Last updated 29 Dec 2020, 19:05:06 UTC

Viggen ("Middle aged Australian male working as IT Admin / Database Admin / LAN Admin etc. ")
virious ("I retired from the Military after 24 years of active service in the Infantry. I have a...")
Vortex ("I used to be Cyclops on Seti@home classic with over 25,000 seti units returned....")
Vojta Zanda ("Jsem z jednoho formaldehydovýho městečka - Jihlavy. Na náměstí máme...")
variedades ("Ricardo Pedrassani layer")
Vega65 ("I am 40, a mother of three and a grandmother. My boyfriend Bobby sparked my interest in...")
vektor ("Born in 1987, Bratislava, Slovakia, I now study Computer Science at Charles University in...")
Vince Alfonso ("Hi There, Have been running seti for a long time now. This new version of the softwaqre is...")
Violet ("I am a person from Hong Kong.I am interested in space.I would like to join and help you.")

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