Linux script

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Profile jakub.hertyk

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Message 180863 - Posted: 21 Oct 2005, 19:19:48 UTC

I've been using this script for the past three months, and I figured that other people might enjoy this also. It's for linux only, in perl, wrote it in 15 min. I have it set up as an hourly cron job. So if your computer crashes and restarts, this script will restart your boinc (removes the lockfile). Also, I sometimes get boinc stuck on something and the system load drops to 0.00 (days on end), if the load is 50% of your number of cpus, then a restart she gets. You have to have boinc setup to run on boot-up and might have to adjust the paths in the file as necessary.


******** START
#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;

my $lockfile = "BOINC is stopped but lockfile exists.";
my $stopped = "BOINC client is stopped.";
my $slacking = "BOINC client is running but with a low system load.";
my $boincStatus = qx (/etc/rc.d/init.d/boinc status);

chomp ($boincStatus);

if ($boincStatus eq $lockfile || $boincStatus eq $stopped) {
&printStatus ($boincStatus);
if ($boincStatus eq $lockfile) {
qx (rm -rf /var/lib/boinc/lockfile);
my $startup = qx (/etc/rc.d/init.d/boinc start);
&printLine ($startup);
} elsif (&systemIdle) {
&printStatus ($slacking);
my $restart = qx (/etc/rc.d/init.d/boinc stop);
&printLine ($restart);
$restart = qx (/etc/rc.d/init.d/boinc start);
&printLine ($restart);

sub systemIdle {

my $cpus = qx (cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep processor | wc -l);
chomp $cpus;

if (substr (qx (uptime), -17, 4) < ($cpus / 2)) { return 1; }
return 0;


sub printStatus {

my $boincStatus = shift @_;
my $currentDate = qx (date);
my $hostname = qx (hostname);

chomp ($currentDate);
chomp ($hostname);

my @date = split (" ", $currentDate);

open (FILE, ">>/var/log/boincKeepAlive");

for (my $i = 1; $i < 5; $i++) {
print FILE "$date[$i] ";
print FILE "$hostname $boincStatus\\n";

close (FILE);


sub printLine {

my $line = shift @_;
chomp ($line);

open (FILE, ">>/var/log/boincKeepAlive");
print FILE "\\t$line\\n";
close (FILE);


******** END
ID: 180863 · Report as offensive

Message boards : Number crunching : Linux script

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