Why I hate everything Apple!

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Message 958333 - Posted: 23 Dec 2009, 21:58:12 UTC
Last modified: 23 Dec 2009, 21:59:36 UTC

Could there be a more protective, elitist club of fanboish idiots?
I'm sorry, but I cannot stand Apple. I've tried to like them, I've bought an iPhone, but that only worsened my relations with that sad... sad... company, from the fanbois to the management to the products.

And I'm also sick of people bashing Microsoft. Leave that poor company alone. I've only had 2 problems with my laptop running Vista over the past 2 years, and none of them was caused by Vista. One, would you believe it, was actually caused by me trying to install a hackintosh version of Mac OS X!

So, let me divulge and I'll get right into it...
Anyone ever purchased an iPhone? Could there possibly be a more ridiculous, communist, locked-in phone available?
You spend NZ$1000 and get locked into a single network with a 24 month plan at NZ$60 a month. You can only download Apple-approved applications, products like Google Latitude, nope, your not allowed them, because Apple doesn't want other companies competing with their so called brilliant products.
That is why I have jailbroken my iPhone, something I should have done long ago. And now, Apple wants to make it illegal?! And yet, one of Apple's many product taglines is being 'different'. How is remotely possible to be different, when 10 million other iPhone users have the exact same background, the exact same layout? What a load of BS.

I've bet you've seen those smug Apple ads portraying PC as a bloated piece of crap? I'm sick of them too. "Oh, Macs don't get viruses because we are 'cool'", and yet, wasn't it a few months ago that Apple advised customers to purchase Anti-Virus suites for their all white, uni-colored Macs? An editor of MacUser, Nick Rawlinson once stated "Anyone that tells you Macs don't get viruses or crash is a liar".

And what is up with all these 'Service packs' Apple keep releasing? But the Mac zealots continue to claim each cat is actually a new OS. Hardly. When Panther was released Apple valiantly claimed "Over 150 breakthrough new features" of which the best one was the new "Finder". Imagine how insignificant the other 149 were.

Got a new MacBook? Any owner will tell you that in 6 months, it'll be out of date, since Apple loves its product release cycles.

Also, how stupid does Apple think it's customers are? 1 mouse button?! A monkey with ADD could master 2 buttons if it so chooses.

And I've got more...

I'm sick of Apple, Steve Jobs, the products, the fanbois that go with it and the customer service.

- Luke.
- Luke.
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Message 958338 - Posted: 23 Dec 2009, 22:33:12 UTC - in response to Message 958333.  

whats funny is Apple uses a Unix based OS which is what Linux uses. I can use all my buttons on my Luinux box. I do harp on M$ but not because I like Apple but because of the cost. It's crazy that you pay and pay and pay with M$ then to get a few apps some tard is going to charge you $20 when you can get Linux and get similar Linux apps that are actually free. Hmmm call me crazy but that just seems wrong that I can get things for free instead of paying for it. Perhaps its the idea that if you pay more you're getting a better product.
My Uncle worked for Mennen they make Pert shampoo. He was with mennen when they introduced Pert. They priced it comparable to Suave shampoo. their sales were dismal. Mennen jumped the price 4X without changing a thing to the product and sales skyrocketted. Talk about stupid people. This of course goes on everyday. The wife thinks a perfume costing $200 smells better than the same smell at $30. Its all a matter of perception. "I paid more, Therefore I have a superior product." EHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Wrong answer. /end tanget

I don't care for Apple. Apple is a high priced OS/hardware combo that provides little upgrade options. I could care less how they think the desktop is arranged better.
I could live my entire life without buying an Ipod or and Iphone. I'll buy an equivilent MP3 player with similar memory size and pay between 1/4 and 1/2 as much as the same thing in Ipod technology.

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Message 958340 - Posted: 23 Dec 2009, 22:39:12 UTC - in response to Message 958333.  
Last modified: 23 Dec 2009, 23:26:15 UTC


Their products are very propietary - just like Sony. The ihone is very locked up.

I lost faith in their stuff when they started producing those dinky keyboards without a numeric keypad and that ergonomic nightmare, the Apple mouse. You have to cut away plastic and use a jeweller's screwdriver to take it apart so you can clean the little roller ball that gums up after 4 months. The engineers that design the Apple keyboards and mice are out to lunch. It's not a Bang & Olufsen stereo Apple - they seem to design for form, not function!

The biggest disappointment is the new entry level iMac that has a nvidia 9400 GPU. What a jip.

What I don't get is why folks are spending $2,600 for a laptop with a 17" screen. My Dell 1720 was $875 with the optional nvidia 9600 GPU. If I wanted the Intel Core 2 duo CPU, it was a $110 more.

About your Vista comments - as you can see in my S@H computer list, all my gear is running Vista and I run SP1. I haven't even bothered to go to SP2. I've had no problems with Vista, period. After I bought my Dell 430 last month, Dell sent me a free copy of Win 7. I haven't even bothered to open the box. I'm going to sell it.

I've done a lot of web development work on the Mac platform and I don't see the advantage over Windows. On Windows, I use the CoffeeCup software products and they run just fine and don't cost an arm and a leg.

I'm sure there are many Seti-ites that could chime in here and gives us the scoop on why OS X is so great compared to Windows. Me, I don't get it. I've used every release from OS 1.1 to 10.3 (haven't tried Snow Leopard).

But, Apple has a very, very loyal following...
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Message 958385 - Posted: 24 Dec 2009, 2:41:15 UTC - in response to Message 958333.  

Stupid questions cause I'm one who thinks a phone should be a phone period.

Now that its jail broken I know you can use the phone on any network, but did the jail break also allow downloads of any app from anywhere?

Second question for other computer phones where do you go with them to download apps? Are you sure you aren't downloading a trojan app? Do you need a virus and spyware protection on them? Thinking of some Trojan writer who might make your phone accept a Skype VOIP type of call via the net and then send it out via the cell part of the phone on your minutes.

As to Mac mice, they now have zero buttons. You are a little behind.

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Message 958395 - Posted: 24 Dec 2009, 3:06:13 UTC - in response to Message 958385.  

Stupid questions cause I'm one who thinks a phone should be a phone period.

AMEN! Preach it, brotha!!!

I use my phone to text my wife on occassion-otherwise it's phone calls only.

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Message 958456 - Posted: 24 Dec 2009, 7:03:43 UTC - in response to Message 958385.  

Stupid questions cause I'm one who thinks a phone should be a phone period.

Now that its jail broken I know you can use the phone on any network, but did the jail break also allow downloads of any app from anywhere?

Sure I can, with a jailbroken iPhone there are a number of app stores to use. There's Cydia, Rock, Icy, Installous. My video-less iPhone now has video recording and I can now have themes on my iPhone as well!

Here, take a look at this screen shot. There are a number of changes you notice.
1) Background
2) Different Icons
3) Reflection Dock
4) No Names on Dock
5) Five Icons on Dock

Second question for other computer phones where do you go with them to download apps? Are you sure you aren't downloading a trojan app? Do you need a virus and spyware protection on them? Thinking of some Trojan writer who might make your phone accept a Skype VOIP type of call via the net and then send it out via the cell part of the phone on your minutes.

Not to defend Apple, but there is only 1 known virus for iPhones. And it is basically harmless.

As to Mac mice, they now have zero buttons. You are a little behind.

How many Apple users actually use this Magic Mouse? Many are still using the 1 button Might Mouse.
And BTW - The Magic Mouse isn't all it is cracked up to be... The reviews I've read have been lackluster. It is a pain to use the gestures, and it's design, as Niko has stated, is form over function (plus it doesn't fit well in the hand...). Anyway, who wants to buy a monotonal colored mouse?

- Luke.
- Luke.
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Message 964449 - Posted: 18 Jan 2010, 21:51:29 UTC

Oh no. Apple has announced a media event for January 27, prepare for the media, blogosphere, and fanbois to go wild.
It will likely be the unveiling of the Apple tablet (iS late) or iPhone OS 4.0.
Ugh. I wonder if it will feature Steve Jobs with all his smug arrogance?
- Luke.
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Message 964461 - Posted: 18 Jan 2010, 22:45:43 UTC - in response to Message 964449.  

Have you ever seen G4's Attack of the Show sketches featuring their own Steve Jobs? Check this one out, it's hilarious!
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Message 964470 - Posted: 18 Jan 2010, 23:23:51 UTC - in response to Message 964461.  

Have you ever seen G4's Attack of the Show sketches featuring their own Steve Jobs? Check this one out, it's hilarious!

LMAO! And it's all true... LOL.
- Luke.
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John McLeod VII
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Message 965044 - Posted: 22 Jan 2010, 0:34:08 UTC

The only reason that Mac computers do not have more viruses is that the market share for Mac is 1/10 that of Windows. At the most recent two Black Hat conferences, the first OS to fall was OSX on the Mac (Under 10 seconds in one of the two events).

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Message 965045 - Posted: 22 Jan 2010, 0:37:48 UTC - in response to Message 965044.  

I read the same thing. I also read that Ubuntu/Kubuntu was hacked with relative ease as well.
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Message 965254 - Posted: 22 Jan 2010, 18:45:39 UTC - in response to Message 965045.  

I read the same thing. I also read that Ubuntu/Kubuntu was hacked with relative ease as well.

Here we go again with the usual FUD.

Meanwhile, Microsoft machines pollute the internet with vast amounts of spam and further attacks from zombied systems.

So... How about some real world detail please?

Meanwhile... Computers should work an awful lot better for all users. Note: It's NOT the user's fault.


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Message 965341 - Posted: 23 Jan 2010, 0:34:58 UTC - in response to Message 965254.  

Here we go again with the usual FUD.

You mean like the usual FUD you spread about Windows?

Meanwhile, Microsoft machines pollute the internet with vast amounts of spam and further attacks from zombied systems.

Right. It's Microsoft's machines. It's totally not the fact that some hacker took over the machine and turned it into a zombie. Right, that's the OS's fault, and if the OS were built better, that wouldn't be a problem, but Microsoft needs to keep virus writers and themselves in business.

We've heard it all before.

So... How about some real world detail please?

Go search for the Black Hat conference.

Meanwhile... Computers should work an awful lot better for all users. Note: It's NOT the user's fault.

I completely agree, and that's why *nix still isn't the best OS out there and why Windows is still Number 1. Oh, right, Microsoft marketing... monopoly... etc.

My bad. Mandriva rocks! Linux is so easy to use!
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Message 965731 - Posted: 24 Jan 2010, 20:19:59 UTC - in response to Message 965341.  

Meanwhile, Microsoft machines pollute the internet with vast amounts of spam and further attacks from zombied systems.

Right. It's Microsoft's machines. It's totally not the fact that some hacker took over the machine and turned it into a zombie. ...

So it's really not that there are so many known and actively exploited exploits for the Windows series of OSes that the insecurity has generated a whole new series of industries to exploit and leverage profits from those exploits?...

The users suffer the ensuing Windows shards and shrapnel as ever...

Meanwhile... Computers should work an awful lot better for all users. Note: It's NOT the user's fault.

I completely agree, and that's why *nix still isn't the best OS out there and why Windows is still Number 1. Oh, right, Microsoft marketing... monopoly... etc.

My bad. Mandriva rocks! Linux is so easy to use!

Linux is in more devices and more places than you might care to notice. From my experience, I certainly do not rate Windows as the 'best'. Hence why there are no Windows machines here.


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ID: 965731 · Report as offensive
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Message 965754 - Posted: 24 Jan 2010, 22:17:43 UTC - in response to Message 965731.  

Linux is in more devices and more places than you might care to notice. From my experience, I certainly do not rate Windows as the 'best'. Hence why there are no Windows machines here.


Unfortunately Windows is in a heck of a lot of them too. I can just see al Quieda finding and exploiting a weakness in Windows cars computers and causing them to accelerate and at the same time disabling the emergency shut off button. The virus spreads by bluetooth as cars pass each other on the road and via infected MP3 players from infected song downloads.

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Message 965758 - Posted: 24 Jan 2010, 22:44:24 UTC - in response to Message 965731.  

Meanwhile, Microsoft machines pollute the internet with vast amounts of spam and further attacks from zombied systems.

Right. It's Microsoft's machines. It's totally not the fact that some hacker took over the machine and turned it into a zombie. ...

So it's really not that there are so many known and actively exploited exploits for the Windows series of OSes that the insecurity has generated a whole new series of industries to exploit and leverage profits from those exploits?...

The users suffer the ensuing Windows shards and shrapnel as ever...

Riiight. Blane the popular OS for security exploits again. Because, you know, *nix doesn't suffer from poorly written code, and you never have to update Linux to fix known defects.

The users suffering migraines and wasted time over learning Linux's horrid complexity and total user unfriendliness leaves many users running back to either Windows or Mac OS (which, yes, is technically a form of Unix, but at least it's more user friendly than any flavor of *nix out there because it's an interface done right, which is more than I can say for any other interface for *nix).

Meanwhile... Computers should work an awful lot better for all users. Note: It's NOT the user's fault.

I completely agree, and that's why *nix still isn't the best OS out there and why Windows is still Number 1. Oh, right, Microsoft marketing... monopoly... etc.

My bad. Mandriva rocks! Linux is so easy to use!

Linux is in more devices and more places than you might care to notice. From my experience, I certainly do not rate Windows as the 'best'. Hence why there are no Windows machines here.

Oh, my bad! I totally forgot that if Linux is in a lot of niche devices, that must make it an easy-to-use OS. It has nothing at all to do with a specialized interfaces written for it, or the niche markets that it fills at no cost because the source is free (some distros anyway).

I'm so happy that you've 'seen the light' and have no MS OSes! Do you want a bozo button or a chest to pin it on?

Linux rocks! No bad code here! I think I'm going to format every hard drive I own and immediately put Mandriva on them! Praise be to the OS $DEITY! I have seen the light! Somebody put on the Blues Brothers 'cause I'm feeling the POWER!

Everyone say it with me now: MAN-DRIV-A! MAN-DRIV-A! MAN-DRIV-A!

Can you feel it?
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Message 965760 - Posted: 24 Jan 2010, 22:57:56 UTC - in response to Message 965758.  

Riiight. Blane the popular OS for security exploits again. Because, you know, *nix doesn't suffer from poorly written code, and you never have to update Linux to fix known defects.

We both know the very poor record Microsoft has for supposed "security by obscurity" and the many exploits left unfixed for months and years.

Linux has a very much better record in comparison to that. All the source is open to view by everyone, including all the nasty scammers and hackers. The system is openly secure by design. There's none of the 'hope and good luck' silliness of trusting your security to trying to hide anything. Hence, there are no live viruses in the wild for Linux. As you know, such silliness is just not supported by the Linux OS.

Meanwhile, Windows suffers ever more compromises both in design and security due to needing to support the way it is Marketed and used.

The users suffering migraines and wasted time...

You can easily say that for the "Microsoft Three 'R's":


Sorry, but on this occasion you seem to have flipped a few bits for any meaningful or useful discourse beyond the usual FUD.


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Message 965766 - Posted: 24 Jan 2010, 23:25:56 UTC - in response to Message 965760.  
Last modified: 24 Jan 2010, 23:40:43 UTC

Riiight. Blane the popular OS for security exploits again. Because, you know, *nix doesn't suffer from poorly written code, and you never have to update Linux to fix known defects.

We both know the very poor record Microsoft has for supposed "security by obscurity" and the many exploits left unfixed for months and years.

Linux has a very much better record in comparison to that. All the source is open to view by everyone, including all the nasty scammers and hackers. The system is openly secure by design. There's none of the 'hope and good luck' silliness of trusting your security to trying to hide anything. Hence, there are no live viruses in the wild for Linux. As you know, such silliness is just not supported by the Linux OS.

Meanwhile, Windows suffers ever more compromises both in design and security due to needing to support the way it is Marketed and used.

We both know that the only reason why people find Microsoft's security holes is because they are the biggest player on the block, and their security through obscurity would work well if it weren't for so many dishonest people looking for screw others. A hacker will get in no matter the OS, all it takes is determination.

We both know that regardless if the source is open for all to see, it still requires people to download any implemented fixes, which is akin to Microsoft's Update service, and therefore is not really any better of a system. Oh, but they release fixes as soon as they are spotted! Regardless if there's an exploit in the wild so it's fixed right away! [sarcasm]Yes, far superior, I agree.[/sarcasm]

OK, maybe we both don't know that. You are apparently convinced otherwise. Such silliness is not supported by Me.

The users suffering migraines and wasted time...

You can easily say that for the "Microsoft Three 'R's":


Sorry, but I've had similar issues with my forays into Linux. Let me guess, "I'm not doing it right", yet somehow it's not the user's fault. I'm still trying to figure that one out.

Sorry, but on this occasion you seem to have flipped a few bits for any meaningful or useful discourse beyond the usual FUD.


I wonder what caused that....

Linux rocks!
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Message 965858 - Posted: 25 Jan 2010, 12:26:14 UTC - in response to Message 965766.  
Last modified: 25 Jan 2010, 12:28:05 UTC

We both know the very poor record Microsoft has for supposed "security by obscurity" and the many exploits left unfixed for months and years.

Linux has a very much better record in comparison to that. All the source is open to view by everyone, including all the nasty scammers and hackers. The system is openly secure by design. There's none of the 'hope and good luck' silliness of trusting your security to trying to hide anything. Hence, there are no live viruses in the wild for Linux. As you know, such silliness is just not supported by the Linux OS.

Meanwhile, Windows suffers ever more compromises both in design and security due to needing to support the way it is Marketed and used.

We both know that the only reason why people find Microsoft's security holes is because they are the biggest player on the block, and their security through obscurity would work well if it weren't for so many dishonest people looking for screw others. A hacker will get in no matter the OS, all it takes is determination.

For myself, I have a greater trust in security-by-design over that of trying to trust to a patchwork of hope-and-pray pseudo-security where you must 'hope noone will find you' and where you try to buy 'insurance' with '3rd party patches of extortion/protection'...

We both know that regardless if the source is open for all to see, it still requires people to download any implemented fixes, which is akin to Microsoft's Update service, ... [sarcasm]Yes, far superior, I agree.[/sarcasm]

*nix avoids the sort of 'magical' "side effects" and system-wide interdependencies from which Windows becomes tied up in knots. Also, there isn't the "Windows Registry" to get hung up. Most Linux updates do not need a reboot. Also, all the main Linux distros offer automated updates that do not rely on a Windows "OS-embedded" web browser that itself has been compromised many times...

... Sorry, but I've had similar issues with my forays into Linux. Let me guess, "I'm not doing it right", yet somehow it's not the user's fault. I'm still trying to figure that one out.

... Linux rocks!

That's your choice that you are welcome to. With your total buy-in into the Windows world, I'm not surprised.

I've found that there are other ways that can be better.

Also note that I DON'T wish Linux to become ubiquitous. Monopolies are always unhealthy. Usefully, there are a number of alternative OSes to choose from.

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Message 965862 - Posted: 25 Jan 2010, 13:31:00 UTC - in response to Message 965858.  
Last modified: 25 Jan 2010, 14:30:50 UTC

We both know that the only reason why people find Microsoft's security holes is because they are the biggest player on the block, and their security through obscurity would work well if it weren't for so many dishonest people looking for screw others. A hacker will get in no matter the OS, all it takes is determination.

For myself, I have a greater trust in security-by-design over that of trying to trust to a patchwork of hope-and-pray pseudo-security where you must 'hope noone will find you' and where you try to buy 'insurance' with '3rd party patches of extortion/protection'...

For myself, I'm not going to worry about what might harm me. There's far too much in this world that might happen that if I were to spend my entire life worried about these things, I might as well just end it all now. I can't say just stay in bed because you never know if a meteorite is going to hit the Earth and destroy all life.

Microsoft's security by obscurity has worked fine for me for many years. I've had absolutely zero problems on any PC I own, and I have great success in systems I manage. At least the OS is well supported and simply works, which is more than I can say for Linux.

But keep spreading the fear, uncertainty, and doubt about Microsoft's security practices. I'm sure you won over many Windows users with that trick.

We both know that regardless if the source is open for all to see, it still requires people to download any implemented fixes, which is akin to Microsoft's Update service, ... [sarcasm]Yes, far superior, I agree.[/sarcasm]

*nix avoids the sort of 'magical' "side effects" and system-wide interdependencies from which Windows becomes tied up in knots. Also, there isn't the "Windows Registry" to get hung up. Most Linux updates do not need a reboot. Also, all the main Linux distros offer automated updates that do not rely on a Windows "OS-embedded" web browser that itself has been compromised many times...

Riiight! Linux doesn't suffer from library hell, or screwed up config files, or arcane command line tools, or the various other inadequacies. No, it can't possibly be true. Not my precious!.

BTW, if you still want to argue against Windows Update, you really need to get up-to-date yourself. Windows no longer relies on "OS-embedded" web browsers to update itself. Try to keep up.

But wait! Linux doesn't need reboots! Those pesky, nasty reboots!

... Sorry, but I've had similar issues with my forays into Linux. Let me guess, "I'm not doing it right", yet somehow it's not the user's fault. I'm still trying to figure that one out.

... Linux rocks!

That's your choice that you are welcome to. With your total buy-in into the Windows world, I'm not surprised.

It is my choice, but you don't make me feel so welcome to it. With your total buy-in into the Linux world, I'm not surprised. Spread the love, right?

I've found that there are other ways that can be better.

Really? You finally ditched Linux in favor of Windows?

Also note that I DON'T wish Linux to become ubiquitous. Monopolies are always unhealthy. Usefully, there are a number of alternative OSes to choose from.

Again, I don't really care about monopolies. That is a political view that I don't care to share. Please don't bother to explain to me again why I should care because I simply don't. All I want is a well-supported OS that works on first try - and guess which OS that isn't? That's right: Linux!

It's no wonder Linux rocks!

Say it with me now: MAN-DRIV-A! MAN-DRIV-A! MAN-DRIV-A!
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