Personal background |
The World of Fantasma is a colorful one indeed. College grad with a zoology degree working in the pharmaceutical industry as a temp doing loads of inventory. Aren't you excited?! Outside of the work existance I frequent the internet in search of all things Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel. When not searching for those, I keep an eye out for Vin Diesel (wasn't Pitch Black to die for?! no pun intended), Lexx, seaQuest DSV (not 2032), and whatever strikes my fancy at the moment. Big into scifi am I and love to expand my imagination. Recently picked up my pen (or keyboard as the case may be) and have started writing again. Keep your eye out for me, I'm one of a kind (Thank Joss!). *g* |
Thoughts about SETI and SETI@home |
SETI and SETI@home I think are an enlightening concept. In a universe as large and diverse as the one we live in, it would be rather closed minded of us to think that there isn't even the possibility of company out there.
The idea of who or what is out there both excites and frightens me, just as all of humanity does. With the way the planet earth presents itself to its inhabitants, I can't help but fear that we aren't a very good example. Planet exploitation, inability to co-habitate with our animal neighbors let alone our human ones. I can't help but wonder if a planet such as ours would welcome anything as diverse as what may be out there when there is intolerance over what a fellow human looks like/believes.
Before we go contacting anyone outside of earth, we should get a handle on us first.
With that said, it doesn't mean it wouldn't be nice to find outside life. |
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