Profile: Geek@Work

Personal background
Retired and enjoying my 4 grand kids as they grow up.
Thoughts about SETI and SETI@home
Our presence on planet Earth was unknown until August 15, 1977 when the infamous WOW signal (6EQUJ5) was recorded signaling our presence here. Until that time we enjoyed some anonymity. We immediately ceased all transmisions on 1420.40575177 MHz and made other changes as well.

Since then we have shifted our endeavors to remain undetected. We constantly monitor the recordings made at the Arecibo Observatory and intercede with the recordings to eliminate any and all of our signals. This is accomplished by taking advantage of the military radar close by. This worked until recently and we have changed our tactics again now with efficiency functioning on multiple levels and... in multiple dimensions.

We do this because of the Prime Directive. In our society this is not fictional.

Occasionally, we allow one of our smaller ships to become visible for a short time. This is done just to rattle the Men in Black who frown on this activity. Unable to determine which craft commited the infraction nothing is done. All in good fun! The Phoenix (UFO) light show of March 13, 1997 was great sport for us but several of my companions were forced to leave this planet after that incident.

Again that pesky Prime Directive was cited.

Photo is of me visiting Xiaoshan Airport, China on July 7, 2010..
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