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Hey! My profile works. I think SETI's plan to let other CPU's do the work was genius. Not only is is a good cause, it doesn't really affect my machine. Good idea. |
Thoughts about SETI and SETI@home |
The statistical probability of life, other than us, existing in the universe (infinitely big) is 1.0. Therefore, logically, extraterrestrial life exists (so Spock would say - he he). I believe Humans will discover other life with a deep probe in the next 50 years, say year 2050. That is assuming we don't kill each other first with nuclear arsenal.
I love the fact that someone had the genius to think and create this program. I also believe it is worth wild to donate some CPU time (relatively no effort) for the pursuit of something that could change mankind forever. Can you imagine if you were the one that processed the result set that started proving E.T. existed? |
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