Profile: suki quin

Personal background
i just figured out the most incredible thing: ADVICE TO ALL HOUSEGARDENING COUPLE UNITS
use fresh bottles of S. Pelligrini waters green glass kind to feed the root systems of ALL plants keeping one-two inches in their bottom trays, pick flowers seeds and so on from these as they grow in a blooming trailing sequence

this was such a SIMPLE SIMPLE thing to all of us! plants, our opposites do nothing besides produce our breathing gases while they suck up carbon dioxide from groping reaching gasping leaves, while all of it (CO2) was needed and used by the ROOTS...

drink TULSI Teas too,


all i do right now is ship vitamins to refugee camps in Africa, Jordan and Pakistan; and ~ ship gifts to the wives of the African Presidents who knew my father. Crystals, from Brazil, magnetic beads, vitamins, n things
this comes out a United Nations Childrens Emergency Vitamin Relief Fund using monies gifted unto us by my parents, in particular, my dear Mother.
I siing a lot, i avoid solid food except for Chyawanprash.

Dont confuse hunger with thirst: and dont sleep yourselves to death, purify instead. Why are you sleeping by your bed?
generations and groups for centuries.
2. All cleaning should be done using Hydrogen Peroxide and Tree Oils such as Cedar and Orange. These stabilize metal compounds which have been killing

Everyone hates this this country's leader : Hatred s caused by a lack of understanding. He uses sophisticated laser technologies based on Quartz technology. Quartz science supports utopian societies farming using solar and wind technologies.
i will not be able to eat or sleep until every child in Japan is put on Potassium Iodide somehow. Supplements would be good for now. The best thing would be to put it in the water supply. And i dont understand why there is no potassium iodide being given to this country by outside help. Where is the scientific community on this???? Why do i see so many 50 gallon drums of Potassium Iodide pills and tablets in tinfoil and plastic laminates lying beneath the Senate, the Whitehouse and Chambersburg, PA? They are simply planning to survive a nuclear attack, or meltdown, when it is already done- these men and women need to offer automatic immediate citizenship to any Japanese child who needs medical care.

What is tragic is that no one takes this holistic issue seriously enough, at the moment EVERYONE on the planet should be taking Iodine everyday to reach perfect health, we need this to leach all heavy metals out of our DNA - such as those that are left by surgical procedures, western dental care, zippers, coins, welding, jewelry, stained glass window making, cooking with aluminum and aluminum ware, commercial deodorant, and gasoline powered automobile fumes. These metals make us SICK. Fluorine has leached the Calcium and Iodine out of our soil by rain. This is why genetic alterations cripple the synthetic food industries.

Fluorine leaches the Iodine out of the body from the throat chakra first, and then the brain stem.

I want to put an end to the immolations (127 recently) in Tibet, these are caused by flocks of chickens and Saints trying to show us gasoline. I ask that these corpses be presented to the UN Security council for analysis of fact that they all had metal poisoning, and their remains offered to the wives of African presidents and that of the ex-leader of Lebanon's wife. I will be asking these women to help me leave these remains in the desert, or the Ganges. These children were confused by the extent to which Quan Yin is a Bodhisattva, their hatred towards China causes everyone humiliation and disgrace: because hatred is a form of misunderstanding.

And to the women who are cutting themselves, their wrists, fingertips, ankles and arms the whole way up and down their biceps in rhythmic sequence: to the CUTTERS i say this: your environment caused your mistake. CLAUSTROPHOBIA to a circadian rhythm of Sunlight exposure and constipation cause CUTTING. OPEN A WINDOW FIRST, and then breathe, exhaling first, this prevents an initial saturation of blood with latent carbon dioxide. And then bathe - bathe the stress hormones off your necks and from behind your ears with clean water. The stress you are experiencing is an aftershock to hormonal residues in these places. Many of you are using tampons and therefore also have chlorine poisoning. And wash your feet, twice a day.

i am not this woman anymore. Now,
In this life i have tried to study holistic healing, and been guided to many terrorizing signs that i must reduce the Fluorine levels outgasing from the United States' water supply. My father warned me that i had failed by hurling himself at God using an electrical cord to his neck, right next to the hotwater heater in the basement, while my mother was swimming. He was ashamed of what he looked like to Africa. This information has been blocked for the reason that it might cause hysteria in Africa, where he loved to walk.

Both of us breathed huge quantities of smoke while they were burning West African strains of cannabis around us, simply because the Angels thought these strains belonged in HEMPCRETE. These strains are so laced with chemicals that they would be deadly for export for use on holistic healing networks such as we have now in the United States and California, and France. For this reason our Peace Corps volunteers to and from those countries need vitamins, therapy and education, medical cannabis therapies, and better salaries until they can return to teach hydroponic gardening. These men and women should AUTOMATICALLY qualify for medicinal cannabis therapy wherever they are and their medical records given to the Senate.

I would like to personally offer medical cannabis to any Senator or Congressman or Congresswoman some of whose staff may be addicted to coke, or has a gun or Epipen. Give your guns to your wife. Give your coke to the toilet.

I don't need your sympathy: i need your understanding.
If you think someone made a mistake? or was TOTALLY FORSAKEN - these are the wives of the African presidents. They don't like the violence or the guns that which have been sold to their people by other countries' governments: guns, bullets, hats, pants, belts, boots, shirts and gun holders which their violent men have to use came from other countries - they dont manufacture guns well in Liberia, or have teams of women making uniforms - everything they have in an army has been sold to them, and their health has been badly violated by very weak holistic medical support.

The violence in these countries is caused by the heavy metals in their diets and the insanity or psychosis which this leads to.

What is sound if not the most primary dimension of light?

QUARTZ is crucial to everything i see, hear, touch, believe, and do. My physical health is enhanced by it. There is Quartz crystal in every electronic device in the world: it is the substrate upon which technology rests. And EVERYTHING that Quartz can do for an electronic device it may do as well for your Mind and Body. Nor will it amplify negativity.

By the time i was two years old living in the Alleghany Mountains of Pennsylvania, i had the extreme fortune of being offered Quartz and plastic with constant deliberation; the adults about me were like fireflies - every time i turned around, someone was striking two pieces of Quartz together in order to demonstrate sparks: Diamond studded fingers sifting through aromatic reams of damp pine needles, insisting that science was magic. Later we moved to Indiana and began collecting Geodes, filling empty foot lockers with them. Rarely ever did these disappoint. So between the two, the sandy Quartz, pine shrouded mountains and the Quartz-agate nodule studded corn fields, i was anchored to Star light.

Later i began collecting mineral specimens. Along with plants, they were my university.

When will we stop harassing intergalactic help? Baffled by the perspective of those controlling the local Skies, simply baffled, i have come to believe in the absolute inhabited condition of virtually all planets. Most of the higher life forms around us - and these are extensive - are colonized either underground (inside a globe) or beneath massive quartz domes on planetary surfaces. I cannot detect a planet out of the nearest three hundred that is not inhabited by beings of greater intelligence than ours.

The Earth rests in so very fragile a state now, we are often thinking that this is because of the Sun's volatility and cycles of cold inherent to our planet. At any rate - we have nearly fatally fumbled with the water, contaminated it to the point that it is annoying our neighbors as well as more distant travelers in ships to whom the substance is vital and vital in purity as fuel.

For reasons which i still fail to comprehend - this planet is populated by approximately five races of carnivorous ape like humanoids, prone to killing and eating all kinds of animals, and killing each other as well even in large numbers at times. Meanwhile as though to offset this extraordinary death rate among animals, human breeding has been rampant - and some technologies have expanded into dangerous realms as compensation for the tragically poor language bridging between races and species. In general, hearing faculties of homo sapiens have proved hopelessly deficient.

Once, i have been in a beautiful Pleiadian reconnaissance two-party craft for about 10 or 12 minutes - but we did not leave the ground to travel anywhere. I did ask the Cosmonauts with that ship to take me away in it with them and they "said", "You are like a dog to us. We would not be know how to feed you." The dome of this ship is a single piece, "lab" grown to exact specification in situ, six or seven inch thick curved slab of Quartz, enshrined in a Titanium based hull from seed. As to its shape - i can speak only of a clue. Sugar crystals can be grown easily by Humans in the 3-D shapes of words - like "Thank You" and "LOVE" as well as many sorts of faces bearing expression... the technique is universally applicable.

The little cosmonauts were totally endearing; they wore silver body suits, had large eyes, had virtually no mouths, and were quite cherubic, radiating a kind of joy and ecstatic grace. If they wanted anything from me, flatly it was "NO JETS". "One day of aerial reconnaissance free airspace over the Saharah and Ghana" because all metal reconnaissance vehicular travel near small interventional ship crafts is gyroscopically disoriented by it through magnetism. This type of curiosity totally disables their flight mechanisms.
"If people who pray from this earth ask carefully for help from God, they will be shown an emissis bag from Our Moon."

So i live by the sea now. Gratefully spending many hours as an artist and also a teacher of science and art to a flock of Pakistani Muslim women and children continuing to study religions. I dont enjoy being hugged or touched by other's bare skin.

As to the controversial subject of possible or potential "liftoffs" - i can promise you one thing to begin with - i am not prepared to offer you any sliced animal body part buffets onboard.

i hope you will think carefully about what i know about the petroleum based plastic industry, i.e that it has been the greatest carcinogenic agent in our culture and torture. No other material or class of substances is so long-lived, stable, toxic, chimerical, or misunderstood - unless it is the Uranium group. Plastic is not biodegradable because of its chemical nature: it is not organic. It is carried from the depths of the markets to the interstices of chromosomes, simply through the skilled application of stabilizers. The fact that liquid which is stabilized is still strong, and once free fits directly into hydrocarbon chemical syntheses in animal and plant tissues, in seemingly harmless, infinitely useless ways. It is not conducive to genetic health. Cosmic rays, Sunlight, microwaves, etc. knock the stabilizers out of plastic, leaving it to float in on the winds.

The children who grew up in plastic could not see to grope past its blanket. They are SO heavily conditioned by toys to accept plastic as aesthetic, useful, hygienic, etc. Nurtured on fluorine laced milk, and pacified with plastic. Fluorine is powerful enough to plate Calcium out of bones. The caution against letting a child smother in a plastic bag is written in the wrong tense. You did it when you bought it.

Parts per Million plastic in everything on Earth: higher and higher every day. However, there is technology actively converting plastic directly into gasoline. And the corn plastic, bio-plastic industries, are thriving.

QUARTZ crystal can have the ability to energize the divine perfection inherent in genetic matter. It takes dominion over water. And there is a perfect genetic map to every living thing. Karma is like wind. The Sun and all the cosmic rays play in that like music. Healing equipment which pumps pure Voltage into and through tissues, repairs the genes, restoring them to perfection.
People have prayed for me and to me for euthanisation, and sterilization. i ask myself over and over again WHAT DO YOU REALLY WANT? They say "I want money, i want perfect BOYS, i need tampax, i want jewelry, and food and my cat is sick of this Sun"
To this day i am certain that i prayed too hard for something which harmed other planets, without listening. I prayed to see something but did not listen.

I ask you now from the bottom of my heart to put the Children of Japan first when you mediate or pray, study the side effects and the health benefits and understood uses of Potassium Iodide "take this in a nuclear attack. we live in one. Meanwhile the ideology that supports all fighting between men on earth is totally based on ignorance: HATRED IS CAUSED BY A LACK OF UNDERSTANDING
Thoughts about SETI and SETI@home
I participate in SETI@home because among of all the scientific struggles to reach out, it has the highest potential of making peaceful contact with other planets because it is a passive audial program

Keep the Skies in One Peace
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