Last updated 29 Dec 2020, 19:05:05 UTC

Vicobi ("I play Lord of the Rings Online as Vicobi on the Crickhollow server. I tat and...")
Vito Corleone ("My name is Pedro, I'm a studente at 'Universidade de Aveiro' ( url : I am...")
Vaak ("Baseball UT Diablo II LOD")
Valentin_74 ("Hi my name is Valentin. I have 9 years. I live the town of Annecy in France...")
Vga ("I'm from Bulgaria and I think that there aren't so muchpeople from my country that wants to...")
Vladimir Pkhakadze ("To me 52 year. I live in Georgia. I work in telecommunication branch.")
Verbatim ("Age: 27 Occupation: attorney Hobbies: books, movies, languages, writing for...")
Vortex ("My name is Michael Abbett. I live in Indianapolis. I have a slow computer, but it is...")
Vaprotan ("I am currently majoring in Networking Systems at a local college, I run a few websites on a...")

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