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Message 1895490 - Posted: 15 Oct 2017, 12:54:40 UTC
Last modified: 15 Oct 2017, 12:58:09 UTC

So perhaps something else now, namely that of fires, which I for a moment almost forgot.

But a video with a national broadcaster is having a box at the end of a clip, which next redirects to YouTube for most of its contents.

If the woman in front of her burned down house could perhaps cry, at least I could feel sorrow as well and next be telling so.

Remember that there are many children being born each day and also many old people passing away, so always two different stories around.

Therefore, while not dismissing such facts as events actually happening, doing the same by perhaps thinking that it sometimes could be even worse,
is a thing that science both could be a part of, if not also dismissing such facts when they are available.

The seven plagues of Egypt were perhaps a similar disaster, by means of being a chain of events happening in successive order.

Next that neither such a thing as sins, or even any Religion, should be blamed for such a thing either.

Perhaps we should not forget the Butterfly effect either and next that such a thing as Chaos, could sometimes be expressed by putting yet another wheel in the chain,
or perhaps another iterative or recursive sequence in order for yet another level of visualization, or perhaps concept, being visible.

The well known term or phrase that all roads are leading to Rome and here the city of Rome, which is the capital of Italy, does not exclude the fact that both history as well as facts could be
told in many different ways and because of that, also the subject of Cosmology.

If it rather became that of an Abstract versus that of Cognition, of course it could be written words for that of a dictionary at times, except both for a couple of tears of sorrow,
as well as that at least infinity should be telling about the possible options or combinations of things which could be happening.

My guess is that both Coincidences and Contradictions could be important subjects and here of course I lost their names, or got it slightly wrong at first.

But rather that if still being that of possible sins versus that of love and compassion, we sometimes still could think of those ways always going to Rome and next that a
given notion of God could be reflected by means of that of Religion as a subject, without necessarily making it any science.

Always an explanantion of a given subject by mentioning its details, but as the painting of God by Michelangelo (and here you got the other name), in one of the main churches of the same city,
here again a classical example of what could be an Abstraction in order for a possible concept being visible, or perhaps defined.

When struggling for the correct word for that of believing in God by means of a given notion, of course we have that of Creation myth for such a thing.

And here my little bad perhaps, because I did not check here for a while.

This article is now a bit too short, considering its possible importance and should be expanded in my opinion.

Personally I do not twist my hands together and pray "Our Father" each morning, or even at dinner, but a fire could mean possible change, while that of both love and hatred could mean
either a different way of possible belief, or at least that a possible divine entity could be expressed or viewed in more than a single way.

The logical point or fact of always having a driver in a racecar when driving at speed, makes it still important to think or believe that God could be watching your single or every steps,
or even keep a hand on you, even when perhaps falling.

"Tales of the unexplained" and here it perhaps could be Roald Dahl for the author.

If I could be making the choice of entering a church, a priest could be there not only to offer some compassion, but also that both his "belief" in a given subject,
should next make for a similar "promise" in that what he could believe, next also could be taught, or expressed further and next to the masses.

If an abstract could be the same as a visualization, if not any concept at all, that of a painting could still reflect a given condition of nature, except for perhaps not being Rubik's cube.

Believe in the Pope if you will, but next perhaps not St. Peter being an angel and next in front of the Portal to the Heavens.

A dictionary with my parents is having an article about dreams in its extended section, which next makes for an inconclusive conclusion at the end.

So why not leave it there and next perhaps think that such a thing as an "Out of body experience" is perhaps something Metaphysical and therefore not about any Religion at all.

If I could be a Pshycologist, like Sigmund Freud, perhaps having someone hypnotized in order to recall lost memories, is perhaps not the same either, or the better comparison.

Here it perhaps becomes two different things, because while both butter and sausage with a piece of bread, typically no need for two monitors when using a single computer.

Therefore both Metaphysics and Parapsychology could sometimes be Pseudoscience, while still perhaps not that of any Religion.

Here those extensions of the subject alone, because there should be no reason to make any of these Pseudoscience in any way.

If I happened to stand in front of my house and it next was burnt to the ground, it would next perhaps not be forgotten the next day either.

If I in a similar way happened to be almost blank on a subject, I also gave a thought about the native Indians being encountered by Christopher Columbus and also the sometimes
dramatic events when that of white man made his conquests on the American continent as a whole.

Rather becoming a story about Stone Age man, both that of native Indians, as well as the city of Machu Picchu, high up in the Andes, becomes a story about lost civilizations and still human such.

Asking a doctor about pandemic epidemies in the past, including that of "Black Death", he possibly is unable to give you a precise or detailed answer.

Not long ago, we had almost the same thing happening again, by means of fearing for yet another pandemy happening, but apparently being avoided.

Therefore, perhaps a better understanding of nature is more important by adding missing pages to the dictionary, than perhaps thinking of something which is not true.

The story being told, or sometimes being whispered in your ear, about a possible colloboration between other civilizations and next ourselves, is a story which perhaps might not be proven,
or even the opposite.

From some reason news, apparently they found or discovered a skeleton lying in a grave, which could be that of an human, but next almost a meter more in length than a typical human.

By looking for something else, you sometimes could add to the book of knowledge, although it may not always be precisely what you want.

Perhaps still a bit early in the day, but while the subject could be somewhat disputed, or even controversial at times, depending on subject, at least it could be about the weather,
if not any Prophecy at all, like those of Nostradamus.

We always put birth before life and next that of death at the end, in that successive order.

Next we are perhaps able to define such a thing as at least that of birth, without being able to do the similar of that of death.

Perhaps the question could be asked if such a thing ever happened to me and next I also mentioned the visitor in my bedroom in the past.

If such a thing as a secret or clandestine operation should be carried out, it could sometimes be the military being responsible, or in charge.

If both the microscope and the telescope were both invented, it also became tools for a given purpose, but if not so, we should always rely on nature for offering possible solutions.

Therefore, if by using a different tool, like that of hypnosis, in order to possibly prove, or even disprove a couple of things, including that of possible visitors, or even lost memory,
it could end up being yet another lost or cold track, which next does not become part of the Method of Proof at all.

So, except for Sigmund Freud, now the second name almost came up with me as well and this time for that of picking needles or foreign tissue out of arms and legs of people.

If the same doctor for some reason forgot the needle, at least it should be a physical thing, but whether or not being still a dream, rather than that of building a bridge,
there also could be two or more different ways of doing such a thing, which could be both Project Management or CASE analysis, if not that of a given Methodology.

By means of a couple of years at sea before marrying and next settling down, my father was having two friends as a sailor.

One of these chose to marry or engage a Brazilian woman, which next should be a Portuguese as well, because of the possible origin.

But next also a difference between those who could be white haired, or at least having white skin, with that of those being black haired and next also close to Indians.

The lost or forgotten civilization of Machu Picchu was perhaps not that of the white man at all, but still probably humans and because of that, we could be making it almost Indians.

The rumor, or at least wording around, is that you are not supposed to give a name on conditions which could be related or attributed to nature, except for that of a fire itself.

If I could be some alien or extraterrestrial, which in fact I am not, I could be having both a cure for a decease in my hands and also a craft for that of flying around, but next what about a
given comprehension, or even knowledge, except for that of ours?

Both Cancer and AIDS are genealogical deceases, related to defects or deficiencies in the immunology system of the human body and because of that, cures have also been developed
in order to prevent the spread or other effects which affects both living conditions and also that of health.

So, while perhaps speaking about the weather, it could perhaps be about Prediction, but apparently still not a cure for that of ageing.

Thinking that such a thing could be a "Wish coming through" in the near future, only because it could be about possible Prediction, rather than a medical treatment, or cure,
is perhaps therefore not the correct or right thing.

If science could be there in order to both ask questions and next also give answers, then perhaps "Which questions"?

Personally I happen to know about the Scientific Method, but next perhaps not the answer for everything.

Here perhaps for your start of your evening, but next that I did not watch the details here.
ID: 1895490 · Report as offensive     Reply Quote

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Message 1896254 - Posted: 20 Oct 2017, 0:20:54 UTC
Last modified: 20 Oct 2017, 0:36:13 UTC

You perhaps noticed the tasks which was being aborted because of being late.

Ending up with quite a big problem on my hands right now, because while having two physical CD/DVD drives, apparently the CD-ROM themselves are borking and
making an install of both Windows 7 and Windows 8, as well as also the CD-ROM for the motherboard, apparently is not working.

The camera on the purchased laptop is borking as well and it has a bit of problem recognizing my face, both with or without the glasses.

The other options are a password, PIN code and also possibly fingerprint, but I found none of these to be working as well.

It could possibly be a fingerprint feature or mechanism as well, but right now I am perhaps wrong, or it needs checking out.

Being indoors most of the time, I typically put my glasses away and now it also became a problem with the left eye as well.

That of being near-sighted is measured by means of a positive value, where +2 or more should mean I am barely able to see my own nose.

I ended up during the last week of recovering the contents of two more partitions, which both had been created using Windows 8, but now the same problem of
getting both disks and partitions in a correct order.

Whether or not Windows 8, or perhaps Windows 8.1, it probably should not matter and again I still prefer the usual Start up menu at the left, with the folders for the startup files.

One disk had a bootable partition at the front and the end and two non-bootable partitions in the middle.

For the one at the end, it became a Windows 7 installation where I was told that it was an illegal or illegitame one which at least needed to be activated.

Next that I do not buy or purchase malware for this, so here rather the activation being needed.

But next that the network interface comes separately, on its own CD-ROM and again the same problem as above.

Also that these drives are quite good and I may therefore burn software on blank disks for both.

I used the small wireless modem or router for my laptop and connected it to this computer for at least a network connection.

Really, if it was all about the problem of buy and sell, it should not be any problem, because either you could do so, or you could take the time looking around,
in order to find those pages which makes it possible to download either Windows 7, 8, or 10 directly from Microsoft.

If not doing so, you could end up being asked for a CD-ROM which you no longer have or may access, so here the problem in a nutshell.

Looking around, it either becomes the disks which became borked, or it could rather be those which are a bit more valuable, but only is bootable using Windows XP.

Here that the motherboard or processor being used does not like Windows XP, or vice versa and is therefore not working from the start.

Could perhaps add that when continuing here after doing the weekend shopping, once again noticing the apparent problem of only running one factorization task,
before the whole Manager creeps to a halt.

I terminated or exited one such task and let the other continue and next it also does so in the Manager.

Therefore one problem for another, regardless of what I am doing.

I do have a 16 GB RAM memory stick lying on the shelf, but next again that of booting up.

For that of Windows 10, at least two different packages or applications are needed, the second in order to continue the download and installation here.

But again that I am not supposed to boot to such a memory stick either, in order to next run the installation software directly at boot-up.

For that of booting at all, it needs a boot manager, or bootmgr, for probably both 32 bits and 64 bits, but with only an external disk available, with a lot of duplicates still,
this is probably only for Windows XP and not Windows 7 or better at all.

Next that I am also being fooled in a way, by getting the message that even both PartitionMagic 8 for Windows, or the separate BootMagic program, is not willing to take Windows 7 at all.

Here perhaps a bit unsure, because I have still left to try with the better versions here, but at least it is this for now.

If not mentioned, the purchased computer with its server motherboard, is not working as expected and because of that, I am buying a new computer, this time with a PC/Workstation motherboard
and also making the correct choice of processor after first getting it wrong.

Here it becomes a wait or delay, because I chose to be brave and next order the large box from Corsair for this.

The quite big culprit when it comes to assembling such a thing is that of perhaps taking it for granted, or be in a hurry.

Place a drop of cooling paste between the processor and the processor fan and it should be a one way ticket, because removing both the processor and the fan from the motherboard in
one single piece, is probably something which I should not do.

Becoming a long beep and next two short beeps in a repeating sequence and only the words "Initializing" on the screen when one memory module (16 GB) has been inserted.
next makes for a guess in the wild of what could be wrong.

It should need both a mouse and keyboard connected or attached, but next that of chassis intrusion comes to mind and the manual only becomes an electronic one.
I could either plug or unplug the small pin or jumper for this, but also that it could be plugged in two different ways or positions.

Perhaps it was not mentioned, but you probably made a guess about the processor and that it was an expensive one.

Flipping off the uppermost internal disk connector is perhaps one thing, but another is bending one of the USB connectors on the motherboard itself.

As usual, it should not be forgotten that this is being mentioned with a given purpose in mind, namely that I should not be guessing.

Here a new winter is closing in, together with both rain and also a bit of chill in the air.

The violin concert by Vivaldi for that of the "Four Seasons", is perhaps not your preferred way of finishing off your session, but also that by being a male myself,
I perhaps am able to sense a couple of things related to my surroundings a little better than women.

The "cosmic soup" which ended up becoming that of space, makes for a similar resemblance both when it comes to that of the elementary particles of microcosmos.

Still looking around and this time into the sky, defintely that of macrocosmos became true from that of microcosmos, in that for some reason the Universe itself blew up,
or expanded, or perhaps inflated, becoming much larger than any similar.

Here perhaps the secret, because looking at the inverse spiral galaxy being part of the Coma cluster, next makes it impossible to sense both scales and distances.

If the Laws of gravity should make it logical that objects orbiting each other, or interacting in such a way, eventually will crash or collide, with dramatic consequences.

Now also this is becoming true as well, in that orbiting neutron stars have been found to collide with each other and next explaining such a thing as Gold.

Many years ago, the English band "Frankie goes to Hollywood" made another attempt of a definition of love as an important part of our life.

You could still choose to be something in your arms, or at least close to you, but also that we should know that we could think of science dealing with that of the material most of the time.

Ask about the Stone Age, if you will, or even that of Lucy as being our common ancestor as both a female and also human being.

Honestly, but first of all it should be no reason to believe in those shadows in the dark, if not your mind and therefore no such thing as "Little Green Men" either.

We perhaps have yet to detect an intelligent signal coming from space, or even believe in the WOW signal, but could perhaps science rather tell that the Moon will eventually collide with the Earth?

Both being able to sit in a chair and also have a beer as well, at least tell about my existence, if not that of gravity for that of the Universe.

News as defined or mentioned by a news broadcaster could be about events happening, sometimes regular, other times more irregular and out of fashion.

Even an apple in the head makes for no difference for an event such as Pearl Harbor, but next that even such an event becomes part of history.

If it rather becomes a notion of Jesus Christ, or even God, next paint a picture and think you also are stupid as well.

The perhaps old story is that we still could be having the expanding or inflating Universe, but except for the balloon in your hands, space itself is being blown up and the
time it takes traveling between both stars and galaxies, slowly but steady increases as well.

The Universe which could be expanding forever into a possible oblivion, possibly contradicts a given view of such objects we typically call neutron stars or Black Holes.

We choose to look at the properties of such objects from a given understanding, or perhaps notion of gravity alone, without perhaps thinking, or giving a reference of such objects being part of space.

An event happening always will be in reference of a given or similar time frame.

Meaning that an even always could be put into a context of a frame of time.

If perhaps quantisizing that of time, we could perhaps do so in a context of time as well, but perhaps even more or something else is needed.

Here that of the Planck constant for this.

Everyone knows that the painting of Mona Lisa, by Leonardo da Vinci, hides a smile, without perhaps me catching the secret.

It could perhaps be so, but if some news could still be the regular thing, perhaps nothing interesting at all.

Twist your fingers at times and you perhaps know that certain events happening could be having a possible outcome, which could be thought of a possible aftermath.

The smoldering fires which next also became an inferno, made parts of the state of California a bit unhabitable.

Speaking about both the American dream and also "Uncle Sam needs you for that of a given service", a change happening could be as a result of an event happening and next we also could
be dealing with the possible outcome.

The big high pressure being noticed in the middle of the Atlantic, adds to the possible contradictions.

A project like ClimatePrediction, could perhaps be speaking about such a thing as Prediction, or perhaps even the future, without being able to give a notion about such a future.

Make it perhaps eyes or eye design, from the movie Blade Runner and you have only one possibility.

A physicist could perhaps be proud of his knowledge of both equations, but when personally or myself joining or attending what was called "AVH". for that of the non-technical part of
the local University, of course such a think as both "think-tank" and also dealing with a couple of cards, were perhaps in the sleeves.

Therefore, Algebra as a subject is perhaps not the same as any Algorithms either and next needs checking.

Astronomers could perhaps be possible "Credible Witnesses" at times, if not even ridiculing a couple of things.

If it perhaps could be another story, I would like to know where or in which context such a story should belong, or be part of.

An example could perhaps be given here, namely a possible cure, or at least remedy for that of Pollen Allergy.

For this suffering, a medicine is being offered, which either should relieve or alleviate, but also could be coming with possible side effects as well.

Checking and I do not find the word or translation for this, but if you happen to be having two bags of flour and next want to distribute even among two different customers,
you next could place the contents of the bags on two different weights, or their measurement for this and next have one spoon moved at a time between the different weights,
until it meets in the middle, or become that of equilibrium.

As scientists, we should be able to define that of a possible signal, meaning intelligent signal and next what prerequisites should be met, if not possible "expectancies".

For those hard-cooked, meaning believers, that of both UFO's and also aliens and extraterrestrials could be both part of life and also part of a given "belief".

That of both making a difference or separation between both 0 and infinity and also a given notion of perhaps believing in "Little Green Men", while still parking each evening,
in order to get a couple of hours of sleep, only is telling about the possibilities given by nature, including that of infinity as at least part of such a notion.

"Mission impossible", perhaps and next it should not be working and for this perhaps we could be having such a thing as CASE analysis.

It should be no secret that such a thing as both despair and possible lack of hope, is far away from the surface of a neutron star, where everything is supposed to be sugar,
at least in pieces of such.

If not the "Red Gold", by a Danish author in the past, who chose to dig for Gold in the far Russia, Gold is still supposed to make you rich, if not a Periodic element.

So here is the word I do not have, namely that of a centrifuge, or the like, for that of "destilling" a couple of substances from others.

Here, preliminary, but at least what I found on the contents and next should not be the same as "Recycling".

I mentioned the word "Furnace" in the past, without perhaps being able to put it in a context of neither Heaven or Hell, or even any science.

Those waves coming in from the ocean and next hitting the beach, also became the killer of thousands of people without any answer given for why it could be so.

Blame such a thing on "hard radiation" if you will and next you could be having the sun to blame.

Or I could perhaps rather be proud, in believing that at least the Weak Nuclear Force could be a substitute for something else, including a couple of things happening in the sun.

Fine, if you will, because when mentioning such a thing as a couple of thing perhaps being event driven, also the fact that as humans, we should also be both concerned and also be dealing with
that of both energy production, consumption and also those bad things which could be happening at times.

"If I was a rich man" and next that the big economic crack of 1929 also coincided with such a thing as both wars, sandstorms, deceases and also poverty.

Next looking for a possible remedy and you also seek a solution for something better from that which could be a hard thing, or at least hardship.

So, perhaps an equation, or perhaps recipe for something which could be good, or perhaps a remedy, rather than the opposite.

Here an example of such is that of "New Deal".

In order to counter, or perhaps counteract such a thing as at least a recession, that of "New Deal" next makes that of investment possible, in order to bring possible fortune.

If perhaps that of thinking about both people being born and also passing away each day and also that of different weights for that of flour, perhaps not any science at all,
but next still the question of "where are we coming and next going".

If the Steady State model of the Universe, by Fred Hoyle, could be telling about both an entrance as well as exit door for that of the Universe, fine as well, but what about a given notion,
if not perception about life, as well as that of time?

If that of life is supposed to be offering a couple of possibilities, within perhaps a framework of infinity, what about possible impossibilities?

Again, mission impossible, in that a couple of things are not supposed to be working, or at least failing when being attempted.

If you make a wave irregular, you next should be unable to predict or determine both peaks and also base or bottom points.

The usual feature of making a couple of things digital when it should be analog, also comes to mind, including that of waves.

If perhaps not a brain wave for that of sleep, it next could be a wave for that of sleep, if not a gravitational wave, which could mean or imply such a thing as time.

When perhaps speaking about that of a singularity, that of a gravitational singularity should also be implied.

Next we assume at least that of mass, or matter, for that of gravity alone, without any further reference for that of a singularity.

"Slap my face" and it is perhaps a thing going wrong, if not that of any legal issue.

Next be proud of the Periodic Table of Elements and also that one thing could also make for yet another, by means of the Butterfly effect.

Here if you love that of words, or at least their sound.

If it rather should be "Mission impossible", it could be both that of the Vietnam war, if not "Predator" as a movie.

The album "The Wall", by Pink Floyd, is having the melody at the end where apparently "No rhetoric" is being allowed, at least by the judge.

Needs checking, but is that of both a legal issue and also that of Logic, always about validity, if not that of moral when it comes to possible issue?

You know, even Mary BethMcDade could perhaps be sexy at times, if not the woman with the weather forecast.

Such a forecast is only possible because it could both be predicted and also that it could be told with a degree of certainty.

Again, take both that of Prediction and Certainty, if not Uncertainty for granted and at least be ready to accept the equations for their possible explanations.

Getting from this that perhas that of Prediction could be explained within that of Certainty, or at least the framework for this, or perhaps vice versa,
except perhaps not the equations themselves.

Eat your dinner and next it could be wonderful, if not any "Wonderous stories" at all.

What is the possible definition here?

In fact, I should be able to tell that in fact I do not know, except for perhaps making a difference between a good and a bad day.

If we are still at that of throwing out possible believers for that of possible non-believers for that of science, next perhaps a question could be asked what
science perhaps is all about.

If not wrong, such a thing as Creation myth could still be science, without perhaps not being able to come up with any answer or answers.

Perhaps this is so, because we could still be making that of Creation myth in a given context of nature, without perhaps knowing all answers, or coming up with answers for
which nature is supposed to be all about.

Such a thing, if any, definitely is our quest and next it should also be within the Method of Proof for such a thing as well.

Now it eventually becomes the weekend and perhaps time to move it where it should belong.

Back later.
ID: 1896254 · Report as offensive     Reply Quote

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Message 1896657 - Posted: 21 Oct 2017, 18:42:51 UTC
Last modified: 21 Oct 2017, 19:27:02 UTC

Some good news after waking up from the Thursday evening celebrations, which became an issue perhaps needing a rethink of, because I ended up empty in the fridge.

Placing the order with my vendor for that of a new computer purchase, it was stated that the large systems box could be delayed some two months.

Apparently they made a similar rethink of the issue, because getting a message that it has already been shipped out the door and now is on the way.

The only thing needed is that I mistook the processor because I was looking for the other components and next was unable to get back at the starting point.

Becomes both both a separate order and also shipment, because it became impossible to make it a single one.

Therefore I will have to walk down to the small shop nearby and have it delivered on the desk there, something is not the preferred way or option, because they are
rather inexpensive on food, if not any cheap at all.

One possible option available, except for the hands not working well, could be replacing the nVidia GTX680 cards being used, with the two GTX780 cards for the server motherboard,
which I somewhat regret.

Again, should be that of a computer above.

But next that even these GTX680 cards, coming with 4GB of memory, rather than a whopping 11GB, still are quite good or decent cards and should not be left on the shelf.

And next I was hoping for an Intel 6950-X processor as well, but apparently not currently available with my vendor, or out of stock.

First of all, a bit too expensive for a regular user and also considering the complexity involved, as well as those things which could happen on the way, including the air balloon mishap.

A rule of thumb should be that everything not stated as trash, including that of contents in a trashbin and also the forks and knifes in a kitchen, should be considered
both inventory and property and therefore of value.

Consumer goods which has been manufactured by means of a process, should never be damaged or destroyed and a kitchen should therefore be no "trashbin" either.

There were some news about a fireball over New York recently, but watching the video, I am not that impressed.

Next that I was using a tab when surfing in incognito mode, so therefore any similar news, including a quite good page about science in the news, fell out of my hands.

But perhaps more important, except for perhaps the web-page itself, or, which is not the one I like best, is rather the current weather at,
next perhaps a bit better one such as well.

Here it should perhaps be noticed the deep low pressure east of Canada, which except for a typhoon south of Japan, now are two main factors making up the weather.

When I made a point of that of not attending church for a couple of reasons, it next also comes back to me that from a scientific point of view, or perhaps thought,
I find it hard to explain away such a thing as Creation myth for that of a thought or guess of Creation.

When I use Google maps and next zoom down on a large city, I see order out of chaos and not the opposite.

If perhaps it should be better or easier explaining a couple of things from one starting point or another, meaning vice versa, we always could be starting with one given way of thought,
rather than another.

In other news, while both people on the street and also the meteorologists of Stockholm, the capital of Sweden, are noticing or perhaps wondering of a dark sky an hour before sunset,
there should definitely be an explanation for such a thing.

Except for perhaps capital versus capitol, because definitely I am not a rich man either.

"Tempus fuight" should perhaps be Latin and next that it is not being taught as a language anymore, but rather that it should mean "Time is flying" and next always doing so.

Many sciences could sometimes border on perhaps being pseudoscience and also that some people could believe this for possible UFO's and the like as well.

But rather that a lack of knowledge about a subject could also make such a thing possible.

I better should try getting back at the mentioned web-page, because having a lot of tabs opened in one browser window, I had to remove one tab in order to reload
the window for .

Noone likes or prefers rain anymore than the farmers, it may seem, but next that this is perhaps not true either.

This because from the page that I lost, there was also a video for that of the pyramids of Giza, Egypt, which still could be hiding a secret.

If the word around could still be that of "We built the city", also the way it was being done should be no secret either and starting up today by watching the construction of
the Cheyenne Mountains facility, which now apparently is low on both budget and at least personnel.

I could tell you that guarding the entrance of such a facilty should be a must, but when next doing the same as a recruit in the military, you soon could sense the possible weakness,
by only doing such a thing.

The movie "Independence Day" is perhaps a classic among movies, but when it comes to myself, I was a bit younger that time and was possibly caught by the start or initial part of
the movie, which could be a reminder of some creepy animals entering your house.

Next that a couple of buildings were blown away and also we should remember the rest of the story and take it more or less for granted.

Also I am reading in the news that President Trump has decided to release classified material about the assasination of former President John F. Kennedy,
but perhaps with no big news included.

The fact that even an ocean could be having an area of high pressure above most of it and not a low pressure making for a possible hurricane, is yet another possible contradiction.

The possible rainstorm which next could be hail, is perhaps a thing known to the weathermen, but next not those things which could be sometimes "unexplained".

Take an example from food if you will, because I made the slightly bad choice of shopping a "vegetarian" meal for that of my dinner food.

My advice would be to skip or avoid this, except when absolutely needed, because except for that of spinach and next also that of also "Olivia" rather than oliven,
you also may remember the sailor with those big hands, as well as voice.

But if I rather want to cook, or make the dinner myself, I perhaps will make it both egg and salmon, if not sausage.

When I mentioned "Tempus fuight" above, I could be thinking in a similar way as well, namely that I could be waking up from the grave and next being born the other or following day.

But next that this is not true either, because as a scientist, Albert Einstein came to the conclusion that he could "add" the notion of time into an already existing theory, or knowledge base,
which sometimes goes by the Theory of Relativity, but rather ends up being that of gravity instead.

Personally I have not seen the movie, but could be checking out on YouTube, because for that of "Travel back into the Future", possibly the producers or creators of this movie,
may have hit the needle straight on here or this time, at least by means of subject only.

Here the contents could be still both ambiguous as well as also somewhat poorly or ill-defined when it comes to actual meaning, which should not be a difficult thing to understand.

While there also should be another or similar word for that of Pseudoscience, the word "hype" next also comes to mind.

Again becoming slightly lost on the second or latter subject.

While a couple of things, except for perhaps UFO research, still could perhaps be considered Pseudoscience, it could perhaps be possible to make it a second or third branch of
science instead, because while the English language is still full of words, always the error in translation, if not that of any narration when telling a story.

Again make it salmon and egg and perhaps not any sausage and eggs, because it sometimes should not be mixed together for at least that of food.

The movie Blade Runner could be perhaps a movie based on such a thing as a "futuristic concept", or at least a notion of a thought future, but rather that even such a thing as time
could end up being a possible hype by making it anything else than a given prediction.

I perhaps mentioned the helicopter in the past and also both the genius and idea behind the whole concept.

Some people making observations of UFO's in the sky could be credible witnesses and here the Rendlesham Forest Incident comes to mind.

Are we still completely blank or lost on the whole subject and therefore still in the dark, or should we perhaps believe that these sometimes physical objects could fly at different speeds
and also perhaps even more as well?

Next that for some reason I choose to make it science rather than Pseudoscience, for a couple of reasons.

Definitely the Earth is not flat anymore, but next that the spinning or rotating eddy makes for a certain phenomenon of nature being visible.

Always the professor for such a thing and also that it was mentioned in the past.

So if you perhaps are not a professor, you rather could be a theologist instead and next being so, perhaps makes for no science at all.

Or did I perhaps mean "Intelligent Design" for that above, if not that of Creation myth, or perhaps even Religion and Faith, but next at least the egg and salmon here.

A miner drilling support holes for such a thing as a nuclear bunker, able to resist or withstand a nuclear blast, most likely is not thinking "What comes first",
but rather starts working and next concentrates on the task at hand.

But that when it comes to a couple of different methods, something like a pre-survey or even "think-tank" is perhaps needed, including those studies being related to that of education,
including those at universities.

For that of submitting a job application, a resume, summary document or CV (at least the abbreviation for the long word) is perhaps needed and not the diploma being received for
that of a Nobel Prize.

Possibly that of a Curriculum Vitae here and next free spelling of the whole word.

And for this, perhaps not that of "Top Gun" either, but next a different story.

If perhaps not hitting your head by having such an idea, rather than perhaps slipping away, we next know that also here there are different methods for that of running and here could be added that I
was thinking about that of doing a couple of things in different ways, with sometimes the same result or outcome.

A musical band which. or whose name, could perhaps be coming down on me in a similar way, is having that funny melody of a car repeatingly starting up and next off again.

Again a reminder that at least the notion of infinity, in mathematical terms, should be making for such a thing as endless possibilities and also combinations.

Except for the sometimes bad day, of course.

So-called Ufologists could sometimes be possible "believers" as well, but here perhaps or most likely in the context of science.

At least they could be quite stead-fast in their way of such belief when necessary.

I mentioned both Wernher von Braun and also Erich von Daniken in the past and that they both made discoveries and advances in their respective fields of science.

If it still became the bad day being experienced, I could perhaps be back at such a thing as "Fallen angel" once again, but except for the disambiguation,
right now being lost here on contents and unable to look up the subject.

But next that it needed looking up a couple of times before being found.

Here more about the definition of the word itself, rather than a given Prophet being part of such things as "Mysteries, magic and miracles", for which there is not always any science.

When I look at a couple of things, at least I should know that it may not always be the Scientific Method, or at least Standard Model for quite a bit of this, but at least that it could
mean or include that of knowledge.

Same goes with that of Faith as well, which typically is being mentioned together with that of Religion as a subject.

If perhaps not any better science, it still could be making for such a things as understanding, because that of comprehension may perhaps not always be related to the subject of
Mathematics, but rather a perception of reality which it could be thought or recognized.

You perhaps know that there is currently an attempt being made in order to perhaps understand God, if not that of Creation itself, by next asking in such a way.

Make it perhaps that of both gluons and quarks for a world we are not able to see, or rather those galaxies of the Universe, which should be visible and for perhaps both,
we could be asking ourselves about the possible Creator of such a thing.

The sad fact is that if you still make it science, at least you could see Creation, but perhaps not the Creator itself, because the first article above is still a bit short of contents.

So therefore, if perhaps not in a wild, or even wildest of dreams, the possible notion of such a Creator should be far past our both imagination, as well as comprehension and
next it becomes entertainment or fiction as well.

Here a bit of the same as well, when removing one part of the word, leaving the rest or remainder left.

That of Creation myth could perhaps be the Bible, but if not so, perhaps rather that of Pseudoscience, when possibly needed.

If not wrong, the Revelation of John could perhaps be only a chapter in a book, if not a book itself or alone.

But rather if it became that of the "Raiders of the Lost Ark", next also the story of Harrison Ford putting away is whip in order to possibly salvage a couple of giraffes and elephants.

Or perhaps it rather should be Noahs Ark here for the same story.

If I could return back to that of the eddy again, I could also be back at the current weather in the Atlantic ocean.

No such thing as gravity here, except for perhaps the sense of "spinning", or moving around like a roller-coaster in a circus.

In my mind, perhaps trying to explain that of the singularity being the possible reason or explanation for that of infinity, or maybe vice versa,
could next be a somewhat boring subject as well, because I probably mentioned the farmer ending up at the bottom of a silage bin and next having the grain of sugar poured over.

The fact that time itself comes to a standstill, when inside the Event Horizon of a Black Hole, is only part of the explanation, in my opinion.

Here again that while the jet coming from the nucleus of a galaxy like M87, also makes for that of the Schwarzchild radius being possible.

Next have some fun and next knock on the door which should not be there and you could be inside such a Black Hole.

As far as I am able to tell, the singularity and that of infinity should be synonymous here, at least in mathematical terms.

If you rather could end up being still young, you could be back at school and having a seat at the rear of the room.

Given that the subject could be both Mathematics and Physics, they both could be having a steep "learning curve" in order to reach or get at and sometimes women falls shorter
than men on the subject, because of their sense of the three dimensions making up the world.

Here again both the old and also logic explanation for this, in that males typically were the hunters for food and women those left behind in order to make or prepare the meal.

While I had the pleasure at watching the complete "Predator" movie on a somewhat blown-up screen, at least when it comes to fashion, I still miss thes for an explanation of time as a subject.

If you still could make it the some three branches (or more) for that of science, at least Prediction should be about telling about a possible future, which never might be possible,
when still considering the possibible options available.

I still could end up a bit silly and at least think that I could get from there and next somewhere else, which next could be past of a given "comprehension".

Again, "We built the city", perhaps, but next out of proportions, because if not already mentioned, I happen to watch space by means of next noticing the fact that it all
for some reason blew out of proportions in a similar way.

Making it perhaps rather the Mandelbrot set instead and it could be both an iterative, as well as recursive method for its possible explanation, or interpretation.

Making it a leaf on a branch and next zooming in and you next could also be having the Universe as well and next zooming down to those gluons and quarks in a similar way.

But still not any notion of a possible Creator, or even "divine" Creator, of course.

Perhaps both a wish if not a dream, but science is supposed to always be science and not any Religion.

Such a thing as War Games could be both a possible fact of a given or existing world, if not the possible aftermath or demise which could arise as a result.

But rather that there could be times when we could even believe in a President who choose not to be carrying the suitcase himself, but rather leaves it for others.

The movie "The Day After", is about such a possible aftermath and this time also the story of those who were left to survive the whole ordeal.

Try keying in "Cry for help from space" using the address bar of the Chrome web browser and next see what you get.

Perhaps not any "Yoda" there, if not the last page of a classic book of Astronomy, from 1974, where a painting of a primitive civilization at night with its whole parent galaxy in the
sky above, is visible.

Funny perhaps, but I also made it that of "Abstract and Concrete" as well, in that at least being a painter is not the same as building a city.

This again a reminder of perhaps putting the pencil behind your ear and next start thinking instead.

But next that you could rather be Red Adair instead and be dealing with an oil fire, threatening both life and property.

If it rather became that of Philosophy again, we should know about such things as earth, soil, wind and fire and this time by means of the Greek for such.

In the end it could be that of both Mathematics and Physics for such, because a visual representation could next also be telling us about the world as we know it.

Or perhaps it rather should be made a field of "Modern sciences" instead, rather than such a thing as a possible think-tank, by means of the pencil behind your ear.

Sorry, but I can not hear you speaking while sitting here and the same should go for Dr. Stephen Hawking as well.

Please, why not make it science instead, rather than making it a possible way of thinking of God, which next could be past or beyond our comprehension.

Or perhaps he in fact is telling the truth rather than the opposite, because again I do not have the details here and also need a cup of coffee.
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Message 1896676 - Posted: 21 Oct 2017, 20:27:59 UTC
Last modified: 21 Oct 2017, 20:38:33 UTC

"Ascribe" and here another better word which almost slipped away.

The word is mentioned in the article about the "Fallen angel", because this is probably the original article about the subject.

But next that this word perhaps also is being mentioned in the "Alien Interview" and next becomes the same for that of the word "Dogma",
which becomes perhaps more important, or noticeable.

You know, such a thing as Theology is not necessarily about difficult words, but rather about those things which should not be "technicalities", or even a painting on a wall.

Before checking, I hear or notice a couple of things about such a thing as "Quantum computers", or "Quantum bit computers" around.

If or when doing so, I next could also be back at the brain and the way it is supposed to be working.

You may perhaps recall from the original "Terminator" movie (here perhaps Arnold but not any Linda, by the way), making a reference to that of "reasoning", or even a lack of such,
by means of a third party, which also is a subject taking part of the movie.

Is this perhaps not wrong, by making the possible guess or thought that a lack of intelligence, next also should make such a thing as reasoning impossible?

Making it that of "futuristic concept" in the previous, it was meant to be about a given reality, but next which one such?

Here I am living on a planet orbiting a star slightly past halfway in its life cycle or perhaps life span.

The same goes with our sun as well, because it too could end up being retired in a not too distant future.

One of our closest neighbors in space is the star Procyon (alpha Canis Minoris) and next that it is spectral type F5 IV and also has entered the subgiant phase.

In fact perhaps only slightly so, by being referred to as type IV-V, meaning an intermediate spectral class, or type.

Compare with the North Star, or Polaris here, where the old literature is telling about it being a Cepheid variable.

One part of research here is that of Extrasolar Planets, or Exoplanets, for short, which only by means of its abbreviation, suddenly makes the whole meaning clear.

My guess is that we never had a debate about this, namely the Earth being an "Oasis" in the desert, by means of both its diversity and also culture.

In the movie, next at least trilogy "Star Wars", the sandpeople of such a desert becomes familar to the public and next their possible ambitions as well.

Here intentionally one word without any caps, because here it should be about a thought, or even imagined people, making for or representing both a civilization and also possible "culture"
and next if so, which any culture at all?

Ever heard about the story of David and Goliat and next I also misunderstood David for that of Michelangelo?

Rather that if you still refer to that of "Classic or "Classical mechanics", again as previously mentioned, the possibly ambiguation for or when it comes to the whole subject.

Right now perhaps not worth checking, but I possibly mentioned that of having two pieces of sugar on a weight consisting of two separate dishes for that of measuring and
next the method which could be used to get both dishes aligned or equalled, meaning that of "Equilibrium".

Meaning that one pound, or perhaps kilo or kilogram for my stomach and next the same for your stomach as well.

Forwards and backwards are still two different things, as far as I am able to tell and therefore you are not supposed to be traveling forward in time, but rather backwards.

Here making a fact that while a couple of things could still make for both a hype as well as laugh, at least we should believe the scientists here, in that travel forward in time is not be possible.

This because that while "Creation myth" could be still such a myth, also the same could sometimes be said about the notion of time, namely being a possible "hype".

Make it both Dark Matter and Dark Energy if you will, unless you are able to "quantisize" the world, but next which "Theory"?

Should it perhaps be Theory of Darwin here, or even that of a "Darwinistic concept" for such a thing, or should it be rather that of Theory of Relativity?

Should add that I once happened to watch a documentary on television, explaining both that of the leaning buildings (and not the leaning Tower of Pisa) for such a thing as
traveling at speed and next among the buildings making up the city of New York.

Here namely the fact is that Theory of Relativity in fact is about such a notion of reality, where that of space and perhaps also time, for some reason is being "warped" when traveling
close at the speed of light.

Next that I get the impression that gravity makes for such a thing as warping possible and not any speed, or even that of light itself, including its constant, c.

Also that the singularity could be a too technical subject for most and that simplifying a couple of facts should be the better, or preferred way of doing it.

I previously mentioned the name confusion between that of matter and mass, because here at least we should know about the famous equation E=mc2 .

Next I happened to watch, or perhaps stumble upon an old YouTube video, where for some reason objects in the sky are being observed and next seems vanishing in the air.

When doing so, perhaps back at the question "Is time travel possible" and what next is the answer?

If it still rather was that of "Patent pending", because of being a watchmaker in a patent office, should I perhaps leave the subject of gravity on the shelf and rather concentrate on
the subject of time?

A plane flying in the air could next end up in a spiral and next loose control and eventually falling to the ground.

We choose to make the notion of time either forward or backward and when doing so, perhaps without with no further reference at all, or altogether.

It still could be the Special Relativity for that of salmon and eggs, of course, but next that at least such a thing could be explained by means of a given context,
by having such a reference frame.

And next that my written words also are being stated in the article as well, before reading and what a coincidence.

Here, scroll down to both "Lack of an absolute reference frame" and also "Reference frames, coordinates, and the Lorentz transformation" for more.

Next that it could end up being the second dinner of the day here, because the food shop is having a dish of "Wild food", which next lacks a translation,
but next that the figure of Obelix, from that of "Asterix and Obelix", chooses to make himself fat on such a dish and next that it could be tasteful as well.

Only a similar dish of meat in my fridge right now, so it will become a thing for the next shopping trip, perhaps next Thursday or so.

Except for that, I also remember or recall my parents having a "timeglass" standing atop their television a couple of year ago.

Being the yellow powder inside a square cube, or perhaps rectangle of glass, when empty at the top, it could be turned around doing it one more way,
but next that cooking a hard-boiled egg is not supposed to take three minutes either.
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Message 1896732 - Posted: 22 Oct 2017, 0:09:19 UTC
Last modified: 22 Oct 2017, 0:15:49 UTC

Before I go to bed, should tell that I went to the home page for BBC,, for the latest news and this time for the weather.

Again getting a sense a slight confusion here, because always the smile around if you happen to be a metorologist, or weatherman.

Being nicknamed "Brian", next the question of any life of or for such, or rather something which was first coming and next passing.

Also that I happened to watch an interview of the Houston mayor on NBC, while first visiting the New York Post, or .

Unfortunately the address for the interview went away right now, so here more needs to be added.

Here a quite big difference in sound quality and as far as I am able to tell, the New York Post is not a very good source of reference at all, but that the page for NBC stands out for its
sound quality, which is excellent.

But also that one of the subjects being interviewed is being interrupted most of the time after only some two words or so, which is not a nice thing to do.

Getting a bit tired, but also a sense that science could very often be about change and the results of such change happening, rather than looking at its root cause.

For a mathematical equation, we sometimes could be dealing with some two or more factors, which are all unknown, like that of X, Y and Z, except for not being any coordinates.

Given a possible measure, the weather could perhaps be explained by means of the Uncertainty Principle, but next which factors are returning the correct answers?

It could always be assumed that a sum could be expressed by means of its two factors, by means of addition and next that a product could be the same and this time by multiplication.

Therefore a factor, or two could perhaps be representing something known, or it could also be about the unknown and next it could end up being mixed or combined with each other.

Predicting the weather is perhaps also predicting an event at times, but not necessarily about the notion of time.

Because of that, always a Tropical Hurricane for the Bahamas and next a winter storm for that of Europe and therefore better leave for the Bahamas for your holiday.

Sorry to say, but perhaps President Trump was a bit of brave when making his thoughts about the climate, namely that the human factor is perhaps not the reason, or to blame.

The subject of time epochs over large frames of time is perhaps something that is not directly recognizable, but at least the period of Cretaceous was being replaced with the period of apes and
next humans as well.

Perhaps rather the epochs for that of both Trias and Jura should be the correct answer here, because right now feeling too tired rather than just making a bit of fun of the whole subject.

Next not about the dinosaurs this time, because here the vertical bar for "Key events in the Cretaceous" and also that there should be a main epoch both preceding and also following.

Here the horizontal bar or diagram for the main periods above is perhaps at least indicative, but could deserve a bit more of space for its explanation.

Here "K" is not underlined at second or third from the right, so here either a typo, or it should be implied or interpreted as that above.

"Spread your wings and fly away" and perhaps you have heard the melody, but next that these main epoch changes also tells me about the Butterfly effect as well.

Are the wings of a butterfly the same as an asteroid impact hitting the world and the answer is of course no and next the Butterfly effect needs to be correctly interpreted as well.

Also giving a thought about the fact that we could be having both Stone Age man as being an important fact of our past, but also that our future could be about a technology possibly
getting out of hand, with its possible consequences as a result.

As usual, always a difference here and also that technology could be one thing and that of our tools for making an axe from that of stone, is a method which made us what we are today.

Makes for a bit of thought here and I could have more later, but for now it became the end of yet another day.

Back tomorrow.
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Message 1896831 - Posted: 22 Oct 2017, 12:49:51 UTC
Last modified: 22 Oct 2017, 12:59:39 UTC

Sorry about that, but it became late last night and also I got a bit too much to handle, or be dealing with.

Before starting, I placed one of the two 3 TB disks in the slot holder using two screws and a screwdriver, in order to possibly rectify the problem.

For now, unable to get at precisely this, because it both became a crowded mess and also that it is spread or distributed across even more disks.

Such a thing as having all disks at least physically accessible in the BIOS, by reading its built-in information from the controller, is at least as start,
but next that it should need the boot manager, together with the respective files, probably in the root directory of the partition.

The problem here is that if doing it wrong and rather be trusting a second or third part application or vendor, you could end up making four disks not bootable
and this probably happened here.

Need to check in with my vendor again, but I probably will be having an e-mail for them saying thanks for their speedy delivery or shipment.

Only thing is that I may gamble on the power supply here, because I chose to stick or keep with the 1200 W power supply which went into a power cycle when only
connecting to the motherboard using the 12 V power cable.

This because when testing out, I used the correct mains cable this time with the graphics card that blew and found that the power supply in fact could be working against the motherboard.

Definitely not the correct way of approach, but could be gaining some valuable experience from doing such a thing, which perhaps is not the same as any repair being done.

Next that for the computer being used, it needs two separate connectors for the main power supply and despite having both 1.2 V (for the CPU itself), 3 V and 5 V, my guess is that the secondary
main connector at the top also should be 12 V.

Have the pizza or potato chip inside, or even the cup of coffee and next you could have or experience the undervolt problem as well.

If perhaps unsure, or lacking the proper additionals, never connect those yellow cables which are short, meant for a graphics card to any main power connector for the motherboard.

Doing that and one of the two graphics cards coming with the previous motherboard meant for the recovery of Windows XP blew.

Next having a graphics card mounted in a slot as well, it also should need at least one memory card, but then the diod or bulb for the CPU could next lit up in the red,
indicating that the CPU has blown, or become awry as well.

Before doing that, also having the processor fan installed atop the CPU and being tightened with the screws that should be coming with the motherboard.

For the server motherboard, I was able to notice that my friend chose to leave the square support bracket for the CPU, partly metal and partly plastic, in the box.

Checking by opening up the cover on the rear, on the bottom side of the motherboard, it probably was the right decision here, because it needs the holes in the motherboard itself.

Having a liquid cooling system installed is for now past my capabilities or experience, because at least I hate the cooling paste and the way it should be used.

So while it should be no doubt that this could sometimes end up being a blind gate, that of having a lot of software at disposal, could be the main reason for at least trying.

The server motherboard became a bit too expensive, but the most recent purchase, still on the way from the vendor, is perhaps a very good choice of selection here.

Returning back to a bit too many tabs opened in the browser and I once again notice the big storm in the Atlantic ocean, which now appears like a hurricane.

Perhaps the perfect storm if you will, but next that saying hello is not the same as saying goodbye.

This because I sometimes wondered if or whether Dr. Stephen Hawking ever went inside a church and next had a look at the paintings or frescos on the glass walls inside.

From a point of computers, that of WISIWYG is really or in fact "What you see is what you get" and next you do not need a microscope or a telescope in order to watch a hurricane.

Every part of science could be making up a respective part or branch of such a thing and this should next also be visible by means of both wording and also interpretation.

If I happen to know that such a thing as "Cognitive science" could be about a state of mind, it should perhaps not be reflected by means of a given attitude, or what you choose to eat.

Or if I rather could end up being Patrick Macnee again and believing in those "Mysteries, magic and miracles", including the mirror on the wall, it should be no secret that perhaps
science could be open ended at times and next leading nowhere, including a possible conclusion.

My guess is that making a possible speculation, or even guess, about such thing as "multiverses", or wormholes, or the like, at least could be controversial, but more that we should also
know about the mentioned approach which could be used, which I chose to make "think-tank".

Again what you are supposed to do, except for being a miner in a deep shaft, or perhaps having the pencil put behind your ear and next start thinking.

For now almost blank or the subject, or at least not catching up, but again scientists are not supposed to be speaking of any God, for a good reason.

If you happen to be a "believer" and this time in that of Religion and Faith as a subject, you either could be caught in the trap, except for perhaps not believing the opposite.

Therefore, ask a chemist, if not a dentist, if he perhaps believes in God and next that his possible inclination could be coming second hand, for that of a given profession by skill.

I mentioned the television program or series a couple of years ago, by a skilled theme, but next with that of entertainment or presentation on their mind, namely that of ghosts and spirits.

Always the better translation here, because it became right from the start, because while it should be a fact that there should be no such thing as a "Bible" in the hands of a scientist,
that of ghosts and spirits could be perhaps one thing and next that of superstition, if not "exorcism", could be yet another or more and still not about the Bible.

If it becomes that of perhaps believing in the Scientific Method, regardless of it being either ghosts, or maybe something else, fine, but next in which way are these things supposed to be explained
and filling in the puzzle?

We definitely know that a couple of things could hurt at times, or at least there could be a mismatch, because a couple of things do not fit together, but next should we also know the reason
for it happening?

For a possible answer, we could be back at that of gravity again as a Fundamental Force of nature and its possible significance.

An air balloon could perhaps be punctured by hand, but next such a thing for that of support and not an airship for that of flying around, like the Hindenburg.

Being unable to receive a gift from family or friends while celebrating a birthday, could perhaps make for such a thing as sorrow, or even hate.

I mentioned the eddy previously, but here perhaps something even better for this.

When looking at this, I happen to know that it could be both that of Mathematics, Physics and also that of gravity at times, if perhaps not also the unexplained.

Before finishing yesterday, I had a quick look down the article about Special Theory of Relativity, because it really should be a little more than a tick of a clock here.

Next the fact here is that even Einstein chooses to make it that of Mathematics here and not necessarily "Think-tank" alone.

If by perhaps doing so, it may be possible to explain such a thing as "space-time curvature", or the like, or even those "tensors" for that matter, fine as well.

It should be no secret that both that of the weather, or perhaps even sunbathing, could be of importance when it comes to our way of life, but next that such a thing as "hard radiation"
coming from the sun, perhaps could be something else and not be of any concern.

The reason why such a thing as "Amoeba" exist on Earth, is that they also should be synonymous with such a thing as life itself.

Again it becomes one of those primitive organisms still being found on Earth and not necessarily the same as any Hawking radiation.

My personal opinion is that it could be a misconception around and next thinking that the Force of gravity could next make for such a thing as both Black Holes and that of infinity possible.

I sense that if perhaps digging the hole here and get to the bottom, there perhaps could be a different explanation for the possible outcome, including that of the singularity.

Again, doing both the shopping and next also picking up the umbrella for that of sunbathing, is perhaps the preferred way of doing a couple of things, because it should be about life,
but next that at least such a thing as Hawking radiation could describe a given property related to objects being part of nature.

"May the Force be with you" and except for being a phrase from the movie Star Wars, perhaps yet another misconception, because we could be speaking about the "Forces of nature" and
next be thinking of the force of gravity, if not that of the Standard Model itself.

With such things as both mobile phones, laptop computers, or even a couple of sinister or mean people at times, we still are supposed to at least rely on both technology and innovation,
whether for good, or perhaps bad?

Therefore, when perhaps making it still "Creation", perhaps I should not be the weatherman either, because at least predicting the weather should not be about technology innovation at all.

Because of that, it becomes the meaning of the word itself and not necessarily what could be implied by adding a couple of other subjects to the whole story.
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Message 1896851 - Posted: 22 Oct 2017, 14:45:39 UTC
Last modified: 22 Oct 2017, 15:13:33 UTC

So, when adding both links for that of the Cognitive sciences below, next perhaps the question of relating that of Cosmology with each or both of these subjects.

The old question could perhaps be "Where are we coming and next going", if perhaps not "Where do we belong"?

The old work once in the shelf of my grandparents, is showing a black and white picture of the planet Neptune, only showing the whitish dish and no more.

Ask the question, or perhaps phrase "Wish you were here", next "where"?

Is the Universe perhaps telling us something about ourselves, or existence, or should it be the other or opposite way around, namely that of us making the exploration into the unknown?

The Big Bang is currently the accepted method, or perhaps way of thinking about a possible Creation, but here perhaps not that of such a thing itself.

Where did it all start and next also the reason for it, could perhaps be both a Philosophical and Theological issue, if not related to that of science itself.

As an astronomer of sorts, I still have to make a conclusion for myself about the subject of the expanding, or perhaps inflating Universe, because here could be a concept which could be misinterpreted.

If a Type II civilization should be present or found in space, they will probably know of and next also utilize the fact that Special Theory of Relativity could be a property of nature, which could be exploited
or used for a given purpose, including that of navigation and travel through space.

Lost the link or article for this, but became read yesterday, where that of a given speed compared to that of light, also should be telling about a distance possibly being traveled in a certain amount of time.

Here it could be that of Special Theory of Relativity again, since I ended up there last evening.

Sorry, but I did not watch the news for this, including a press conference or briefing, where that of Vandenberg Air Force base was being used as a starting point for bringing us to the stars.

So, if perhaps not wrong, the Space Shuttle program is now being grounded, or brought to a halt, leaving only the crew of the International Space Station behind.

Is the reason perhaps because they sat down in front of the television, or perhaps Video Cassette, or DVD player, in order to watch "2001 A Space Odyssey"?

Again my apologies, but I could be sitting in a chair in front of a computer, while my father lies buried on the cemetary close by and next we should perhaps be thinking.

Again, as previously mentioned, I both felt the sense and also came to the conclusion that it was not the end of the road when my father was passing away, but next that our way of
doing a couple of things, ends up in a given "practise" when it comes to precisely the similar.

And next including that of possibly being in the dark on the subject as well, because for now there perhaps is no logical explanation for telling the answer behind the secret.

For one thing it could of course be that of a given practise, but next also that we choose to make it that of "Creation myth" or the like for a couple of things, while it also could be science.

While next giving a thought that such a thing as Black Holes could be "dull" science at times, meaning boring, that of possible wormholes, or the similar, in fact did not come easy.

Next that perhaps things could be warming up a little and that I am feeling a bit more comfortable on the subject.

Here again perhaps that of both Mathematics and Physics, but next that I also was using a telescope as well.

For this, perhaps that of the physical versus non-physical again and next it could be that of Metaphysics.

Of course you could next make it that of both gods and deities for the whole story and next do not believe at all, but rather that we could still be placing a candlelight at the grave of a loved or
deceased one, in memory of a lost mind or person.

The sad thing is that it could be such remembrance of a loved one, if not that of any ghosts or spirits haunting your place or home, if not the sense or perhaps the Devil doing the same, for another reason.

Therefore, when perhaps making it "Heaven and Hell", rather than such a thing as ghosts and spirits, we could be doing it literally so, because at least we should be able to spot the difference.

It could perhaps be a common or repeating feature, but perhaps placing such a candlelight, or even a bucket of flowers next to a grave, is perhaps not telling the whole story.

If that of "Perception" next could make it to the Scientific Method in order to be able to explain a couple of things, at least we should believe in that of Perception, without next knowing all the facts.

Look at the ongoing conflict in Syria and also the current fight against the ISIS terror group and also that we should know that we could be small when next compared with the Universe.

Again the fun fact that the Force of gravity could perhaps be a universal force and next everywhere, but next that a notion about the Devil could be poorly explained, or at least having its roots.

Such a thing as colors are also everywhere around and the reason for this are photons.

If I next should be climbing up the ladder, I rather could be choosing or selecting a different particle in order for yet a different explanation, or answer, but perhaps this is not so.

Next it becomes slightly more difficult, even at the start, because when first a bit unsure, in fact the boson is being mentioned already here.

If I am supposed to believe that at least the sun could be responsible for processes which could be telling about the conditions for both our universe, as well as our way of living,
next look at the sun itself and perhaps not empty space.

Here also a thought about that of nuclear fusion which could be happening in the core of the sun and also being attempted here on Earth.

The fact is that fusion is supposed to be controlled, in order to make for any importance or significance, while that of a chain reaction happening, also could be making for a situation out of control,
or at its worst, that of a nuclear "furnace", sometimes happening, which I also gave a thought of.

Getting back at it, because it is a bit "exoteric" and also the same for that word.

Again, I think I make a point of both that of intelligence and also that of life, when making it both sunbathing and also wearing an umbrella at times, so what next?

Is the Weak Nuclear Force the reason for our existence here on Earth, or should we perhaps still rely on the objects found in space and their given properties?

Definitely, if you happen to be a scientist, even that of nuclear fusion should be a must, or at least be valuable reading.

Always an excuse for perhaps something not working while it rather should be doing so, because you could end up picking the wrong book from the shelf,
next thinking that it could be easy, while it rather could be hard.

The processes being responsible for life, next also means that such a thing as "symbiotic mechanisms" should also be present and here it becomes that of "Symbiosis".

But next that except for that of plants and microbiological organisms could be having that of Physics in mind, next unable to catch anything more here.

The only thing coming to mind is that of ADP->ATP->ADP and so on, for that of the muscles in the body, versus that of the Hydrogen-->Helium fusion process taking place in the sun,
which next could be carried on, or becoming something else or more.

One might perhaps ask whether it is the sun that is responsible for life on Earth, but again I am not a Physicist or Mathematician here.

But next that at least the Universe could be explained in such a way and here is a "plethora" of wealth of information when it comes to a possible source of information.

Is Procyon perhaps a main sequence star, or perhaps subgiant and next does it have any planets orbiting it?

If so, are we ever supposed to believe in alien or extraterrestrial life in space, except for perhaps counting the number of stars and galaxies?

Or if not so, perhaps rather believe in a story being told about Religion and Faith, which next does not always fit a good or better purpose.

Read about both Electromagnetism and the Weak and Strong Nuclear Force or Forces and next you perhaps have at least part of the answer.

Next that there also could be different explanations for totally different things as well, sometimes perhaps past or beyond our comprehension.

If you next choose to make it that of "Armageddon", or demise, if not "the end of the road" for a couple of things, next perhaps bad wording, if not that of a lack of knowledge.

Or, I rather could end up making the conclusion that not WYSIWYG, is next what I should not get at, or perhaps know.

The fact is that at least the Universe could be explained and told about, because of the Laws of Mathematics and Physics explaining it all.

Except for perhaps Special Theory of Relativity, what are perhaps our "reference point" when it comes to a couple of things?

Are we still supposed to explain away such a thing as alien or extraterrestrial civilizations, or perhaps even ridicule the whole thing, or should we perhaps try giving an explanation?

So, why try giving an explanation for that of the Universe as a whole when we also should know about the Laws of Mathematics and Physics, explaining its properties?

Because here I am once again back at the possible notion of God, which still could be expressed by that of "Creation myth" or the similar, in lack of anything else.

Becomes perhaps almost a first read here, since contents are constantly changing, but next that this is not about the Standard Model, or Scientific Method either.

Are we still lacking all the details here, or perhaps it could still be two or more different subjects and here perhaps the answer perhaps is no.

Also that it mentions "Big Bang singularity" at the top and if perhaps not any new, at least a possible difference here.

I really hate to say it, but if you still happen to make it both Mathematics and Physics, also it could be about shapes and patterns as well, in order to describe not only the properties of
objects making up space, but also their visual appearance.

A number of years ago, a movie was made depicting a travel to the end of space and next returning back to the elementary particles of the individual atoms.

Next that while this became a televised feature, it could also be there or present by means of a similar "Journey to the end of space" and this time by means of the web.

But noticing the fact that while such a thing as "multiverses" could be a possibility, also that for some reason it stops, or ends up a bit more short, when doing it the other way, by zooming in.

Here no explanation given, because still my assumption that we could know where it perhaps starts, at least in the small or miniscule, but perhaps not so when it comes to the large scales.

If it next could be about a possible story which next could be either believed, or perhaps not, we could be back at that of Pseudoscience again and next we could be having the ufologists to blame.
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Message 1896882 - Posted: 22 Oct 2017, 16:52:12 UTC
Last modified: 22 Oct 2017, 17:07:34 UTC

Being interrupted by someone at my door, I choose not to open, but only looking through the glass in the door.

Better have it in the mail or post box for those things which should be practical.

The nightly sounds sometimes being heard in my toilet and bathrooms and also getting in bed with that of tinnitus, could be a wakeup call and next for something else.

I have a bit of work that needs to be done here, so I probably will be off for roughly a week or so.

But also that checking in with again, should tell that I never have heard or noticed about any similar in the North Atlantic before, so here a bit of excitement.

So, is the difference between "controlled" and "uncontrolled" that of a chain reaction of events, or perhaps a sequence?

Such a thing as "hard radiation" coming from the sun could perhaps be a myth, except for perhaps that of sunbathing.

Perhaps therefore this is the reason for why this could be perhaps slightly difficult as well, because at least we should know the way in which a gaussian score is being calculated.

With respect for the physicist and professor, perhaps it takes away a bit of the contents here and should perhaps be placed further down the page.

Next tell me about such a thing as nuclear fusion happening in the sun and also it should be about the Forces of Electromagnetism and also the Weak Nuclear Force.

Here is the fun fact, because while the large book of Astronomy standing in the shelf could be telling almost the similar, next perhaps a question about method versus principle.

I have always been looking at that of nuclear fusion as something which is happening in the sun and therefore should be at least one of these things.

When previously thinking about such a thing as Symbiosis, in fact I had that of symbiotic stars on my mind, which next could be variable stars and next a different subject.

Next returning back to the two diagrams or figures in the article about Nuclear fusion, because these probably explains most of the subject.

Oh, are we not still supposed to be humans, by the way, being of flesh and blood and next those atoms and molecules making up our bodies, if not cells?

Perhaps here could be the secret lying around, because everything around us is supposed to be matter, while we still could make it both different properties and also equations for the same.

Let us next assume that there does not exist such a thing as "atoms", but only elementary particles, together with their respective properties.

Next it could be the boson once again and except for the physicist and professor, also part of, or belonging to that of the Weak Nuclear Force, as far as I am able to tell.

Here is the stumbling point, because except for perhaps "The sun is shining on you (A-ha)", or perhaps the other melody or song which I forgot.

Also that we definitely should know what the sun is all about, with the nuclear fusion happening at the core and that it also is a controlled nuclear process, but still a chain reaction of sorts.

Or perhaps getting it wrong here, because such a thing as a chain reaction, perhaps more should be related to that of fission instead, which is not the main point.

Again, you have my word for it, because you probably know what I mean to say, but next wait a little.

Rather it is a nice thing to know that both pressure and also the force of gravity, both are responsible for such a thing as controlled fusion, again by the sun, being possible.

Remove the shield or layer making up most of the sun, except the core and you next have the nuclear reactor exposed, ready to go, or blow and this time in the wild.

Here on Earth we make such a thing a fusion bomb, or hydrogen bomb and next that it is almost completely heat and radiation only, except for a small fallout.

Believe me or not, but it could be both fascinating and entertaining and not any dull at all when it next happens.

That of a possible Creator comes to mind again and next one such for that of the Universe as a whole and not any phrase or melody like "We built the city".

So, is it not the regular theme, or perhaps way of thinking that while being perhaps right handed, you could end up doing a couple of things with your left hand and
yet other things with your right hand?

Next make it a human brain as well, if not that of a miner versus a painter and next you have the same story all over again.

Compare with that of Nuclear fusion above and next it could be that of "When Harry met Sally" as well, at least when it comes to possible thinking.

Are we next speaking about such a thing as both method and principle here, except for perhaps not the Scientific Method?

If next comparing, we definitely should know when it should be a method and next a principle, if perhaps not anything else.

Now perhaps time is up and the show set to begin.

What are the properties of stars and in which way are you next supposed to explain nature?

So easy perhaps, because you are not supposed to be standing on the ground of Earth, or perhaps even not in the sun, so here perhaps getting lost for a moment.

Not because of perhaps being lost, but rather because I do not want to run off track and next forgetting the other things, but perhaps in fact I did so.

If perhaps Aladdin or Merlin could be the wizard of Oz, they both could be telling about a couple of things, except for perhaps conditions related to that of nature.

I meant to say space in the previous, but next made it nature again, because the sentence was ending with that of space.

This because we could end up trying giving a possible explanation for nature, or perhaps space, in a context which could be a different one than its intended meaning.

A nova is an exploding star in popular terms and except for perhaps some disambiguity, the general way of thinking is that here two stars orbiting each other,
one a highly evolved or ageing subgiant, or giant, the other a white dwarf, is in close contact with each other, making for a symbiotic interaction, or relationship,
by sharing a common atmosphere and next also matter.

Next you get everything from a flare star, next a Mira type long period variable star and also the nova which could sometimes be visible, which is not about any fusion at all.

The word "progenitor" has been mentioned in a couple of books, but next that it could be about the subject of genealogy and not that of stars in the sky.

Because of that, I happened to have a look at the dwarf nova SS Cygni in the past, using a 2.4 inch telescope and at least once found it to be at its brightest, namely magnitude 8.

Next that the term "cataclysmic variable is being used for such an object as well, except for perhaps not that for any fusion process in itself.

Again, always that of Doomsday or Armageddon if you will, but next perhaps no such a thing as both supernovae and hypernovae.

Again that of the spelling above, because here both could be used.

Many years ago, we had a television show on national television, where a "puppet" of sorts, were being manipulated by means of wires from above.

Next that I am not supposed to believe that my way of life, or perhaps surroundings, should be manipulated, or dealt with in a similar way.

You perhaps remember or recall that of "God's hands" for a couple of things in the past and should tell that at least I knew about nuclear fusion as a subject.

Make it at least that of Logic as a subject and next we also should know about the tools which God could be having in his hands and next use.

If the word or phrase is that the Universe was created out of nothing, next back to that of the mentioned beginning of the article here, stating such a thing as "Big Bang singularity".

And here perhaps needs an edit, because needs a look around for that of proper contents, including that of "Big Bang singularity" and next lost the link.

So, next perhaps about the Bible which it could be told, by the "Church of God", or the similar, or perhaps a notion that there could be someone around, doing it slightly better?

So easy perhaps, but next tell me about such a thing as Matter Creation and this time by means of the Standard Model and I next could be left with the mirror on the wall.

Take it or leave it if you will, but is the Big Bang supposed to be the same as radiation from a dying star, or should it rather be about a possible Creation?

The fact is that I still could be making it that of both elementary particles and radiation, if not any hypernovae or supernovae and next think that I could be looking at a dying star.

If both Laws and Equations should tell me that such a thing as Electromagnetism and the Weak Nuclear Force should be making for such a thing as bosons possible in our own sun,
what next about such things or objects which could be rather galaxies in space and still be radiating emission both in the visible and the invisible part of the spectrum?

If perhaps a supernova, or even hypernova, is this not supposed to be such a thing as a "cataclysmic event" by means of a chain reaction spinning out of control and here the same problem?

Or is it still supposed to be fusion, if not controlled in any way?

It perhaps should be the "end of the world" of sorts when possibly happening, but if the Big Bang happened because of a singularity, we could be back at the starting point, at least literally.

Rewinding the other browser tab, it should be at the top here, except for perhaps a sense that "time could perhaps tell", or perhaps that of ageing and also where it all started.

If that of both the Revelation, if not the Bible itself, could perhaps be about that of both birth, life and subsequent death, perhaps fine, but next that we do not find such a thing in the Standard Model.

Prove to me a couple of things when it comes to that of possible aliens and extraterrestrials and we perhaps could be even better off, but for now it rather becomes a story about ourselves versus nature.
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Message 1896913 - Posted: 22 Oct 2017, 18:44:59 UTC
Last modified: 22 Oct 2017, 18:51:29 UTC

Before I go, I went to the Talk page for that of Strong Interaction and except not reading it before, perhaps not to big a surprise either.

Back in the summer of 1980, I was with my parents in the south of my country, enjoying a magnificient holiday where each was a sunny day an temperatures at about 30 degrees Celsisus.

Next that having a bath in the ocean still became bit to cold, or perhaps chilly experience and therefore also short.

My uncle on my father's side happened to be a priest by ordinance and also that it became reflected in his personal attitude or appearance as well.

The both have passed away now and except for the sometimes repeating sequence of words which could be that of stuttering, or going for a similar word, they were both very friendly.

But also being mentioned before, both my parents and also both of them had a session in his office, which could be that of a couple of things around, including that of Theology.

Next that I did not attend and next was not being told.

By means of profession and next also being active, a priest always will have to stick with or adhere with a given subject, including that of practise as well, but here my guess that it was in the private and
next feeling a bit of disappointment of being left out.

Think of it but Pluto is in fact supposed to be a planet and next so good, if not anything more.

Tell me a lie, if perhaps not a smile and President Trump could still be the Joker in the game, if not any Political game at all.

The visualization method or attempt which sometimes could be there and visible, perhaps is not with me right now and for this I would have to visit YouTube.

A rule of thumb is that you could catch your breath and next keep it and next wake up to a different day, only to find that this may not be true either.

Did I perhaps leave home the other day for a visit with the Pope, only to find him in the Sacristy, or perhaps Tabernacle and next which story was I eventually being told?

A couple of years ago, we had either a server software system, or perhaps software with the name of Prodigy (a bit unsure), but next being told that I should skip the service,
in favor of something else or different.

Here perhaps the name of a telephone company or service, but again one of those stories which perhaps should not be told.

Eat me and the priest sadly could be having me for dinner instead, because when looking at such thing as nature, I also could be doing so with that of technology as a concept lurking in the shadows.

Next ask which technology, if not any Laws and Equations, created or came up with such a thing as nature, because at least for Matter Creation, we should believe in both such Laws and Equations.

The visitor in my bedroom before leaving my parents home, perhaps was such a visitor, but next I get a sense of perhaps being that minded, or mindful, in thinking of a divine Creator as the reason for the
existence of the Universe and next visiting my room.

We always should relate at least ourselves to that of the physical and next it should be about matter as well.

Next that even this concept could end up being open minded as well at times and next could be presumed to be something else instead.

The news around about gravity waves being detected from orbiting neutron stars, or perhaps Black Holes, perhaps comes as no surprise, but rather was expected.

If we happen to know that the world with its people is far from perfect, also we should know the reason for this by looking at the Laws of nature as well.

Except for not being a Mathematician myself, I always make that of constants that of Laws, except for both "Tell me a lie" and also that a + b = c.

Or perhaps the speed of light, c, here, versus that of the Planck constant, as a better example.

Next it could perhaps be that of Battlestar Galactica, if not that of "Dune" for the sake of any entertainment, because here I happen to be a citizen of Earth and at least turning the oven in order to
feel comfortable.

My guess is that there could be times where you could be wishing to see the face of God, rather than the face of nature, as it looks or appears to us.

The physical Universe could be a place where almost everything could be put into a context, whether or not it could perhaps be predicted, or not, or even if there could be a given uncertainty around.

The old video from my childhood years, where both buildings and trees were seen to be bending an almost falling to the ground, only because I was traveling at a high speed, comes to mind.

When next looking up the subject, it always becomes that of Probability, or Probabilities, if not any possibilities, except for such a thing as "Mission impossible" at times.

Flip a coin using your fingers and there always will be a 50/50 % chance of one thing for another and next is this because of such thing as Probability?

Perhaps not such a thing as Logic at all, if not a second chance, if you will.

The story could be told about possible visitors in your room, if not any lights in the sky, except for the possible mothership could be a Chinese lantern visible in the sky and next nothing more.

I had such a thing close or nearby on a couple of New Years Eve or evenings, as mentioned and except for the couple of beers, nothing more, except for not being drunk.

Next the sense that parking behind a large tree nearby and next moving slowly around, except for no wind, also makes for such a sense of feeling as well.

If perhaps visitors, it next becomes the almost perfect disguise, in that Chinese lanterns always should be going for something and next perhaps something different.

Or rather that size itself could be confusing, because a Chinese lantern should not be synonymous with any life but rather the spoken term "Look at the size of the thing".

If perhaps a "Close Encounter" of sorts, the one thing still missing is that of "Contact", which should next also be mutual recognition as well.

Here either a protocol is missing, or perhaps it even could be a deliberate thing.

My guess is that this is definitely intelligence when it is happening and also life, but that for now it does not readily show up.

Moving around and next it could be caught by the wind like a bag of plastic, but apparently not so, but rather moving around in a circular fashion.

If perhaps a face for such a thing, if not of God at all and next also a body as well and it could be lying on a table.

I make of the Kardashev as at least logarithmic in scale, in that a Type I or Type II civilization is not only twice as advanced as us, but rather many times or manyfold such.

Still with me at times, but I mentioned the horror movie which I lost the title for, which could be about those spiders and also someone with curls and wrinkles showing up in his face,
except for stary eyes as well and also losing the name of the character as well.

We should still be making that of both nature and space and next that of a notion of God two separate things, in my opinion.

The way such a thing as Religion and Faith could be practised, perhaps is not the same as a given assumption of God being the Creator of the Universe, as we happen to know it.

If we are supposed to believe that technology could be there for both that of good and bad, also that of a similar practise for the same thing, which perhaps is not about technology at all.

Or I could be left to still believe that perhaps such a thing as Religion and Faith also should be the reason for life, if not that of any science, or at least technology at all.

If it still happened to be that of Creation myth as a given subject, also its weaknesses could be visible, because we rather should be asking for a definition of God, rather than that of Creation myth alone.

It should not be forgotten that the subject of the Purgatory still should be considered the noble or precious part of a given thinking, whether or not any science, but again losing the better word.

The article itself makes it that of Religion and Faith and not necessarily any science at all and next could be confused with a given notion of "Heaven and Hell".

Rather that I chose to translate this word and also have it mentioned with my mother and aunt, as previously mentioned, with the sighs coming back in return for its possible meaning.

Therefore making it a possible "sacred" word by means of its meaning or term, perhaps is slightly better.

If perhaps still a different translation of its possible meaning, including a rough one as well, also it could be that of wormholes, if not "Stairways to Heaven" for much of the same.

Next that at least we should assume the Force of gravity being the main reason and also responsible for the Universe as we happen to know it.

Make it that of death and perhaps you also are back at the subject of "Afterlife" as well, which again is about Religion and Faith.

But rather than being served a cup of dinner and perhaps a cake, I am rather being hit in the head by a sledgehammer, if not a hammer and a feather at all, because I am supposed to believe.

Could next be the first one here as well, but right now perhaps the second and third link here.

A brief look at contents and the second link is quite informative here.

You perhaps heard the word "Contact" being screamed as well and next the sound of thunder, next from a machine gun.

When perhaps making it that of a protocol, or even a deliberate thing for such, perhaps it is not about such a thing as intelligence at all, but next noone knows.

If the subject of the Alien Interview should be using such a word as "Dogma", I still could end up with that of Metaphysics, only a sign that perhaps I am thinking in the right fashion.

Back tomorrow.
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Message 1897380 - Posted: 25 Oct 2017, 13:44:43 UTC
Last modified: 25 Oct 2017, 14:16:09 UTC

Anyway, having some fun here, despite a couple of difficulties being experienced.

The new packages being around right now, from vendors like or the like, for that of maintaining disks and partitions,
are quite nice in that you may take it sometimes for granted and even not getting a license or product key.

I have still to make it the activation code for one of the purchased products, because an invoice could next make it to a download page for another product.

Here also a difference between the operating system itself and the software packages coming along for that of other products.

Because of that, I still have yet to do so for the Active Undelete software package, where that of files and directories is more important, than that of partitions, volumes and whole disks.

The Active Boot disk package was tried out yesterday in its Demo version, but except for perhaps being two different packages, one for Windows and the other for Linux, if not DOS,
I next used the wireless modem in order to connect to the web using a USB connector from the regular computer, from the boot-up interface which perhaps could be from a disk or partition
meant for that of a Windows 64 bit installation.

Next that while partition recovery is one thing, that of creating new partitions is yet another and booting to this demo and next "fooling" around with a couple of files in order to make or
create a wireless connection to the web, I found the installation files for the Windows 10 package not to be running.

Still two empty 3 TB disks lying on the shelf for this, but next I become almost saturated both with used disks and also that of contents which may be coming along.

If not wrong, some purchases of Windows 7 or at least Windows 10, comes with a USB stick which could be having a one time functionality only.

Not tried out yet, but this appears to be not the best solution either.

But next that the second or best solution here is having the .iso files for both Windows 7 32 bits and 64 bits downloaded, in order to have it burnt to a DVD drive or disk.

The most important thing here is that for some reason, the CD/DVD-ROM drive is not working here and I suspect it could be the wrong SATA cable.

The single 16 GB USB stick better could keep the Active Boot disk package in its Demo version for now and possibly doing anything more and I could lose this setup.

Therefore, either using a different SATA cable here, or perhaps the other or second drive in my possession, is the one thing which could be tried.

If it does not work, the first thing will be having Windows Ultimate 64 bits being installed on an empty partition when the new purchase arrives.

The only thing is that while both Windows Defender and also the rest of the package offers a couple of possibilities, I also mentioned the interface for that of simple handling.

The Windows 7 logo is still more colorful and also that I am used to the Start-up menu at the left, rather than those boxes going nowhere for my installed packages.

A bit interesting, but the two .iso files were downloaded in only a short time, despite being quite large in size, including almost 3 GB for that of Windows 64 bit.

Make it a market if you will and next you could make a fortune by giving away rather than selling, but only that sometimes it is not working and it still should be made so.

Therefore, booting to an empty partition and next having Windows 64 bits installed, is the one thing still remaining and here suggestions also are welcome.

By now having the new packages both in better interfaces both when it comes to that of visual appearance and also that of a certain compatibility,
it also makes for a better or easier way of running as well.

So, except for perhaps the Astropulse tasks which could be around and sometimes going nowhere either, always that of standing on top of a cliff or mountain top.

What goes up, eventually comes down and when perhaps making it that of a broad chair, it also should be a comfortable chair as well, because we could sometimes find ourself
both enjoying and resting on a certain fundament, which could be a basis for our way of doing a couple of things, it could also be that of a similar "practise" for the same.

I mentioned that of magnetism being experienced and that for some reason a couple of hardware products were found to be having such magnetism, even when it could be about disks.

Next that it could sometimes contradict itself, in that such magnetism also could destroy important data and because of that it seems that breaking a pencil is still the way a couple of things might
appear not be working, except for perhaps waiting for the repairman, or at least believing in a couple of equations.

I read around the other day for that of such things as undersea vents in that of oceans and also that of both amoeba and other primitive organisms which could be found next to such vents
and that next even such things are not able to tell about any "Coincidences" which makes for such a thing working or being possible.

If humans could be able to use the resources being found or available for that of both consumption and also development, we should be doing so, by taking those things which nature could offer.

Definitely humans are developed organisms and therefore we need to be looking into the past, where it all started and came from.

But even if such a thing as evolution could mean a possible change, in that one thing next could become another, or something else, the fundamental Laws and Equations making this possible,
still should be there or around and may still have to be explained.

If perhaps breaking a pencil, it also means that not only things could be there for an initial purpose, but also the meaning of it as well.

Therefore "reason" may perhaps not be the same as "cause" either and therefore we may have the difficult subject "Causality".

If the old Greek perhaps made philosophical views or opinions about any gods and deities in existence, should tell that I am not very familiar with that part of the story,
except for making it that of earth, wind, soil and fire, as usual.

If such a thing as both Philosopy and Causality next could be that of Logic as well, it could be possible to conclude or reach a conclusion that an axiom could perhaps be telling about God.

But next you need to be having a certain notion of God as well and except for perhaps both relics and paintings, that of "Creation myth" should perhaps be the best explanation here.

If perhaps it rather became that of Afterlife instead, if not the Garden of Eden, perhaps we could be back at speaking in two different languages, or even a tongue for such,
because next it should mean or imply that either Philosophy could be used for a possible explanation, if perhaps not that of Logic and the like.

If for some reason there could be different truths, or perhaps true stories around, both or all perhaps telling more or less the same, it could be that of reading a chapter in a book and
next come up with a specific meaning about what it is all meant to be.

I could perhaps end up be a Mathematician rather than a priest or Theologist and next be looking at both birth and death, if perhaps not anything between or following.

For both of these, it could end up being a point of interpreting things which they are supposed to be.

I mentioned Nuclear Fusion earlier on and that even such a thing should not be the same as "Tensors", as described by Einstein for his work on General Theory of Relativity.

Here from my recall or memory, there should be a related subject as well, which when next combined, could be made into a context and next be compared with a couple of different subjects.

But next if this still happened to be Mathematics and sometimes Physics as well, still not the same as the painting showing Adam being created by the finger of God,
except for perhaps a little more visible as well.

Not being mentioned in the article about Tensors, but the Schrödinger equation could perhaps be a way of telling about that of Quantum mechanics as a subject.

If we still happen to know that humans could be flesh and blood, also we could perhaps tell or perhaps believe in such a thing as both past and the future.

Dismissing the fact about other intelligences which could be around and next you also could be doing the same with a couple of equations which could be telling about nature.

If perhaps Einstein did not say it himself, perhaps we should be made into believing that everything could be "Relative".

Here you may notice that in fact it becomes wrong and is not about Newton or Einstein at all, for their views on the subject of gravity perhaps explaining everything.

If that of a gaussian function could perhaps be an entrance point for understanding alien or extraterrestrial intelligence, that of Relativity as a subject, also should be the same for that of
perhaps understanding the Universe.

Therefore, you might perhaps be Einstein sitting on his butt, if not the Pope for the same thing, except for perhaps the pencil behind the ear, but even both could end up coming with that of a Thesis,
which could be either a lecture, or perhaps a way of formalizing certain details which could be around.

Is the subject of gravity or the like perhaps the way of possibly explaining such a thing as extraterrestrial intelligence?

If perhaps so, it could rather be the rainy day, or perhaps even "Tairs in the rain" for such a thing, but also that microbiology could be an important subject.

We all should know that such a thing as "thinking" is part of our brain and that of neuron cells is making for such a thing as being possible.

Of course you could still end up making it "Creation" in one way or perhaps another, but next perhaps not such a thing as "Little Green Men" either.

If that of Creation could be perhaps be for a specific meaning, next back at the top here, for that of perhaps breaking a pencil, in order to next believe that it could be for a specific "meaning".

But here that "believe" soon becomes a Religious meaning or interpretation as well, so again the same confusion of words.

I mentioned the word "Tempus fuight", which should be about the subject of time.

Also that there could be an understanding, or possible view, that such a thing as travel into the future might not be possible.

If a couple of Laws and Equations could perhaps be used in order to explain not only that of elementary particles, but also that of a given concept as well, perhaps even better.

Making it perhaps Logic and next ask "Does the Universe contain matter", if not that of "Does the Universe exist" and you next may notice the difference.

Next the possible trap that we may end up discussing the Universe, or at least a possible understanding by means of a certain "formalism" which next could imply God.

Make it perhaps that of branches of a tree for that of certain levels of evolution, including possible knowledge and next you have at least that of civilizations which might be found in space.

Definitely there could be a couple of things when it comes to both terms and meanings which not always reflect a certain language, or perhaps meaning, but at least we could believe in
that of science for a couple of things, including those Laws and Equations.

If you happen to watch YouTube, you may be able to notice that such a thing as God not always becomes that of Laws and Equations, if not that of elementary particles, but rather
something else or different.

Such a thing as both meaning and possible intent could perhaps be the same, but next perhaps not the same as "reasoning" either.

In the end, it perhaps not depends on the subject alone, but rather the Laws and Equations which could be used, again by means of both Mathematics and Physics.

If perhaps Logic could be used in order to ask the question "Does God exist", the mathematical answer by means of an Equation could perhaps be E=mc2 and next we perhaps know nothing more.

Making such a thing as an Atlas of the Heavens and next the Sloan Digital Survey for such a thing and at least you could be able to count the number of galaxies.

Next count the number of intelligent civilizations found in space and we probably should know the answer.

If the answer should perhaps be one or 1, meaning ourselves, at least we should know the answer, if perhaps not knowing the Equations making such a thing possible.

But rather that Probability as a subject should be assumed and next not be looking at the Universe at all.

When the Big Bang happened, it next was a moment of Creation and that everything came into existence and became present as well.

Making it at least Existence and next it should be about Philosophy, if not that of any Laws and Equations, because the latter at least should be explaining the Force of gravity.

Therefore perhaps two different approaches here and next back at that of "meaning" versus possible "reasoning".

If I perhaps could sense such a thing as "Afterlife", what is perhaps the better or best explanation for such a thing, except for perhaps "Garden of Eden"?

Compare with the Standard Model (of Particle Physics) and next that of Creation myth when it comes to that of science and at least you have two different approaches of explaining
the Universe, if perhaps not God and here the question of where it perhaps should go, or perhaps better fit.

Of course you have both Theory of Relativity and next also Quantum mechanics as well, but next both of these are supposed to fit into, or belong to that of a GUT (or Grand Unified Theory)
for that of understanding nature, at least when it comes to both Mathematics and Physics.

Because of that, at least I could make such a thing as dreams part of Metaphysics and next it could become the third part or chapter of a book, where it supposedly should be only two.

If you rather could be making it that of an infirmary instead and next such one in an extraterrestrial craft, or perhaps UFO, at least it should not be the "upper deck" for such either.

Next perhaps mistaking the word in the past and making it "nursery" instead and of course it becomes wrong.

If for some reason a couple of things perhaps becomes a whisper in the air, next start telling or perhaps saying that it should be ridiculous.

Perhaps believing in a couple of visitors in your bedroom at night, at least you could say or tell that it should be nonsense, if not that ridiculous, because you really should not need to be
looking at the Scientific Method at all for such a thing.

Perhaps I still should believe in both the Hammer and Feather for such a thing, because it next became an experiment being carried out on the Moon.

Next that I am supposed to compare with a similar experiment, where two different objects were being dropped from a tower on Earth and that they both hit the ground at the same time.

Is there perhaps a secret here, meaning that there could be even more to this than perhaps being told?

For now I do not have the answer, but could be looking around.

If I perhaps ended up going the wrong way already at the start, for making it that of both positrons and gamma rays already for that of Nuclear fusion, I mentioned that fission could be man made or artificial,
while that of fusion should be a natural process.

Here again my bad, because I should have read about Fission before doing the same for that of Fusion.

But perhaps so, because I know that Fission is a man made, or human product and not a process which is happening or taking place in nature.

Definitely nice to know, because we should know that both Gold and Uranium is not found everywhere, including the Universe as a whole.

If you could end up making it both Fission and Fusion, next you should be taking nature for what it is and nothing else and next it could end up becoming that of Cosmology.

But I could still end up back with that of Nuclear fusion and next that stars heavier than the sun could be making such elements in their cores, because there should be a difference between
that of a chain reaction, or process which could be controlled, by means of both matter and energy and next the uncontrolled chain reaction, which could mean that of a similar process,
which next could be making for such a thing as a "cataclysmic event" possible, including that of a supernova.

Nuclear fission should be about that of radioactive decay, which happens in nature, eventually making for the Periodic element Lead as its ending point.

Despite not familiar with the details, I happen to know that for the two atomic bombs being used during the Second World War, one was a Plutonium bomb, the other was a Uranium bomb.

Here apparently two different manufacturing processes and also different complexities as well for that of the same.

A good example here is believing in both that of Iron and Magnesium as being at the core of two biological products, except for the color, of course.

Next you could believe that both could be a reason for life being possible as well, except for the possible difference.

We could next be left to believe that both Neptunium and Plutonium are artificial Periodic elements, but next that I am still left at both explaining, if not understanding that of
how these things works when it comes to that of Nuclear fusion happening in the stars and also the way radiation could be coming our way, without perhaps telling the difference between the
Weak and Strong Nuclear Force, respectively.

An Armageddon is perhaps a word which could be used for telling a story about a war being carried out and its possible outcome, if perhaps not a decase or pandemic which could be doing much the same.

When I look at the subject of both neutron stars and Black Holes in space, I also happen to know that I could be squeezed, if perhaps not even boring as well.

If perhaps "In the beginning", I also know that it should be sometimes "The end" as well and also that of a possible demise which could be happening, including the Universe ending up in oblivion.

That of a "furnace" for that of a star ending up its life in a supernova event, next making for such a thing as a cataclysmic event possible, perhaps could be about science,
but next that this is perhaps not the end of the world either.

Here almost lost it above, because rather than a possible "meaning", or perhaps even Causality, it perhaps should be about such a thing as Genesis above.

Perhaps could be stated better above, but needs checking in with the text for that of editing, but possibly I was thinking about "Heaven and Hell" here.

Of course here it should be about the Bible and next also the people of Earth, but next not about that of the Universe itself.

Is the Universe perhaps Matter Creation, by means of the Laws and Equations which could perhaps explain it all, or could it perhaps be something else, or even more?

And as usual, perhaps there could be other references for the same subject as well.

Again being left in the wild here, or perhaps open minded such, because here I do not know the answer to the question.

Filling in the details above and next the intended meaning perhaps could become lost.
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Message 1897800 - Posted: 28 Oct 2017, 0:30:51 UTC
Last modified: 28 Oct 2017, 1:14:32 UTC

Except for perhaps not the boring day, of course.

I went down to the small shop nearby today, in order to pick up the box for the processor which I ordered, because returning back to the selection,
I first made it wrong and it became not the one being wished for.

Therefore both a separate order and also shipment here, except not any sounds of music here.

Perhaps a bit difficult when waking up in the morning, or even out shopping, but for this order, including a large systems box, perhaps I should find the time doing it myself,
including the cooling paste as well.

The only point of a slight bit of thought could be the power supply, because I choose to make it a bit more cheap here and could be using the 1200 W power supply which could be
cycling towards a couple of motherboards.

Testing out with a graphics card which blew and also a processor which is lighting up in the red, it could be the power cable to blame here and because of that having a solution to the problem.

So, I perhaps mentioned Chemistry the other day and that it could be sometimes in the front gate and next also that of an exit door as well.

Perhaps no surprise that both Pioneer 10 and 11 and also Voyager 1 and 2, were man made objects, in order to next leave the solar system for that of empty space.

Personally I do not see any Mathematics in that of Chemistry, but next that perhaps that of Physics could make it possible to dig a little more deep in the sand.

Only that the escape velocity from Earth is some 11.2 km/s, or 40,000 km/h, is no hindrance or barrier for next making humans setting foot on the Moon.

Making it the speed of light instead, by means of c as a constant, perhaps could be making for such a hindrance, or obstacle, except for perhaps the notion of time not being readily defined.

That said, supposedly God could be sitting with a pocket calculator in his hand, making it that of 1+2=3 for such a thing, except for perhaps not pouring water in acid, if not the other way.

From such a thing as war and conflicts, we know that sometimes a line could be drawn in the sand, telling about what perhaps is a thing to do, if perhaps not so.

Make it perhaps a game if you will, if not that of War Games, and sometimes it could end up being "Mission impossible" for such a thing.

If the general rule of thumb is that something is perhaps possible, including that of a result, only because a mission could be successful, rather than unsuccessful,
if perhaps only tells about the written Laws of nature, or perhaps even lack of such a thing.

Doing the shopping, I sometimes think about all the hands that are needed in order for myself enjoying both the dinner as well as the dessert.

Such a thing as hard work, or possible labor, sometimes is a must and also needed, but it could also bring along both results and achievements.

But when next enjoying the bottle of beer in the late evening, I really give a darn about such a thing as both Laws and Equations, which could be telling about the ways things should be working.

If such a thing could perhaps be translated into that of nature and its inner-workings, one perhaps could wonder in which way a couple of things could be measured.

Or perhaps rather that of a given "measure" instead, because writing on the spot, it could perhaps be slightly difficult to tell.

But next perhaps a little bit more of fun, because you could be both an astronomer and also a nuclear physicist and next both goes well with me, but also the small difference between
the sometimes boring day and those facts which you also know could be there, telling such a thing as the reason for why life does exist and also that of the Universe.

The article about "gluons" in the Wikipedia, is perhaps a bit terse, because here is a subject that if perhaps not controversial, or perhaps disputed, could be lacking a thorough knowledge.

The simple word for perhaps including a number together with a couple of others in a set, is perhaps that of include, or perhaps incorporate.

If I rather could end up being a scientist at times, it rather could be that of "comprise" or "constitute" instead.

"Make it simple", perhaps and it could next perhaps be about a spoken language, if not any written words.

If the word perhaps was being explained by that of drawing circles, perhaps easy as well, but next also far from the truth as well.

The matter of the fact is that I could be taking such a thing as astronomy close to heart and next also being able to grasp a couple of things, if perhaps not still thinking that it
sometimes could be past a given comprehension, when it comes to a couple of things.

And still the boring day, of course.

If a scientist always should be looking for an answer, he next would be asking "what", if perhaps not that "why" of any answers, if perhaps not any questions which could be given.

Next perhaps recursively as well, if not iteratively, because it could end up in a loop.

Take an example before actually checking, but the usual thing of the day made me come up with that of Brom or Bromide as perhaps one of the Periodic Elements.

Bump, but needs a bit more checking here, because here not satisfied at all.

Getting back at it.

Next that it also slipped through and therefore the slight bit of uncertainty when it comes to that of spelling.

But also a sense that I perhaps started on something which also could need a possible finishing as well, namely that of mixing an acid in water, if perhaps not the protons for such a thing.

Here at Seti@home I guess it could sometimes be a moderation issue related to that of contents and also sometimes users as well.

Make it that of anti-matter instead and also that of the way we are supposed to believe in the way the Universe could be working, next place or put a gun in the face of someone and tell that
you are dead, and this time not by means of a bullet, but because of "annihilation" which could be possible, because of such a thing as anti-matter being present.

In the subject of Philosophy, including its context, we sometimes have or find the subject of "Existence" around.

Making perhaps something "existent" and next also it could be a human being present in a Universe which sometimes might not be explained.

Perhaps a bit of funny, but when keying in the possible words, I get the answer or suggestion "continued existence" back in return and next it also fades away.

The fact is that I could end up using a better word for that of both birth and death, if not that of life itself and still find that sometimes it could be working, but perhaps not explaining it all.

Such a word could be "encompass", meaning that sometimes you could be taking a couple of things for granted and next also believe what it is supposed to mean.

We probably should know about the "Ten Commandments" here, which next should also be telling what you should, or are supposed to be doing, if perhaps not so.

If perhaps that of "You shall have no other Gods than me", as being the first Commandment (of the Bible), it could perhaps be a tenet or doctrine for such, if perhaps not something still left in the air.

Next make it perhaps "Wishful meaning" for a couple of things or subjects and next you also should know what this is supposed to mean as well.

By making perhaps the Ten Commandments such a tenet or doctrine by means of subject, perhaps no such a thing as both Laws and Equations here, even though,
or despite a possible notion that a couple of things which could be making up nature, or perhaps their interpretation, could be that of such "encompass", or fulfillment.

The fact is that I am only able to have a complete shipment or delivery on my door, only because a couple of things are supposed to be working.

The reason for that it could be working, is also about the possible complexity which could be involved.

By means of defining such a thing as infinity, it next could be both in a given context for such, if not still past our comprehension when at least, or actually thinking.

But sadly, if it still could perhaps be a given notion of God, it still might not be about the subject of infinity here.

Here perhaps still thinking about that of diversity and also about nature but next that this word or subject came to mind.

If perhaps being married for some 50 years, something which could be happening at times, also you could, or are supposed to be faithful as well.

If rather than sticking or keeping with your old partner through life, it could perhaps be about science, because while such a thing as science could perhaps be trusted,
also that of the possible faithful as well, in that a couple or certain things are supposed to be of meaning and still also present or found.

The opposite of "=" in Mathematical terms is "<>" for that of the same, if perhaps not a different labeling.

Ask the question "Does God exist" and the answer is either Yes or No, depending on either circumstances, or perhaps attitude.

If I happened to be a Mathematician and next seeing both the "=" and also the "<>", I next could perhaps not be able to give a formal answer to that above, because it is supposed to be about Logic.

If it perhaps became the Bible instead, it rather could end up being "no warranties expressively given", or the like for the whole subject.

Only to have it mentioned above, because it needs a more proper explanation.

But rather that making it "Words" sometimes could be able to explain a given expression, or perhaps statement as well.

Except for perhaps being able to bring a man to the Moon and next back home as well, we could sometimes be questioning such a thing as both success and failure.

But if you rather could end up being questioning such a thing as the Universe, you also could be doing such a thing as possible "reasoning" as well, meaning that of "Existence".

"Tell me a lie" and next it could perhaps be the Garden of Eden for such, because it could be about a snake, rather than a couple of written words.

Being an astronomer of sorts, should tell that I am in fact able to comprehend and therefore, or perhaps next rather ask the question "how", if not "why", if perhaps not vice versa.

Wear short trousers for that of your uniform, next living some 50 or 60 years back in time, in a period of poverty and next such a thing as both Dark Matter and Dark Energy might not be possible.

The word "Purgatory" could in some instances, or circles, be a "sacred" word, but still also one which could be possible to define.

I happen to know that death is also the end of life, at least to the one being concerned, or is all about.

If that of life sometimes could be that of picking a new rope and next also a new starting point, if not ending point, meaning perhaps goal, you could perhaps pick up the rope and next
start climbing the ladder, in order for possible success to be reached, which next also could also mean "Mission accomplished", or perhaps success.

Just having a couple of beers in the middle of the night, it really should not be any thought of perhaps being successful or not, if perhaps not "Mission accomplished", or successful.

The fact is that we should know about such a thing as "Heaven and Hell", not only because of possible misery, or even not a single thing happening, but rather that when perhaps thinking
about such a thing as "Encompass", we also should know what nature is supposed to be, except for possibilities which could be around.

Make it perhaps that of the "Almighty", if you will and next you also have "Oh, Lord" as well.

If we still could choose between the pencil which sometimes could break and also that of a couple of things which could perhaps be telling a different story,
always a story being told about both Laws and Equations which could be "pertaining" to nature, if perhaps not anything else.

Both diversity and that of infinity could be telling about possibilities in nature, but could such a thing still be telling us about a notion of God?

That of Creation myth by means of a story being told, is that God created the Universe in just six days and next also saw that it was working.

Next that he had the seventh day off, which we make that of a Sunday.

Here perhaps a bit of interesting, because I did not read this before and perhaps should be doing so.

Many years ago, a Swedish writer (Astrid Lindgren) chose to be making it a pretty weird story of the Lionheart brothers, which next became filmatized.

Or at least a television production for such, except for its still possible weirdness.

If I happened to be an animal handler in charge of a circus, I next also would choose to keep at least my lions in cages.

I gave a look or preview of that of nuclear fission the other day, perhaps thinking that it could be the brown cheese, if not the breakfast being served in the morning.

Always the excuse for perhaps making the boson the "God particle", eh, if perhaps not any science at all.

The translation next makes it for the word of "riddle", meaning that sometimes, or at times, science could perhaps be enigmatic, but still provide us with the answers we are wishing for.

Here perhaps "seeking to explain" and so on and next it also could be about the answers being told or known as well.

Typically, having a "stead-fast", or readily belief in a couple of subjects, could be a thing usually around.

Next have your feet standing on a carpet and next the whole carpet is being pulled away and you still could be trusting your feelings, if not that of stead-fast belief.

I came to the conclusion that perhaps that of "reasoning", perhaps is a bit more, or important, than such a thing as "tell me a lie".

If such a thing as "Formalism" next also could be about a given notion about God, including the possible terms which could be used, we also could believe that a couple of things next
could at least "signify" a particular subject or matter, of perhaps not that of "encompassing" such a thing as well.

If perhaps looking at "Creation" as a whole, or on its own, we also should know what such a thing as Creation is all about.

Here in its own context, or alone.

Darn it, or even "Hell" if you like, but at leas we should know about both such a thing as Creation and also what it should mean.

When I look around, I perhaps could make a difference between a woman or lady having thin, long legs and that of perhaps being thick and lazy as well.

If perhaps breaking a pencil at times, it also could be about a given notion of "Hell" as well, if perhaps not any sinister at all.

The comedy "Life of Brian" next could be asking about the "meaning" of such a thing as life.

Here you are, make it that of DNA for both your chromosomes and cells and next you are supposed to be giving the answer to everything.

In the end it is really nice to know that I could be relaxing with a bottle of beer, but also that I could end up in a grave as well.

Lift a finger in front of, or perhaps across your face and next also it could be a lesson learnt and this time for that of life itself.

When at school, I also brought the 30 cm ruler of glass in my bag as well.

It may have disappeared, but could still be around, but next that such a ruler could be about a "measure" about a given world.

The YouTube video being watched is having a quite good narrator, but who for some reason mistakes or confuses that of "gallon" for that of "litre" when it comes to
possible measurement.

For now I lost the link here, but if I still had to make the choice between the calculator and next the pencil, I also would need to think and perhaps also rethink the
notion of the Universe and what it supposedly is all about.

Honestly, being able to count both the galaxies and the clusters of galaxies in the Universe and next you perhaps do not know about the Bible at all, or did your home lesson.

Yes, make it perhaps "comprehension" if you will and perhaps not that of any infinity, if perhaps not "silly me".

Why perhaps so, but is it perhaps of a "reasoning", or possibly because of a guess alone, because even not such a thing should not be able to tell about such a thing as the Universe
and guess we already know the answer.
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Message 1898003 - Posted: 29 Oct 2017, 1:37:20 UTC
Last modified: 29 Oct 2017, 1:38:18 UTC

Again being thrown off here, because being a bit saturated and also still only on Windows Ultimate 32 bits, I am apparently unable to upgrade to Service Pack 1 from my last working install.

The other disks and partitions lies almost dead for now and both the installation for Windows Ultimate, 32 bits and also 64 bits, both blew, or is not working.

Also it could be the drive itself, but next needs looking around for the second drive and next giving it a try.

Really, should not be necessary, because here apparently two quite good ones, except for perhaps a sour note in my postings.
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Message 1898205 - Posted: 30 Oct 2017, 1:36:56 UTC

It probably ends up here, but perhaps telling about a blunder of sorts being made when it comes to that of computing.

Two small USB sticks ended up my way, both similar and from a vendor with the name SanDisk.

Both sticks are 8 GB in size, which is only half the single one I chose for an important file copy and next probably was empty.

But the two SanDisk sticks came with a software package installed or included, which was that of both files and directories.

No such thing as a write protection tab, so it ended up being one of the sticks overwritten with something else.

I really regret this, except for spending two hours looking for the installation file of the original package, which when installed, does not give the original file structure,
but at least the package working.

I do not know where I got these sticks from, but that they probably came from a store here in town.

Here a write protection tab should be included, or two different types being offered, if the software package might not be separated from that of data and other software.

Possibly difficult considering it is shorter in length than the thumb of my finger.
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Message 1898210 - Posted: 30 Oct 2017, 2:54:32 UTC
Last modified: 30 Oct 2017, 3:03:09 UTC

Before I go at almost 4 AM in the morning, receiving an e-mail that the rest of the package, including the large box, is at the small shop nearby and needs being picked up.

Next that I am not able to carry this and it has to be brought to my home using a car.

Here for some reason it does not work, except for almost being there and makes for a bit of frustration.

Also some news around that hurricane winds from the Arctic went to the shores of Denmark and probably a bit of snow and ice as well.

Is not perhaps science easy and cheap at times, except for the fact that even E.T. sometimes could be with you as well, even in bed?

I definitely could make a "Journey to the end of space" if I wished, or perhaps down to the core or nucleus of those atoms which are the building blocks for everything,
but if such a thing as the Wanna Decryptor, or possibly WannaCry, if not wrong, could be able to knock you out of the door, if not being secured,
there always should be a safety method in place in order to prevent such a thing.

If you could do it one way, next also doing it the other way should be possible.

I had two pages for my national broadcaster in my web browser today, for which one article was about ghosts, while the second article was about a subject with the name of Pareidolia.

While in fact I do not know how much or well the subject of ghosts are being readily accepted in the scientific environment, the article gave a mentioning of such a thing as the Face on Mars,
as well as a couple of other things being a result of such Pareidolia when it comes to possible "belief", or at least impression, making me a bit angry.

It next became a comparison with that of a picture of an Aurora in the sky, which next could be giving an appearance of a face as well, and here not the Face of Mars.

For now a couple of other things still lies in the buffer and needs a bit more thinking, but also the usual YouTube links as well.

Science is perhaps not for the stupid, but next the fact that you are not always the wise man either.

The elimination method could perhaps be a way a politician or even boxer in the ring could be telling a rival to go somewhere else, but except for that, Logic should be something else.

Next that I was perhaps thinking of that of numbers here, except for not having the related article.

Again, just pops up in my mind and perhaps I also mentioned that thing as well.

Now I am catching a cold here and will not be able to make it to the shop tomorrow.

Back later.
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Message 1898389 - Posted: 31 Oct 2017, 3:14:43 UTC
Last modified: 31 Oct 2017, 3:17:55 UTC

Science almost going wild . . .

Even at almost 4 AM in the morning (again).

Perhaps a difference between weird science and that of weird scientists (or perhaps users) should perhaps be made.

If perhaps not wrong, the Butterfly effect could be a reason for picking up the umbrella for that of rain coming down.

For some reason, that of "Chaos" as a subject, disappeared or vanished in a couple of other subjects currently being available, or perhaps popular.

We perhaps need a debate of that of science perhaps going wrong at times, if perhaps not that of any scientists, or users, for the same.

"Stay on target" and next what is the subject supposed to be?

What comes first, should it be a Method, or should it be that of a possible claim?

Again, "Extraordinary claims needs extraordinary evidence" and so on, except for the precise wording.

Next is a claim supposed to be the same as a Proof?

Always the scientist, I guess.

Except for always the idea, of course.

At least the words of Michio Kaku here.

Except for when perhaps making a reference for that of perhaps thinking in a different way and here that of possible aliens or extraterrestrials for such a thing,
next always that of "our" way of thinking for that of a couple of things, including that of science.

What is next?
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Message 1898396 - Posted: 31 Oct 2017, 3:54:01 UTC
Last modified: 31 Oct 2017, 3:54:54 UTC

That of "skeptical enquirer" in one of my posts today.

Should it perhaps be "inquirer" here?

Next I did not find it here when next looking.

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Message 1898398 - Posted: 31 Oct 2017, 4:22:28 UTC
Last modified: 31 Oct 2017, 4:31:18 UTC

Or consequences versus possible result.

Always the difference around.

What if I happened to pick up the old book, except for the old disk.

Should it next all be rewritten?

Watching YouTube in the late evening, should tell that not necessarily everything ends up between my ears, meaning my brain.

While such a thing as both Climate Prediction and also possible time travel could be possibly dismissed, I get a sense that this is perhaps not the way it should be approached.

Perhaps not needed, or unneccessary as well, but wish you a better something, or perhaps recovery, next also a way for that of possible thinking.

Science is not supposed to be coming cheap all the time, but rather be "greedy".

I read about both Matter Creation and also that of Creation myth the other day and perhaps we once could be getting it wrong.

Next that of both planet-X and also Nibiru, at least when I am concerned and next Buh!

Next that of the Revelation is being mentioned.

First of all, it could be tempting at making a possible reference with that of "Mysteries, magic and miracles" here.

Or perhaps the personal experience, including that of a possible "Near Death experience".

Next that of possible "self-referencing", if not any Replication, or Genetical Replication at all.

Making it that of "Hieroglyphs" for a couple of things and next it also could be that of a dead end as well.

Except for that of a possible "Prophecy".

Honestly, or to be clear, but for some reason both Matter Creation and also Creation myth right now ended up more or less in the wild.

Who is to blame for at least the first part of the subject being such a thing?

Make it that of a given notion, if perhaps not that of Creation myth and next what is the more easy thing to explain?

For starters perhaps, but next what next?

Honestly, I could end up climbing a wall and next falling down.

Always the point of reference and it also could be that of "Time dilation" for such a thing.

What is a frame (if not any frame of reference)?

Next perhaps blame Einstein for such a thing and his Special Theory of Relativity.

Oh Lord and next watching the video.

Or perhaps "hot stuff" and next Neil deGrasse Tyson for such a thing.

Back tomorrow.
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Message 1898402 - Posted: 31 Oct 2017, 5:25:14 UTC

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Message 1898415 - Posted: 31 Oct 2017, 8:12:05 UTC
Last modified: 31 Oct 2017, 8:40:46 UTC

Could perhaps try out with something else.

Except for perhaps being a professor, always the "eh" for a couple of things.

Perhaps not needed, at least in writing.

How do you spell it, dissection, or the like?

Next it perhaps could be that of zooming in and also the Star of David as well (guess my whereabouts, or preferences),
but more that such a thing as slaughter could be that of possible Statistics, if not any history.

Next that of an almost dead nature, offering or giving almost no compromises.

Believe it or not, but at times we perhaps could make it that of Forces of nature for a couple of things.

Next perhaps the picture on the wall, which could perhaps be telling a different story, including that of both Politics and Culture.

Next that we perhaps could be looking for such a thing as extraterrestrial intelligence here and always the user versus that of perhaps something else.

Therefore perhaps leaving it there, except for not perhaps getting a sense of being old either.

In a similar way, perhaps an old story of sorts, like that of the Pharaohs of Egypt, we always are supposed to believe in one given story.

Make it that of a Universal force, making for such a thing as both life and intellligence possible and perhaps we could still be in the blue.

If perhaps making it Julius Caesar versus that of Cleopatra, next how obvious or evident, if not any stupid at all and here it becomes that of Richard Burton for that of Caesar,
if not that of the sexy girl or woman.

Making it the correct name above and next could be having the big nose later.

Honestly, lost her name her, except for perhaps true fact of history, which is perhaps the way it it is supposed to be told.

Needs a bit more editing above and I will have it later, except for perhaps not being Jane Fonda.

Next of course "We built the city", if perhaps not the Pyramids.

Again, I also am busy about a couple of things as well, so next it only becomes a thought or reflection in the middle of the night.
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Message 1899012 - Posted: 4 Nov 2017, 2:17:44 UTC
Last modified: 4 Nov 2017, 2:23:45 UTC

Again trying out a couple of things, but ending up turning off the power surge anti-protection in the BIOS, because of the remaining 32-bit partition refusing to boot.

Still the message coming up in the AI Suite II application when running, but next will be turning it off.

Next also using the fingers on the power connectors going to the power supply and also the power connectors on the graphics cards.

Being quite stuck right now, because while the disks themselves ended up quite loaded, or perhaps full, it is the booting process that is the problem.

Perhaps some three different types of SATA connectors for that of data, I still could be trying out with both the third cable for this and also a different CD/DVD drive.

But next that I also did the weekend shopping and also shouted a bit at those people handling the postage, for not delivering the shipment at my door, even when requesting.

Hopefully it should be fixed during next week, or if so, it would be the responsibility of the vendor here.

So why perhaps not a bit of science right now, except for perhaps a couple of teeth for that of eating your food.

Teeth versus tether perhaps and next you also probably heard about that story as well, namely that of a couple of things flying around and this time in space.

And next also "en masse", or in big quantities, if I am not wrong.

"Go fishing" and next you should be doing this close at sea, or perhaps even in the ocean itself.

People aboard the Space Shuttle were supposed to be carrying out an experiment you know, namely with that of using a long tether, in order to perhaps a bit of curiosity,
if rather that of trying to find out something.

Next. when doing so, apparently there were some visitors around, again in quite large amounts, it seems and also that they were quite curious.

From my perspective, if perhaps not knowledge, I happen to know that if such a thing as E.T. does exist, he could be quite curious at times, but next saying not a word at all.

Here the problem in a nutshell, because there could be times that we could be seeing intelligence behind the closed window, if perhaps any craft, but next that such intelligence is not
being reflected from those which could be behind such a window.

The reason for such a lack of contact, or possible willingness at making such contact, either I do not know the reason for, or has been mentioned or discussed before.

I do not think we should blame Jodie Foster here, for at least perhaps trying to listen in, but rather do such a things for those aliens instead.

Again, perhaps my Friday mood here, except for those stories which could be around, but next also that of thinking of the possibility of such a presence at all.

Is perhaps such a thing as death that of next explaining it away and rather making it that of Wormholes, or a given Perception instead, or rather a Stairways to Heaven, if you will.

Right now I happen to be in the mood and next also assuming such an existence and also possible intelligence.

Always saying no, like what I happen to do myself quite often and we most likely never get to the point.

Why believe in a couple of things and next take it for granted, including that of some 200 billion stars in the Milky Way alone and next also 500 billion galaxies in the whole Universe?

Still the question "Are we alone" and next we do not have any answer either.

For one thing we should always know the difference between that of science and that of Religion and Faith, as usual.

Here almost losing the point again, but rather thinking about such things as aliens and extraterrestrials in the context of science and next nothing else.

First of all, perhaps thinking that it could be someone there behind the window and it also could be an assumption, if not a best guess.

Or at least such a guess could be the reason for the tether experiment being carried out.

Is such a thing perhaps "Contact", or even an attempt for such a thing, where there also could be reason that such a thing as E.T. could perhaps be "curious"?

Or is it perhaps a language barrier, because it could end up being the man in the street being a witness to an event, if not even a genius or skilled for such a thing.

In fact I am feeling good at times, not only because I know my limits, but also what I am supposed to be doing.

We still have that of Number Theory as part of science and also we have that of the Scientific Method for much of the same.

If we happen to be a part of a Universe still having or possessing a couple of unknown factors in its sleeves, the UFO phenomenon could next also be such a thing,
by being part of a couple of Mysteries which need to be explained.

Again, deserves a better writing, but nevertheless.

I do not think we should explain away those attempts being made by Nasa for such a thing as the tether experiment.

If an attempt of possible contact was being made, apparently it was unsuccessful.

Next this story perhaps, if rather nothing else and at least still so, but next it could still be science.

Perhaps always the question of the reason behind such thing as both intelligence and conscience and next both that of a human face, if not a brain for such.

Apparently not any intelligence in a stone lying on the ground, but next perhaps blame my green or greenish eyes for such a thing.

So next perhaps the story of a couple of builings, if not even cities going up in flames and next perhaps no mercy, except for any forgiveness at all.

Always that of God, if not the Devil, if you happen to be such inclined in such a way.

You know, perhaps believing in aliens and extraterrestrials is not that of any "Journey to the end of Space" in any way, but rather perhaps beliving in the minds of people.

I said it before and I do so again, but perhaps something more is needed now.

If I left you to choose among a couple of possibilities, next which one or ones, because that of Probability, if not any Logic, is always supposed to be that of 0 versus 1.

Next, perhaps make it an adventure story and it could be either a story being told, if not even many such as well.

Intelligence is supposed to be "our way" quite often, because it could be that of knowledge, but rather make it a couple of dreams and it also could be that of given comprehension.

The intelligent signal supposedly never coming our way, is perhaps not the same as a naked body of an alien or extraterrestrial, but still perhaps we could believe in both stories.

So why not perhaps having a debate of current science by sometimes believe in a couple of things, including the notion of time, if not any prediction of the weather which could be around
for the next day?

Always that of good, better, best, if not that of bad, worse, worst and next you could have that of "Betterment of BOINC" for such a thing.

Still you could also believe it could be science as well, of course.

Scientists are quite often concerned with, or dealing with details related to that of nature.

Therefore the big picture could sometimes be missed.

Oh. are we perhaps not supposed to be questioning God from a Philosophical perspective, if not point of view, if perhaps not a Religious one, of course?

So easy it could be and next make it a possible notion of death, if not that of any birth or life itself, but next we also could believe in the possible travel machine,
if not that of nature itself for such a thing.

If there should be made a difference between the re-surrection of Jesus and that of a travel machine, or perhaps Wormhole for any similar, next which difference?

If perhaps so, is it because we could sometimes be asking ourselves a couple of questions, in order to next be having answers back in return?

So, perhaps the branches of a tree for a couple of things and next also that of "states", or perhaps conditions which could be around and almost forgot that.

You see, at least Religion, or from at least a starting point, such a thing as Religion, could perhaps make it that of the Purgatory, while scientists could rather make it a Wormhole instead.

But also that it could be wrong at both ends, if not even one or the other.

Is not perhaps science supposed to tell me that there always could be a difference around, not only because I am able to learn or know a couple of things, but also that a
couple of things should be more or less evident?

One example for such is that of the Aether, or Ether (making a difference from that of a tether).

Even empty space is supposed to be having a given property, except for perhaps the elementary particles that might be around.

If perhaps not that of any Contact being made, possibly one question among many, except for perhaps sometimes making that of nature to blame, if perhaps not ourselves,
or even that of a given or possible conscience, if not that of any "belief", which also could make us asking for such a thing as that of God.
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