Profile: LACamaro

Personal background
Hi, My name is LeeAnn,
If you are bored or lonely, add me as a friend!
Thoughts about SETI and SETI@home
"Engage!", "Resistance is futile.", NCC1701D, "Luke I am your father.", "In a galaxy far far away." "To go where no man has gone before.", "Help me Obi Wan Kanobi you're my only hope." "I presume you've prepared new insults for today."
"When I left you, I was but the learner, now I am the master." "Your powers are weak old man." "I find your lack of faith disturbing." "Mnnn yes." "If you only knew the powers of the dark side." "I'm giving her all shes got captain.", "If the Continuum has told you once, they told you a 1000 times....DON'T PROVOKE THE BORG!"
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