next thinking that science should come before any Myth, for also that of any succession, for just only sequence of order.

Past and present, also that of the future as well, for only that of time, except for not any previous, or next, for that of an order of a sequence, because here it became the sentence in the middle, for also paragraph as well, just a bit hard to get back at.

I lost that little point, for perhaps also notice as well, by just catching the point that a famous Equation could perhaps mean such a thing, for also that of other possibilities, because here making it that of Logical implication in the past, and here not checking with the Wikipedia, except for only the wording confusion for that of the article itself.

Perhaps it was someone else here making it just this and that here, for only this versus that, but if an implication should still mean, also imply as well, except not any deeper meaning, for just the other or opposite thing.

I guess water could be still only water, except for not making it any ice either, by just guessing, but if still anything similar here, that of a Principle here, for maybe rather an Axiom instead, because rather a Postulate, for that of the latter.

Mathematicians could still make it simplicity here, for rather complexity instead, and next not any Herpes simplex either, for only that of a decease.

If the word "tuft" was being used here as well, possibly an even better word as well, and possibly being mentioned.

Really it should be easy to prove a given thing for only that of its simplicity, except for not any complexity either, for just an added feature.

Still the bit of leisure time here, and except for almost an Agnostic of myself, could you perhaps make it the mirror only, and next also Ambiguity, for also Contradiction as well, except for not any given Truth either, for that of making it a definition of nature?

But next any Creator for just a deity for such, and already said, for also mentioned as well, that Religion is not any subject based on the Method of Proof.

Still perhaps some 500 billion galaxies around, except for still also ourselves, and next also the fact that Creation is perhaps with everything in mind, including also that of Evolution, for also Heaven and Hell.
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Message 1961403 - Posted: 21 Oct 2018, 20:51:36 UTC
Last modified: 21 Oct 2018, 21:12:22 UTC

It became 10:40 PM in the evening here, so just a short one, for perhaps thinking that an Aspect should be that for the Theological issue only.

If making it only Evolution for that of ourselves, still not any laughing either, for just making it just science, but if you perhaps know about the cartoon of Charles Darwin, showing him in the monkey costume, for also habits, if not any physical attributes either, perhaps still science what we could be making it, for just only knowing.

Science should be still science, of course, except not anything else you could make of it, for possibly any different, but if perhaps still not any ice bucket, for only that of water instead, is this perhaps the thing science already knew, for making it not any natural thing either?

Just thinking, and it perhaps could be a specific name or wording for this, but on the spot, that of Rationality coming up in my mind, for also the opposite as well, for that of Irrationality.

But of course it should be that of Contradiction instead, because it covers the subject much better.

Perhaps still only the mirror for a couple of things, except for not any flag either, for that of setting possible attributes, but except for that, not any symbols or swastika either, for perhaps making it the hidden thing, for also possible meaning as well.

Just make it the nations of the world, and also flags for each as well, except for not any complete picture either, for just only an understanding, when perhaps needed, because again meant to be only a short one, and here finishing off the rest of the beer instead.

Back tomorrow.
ID: 1961403 · Report as offensive     Reply Quote

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Message 1961423 - Posted: 22 Oct 2018, 0:07:16 UTC
Last modified: 22 Oct 2018, 1:02:51 UTC

Before I go, the word regular could be just misspelt, except for not any spelling either, for just only a television series of sorts, or perhaps any story being told. because not any pretty word either.

But if rather setting an attribute, for sometimes also a correction as well, could you make it only "is", for also "as is", except not any true story for that of the world either?

If perhaps only the name of someone, perhaps not any name guessing either, for sometimes also a correction, but except for that, could you make it a scheme of sorts, except for not any regular either, for only that of natural?

Making it a bit wrong at first in the previous, and next not any guessing either, for only just to speak, when perhaps only contents.

The ideal solution could perhaps be the ideal world as well, but rather it became that of Isomorphism instead, because I was still making it the living world.

We choose to attempt, for also try as well, when seeking possible solutions, when it could also be alternatives as well.

One such thing is making it still only Religion, except for not any Fact which could be still only understood.

Still the small versus large for a couple of things, except for not any simpler either, for only that of an even complexity, if not any larger either, for only that of the very small.

If still not any picture either, for just only the world, perhaps not any figure either, for just figuratively,
but a Set is perhaps not any iterative, for also recursive as well, in that it could be still the Mandelbrot set, except for not any manifold either, for just only microcosmos versus macrocosmos, when still only the world.

My guess is that we could make it still finite amounts for a couple of things, by only making it certain parts, for also amounts as well.

Could you make it science going any wrong, for just only making it a couple of facts, for just Comprehension, except for still not any mean, for just only signify?

Perhaps only "a hairy creature from alpha Centauri", for a couple of us, except for still not any believing either.

Make it rather "all" instead, and next also "all for just everything", in that it should mean just everything added.

Scientists could perhaps choose to make it the world "stupendous" for a couple of things, only because it could be large, or more significant, except not any small, for just little or less either.

Believe it or not, and next we perhaps could just choose, except not any Method of Proof either, because here it should not be any value added either.

A software being introduced for a short time in the past, introduced a possible Trojan horse, except for not any sure either, for also forgetting the name of it as well.

Just spelling it wrong, it could need a clarify, for also a clarification, except for still only looking up in the sky, for only just the thing you could see.

Seeing is perhaps believing, except for not the elephant forgetting either, because here not any ears either, which in my case is not always working.

For only that of microcosmos versus macrocosmos, except not any given or intended purpose, we could still choose to make it Matter for everything, because it also should be all.

Again the pop up for just an idea here, except not any meaning either, for just meant to say, because here that of Quarks versus galaxy clusters, except for still not any manifold for that of complexity, when still also large versus small.

So here perhaps still not any Proof for that of Religion, for not any Method for such either,
but you perhaps remember me making it a toolbox, for only that of Tools we could still use.

Rather we could make it a Premise here, except for not any Truth either, when perhaps telling about a given world, for only a given way, or perhaps selection of choice.

Here sometimes only a diversion, if making it the wrong way through traffic, except not any flight path either.

Could you make it just an assumption, for that of an Implication, in next thinking that an Ambiguity, for also a Contradiction should be only such a thing, except for not any Truth either, for just only the opposite?

Just on the spot here, just thinking that a Truth should also "mean" a Premise as well, except not any imply either, for only just such a meaning.

Here you know that I got to both Logical AND, for also OR as well, but still was looking for the NOT, for only that of a conjunction, and next not specifically Logic in mind here either.

Perhaps Chris S is not with me here, by only making it a "grain of salt", except not any fine either, for that of possible "finesse".

Could we make it still one way or another, for a way of perhaps making a choice, or could it still be only Logic, rather than a given direction?

Means, and next also imply as well, except for still not any signify, for only taking it with a grain of salt instead, when also that of "as is", for also there is, except for not any "this or that" either.

Could I perhaps flip over a little, except not falling off the chair either, in that one thing could perhaps be included in another, except for not the way it should fit, for that of correct order?

Here perhaps still that of a famous Equation, for also possible space and time travel, except for not lying in any grave either, for that of Eternity.

It really could be nice making it just time travel for short, but here rather adhering to standards instead.

You perhaps know the Chinese doll, perhaps wooden for such, but here lost the name, except for still one such inside another, for just within, except for not any pulling of the plug, for just the thimble.

Have the Pacific ocean being poured in just such a thimble, and next not any grain of salt either,
for that of a meaning for such, except for still only loud and clear, for only a sharp or precise meaning, except not any small or large either, for only that of possible Comprehension.

Next, any opposite, for also the dissimilar, and still only the smile you perhaps know about, because if not wrong, making it "Inverse Logic" in the past, except for not any negative versus positive, for just only the opposite.

Is perhaps Matter Creation part of Creation itself, except for not any Creation myth, for just another part, except for still only a smile, for that of Equivalence?

Funny, but perhaps the story about Jesus Christ himself, except not hanging on the cross, for only a story about Religion, except for perhaps not any such about science either, which could perhaps be still not believed either.

Except for still not any bucket of fresh water, for only that of the salt water of the ocean instead.

Almost forgot, but perhaps not any falsification for that of a smile, except for making it Mona Lisa, for perhaps that of a hidden meaning of nature, except for a couple of other things instead.

End up short, for a couple of things, and perhaps borking as well, except for not any red underline either, for that of a word not being accepted.

Infinity could still be only a Mathematical definition for such, except not any word you could choose to make for it, like a Concept, for also that of perhaps a definition for such as well.

But rather that of Abstract and concrete here, in that one thing should perhaps be that of science, and the other thing could perhaps be the philosophical thing you could just make it.

I guess Agnosticism could still be that of not making up ones mind, for also knowing as well.

But if next making it a step further, for also a bit further as well, could it perhaps be that of eyes which could perhaps see, except for not making up anything either, for just perhaps not knowing?

Believing should still perhaps be about knowing, except for not any Logic, for that of Comprehension either.

We know that just standing on a mat, it could be pulled away, except for not any mouse, for that of a mattress either.

If still that of "tuft", for perhaps the better word as well, Comprehension could still be about manifold, for just only counting, except for not making it any large or small either, for only that of meaning.

Perhaps rather enumeration instead, because just significance makes it that of Logic here, because of sometimes meaning more, for rather not anything less.

More true, and next also more false as well, except not any less true, for also less false, and still only Logic.

Perhaps still not any bucket of sand, for that of water instead, and here perhaps still the smile as well, except not any Mona Lisa, for only pouring the thimble of water into the Pacific ocean, for not any opposite either.

If proving the alien possibility, for also question as well, still only 500 billion galaxies, for what you could perhaps make of it, including yourself, when also that of Evolution one thing being such a possibility.

A scientific program in the background here, for that of the television, and here picking up just the sound, for only that of "essence".

Returning back from the teletext mode, it is in fact a quite interesting one here, and dealing with almost the same thing being discussed here.

Going to ask tomorrow about the title of the program, because here not sitting back and relaxing.

Just listening here, and the question of Intelligence is perhaps still not about any counting, but rather Logic instead.

The program next makes it both feasibility, for also the other word I could make of it as well, for that of sometimes a Concept, for only that of a Conceptual reality instead, except not any "Rocket man" either.

Is it next added, for also included as well, for perhaps not making it any Rocket man, for that of a flying man either, except for only that of pairing, or interconnection, for that of spacecraft?

Like perhaps Religion, for still not any scientific subject of any value either, perhaps ding, for also dang as well, except for not ending up in the drain, for that of below standards?

Galvanizing should be still that of protecting steel, except not any city of Galveston either, for only that of oil industry.

We could still make it little, less, and least, for a couple of things, except not going any bust either, for perhaps not meaning nothing.

Here missed the other thing the narrator chose to say, except for not slipping my mind either.

Also quite good as well, and should have been added, if possible.

If perhaps only "Holy cow" instead, next not any long line of text coming out of your mouth, for just only shouting.

If perhaps making it Productivity an issue, rather that of Economics instead, for that of profit, or profitability, except for still not any worth, for that of value, and also the thing science is perhaps meant to be.

Or just "speaking of", for perhaps not making it any counting issue for that of Logic, but rather that of "believability", which perhaps could rather be Certainty instead (still Logic).

Perhaps not any reason to "trust" the idiot either, for only that of Logic, but next no reason of just counting either.

But next, perhaps not any Set either, for just only counting, except for still only proving for science.

If still the Rocket man, for also that of a slingshot as well, is perhaps going to the Moon the "better" thing, except not any worse either, for only that of Logic?

Counting should still be that of enumeration as well, except for still not any less or more, for just only Logic, except for still not any smile either.

If get, for also acquire, perhaps is not any uniform either, for possibly a thing you could wear, perhaps still a mathematical Equation, for perhaps not any formula either, when only making it just space.

You know that I perhaps still tend to bow, except for sometimes only an Agnostic of myself, except for not looking at nature, for that of a perspective, for also given purpose as well.

Just thinking, and making it a Premise here, except for perhaps not covering every possibility, for that of option either.

Except for not making it any science going wrong, for also getting there as well, except for still not any Theology either, perhaps still the hidden carpet for a couple of things, including the possible Creator behind everything.

Perhaps we rather should be looking at it in the opposite way instead, because here still that of "In the beginning", for just only God creating the Earth for also the Universe, except for still ourselves asking the same question.

We know that there perhaps is not any "tell tale" story for just everything, but is this perhaps the reason we could be questioning nature, for only that of asking?

Just thinking, and perhaps still not any hidden meaning for that of a proven meaning. except not any provability itself.

Still the scientific program in the background, and this time at least catching the word "compel", for also compelling as well, except for still not any statistical evidence either, for just only forgetting the other word.

One thing is still laughing, except for not making it any Plausibility of ourselves, when perhaps rather Evolution instead.

If still science in mind, for a couple of things, could it be still so, except not any asking, for that of only so?

Just the hidden thing, for perhaps not any Ambiguity either, and perhaps not any "Knights saying no", for a couple of things either.

Perhaps I still could make it Logic a winner here, for that of a meaning, except for not any Creation meant to be, for also evolution as well, for only that of an intended purpose.

Also knowing that telling about nature itself, could still be about knowing for such a thing, except for still perhaps not any thing just behind, for that of its origination.

Speechless perhaps, and sometimes such a thing as well, except not any "flamboyant" as well, for only the purpose of chess.

Still that of guess, for only such a meaning, except not any Logic either, because if still only reverting on a couple of things, except not any "pushing" either, why not make it inadvertent here, except not any "adverse" factors either, for only just a Consequence, and next think it could be any significant?

I could perhaps make it "buoyance" here, except for not any drifting at sea, for only that of measuring equipment, except for perhaps making it any more, for just only less as well, when still only Logic.

Spelling it wrong, and perhaps not any crusade either, for only just a crusader, except for still not any Rocket man, for only a cruise missile instead.

"A su salud" and a bit of relaxing in the afternoon, except for not having a drink instead, for only that of a spinning moment.

Yes, speechless perhaps, but next perhaps the same thing you could be making of it, except for not any direct or indirect either, for just only the oppositite.

Is the process of death just the single way of approach, except not any Method either, because it rather became nature left to choose, except not any divine entity for such either?

If perhaps so, is it the only single option or alternative for tellling such a thing, except for not the other way of making it "Stairways to Heaven" either?

Forget Logic, for also Probability as well, except for still only being just dumb, for perhaps what I am.

Make it a total eclipse of the Moon, and actually it becomes half of the surface of the Earth being covered.

If Logic could perhaps be telling about one given thing, for next also another, why not make it Ambiguity instead, for also a Contradiction?

Is it possible to see a given "Truth" for that of nature, for also a possible presence as well, except for still not making it any Religion, for just only an "understanding"?

Perhaps that of Evidence here, for also Empirical such as well, but here not checking right now.

But if rather "heck" of sorts, what does it next imply, for also mean?

Those things we could make for meaning, should be still trusted for such, except not any little or small, for only that of significance.

Perhaps we could still question that of a meaning, except not making it any significance, for just only counting, but if rather making it Logic instead, I could be left with the question of what it could perhaps still mean.
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