Profile: The Binary Bloke

Personal background

My name is Mark Taylor and for most of this life so far I have lived exclusively in the United Kingdom.

My hobbies include S.E.T.I, Astronomy, Photography, PC gaming, websites and 3d modelling (as a hobby (not quite at the Lord of the Rings CGI stage yet)!

I have been running SETI in various guises from the start way back in 99 and I am currently the founder of the group Area 52 (

I am a big fan of the 'Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy' books and I would recommend these literary masterpieces to all that have yet to see the light...

You are more than welcome to join our team, but for now '42'.
Thoughts about SETI and SETI@home
Do extra terrestrials exist?

Which came first - The chicken or the egg?

Both exist - Go figure!
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