Profile: Dave

Personal background
I'm a runner from Boyertown Pennsylvania, now at Bloomsburg studying engineering and continuing to run for the team. My future plans are to transfer to Penn State to finish a degree in energy engineering. I have a thing for the sciences which is why I'm helping to search for a signal.
Thoughts about SETI and SETI@home
My high school astronomy teacher wrote the website for seti@home on the chalk board and suggested we try it out. I though it sounded like a great idea so I went home and downloaded the program. I'm now at college and I run it 24/7.
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©2025 University of California
SETI@home and Astropulse are funded by grants from the National Science Foundation, NASA, and donations from SETI@home volunteers. AstroPulse is funded in part by the NSF through grant AST-0307956.