Privacy Issue

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B. G. Ward

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Message 129055 - Posted: 27 Jun 2005, 22:44:35 UTC

I noticed that you upload much more information about the computers that are being used to do work units that is really necessary. This information includes the computers FQDN and internal IP address. Why is this information being uploaded? This is an invasion of privacy and your policy statement indicates that this information is not being uploaded, but it is.
ID: 129055 · Report as offensive
Pascal, K G
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Message 129081 - Posted: 27 Jun 2005, 23:20:28 UTC
Last modified: 27 Jun 2005, 23:22:04 UTC

Nope you are wrong that info only shows to you the rest of us can not see it........

This is all we see and if you do not like that you can go into preferences and use the hide computer function.....

Owner B. G. Ward
Created 25 Jun 2005 19:11:36 UTC
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Intel(R) Pentium(R) M processor 2.00GHz
Number of CPUs 1
Operating System Microsoft Windows XP
Professional Edition, Service Pack 2, (05.01.2600.00)
Memory 1023.36 MB
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Semper Eadem
So long Paul, it has been a hell of a ride.

Park your ego's, fire up the computers, Science YES, Credits No.
ID: 129081 · Report as offensive
B. G. Ward

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Message 129086 - Posted: 27 Jun 2005, 23:33:48 UTC

Just because YOU cannot see it does not mean that it is not being stored somewhere. I can see it on the SETI BOINC site so it must be there somewhere. This is a serious issue. With all the identity theft happening, this information should NOT Be collected. If it got into the wrong hands, it could be used to assist someone to hack a network. This is irresponsible. I would like to know exactly who has access to this information and WHY it is being collected.
ID: 129086 · Report as offensive
Pascal, K G
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Message 129099 - Posted: 27 Jun 2005, 23:59:38 UTC

Contact List.......
Semper Eadem
So long Paul, it has been a hell of a ride.

Park your ego's, fire up the computers, Science YES, Credits No.
ID: 129099 · Report as offensive
John McLeod VII
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Message 129122 - Posted: 28 Jun 2005, 0:53:47 UTC

Copy of the privacy statement.
Privacy policy
Your account on SETI@home is identified by a name that you choose. This name may be shown on the SETI@home web site, along with a summary of the work your computer has done for SETI@home. If you want to be anonymous, choose a name that doesn't reveal your identity.

If you participate in SETI@home, information about your computer (such as its processor type, amount of memory, etc.) will be recorded by SETI@home and used to decide what type of work to assign to your computer. This information will also be shown on SETI@home's web site. Nothing that reveals your computer's location (e.g. its domain name or network address) will be shown.

To participate in SETI@home, you must give an address where you receive email. This address will not be shown on the SETI@home web site or shared with organizations. SETI@home may send you periodic newsletters; however, you can opt out at any time.
Please note the statement states that domain name and network address will not be shown, not that they will not be collected. I believe that the administrators, developers and anyone with your password are the only people that have access to this information through any of the BOINC prrojects.

ID: 129122 · Report as offensive
B. G. Ward

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Message 129605 - Posted: 28 Jun 2005, 23:57:15 UTC - in response to Message 129122.  

It must get really old answering the same questions over and over, but no one has really addressed my concerns. attaching a copy of the privacy policy on reinforces my statement that the site says that it does not capture much private information, but still the BOINC system still captures it.

How do I get a REAL answer to my question from someone who actually makes decisions about the project?
ID: 129605 · Report as offensive
Pascal, K G
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Message 129634 - Posted: 29 Jun 2005, 1:00:53 UTC

I think you misread the policy it just states it will not be shown but Boinc Seti@H will keep it on file......I believe that anyone can get this info off the IE header, if memory serves.....
Semper Eadem
So long Paul, it has been a hell of a ride.

Park your ego's, fire up the computers, Science YES, Credits No.
ID: 129634 · Report as offensive
John McLeod VII
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Message 129685 - Posted: 29 Jun 2005, 2:11:05 UTC - in response to Message 129634.  

I think you misread the policy it just states it will not be shown but Boinc Seti@H will keep it on file......I believe that anyone can get this info off the IE header, if memory serves.....

Yes, and there are a few sigs that display the info of the viewing user for you.

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Message 129775 - Posted: 29 Jun 2005, 5:32:56 UTC - in response to Message 129605.  

It must get really old answering the same questions over and over, but no one has really addressed my concerns. attaching a copy of the privacy policy on reinforces my statement that the site says that it does not capture much private information, but still the BOINC system still captures it.

How do I get a REAL answer to my question from someone who actually makes decisions about the project?

[put down removed] It says that nothing showing the location of your computer will be shown [TO OTHER USERS]. You will see your machine information but other people will not.

So what information is SETI not keeping private for you?

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Message 129777 - Posted: 29 Jun 2005, 5:37:24 UTC - in response to Message 129086.  

Just because YOU cannot see it does not mean that it is not being stored somewhere. I can see it on the SETI BOINC site so it must be there somewhere. This is a serious issue. With all the identity theft happening, this information should NOT Be collected. If it got into the wrong hands, it could be used to assist someone to hack a network. This is irresponsible. I would like to know exactly who has access to this information and WHY it is being collected.

Dude, if you are so paranoid about you ip addresses how can you even connect to the internet? ip addresses are not private, you cannot own them. Asking who has access to your ip address is like asking who works at the credit card company that can pull up your record. oh well
ID: 129777 · Report as offensive
Profile Doris and Jens
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Message 129794 - Posted: 29 Jun 2005, 7:34:23 UTC - in response to Message 129605.  

How do I get a REAL answer to my question from someone who actually makes decisions about the project?

For my feeling you got a REAL answer. But if you are still concernd about the privacy policy you are free to contact the Project Director Dr. Anderson by mail (davea at

Greetings from Bremen/Germany
Jens Seidler (TheBigJens)

ID: 129794 · Report as offensive

Questions and Answers : Web site : Privacy Issue

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