Last updated 29 Dec 2020, 19:05:20 UTC

Xavier Fung (" Hello! I am Xavier. I am a 19 year old guy coming from Hong Kong, Asia's world...")
XmAkInA ("Having just finished my GCSE's I am now concentrating on preparation for 6th Form and...")
XianZomby ("I recently got an always-on Internet connection. I decided to put my computer to good use...")
xmdp ("I'm Canadian, eh! I'm originally from Springhill, Nova Scotia but moved to Halifax, Nova...")
X5-452 ("Date of Birth 26 Feb. 1957,Work for an American insurance company.")
X-04 ("14 years old. from japan. believe extra terestrial. wont to to suit an alien. i don`t...")
Xin ("'old european' cs Student in emden/germoney")
XAVI@homedes ("Mi padre siempre fue un entusiasta de todo lo extraterrestre, oculto y/o desconocido,...")
xtapir ("I'm university student of chemical technology but actually I hope someday to become an sea...")

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