SHGb02+14a or the 'wow' signal

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Message 1179447 - Posted: 20 Dec 2011, 2:38:12 UTC

There was no audio recording of the Wow! signal. It's fake.
ID: 1179447 · Report as offensive
Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1179458 - Posted: 20 Dec 2011, 3:57:22 UTC - in response to Message 1179425.  

Good day! This is a discussion about the signal "wow" or some other? How is it:" there was no tape recording of it"?
Audio recording of the WOW Signal you can listen here
Audio recording of the Radio source SHGb02+14a -

FAKE! The WOW signal only was printed on paper. No audio recording of it exists!
SHGb20+14a is not the WOW signal!

ID: 1179458 · Report as offensive
Profile Alex Stiletto
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Message 1179514 - Posted: 20 Dec 2011, 11:46:51 UTC
Last modified: 20 Dec 2011, 12:13:48 UTC

Fake...? I think that - fifty-fifty... In this video and audio recordings (Radio source SHGb02+14a, in the final part - link to Berkeley... Why do not disprove Berkeley this record and video (if it is a falsehood)? The video in YouTube exists four years, date: 05.12.2007. It is strange... it all! :(
ID: 1179514 · Report as offensive

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Message 1179560 - Posted: 20 Dec 2011, 15:20:19 UTC
Last modified: 20 Dec 2011, 15:43:36 UTC

How may a possible voice being heard (by means of radio communication) be related to some kind of maybe gaussian score?

It is still space signals, but we detect them as being radio signals which, if not are being transmitted by some intelligent originator, runs through the sky, coming from all kinds of celestial objects - the sun, stars, planets, interstellar gas and radio galaxies.

If someone ever should believe in UFO's as well as wormholes, we may be on the threshold at believing that advanced species do exist and that they relate to nature in the same way, or perhaps in a different way than we do ourselves.

As Gary Charpentier is telling us here, SHGb02+14a was not the same as the 'WOW' signal, but an example similar to all or most of the rest of the candidates who mostly were having gaussian scores and likely pulses, spikes and triplets as well.

These elements should be part of such a signal however, since they are detected by means of the Seti@home client. The 'WOW' signal was instead assumed to rather have been something else.

Anyway, does the signal curve derived for the 'WOW' signal match the corresponding audio file representation and the reproduction of this signal by means of YouTube?
ID: 1179560 · Report as offensive
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Message boards : SETI@home Science : SHGb02+14a or the 'wow' signal

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